Re: [Trisquel-users] Deblobbed iwlwifi in 4.10+ libre kernels

2018-05-05 Thread Adonay Felipe Nogueira
2018-05-02T09:36:56+0200 wrote:
> of fun. Yes, I absolutely agree to use a relatively small non-free
> driver with the fact that when I do not need it, I will remove it is
> the ideal solution. I like how we are called in the Czech Republic "a

One must notice however that this "need" is sometimes weaker than what
some speakers say, for example, I don't "need" to install non-free
software in my own computer order to have my college assignment reviewed
for plagiarism, I can instead go to the college, LAN houses (a shop in
Brazil where one can get computers through rents paid per hour of
usage), and from these places, use that non-free functional data there
(also considering that I might have to install it there). It's very
different from Karen Sandler's scenario where she had to minimize the
risk of the non-free software somehow in her implantable cardiac
defibrillator because in that case she does "need" that thing otherwise
she probably wouldn't be among us free/libre activists.

All in all, I need to make an addendum here: while making use of these
non-free functional data seems to solve the immediate problem that you
have, it doesn't change the fact that we must do something to improve
the freedom of the software[1] in our computing.

The above adition also applies to JavaScript forced upon you through
websites[2]. Sometimes it's a matter of contacting the website owner
explaining how bad client-side autoexecuted scripts are for
accessibility, security (thanks to the discovery of Meltdown and
Spectre, see[3]) and privacy (for all these points, see [4][5][6]),
within that contact, also mention that there are ways to keep using
JavaScript, but that requires freeing it, and then mention the Free
JavaScript campaign[2] and the related development task force[7], which
by the way is also looking for skilled JS developers.

Other times, one must change service provider, to one which doesn't
require usage of a website like that.

[1] I used the term "freedom of the software" but the other one,
"software freedom" is more common. In short they both mean what is
expressed in the alternative I used, because we talk about *the
software* which should make *its freedoms* available to the
end-user. However, I once saw some people confusing "software freedom"
with "the freedom to choose which software to use", and this is a
communication noise in our circles, particularly seen in some "free
software" (sic) events in Brazil.

[2] .

[3] These two are literally impossible to fix, the only way to do so
would be to have 99% of the world's computers trashed.


[5] .


[7] .

Re: [Trisquel-users] Deblobbed iwlwifi in 4.10+ libre kernels

2018-05-02 Thread ludek . stastny
Many thanks loldier to your answer, the word fanatics I thought rather of  
fun. Yes, I absolutely agree to use a relatively small non-free driver with  
the fact that when I do not need it, I will remove it is the ideal solution.  
I like how we are called in the Czech Republic "a golden middle way" and this  
is how I try to behave in my normal life.

Very interesting opinion, which I have not met yet, also has ADFENO, libre  
software should not forbid me from installing
non-free functional data. Yes, I absolutelly agree, this is true libre way  
very close to my preffered "golden middle way", I can choose fully libre  
system and if it is not possible, do this little non-free modification. If  
libre kernel developers can add this funkcionality, I will be very happy and  
I believe not only me, but I am understand, that this will be very difficult,  
if I examine kernel sources, my head is spinning.

So the best way for me for this time is to use TP-Link wifi dongle, kernel  
compilation in my machine is not the ideal way. This is not a problem for me,  
just like I need to use an external mouse I can use the dongle, Toughbook has  
3 USB ports, so this is not a problem. I will be watching the situation  
around libre kernel and if I can help after gaining more programming  
experience, I will do it.

Thank you once again for clarification, I finally begin to understand the  
libre distros philosophy better.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Deblobbed iwlwifi in 4.10+ libre kernels

2018-04-27 Thread Adonay Felipe Nogueira
2018-04-27T12:09:45+0200 wrote:
> Yes, it is true, that it should not be a problem to install non-free
> firmware with libre kernel. Except Ubuntu/Trisquel I use many other

One must note that, compared to common distros, free/libre ones don't
*facilitate* installing non-free functional data (which also includes
software but has other items besides this).

However, at a personal level, you can of course go all the way dirty and
install the things even in a free/libre distro. However, don't go around
telling others to do the same, nor help them do that. This implies that
the *community* around the free/libre distro also don't stimulate
installing non-free functional data.

What a free/libre software mustn't do is forbid you from installing
non-free functional data. This behavior is considered a bug. As for the
kernels that are built using the GNU Linux-libre scripts, these kernels
currently have this bug, and the project knows about it, and are trying
to fix it --- but it turns out to be more complex due to the way Linux
kernel itself works ([1]). Please be very aware of this kind of
misinformation that people are spreading in the circles not related to
free/libre distros, and help by correcting them by citing [1]. Sometimes
people might not even "spread" that information, but instead keep that
for themselves, which is also bad because they can turn that card up any

Finally, as was told, the workaround for this bug in the kernels that
are built using GNU Linux-libre scripts is to get the corresponding
source files and modify the sources explicitly of the GNU Linux-libre
scripts. How you will do that might depend on the non-free functional
data that you will use, and this I cannot teach.


