[Trisquel-users] Re : Is Paypal compatible with software freedom?

2017-12-02 Thread lcerf
For the nth time: the seller does not need the buyers name.  Thanks to GNU  
Taler, the seller will get paid and the buyer can prove she is the one who  
paid (for instance at the nearby shop where the good was shipped) without  
ever revealing her identity.  Except for sellers making additional money by  
selling the customer personal information (an unethical activity), sellers do  
not want to manage such sensitive information anyway.  It is a cost (security  
audits and so on).

So you can keep on writing about "*if* seller gets buyers name and address"  
but those are no argument against Taler.  It would be like saying that the  
Tor browser does not make users anonymous because "*if* a Tor user writes  
'hello, I am John Doe'" then he is not anonymous anymore: that is true but  
that user does not have to identity himself and the entailed loss of  
anonymity is in no way Tor's fault.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Is Paypal compatible with software freedom?

2017-11-22 Thread lcerf
My post was about showing, that gnutaler cannot work as a tool against  

It can.  It uses what is known (for 34 years) as "blind signature" to  
guarantee the anonymity of the buyer:  

See https://grothoff.org/christian/taler2016space.pdf to read more about GNU  

[Trisquel-users] Re : Is Paypal compatible with software freedom?

2017-11-22 Thread lcerf
I claim gnutaler does not change the fact, that seller can do profiling if he  
has proper software. Stallman opposes surveillance and profiling. That is why  
I think gnutaler does not enable Stallman to buy items from shops on the  

You are wrong.  Here is for instance what RMS says at 2:18:11 of  
http://dcc.ufmg.br/~lcerf/rms_en.webm (talk he gave May 29th this year):

So I can't use Bitcoins to do the thing I most wanna do, which is pay stores  
and publishers anonymously.  That's why we developed GNU Taler.  Taler is not  
a crypto-currency.  Taler is a payment system for payments denominated in,  
well, could be dollars or reais or whatever.  And it's anonymous for the one  
who pays.

Then there is the shipping problem, which is separate from the payment  
problem.  Shipping to a nearby place, such as a physical store taking a  
commission, is an existing solution.  Since GNU Taler emits a legally valid  
proof of payment, it would be the document to present to get the good.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Is Paypal compatible with software freedom?

2017-11-19 Thread lcerf

the shop on the internet requires you to tell name and address.

In France, many Internet shops propose the delivery in physical shops nearby.  
 It is even cheaper.  The buyer was identified when she paid though.  GNU  
Taler solves that privacy problem.

Should the inaccurate data have the effect you say, it would require seller  
to know his data is inaccurate.

Profile-based recommendations (and the likes) are constantly assessed.  If  
the accuracy of the profiles decrease, it is discovered.  It looks like you  
expect a solution where, at once, all profiling techniques become obsolete.   
If you have such a solution, tell it!

[Trisquel-users] Re : Is Paypal compatible with software freedom?

2017-11-18 Thread lcerf

Privacy-wise, GNU Taler is like cash:

When you pay with Taler, your identity does not have to be revealed. Just  
like payments in cash, nobody else can track how you spent your electronic  
money. However, you obtain a legally valid proof of payment.


Thanks to the proof of payment, the purchased good can indeed be delivered  
anywhere close to your home (I believe Amazon proposes such a system in  
France, for instance) and you can prove you are the buyer, while remaining  

Now, shipping to the address of a friend is fine too: not only it does not  
help building a profile of your friend (like you pretend) but it turns it  
harder to build a profile of your friends: she (probably) does not want the  
product, you do.  In other words, that practice generates noise in the data  
used to build the profile.

I am pretty sure Stallman would tell you all that too.  He uses the same kind  
of arguments when he justifies why he sometimes asks people to lend him their  
cell phones.