Re: [Trisquel-users] Either the rating system goes, or I will

2018-05-03 Thread strypey
You could always use one of the federated !groups for Trisquel on GNU Social  
instead. Hopefully by the end of the year all the fediverse apps will be  
federating with ActivityPub, and the !groups will work for users on all the  
apps, not just GS:

But seriously dude, there's no conspiracy here. It's only censorship when a)  
the government is doing it and you can't go somewhere public and say what you  
want, and b) it's an elite of censors not a community consensus, and c)  
there's no easy way (like clicking a link) to access the censored speech. The  
Trisquel forum voting system meets none of those criteria.

Anyone who wants to browse the forum unmoderated can just use it with JS  
turned off and no comments are hidden. Try it for a few weeks, and you might  
find there are a lot of comments you actually prefer not to see, and turn it  
back on.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Either the rating system goes, or I will

2018-04-30 Thread julesverne
I think the voting serves its purpose and very well. Only rarely it will be  
used for minor trolling. If this annoys, it does only to a lesser quantile of  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Either the rating system goes, or I will

2018-04-30 Thread msuzuqi

Hello, quantumgravity.
This thread got a few posts today. Then I noticed being of this thread.
May I ask you question? This thread was made about five months ago.
How do you feel the difference of the situation between then and now? I mean,  
the use of voting of users. I do not know the then situation.

As some of users would know though,

>And if somebody doesnt like an opinion, then he can _reply_. That's right,  
not pressing a button, not hiding the post or marking it red, just replying  
with a valid reason and some constructive points.

I agree with this your comment, or rather, I have stated almost same words  
once or twice.
In short, it seems for me that, I am afraid but frankly, the some of ethical  
people are becoming trolls.

Go for a mummy and come home mummified.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Either the rating system goes, or I will

2018-04-30 Thread strypey
I'm in two minds about the voting system. In a previous life I was a newswire  
clerk on an Indymedia site, one of the volunteers who moderated articles and  
comments posted on the site. Some clerks copped lots of abuse for doing their  
job, particularly the female ones I noticed. We often debated replacing that  
system with a user-moderation system like the ones used here, for the sorts  
of reasons given by MagicBanana, but we never did because of concerns about  
implicit bias etc.

I've definitely seen the voting system here badly abused. On one potentially  
libellous thread about Technoethical, a number of perfectly reasonable  
responses by the operator of Technoethical, explaining the circumstances that  
let to the complaints in the OP, were downvoted until hidden. On the other  
hand, I've also opened up some hidden comments out of curiosity, and found  
nonsense and abuse that I am really glad isn't shown to new users who come to  
the forums (with JS on) for support and fellowship.

I've suggested in other threads that the mods consider moving the forums to  
Discourse, which has a number of baked-in mechanisms for discouraging  
unhelpful posting in forums. If we stay with the current system, I would  
suggest two fairly trivial changes that might help improve the use of the  
voting system:

* change the number of votes required to hide a post to 5. If a posting  
really is inappropriate, there are enough responsible regulars for it to  
attract 5 downvotes, but posts are less likely to be hidden for trivial or  
inappropriate reasons

* put a string of text to the left of the voting buttons saying something  
like 'violates community guidelines' (linked to them), and a string of text  
to the right of the voting buttons saying something like 'abides by community  
guidelines' (linked to them). I think a number of users are mistaking  
appropriate / inappropriate buttons for agree / disagree buttons.

BTW At the top of the community guidelines there needs to be a short  
paragraph explaining how the user-driven moderation works, maybe linked to  
another page with a fuller explanation.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Either the rating system goes, or I will

2018-04-30 Thread trisquelforum

This. Or removing the system. Both seem to be good ideas.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Either the rating system goes, or I will

2018-04-30 Thread strypey

> It's not using Javascript

It is using JS to hide comments (as others have mentioned above), so in  
theory, the voting counter could be updated without reloading the entire  
page. But I'm gussing this would require some non-trivial dev by someone  
reasonably fluent in JS, and testing to make sure it doesn't break anything  
else. Your suggestion about using an anchor link could also be a solution,  
but I suspect this would also involve a non-trivial modification of the forum  
software used here.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Either the rating system goes, or I will

2017-11-22 Thread shiretoko
It's not using Javascript so there is no way you can update the voting system  
without reloading the page.

