Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel is about ethics not technology or innovation

2016-06-06 Thread davesamcdxv
Distro releases, technology, and innovation honestly don't have much to do  
with each other anyway so.. (besides, the innovation would've arrived in  
Arch before it does to any fixed-release distro that tries to 'innovate').

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel is about ethics not technology or innovation

2016-06-06 Thread tegskywalker
I know what you are trying to say. You felt like you had to be vocal about  
something that has been pretty standard with Trisquel the past few years.  
Judging from the age of your forum account, you may want to do more research  
before you accuse others and assume you are correct.

I think you are misunderstood about what a Snap package is. It is sandboxed  
software with all of its dependencies included and is updated more frequently  
as updates are pushed by the developer.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel is about ethics not technology or innovation

2016-06-06 Thread mcz

It's about getting the newest cool toy, it's very human.
But among people who actually get the job done, they sometimes work with very  
archaic/simple tools and methods.

So it's a fact that Trisquel will always be a bit late.
But at least you know what's in there, and why it matters to you. Plus the  
programs who need a more regular update are taken care of, if I'm not  
I probably misunderstand the difference between an update and getting the  
next version.

But my point is, once you got the tool that fits your needs, don't focus so  
much on it, just use it for your goals. That's why it's useful, and not a  
time waster/diversion.

Trisquel isn't perfect, but it's pretty solid, and does that while respecting  
the user.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel is about ethics not technology or innovation

2016-06-05 Thread jabjabs
Can't like this post enough. The technology talk while nice can drown out the  
really important issues.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel is about ethics not technology or innovation

2016-06-05 Thread albertoefg

I think you are missing my point entirely.

Trisquel is not about new features.

Trisquel is about taking care of your freedom.

So we have to wait 6 months for installing snappy packages, yeah so what? We  
have our freedom. Is not like we are gonna get a bunch of new programs.

Most of what I already do on Trisquel won't change with the new Trisquel, I  
will have the same GIMP, the same LibreOffice, the same Linux-libre Kernel,  
and so on.

Why is so important to have a new Trisquel? I just don't get it.

But even in the technical aspect, it is not even so important.

If you take the time to use Ubuntu 16.04 you will realize it is pretty bad.  
Lots of bugs. Many things working wost than ever. And like only 20 snappy  
packages available. Even the new Software application wasn't worth to install  
deb packages. It is just not worth it yet.

So even in the technical aspect is better to wait for a more stable distro  
than rush into new shiny, but worthless things. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel is about ethics not technology or innovation

2016-06-05 Thread enduzzer

They should fix the multiple keyboard layout glitch any time soon.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel is about ethics not technology or innovation

2016-06-05 Thread tegskywalker

Snap packages are optional and can contain 100% free software.

Oh and btw... The Snap program in Ubuntu is GPLv3:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel is about ethics not technology or innovation

2016-06-05 Thread dguthrie
When I'm saying "the community" I am mainly referring to the community of  
Of course I'd rather make something that would benefit people more widely and  
advocate free software philosophy in general than necessarily solely promote  
Trisquel. Thanks anyway, I haven't read that particular page.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel is about ethics not technology or innovation

2016-06-05 Thread greatgnu

There are many ways to help the community.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel is about ethics not technology or innovation

2016-06-05 Thread dguthrie
> I think most wont say: "hey thanks good to know", but "I don't care I want  
Trisquel now"

That's wrong.
I would like them to tell us how it is going, that's all. It's better than  
this walll of silence.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel is about ethics not technology or innovation

2016-06-05 Thread albertoefg

Imagine this post:

"Hello everyone we are still working on Trisquel 8. No release date yet  
because it is a lot of work"

Will you be okay with it?

I think most wont say: "hey thanks good to know", but "I don't  care I want  
Trisquel now".

I see no point in such a post

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel is about ethics not technology or innovation

2016-06-05 Thread dguthrie
I don't care about these silly "snappy packages", the newest software, or the  
latest and greatest technology. I care about software freedom, and Trisquel  
seems to offer it.
I know we technically don't deserve anything (according to law) if we do not  
financially support the project. I think we are thanking them by being here  
and helping to make the community stronger.
As a result, I think it is fair to ask for an update, not even once a month,  
just regularly. A small news update about where we are and what we want to  
do. Is that really too much to ask? This is the issue I have with the way the  
project is going. It would make the community feel like they are  
participating more in the development. It is quite closed right now, or at  
least I would say that it does not really present the most inviting  
environment for developers.
