Re: [TruthTalk] Courtesy of A.Word.A.Day

2004-06-24 Thread Dave

In a message dated 6/24/2004 10:01:04 PM Pacific
Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
more I study religions the more I am convinced that man never
worshipped anything but himself. -Richard Francis Burton, explorer and
writer (1821-1890)

He's back !!
DAVEH:  As I understand, I am posting this with Perry's blessing.  If
any TTers prefer that I not post such material, please advise.
  And they say there is no such thing as a
reusrrection from the dead.  Hello Dave H.   Without Christ, that quote
is 100% accurate.  

Dave Hansen
If you wish to receive
things I find interesting,
I maintain Five email lists...

Re: [TruthTalk] Courtesy of A.Word.A.Day

2004-06-24 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 6/24/2004 10:01:04 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

The more I study religions the more I am convinced that man never
worshipped anything but himself. -Richard Francis Burton, explorer and
writer (1821-1890)

He's back !!  And they say there is no such thing as a reusrrection from the dead.  Hello Dave H.   Without Christ, that quote is 100% accurate.  


Re: [TruthTalk] Christians and Violence

2004-06-24 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 6/24/2004 9:52:42 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Damn    ocrats?


Re: [TruthTalk] Bonhoeffer, Hitler et al

2004-06-24 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 6/24/2004 9:36:22 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

According to high ranking U.S. officials if it was not for American business interests (ALCOA, Standard Oil, Ford and many others) Hitler would have been a blip on the radar screen.
The Iraqi war is no different.

Just plain silly.   


Re: [TruthTalk] Christians and Violence

2004-06-24 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 6/24/2004 8:27:56 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

The devil ... has on occasion controlled men in positions of authority. Hitler is one example and the Jews pacifistic response to him cost them a lot of lives. 
I wonder how many Jewish lives pacifism would have cost if every Christian in Germany would have taken Paul's words seriously and refused to fight in Hitler's army? Maybe when Paul said to Christians, "The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world," he meant it. No, Judy, it was Christian militancy that cost the Jews "a lot of lives."

I do not think that "lose of life"  is an argument against pacifism if that belief (pacifism) is based on a sense of Divine directive.   Of course pacifism will lead to lose of life, alla Christ and the Cross.   The problem is seen (IMO) in a circumstance which would include "lose of life" for those who are not believers and/or are not pacifists.

There are sound biblical arguments for pacifism (as well as against that belief).  Look to President Carter  (the best worsted president we ever had).   He is and was a pacifist.   Did you know that.   A pacifist  ---   trying to command the respect of those who despise us, aggressively work toward our (America) destruction, and understand military might apart from all other considerations (love they neighbor, prayer, faith, turn the other cheek, etc).
I  do not believe that a Christian pacifist is qualified to serve as President of the United States.   Pacifism can be said to "work" in the advancement of the Christian faith   --  it will not work in a world of bullies and thugs and perverts.    Why - I am asking myself this question (thinking out loud, here).  And I would say that it is because the goals are different.   The goal of this country among other issues is to survive and prosper.  Neither of these is the goal of the Faith and they are not the issues because The Faith is God's idea and it is He. personally. who  is opposed.   He is the line of defense and thousands of years of success in this regard proves the point.   

Just  thinking  (carpenters do that once in a while)


[TruthTalk] Courtesy of A.Word.A.Day

2004-06-24 Thread Dave
The more I study religions the more I am convinced that man never
worshipped anything but himself. -Richard Francis Burton, explorer and
writer (1821-1890)
Dave Hansen
If you wish to receive
things I find interesting,
I maintain Five email lists...
"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought 
to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

Re: [TruthTalk] Christians and violence

2004-06-24 Thread Terry Clifton

Lance Muir wrote:

  Terry:My 'Bonhoeffer' point was,
that each much decide for himself. Much like the theologies expressed
on TT. There is no one (1) right answer to which all must subscribe.
  The Bible cannot and must not be

I guess we will never be in agreement on most anything Lance.  Too many
people are already deciding for themselves what is or is not the right
thing to do..
The Bible is not only chock full of promises, but has most of the
answers I need to guide me.  I strongly suspect it has all the answers,
if I could just see them as they are.

Re: [TruthTalk] Christians and violence

2004-06-24 Thread Wm. Taylor

- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2004 10:36 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Christians and 

 JT   >   By the 
second century the early church was off into heresy 
BT: You've said this on numerous 
occasions, Judy: I am wondering, what was that heresy?
JT   >  and when Constantine 
tried to blend church with state it made things much worse. 
BT: On the one hand, Constantine 
is to be thanked for putting an end to Roman sanctioned persecution of 
Christians; on the other hand, he opened the door to no end of violent 
crimes on the part of Christians against humanity -- whether it be in wars 
against their Christian brothers or against worldly opposition. And so, I agree 
with you -- in part. Nevertheless, I am surprised he is not your hero. Were it 
not for him, your doctrine may have still been consistent with the early NT 
JT   >  Paul exhorts his hearers 
to obey those who have been given Governmental authority
Yes, you are right: he did. Please allow me to set 
a couple questions. The early church was under persecution, sometimes quite 
intense, throughout the Second and Third centuries. These Christians lived in 
Rome or Roman provinces. They were under Roman rule -- a rule which was truly 
tyrannical. Nevertheless, they did not consider it a Christian alternative to 
take up arms and fight for the right to govern themselves as they saw fit. In 
other words they did not seek to declare their independence from Rome and 
establish a separate nation of their own. Theirs was not a call to take up 
weapons: they were to take up their crosses daily.On the other hand, 
this is precisely the opposite of what our American forefathers found in the 
counsel they were receiving. They lived in English colonies, as English 
citizens, under English rule. Rather than live peaceably under the prescribed 
laws of their governing authorites, they cried tyrany, rebelled, declared their 
independence, took up arms, and in a bloodly war fought their way to nation 
status. All of this they did in and under the name of Christ.My question 
is this: If, as you rightly observe, Paul exhorts Christians to obey those who 
have been given Governmental authority, why was it a "Christian" thing to do for 
our founders to disobey those who had been given Governmental 
authority over them? (I would very much like an answer to this question -- 
and not only from you, but from Izzy also).
If it was so clearly upon Christian principles that 
our nation was founded (a claim that Izzy and others here on TT are so fond of 
making), why did the Christians of less than one hundred years after the closing 
of the NT Canon not find those same "principles" inscriptuarated in their 
study? Why didn't those "principal" jump out to them as a strong point of 
consideration? Why did those principles not drive them to the same conclusions 
as our founding fathers?
Why did they not fight to establish a country of 
their own, one wherein they could vote (to answer Izzy's indescretion) to uphold 
the supposedly Christian "rights" to life, liberty, and the pursuit of 
JT   >   and it appears (at 
least once) that [Paul] valued and used his Roman citizenship to get himself out 
of trouble.
BT: Yes, he did. And he did it in 
a non-violent way -- a difference which, in light of this discussion, I am 
 JT   >   Passivism early on led to 
monks, religious orders, quietism, pietism etc. 
BT: It was not early "passivism" which led to these 
things, Judy. These were all non-violent, post-Constantinian reactions to 
Constantinian "Christian" madness. 
JT  > Do you see the "image of Christ" in any of them Bill?
BT: Yes, to some extent, I do; however, not completely. 
These witnesses -- characteristically appealing primarily to the NT and the 
example of Jesus -- have spoken out firmly against all war and killing and have 
declared such practices incompatible with following Jesus. In this they are to 
be admired and do reflect the "image of Christ." Nevertheless, as 
movements they all moved away from Christ and into insignificance the more they 
removed themselves from participation in the world. Never as Christians are we 
called to enact a fortress mentality.
Allow me to state the obvious: history teaches that violence simply begets 
violence. The long history of Christian "just wars" has wrought suffering 
past all telling. Might it be that reason and sad experience could disabuse us 
(read Christians) of the hope that we can approximate God's justice through 
killing? Reason must be healed and taught by Scripture, and our experience must 
be transformed by the renewing of our minds in conformity with the mind of 
Christ. Only thus can Christians overcome their Constantinian warring 
And let me clearly state that the reasons for choosing Jusus' way of 
peacemaking are not prudential. In cal