Reloading the page means going to the top.

Now, they could attach the anchor of the comment to the voting link. That  
way, the page would still reload, you would still go up to the top of the  
page but go down again right afterwards.

Maybe you wouldn't even notice the difference.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Either the rating system goes, or I will

2017-11-22 Thread leoo
My beef with the rating system is that after clicking plus or minus, it zooms  
me back to the top of the page.  I don't want that.  Why would anyone?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Either the rating system goes, or I will

2017-11-22 Thread shiretoko

Hello David, thanks for your response.
Here is my new email adress:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Either the rating system goes, or I will

2017-11-21 Thread contact
Well, I am so used to getting rejections and being dorky and uncool that I  
stopped giving a flying duck about ratings ages ago. Maybe the fellow just  
had a bad Reddit or Slashdot experience.

Lester Bangs — "The only true currency in this bankrupt world is what you  
share with someone else when you're uncool."

Re: [Trisquel-users] Either the rating system goes, or I will

2017-11-21 Thread J.B. Nicholson wrote:

There's a rating sytem?

Not on the trisquel-users mailing list, but on the Trisquel users web forum 
there is. The forum and mailing list mirror each other -- posts to one are 
copied to the other.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Either the rating system goes, or I will

2017-11-21 Thread contact
There's a rating sytem? 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Either the rating system goes, or I will

2017-11-21 Thread david

Hello, quantumgravity and all, sorry for the delayed answer.

I read this thread way too late last monday and I apologize for that, this  
last week has been a bit complicated for me although I understand that's not  
an excuse for leaving a reasonable request unattended and much less for not  
having worked before on the voting system which I agree has long-standing  
issues that deserve our attention.

First of all, I'd like you to understand that we don't ignore these issues,  
we set up the voting system a long time ago to prevent some specific  
behaviours and the community and its needs have evolved since then. As other  
aspects of the current site, it's not that easy to change this system into an  
ideal solution but it can be improved to some extent.

Since I got up-to-date with the forum threads, I've been working on improving  
the behaviour of this function and hopefully will soon have some changes  
ready to address your concerns.

@quantumgravity, I tried to reach you by email but it didn't work and then I  
realized your statement regarding this email address at your profile page.  
Can you please contact me again providing some new address so I can write you  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Either the rating system goes, or I will

2017-11-20 Thread jodiendo

quantumgravity said

By the way, how can I actually leave? I can't find any "delete account"  

no one is stopping you, just leave

Re: [Trisquel-users] Either the rating system goes, or I will

2017-11-20 Thread jodiendo

quantumgravity said

by the way, how can I actually leave? I can't find any "delete account"  

ust use your imagination on this one.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Either the rating system goes, or I will

2017-11-20 Thread jodiendo

SuperTramp83 or supertramposo

after all, the cloak of invisibility is not flawless but completely a mental  
twist  of words to others...

I could see a colloquial Metamorphism leader "LOL", i JUST MADE THIS ONE...  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Either the rating system goes, or I will

2017-11-19 Thread greatgnu
>By the way, how can I actually leave? I can't find any "delete account"  

See? You can not leave! It's doom. :P

Re: [Trisquel-users] Either the rating system goes, or I will

2017-11-19 Thread greatgnu
Yes, I do dislike the voting system very much and I have openly expressed my  
discontent in the past and several times so, but as much as it annoys me I  
still enjoy this place a lot. Trisquellinho baptized me in the church of the  
free gahnuu after all.. it will always be special for me.

Stay and just ignore it, senor quantii.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Either the rating system goes, or I will

2017-11-18 Thread shiretoko
It was still hidden after my vote: the counter showed "-2" but still it was  

I don't know why it's not hidden anymore. Maybe 0 is the threshold...

And again, I'm not against a self-moderating approach in general. "mark as  
spam" would be less likely to be abused, and if the threshold would be, let's  
say five... that would be appropriate.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Either the rating system goes, or I will

2017-11-17 Thread dhood
You posted a deliberately inflammatory post. The context of your words are as  
important, if not more important than the words themselves. You know this,  
its why you entitled this thread the way you did. It is eye catching.

You could have entitled this thread: "Forum Improvement Request" or "Lets  
find a better way to address trolls" or even "Freedom of Speech Concern with  

That is not what you did. You threw a fit and chose an immature phrasing akin  
to "Do what I say or else".

