Re: [TROM1] Notes on RI: The Surprise Game

2016-07-22 Thread The Resolution of Mind list
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It's great to hear you are using the tech.  

Pete McLaughlin

P.s. You need to sign your posts so others know who is talking.


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> On Jul 22, 2016, at 8:52 AM, The Resolution of Mind list 
>  wrote:
> *
> The following message is relayed to you by
> I currently assist someone who read TROM -- through a present-time problem 
> that they feel keeps them from doing the TROM exercises (issues with time),  
> by asking up front for the postulate(s) during the time-stop that Dennis 
> discussed in his "IP" lectures. John Galusha also developed this technique 
> after a insight from one of his clients.
> We start the session with RI and end with RI. I noticed that the ending RI is 
> sometimes interactive because I'm likewise 360'ing into existence what the 
> "another" brings into existence and I lightheartedly offer up some things to 
> bring into existence and it gets quite playful as one is usually keyed-out a 
> bit after a session - or the RI will key one out if the one session was not 
> fully resolving the present-time problem.
> This reminded me of Dennis' description of the interactive version of the 
> "Surprise Game".
> Here is an excerpt from Dennis' lecture on "The Surprise Game".
> The Surprise Game
> Well why doesn’t the postulate ever fail? Alright to understand that I better 
> give you another example.
> Back in the 1950’s in London there used to be a game us auditors played and 
> it’s based upon a very, very old game on the time track. Very, very… very 
> early in this universe there’s a game called the “Surprise Game” . You see, 
> the spiritual … goes up to another being and says, “look now,” he says’ 
> “imagine this box here.” He got this box… imagine a box. And , “Yes,” says 
> the other being and he imagines a box. “Just imagine,” he says, “when you 
> open the lid of this box and look inside you will get a surprise. Just agree 
> that that will be so.” And the other being says, “Alright. I agree that when 
> I open up the box and look inside I will get a surprise.”
> 09:53
> So he and the first being says to him, “Ok, now go ahead and open the little 
> box and look inside.” So he opens the lid of the box that he’s just mocked 
> up. Opens it and looks inside and, of course, gets a surprise. See?
> 10:03
> “What a marvelous game,” you see, surprise game. And we used to play this 
> game in London. Ron Hubbard introduced the game there is… he told us it was 
> an early track game and many of us checked it out and found it is so you can 
> find it, you can find this game on anyone’s timetrack. Right very, very early 
> on. Very early universe this game is. But the…the surprise game.
> 10:29
> used to play this game with all the other auditors. We used to play on each 
> other and play it on…. Get other people to play this game and get our 
> preclears to play this game.Dennis
> -- 
> ___
> TROM mailing list
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Re: [TROM1] Notes on RI - I stopped making it complicated

2016-04-10 Thread The Resolution of Mind list
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Hi Colleen
 Very good. Keep it simple works well for RI.

Pete Mclaughlin

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> On Apr 9, 2016, at 7:14 PM, The Resolution of Mind list 
>  wrote:
> *
> The following message is relayed to you by
> I hope this note will help someone down the road avoid the mistake I was 
> making with RI, and can see how simple it can be for the purposes of having a 
> successful timebreaking session.
> The mistake I was making was that I presented the creation to my mind for 
> processing and not simply put it all around me as an exercise.
> Thanks to feedback from fellow trommers, I have more certainty and attention 
> to actually put the item around my physical space and not in my head - not in 
> my mind for my mind to process. It is now simply an exercise. I am exercising 
> command power over my mind. I am doing the exercise (technically one could 
> say my current valence is doing the exercise, and it suffices for now).
> Starting off the RI exercise using six directions (front/back, top/bottom, 
> left/right) helps me ensure I really put the object(s) in my actual space 
> around me, compared with how I was doing it for a long time. 
> To keep it simple I choose an object in my room - nothing fancy - a lamp will 
> do. I hold the object (or multiples of the object, for example, three lamps) 
> in six directions and then add more so the objects (i.e., all the lamps I 
> created) are all around me; alternatively, I can make one larger object and 
> put it all around me holographically (i.e., a very large version of the 
> lamp). 
> I do the same for "another", choosing some object they might have in their 
> space. I don't get into any psychological aspects ... I just want to keep it 
> simple and get onto timebreaking.
> Either way does the job. I feel stress coming off, it's relaxing, and I feel 
> positive I'm ready to start the timebreaking.
> Thank you fellow trommers for straightening me out on this with your feedback.
> Note: I'm not denying there are a lot of fun and interesting things one can 
> do with RI. 
> For example, I did recently post how I was using extended RI to create 
> something from the ground up, and that was more a hobby and not related to a 
> timebreaking session.
> colleen
> ___
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Re: [TROM1] Notes on RI

