Re: [TruthTalk] Chuck Spingola

2003-11-17 Thread ttxpress

On Mon, 17 Nov 2003 00:27:02 -0500 "David 
Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:> DavidM:> >>[CS] was just 
following God's orders to take the flag down.> > Gary 
wrote:> >prove it :: and, ftr, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:> >> ><>> >What I said was that Chuck's testimony is 
that God 
>directed him to [climb the pole in a 
public meeting to]>take down the flag.  I accept his testimony 
because it is seems 
> consistent with 
As you've demonstrated here, 
too, DavidM, your own waffling 'logic' (actually, bs if I'm not 
tryin' to be polite now:) isn't consistent, so how can you judge the 
consistency of CSs 'logic' without being 
It's interesting, though; you 
wrote, above, only that CS 'seems consistent..'; obviously 
you are consciously understating an overstatement, indicating that you realize, 
too, like I do/stated, that you can't prove that God gave 
CS 'orders'; in fact, you can't prove that any more than DaveH 
can prove that God gave JS 'orders'
FTR, while you employ the 
same fault ridden logic that Mormons like DaveH employ (to establish 
the foregoing 'superbiblical' status of JS) and (by it) attempt 
to maintain your own arrogant 'superbiblical' status, the 
reasonable observation apparent is that the dynamic/essence 
of your 'Methodism' is Mormonism, meaning, in part, that you and I are 
as divergent both politically and theologically 
as DaveH and I are--and, as you know, I politely as possible refuse to gloss it over in either 

RE: [TruthTalk] Fwd: FW: FCC approves use of "F" word on TV and radio

2003-11-17 Thread David Miller
Information about the FCC ruling can be found at:

There are links there to the actual court case where the f word was used
during the Golden Globe Awards and adjudicated not to be obscene. See:

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida. 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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RE: [TruthTalk] Chuck Spingola

2003-11-17 Thread David Miller
Judy wrote:
> That is not what I'm saying David; to me holier-than-thou 
> is looking down on those who don't meet your standard 
> (such as calling ppl perverts).

I do NOT call people who do not meet my standards perverts.  Please do
not twist the truth.

A pervert is someone who perverts the natural God-ordained function of
sexual organs to do that which is against nature.  

Paul's words are very strong on this matter.  Do me and yourself a
favor.  Go to a university campus near you and locate the college of
liberal arts.  Stand out front and when classes start to exchange, open
your Bible and read the following passage from Romans 1 in a loud voice.
See what happens.  I sure hope you do not start trying to apologize for
the offensive language of Scripture.  Please do not water down the Holy
Word of God and try to make it more palatable for the unbelievers.
God's church is not a social club for those who would like to sign up.
God's church is only for those who will forsake all.  They need to count
the cost before they even think about following Jesus Christ.  Many are
not going to make the cut.  That's why we preach repentance.

Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of
their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: Who
changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the
creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. For this
cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did
change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise
also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust
one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and
receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave
them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not
convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication,
wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate,
deceit, malignity; whisperers, Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful,
proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection,
implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which
commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have
pleasure in them that do them. (Romans 1:24-32 KJV)

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
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Re: [TruthTalk] The end of Art

2003-11-17 Thread Marlin Halverson

Thanks for the link.  
Amorality was already pervasive in the '80s.  What 
has masqueraded as "art" has been an attack on values, funded by the NEA and 
other 'charities.'  
I was involved with art and music for a large portion 
of my life.  Some of my writing for art exhibitions that I curated has 
been published.  A journal called Experimental Musical 
Instruments reprinted some of my writings.

EMI Back Issues Volumes 1 & 2, 
6/1985-4/1987... Marlin 
Halverson's Sonic Art exhibition catalog was published for the Sonic 
ArtExhibition at the Art Gallery at California State College in San 
Bernardino ... - 72k - Cached - Similar pages 
EMI Back Issues Volumes 9 & 10, 
9/1993-6/1995... [Additional keywords: 
flowerpots, homemade instruments, idiophones]. "Environmentand Process": 
Marlin Halverson. 5 pages; 10 photos; 1 drawing. ... - 63k - 
Cached - Similar pages 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, November 17, 2003 12:05 
  Subject: [TruthTalk] The end of Art
  I agree with The End of Art, by 
  Vox Day: 

RE: [TruthTalk] Chuck Spingola

2003-11-17 Thread Judith H. Taylor
From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
David Miller wrote: I preach just like Jesus did: Repent for the Kingdom
of God is at hand.

Judy wrote: This was the message of John the Baptist.  His was a message
of repentance without the power to walk 
 in righteousness and holiness.  Jesus explained the Kingdom and then He
demonstrated it.

David: But Jesus also preached the same message, "repent, for the kingdom
of heaven is at hand."  

Judy: Yes He said it but his ministry was as in Matthew 9:35. John
prepared the way and Jesus introduced the New and Living Way.

David: I certainly do not expect everyone in the community to be
Christian, but the church is a segment of the community.  The church is
not meant to be some elitist group that is "holier than thou."  We are to
be in the world but not of it.  Some of the ideas you have expressed seem
to me to be the idea that we should be out of the world and wait for
others to
figure out how to get into our special holy club.

Judy: That is not what I'm saying David; to me holier-than-thou is
looking down on those who don't meet your standard (such as calling ppl
perverts). Reality is that noone comes to the Father unless they are
drawn through the ministry of the Son.  I didn't set this standard, it is
God's Word.  In the Day of the Lord a lot of religious activity will be
revealed as just just wood, hay and stubble and if I were a betting
person I would include climbing flag poles in this category.

Judy: I would agree with your last statement but from what you've written
something has gotten reversed. Jesus didn't rail at the poor wretched
deceived souls out in the streets.  He was angry with the religious

David: I would say that he was angry with the leadership within the
community that tended to lord over the community.  For example, he warned
of the leaven of Herod, and called Herod a fox, but Herod was not a
religious leader in any way.  Therefore, we might say that he was upset
with certain community leaders.  Paul's ministry clearly drew fire from
merchants and community leaders in a similar way.

Judy: Yes, but Israel was always a theocracy and Herod was the builder of
the 3rd and final Temple so he wasn't totally removed from the
'religious' scene.  Paul upset the merchants in Ephesus who supported the
temple of Diana there and the men who made money from the girl with the
spirit of divination because the ministry of Jesus through him took away
their source of income.  People were being delivered.