Re: [TruthTalk] Good morning, Terry et al

2004-06-24 Thread Lance Muir

Christopher My Man:Glad to see you come out of your 
shell and express an opinion for a change. 

  - Original Message - 
  Chris Barr 
  Sent: June 24, 2004 11:13
  Subject: [TruthTalk] Good morning, Terry 
  et al
  \o/ !HALALU Yah! 
  Greetings Terry in the Matchless Name of YahShua !!
  Your 'Christians and violence' post was 
  the last TT post I read ... been busy ... I think I can pretty well guess the 
  direction of the answers you've been receiving and that my perspective is not 
  the majority view (SURPRISE -- not).
  I am an ambassador for Messiah as are you 
  in accordance with II Corinthians 5:20 if you are His.  As the old song 
  goes, 'This world is not my home, I'm just passin' through.'
  The zeal for war amongst Christians is as 
  Rav Shaul/Apostle Paul wrote in Romans 10:2.
  The Saviour said, "My 
  Kingdom is not of this world:  if My Kingdom were of this world, then 
  would My servants fight" (John 18:36).
  Ambassadors are representatives of The 
  Kingdom which they represent.  They neither fight nor vote.  Peter 
  drew a sword and The Saviour rebuked him.  "ALL they that take the sword shall perish with the 
  The last possibly just war fought on 
  American soil was that of 1812.  All the rest have been imperialistic and 
  primarily for business reasons.
  This nation will be judged by The 
  Almighty for its exceeding wickedness ... is being judged now ... more to 
  come.  I look forward to it and the sooner coming return of The King of 
  kings to make it all right.  THEN I will fight!  Until then I pray 
  and represent The Kingdom (Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done, IN EARTH as in 
  heaven).  This nation and its current administration are as far away from 
  heaven as has ever been.
  Remember 9/11?  (That's a rhetorical 
  Due to 9/11, we travelled out of state to meet 
  with one hungry teenager (previously a fence-sitter).  We had been 
  counselling her by e-mail and phone.  We had never been to this place 
  before.  The Holy Spirit had people literally walking up to us asking us 
  to pray with them, come home with them for counsel, etc.  We ended up ALL 
  DAY LONG in this place teaching people who had never heard of Sabbath and 
  other precious truths, teaching on such things and a hearty message for 
  YET, on the way home, ONLY TWO DAYS after the 
  9/11 event, we passed by 'The Call of The Wild' on the highway.  A VERY 
  LARGE STRIP JOINT with parking lot filled to overflowing.  
  Mourning?  Day of Prayer the next day?  Ball games cancelled?  
  STRIP JOINT DOING A BOOMING BUSINESS!  By the way, this strip joint 
  advertised on the local 'Dr. Laura' program.  I faxed her TWICE about it 
  but it continues.  Oh, well.
  God Bless America?
   Ahava b' YahShua
  (Love in The 
  Baruch YHVH,
  (Bless The 
   Chris Barr 
  a servant of 

Re: [TruthTalk] Fighting for liberty and freedom

2004-06-24 Thread Chris Barr

\o/ !HALALU Yah! 
Greetings in the Matchless Name of YahShua !!

- Original Message - 
From: Lance Muir 

Sent: 06/23/2004 3:47 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Fighting for 
liberty and freedom

No justice system is truly just. This is partly 
true due to the reality that those empowered to administer the 'system' are 
themselves 'bent'.
Amein.  Case in point:
Almost a year ago one posted an extensive list of lies and false 
accusations against me (the list was almost as long as that one is 
wicked).  I wrote those empowered to administer the 
'system' inquiring, "Would you like for me to refute each and every 
one of [these] deceptions and lies on TruthTalk?  I can but somehow I don't 
think you want that."
Many had/have been rebuked by those empowered to 
administer the 'system' for MUCH less (myself included).  

Yet those empowered to administer the 
'system' let it go without reproof or rebuke.

Ahava b' 

(Love in The 

(Bless The 
 Chris Barr 

a servant of 

[TruthTalk] Willing to make the sacrifice

2004-06-24 Thread Chris Barr

\o/ !HALALU Yah! 
Greetings in the Matchless Name of YahShua !!
> What do you propose ChrisB - that all international business should 
stop immediately and this will put a stop to war?  Maybe our leaders should 
employ a team of wise men like Nebuchadnezzar had to help them understand and 
deal with these things.
ChrisB:  I'm available.

Ahava b' 

(Love in The 

(Bless The 
 Chris Barr 

a servant of 

RE: [TruthTalk] Christians and violence

2004-06-24 Thread Jonathan Hughes

Hi Judy,


You have probably made the following comment about 7 or 8 times since I
have been on TruthTalk:  "By the second century the early church was
off into heresy."  Could you please qualify this with full text references
to second century heresies that you are concerned with?  I would like to
see what you come up with.


And to answer your question to Bill, yes I do see the image of Christ
all over the place in the orders you mention.  You seem to be completely
ignorant of the fact that you would not be "Judy the Christian" as
you are without the church fathers and the orders that developed throughout our
history.  The debt you owe them is immeasurable.  The eyes you read
scripture with every day are not fresh eyes (none of us has fresh eyes);
rather, they are eyes that have learned both wrongly and rightly from what has
gone on before.  Surely you do not believe that your faith has been
created in a vacuum?  It appears that you actually believe that you would
believe exactly as you do if you were the first person to pick up the Bible and
allow the Holy Spirit to speak through its words.  What you believe is a
mixture of the Holy Spirit and two
thousand years of tradition and 'readings' with favour given to some strands
over others.




-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2004 12:36 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Christians and violence



By the second century the early church was off into heresy and when Constantine tried to blend church with state it made things much worse. Paul exhorts his
hearers to obey those who have been given Governmental authority and it appears
(at least once) that he valued and used his Roman citizenship to get himself
out of trouble.


Passivism early on led to monks, religious orders, quietism, pietism
etc. Do you see the "image of Christ" in any of them Bill?

Re: [TruthTalk] Christians and Violence

2004-06-24 Thread Chris Barr

\o/ !HALALU Yah! 
Greetings in the Matchless Name of YahShua !!

