Re: [Trisquel-users] Can't seem to make bootable install USB

2019-01-13 Thread enduzzer

Try 'status=progress' with dd (without quotes).

[Trisquel-users] Can't seem to make bootable install USB

2019-01-13 Thread jimgarrett
I'm using Trisquel 8.0 and trying to create a bootable USB with the Trisquel  
mini ISO.  I've used Startup Disc Creator but it gives an error, saying  
"Could not write the disk image to the device".

Oddly it asks for authentication twice, saying policies prevent mounting.

I also tried the command-line approach with dd as described in the Trisquel  
documentation.  dd ran for at last 15 minutes before I finally stopped it.

I must be missing something very simple.  Anyone have any ideas?

I'm not quite a newbie but my administrative knowledge isn't very deep.



Re: [Trisquel-users] LIbreboot grub asks for LUKS password twice

2019-01-13 Thread gnuser
I'm not sure that's the case... I mean, it only asked for one password during  
the Trisquel 8 installation process, the Full Disk Encryption password. Maybe  
it is the case of being necessary to unlock both boot and swap?
However according to the Parabola guide, it is possible to automate that  
process, and I am trying to do that. However it doesn't seem to work for  
Trisquel, and that's what I need some help with. I attach a picture of the  
second time the system asks for the password.


[Trisquel-users] Re : Large Volume FOSS Backup Options

2019-01-13 Thread lcerf
You may have quit Déjà Dup because its automatic backup is buggy.  When I  
plug the external hard drive, Déjà Dup almost always notifies of a problem.  
 But, then, firing the backup from Déjà Dup's has always perfectly worked  
for me.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Re : Large Volume FOSS Backup Options

2019-01-13 Thread David Philipe Gil
I definitely have. Ok, ill take another look at Dejadup again to see if it can 
compress everything as youve stated. It could very well be that I switched to 
backintime for another reason in the past, but I can't recall. Thanks for the 

[Trisquel-users] Re : Large Volume FOSS Backup Options

2019-01-13 Thread lcerf
By default, Déjà Dup does "smart delete" if, by that, you mean removing the  
oldest backups if space is missing.  At least, that is what is written in its  
"help" (I do not think I have ever reached the capacity of my backup disks).

Re: [Trisquel-users] What do you do to keep your browser from consuming too much memory

2019-01-13 Thread Patrick

war on Javashit it is then ! Thanks

Re: [Trisquel-users] Install from PPA rather than repo

2019-01-13 Thread Mason Hock
What is the output of

$ apt policy torbrowser-launcher


Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Install from PPA rather than repo

2019-01-13 Thread jbahn

Thanks. I got this output:

~$ apt search torbrowser-launcher
Sorting... Done
Full Text Search... Done
torbrowser-launcher/flidas,now 0.2.4-1 amd64 [installed]
  helps download and run the Tor Browser Bundle

I suppose it means that the version from the PPA is not accessible somehow?

As can be seen in the attached pic, the PPA is registered and active.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Install from PPA rather than repo

2019-01-13 Thread jbahn

It seems that the version from the PPA is not even accessible:

~$ apt search torbrowser-launcher
Sorting... Done
Full Text Search... Done
torbrowser-launcher/flidas,now 0.2.4-1 amd64 [installed]
  helps download and run the Tor Browser Bundle

Re: [Trisquel-users] Large Volume FOSS Backup Options

2019-01-13 Thread davidpgil
To clarify, I create images, music, video, etc. So, naturally the output  
files I generate can be compressed or uncompressed. Sometimes when you make a  
final output file, you need to make a few uncompressed versions of the file  
before mastering. Regarding, BackInTime -- my current backup software, it  
does not compress the files do to a problem with hard-links when restoring  
the file.

I think the reason why I left Déjà Dup behind was that it does not "smart  
delete" backups when the drive is full. I used to use it but I stopped using  
it years ago in favor of BackInTime.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Large Volume FOSS Backup Options

2019-01-13 Thread lcerf
We are not talking about the same thing.  I thought you were talking about  
end-user multimedia files (jpeg, png, mp3, vorbis, mp4, webm, etc.): those  
are formats that are compressed with algorithms that take into account the  
specifics of the medium, thereby reaching better compression ratios that what  
generic algorithms (gz, bzip2, etc.) achieve.

Trisquel's default tool for backup, Déjà Dup, is incremental too.  It is a  
graphical interface to 'duplicity'.  Unless DéjàDup, 'duplicity' can be  
tuned and probably can do what you want.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Re : Large Volume FOSS Backup Options

2019-01-13 Thread David Philipe Gil
Thats definitely not true. Especially for source files -- I know this from 

I will look into another program that compresses files as it backs them up. The 
default program in Trisquel is too simple for what I need.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Large Volume FOSS Backup Options

2019-01-13 Thread lcerf
The Backup utility in Trisquel compresses, by default.  But you are talking  
about video, audio and pictures: such files are typically already in  
compressed formats: there is basically no more space you can save.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Re : Large Volume FOSS Backup Options

2019-01-13 Thread David Philipe Gil
... thinking on this, Perhaps what I need is a backup solition that compresses 
the data as it backs up. Right now, it all uncompressed.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Large Volume FOSS Backup Options

2019-01-13 Thread lcerf

Well, you can acquire an additional larger disk.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Re : Large Volume FOSS Backup Options

2019-01-13 Thread David Philipe Gil
Right now, I use BackInTime with an external RAID1. Its too little space.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Large Volume FOSS Backup Options

2019-01-13 Thread lcerf
An external hard drive you store away from the computer (so that they do not  
get robbed together, they do not burn in a fire in the same room, etc.) is  
probably the easiest option.  Better (but slower): backup on a remote  
computer, through the network.  You can use the "Backup" utility that is  
shipped by default with Trisquel.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 8: exporting and importing Pidgin configuration files

2019-01-13 Thread andre

Thanks for thinking with.

I searched and found a lot of files throughout the system.

After a fresh configuration of Pidgin it now works.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 8: exporting and importing Pidgin configuration files

2019-01-13 Thread greatgnu
Try also copying the pidgin folders in (I have no idea of the actual name of  
the path..but you will find it..) -> ~/.config/pidgin , ~/.config/purple ,  
~/local/share/pidgin ,  ~/local/share/purple

cheers o/

Re: [Trisquel-users] What do you do to keep your browser from consuming too much memory

2019-01-13 Thread greatgnu

>What do you do to keep your browser from consuming too much memory

I do not allow javashit in my browser. That's exactly the reason why it is  
always smooth, low mem usage and relatively secure.


Re: [Trisquel-users] LIbreboot grub asks for LUKS password twice

2019-01-13 Thread Ignacio Agulló
On 13/01/19 04:21 wrote:
> SO, I installed my SSD in my T400 Libreboot laptop. I followed the
> instructions on the guide for doing so, and after some adjustements I
> got the system to boot just fine. However, I am having the issue of
> having to input my full disk encryption password twice! I searched
> around and found this
>  As it seems the folks at parabola have the same issue and explain
> why. SO far so good, I tried using their solution for the problem (see
> under 11 Bonus: Using a key file to unlock /boot/)  but they issue a
> command that does nothing in Trisquel, namely mkinitcpio
> Is there anything that I have to install in order to get this to work
> under Trisquel 8?

 That's a feature not a bug.  It isn't asking for the same password
twice but asking you for two passwords: the password for the encrypted
boot partition and the password for the other encrypted partition.  You
happened to set the same password for both partitions.

Ignacio Agulló ·

Description: application/pgp-keys

Description: OpenPGP digital signature