Grace and Peace,
"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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Fw: RE: [TruthTalk] Rules for Sabbatarians/Pagan Wolf

2003-11-17 Thread Judith H. Taylor


  Praise God!- I finally found the passage 
  concerning the Sabbath in heaven-Isaiah 66:22-24. Note the new heaven and new 
  earth v.22-The Sabbath being kept v.23-And what was done on that day (ie.We go 
  forth and view those in hell where the worm dieth not,and the fire is not 
  quenched). He that can hear -let him hear.
  What makes you think this is in heaven? 
  *Gosh Judy-I feel like I have searched thru a mountain of sand to find 
  one painted green only to have you ask- why do you think it is green:-) 
  As for this being heaven I believe that any where God dwells is heaven by 
  definition and in v.23 he is in the new heaven and new earth-as promised in 2 
  Peter 3:13 for only righteousness exists there. 
  jt: But Dean there are three heavens and God dwells in the third; there 
  is no need for a sabbath there as there is no labor, all is rest.  I did 
  find out that from one new moon to the next is a month so any sabbath 
  mentioned in Isa 66:22-24 is something other than the one given in Exodus 
  20.  2 Peter 3:13 speaks of the new heavens and new earth which have been 
  cleansed by fire from all righteousness.  I'm not locked in to any 
  particular eschatology; I know dispensationalists would say that this is 
  heaven but it sounds to me like the cleansed 
  *The corpses in my opinion aren't just "laying around". Point one 
  -they aren't dead but alive and point two- v.24 indicates that they are 
  in a very specific place for they went "forth to look" upon the enemies of 
  God-and we hated them (actually went beyond hate to abhorring them).
  jt: How can a corpse be alive? The very term describes one who is 
  physically dead.
  *This is similar to God Hating the worker of iniquity in psalm 5:5-As 
  most Homo's are workers of iniquity-and we are required to warn them of their 
  sin -and the fires of hell that await them- if they don't repent of this sin 
  unto Jesus Christ-if not the blood is on our hands.It is one thing to meet a 
  sodomite in public on his best behavior- but another to meet several 
  hundred thousand (450,000 in Chicago alone) as they mock God and have sex in 
  front of us as we preach the gospel. 
  jt: I agree that this would not be a scene I would want to be 
  around ATST I'm not sure that open confrontation is God's way other than 
  with Israel when they were to take the land of Canaan.  As 
  for workers of iniquity - this covers much more than homosexuality.  
  The fact that God can not abide sin is evident by the sacrificial system 
  with all that blood.
  *I challenge you to go to one of their parades with us (you can stand to 
  one side and observe if you chose) -then decide how to best access them 
  as a threat to our children.
  jt: I know  they are a threat to children and that there are certain 
  parks in California, Oregon, and here in Virginia that parents can not let 
  their children play in because of homosexual activity.  The Police are 
  paid to take care of it.  I don't believe this is a mandate for the 
   *Here is a picture that I thought the pagan wolf might enjoy.
   There will be no dead corpses laying around in heaven.  This 
  speaks of all FLESH coming to worship; people in heaven have transformed 
  bodies.  Vs.23 denotes a measure of time that people 
  understand.  How long is it from one New Moon to another?
  jt: It appears as though the pagan wolf has gone into retirement 
<<091103pagan-Christian collide.jpg>>

[TruthTalk] Fwd: FW: FCC approves use of "F" word on TV and radio

2003-11-17 Thread LaurHamm

Izzy - this may have been answered but here is the info that my daughter had sent me about this.  I also got it from a couple of other sources.  Sorry if this has been covered but I was away in Flordia for the weekend.  On an upside - I got to actually meet and have dinner with David.  That was a treat.  We also got to go over to the beach and have lunch and enjoy the Altantic Ocean view for a couple of hours.  Weather was gorgeous and it was a neat afternoon. Laura
Subject: FW: FCC approves use of "F" word on TV and radioI hope that anyone receiving this knows I do not play email games with hoaxes and false forwards. I have checked this out on the American Family Associations web site. If you visit their site and look at their story on this, they allow you to send an email to your senators, congressman, and other pertinent people. www.afa.netI have kids and this bothers me greatly, and I hope it does for you too. Ron Hunter
FCC APPROVES USE OF THE "F" WORD ON TV AND RADIO!IMMEDIATE ACTION NEEDED NOW! Dear L., The Federal Communications Commission has approved the use of the "F" wordfor use on any TV show or radio program, ANYTIME DAY OR NIGHT! The FCC said the word can be used whenever desired except in sexualsituations! >>That means that real soon you will be watching a sit-com on TV, or news,or any drama or movie-ANY PROGRAM-and it's ok! Hollywood is rejoicing!>>Soon, when you are driving your kids to school you will be listeningto a song which makes extensive use of the word. >>Shock jocks such as Howard Stern are now free to use any language,no matter how vile and repugnant, on their radio shows. And use it they will.>>No longer will movies shown on TV have to be edited because of language.WE MUST ACT NOW TO STOP THIS!  Send your letter   to your Congressman, Senators and members of theFCC. Let them know that you want this stopped-NOW! Please send you letter now. And please forward this letter to your emaillist asking them to get involved. If it isnât stopped now, in a few months verbal pornography will rule theairways! Please act today. Help us get 1,000,000 email letters to members ofCongress, Senators and FCC Commissioners. Thanks for getting involved! Don Donald E. Wildmon, Founder and ChairmanAmerican Family Association + You are receiving this e-mail because you signed an AFA related petition in the past. In keeping with our privacy policy, American FamilyAssociation may periodically contact you about issues of concern to the family.Information you share with AFA will never be sold, rented, or given to any thirdparty. If you do not wish to receive further e-mail communications from us,to: click   to unsubscribe. 

--- Begin Message ---
Title: FW: FCC approves use of "F" word on TV and radio

-- Forwarded Message
From: Ron Hunter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 16 Nov 2003 21:18:07 -0600
To: Steve & Robin Faison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Everyone @ Randall House" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Sherry Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Angie Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, David Baker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Billy A. Melvin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Bert & Dianne Tippett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Bill Henry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Bill Evans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Fred Bradley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Marcus Brewer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Joe Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Joe Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Scott Bullman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Keith Burden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Daniel Perez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Daryl Ellis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, David Williford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Sunday School Discovery Class TDF <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Mary Dudley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Doug Kite <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Kevin & Pam Flannagin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, William Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, George Harvey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Gene Norris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Julia Houk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Jonathan Merkh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Laura Snitzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Sherwood Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, LaVerne & Lorene Miley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Sam Lynn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Randy Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Marjorie Workman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Matt  Pinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Matt Upton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Mike & Judy Stokes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Robert Picirilli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Dennis Wiggs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Danny Dwyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Tim Owen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Rich Snitzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Ron Thweatt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, sjcvlindsay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Steve White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: FW: FCC approves use of "F" word on TV and radio

I hope that anyone receiving this knows I do not play email games with hoaxes and false forwards. I have checked this out on the American Family Associations web site. If you visit their site and look at their story on this, they allow you to send an email to your senators, congressman, and other pertinent people.

I have kids and this bothers me greatl

Re: [TruthTalk] Questions

2003-11-17 Thread Slade Henson
Interesting. I never saw that post.



- Original Message - 
From: "ShieldsFamily" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, 16 November, 2003 22:27
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Questions

Slade, Ignore the gnats. That's the only way to make them go away.  Don't
swat, whatever you do. Free advice from Izzy. :-)

-Original Message-
Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2003 6:35 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Questions

-- Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Actually, maybe DavidM and Slade are more like JS than BY; what do you

DAVEH:  Either would be good, eh g!:-)

'either way'-eh(?); in your opinion, which'd make the better 'JS', and why?

