Re: [Trisquel-users] Large Volume FOSS Backup Options

2019-01-19 Thread davidpgil
By the way, I am now considering using a JBOD volume to save a lot of data  
for cheap. My thinking is I can afford to lose some data because I have  
multiple snapshot of a lot of data, so if one drive fails one day, I can just  
replace it with a new one and my backup program can just figure out the rest.  
I know I should probably do RAID 1 but, its kind of priceyor me... What do  
you think?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Large Volume FOSS Backup Options

2019-01-14 Thread David Philipe Gil
Heh, wild.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Large Volume FOSS Backup Options

2019-01-14 Thread alonivtsan

16 TB hard dries have also been announced:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Large Volume FOSS Backup Options

2019-01-14 Thread davidpgil
... Interesting. BackInTime's automatic backup is not buggy... Not sure I  
want to swap to that particular problem. I need hourly automatic backups, per  
day. Once the day passes, BackInTime determines if any of the backups were  
worth keeping ... Anyway, I did some research just now and it seems that 12  
TB Hard Disks exist! Not cheap, but since I use my backups for professional  
purposes, I might need to invest in that.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Large Volume FOSS Backup Options

2019-01-13 Thread davidpgil
To clarify, I create images, music, video, etc. So, naturally the output  
files I generate can be compressed or uncompressed. Sometimes when you make a  
final output file, you need to make a few uncompressed versions of the file  
before mastering. Regarding, BackInTime -- my current backup software, it  
does not compress the files do to a problem with hard-links when restoring  
the file.

I think the reason why I left Déjà Dup behind was that it does not "smart  
delete" backups when the drive is full. I used to use it but I stopped using  
it years ago in favor of BackInTime.

[Trisquel-users] Large Volume FOSS Backup Options

2019-01-12 Thread davidpgil
I've started to notice I will soon need to do some type of high volume backup  
in the bear future due ti the nature of wirking wuth video, audio and very  
large graphical source files. I need to be able to archive this work that  
could grow to be in the tens of terabytes large. What are my options? Tape  
backup? FOSS tape backup options? Any other suggestions?