- Original 
Message - 
Sent: 06/24/2004 11:23 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Christians and 

> > 
Bill:> > Why would you call the Third Reich 
Now there's a 
giant illogical leap.  Bill addressed individuals in Hitler's army and jt 
turned that into 'the Third Reich'.  Do you suppose that Bush's army only 
consists of Reprobaticans and no Damnocrats?
> Do you know 
much about what was involved in being a member of the German Army during 
I do.  My father-in-law was an officer in the German Army.  They 
were mostly just folks (like today's U.S. Army).  They were driven by 
nationalism (like today's U.S. Army).  They had bad apples (like today's 
U.S. Army).  Their S.S. abused and even killed people (like today's 
"intelligence" officers and 
U.S. Army personnel).  They were devoted to their Fuhrer (like today's U.S. 
Patriotism is idolatry.
I close as did another Beloved Apostle:  "Little children, keep 
yourselves from idols. Amein." (I John 5:21)

Ahava b' 

(Love in The 

(Bless The 
 Chris Barr 

a servant of 

Re: [TruthTalk] Bonhoeffer, Hitler et al

2004-06-24 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What do you propose ChrisB - that all international business should stop immediately 
and this will put a stop to war?  Maybe our leaders should employ a team of wise men 
like Nebuchadnezzar had to help them understand and deal with these things. Now the US 
will be blamed for Hitler also.
"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to 
send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

Re: [TruthTalk] Christians and violence

2004-06-24 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

By the second century the early church was off into heresy and when Constantine tried 
to blend church with state it made things much worse. Paul exhorts his hearers to obey 
those who have been given Governmental authority and it appears (at least once) that 
he valued and used his Roman citizenship to get himself out of trouble.

Passivism early on led to monks, religious orders, quietism, pietism etc. Do you see 
the "image of Christ" in any of them Bill?

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to 
send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

[TruthTalk] Bonhoeffer, Hitler et al

2004-06-24 Thread Chris Barr

\o/ !HALALU Yah! 
Greetings in the Matchless Name of YahShua !!
Bonhoeffer was wrong.
Hitler was a PUPPET.
According to high ranking U.S. officials if it was not for American 
business interests (ALCOA, Standard Oil, Ford and many others) Hitler would have 
been a blip on the radar screen.
The Iraqi war is no different.

Ahava b' 

(Love in The 

(Bless The 
 Chris Barr 

a servant of 

Re: [TruthTalk] Christians and Violence

2004-06-24 Thread Wm. Taylor
Judy, Hitler's army was made up of German citizens. Those citizens were
members of one or the other of Germany's churches. They were baptized
Christian. Why didn't those baptized "Christians" refuse to fight?

As for you comment, "I know Hitler made a Concordat with Pope Pius but that
does not make either of them Christian." It's smoke and mirrors, Judy, and
you know it.

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2004 10:23 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Christians and Violence

> Bill:
> Why would you call the Third Reich "Christian?" They were into all kinds
of occult practices. Do you know much about what was involved in being a
member of the German Army during WW2.  I know Hitler made a Concordat with
Pope Pius but that does not make either of them Christian.
> Grace and Peace, judyt
> --
> "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may
know how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
> If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a
friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to 
send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

Re: [TruthTalk] Christians and Violence

2004-06-24 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Why would you call the Third Reich "Christian?" They were into all kinds of occult 
practices. Do you know much about what was involved in being a member of the German 
Army during WW2.  I know Hitler made a Concordat with Pope Pius but that does not make 
either of them Christian.

Grace and Peace, judyt
"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to 
send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

[TruthTalk] Passive a-political dreamer

2004-06-24 Thread Chris Barr

\o/ !HALALU Yah! 
Greetings in the Matchless Name of YahShua !!

- Original Message - 
From: ShieldsFamily 
Sent: 06/23/2004 5:56 PM

are GIVING our nation to the godless by being passive a-political dreamers! Wake 
up!!! Izzy
Matthew 26:51-54
Wake up, Izzy!!!

Ahava b' 

(Love in The 

(Bless The 
 Chris Barr 

a servant of 

[TruthTalk] LANCE ... Now who's being overly simplistic

2004-06-24 Thread Chris Barr

\o/ !HALALU Yah! 
Greetings in the Matchless Name of YahShua !!

- Original Message - 
From: Lance Muir 

Sent: 06/23/2004 8:49 AM

I'm off to a 90 minute visit to the beloved 
dentist. Why? I didn't take adequate care. Nothing complicated 
Going to the dentist shows you still are not taking adequate care.
I haven't been to the dentist FOR YEARS.  The right combination of 
herb compounds and minerals stops dental problems DEAD in their tracks.  
Have taught this to others who have had the same success.  Takes less time 
and money than the dentist.

Ahava b' 

(Love in The 

(Bless The 
 Chris Barr 

a servant of 

Re: [TruthTalk] Christians and Violence

2004-06-24 Thread Wm. Taylor

The devil ... has on occasion controlled men in 
positions of authority. Hitler is one example and the Jews pacifistic response 
to him cost them a lot of lives. 
I wonder how many Jewish lives pacifism would have cost if every 
Christian in Germany would have taken Paul's words seriously and refused to 
fight in Hitler's army? Maybe when Paul said to Christians, "The weapons we 
fight with are not the weapons of the world," he meant it. No, Judy, it was 
Christian militancy that cost the Jews "a lot of lives."
- Original Message - 

  Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2004 7:02 
  Subject: [TruthTalk] Christians and 
  It's not a viable option in the spiritual 
  warfare.  Do you have any examples of how it has helped in 
  the world at large?
  The devil is pleased when we make our backs a broad 
  road for him to walk on and he has on occasion controlled men in 
  positions of authority.  Hitler is one example and the Jews pacifistic 
  response to him cost them a lot of lives.  jt
  Judy:Pacifissism is a viable option.
From: Judy Taylor 
Terry writes:
Still, the real question has not been addressed.  We know what 
happens when the Lord returns, but what do we do until then?  Do we 
take our place and kill the enemy if that is what our government decides is 
right, or do we love our enemy and turn the other cheek?  Does it make 
any difference if we are the agressor or if we act in self defense?  
Can we live to please God and men?  Terry
jt: We judge sin in ourselves and repent of it 
daily which is the process of sanctification and this will eventually 
purify our whole being, spirit, soul, and body.  There were many, many 
Christians in the Navy while we were there, in fact, without the example of 
their godly behavior I might never have chosen to return.  If our 
country had gone to war during those years we would have been 
involved.  So long as we are not the aggressor I don't believe it wrong 
for our leaders to defend us.  As for Iraq, I know there are those who 
do not agree but I see it as part of the "war on Terror" a war that still 
There are Christian police officers who may some 
day have to shoot and prison guards who are also Christian. I've done 
temporary work and have been able to discern believers by their conduct in 
every place I've been sent to.  They are not the majority but they are 
there as works in progress and this, IMO, is the way God would have it 
because these are His ambassadors.  Just ordinary every day 
people.  I don't think a true believer chooses violence but a man 
should defend his family and a decent leader defends his 
Grace and Peace,