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RE: [TruthTalk] Rules for Sabbatarians/Pagan Wolf

2003-11-17 Thread Carrolll Moore



- Original Message - 
From: Judith H. Taylor 
Sent: 11/17/2003 9:08:25 AM 
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Rules for Sabbatarians

Praise God!- I finally found the passage concerning the Sabbath in heaven-Isaiah 66:22-24. Note the new heaven and new earth v.22-The Sabbath being kept v.23-And what was done on that day (ie.We go forth and view those in hell where the worm dieth not,and the fire is not quenched). He that can hear -let him hear.
What makes you think this is in heaven? 
*Gosh Judy-I feel like I have searched thru a mountain of sand to find one painted green only to have you ask- why do you think it is green:-) As for this being heaven I believe that any where God dwells is heaven by definition and in v.23 he is in the new heaven and new earth-as promised in 2 Peter 3:13 for only righteousness exists there. The corpses in my opinion aren't just "laying around". Point one -they aren't dead but alive and point two- v.24 indicates that they are in a very specific place for they went "forth to look" upon the enemies of God-and we hated them (actually went beyond hate to abhorring them). This is similar to God Hating the worker of iniquity in psalm 5:5-As most Homo's are workers of iniquity-and we are required to warn them of their sin -and the fires of hell that await them- if they don't repent of this sin unto Jesus Christ-if not the blood is on our hands.It is one thing to meet a sodomite in public on his best behavior- but another to meet several hundred thousand (450,000 in
 Chicago alone) as they mock God and have sex in front of us as we preach the gospel. I challenge you to go to one of their parades with us (you can stand to one side and observe if you chose) -then decide how to best access them as a threat to our children.
 *Here is a picture that I thought the pagan wolf might enjoy.
 There will be no dead corpses laying around in heaven.  This speaks of all FLESH coming to worship; people in heaven have transformed bodies.  Vs.23 denotes a measure of time that people understand.  How long is it from one New Moon to another?
Grace and Peace,

RE: [TruthTalk] Oblivious "Christians"

2003-11-17 Thread Carrolll Moore

> [Original Message]
> From: David Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 11/17/2003 1:39:11 PM
> Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Oblivious "Christians"
> Arsene Lupin wrote:
> > ... what of the rabid dogs of the AOG? And rabid is the 
> > word I chose, as their hatred are to me a diasease!!
> Just for clarification: 
> I don't think there are any Army of God people on this list, but there
> might be some lurking.  After all, I did not realize that you have been
> lurking for six months.  In any case, most of us who are vocal do not
> support the Army of God.  I agree with your sentiments about their
> hatred being a disease.  

* I suspect that Donald Spitz -the Preacher for the AOG- is on this list as
he honored Chuck a couple of days ago.

> Chuck Spingola use to be a member of this list, but he left this list
> years ago in frustration because there are many here who would correct
> him in the way that he approaches things.  Nobody asked him to leave,
> but rather it seemed that he could not handle his viewpoints being
> examined in a critical light.
> Nevertheless, I do support the facts that Chuck Spingola gets out there
> in the public place and preaches.  I support what he did with the
> homosexual flag on top of the statehouse.  I support his belief that
> Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world.  This does not mean that I
> support his standing with the Army of God, the White Rose Banquet, and
> the Kill Abortionists Cult.
> I hope that helps clear things up.
> Peace be with you.
> David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.
> --
> "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may
know how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
> If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a
friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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RE: [TruthTalk] Concerning Spingola

2003-11-17 Thread Carrolll Moore

> [Original Message]
> From: Arsene Lupin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 11/17/2003 10:11:32 AM
> Subject: [TruthTalk] Concerning Spingola
> Hail and Greetings.
> My most humble apologies if I disrupt anything at the moment, I wish it
> but some introductions are in order.
> I am the one they call "THE PAGAN WOLF". For those not familiar with that 
> moniker, I am the neo-Asatru who is a common bane to such idiots who
> the world such as Spingola and friends, using my intimate knowledge of 
> computer forensics and savvy social engineering skills to either scuttle 
> their protests or blow the whistle whenever possible.
> I have a few words to say concerning the activities by Spingola and his 
> buddies (the radical group known as AOG).
> First and foremost, I am impressed by the amount of support and
> going on over such radicals and the stance against him. If more
> stepped forward and flat out did as Ruben Israel has done (Or what most
> you have said and believe), maybe some of us wouldn't go up in arms at
> sight of preachers or even say one ill word.
> I have been a rather strong critic of Spingola. When he published the
> "Jesus Christ, Warrior king" and he showed chapters from his book for 
> example, I demonstrated how he merely advertized an illegal activity and 
> proved his book to be really the work of someone who should have known 
> better.
> Rebuttals were by the cartload that day and that was on what the law says 
> about self-defense. As a seasoned martial artist, I know only too well
> fine lines between a citizen's arrest and a case of vigilantism (which is
> federal offense).
> And from what I see, not only this man (If I can use that term loosely
for a 
> second) not only needs to hear the word and to make peace with his own
> rage and his Adrenaline addiction (I think he actually gets cheap thrills 
> out of being what he perceives himself as), but he needs to realise that 
> ending up in prison, seen by the world as another insane man who is a 
> criminal, is no way to end.
> That being said, I shall resume my lurking...

Hello -My name is Dean Moore and I am wondering why do you use the name"
Pagan Wolf"-Are you a Christian or a Pagan? If you would rather not answer
that I will understand-but  if a Pagan- I can see why Chuck would be a
threat to you.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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RE: [TruthTalk] Chuck Spingola

2003-11-17 Thread David Miller
David Miller wrote:
>> I preach just like Jesus did:  
>> Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand.

Judy wrote:
> This was the message of John the Baptist.  His was 
> a message of repentance without the power to walk 
> in righteousness and holiness.  Jesus explained 
> the Kingdom and then He demonstrated it.

But Jesus also preached the same message, "repent, for the kingdom of
heaven is at hand."  

Mat 4:17  From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for
the kingdom of heaven is at hand.

Mat 9:35  And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in
their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing
every sickness and every disease among the people.

Act 28:30  And Paul dwelt two whole years in his own hired house, and
received all that came in unto him, 
Act 28:31  Preaching the kingdom of God, and teaching those things which
concern the Lord Jesus Christ, with all confidence, no man forbidding

> Harvesting meaning what?

Meaning that the Word of God has born fruit in them and they are ready
to believe upon Christ and enter the Kingdom.

Judy wrote:
> I'm sure some important folk came in but I haven't yet 
> seen (that is until Constantine) where it was assumed 
> that everyone in the community should be a Christian. 

I certainly do not expect everyone in the community to be Christian, but
the church is a segment of the community.  The church is not meant to be
some elitist group that is "holier than thou."  We are to be in the
world but not of it.  Some of the ideas you have expressed seem to me to
be the idea that we should be out of the world and wait for others to
figure out how to get into our special holy club.

> I would agree with your last statement but from what 
> you've written something has gotten reversed. Jesus 
> didn't rail at the poor wretched deceived souls out 
> in the streets.  He was angry with the religious
> leaders.

I would say that he was angry with the leadership within the community
that tended to lord over the community.  For example, he warned of the
leaven of Herod, and called Herod a fox, but Herod was not a religious
leader in any way.  Therefore, we might say that he was upset with
certain community leaders.  Paul's ministry clearly drew fire from
merchants and community leaders in a similar way.

