Re: [Trisquel-users] Laptop lid linked to power management

2020-07-13 Thread jimgarrett
Thanks, this makes sense when you put it that way.  And in fact I have an  
update:  as I was trying to figure out where interrupts might be, I set it  
down and a screw fell out.  It secures a corner of the bottom--and other  
things, apparently.  I screwed it back in tight and now my problem is gone.   
This corner is where the power button is located so I think it did something,  

Thanks again!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Laptop lid linked to power management

2020-07-08 Thread jimgarrett
I'm using XFCE rather than MATE but XFCE's power manager has options for what  
to do when the laptop lid is closed (Switch off dislay, Suspend, Hibernate,  
Lock screen) for both plugged in and on-battery modes.  None of these address  
my laptop's behavior, which is to *shut off when moving the lid more than a  
centimeter*.  And I mean shut off instantly, not a controlled power-down  
sequence.  Just:  power is gone.

Inversely, when the laptop is off I can open the lid and the power button  
lights up and the laptop boots up as if I had pressed the power button.   
Sometimes I have to wiggle the lid a little to trigger this.

[Trisquel-users] Laptop lid linked to power management

2020-07-06 Thread jimgarrett

Hi everyone,

Somehow my laptop lid has become associated with power management, so that if  
I push the lid further open, a log-out dialog pops up, or the laptop  
instantly cuts power.

I'm not sure how this started.  The only thing possibly related is that I  
installed and ran powertop to see if I could get longer battery life.

Does anyone know what configuration causes this, and how I can change this so  
that my laptop lid is unrelated to power management?  (Other than going to  
sleep when I close the lid, but I could sacrifice that if needed.)

Thanks in advance!


Re: [Trisquel-users] Apparently corrupted hard drive -- advice wanted

2019-08-14 Thread jimgarrett
That's a thought.  I sent an e-mail asking if there is anything I should  
generally know (about booting process, partition plan) but didn't formally  
ask for support.  Maybe I will.  Thanks.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Apparently corrupted hard drive -- advice wanted

2019-08-14 Thread jimgarrett

Thanks.  What does "-kccy" do?

On a related note, is it hard to make a bootable pen drive that has a  
writable (persistent) partition?  I found this:

and it worked for a "systemrescuecd" iso but Trisquel mini didn't  
successfully boot.   Any thoughts?

[Trisquel-users] Apparently corrupted hard drive -- advice wanted

2019-08-07 Thread jimgarrett
Hi Trisquelers, I would welcome some perspective and advice regarding an  
apparently corrupted hard drive.

Last Christmas I gave my brother a laptop from MiniFree, with Trisquel  
installed.  Just days ago he told me he booted it and it went straight to a  
busybox console.  Reading up on this, I understand that his boot partition is  
corrupted, and some flavor of fsck may fix it.  (Or at least some partition  
is corrupted, but he said it comes up in a few seconds.)

But why would a hard drive be corrupted?  With a journaling file system, it's  
hard to corrupt it through user activity.  Might there be a hardware failure?  
 If this is the case, trying to fix it would actually make it worse, if it  
writes incorrect data to the drive.  Right?  The laptop is "new" although of  
course it was manufactured by Lenovo many years ago.  Is it odd for a drive  
to become corrupted?  (It's a solid-state drive.)

He lives in another city, so I can't simply stop over and check things out in  

I could possibly talk him through using a simple application of fsck, but if  
it's wise to copy data first, that would probably be too hard to manage.

What would you do?



Re: [Trisquel-users] CUPS permissions (after install rescue)

2019-02-06 Thread jimgarrett
Fixed it, did some reading online and found that adding my user to the  
lpadmin group was what was needed.

For the non-admin folks such as myself, that's

   usermod -a -G lpadmin USER

as described here:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Issue with GRUB and existing /home partition in installing Trisquel mini

2019-02-02 Thread jimgarrett

Done, thanks.

[Trisquel-users] CUPS permissions (after install rescue)

2019-02-02 Thread jimgarrett
I had an install go awry but with this community's help managed to get it  
back on the rails, as described in this thread:

Now I'm doing some cleanup and one issue I have is that I can't add a  
printer.  Using "Printers" GUI utility (I'm using XFCE but that's probably  
irrelevant), when I click "Add" I get the usual CUPS window but a dialog box  
asking for my user name and password also appears.  I enter my user name and  
password but it's not accepted.