[TruthTalk] Good morning, Terry et al

2004-06-24 Thread Chris Barr

\o/ !HALALU Yah! 
Greetings Terry in the Matchless Name of YahShua !!
Your 'Christians and violence' post was the 
last TT post I read ... been busy ... I think I can pretty well guess the 
direction of the answers you've been receiving and that my perspective is not 
the majority view (SURPRISE -- not).
I am an ambassador for Messiah as are you 
in accordance with II Corinthians 5:20 if you are His.  As the old song 
goes, 'This world is not my home, I'm just passin' through.'
The zeal for war amongst Christians is as 
Rav Shaul/Apostle Paul wrote in Romans 10:2.
The Saviour said, "My 
Kingdom is not of this world:  if My Kingdom were of this world, then would 
My servants fight" (John 18:36).
Ambassadors are representatives of The 
Kingdom which they represent.  They neither fight nor vote.  Peter 
drew a sword and The Saviour rebuked him.  "ALL they that take the sword shall perish with the 
The last possibly just war fought on 
American soil was that of 1812.  All the rest have been imperialistic and 
primarily for business reasons.
This nation will be judged by The Almighty 
for its exceeding wickedness ... is being judged now ... more to come.  I 
look forward to it and the sooner coming return of The King of kings to make it 
all right.  THEN I will fight!  Until then I pray and represent The 
Kingdom (Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done, IN EARTH as in heaven).  This 
nation and its current administration are as far away from heaven as has ever 
Remember 9/11?  (That's a rhetorical 
Due to 9/11, we travelled out of state to meet 
with one hungry teenager (previously a fence-sitter).  We had been 
counselling her by e-mail and phone.  We had never been to this place 
before.  The Holy Spirit had people literally walking up to us asking us to 
pray with them, come home with them for counsel, etc.  We ended up ALL DAY 
LONG in this place teaching people who had never heard of Sabbath and other 
precious truths, teaching on such things and a hearty message for 
YET, on the way home, ONLY TWO DAYS after the 9/11 
event, we passed by 'The Call of The Wild' on the highway.  A VERY LARGE 
STRIP JOINT with parking lot filled to overflowing.  Mourning?  Day of 
Prayer the next day?  Ball games cancelled?  STRIP JOINT DOING A 
BOOMING BUSINESS!  By the way, this strip joint advertised on the local 
'Dr. Laura' program.  I faxed her TWICE about it but it continues.  
Oh, well.
God Bless America?


 Ahava b' YahShua

(Love in The 
Baruch YHVH,

(Bless The 
 Chris Barr 

a servant of 

RE: [TruthTalk] Christians and violence

2004-06-24 Thread ShieldsFamily

Lance, the confusion always comes
when we confuse God’s commandments on an individual/personal level with
God’s authority given to governing bodies.  Yes, of course it is okay to
fight as a soldier.  No it is not
okay to fight as an individual, UNLESS it is in self-defense (who would not
protect himself or his family from an intruder, for example?).  Turn the other cheek to him who smites
you on the cheek ie: personal insult.  And no, we cannot always please God and
men.  But God is not displeased when
we fight nobly in the service of our nation.  If we disagree with the morality of the
war in this country we can always be conscientious objectors. Izzy  


We know what happens when
the Lord returns, but what do we do until then?
Do we take our place and kill the enemy if that is what our government decides
is right, or do we love our enemy and turn the other cheek?  Does it make
any difference if we are the agressor or if we act in self defense?  Can
we live to please God and

Re: [TruthTalk] Christians and violence

2004-06-24 Thread Wm. Taylor

If I murder someone, I think that's 
wrong, as it says in the Commandments. If I kill someone, in self-defense, I 
think it's different. I think there is a difference. 
I wonder why the early church did not see it that 
way? Maybe they didn't hear God's voice telling them to kill 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2004 6:33 
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Christians and 
  questions. I think there's a difference between "kill" and murder. God did 
  tell His people to kill others in Scripture, but that was God, not man. If I 
  murder someone, I think that's wrong, as it says in the Commandments. If I 
  kill someone, in self-defense, I think it's different. I think there is a 
  difference. Regarding your question on if we can live to please both God and 
  man...I don't think so. I think this is why we have so many problems today. We 
  began to please man (and ourselves) and not God. People are persecuted today 
  for refusing to please man.
-Original Message-From: 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Terry 
CliftonSent: Thursday, 24 June, 2004 08:22To: 
[TruthTalk] Christians and violence 
 May I 
say that everything that both you and Izzy said in response to my post was 
on target. I appreciate both of you and thank you for giving me things to 
consider. ( There is a time for war,  and a time for peace.  There will be wars 
and rumors of wars until our Lord returns as a mighty warrior and 
judge.  God deals with reality, we are still growing, still being 
conformed.God has given government the 
responsibility for protecting it's people, etc.)Still, the real question 
has not been addressed.  We know what happens when the Lord returns, 
but what do we do until then?Do we take our place and kill the enemy if 
that is what our government decides is right, or do we love our enemy and 
turn the other cheek?  Does it make any difference if we are the 
agressor or if we act in self defense?  Can we live to please God 
and men?  Terry

RE: [TruthTalk] Fighting for liberty and freedom

2004-06-24 Thread ShieldsFamily

If you understood the 10 Commandments you would realize that
they do protect everyone’s rights. Izzy


[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lance Muir
Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2004 4:35
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Fighting
for liberty and freedom


Izzy:When one lives in an increasingly pluralist country
you've got to grant to all groups that which you grant to the one. So, keep the
10 com then, provide the same platform to each new and ascending voice in your


PS:Prior to looking around for a stone to throw. Think about
the meaning of what's just been said and what's meant by it.

- Original Message - 

From: ShieldsFamily


Sent: June 23, 2004

Subject: RE: [TruthTalk]
Fighting for liberty and freedom


Agreed.  Only when a nation
is under God’s (Ten Commandments) laws can justice be administered
justly. That’s the problem here; God is being eroded everywhere by folks
who think that politics and morality don’t mix. We are GIVING our nation
to the godless by being passive a-political dreamers! Wake up!!! Izzy


Behalf Of Lance Muir
Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 2004
2:48 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Fighting
for liberty and freedom


No justice system is truly just. This is partly true due to
the reality that those empowered to administer the 'system' are themselves

- Original Message - 

From: Slade


Sent: June 23, 2004

Subject: RE: [TruthTalk]
Fighting for liberty and freedom


Some people right here in America
are arrested for things just as foolish. Some people are held in jail for
months for no reason. 



-Original Message-
Behalf Of Judy Taylor
Sent: Wednesday, 23 June, 2004
Subject: [TruthTalk] Fighting for
liberty and freedom

Would we like to live under this kind of
oppression?  Being beaten and arrested for this kind of foolishness.

What's wrong with peace through strength
Lance?  Now that your tooth is OK you should be able to think.  jt


Re: [TruthTalk] Christians and Violence

2004-06-24 Thread Lance Muir

John:Me too. 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: June 24, 2004 09:30
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Christians and 
  In a message dated 6/24/2004 6:22:40 AM Pacific 
  Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  wonder how many TT'ers favor the death 
  penalty?On merit, it is ok.   In practice  - 
  absolutely not until we figure out how not to send innocent folk to the death 
  row.   DNA has caused me to change my mind about the death 
  penaly.  It is painful for me to imagine an innocent man being put to 
  death -- and it has happened as number of times.  John 

Re: [TruthTalk] Christians and Violence

2004-06-24 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 6/24/2004 6:22:40 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

wonder how many TT'ers favor the death penalty?