2016-02-17 Thread The Resolution of Mind list
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Hi Colleen
  On #3 for me 4d would mean being inside the stuffed toy animal seeing all the 
stuffing, inside of the fabric etc and adding the time element so seeing it 
being assembled at the beginning, seeing its existence with all the getting 
played with, dirty, washed and played with again and finally seeing it 
disintegrate on some refuse dump.

However, while i started out making things like apple pies all around me 
repeatedly I now  simply design stuff I need to make or jobs I need to do.  For 
instance, I need to fetch a 13 foot 1000 pound log out of the woods and move it 
o my saw mill.  I picture the devices I need to connect to the log, knots I 
need to attach to the devices on the log and  where I can anchor the winch I 
will use to pull the log out of the woods.

This kind of problem is most interesting to me.  It solves a problem in life 
that I need to accomplish in the next day.

For me "360 degrees around me" is not limited to a horizontal plane.  I am at a 
point location independent of gravity or the horizon so 360 is spherical.

Pete McLaughlin

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> On Feb 17, 2016, at 8:34 PM, The Resolution of Mind list 
>  wrote:
> *
> The following message is relayed to you by
> I still sometimes ponder over Dennis' instructions for the Repair of 
> Importances exercise. Take, for example, his instruction of "... put it 
> around you 360-degrees ...":
> 360-degrees could be either:
> 1. as a diorama placed upon the concave side of a sphere with self in the 
> center;
> 2. as fractals of the same thing (like a compound eye) placed spherically 
> around you; or
> 3. as a holographic 4d: you are inside the thing and can view everything from 
> that "inside". For example, you put a stuffed toy animal all around you and 
> you see the stuffing inside of it, plus the top and bottom and front and 
> back, etcetera - all of it in a 4th dimensional, holographic sense.
> "Quantity vs Quality" could be achieved for 
> #1 by repeatedly putting up the diorama scene until no more change. With 
> #2 quantity is achieved by itself and one can simply hold that scene there 
> until no more change. With 
> #3, quantity can be achieved by, as with #1, repeatedly placing the original 
> item there everytime a change occurs. 
> The bottom line is to feel relaxed and ready to go into the time-breaking 
> activity with a positive attitude.
> Because of somewhat occluded vision I also "feel" it all around me, as when a 
> blind man relies more heavily on his other perceptics.
> OKAY, so I do this repeatedly - after everytime I lose the imagery or 
> "feeling" or some other change occurs, and I usually stop once the body 
> relaxes.
> The importance for me is not necessarily in seeing it but in feeling and 
> knowing it is all around me - that is "havingness" (i.e., an "importance"), 
> similar to walking around and getting touchy-feelie with objects in the 
> environment  -- until no more change.
> I would appreciate feedback on whether you are doing #1, #2, or #3, or 
> something else. How is RI working for you?
> Colleen
> ___
> TROM mailing list
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Re: [TROM1] Notes RE RI

2012-12-28 Thread Aarre Peltomaa
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Thanks very much;  Don't forget to listen to that IP lecture on TIPM again.
We can create MEST by putting up the 4 postulates in equilibrium of
complementary and opposing,  but that sounds like a hard go at this
gradient,  doesn't it.  That seems like too much quality and not
enough quantity in my opinion.  Isn't it way too much work  at our
level ?

On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 9:05 AM, Colleen K. Peltomaa wrote:
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 I was listening to a talk by Lester Levenson re Will, and looking at a 
 cooking pot in the kitchen and realized that I am creating it -- 
 unconsciously, on an automaticity, and that made a shift for me in my RI'ing, 
 and brought to mind that Dennis said quantity is more important than quality.

 Oh, also, just realized I had dropped having others create things too  :-)


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