Re: [Trisquel-users] How simple/complex is your installation process?

2016-11-03 Thread mcz

Sounds great, count me as a Stable user!

Apparmor demands some more education than Firejail (which can be applied  
system-wide, it seems).
Grsecurity even more (even if I don't compile it, but it seems the version in  
the repo is buggy, according to root_vegetable).

And it seems I'm barely scratching the surface here (see post #5):

and from the same post:

I don't really care that much about security, but this is helping me  
understand computers a bit more.

Most likely I'll start with Firejail, then keep on learning bit by bit.
But not everything is worth setting up, I'm sure.
For example, setting a GRUB password, or preventing hardware flashing of  
Libreboot is a bit extreme.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How simple/complex is your installation process?

2016-11-02 Thread greatgnu
I have been using stable ever since the first day it came out, I used briefly  
testing but I like more stable for you set it and forget it, never an issue,  
crash or bug :)

With the combo firejail/apparmor I think it would be extremely difficult for  
anyone to exploit your browser, even with js turned on, but I may be wrong.  
Anyway security (lack of) is just one of many reasons I don't like js and so  
I don't really have the dilemma, I keep it off.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How simple/complex is your installation process?

2016-11-01 Thread mcz
One more reason to try the backports, plus I'm not sure I'm ready for Sid (or  
that I need it). Thanks for this!

Well, with firejail/apparmor/grsec, or firejail only, is it really needed to  
disable Javascript?
I mean sure, some data can still be stolen (still in a limited way), and it  
would allow some pages to work better.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How simple/complex is your installation process?

2016-11-01 Thread greatgnu

>Firejail not being even in Debian's repo, I'll pass for now.

Firejail is in: sid, testing and **jessie-backports**

I installed it from backports, it's great, the thing can sandbox anything and  
it couldn't be easier to use.

>Do you have better ideas for this? Specially for sandboxing the browser

With the firefox profile already tuned very well in /etc/firejail it is as  
simple as:

firejail firefox

>malicios script

>have access to more than the browser

Here is what my firejailed seamonkey has access to in /home:


Re: [Trisquel-users] How simple/complex is your installation process?

2016-11-01 Thread mcz


So here's my list again:
- full disk encryption is a bit advanced (partitionning, LVM, switching to a  
tty to modify GRUB), but accessible to me (minus the keyfile to avoid typing  
the passphrase twice). Otherwise, encrypting home and swap should be a  
relative breeze for a beginner.

- Sandboxing programs from the web: Firejail not being even in Debian's repo,  
I'll pass for now. Apparmor seems rather complicated. Same for a virtual  
machine, or Wine if it can work that way for native programs. Grsecurity is  
clearly overkill (might be worth it for a server though).

- kernel update is only needed if some hardware is not supported bu the  
current one.

- re-installing programs: exporting a list from Synaptic looks like the  
easiest way. but before that, I needed to install with apt-get, and the  
option --no install recommends (after getting my ethernet interface running  
in DHCP):

- Wicd for wifi (less headaches with a GUI sometimes)
- Synaptic
- xorg of course
- some window manager/desktop environment

- Backup: DéjàDup or Back in Time are most likely the easiest programs.
I guess I'll partition a huge external drive so I can have a backup  
partition, and a storage partition for personal data I don't access every day  
(and ecrypt the whole thing of course).

- Config files: It's OK to just keep the Home folder with all these, but  
there are also tons of weird text files that accumulate which I most likely  
don't need. So with this one, I do it by hand for now.

Do you have better ideas for this? Specially for sandboxing the browser (I  
might need JavaScript on occasionally, but I don't want a malicios script to  
have access to more than the browser (not even the bookmarks actually).

The rest is pretty much aesthetics/workflow preferences, which is personal to  
each user. For example, I like my display to be minimal, and I want to use  
the keyboard instead of the mouse whenever possible, and that's what I did.
It implies learning a few shortcuts per program, but it's an investment. Plus  
there's always the man command.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How simple/complex is your installation process?

2016-11-01 Thread mcz
I found this to be interesting:

That means all packages are minimal.
But let's say that for some reason, I nstall a package with apt-get, will it  
appear in the exported list?

Re: [Trisquel-users] How simple/complex is your installation process?