On merit, it is ok.   In practice  - absolutely not until we figure out how not to send innocent folk to the death row.   DNA has caused me to change my mind about the death penaly.  It is painful for me to imagine an innocent man being put to death -- and it has happened as number of times.  

John Smithson

Re: [TruthTalk] Christians and Violence

2004-06-24 Thread Lance Muir

Judy:In this(spiritual warfare) I believe you 
to be correct. However, in the other (just plain warfare) it is an option. Many 
Christians have chosen this road. This is a reflection of their conscience 
before God. 
Many in the early years of the church chose this 
I wonder how many TT'ers favor the death 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: June 24, 2004 09:02
  Subject: [TruthTalk] Christians and 
  It's not a viable option in the spiritual 
  warfare.  Do you have any examples of how it has helped in 
  the world at large?
  The devil is pleased when we make our backs a broad 
  road for him to walk on and he has on occasion controlled men in 
  positions of authority.  Hitler is one example and the Jews pacifistic 
  response to him cost them a lot of lives.  jt
  Judy:Pacifissism is a viable option.
From: Judy Taylor 
Terry writes:
Still, the real question has not been addressed.  We know what 
happens when the Lord returns, but what do we do until then?  Do we 
take our place and kill the enemy if that is what our government decides is 
right, or do we love our enemy and turn the other cheek?  Does it make 
any difference if we are the agressor or if we act in self defense?  
Can we live to please God and men?  Terry
jt: We judge sin in ourselves and repent of it 
daily which is the process of sanctification and this will eventually 
purify our whole being, spirit, soul, and body.  There were many, many 
Christians in the Navy while we were there, in fact, without the example of 
their godly behavior I might never have chosen to return.  If our 
country had gone to war during those years we would have been 
involved.  So long as we are not the aggressor I don't believe it wrong 
for our leaders to defend us.  As for Iraq, I know there are those who 
do not agree but I see it as part of the "war on Terror" a war that still 
There are Christian police officers who may some 
day have to shoot and prison guards who are also Christian. I've done 
temporary work and have been able to discern believers by their conduct in 
every place I've been sent to.  They are not the majority but they are 
there as works in progress and this, IMO, is the way God would have it 
because these are His ambassadors.  Just ordinary every day 
people.  I don't think a true believer chooses violence but a man 
should defend his family and a decent leader defends his 
Grace and Peace,

Re: [TruthTalk] Christians and Violence

2004-06-24 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 6/24/2004 6:04:36 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

It's not a viable option in the spiritual warfare.  Do you have any examples of how it has helped in the world at large?

I took Lance's remark as a comment regarding the physical world.


Re: [TruthTalk] Christians and violence

2004-06-24 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 6/24/2004 5:52:31 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

The Bible cannot and must not be USED as either an ANSWER BOOK  or a PROMISE BOOK.

Lance,  if you are voicing an opinion against viewing the Bible as a book of formulae, I very much agree.   principles - yes; formula, no.   


Re: [TruthTalk] Christians and violence

2004-06-24 Thread Knpraise

Well done.


In a message dated 6/24/2004 4:21:33 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Good Morning All:
 Terry - I've given your question a lot of thought over the years since we were a military family when the Lord got my attention once more on Adak AK and I began to seriously study His Word in order to learn His ways.  
We know that He hates divorce, yet he allowed Moses to give a bill of divorcement under the Old Covenant because of the hardness of men's hearts.  So God is a realist and He knows our frame.  We will not be free from wars and rumors of wars until Jesus returns and from that point on He (Jesus) will be the one ruling with a rod of iron - at which point in time there will be peace.  
When we commit to follow Jesus and choose His Kingdom over the kingdoms of this world we do not become perfected immediately.  Salvation is actually a walk of grace during which our minds are renewed and our behavior changed until we are conformed to the image of Christ (not just metaphorically, or figuratively, but literally) because He will not have a bunch of people who think like devils ruling with Him during the new millenium.
There are no exhortations to free slaves in scripture, and yet we can be sure that God does not endorse slavery. As you (Terry) point out there were also no lectures to Centurians to get out of the Roman Army by Jesus, Paul, or any of the other apostles.  Our responsibility here (from what I understand) is to judge ourselves and to deal with our own issues, (so that He will not have to judge us in that day); and to be a light for Him to those around us.  God (who knows the beginning from the end) can handle the world system;  He has not made us responsible to fix it or to judge it... just to be lights in it, love people, and stay free from debt to both God and man.
Grace and Peace,

[TruthTalk] Christians and Violence

2004-06-24 Thread Judy Taylor

It's not a viable option in the spiritual 
warfare.  Do you have any examples of how it has helped in 
the world at large?
The devil is pleased when we make our backs a broad 
road for him to walk on and he has on occasion controlled men in positions 
of authority.  Hitler is one example and the Jews pacifistic response to 
him cost them a lot of lives.  jt
From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Judy:Pacifissism is a viable option.

  From: Judy Taylor 
  Terry writes:
  Still, the real question has not been addressed.  We know what 
  happens when the Lord returns, but what do we do until then?  Do we take 
  our place and kill the enemy if that is what our government decides is right, 
  or do we love our enemy and turn the other cheek?  Does it make any 
  difference if we are the agressor or if we act in self defense?  Can we 
  live to please God and men?  Terry
  jt: We judge sin in ourselves and repent of it daily 
  which is the process of sanctification and this will eventually purify 
  our whole being, spirit, soul, and body.  There were many, many 
  Christians in the Navy while we were there, in fact, without the example of 
  their godly behavior I might never have chosen to return.  If our country 
  had gone to war during those years we would have been involved.  So long 
  as we are not the aggressor I don't believe it wrong for our leaders to defend 
  us.  As for Iraq, I know there are those who do not agree but I see it as 
  part of the "war on Terror" a war that still rages.
  There are Christian police officers who may some day 
  have to shoot and prison guards who are also Christian. I've done temporary 
  work and have been able to discern believers by their conduct in every place 
  I've been sent to.  They are not the majority but they are there as works 
  in progress and this, IMO, is the way God would have it because these are His 
  ambassadors.  Just ordinary every day people.  I don't think a true 
  believer chooses violence but a man should defend his family and a decent 
  leader defends his people.
  Grace and Peace,