Nothing in your original post communicates a request for dialogue from anyone  
other than those who agree with you or those who will try to convince you not  
to leave. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Either the rating system goes, or I will

2017-11-17 Thread dhood
There is no function to delete one's own account, you would need to contact  
someone with moderator privileges and ask them to complete the request  
directly. I am unsure which members have those privileges currently.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Either the rating system goes, or I will

2017-11-17 Thread masonhock
> As a result, you feel as if the whole community is just shouting "shut up!"  
right into your face, while actually three votes are not representative at  

Exactly. It's because the voting system is stupid that it isn't worth taking  
personally. I find this community to be a generally positive, and you're a  
part of that. It would be a shame if you left over this.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Either the rating system goes, or I will

2017-11-17 Thread shiretoko
Maybe you're right about my anger clouding my judgement and me projecting  
flaws of individual users to the whole community.
But that's one of the biggest flaws of the rating system: three people (or  
maybe even one person with three accounts...) dislikes your comment, it gets  
marked with a red bar and is hidden with this shameful "rating too low"  
label. As a result, you feel as if the whole community is just shouting "shut  
up!" right into your face, while actually three votes are not representative  
at all.

I will just wait a few days until I can be more calm about the whole issue  
and decide then. Besides, from what I've seen there is no real way to delete  
an account anyway.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Either the rating system goes, or I will

2017-11-17 Thread jbahn
I am no fan of the voting system either. I have no idea of what it takes to  
remove or change it (technically or practically). I fully acknowledge and  
respect your dislike of it. I also fully accept your opinion about the lack  
of communication from developers and the pace of development.

I don't know the numbers behind your statistic conclusion, but I do believe  
that this forum is one of the best places for dedicated free software users  
and advocates - despite its flaws.

I hope you will consider to stay - your farewell would leave the forum weaker  
than it is now.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Either the rating system goes, or I will

2017-11-17 Thread masonhock
> the forum as a place for free and open discussions gets ruined by this  
shitty feature

I'd hardly say "ruined." No one's speech is censored by down-votes.  
Everyone's posts can still be read with one click or zero depending on  
whether or not JavaScript is enabled. All that down-voting does is express  
disapproval, which should also be allowed in a free and open forum. Freedom  
of speech does not mean freedom from disapproval of your speech.

I agree that down-voting is a silly way to express disapproval. Down-voting a  
comment just because you disagree is passive aggressive and immature.  
Discourse would be improved if the feature were only for flagging violations  
of community guidelines. However, level of discourse is not an issue of  

The voting system is stupid and should be replaced. I understand why you are  
frustrated with people who down-vote posts without presenting a  
counterargument. You have every right to be angry at whoever down-voted that  
comment of yours on that other thread, as you were not violating any  
community guidelines. However, I think that your justified anger is clouding  
your judgement, as your attempt to frame this as a moral issue to condemn the  
entire community is flawed, and from what I have seen you are an otherwise  
logical person.

Even if the voting system doesn't get fixed any time soon, there are plenty  
of people here who do respond to posts with which they disagree with an  
argument. Numbers, red bars, and extra clicks are irrelevant to those  
arguments. I recommend disabling JavaScript on the site. It is unnecessary,  
and without it I do not even have to click on down-voted posts in order to  
read them.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Either the rating system goes, or I will

2017-11-16 Thread greatgnu
Dude.. I mean, dude.. why leaving because of this crap, it's crap  
but that does not excuse you, you are not excused, so you can't leave.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Either the rating system goes, or I will

2017-11-16 Thread dhood

Ok, I'll bite.

I use the downvote feature from time to time to express that a thread is  
worthless without feeding the troll. A downvote doesn't prevent a thread from  
moving down the list of active threads like a comment does.

I downvoted your topic when you posted this thread. I stand by that action.  
You did not post this thread to have an open exchange of ideas. You deserved  
to be downvoted.

Anyone who qualifies their statements with "or I'll leave" should just leave.  
They are clearly overly invested in an online forum they are no longer able  
to contribute to. You have been here a long time, you have helped a lot of  
people. It would be better that you leave now to allow that legacy to stand  
than undermine it by posting threads that show you are not here for good  
reasons anymore.