2016-10-28 Thread greatgnu
> However, I am not quite sure how! Something I did was to only have that  
line in /etc/crypttab:

cryptswap1 /dev/sda1 /dev/urandom swap,cipher=aes-cbc-essiv:sha256

Yeah, the line is here too.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How simple/complex is your installation process?

2016-10-27 Thread mcz
Why do you make a /home partition by hand since one is automatically made  
when only setting root and swap?

So right after you get a failure message, you switch to a tty? I'll try that.  
If I can make this work, it's a huge time saver, thanks for the tip!

The Pavel Kogan link still gives me a headache though, but it's non-vital  
stuff, I'll take my time and try to make it work.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How simple/complex is your installation process?

2016-10-27 Thread mcz
That's a fast and easy way to transfer a favorite list of programs, which  
I've already tried thanks to you.

But now I'm willing to make an effort to write a small install script with  
--no-install-recommends as an option, and thus not having to install  

So you did grep yourpassphrase ? Or are there more parameters to put in ?

Re: [Trisquel-users] How simple/complex is your installation process?

2016-10-27 Thread mcz
Thanks SuperTramp, it indeed does look like the full disk encryption covers  
everything but /boot (by default).

Re: [Trisquel-users] How simple/complex is your installation process?

2016-10-27 Thread greatgnu

>Well, hard to be easier

Yeah :)
to check do a lsblk, the swap partition should display something along the  

├─sda5   8:50  1.9G  0 part
│ └─cryptswap1 254:00  1.9G  0 crypt [SWAP]


Re: [Trisquel-users] How simple/complex is your installation process?

2016-10-26 Thread mcz

Sorry I didn't make time to answer to all yet, but quickly this:

It suggest to (at least) take care of /tmp and /var, and all this is only for  
online tampering.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How simple/complex is your installation process?

2016-10-26 Thread greatgnu

Sure :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] How simple/complex is your installation process?

2016-10-26 Thread greatgnu
A few months ago I encrypted /home and /swap. You can very easily encrypt  
your swap partition, Magique.

The performance hit (due to encryption) on my 2004 potato is barely  

Hack: FDE means the swap partition will be included (encrypted) AFAIK.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How simple/complex is your installation process?

2016-10-25 Thread legimet . calc
I don't make a separate boot partition while installing. Instead, I make a  
root partition, home partition, and swap partition on an encrypted LVM. When  
the installer tries to install GRUB, it fails. Then I switch to a tty to add  
GRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTODISK=y to /etc/default/grub, after which the GRUB  
installation can be tried again and should succeed.

The Pavel Kogan link just puts a keyfile in your initramfs so that after GRUB  
loads the kernel, the kernel will use the keyfile so that you don't have to  
enter your password twice.

[Trisquel-users] How simple/complex is your installation process?

2016-10-25 Thread mcz

Mine is (to me) complicated, and takes a lot of time.
Ideally, I want to automate as much as I can to make it simpler at least.

I choose full disk encryption (I don't know if swap is covered, so I might  
need dmdecrypt or something. Yet another thing to check).
Because other partial encryptions are just that, partial. Might as well not  
other with those.
This in itself is long and complicated. I need an additional unencrypted  
/boot folder, and make GRUB point at it. For the rest, I use Libreboot's  
guide (which includes swap, so I shouldn't need dm-decrypt in theory). I also  
need to not make a root user, create a username+passphrase, an encryption  
passphrase, and maybe I forget one.

Then I choose to encrypt /boot, because either I encrypt everything, or I  
don't. I want to try this, but that's another set of complex manipulations:

But that would be fine without taking backups into account, like here and  
here (rather hard to understand):

Then I might want to update the kernel, which seems straightforward. But  
that's yet another step. Not vital, but not to long.

The more extreme aspect would be to compile one with grsecurity.
The less complicated aspect would be to set up apparmor and firejail foor  
every app.

I could try an additional bit for not having to type the decryption  
passphrase twice (again, not easy even to understand):

And then there is the easier/fun part about installing software, which might  
need a couple of tweaking.

Maybe after a month I can finish my install...

Else I can encrypt nor backup nothing and live dangerously, but have my  
system running in half an hour.

I might want to setup a VM, just to run a browser with javascript when needed  
(maybe Firejail/apparmor is enough for this).

So grsecurity aside, full disk encryption including /boot+backups seems  
essential to me, yet very hard and long to do.

How do you do it (if you do it), and is there another way (scripts maybe)?

It's really a lot of hard work and time, but maybe I'm doing something wrong.