Re: [TruthTalk] Christians and Violence

2004-06-24 Thread Lance Muir

Judy:Pacifissism is a viable option.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: June 24, 2004 08:38
  Subject: [TruthTalk] Christians and 
  Terry writes:
  Still, the real question has not been addressed.  We know what 
  happens when the Lord returns, but what do we do until then?  Do we take 
  our place and kill the enemy if that is what our government decides is right, 
  or do we love our enemy and turn the other cheek?  Does it make any 
  difference if we are the agressor or if we act in self defense?  Can we 
  live to please God and men?  Terry
  jt: We judge sin in ourselves and repent of it daily 
  which is the process of sanctification and this will eventually purify 
  our whole being, spirit, soul, and body.  There were many, many 
  Christians in the Navy while we were there, in fact, without the example of 
  their godly behavior I might never have chosen to return.  If our country 
  had gone to war during those years we would have been involved.  So long 
  as we are not the aggressor I don't believe it wrong for our leaders to defend 
  us.  As for Iraq, I know there are those who do not agree but I see it as 
  part of the "war on Terror" a war that still rages.
  There are Christian police officers who may some day 
  have to shoot and prison guards who are also Christian. I've done temporary 
  work and have been able to discern believers by their conduct in every place 
  I've been sent to.  They are not the majority but they are there as works 
  in progress and this, IMO, is the way God would have it because these are His 
  ambassadors.  Just ordinary every day people.  I don't think a true 
  believer chooses violence but a man should defend his family and a decent 
  leader defends his people.
  Grace and Peace,

Re: [TruthTalk] Christians and violence

2004-06-24 Thread Lance Muir

Terry:My 'Bonhoeffer' point was, that each much 
decide for himself. Much like the theologies expressed on TT. There is no one 
(1) right answer to which all must subscribe.
The Bible cannot and must not be USED as either an 
Once again, I must ask that respondents think 
before writing. O Ya? just doesn't cut it.

  - Original Message - 
  Terry Clifton 
  Sent: June 24, 2004 08:22
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Christians and 
  Lance Muir wrote:

Judy:Well said. You might be seen, on occasion, 
as a modern day "Church Mother". (Amma Judy)

  Original Message - 
  June 24, 2004 07:19
  [TruthTalk] Christians and violence
  Good Morning All:
  Terry - I've given your question a lot of 
  thought over the years since we were a military family when the Lord got 
  my attention once more on Adak AK and I began to seriously study His Word 
  in order to learn His ways.  
  We know that He hates divorce, yet he allowed 
  Moses to give a bill of divorcement under the Old Covenant because of the 
  hardness of men's hearts.  So God is a realist and He knows our 
  frame.  We will not be free from wars and rumors of wars until Jesus 
  returns and from that point on He (Jesus) will be the one ruling with 
  a rod of iron - at which point in time there will be peace.  
  When we commit to follow Jesus and choose 
  His Kingdom over the kingdoms of this world we do not become 
  perfected immediately.  Salvation is actually a walk of grace 
  during which our minds are renewed and our behavior changed until we are 
  conformed to the image of Christ (not just metaphorically, or 
  figuratively, but literally) because He will not have a bunch of people 
  who think like devils ruling with Him during the new 
  There are no exhortations to free slaves in 
  scripture, and yet we can be sure that God does not endorse slavery. As 
  you (Terry) point out there were also no lectures to Centurians to get out 
  of the Roman Army by Jesus, Paul, or any of the 
  other apostles.  Our responsibility 
  here (from what I understand) is to judge ourselves and to deal with 
  our own issues, (so that He will not have to judge us in that 
  day); and to be a light for Him to those around us.  God (who 
  knows the beginning from the end) can handle the world system;  He has not made us responsible to 
  fix it or to judge it... just to be lights in it, love people, and stay 
  free from debt to both God and man.
  Grace and Peace,
   Mornin' Judy:May I say that 
  everything that both you and Izzy said in response to my post was on target. I 
  appreciate both of you and thank you for giving me things to consider. ( There 
  is a time for war, and a time for peace.  There will be wars and rumors 
  of wars until our Lord returns as a mighty warrior and judge.  God deals 
  with reality, we are still growing, still being conformed.  God has given 
  government the responsibility for protecting it's people, etc.)Still, the 
  real question has not been addressed.  We know what happens when the Lord 
  returns, but what do we do until then?Do we take our place and kill the 
  enemy if that is what our government decides is right, or do we love our enemy 
  and turn the other cheek?  Does it make any difference if we are the 
  agressor or if we act in self defense?  Can we live to please God 
  and men?  Terry

[TruthTalk] Christians and Violence

2004-06-24 Thread Judy Taylor

Terry writes:
Still, the real question has not been addressed.  We know what happens 
when the Lord returns, but what do we do until then?  Do we take our place 
and kill the enemy if that is what our government decides is right, or do we 
love our enemy and turn the other cheek?  Does it make any difference if we 
are the agressor or if we act in self defense?  Can we live to please God 
and men?  Terry
jt: We judge sin in ourselves and repent of it daily 
which is the process of sanctification and this will eventually purify our 
whole being, spirit, soul, and body.  There were many, many Christians in 
the Navy while we were there, in fact, without the example of their godly 
behavior I might never have chosen to return.  If our country had gone to 
war during those years we would have been involved.  So long as we are not 
the aggressor I don't believe it wrong for our leaders to defend us.  As 
for Iraq, I know there are those who do not agree but I see it as part of the 
"war on Terror" a war that still rages.
There are Christian police officers who may some day 
have to shoot and prison guards who are also Christian. I've done temporary work 
and have been able to discern believers by their conduct in every place I've 
been sent to.  They are not the majority but they are there as works in 
progress and this, IMO, is the way God would have it because these are His 
ambassadors.  Just ordinary every day people.  I don't think a true 
believer chooses violence but a man should defend his family and a decent 
leader defends his people.
Grace and Peace,

Re: [TruthTalk] Christians and violence

2004-06-24 Thread Slade Henson

questions. I think there's a difference between "kill" and murder. God did tell 
His people to kill others in Scripture, but that was God, not man. If I murder 
someone, I think that's wrong, as it says in the Commandments. If I kill 
someone, in self-defense, I think it's different. I think there is a difference. 
Regarding your question on if we can live to please both God and man...I don't 
think so. I think this is why we have so many problems today. We began to please 
man (and ourselves) and not God. People are persecuted today for refusing to 
please man.

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Terry 
  CliftonSent: Thursday, 24 June, 2004 08:22To: 
  [TruthTalk] Christians and violence 
   May I 
  say that everything that both you and Izzy said in response to my post was on 
  target. I appreciate both of you and thank you for giving me things to 
  consider. ( There is a time for war,  and a time for 
  peace.  There will be wars and rumors of wars until our Lord returns as a 
  mighty warrior and judge.  God deals with reality, we are still growing, 
  still being conformed.God has given 
  government the responsibility for protecting it's people, etc.)Still, the 
  real question has not been addressed.  We know what happens when the Lord 
  returns, but what do we do until then?Do we take our place and kill the 
  enemy if that is what our government decides is right, or do we love our enemy 
  and turn the other cheek?  Does it make any difference if we are the 
  agressor or if we act in self defense?  Can we live to please God 
  and men?  Terry

Re: [TruthTalk] Christians and violence

2004-06-24 Thread Terry Clifton

Lance Muir wrote:

  Judy:Well said. You might be seen,
on occasion, as a modern day "Church Mother". (Amma Judy)
Original Message - 
June 24, 2004 07:19
[TruthTalk] Christians and violence