While I'm at it, are there other permissions or cleanup activities I should  
check into?

Thanks in advance!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Issue with GRUB and existing /home partition in installing Trisquel mini

2019-01-24 Thread jimgarrett
I came across GID_MIN in documentation and thought that might be relevant but  
decided to go ahead and try anyway.

I changed the group ID by "groupmod -g 500 jim", I think.  No manual file  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Issue with GRUB and existing /home partition in installing Trisquel mini

2019-01-22 Thread jimgarrett

Success!  Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Just a few additional details for the benefit of anyone else who might be  
following this path.

Ultimately I couldn't add the user with the specified group ID, so I created  
the user without specifying the gid, and then changed the group ID.

Also, I had to add the user to the sudoers file with adduser jim sudo

Now I have a good deal of cleanup yet to do, and things to install, but I  
have a working laptop and account! 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Issue with GRUB and existing /home partition in installing Trisquel mini

2019-01-21 Thread jimgarrett
Okay, all of your posts are very helpful and I now have GRUB installed and  
can boot up.  Now I need to fix the user ID issue so I can use the home  
partition and log in.  Which I think I can do once I have a shell with root  

When booting normally, I can't log into my (new) "jim" account, and the guest  
account forbids root privilege.  Is there another way, such as booting into  
troubleshooting some sort of troubleshooting mode?

If I boot from the flash drive, I now know how to use chroot and drive  
mounting to "become" root for my installed system.  However, can I also mount  
/home and have it be placed correctly?  Do I need this?  I was able to delete  
the user "jim" but haven't been able to create the user "jim" without having  
/home mounted.  I know the user ID and group ID for user "jim" from the old  
OS (1 and 500, respectively).

I tried the command

adduser --uid 1 --gid 500 --home /home/jim --no-create-home jim

Also, the group ID 500 apparently doesn't exist in the new system.  So I need  
to create group "jim" with group ID 500 also?

Getting there...but need a little more info.

Thanks again!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Issue with GRUB and existing /home partition in installing Trisquel mini

2019-01-19 Thread jimgarrett
Thank you!  This is a lot of great information.  I'll be giving all this a  
try tomorrow.

[Trisquel-users] Issue with GRUB and existing /home partition in installing Trisquel mini

2019-01-19 Thread jimgarrett
I just installed Trisquel Mini on a laptop with sda1 as "/", sda6 as "/home",  
and sda5 as swap.  I intended to leave /home as is.

I actually did this twice; the first time I installed I didn't partition "/".  
 When booting, I got the Mageia grub page as before the install.  So I  
installed again, this time formatting "/".  After this, I get a grub error:

file '/boot/grub2/i386-pc/normal.mod' not found.  Entering rescue mode

After searching I found how to boot:

set prefix=(hd0,1)/boot/grub
set root=(hd0,1)
insmod normal

and then the laptop boots to the log-in screen.

Now, however, it will not accept the password I gave for user "jim" when I  
installed, perhaps because the directory "/home/jim" in sda6 hasn't been  
assigned to this user yet.  Okay, I'll log in as root and fix things...but  
wait, this is an Ubuntu-based system, there is no root user.  Or is there a  
way to log in as root?

So it seems I have two issues:
1. How to fix grub?
2. How to assign /home/jim to user jim and get login to work?

Can this system be salvaged?

Thank you!

Jim G

Re: [Trisquel-users] Can't seem to make bootable install USB

2019-01-15 Thread jimgarrett
Thanks for all the great suggestions.  loldier's comment about trying a  
different USB port made me realize that I had also had problems moving a file  
with this port, so I tried a different port with Startup Disk Creator and it  
worked smoothly.  So it's just a wonky USB port.

Thanks again!

[Trisquel-users] Can't seem to make bootable install USB

2019-01-13 Thread jimgarrett
I'm using Trisquel 8.0 and trying to create a bootable USB with the Trisquel  
mini ISO.  I've used Startup Disc Creator but it gives an error, saying  
"Could not write the disk image to the device".

Oddly it asks for authentication twice, saying policies prevent mounting.

I also tried the command-line approach with dd as described in the Trisquel  
documentation.  dd ran for at last 15 minutes before I finally stopped it.

I must be missing something very simple.  Anyone have any ideas?

I'm not quite a newbie but my administrative knowledge isn't very deep.