Peace be with you,
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to 
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Re: [TruthTalk] Oblivious "Christians"

2003-11-17 Thread Terry Clifton

 Mister Pagan:
I know that I am old and slow, but I am trying my best to understand
 what you are saying.  So far I have figured out from your letter that you
Feel some of us are spooked by your presence, and that you seem to 
find something wrong with protesting evil.  I also see that you are not 
going to back down from anyone or anything. ( I assume you consider 
this to be an admirable trait).
Just for the record, I do not hate you.  I welcome you and invite you to
 reason with us.  You couldn't be any more aggravating than Chris.
---Original Message---

Date: Monday, November 17, 2003 11:50:58 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Oblivious "Christians"
It seems you guys have gone underground now. How sad. Unlike some, I am not
afraid to listen to what others have to say. And judging be the way "Izzy"
makes it "hard" on Judy, I'd say some agree with me on many points.
And for the record, aren't you guys going on your high-horses concerning my
prescence? I mean sheesh, some of you react like the generic cartoon
characters on Harvey's "Casper the friendly ghost".
"I-i-i-i-it's a PAAAGAAAN!!"
I mean really. Calm the heck down already. I have been lurking for the past
five months or so without saying a bloody word!! I only have to speak out
and make a statement and you are practically climbing up the walls.
And for the record, they are protesting "evil" which is the agenda of the
far right. Many Christians I have noticed are sick and tired of having
loud-mouthed individuals who respect not even the word of their own gods .
And I whole-heartedly support it and nurture the fact that they are fighting
back people of which even your own saviour WARNS US ABOUT.
However I will agree with you on one point. Yes your forefathers did fight
for freedom. And hence I do fight for my own future by taking on those who
would harm me, my kindred, my family and even those of the same faith that
seems to have spawned them.
If you read that site carefully, you'd know I am not going to back down from
anything or anyone!! Don't you dare forget that!!
And my weapon is one that must not turn me into a worse creature than these
radicals can be. And so I chose a path that is non-violent and lawful. If I
am a wolf in sheep's clothing (Don't you wear wool in the winter to keep
warm?) then what of the rabid dogs of the AOG?
And rabid is the word I chose, as their hatred are to me a diasease!!
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RE: [TruthTalk] Oblivious "Christians"

2003-11-17 Thread David Miller
Pagan Wolf, 

I would be interested in seeing you present why you are a pagan, what
gods you believe in and why, etc.  I don't think we have ever seriously
discussed this with a pagan before in this forum. 

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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Re: [TruthTalk] Oblivious "Christians"

2003-11-17 Thread Judith H. Taylor
From: "Arsene Lupin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
TPW: Hello Judy and don't use "Arsene". Reason for that is that it's
another moniker. If you research carefully you will find it's the name of
a fictious character, A "gentleman thief", forgot the author's name

Judy: Oh alright, would you rather be called TPW or Pagan Wolf?

Judy: I know I agree with some points you've made on certain ministry
issues which shows me there is nothing wrong with your powers of

TPW: Quite right! I do try to pay attention. And it helps.

Judy: Do you think we have something to fear from you?

TPW: No. But I do get annoyed at times at the way some tend to give me
attributes that I simply do not possess. But sometimes reputation can be
a valuable tool.

Judy: It is written in our scriptures to "try the spirits and see if they
are of God" I don't believe persons who in your words "need to hear the
word and to make peace with his own inner rage and his Adrenaline
addiction (I think he actually gets cheap thrills out of being what he
perceives himself as), but he needs to realise that ending up in prison,
seen by the world as another insane man who is a criminal, is no way to
end." are going out in the right Spirit.

TPW: *Snicker* they more seem to have indulged in another kind fo spirit
to me. Say, like a Gin-y in a bottle?

Judy: Would you put the Church in this category Arsene - or just people
like Chuck Spingola who would be categorized as "far right" How do you
believe  you would be harmed by them? Just curious.

TPW: Me personally, I couldn't be harmed. But there are those who could
be extremely harmed by this. The poor, the gullible, those who's emotions
can be easily controled. As what I categorize as "extreme-right" are
groups that are the fringe lunatics, the Paul Hills, the Fred Phelps, the
Pat Robertsons, the Jerry Falwells. The Tele-evangelists, the so-called
"Faith healers" and other assorted nuts.

Judy: Do you ever watch any of the Televangelists?

Do I place Christians and what I call "Fundies" in the same bucket. I do
my best not to! And there are days I do kick myself in the rear for doing
so. What can I say, I am human.

Judy: Which site are you referring to?

TPW: This one; and for good measure, this one
as well

Judy: I went and had a look - it is heathenism do you mind if I ask what
caused you to make this choice for your life?
"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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RE: [TruthTalk] Chuck Spingola

2003-11-17 Thread Judith H. Taylor

From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Hi David, you write:
Hi Judy.  I don't want to get into a lot of wrangling over words.  You
asked me for some Scriptural support for being pro-active with our
testimony against evil, and I think I gave that to you.  A person can
strain at words and speculate differences with just about everything.  I
could offer answers to your retorts, but when will it end.  The
Scriptures are clear for those who want to see.  

Judy: I daily seek God's wisdom and he has taken me a different way. I
don't see how you can ignore Jesus admonitions. He said if we love Him we
will do what He says.

You may think defending a special building called a Temple is more
important than defending our community, but I hold to the idea that the
temple in the New Covenant is our community in which we live.  

Judy: There has been no building called a Temple since 70AD. The New
Covenant temple is made up of lively stones Jesus Christ being the chief
cornerstone.  I wouldn't by any stretch of the imagination call ery
person in my community indwelt by the Holy Spirit.  Can you say that
David?  Also Jesus never did warn us about defilement coming from
without; He tells us about what defiles the temple (a man or lively
stone) in Mark 7:14-23.   

The Temple of stone is no longer God's dwelling place, but rather it is
within each of us, and the community of believers together is the new
temple of God.  Therefore, in my perspective, when men defile the
community, they defile the temple of God.

Judy: Which concept is not scriptural because the whole community (city,
town, state, is not made up of believers) Arsene for example lives
somewhere and is a member of a community over which he is concerned but
he is not a member of the community of believers, (if I could use him to
make my poin)t.

Another way to look at it is that we live in our community.  When evil
triumphs, the people suffer.  Our society is heading back to Sodom and
even as it was in the days of Noah, that is where our society is heading.

Judy: It's not good for evil to triumph that's true and our society is
embracing ungodliness at a fast clip; in the fullness of time I expect
God to deal with it, just as He did with Sodom and in Noah's day.

God calls us to be a testimony and a light in our community. We do not
put our light under a bushel, but we let our light shine before men. 
When we do that, we become persecuted by the world, and they will cast us
out of their churches, and they will cast us into prison, and bring us
before the courts of the land.  If we do not suffer persecution like
this, then something is wrong with our faith.  Jesus promised us that we
are not above our master and we would suffer the same persecution.

Judy: When I did temp work I saw individual believers out in the
community with their lights shining, they are what keeps things afloat. 
ATST a lot of them believe different doctrines, the devil has been busy.
We don't see the same persecution because we don't do the same works as
Jesus so Satan's house is not threatened. Many Christians today don't
even believe God will heal them.  When we with the finger of God begin to
cast out Satan, ppl will know that the Kingdom of God is here and this is
when the persecution will begin in earnest.  Chuck Spignola's stuff aids
the wrong Kingdom.

The Scriptures tell us that Lot's righteous soul was vexed when he lived
in Sodom. If our souls are not vexed by the sin around us, then something
is wrong with our soul.  Sometimes, many times, we hold our peace and we
do not always fly in the face of the sinner.  But other times the zeal of
God consumes us and we must be obedient to the heavenly calling.

Judy: I've stopped spending a lot of time learning about what the
sodomites are up to David. It's depressing. I would rather seek first
God's Kingdom, be aware of what He is about and work with Him in the hope
that some are saved.

What is shameful is how Christians are not even agreed about the very
basic principle of standing up for righteousness.
When a man like Roy Moore stands up for freedom of religion and our U.S.
Constitution, many Christians say it is a governmental matter and they
don't need to be concerned about it.  If a man like Chuck scales a flag
pole and pulls down the homosexual banner, too many Christians are quick
to disown him.  God raises up men who are willing to pay the price and to
suffer persecution, but the Christians turn their backs upon them instead
of praying for them and supporting them.