Good Morning All:
Terry - I've given your question a lot
of thought over the years since we were a military family when the Lord
got my attention once more on Adak AK and I began to seriously study
His Word in order to learn His ways.  
We know that He hates divorce, yet he
allowed Moses to give a bill of divorcement under the Old Covenant
because of the hardness of men's hearts.  So God is a realist and He
knows our frame.  We will not be free from wars and rumors of wars
until Jesus returns and from that point on He (Jesus) will be the one
ruling with a rod of iron - at which point in time there will be
When we commit to follow Jesus and
choose His Kingdom over the kingdoms of this world we do not become
perfected immediately.  Salvation is actually a walk of grace during
which our minds are renewed and our behavior changed until we are
conformed to the image of Christ (not just metaphorically, or
figuratively, but literally) because He will not have a bunch of people
who think like devils ruling with Him during the new millenium.
There are no exhortations to free slaves
in scripture, and yet we can be sure that God does not endorse slavery.
As you (Terry) point out there were also no lectures to Centurians to
get out of the Roman Army by Jesus, Paul, or any of the
other apostles.  Our responsibility here
(from what I understand) is to judge ourselves and to deal with our own
issues, (so that He will not have to judge us in that day); and to be a
light for Him to those around us.  God (who knows the beginning from
the end) can handle the world system;  He
has not made us responsible to fix it or to judge it... just to be
lights in it, love people, and stay free from debt to both God and man.
Grace and Peace,
 Mornin' Judy:


May I say that everything that both you and Izzy said in response to my
post was on target. I appreciate both of you and thank you for giving
me things to consider. ( There is a time for war, and a time for
peace.  There will be wars and rumors of wars until our Lord returns as
a mighty warrior and judge.  God deals with reality, we are still
growing, still being conformed.  God has given government the
responsibility for protecting it's people, etc.)
Still, the real question has not been addressed.  We know what happens
when the Lord returns, but what do we do until then?
Do we take our place and kill the enemy if that is what our government
decides is right, or do we love our enemy and turn the other cheek? 
Does it make any difference if we are the agressor or if we act in self
defense?  Can we live to please God and men?  

Re: [TruthTalk] Christians and violence

2004-06-24 Thread Lance Muir

Judy:Well said. You might be seen, on occasion, as 
a modern day "Church Mother". (Amma Judy)

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: June 24, 2004 07:19
  Subject: [TruthTalk] Christians and 
  Good Morning All:
  Terry - I've given your question a lot of 
  thought over the years since we were a military family when the Lord got my 
  attention once more on Adak AK and I began to seriously study His Word in 
  order to learn His ways.  
  We know that He hates divorce, yet he allowed Moses 
  to give a bill of divorcement under the Old Covenant because of the hardness 
  of men's hearts.  So God is a realist and He knows our frame.  We 
  will not be free from wars and rumors of wars until Jesus returns and from 
  that point on He (Jesus) will be the one ruling with a rod of iron - at 
  which point in time there will be peace.  
  When we commit to follow Jesus and choose 
  His Kingdom over the kingdoms of this world we do not become perfected 
  immediately.  Salvation is actually a walk of grace during which our 
  minds are renewed and our behavior changed until we are conformed to the image 
  of Christ (not just metaphorically, or figuratively, but literally) because He 
  will not have a bunch of people who think like devils ruling with Him 
  during the new millenium.
  There are no exhortations to free slaves in 
  scripture, and yet we can be sure that God does not endorse slavery. As you 
  (Terry) point out there were also no lectures to Centurians to get out 
  of the Roman Army by Jesus, Paul, or any of the 
  other apostles.  Our responsibility here 
  (from what I understand) is to judge ourselves and to deal with our own 
  issues, (so that He will not have to judge us in that day); and to be a 
  light for Him to those around us.  God (who knows the beginning from the 
  end) can handle the world system;  He has 
  not made us responsible to fix it or to judge it... just to be lights in it, 
  love people, and stay free from debt to both God and man.
  Grace and Peace,
  From: Terry Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Good morning 
  family:Let me start by saying that there are things I know to do and when 
  I do them God is pleased.There are things I think that I should do 
  because I think God would be pleased.There are things I dare not do 
  because I know it would not please God.This is called fundamentalist by 
  some.  Others call it  legalism. I call it denying self and 
  following Him.Whatever it is called, it works well when you have the 
  answers.  It even works fairly well when you think you have the 
  answers.  The big problem comes when you have a desire to live a life 
  pleasing to the Lord, but you are not certain how to do it.  He 
  plainly says "I hate divorce".  He commands us not to steal. or 
  covet. or commit adultery.  No gray areas.  Easy to follow 
  instructions.  Do what He says.  Don't do what He hates..
  Then we go to war!
    Bill reopened this can of worms for me a couple of days 
  back.  Judy responded to it.  Both made some points, some good 
  points, yet I was left wondering, as I have been for a long time, as to 
  just what God expects of His people in time of war.  Jesus and Peter 
  and Paul all dealt with military men . A couple of centurions and a prison 
  guard as I remember.  None of them were told to give up their careers 
  as a condition of salvation, so it would seem that there is a place for 
  Christians in the military.  Still, I cannot picture Jesus leading a 
  bayonet charge.  He said,"Love your enemy-do good to those who hate 
  you-turn the other cheek.
  Somehow, this all has to fit together or it makes no sense.Your 
  thoughts please, with verses if possible.I would appreciate hearing, even 
  if, like me, you don't have the answer.
  --"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, 
  that you may know how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
  If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and 
  you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell 
  him to send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he 
  will be subscribed.

Re: [TruthTalk] Fighting for liberty and freedom

2004-06-24 Thread Lance Muir

Judy:You'll never see that under Islam. You HAVE TO 
SEE IT in your country. This is the nature of a republic. You'll see much more 
of it in the future. People will start to run for office and, will have the 
constituency to be elected. 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: June 24, 2004 07:25
  Subject: [TruthTalk] Fighting for liberty 
  and freedom
  This is present day policy in the US; that is why a 
  school in CA allowed students to wear what is essentially the HAMAS flag on a 
  sash at one of their official functions.  I'd like to see that under 
  Islam.  Noone here is throwing stones; but facts are facts and truth is 
  truth.  This is Truth Talk is it not?  judyt
  From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Izzy:When one lives in an increasingly pluralist 
  country you've got to grant to all groups that which you grant to the one. So, 
  keep the 10 com then, provide the same platform to each new and ascending 
  voice in your nation.  PS:Prior to looking 
  around for a stone to throw. Think about the meaning of what's just been said 
  and what's meant by it.
From: ShieldsFamily 
Agreed.  Only when a nation is under God’s 
(Ten Commandments) laws can justice be administered justly. That’s the 
problem here; God is being eroded everywhere by folks who think that 
politics and morality don’t mix. We are GIVING our nation to the godless by 
being passive a-political dreamers! Wake up!!! 


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lance MuirSent: Wednesday, June 23, 2004 2:48 
PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Fighting for 
liberty and freedom

No justice system is truly just. 
This is partly true due to the reality that those empowered to administer 
the 'system' are themselves 'bent'.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Slade 
  Sent: June 
  23, 2004 16:36
  Subject: RE: 
  [TruthTalk] Fighting for liberty and 
  Some people right 
  here in America are arrested for things 
  just as foolish. Some people are held in jail for months for no 
Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Judy 
TaylorSent: Wednesday, 
23 June, 2004 15:54To: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [TruthTalk] Fighting for 
liberty and freedom

Would we like to 
live under this kind of oppression?  Being beaten and arrested for 
this kind of foolishness.

