Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel installation help

2012-03-02 Thread gustavo_cm
See Magic Banana's answer on this same topic:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel installation help

2012-03-02 Thread gustavo_cm
This /storage mount point is a good idea. I do something different: I have  
a /home/library directory, where I put all my books, musics and movies,  
sorted not by file type, but in categories like art, politics,  
computing and so on. In my user directory I have office things, like  
e-mails, temporary downloads etc.

Note that the number of primary partitions is limited to 4 (or 3 primary and  
1 extended), so you should make at least one of the partitions extended.

That's true if you are using MBR, but not if you are using GPT, which is much  
better. Quoting myself  

1. You could use GPT instead of MBR; an advantage is that you don't need  
extended partitions, another is the CRC32 integrity-check mechanism; see:

[] (Trisquel has  
gdisk and GRUB 2 in its repos)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel installation help

2012-03-02 Thread alonivtsan
It's a shame GRUB-legacy doesn't support GPT as that is what Parabola offers  
by default, so if you intend to use Parabola and want everything to just  
work after installation it's best to create extended partitions :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel installation help

2012-03-01 Thread gp
It really depends on what you intend to do with your system.If you'll install  
a *lot* of applications and games etc, then go with this

/ root partition ~25gb
/home home partition rest of it

if you just use your computer for daily work, 15gb is more than enough for  
the root partition ( / ) .

For the swap, it should always be more than your RAM.
If you have less than 1gb, add 1gb to it and that'll be your swap.
If you havearound 2gb, double it.
If you have 4gb or more, add 1gb to it.
If you have something colossal like 16gb or something, you better have  
something like a 20gb swap :P

Please ask if you have any problems.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel installation help

2012-03-01 Thread akirashinigami
Regarding swap, I've heard this advice before, but it's never made sense to  
me.  Applications use swap when they run out of RAM, right?  If that's the  
case, then shouldn't you need less swap if you have more RAM?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel installation help

2012-03-01 Thread alonivtsan
If you wish to install a different distro in the future in addition to  
Trisquel (e.g. Parabola) it is best to make a small home directory, as the  
home directory also stores application settings which might not work if you  
use a different version of installed packages (or the same version packaged  
for a different distro) as the settings might be stored in a different path  
or new package versions might not be compatible with setting files from older  
package versions.

I would recomment something like this:

/swap - up to 2 GB
/root - up to 15 GB (unless you plan on installing lots of desktop  
environmanets and large games in which case maybe 20 GB would be better).

/home - up to 10 GB (so you can also store email for offline use)
/storage (for movies, music etc) - the rest. This partition can be split in  
the future (e.g. via GParted) if you want to install another distro as well.

Note that the number of primary partitions is limited to 4 (or 3 primary and  
1 extended), so it might be preferable to make at least one of the partitions  