Re: [Trisquel-users] Hello everyone! I have a question about this part of Trisquel GNU/Linux

2019-04-16 Thread jason

"I don't see what are you answering to"

I was responding to you. It's all there on the web forums. Check it out:  
on #18, #19, #20.

nadebula.1984: "As long as Debian keeps i386 architecture, it's not a big  
problem ... I do have some legacy computers (32-bit CPU without PAE) running  
i386 version of Debian testing..."

Narcis Garcia: (To nadebula.1984): "I don't know what are you answering to;  
for x86 platform Debian. currently requires i686 compatible processors."

Me: The usage of i386 in that context was not to processors but instead to  
Debian's name of this port, which they still call i386 even though it  
requires i686 processors. The ISO installer image, in the package manager,  
everywhere. So when you see someone saying that they're not referring to the  
processor in that context. :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] VirtualBox, Eclipse Java

2019-04-16 Thread xliang9550
VirtualBox is in the "contrib" repository of Debian, and the "multiverse"  
repository of Ubuntu.

This implies that there may be minor freedom issue with VirtualBox.

Re: [Trisquel-users] VirtualBox, Eclipse Java

2019-04-16 Thread julesverne

I don't see why you couldn't...
It just isn't in the repositories, but there are a fistful of ways to install  
any software in Gnu/Linux distributions.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Flatpak

2019-04-16 Thread Adonay Felipe Nogueira
I don't know if it was Snap or Flatpak, but [one of these] had a issue reported 
in Trisquel, in which they would allow installing from the default repository 
maintained by the package manager, that wouldn't be a problem if the repository 
had policy to include only GNU FSDG compliant packages.

To clarify, this message doesn't have references, as such, take with a grain of 
salt as I'm currently unable to look which program was in Trisquel's website 
search - I'm going to do some college tests/exams now.

Em 14 de abril de 2019 14:01:59 BRT, escreveu:
> > Libre?
>On debian 9 64bit I installed
>flatpak 1.2.4 - 4
>gajim 1.1.2
>omemo 2.6.26
>Gajim and omemo runs.

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Re: [Trisquel-users] Separating hostnames having multiple IPv4 addresses from a long two-column list

2019-04-16 Thread andyprough

What's your Calc version number?

Re: [Trisquel-users] VirtualBox, Eclipse Java

2019-04-16 Thread paulpatrick2009

I need JavaFX too and it seems mainly proprietary

[Trisquel-users] VirtualBox, Eclipse Java

2019-04-16 Thread paulpatrick2009

Good evening,

My question is the following : Is it possible to install and run VirtualBox  
and Eclipse on Trisquel OS. I am studying in computer science and I absolutly  
need those softwares


Re: [Trisquel-users] Separating hostnames having multiple IPv4 addresses from a long two-column list

2019-04-16 Thread amenex
My OpenOffice Calc is actually the LibreOffice Calc that comes with Trisquel  
(flidas). The link that I'm attempting to follow is here:

At the bottom of that page is the suggested solution:
"If you want to format any value in a cell that is a duplicate of the one  
immediately above it, select the entire column and use the following formula  
in Conditional Formatting:


But when I select Conditional Formatting, the drop-down menu is  
uncooperative, and I've no idea how to proceed ... anything I do just freezes  
the program.

I'm presuming that after I've color-coded the duplicates, that I can  
thereafter separate the color-coded ones from the rest.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Separating hostnames having multiple IPv4 addresses from a long two-column list

2019-04-16 Thread andyprough
That shouldn't be the case - Calc should easily be able to handle 80,000+  
rows at a time. Which version of Calc are you using? The latest 6.2.2 is very  
stable. Also, how are you installing it? I prefer to download from the  
Libreoffice website and install from there, as many distributions only supply  
outdated or poorly configured versions in their repositories.

Also, what do you mean by freezing? I've dealt with 650,000 rows of data in  
Calc at a time, and if I apply a formula to the entire spreadsheet Calc will  
appear to "freeze" for a few minutes, but it is just taking the time it needs  
to calculate the changes. Do you mean "freezing" in terms of it completely  
locking up? Or is it simply acting unresponsive for awhile while it  
calculates changes?

Let us know, I'll bet we can help find a solution.

[Trisquel-users] Separating hostnames having multiple IPv4 addresses from a long two-column list

2019-04-16 Thread amenex
Back in February I was rescued by Magic Banana from a predicament wherein I  
was failing to remove duplicate lines from a two-column list of hostnames and  
their IPv4 addresses:

Now I'm faced with a similar, longer (~80,000 rows) list of all the hostnames  
in a collection of address blocks, from which I'm trying to _remove_ all the  
lines whose hostnames are _not_ repeated. That should yield a list of  
hostnames that are repeated within the same address block or even across  
different address blocks.

This would be easy if I could flag repeated strings in the first column and  
then sort them (along with their associated IPv4 addresses in the second  
column, which contains no duplicates) so that I can make a two-column list of  
just the hostnames that have multiple IPv4 addresses.

OpenOffice Calc seems to have a way of flagging duplicate values in adjacent  
cells in a column, but mine freezes so often that the exerimentation would  
take too long.

George Langford

[Trisquel-users] Re : Icecat seems very outdated, what browser *should* one be using?

2019-04-16 Thread lcerf

Abrowser is the exception to the rule.  The only exception, as far as I know.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Icecat seems very outdated, what browser *should* one be using?

2019-04-16 Thread strypey
> "general policy is to freeze package versions on the release of a given  
Trisquel version and then apply only security patches/bug fixes. But the  
version number remains frozen."

I'm confused by this. The version number of ABrowser seems to be regularly  
incremented. But not IceCat? Does the policy on this depend on whether it's  
part of the default application set or not? Or is ABrowser just the exception  
to the rule?

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to migrate from Ubuntu 18.04

2019-04-16 Thread Narcis Garcia
Thank you; I'll try to do with some strategy like this.
Each OS installer should support installing from an application, without
booting its CD/DVD.

El 16/4/19 a les 4:16, ha escrit:
> I recommend to make a backup. If you can not or do not want, downsize
> said partition using GParted to release at least 5 GiB (I recommend
> more), turn off your computer once the resizing is complete, boot from
> the installation disk, select "install alongside Ubuntu" after selecting
> your language, after installing trisquel you will have both operating
> systems, move your files from the Ubuntu partition to the Trisquel
> partition, you can ask later how to uninstall Ubuntu.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Hello everyone! I have a question about this part of Trisquel GNU/Linux

2019-04-16 Thread Narcis Garcia
I don't see what are you answering to, but I remember that this list
thread was related to supported processors by Linux kernels.

El 16/4/19 a les 3:14, ha escrit:
> "currently requires i686 compatible processors."
> Perhaps; but the name of the architecture (in the package manager and
> when downloading the ISO from remains "i386" and so when you
> see people mentioning "i386" in relation to Debian it is best to
> interpret that to be a reference to the Debian name of the architecture,
> not the precise CPU.