Re: [Trisquel-users] Dell Wireless Question

2010-08-07 Thread fabio . pitari
It could be useful to have a web page on Trisquel's site with a list of free  
(or not free) wifi cards for helping trisquel users buying laptops, since in  
my opinion Wifi drivers and Wifi firmwares are actually the most critical  
point of  hardware compatibility in all the free distributions...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Dell Wireless Question

2010-08-07 Thread fabio . pitari
Ops, sorry, I didn't see the SirGrant's post with the link of FSF's page!  
Very useful!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Hardware Database?

2010-08-08 Thread fabio . pitari
Me too! But what do you mean for wiki style? Do you mean just some page in  
wich any user can add a new section or do you mean something made with  
wikimedia? Because I don't think that the latter will be so "user friendly",  
in my opinion it would be better to have something done with consecutive  
questions, like "which version of trisquel do you use" , "do you use a  
different free kernel from the default?", "what does it work in this device,  
and what does not", and so on...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Hardware Database?

2010-08-09 Thread fabio . pitari
Yes indeed, it would be easy to add the device page in the "Create content  
section", and the only work it should be done is to modify the add-on page.  
It could be useful not only for writing what works with free software and  
what not, but also for adding information about some particular configuration  
needed for make some device working.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Taranis release date?

2010-08-18 Thread fabio . pitari

Some news? :-) Sorry, I'm overeager...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Taranis release date?

2010-08-20 Thread fabio . pitari

Great! Thank you very much!

[Trisquel-users] File system and storage space in live-persistent Trisquel

2010-09-16 Thread fabio . pitari
When I wasn't interested to free software, I often wasted my time creating  
and customizing live-persistent distros with debian live. Today I tried the  
usb startup disk creator in Trisquel 4.0, and I'm impressed by how much easy  
and fast it is! However, I noticed that the maximum persistent storage space  
avaliable is 4 GB, so I was wondering: is it linked to the fact that the file  
system used, the fat32, support 4 GB files at maximum? And then, is there a  
way for expanding this space and/or for changing the file system used? Thank  


Re: [Trisquel-users] File system and storage space in live-persistent Trisquel

2010-09-25 Thread fabio . pitari
So I suppose It's impossible to change the file system directly from the usb  
creator... Ok, thank you very much! Maybe I'll try to change the file system  
using an old guideline for Debian live-helper, if i'll do (succesfully) I  
will post the procedure...

Re: [Trisquel-users] File system and storage space in live-persistent Trisquel

2010-09-27 Thread fabio . pitari
In fact in any case I don't think that the casper file will recognize the  
fact that he has a bigger avaliable space, so the only result should be that  
the system is saved on a different file system on the flash... However, I'll  
try in any case... Unfortunately I don't have an internet connection in these  
days, so I'll try in the week end.

Re: [Trisquel-users] File system and storage space in live-persistent Trisquel

2010-09-30 Thread fabio . pitari

I used the article you suggested, it works great! Thank you very much!
It would be nice to have an option for doing the casper-rw partition directly  
from usb-creator! However, I'm sorry I can't help you with your problem, the  
only thing I have in mind is reinstalling syslinux (maybe mantaining  
ldlinux.sys) but probably it's a useless operation...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Will Trisquel be based on Debain in the future?

2011-03-24 Thread fabio . pitari
The next gNewSense will be based on Debian, so I think it would be useless to  
have two free distributions based on the same thing, they would be more or  
less the same. I also prefer stability rather than newer versions, but I see  
that my Taranis is very stable, so in my opinion Trisquel is perfect as it is  

Re: [Trisquel-users] FaceBook page?

2011-04-29 Thread fabio . pitari
@robsanchezjr What's the difference between having an invite and a Diaspora  

[Trisquel-users] Tor and Freenet

2011-05-28 Thread fabio . pitari
In these days I'm interested in anonymity on the web. Sometimes I used  
succesfully Tor on my Taranis, but unfortunately I've seen that it isn't in  
Slaine repositories anymore :-( . Anyway, i was looking also for some good  
alternatives, including something for anonymous file sharing, and I've found  
an interesting project called Freenet: the strange fact is that the software  
seems to be quite diffused but it doesn't appear in any distribution's  
repository...I would like to know if someone tried it, and if it is really a  
free software. Thank you!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Tor and Freenet

2011-05-28 Thread fabio . pitari
Thanks for your replies! I think the reason that Mampir said seems  
reasonable, and actually on tor project's site they suggest the same... I  
knew about filesharing and tor, indeed I used it just sometimes through  
firefox for normal navigation (just for trying it) and for reaching (it is censored here in italy)... I'll try freenet one of these  
days and i'll inform you!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Tor and Freenet

2011-05-30 Thread fabio . pitari
Thank you very much and thanks to Ruben also! If it would be icluded again it  
would be great!

About Freenet, I tried it a little bit in these last two days, and I  
appreciated it very much! Altough it is very slow, not much populated and  
still in development, it has a wonderful concept and represents a completely  
alternative network with respect to internet... It is completely  
decentralized (each user is a node and share a fraction of his hard disk for  
the community), and it could represent a very good instrument for people who  
lives in not-democratic places. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Italian language

2011-10-23 Thread fabio . pitari
The flag will appear when most of the italian translations will be completed!  
At the moment we're having some troubles with the home page translations, as  
discussed in the devel mailing list

Re: [Trisquel-users] Does making a persistent liveUSB work for you?