Judy: Now I wouldn't assume that the good Judge lacked prayer support

I was arrested in Tampa for preaching on Good Friday because I did not
have a permit.  The Christian world disowned me.  The Christian media
would not even announce it on their radio and television at a time when I
could have used their support.  In my home church, they would not pray
for me.  When I asked them for prayer, a man replied, "David, I'm afraid
that you

Re: [TruthTalk] Oblivious "Christians"

2003-11-17 Thread Arsene Lupin
Judy: Hi Arsene and welcome to Truth Talk, it is good to have you here 
because I'm sure you have some interesting input. You did say you were going 
back into lurk mode, this is why I didn't respond to you the first time.

TPW: Hello Judy and don't use "Arsene". Reason for that is that it's another 
moniker. If you research carefully you will find it's the name of a fictious 
character, A "gentleman thief", forgot the author's name though.

Judy: I know I agree with some points you've made on certain ministry issues 
which shows me there is nothing wrong with your powers of observation.

TPW: Quite right! I do try to pay attention. And it helps.

Judy: Not all, maybe some Arsene. Do you think we have something to fear 
from you?

TPW: No. But I do get annoyed at times at the way some tend to give me 
attributes that I simply do not possess. But sometimes reputation can be a 
valuable tool.

Judy: It is written in our scriptures to "try the spirits and see if they 
are of God" I don't believe persons who in your words "need to hear the word 
and to make peace with his own inner rage and his Adrenaline addiction (I 
think he actually gets cheap thrills out of being what he perceives himself 
as), but he needs to realise that ending up in prison, seen by the world as 
another insane man who is a criminal, is no way to end." are going out in 
the right Spirit.

TPW: *Snicker* they more seem to have indulged in another kind fo spirit to 
me. Say, like a Gin-y in a bottle?

Judy: Would you put the Church in this category Arsene - or just people like 
Chuck Spingola who would be categorized as "far right" How do you believe 
you would be harmed by them? Just curious.

TPW: Me personally, I couldn't be harmed. But there are those who could be 
extremely harmed by this. The poor, the gullible, those who's emotions can 
be easily controled. As what I categorize as "extreme-right" are groups that 
are the fringe lunatics, the Paul Hills, the Fred Phelps, the Pat 
Robertsons, the Jerry Falwells. The Tele-evangelists, the so-called "Faith 
healers" and other assorted nuts.

Do I place Christians and what I call "Fundies" in the same bucket. I do my 
best not to! And there are days I do kick myself in the rear for doing so. 
What can I say, I am human.

Judy: Which site are you referring to?

TPW: This one; and for good measure, this one as 

Judy: I don't call you a wolf in sheep's clothing. One thing you are not is 
a hypocrite and I can really appreciate that.

TPW: I never said you did! But I do enjoy keeping some on their 
toes...*wolfish grin*

And many thanks on welcoming me...


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"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought 
to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
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RE: [TruthTalk] Oblivious "Christians"

2003-11-17 Thread David Miller
Arsene Lupin wrote:
> ... what of the rabid dogs of the AOG? And rabid is the 
> word I chose, as their hatred are to me a diasease!!

Just for clarification: 

I don't think there are any Army of God people on this list, but there
might be some lurking.  After all, I did not realize that you have been
lurking for six months.  In any case, most of us who are vocal do not
support the Army of God.  I agree with your sentiments about their
hatred being a disease.  

Chuck Spingola use to be a member of this list, but he left this list
years ago in frustration because there are many here who would correct
him in the way that he approaches things.  Nobody asked him to leave,
but rather it seemed that he could not handle his viewpoints being
examined in a critical light.

Nevertheless, I do support the facts that Chuck Spingola gets out there
in the public place and preaches.  I support what he did with the
homosexual flag on top of the statehouse.  I support his belief that
Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world.  This does not mean that I
support his standing with the Army of God, the White Rose Banquet, and
the Kill Abortionists Cult.

I hope that helps clear things up.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to 
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Re: [TruthTalk] Oblivious "Christians"

2003-11-17 Thread Judith H. Taylor
From: "Arsene Lupin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Arsene and welcome to Truth Talk, it is good to have you here because
I'm sure you have some interesting input.  You did say you were going
back into lurk mode, this is why I didn't respond to you the first time.

You write:
It seems you guys have gone underground now. How sad. Unlike some, I am
not afraid to  listen to what others have to say. And judging be the way
"Izzy" makes it "hard" on Judy, I'd say some agree with me on many

Judy: I know I agree with some points you've made on certain ministry
issues which shows me there is nothing wrong with your powers of

And for the record, aren't you guys going on your high-horses concerning
my prescence? I mean sheesh, some of you react like the generic cartoon
characters on Harvey's "Casper the friendly ghost". "I-i-i-i-it's a
I mean really. Calm the heck down already. I have been lurking for the
past five months or so without saying a bloody word!! I only have to
speak out and make a statement and you are practically climbing up the

Judy: Not all, maybe some Arsene. Do you think we have something to fear
from you?

And for the record, they are protesting "evil" which is the agenda of the
far right. Many Christians I have noticed are sick and tired of having
loud-mouthed individuals who respect not even the word of their own gods

Judy:  Only one God Arsene and yes - I for one can appreciate this

And I whole-heartedly support it and nurture the fact that they are
fighting back people of which even your own saviour WARNS US ABOUT.

Judy:  It is written in our scriptures to "try the spirits and see if
they are of God"  I don't believe persons who in your words  "need to
hear the word and to make peace with his own inner rage and his
Adrenaline addiction (I think he actually gets cheap thrills out of being
what he perceives himself as), but he needs to realise that ending up in
prison, seen by the world as another insane man who is a criminal, is no
way to end." are going out in the right Spirit.

However I will agree with you on one point. Yes your forefathers did
fight for freedom. And hence I do fight for my own future by taking on
those who would harm me, my kindred, my family and even those of the same
faith that seems to have spawned them.

Judy: Would you put the Church in this category Arsene - or just people
like Chuck Spingola who would be categorized as "far right"  How do you
believe you would be harmed by them?  Just curious.

If you read that site carefully, you'd know I am not going to back down
from anything or anyone!! Don't you dare forget that!!

Judy:  Which site are you referring to? 

And my weapon is one that must not turn me into a worse creature than
these radicals can be. And so I chose a path that is non-violent and
lawful. If I am a wolf in sheep's clothing (Don't you wear wool in the
winter to keep warm?) then what of the rabid dogs of the AOG?

Judy: I don't call you a wolf in sheep's clothing.  One thing you are not
is a hypocrit and I can really appreciate that.

And rabid is the word I chose, as their hatred are to me a diasease!!

Judy: Another point we can agree on, hatred is not an attribute of the
Spirit of the God who I serve.

As I have said already - welcome, and feel free to join in whenever you
have something to say,

Grace and Peace,

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to 
send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

RE: [TruthTalk] Chuck Spingola

2003-11-17 Thread David Miller
Hi Judy.  I don't want to get into a lot of wrangling over words.  You
asked me for some Scriptural support for being pro-active with our
testimony against evil, and I think I gave that to you.  A person can
strain at words and speculate differences with just about everything.  I
could offer answers to your retorts, but when will it end.  The
Scriptures are clear for those who want to see.  

