Re: [Trisquel-users] Few problems in Trisquel 7

2015-05-27 Thread mikokiko89
Thanks but I don't see the language applet, that's the problem. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Few problems in Trisquel 7

2015-05-27 Thread mikokiko89
Thank you for the answer! I'll try these options to see which is the best for  
me. About the P.S. - I has been wondering for some time now if any kind of  
Libre organization exist here in BG and I am really happy to see here is such  
and the events coming. I'll come to at least one course so see you there. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Few problems in Trisquel 7

2015-05-25 Thread davesamcdxv
Try editing the panel by "OK, now I know that I have to press Alt button when  
I right clicking on the panel. smile". Is the language applet thingie there  
to be added (note: by doing the same thing as what I linked to I think you  
can remove applets as well)?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Few problems in Trisquel 7

2015-05-24 Thread martin
PS: mokavey, if you are from Sofia you may want to come to some of the events  
I'm doing here.  I'm preparing tod do a 3-day course about GNU/Linux in  
several weeks.  It will include how install and use Trisquel (and why).  See and you can follow the news there (keeping in mind I'm  
still preparing the site for the events). :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Few problems in Trisquel 7

2015-05-24 Thread martin
The problem isn't with the Bulgarian localization or anything like that, but  
only with switching of keyboard layouts.  In fact, I installed Trisquel 7  
mini with a Bulgarian layout several weeks ago, and I use Trisquel 7  
(non-mini) with a Bulgarian layout on my computer. :)

We already had a discussion about this issue here:

* Trisquel 7 (default)

On my computer, I wasn't able to do set it properly no matter what I tried.   
The system settings for layouts and the setting for a layout switching  
shortcuts didn't do anything.  Ultimately I dealt with all the issues by  
installing GNOME Shell.

But in the default installation, you can use 'ibus-setup' (from a terminal)  
to set a layout switch keys and to add a layout applet on the panel.  But the  
layout applet doesn't show the current layout, just a keyboard icon.  Also,  
the 'ibus-setup' program has a very awkward interface.

The reason for all those problems is that when GNOME officially switched to  
GNOME Shell, the older stuff were badly maintained.  Maybe things are better  
in newer version.

* Trisquel 7 mini

Trisquel mini has similar issues.  I wasn't able to set a shortcut key for  
switching the layout, but at least the switcher did show the current layout.   
Maybe 'ibus-setup' could work for setting a keyboard switch shortcut, but I  
forgot how to work with the awkward interface.

The person who is using the computer didn't care about using a shortcut key,  
so I left it like this.

* Installing GNOME Shell

You can install GNOME Shell with:

sudo aptitude -R install gnome-shell

At first I had problems with logging in the GNOME session, so I installing  
GDM.  Later I found I had to use "System Defaults" session rather than "GNOME  
session", otherwise it would only load a blank desktop and a lone mouse  

May you don't need GDM, but if you do, you can install it with:

sudo aptitude install gdm

Re: [Trisquel-users] Few problems in Trisquel 7

2015-05-24 Thread mikokiko89

Thank you for the answer!

While I've managed to partition the HDD as I want during the pre-installation  
of Trisquel I still cannot write in Bulgarian. I've chosen English for both  
the system and writhing. In the freshly installed OS I tried to add BG  
language support. All I get is BG translation after restart. I've opted out  
the IBus. In Region and Language section input devices/methods I have both  
EN-US and BG (in that order) and in System the setting are as follows:

Your settings

Menus: BG
Input: EN-US,
Format: BG

System settings

Menus: EN (US)
Input: EN-US
Format: BG

So during the installation I chose BG format. Maybe thats the problem.  
However, I guess that the input languages are OK but for whatever reason I  
cannot switch them. Is the possible and how to add input language applet in  
the GNOME Panel (Flashback) in Trisquel 7 or not?