2011-10-23 Thread fabio . pitari
Up to 4.5 it worked for me, i've not tried with 5.0 yet, but i'll do in these  
day... I'll inform you!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Software Freeness

2011-10-29 Thread fabio . pitari
Even if it is in Trisquel repositories it doesn't ensure that is free: errors  
can happen also for Trisquel developers (as they say in the documentation  
pages). I think that this type of topics should be encouraged and not  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Freedoom is awesome

2015-02-07 Thread fabio . pitari
I agree, Fredoom is great! What's the "pratical" difference between Odamex  
and Prboom?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Freedoom is awesome

2015-02-07 Thread fabio . pitari

Thanks! :-)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Freedoom is awesome

2015-02-07 Thread fabio . pitari
Very interesting! I'll give all of them a chance as soon as I can... thank  
you very much!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Italian forum for Trisquel: is anyone interested?

2015-02-09 Thread fabio . pitari

Sorry, Galician doesn't have an official forum too..

[Trisquel-users] Italian forum for Trisquel: is anyone interested?

2015-02-09 Thread fabio . pitari
Hello everyone! I was thinking about a previous post here suggesting to ask  
Rubén for an Italian forum. At the moment Italian is the only "officially  
supported" language which doesn't have his own forum. I was thinking that  
maybe it could be helpful to people who approach free software for the first  
time, as well as for people that may need help with Trisquel but feel  
embarrassed to post something in English. However, I have no idea of how many  
Italian people are already on this forum, so: are some of you interested to  
have an Italian Trisquel forum? If there is someone else I can ask Rubén...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Italian forum for Trisquel: is anyone interested?

2015-02-09 Thread fabio . pitari
There are also another two translators and I saw another couple of users  
around. And many other politicians who could enjoy the forum

Re: [Trisquel-users] Italian forum for Trisquel: is anyone interested?

2015-02-12 Thread fabio . pitari
Ho provato a contattare Rubén via IRC negli ultimi giorni ma credo non sia  
reperibile per ora... appena riesco a parlargli vi aggiorno! Ciao! :-)

Re: [Trisquel-users] apt-get update question

2015-02-14 Thread fabio . pitari
It seems you added the google repositories for Chrome... Could you copy and  
paste here the content of the file /etc/apt/sources.list ? You will probably  
have some lines you need to remove...

Re: [Trisquel-users] apt-get update question

2015-02-14 Thread fabio . pitari
It seems to be ok actually... I think you probably have additional  
repositories from the list files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ . Could you  
please check if you have some .list files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ and if  
in some of them you have something that sounds like

deb stable main

ore something similiar...  In that case you will probably just need to  
erase/move away the file/comment the line and apt-get update should be  

Re: [Trisquel-users] apt-get update question

2015-02-14 Thread fabio . pitari

No, it should be enough! :-)

Re: [Trisquel-users] client side search engine?

2015-02-17 Thread fabio . pitari
I'm trying yacy now... I'm very impressed by the concept! I'm thinking it  
would be nice to have it in Trisquel repos, although there is already one for  
Debian-based distros

Re: [Trisquel-users] client side search engine?

2015-02-18 Thread fabio . pitari
Sorry, I'm not so expert in this, but I don't see so much difference between  
a yacy server and for instance a googlebot except for their number. Which  
means that is unlucky to replace (let's say) google with yacy as the most  
diffused and efficient search engine, but still the concept is great and if  
it will spread it can become a good alternative, even with a much more  
limited global store space...

Re: [Trisquel-users] client side search engine?

2015-02-18 Thread fabio . pitari

It looks nice! It reminds me of this

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel in Asus 1015E

2015-03-01 Thread fabio . pitari
I will start by saying that I have no idea of why it's not working :-D but I  
have an Asus 1015cx with Trisquel and it worked out of the box... the only  
difference I see is that I probably used just "sudo dd if=/path/to/image.iso  
of=/dev/sdX" instead of "sudo dd if=/path/to/image.iso of=/dev/sdX bs=8M" (or  
maybe bs=4096 or bs=512, I don't remember, not 8M for sure)... maybe you  
could give it a try...

[Trisquel-users] Netbook / 2-in-1 / portable laptop working with free software

2017-01-07 Thread fabio . pitari

Hello every one!
Do someone of you know some netbook/portable device working with free  
software which is still in commerce? I had an asus 1015cx which worked  
out-of-the-box (i thought i added on h-node at that time but it seems I  
didn't, sorry :-(  ), I can't find anything I'm sure it works. I'd like to  
have something similiar, i.e. long battery life, small size, wireless card  
and sound working with free software, storage as big as possible, as cheap as  
possible. I don't care too much about performances, i need portability.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Netbook / 2-in-1 / portable laptop working with free software

2017-01-07 Thread fabio . pitari
Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be still for sale anywhere... Indeed my  
first choice to replace my eeepc 1015cx would be another 1015cx, but i can't  
find it :-( . I can't understand why netbooks have been completely replaced  
by tablets or ultrabooks, having both a different aim.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Netbook / 2-in-1 / portable laptop working with free software

2017-01-07 Thread fabio . pitari
Ciao! Actually most of them are not for sale anymore and some of them are 15  
inches laptop. The only ones I see fitting what I'm searching for are the  
chromebooks c720 and 720p which I will consider, even though I'm a bit scared  
about the fact that the device needs to be opened in order to rewrite the OS,  
along with some additional configurations (e.g. for debian But I will  
consider them together with the libreboot c201  
( Thanks!