You may think defending a special building called a Temple is more
important than defending our community, but I hold to the idea that the
temple in the New Covenant is our community in which we live.  The
Temple of stone is no longer God's dwelling place, but rather it is
within each of us, and the community of believers together is the new
temple of God.  Therefore, in my perspective, when men defile the
community, they defile the temple of God.

Another way to look at it is that we live in our community.  When evil
triumphs, the people suffer.  Our society is heading back to Sodom and
even as it was in the days of Noah, that is where our society is
heading.  God calls us to be a testimony and a light in our community.
We do not put our light under a bushel, but we let our light shine
before men.  When we do that, we become persecuted by the world, and
they will cast us out of their churches, and they will cast us into
prison, and bring us before the courts of the land.  If we do not suffer
persecution like this, then something is wrong with our faith.  Jesus
promised us that we are not above our master and we would suffer the
same persecution.

The Scriptures tell us that Lot's righteous soul was vexed when he lived
in Sodom. If our souls are not vexed by the sin around us, then
something is wrong with our soul.  Sometimes, many times, we hold our
peace and we do not always fly in the face of the sinner.  But other
times the zeal of God consumes us and we must be obedient to the
heavenly calling.  What is shameful is how Christians are not even
agreed about the very basic principle of standing up for righteousness.
When a man like Roy Moore stands up for freedom of religion and our U.S.
Constitution, many Christians say it is a governmental matter and they
don't need to be concerned about it.  If a man like Chuck scales a flag
pole and pulls down the homosexual banner, too many Christians are quick
to disown him.  God raises up men who are willing to pay the price and
to suffer persecution, but the Christians turn their backs upon them
instead of praying for them and supporting them.

I was arrested in Tampa for preaching on Good Friday because I did not
have a permit.  The Christian world disowned me.  The Christian media
would not even announce it on their radio and television at a time when
I could have used their support.  In my home church, they would not pray
for me.  When I asked them for prayer, a man replied, "David, I'm afraid
that you have gotten yourself into something now that even God can't get
you out of."  Of course, God did get me out of the problem, no thanks to
the believers, and then the Christian radio and television began calling
me and inviting me on their programs.  They love a Christian hero, but
they abandoned me during the time that I needed them because they could
not decide if what I had done was God's will or not.  

I'm being frank and honest with you Judy because I know you can take it.
The attitudes you have been expressing are part of the problem.  I
certainly agree with you about having a loving attitude, and about
caring for the sinners, and about interceding for them.  But what you
don't seem to realize is that when a person does these things, he or she
will be moved into doing many of these things that you now consider to
be unchristian.

I will repeat what I said before.  Go to some public place.  Prepare it
in prayer.  Sometimes I visit a spot and just pray for days or even
weeks before preaching.  Sometimes I visit to pray and start lifting up
my voice right away.  The point is, get your heart right and let God
lead you to bear testimony to the world through preaching.  You know
that the Scriptures say that he chose preaching of the gospel to save
the lost.  I'm talking about doing it with the pure and loving heart
that you have right now.  Your eyes will start to open when you actually
go out there and start doing it.  You think you may know the awful state
of the sinner right now, but I tell you the truth, your eyes will be
opened and your ears will become unstopped and you will view this in a
whole new way.  The only way to gain understanding of actually walking
in the kingdom of God is to do it.  Step out in faith.

Judy wrote:
> why would you be calling street people to holiness? 
> Isn't the message of sanctification for the Church?

Many of the people on the street ARE in the church.  About 85% of our
society profess to be Christian.  Many of these are religious hypocrites
and actors, just like the Pharisees. 

I preach just like Jesus did:  Repent for the Kingdom of 

Re: [TruthTalk] Oblivious "Christians"

2003-11-17 Thread Arsene Lupin
It seems you guys have gone underground now. How sad. Unlike some, I am not 
afraid to  listen to what others have to say. And judging be the way "Izzy" 
makes it "hard" on Judy, I'd say some agree with me on many points.

And for the record, aren't you guys going on your high-horses concerning my 
prescence? I mean sheesh, some of you react like the generic cartoon 
characters on Harvey's "Casper the friendly ghost".
"I-i-i-i-it's a PAAAGAAAN!!"
I mean really. Calm the heck down already. I have been lurking for the past 
five months or so without saying a bloody word!! I only have to speak out 
and make a statement and you are practically climbing up the walls.
And for the record, they are protesting "evil" which is the agenda of the 
far right. Many Christians I have noticed are sick and tired of having 
loud-mouthed individuals who respect not even the word of their own gods . 
And I whole-heartedly support it and nurture the fact that they are fighting 
back people of which even your own saviour WARNS US ABOUT.

However I will agree with you on one point. Yes your forefathers did fight 
for freedom. And hence I do fight for my own future by taking on those who 
would harm me, my kindred, my family and even those of the same faith that 
seems to have spawned them.

If you read that site carefully, you'd know I am not going to back down from 
anything or anyone!! Don't you dare forget that!!

And my weapon is one that must not turn me into a worse creature than these 
radicals can be. And so I chose a path that is non-violent and lawful. If I 
am a wolf in sheep's clothing (Don't you wear wool in the winter to keep 
warm?) then what of the rabid dogs of the AOG?

And rabid is the word I chose, as their hatred are to me a diasease!!


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"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought 
to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

[TruthTalk] Oblivious "Christians"

2003-11-17 Thread Judith H. Taylor

From: "ShieldsFamily" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Hi Izzy, you write:

the great company you are in? 
that be your first Clue: g and a 
Wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Comment:: I don't see how you would call him a wolf in 
sheep's clothing, he comes right out and calls himself Pagan Wolf which to me is 
more up front than a lot of Christians. I may not agree with his 
spirituality but I can appreciate his natural discernment in some areas, you see 
unbelievers have their antennae out also.
 Asatru and Anglo-Saxon page that provides 
basic information on rituals, the gods, and beliefs of Asatru, Odinism, and esp. 
Anglo-Saxon paganism.
Comment: I looked the term up also Izzy because I wasn't 
familiar with neo-asatru, there are so many of them.  It's a poor 
substitute for Truth but hey! even Pagan Wolf might come to the truth if he 
could see some of it demonstrated in those who profess to be walking in 

Passive, "God is in control so Kay-sirah-sirah, God is 
love and fuzziness, so I'm happy as long as no one disturbs my personal, tiny, 
comfortable world," 
Comment: Don't know whose philosophy it is Izzy - 
 the above is not me.  I am aggressively dealing with my own heart so 
that God can use me to set other's free.  Do you cast out demons, heal the 
sick, raise the dead, or any of the other works of Jesus?  This should 
be the ministry of the Church but it won't happen so long as we act like fearful 
babies who are looking to the secular Government to defend us.  God is 
able to take care of His people no matter how evil the society about us 
Christians are responsible for the loss of our 
Judeo-Christian values in America--and loss of our religious 
Comment:  How is that so?
All you need to do to be complicit with Evil is to do 
nothing. You have lost the right 
to complain when you’ve lost your freedoms because you never lifted a finger (or 
even a voice) to resist evil. 
Comment: The philosophy of Englishman Edmund Burke, 
probably based on what he observed during the holocaust - always liked that 
quote.  Do you think the Germans should have had an insurrection against 
Hitler? They were all deceived by him including the professing Church.  I 
am not into complaining because it is sin - the early Church took joyfully the 
spoiling of their goods considering it a greater honor to be persecuted for the 
Lord's sake. What in the world has happened to us?.  
do you think our wise American forefathers created a system in which we had the 
right to PARTICIPATE, and PROTEST? They, in fact, WON our freedom by FIGHTING A 
WAR AND SHEDDING BLOOD AND PROTESTING EVIL!!! I am thankful that they did. They 
did not do this so that we could sit on our laurels and bask in obliviousness. 
(wake up).
Comment: I'm not asleep Izzy, neither do I have any 
illusions about salvation and freedom happening through any secular Government. 
I recently heard a new spin on the Revolutionary War - that it was all about 
trade, control, and the almighty dollar and during the Civil War there was evil 
on both sides... so go figure.  My help comes from the Lord maker of heaven 
and earth, there is a curse on those who turn to the arm of 
Sorry to butt in, but I couldn’t stifle it any 
longer.  Now I will shut up and butt out. 
bit late for that now Izzy... but thanks for being honest, your view is not 
an uncommon one :-)
Grace and Peace,
-Original Message-From: 
Behalf Of Arsene LupinSent: Monday, November 17, 2003 9:12 AMTo: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [TruthTalk] Concerning 
and Greetings.
most humble apologies if I disrupt anything at the moment, I wish it not, 

