Okay, all of your posts are very helpful and I now have GRUB installed and can boot up. Now I need to fix the user ID issue so I can use the home partition and log in. Which I think I can do once I have a shell with root privileges.

When booting normally, I can't log into my (new) "jim" account, and the guest account forbids root privilege. Is there another way, such as booting into troubleshooting some sort of troubleshooting mode?

If I boot from the flash drive, I now know how to use chroot and drive mounting to "become" root for my installed system. However, can I also mount /home and have it be placed correctly? Do I need this? I was able to delete the user "jim" but haven't been able to create the user "jim" without having /home mounted. I know the user ID and group ID for user "jim" from the old OS (10000 and 500, respectively).

I tried the command

adduser --uid 10000 --gid 500 --home /home/jim --no-create-home jim

Also, the group ID 500 apparently doesn't exist in the new system. So I need to create group "jim" with group ID 500 also?

Getting there...but need a little more info.

Thanks again!

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