- Formas de contato:
- Ativista do /software/ livre (não confundir com gratuito). Avaliador
  da liberdade de /software/ e de /sites/.
- Arquivos que aceito:
- Contribuições à sociedade:
- Gosta do meu trabalho? Contrate-me ou doe algo para mim!
- Use comunicações sociais federadas padronizadas, onde o "social"
  permanece independente do fornecedor. #DeleteWhatsApp. Use #XMPP
  (, #DeleteFacebook
  #DeleteInstagram #DeleteTwitter #DeleteYouTube. Use #ActivityPub via
  #Mastodon (
- #DeleteNetflix #CancelNetflix. Evite #DRM:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Deblobbed iwlwifi in 4.10+ libre kernels

2018-04-27 Thread enduzzer
I'm not a fanatic and I try to look at everything with insight and use common  

How come a freedom-loving user is a 'fanatic' if he/she refuses to install  
non-free software? I understood you already had a working free wifi dongle to  
use with your toughbook.

If otherwise, this person would be a hypocrite. It'd be like going to  
Anonymous Alcoholics, and after a session go to the nearest bar round the  
corner and get drunk.

I understand a fanatic would refuse to ever touch non-free dongl even if  
there were no other alternatives. Using non-free is not going to kill anybody  
but reverting to it after having a solution at hand is something else.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Deblobbed iwlwifi in 4.10+ libre kernels

2018-04-27 Thread ludek . stastny
Yes, it is true, that it should not be a problem to install non-free firmware  
with libre kernel. Except Ubuntu/Trisquel I use many other distributions and  
for example in libre Slackware variant there is relatively simple way to  
modify Slackbuild file and install libre kernel with necessary iwlwifi files.  
There is nice site about recompiling their kernel:

But of course I know, that this operation will lost Libre distribution  
freedom. It is the question, whether use my external TP Link dongle or more  
comfortable only Toughbook with this small kernel modification, but with  
necessarily by hand recompile the new kernel version. I'm not a fanatic and I  
try to look at everything with insight and use common sense, so the best way  
is to test both variants - the first works perfectly, the second is waiting  
for trying.

Of course the best way is create true opensource iwlwifi driver, in the past  
I was working as system administrator and now I am interested in programming.  
I love text adventure games, so my first programming language was TADS3, but  
because I'm very interested in linux, the next step will be learn C/C++, so I  
will be able to fully explore this system and after gaining more experience  
maybe prepare this piece of software, it will be a great gift to the  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Deblobbed iwlwifi in 4.10+ libre kernels

2018-04-26 Thread joaofilipe
The Libre Kernel is a Kernel that is clean of blobs or possible non-free  
firwares also in the repositories.
So if in any case you need install any firware you are alone to do it  
manually with or without any help of people on foruns and without  technical  
help (documentation) of the distros that uses Libre Kernel .
However if you really needs make up a firware detection on your system you  
can try install the firmware manually by a source , put some speciall  
attention on the versions of kernels that the firware is compatible and  
works, You can install firmwares on Libre Kernels also as in Kernel non-free,  
but the Libre Kernel maybe needs more configs to some firwares work for  
example - dependencies more aditional configs on files etc... .
Remember - when you do it - you lost your freedom or you are in the way to  
get it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Deblobbed iwlwifi in 4.10+ libre kernels

2018-04-26 Thread hd-scania
It looks to stand for asking for the deblobbed iwlwifi drivers and that's not  
yet done.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Deblobbed iwlwifi in 4.10+ libre kernels

2018-04-26 Thread ludek . stastny
Many thanks to all your answers and explanation, what deblobbing true means.  
It is sad, that most of the wifi cards do not working with libre kernel, but  
for now I understand the reason.

I will use small USB wifi dongle from TP Link, it works well with Trisquel  
without any issue. Maybe in the future the situation will change and  
manufacturers will be more willing to deliver their drivers to the community.

Nice coming weekend


Re: [Trisquel-users] Deblobbed iwlwifi in 4.10+ libre kernels

2018-04-25 Thread hd-scania
Yes definitely good news to me (it true), which my wifi card needs the  
nonfree iwlwifi driver up to 4.15.n kernels, will that be asap ported to  
Parabola thanks?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Deblobbed iwlwifi in 4.10+ libre kernels

2018-04-25 Thread enduzzer
Deblobbing something means removing the freedom offending driver or firmware  
and not suggesting it in documentation or otherwise endorsing it.

There’s a difference between how Trisquel and Debian handle this. Debian  
gives instructions on how to enable non-free software while Trisquel  
recommends free alternatives. In this instance, there’s no free driver for  
this hardware, so with Trisquel your options are as MBanana wrote above. Get  
a USB dongle for your wifi that will work with free software.

Maybe you are confusing deblobbing with reverse-engineering.