some introductions are in order.
I am 
the one they call "THE PAGAN WOLF". For those not familiar with that 

moniker, I am the neo-Asatru who is a common bane to 
such idiots who plague 
world such as Spingola and friends, using my intimate knowledge of 

computer forensics and savvy social engineering skills 
to either scuttle 
their protests or blow the whistle whenever 
have a few words to say concerning the activities by Spingola and his 

buddies (the radical group known as 
First and foremost, I am impressed by the amount of 
support and discussions 
going on over such radicals and the stance against him. 
If more Christians 
stepped forward and flat out did as Ruben Israel has 
done (Or what most of 
have said and believe), maybe some of us wouldn't go up in arms at the 

sight of preachers or even say one ill 
have been a rather strong critic of Spingola. When he published the book 

"Jesus Christ, Warrior king" and he showed chapters from 
his book for 
example, I demonstrated how he merely advertized an 
illegal activity and 
proved his book to be really the work of someone who 
should have known 
Rebuttals wer

[TruthTalk] The end of Art

2003-11-17 Thread ShieldsFamily

I agree with The End of Art, by Vox Day:

[TruthTalk] Oblivious "Christians"

2003-11-17 Thread ShieldsFamily



the great company you are in? Let that be your first Clue: g and a Wolf in sheep’s clothing.

 Asatru and Anglo-Saxon page that provides
basic information on rituals, the gods, and beliefs of Asatru, Odinism, and
esp. Anglo-Saxon paganism.


the record:

"God is in control so Kay-sirah-sirah, God is love and fuzziness, so I'm
happy as long as no one disturbs my personal, tiny, comfortable world,"
Christians are responsible for the loss of our Judeo-Christian values in America--and
loss of our religious freedoms.  All you need to do to be complicit with
Evil is to do nothing. You have
lost the right to complain when you’ve lost your freedoms because you
never lifted a finger (or even a voice) to resist evil. 


do you think our wise American forefathers created a system in which we had the
right to PARTICIPATE, and PROTEST? They, in fact, WON our freedom by FIGHTING A
WAR AND SHEDDING BLOOD AND PROTESTING EVIL!!! I am thankful that they did. They
did not do this so that we could sit on our laurels and bask in obliviousness. (wake


to butt in, but I couldn’t stifle it any longer.  Now I will shut up
and butt out. 






[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Arsene Lupin
Sent: Monday, November 17, 2003 9:12 AM
Subject: [TruthTalk] Concerning Spingola


and Greetings.


most humble apologies if I disrupt anything at the moment, I wish it not, 

some introductions are in order.


am the one they call "THE PAGAN WOLF". For those not familiar with

I am the neo-Asatru who is a common bane to such idiots who plague 

world such as Spingola and friends, using my intimate knowledge of 

forensics and savvy social engineering skills to either scuttle 

protests or blow the whistle whenever possible.



have a few words to say concerning the activities by Spingola and his 

(the radical group known as AOG).


and foremost, I am impressed by the amount of support and discussions 

on over such radicals and the stance against him. If more Christians 

forward and flat out did as Ruben Israel has done (Or what most of 

have said and believe), maybe some of us wouldn't go up in arms at the 

of preachers or even say one ill word.


have been a rather strong critic of Spingola. When he published the book 

Christ, Warrior king" and he showed chapters from his book for 

I demonstrated how he merely advertized an illegal activity and 

his book to be really the work of someone who should have known 



were by the cartload that day and that was on what the law says 

self-defense. As a seasoned martial artist, I know only too well the 

lines between a citizen's arrest and a case of vigilantism (which is a 



from what I see, not only this man (If I can use that term loosely for a 

not only needs to hear the word and to make peace with his own inner 

and his Adrenaline addiction (I think he actually gets cheap thrills 

of being what he perceives himself as), but he needs to realise that 

up in prison, seen by the world as another insane man who is a 

is no way to end.


being said, I shall resume my lurking...





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your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)


you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a
friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to
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[TruthTalk] WorldNetDaily NYC district denies birth of Jesus

2003-11-17 Thread Terry Clifton

  IncrediMail - Email has finally evolved - Click Here

WorldNetDaily NYC district denies birth of Jesus.url
Description: unknown/unknown

[TruthTalk] Concerning Spingola

2003-11-17 Thread Arsene Lupin
Hail and Greetings.

My most humble apologies if I disrupt anything at the moment, I wish it not, 
but some introductions are in order.

I am the one they call "THE PAGAN WOLF". For those not familiar with that 
moniker, I am the neo-Asatru who is a common bane to such idiots who plague 
the world such as Spingola and friends, using my intimate knowledge of 
computer forensics and savvy social engineering skills to either scuttle 
their protests or blow the whistle whenever possible.

I have a few words to say concerning the activities by Spingola and his 
buddies (the radical group known as AOG).

First and foremost, I am impressed by the amount of support and discussions 
going on over such radicals and the stance against him. If more Christians 
stepped forward and flat out did as Ruben Israel has done (Or what most of 
you have said and believe), maybe some of us wouldn't go up in arms at the 
sight of preachers or even say one ill word.

I have been a rather strong critic of Spingola. When he published the book 
"Jesus Christ, Warrior king" and he showed chapters from his book for 
example, I demonstrated how he merely advertized an illegal activity and 
proved his book to be really the work of someone who should have known 

Rebuttals were by the cartload that day and that was on what the law says 
about self-defense. As a seasoned martial artist, I know only too well the 
fine lines between a citizen's arrest and a case of vigilantism (which is a 
federal offense).

And from what I see, not only this man (If I can use that term loosely for a 
second) not only needs to hear the word and to make peace with his own inner 
rage and his Adrenaline addiction (I think he actually gets cheap thrills 
out of being what he perceives himself as), but he needs to realise that 
ending up in prison, seen by the world as another insane man who is a 
criminal, is no way to end.

That being said, I shall resume my lurking...


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"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought 
to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
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Re: [TruthTalk] Chuck Spingola

2003-11-17 Thread Terry Clifton

- Original Message -
From: "Carrolll Moore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 17, 2003 5:37 AM
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Chuck Spingola

> I would ask you to tell me what these passages mean:
>  Hebrews 12:4
> Ye have not yet resisted unto blood,striving against sin.

