I claim gnutaler does not change the fact, that seller can do profiling if he has proper software. Stallman opposes surveillance and profiling. That is why I think gnutaler does not enable Stallman to buy items from shops on the internet.

You are wrong. Here is for instance what RMS says at 2:18:11 of http://dcc.ufmg.br/~lcerf/rms_en.webm (talk he gave May 29th this year):

So I can't use Bitcoins to do the thing I most wanna do, which is pay stores and publishers anonymously. That's why we developed GNU Taler. Taler is not a crypto-currency. Taler is a payment system for payments denominated in, well, could be dollars or reais or whatever. And it's anonymous for the one who pays.

Then there is the shipping problem, which is separate from the payment problem. Shipping to a nearby place, such as a physical store taking a commission, is an existing solution. Since GNU Taler emits a legally valid proof of payment, it would be the document to present to get the good.

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