You have free speech, downvotes do no prevent you from using free speech.  
They do prevent you from using free speech WITHOUT CONSEQUENCES. You are not  
entitled to have every post be well received or openly debated. People have  
that right to express their free speech by saying "man, what a shitty thing  
to say" downvote it, and move on with their lives.

Today you are a troll. Tomorrow I hope you either make better choices or  
leave. Either way the community will be better off. I hope for the former,  
but its up to you. Continue to post like this and you can just assume any  
downvote you get is from me. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Either the rating system goes, or I will

2017-11-15 Thread masonhock

> I don't share your experience with this system

It's likely that my experience is incomplete. I only recently realized that  
it only takes a couple of downvotes to hide comments. In fact, for a while I  
was confused when people talked about comments being hidden because I've  
never had javascript enabled while using the site. So I haven't been paying  
attention to the issue for as long as you have.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Either the rating system goes, or I will

2017-11-15 Thread masonhock
(7) If someone's flags are reversed a certain number of times, they are  
suspended from being able to flag comments. They should be warned about this  
before pressing submit.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Either the rating system goes, or I will

2017-11-15 Thread masonhock

Maybe something like this would be better than up/down-votes.

(1) Replace the +/- with "flag as inappropriate"
(2) If you click "flag as inappropriate" the community guidelines are  
displayed and you are asked to mark which ones have been broken.
(3) If you mark at least one and press submit, the comment will become hidden  
by default but optionally displayable.
(4) "flag as inappropriate" is then replaced with "not inappropriate" or  
something similar. If a certain number of people (2-3?) who aren't the author  
of the comment click this, then the comment will be fully displayed again and  
no-one can re-flag it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Either the rating system goes, or I will

2017-11-15 Thread masonhock
Ha, I was just going through the troll lounge and realized that your comment  
that got down-voted was in response to mine. My comment above probably seemed  
really passive-aggressive. I honestly hadn't seen your comment yet.

Your comment was constructive and should not have been down-voted. I still  
support that particular thread getting moved to the troll lounge because it  
contributed nothing valuable and the OP was fraudulently posing as a Trisquel  
developer, but there have been other "where is Trisquel 8" threads that have  
resulted in some meaningful discussion and I agree that they should not be  
censored. I now understand why you are angry.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Either the rating system goes, or I will

2017-11-15 Thread masonhock
I've only ever seen quantumgravity be helpful and constructive, so I believe  
that if he received downvotes they were unjustified. But as you say it's best  
to just ignore nonsense like that.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Either the rating system goes, or I will

2017-11-15 Thread pinmaritim
The voting was initially for "spotting trolls" but many seem to abuse of  
that, ie down voting someone who express's his opinion or critisism, and in  
the case of Quantumgravity who has been part of the Trisquel Forum fo a while  
can feel upset by the recent "unjustified" down votes he had on previous  

Seeing there is no moderators, i would recommend a certain level of "retenue"  
, and prefer people debate their different opinion, rather than cklck on "i  
like" or "i don't like".

By the way i got downvoted for posting the Blag Kickstart after  
all, in life one isn't suppose to be in everyones good books after all ;-)  
whatever misterious reason or not.

There is more important things in life too.
Best is to laught about it !

Re: [Trisquel-users] Either the rating system goes, or I will

2017-11-15 Thread masonhock
I agree that the rating system is not really necessary and a little silly.  
There was also that thread a few months ago (which I won't link to because it  
should stay dead) in which someone intentionally abused the system with  
multiple down-votes from the same IP address to hide certain comments. If  
this happened frequently I would agree that the voting system should go, but  
I have only seen it happen once and a moderator addressed it promptly.

A post is only hidden if multiple people down-vote it, so apart from  
situations like the one I alluded to it is unlikely that a comment will be  
hidden without good reason. All of the comments I can remember being "hidden"  
(displaying them is optional with JS enabled, and they are always displayed  
with JS disable) have violated the community guidelines. Even if a post does  
get hidden without good cause, others can quickly cancel out the down-votes  
with up-votes.

The alternatives would be (1) have moderators delete the posts or (2) change  
the community guidelines. I think that indicating that a post is  
inappropriate without censoring it is a better solution.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Either the rating system goes, or I will

2017-11-15 Thread leestrobel

Why does it bother you so much?