DavidM:  I think Matthew Henry explains it better than I could .when he
comments on this verse.  "You have not been called to shed the blood of the
enemies of Christ, but to seal your testimony with your own blood".  As The
letter to the Hebrews was being written, the Hebrews were suffering
persecution, but as yet they had not been called on to become martyrs.  That
would come later, after their strength had been built up thru trials.

Now for my own opinion. (My opinion and one dollar will get you a cup of
I think that homosexuals are among the hogs and the dogs.  We don't cast
pearls before them and we don't give them what is Holy.  Hogs and dogs only
want to gratify themselves.  They cannot possibly appreciate what is Holy.
Try to love a stray dog or a wild hog and you will get bit.  Stay away from
them.  We are forbidden to even offer them God's Holy word.  If HE wants
some of them saved, HE is capable of doing that by direct intervention.
> >
> >
> >
> > 
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> > "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may
> know how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
> >
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> --
> "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may
know how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
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"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to 
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RE: [TruthTalk] Rules for Sabbatarians

2003-11-17 Thread Judith H. Taylor

From: "Carrolll Moore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Praise God!- I finally found the passage 
concerning the Sabbath in heaven-Isaiah 66:22-24. Note the new heaven and new 
earth v.22-The Sabbath being kept v.23-And what was done on that day (ie.We go 
forth and view those in hell where the worm dieth not,and the fire is not 
quenched). He that can hear -let him hear.
What makes you think this is in heaven?  There will be no dead corpses 
laying around in heaven.  This speaks of all FLESH coming to worship; 
people in heaven have transformed bodies.  Vs.23 denotes a measure of 
time that people understand.  How long is it from one New Moon to 
Grace and Peace,

[TruthTalk] Bitterness/Resentiment and Spiritual Warfare

2003-11-17 Thread Judith H. Taylor

This is by Tozer and it really blessed me - WDYT?
Spiritual Warfare and Sin: 
ResentmentLooking carefully lest 
anyone fall short of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up 
cause trouble, and by this many become defiled.--Hebrews 
12:15In the course of scores of conferences and hundreds 
of conversations I have many times heard people say, "I resent that." But I 
repeat: I have never heard the words used by a victorious man. Resentment simply 
cannot dwell in a loving heart. Before resentfulness can enter, love must take 
its flight and bitterness take over. The bitter soul will compile a list of 
slights at which it takes offense and will watch over itself like a mother bear 
over her cubs. And the figure is apt, for the resentful heart is always surly 
and suspiciouslike a she-bear.Few sights are more depressing than 
that of a professed Christian defending his supposed rights and bitterly 
resisting any attempt to violate them. Such a Christian has never accepted the 
way of the cross. The sweet graces of meekness and humility are unknown to him. 
He grows every day harder and more acrimonious as he defends his reputation, his 
rights, his ministry, against his imagined foes.The only cure for this 
sort of thing is to die to self and rise with Christ into newness of life.  

"Lord, I have all too often seen the 
destruction caused by resentment that has turned into bitterness--or bitterness 
turned into resentment. Keep me, I pray, in the way of the cross, the way of 
meekness andhumility. Amen."From: Tozer on Christian 
LeadershipChristian Publications, IncFor More Books by Tozer 

[TruthTalk] Chuck Spignola

2003-11-17 Thread Judith H. Taylor
Goodmorning folks...

Just sitting here thinking about this whole scenario and and an incident
between Jesus and two if his disciples came back to me.  Remember when
they were passing through Samaria on the way to Jerusalem and the
Samaritans would not receive or welcome Jesus into any of their towns?

James and John wanted to call down "fire from heaven" on them like Elijah
did (and the Samaritan lifestyle was every bit as evil as that of the
prophets of Baal, Samaritans hadn't been right since the Kingdom was
split by Solomon's sin).

Jesus turned and rebuked them; and His response to them was: "You do not
know what manner of spirit you are of.  For the son of man did not come
to destroy men's lives but to save them." (Luke 9:55,56).

This has been my point,
Chuck Spignola and others like him who call down fire on the homosexual
community do not know what spirit they are of either and in their
ignorance they are doing a lot of harm to the work of Christ.

Grace and Peace,
"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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RE: [TruthTalk] Chuck Spingola

2003-11-17 Thread Judith H. Taylor

From: "Carrolll Moore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To 
take a strong stand against evil is all thru the Bible brother-Those that resist 
evil are the heroes of our day for our youth look to them for direction.
Comment: In context the Jews were to resist evil in their own 
community as God's people.  Same is true for the Church which is supposed 
to be undergoing the process of sanctification personally and corporately. 

Sodomy is strong corruption that deserved strong resistance and they 
have  target our youth and even boast that our school are open to 
them-While I don't condone all of Chucks methods/actions- I certainly agree with 
this one.If any here fail to recognize this evil them that person has fooled 
Comment: If Chuck wants to take on the homosexual community out there 
and that is his thing - fine, he is free to do what he wants and he will reap 
what he sows in it.  However, he should not do it in the name of Christ 
who died for these men also.  We need to separate them from their sin 
and love the man while hating the sin he is involved with because we are not to 
repay evil with evil but to overcome evil with good.  There are 
peaceful ways for taxpayers to object to public school curriculum and 
peaceful ways to object to goofy flags at the Statehouse. The anger of man does 
not result in the righteousness of God.
You write:
I would ask you to tell me what these passages mean: Hebrews 12:4 Ye have 
not yet resisted unto blood,striving against sin.
Comment: This is addressing our own personal sin, not the sin of 
others because it goes on to speak of the chastening of the Lord (because of our 
own sin) and then in Vs.6 says "For whom the Lord loves he chastens" 
Gal 3:24 ...the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ,..
Comment: The operative word above is US.  Nowhere are we told 
to shove the law down someone else's throat or judge them with it.  The 
Holy Spirit is gentle and peace loving and without His convicting power all we 
are is a clanging gong and a tinkling cymbal.  People in sin will not hear 
someone who is in their face and ranting at them.
Instructions for those of us who profess to know and to follow Christ are 
"Pursue PEACE with ALL men (ALL includes the homosexual community) and holiness 
without which NOONE will see the Lord" (Hebrews 12:14).
Grace and Peace,
> The 
best thing to hit the internet in years - Juno SpeedBand!> Surf the web 
up to FIVE TIMES FASTER!> Only $14.95/ month - visit to sign up today!> 
--> "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, 
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RE: [TruthTalk] Chuck Spingola

2003-11-17 Thread Carrolll Moore

> [Original Message]
> Date: 11/16/2003 11:45:35 PM
> Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Chuck Spingola
> DavidM:
> >[CS] was just following God's orders to take the flag down.
> prove it :: and, ftr, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> <>

To take a strong stand against evil is all thru the Bible brother-Those
that resist evil are the heroes of our day for our youth look to them for
direction.Sodomy is strong corruption that deserved strong resistance and
they have  target our youth and even boast that our school are open to
them-While I don't condone all of Chucks methods/actions- I certainly agree
with this one.If any here fail to recognize this evil them that person has
fooled himself.

I would ask you to tell me what these passages mean:
 Hebrews 12:4
Ye have not yet resisted unto blood,striving against sin.

Gal 3:24
...the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ,..

> The best thing to hit the internet in years - Juno SpeedBand!
> Surf the web up to FIVE TIMES FASTER!
> Only $14.95/ month - visit to sign up today!
> --
> "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may
know how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
> If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a
friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to
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"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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