This "/storage" mount point is a good idea. I do something different: I have a /home/library directory, where I put all my books, musics and movies, sorted not by file type, but in categories like "art", "politics", "computing" and so on. In my user directory I have "office" things, like e-mails, temporary downloads etc.

Note that the number of primary partitions is limited to 4 (or 3 primary and 1 extended), so you should make at least one of the partitions extended.

That's true if you are using MBR, but not if you are using GPT, which is much better. Quoting myself [ here]:

1. You could use GPT instead of MBR; an advantage is that you don't need extended partitions, another is the CRC32 integrity-check mechanism; see:
[] (Trisquel has gdisk and GRUB 2 in its repos)

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