[TROM1] Thank you Colleen

2015-11-01 Thread The Resolution of Mind list
The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org

Very helpful insights!

This being has come a long way since it decided to have such a visceral
> experience, playing with cause and effect. There has not been much to write
> home about because I've created an environment wherein not much severely
> aggravates the unconscious reactive mind, although I'm aware it is still a
> sleeping giant and the work is not done; however I have not been
> aggressively handling my mind other than a daily practice of RI, and some
> occasional timebreaking, for example my recent handling of fear of spiders,
> and then another larger, related fear underneath that.
> Recently I re-listened several times to Dennis' two lectures - The
> Philosophy of TROM and The Game Strategy - to inspire me and to stir up my
> case. It worked!
> Over the past few days my case did get stirred up and I forced myself to
> take a look at my compulsion re the junior goals package of "To Help". No
> matter how life-oriented a goals package is, when it is compulsive I run
> the risk of violating the ethics of force and prevention when interacting
> with the considerations of force and prevention that another holds onto.
> This is where I realized it is important to understand the components of
> game strategies.
> There are four legs or basic choices of any goals package and I am as happy
> as I can correctly decide how to employ them when interacting with self and
> others.
> I was at the same time falling in love with the goals package of "To
> Reason, to Logic". All life oriented goals packages are beautiful and when
> employed WITHOUT ANY BIAS for one leg or another one's life is beautiful
> and one gets along quite well in this universe with the creator's
> intention. This is where Dennis' Level Five activities resolve that problem
> once and for all.
> Non-life goals, such as "To Hate", "To Degrade" are nested under their
> respective life-oriented goals package. For example, "To Degrade" is nested
> under "To Enhance". Dennis gives very strict instructions that when
> encountering a non-life goal to never attempt to resolve it other than
> through resolving held onto importances from the past of the associated
> life-oriented goals package. So, in an extreme case regarding "To Degrade"
> I would be plugging in each of the four legs of "To Enhance" and timebreak
> any charge and past scenes tagged with them and so bring the whole goals
> package into balance, unaffected negatively by anything from the past; nor
> would I be using that as a cover for some game strategy.
> I would then be able to interact with others in a perfectly balanced and
> rhythmic exchange with the basic life-oriented postulates of this universe.
> No more hate and degradation. No more insistence on forcing or preventing
> help. No more stuck game strategies as ways of being.
> While meditating upon all this I took a look at the public persona of
> Eckhardt Tolle and as far as I could detect he seemed to me to be an
> example of one who is not particularly stuck in any one leg of the "To
> Know" goals package. At least not compared with my own condition. I don't
> perceive that he particularly "must know" or "must be known" or "must not
> know" or "must not be known", and he seems to be able to interact with
> people who seek him out without overwhelming them. I wouldn't however say
> the same for the Dalai Lama. This is where I need to learn more about game
> strategies because wholly successful personas can be created to be a game
> strategy. We believe we really are that identity and we get largely
> rewarded for it.
> This is where the study of "The Game Strategy" becomes important for
> getting wise about games and staying out of trouble. In his lecture, Dennis
> gives the four necessary components of a game strategy. From Dennis'
> observations, almost anyone who had a childhood has extant game strategies.
> So, coincident with listening to Dennis, my case got jumpstarted a few days
> ago when I received a surprisingly negative phone call in the dark of the
> night from someone who violently opposed my attempt to help in a situation.
> I went reactive and nursed my injury while I was trying to understand "what
> just happened?!". I immediately saw my own to-help compulsion and took some
> charge off it, but something still hung fire.
> There was a secretive aspect to what I did to help, however logically,
> using reason, there really was no way I could have created a real threat as
> I was being accused, so the "other" was also blowing up because a
> successful and fixed way of being was under threat. The powderkeg Dennis
> talks about in his lecture, The Game Strategy.
> Of course, senior to "To Help" is my favorite leg of the "To Know" package,
> i.e., "Must be Known". Must create an effect to be known by, and what
> better effect than to help. It ever hardly occurs to me that it might 

[TROM1] thank you !

2013-09-18 Thread ale

The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org

thank you Pete
Trom mailing list

[TROM1] thank you

2013-09-10 Thread ale

The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org

hello Pete,
thamk you very much for the hint.
The point is that I want to give a lecture about insanity in our  
politicians.And to give common people

a tool with which spot insanity politicians in our government.
They have to make people thrive.We must stop them to give pnly promises.
I am an active member of Movimento 5 Stelle of Beppe Grillo the  
italian comedian that has a political party.
I think is important to widespread the definition of insanity we have  
inTrom , all around the world.

I let you know how it goes,
Trom mailing list