What's wrong with 
peace through strength Lance?  Now that your tooth is OK you should 
be able to think.  jt


[TruthTalk] Fighting for liberty and freedom

2004-06-24 Thread Judy Taylor

This is present day policy in the US; that is why a 
school in CA allowed students to wear what is essentially the HAMAS flag on a 
sash at one of their official functions.  I'd like to see that under 
Islam.  Noone here is throwing stones; but facts are facts and truth is 
truth.  This is Truth Talk is it not?  judyt
From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Izzy:When one lives in an increasingly pluralist 
country you've got to grant to all groups that which you grant to the one. So, 
keep the 10 com then, provide the same platform to each new and ascending voice 
in your nation.  PS:Prior to looking around 
for a stone to throw. Think about the meaning of what's just been said and 
what's meant by it.

  From: ShieldsFamily 
  Agreed.  Only when a nation is under God’s (Ten 
  Commandments) laws can justice be administered justly. That’s the problem 
  here; God is being eroded everywhere by folks who think that politics and 
  morality don’t mix. We are GIVING our nation to the godless by being passive 
  a-political dreamers! Wake up!!! Izzy
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lance MuirSent: Wednesday, June 23, 2004 2:48 
  PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Fighting for 
  liberty and freedom
  No justice system is truly just. 
  This is partly true due to the reality that those empowered to administer the 
  'system' are themselves 'bent'.

- Original Message - 

From: Slade 


Sent: June 
23, 2004 16:36

Subject: RE: 
[TruthTalk] Fighting for liberty and 


Some people right 
here in America are arrested for things 
just as foolish. Some people are held in jail for months for no 


  Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Judy TaylorSent: Wednesday, 23 June, 2004 
  15:54To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [TruthTalk] Fighting for 
  liberty and freedom
  Would we like to live under this 
  kind of oppression?  Being beaten and arrested for this kind of 
  What's wrong with peace through 
  strength Lance?  Now that your tooth is OK you should be able to 
  think.  jt

[TruthTalk] Christians and violence

2004-06-24 Thread Judy Taylor

Good Morning All:
Terry - I've given your question a lot of thought 
over the years since we were a military family when the Lord got my attention 
once more on Adak AK and I began to seriously study His Word in order to learn 
His ways.  
We know that He hates divorce, yet he allowed Moses to 
give a bill of divorcement under the Old Covenant because of the hardness of 
men's hearts.  So God is a realist and He knows our frame.  We will 
not be free from wars and rumors of wars until Jesus returns and from that point 
on He (Jesus) will be the one ruling with a rod of iron - at which point in 
time there will be peace.  
When we commit to follow Jesus and choose 
His Kingdom over the kingdoms of this world we do not become perfected 
immediately.  Salvation is actually a walk of grace during which our 
minds are renewed and our behavior changed until we are conformed to the image 
of Christ (not just metaphorically, or figuratively, but literally) because He 
will not have a bunch of people who think like devils ruling with Him 
during the new millenium.
There are no exhortations to free slaves in 
scripture, and yet we can be sure that God does not endorse slavery. As you 
(Terry) point out there were also no lectures to Centurians to get out 
of the Roman Army by Jesus, Paul, or any of the other apostles.  
Our responsibility here (from what I understand) is 
to judge ourselves and to deal with our own issues, (so that He will not 
have to judge us in that day); and to be a light for Him to those around 
us.  God (who knows the beginning from the end) can 
handle the world system;  He has not made 
us responsible to fix it or to judge it... just to be lights in it, love people, 
and stay free from debt to both God and man.
Grace and Peace,
From: Terry Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Good morning 
family:Let me start by saying that there are things I know to do and when I 
do them God is pleased.There are things I think that I should do because 
I think God would be pleased.There are things I dare not do because I 
know it would not please God.This is called fundamentalist by some.  
Others call it  legalism. I call it denying self and following 
Him.Whatever it is called, it works well when you have the answers.  It 
even works fairly well when you think you have the answers.  The big 
problem comes when you have a desire to live a life pleasing to the Lord, 
but you are not certain how to do it.  He plainly says "I hate 
divorce".  He commands us not to steal. or covet. or commit 
adultery.  No gray areas.  Easy to follow instructions.  Do 
what He says.  Don't do what He hates..
Then we go to war!
  Bill reopened this can of worms for me a couple of days back.  
Judy responded to it.  Both made some points, some good points, yet I 
was left wondering, as I have been for a long time, as to just what God 
expects of His people in time of war.  Jesus and Peter and Paul all 
dealt with military men . A couple of centurions and a prison guard as I 
remember.  None of them were told to give up their careers as a 
condition of salvation, so it would seem that there is a place for 
Christians in the military.  Still, I cannot picture Jesus leading a 
bayonet charge.  He said,"Love your enemy-do good to those who hate 
you-turn the other cheek.
Somehow, this all has to fit together or it makes no sense.Your 
thoughts please, with verses if possible.I would appreciate hearing, even 
if, like me, you don't have the answer.
--"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, 
that you may know how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and 
you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him 
to send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he 
will be subscribed.

Re: [TruthTalk] Fighting for liberty and freedom

2004-06-24 Thread Lance Muir

Izzy:When one lives in an increasingly pluralist 
country you've got to grant to all groups that which you grant to the one. So, 
keep the 10 com then, provide the same platform to each new and ascending voice 
in your nation.
PS:Prior to looking around for a stone to throw. 
Think about the meaning of what's just been said and what's meant by 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: June 23, 2004 18:56
  Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Fighting for 
  liberty and freedom
  Agreed.  Only when a nation is under God’s (Ten 
  Commandments) laws can justice be administered justly. That’s the problem 
  here; God is being eroded everywhere by folks who think that politics and 
  morality don’t mix. We are GIVING our nation to the godless by being passive 
  a-political dreamers! Wake up!!! Izzy
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lance MuirSent: Wednesday, June 23, 2004 2:48 
  PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Fighting for 
  liberty and freedom
  No justice system is truly just. 
  This is partly true due to the reality that those empowered to administer the 
  'system' are themselves 'bent'.

- Original Message - 

From: Slade 


Sent: June 
23, 2004 16:36

Subject: RE: 
[TruthTalk] Fighting for liberty and 


Some people right 
here in America are arrested for things 
just as foolish. Some people are held in jail for months for no 


  Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Judy TaylorSent: Wednesday, 23 June, 2004 
  15:54To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [TruthTalk] Fighting for 
  liberty and freedom
  Would we like to live under this 
  kind of oppression?  Being beaten and arrested for this kind of 
  What's wrong with peace through 
  strength Lance?  Now that your tooth is OK you should be able to 
  think.  jt

Re: [TruthTalk] On how to win the war

2004-06-24 Thread Lance Muir

The 'Tasmanians'? Even the Canadian could 'handle' them.
Understanding the Koran-A Quick Christian Guide to the Muslim Holy Book 
Whose Religion is Christianity?-The Gospel Beyond the West (2003)
Jesus and Muhammad (2004) 

  - Original Message - 
  Terry Clifton 
  Sent: June 23, 2004 19:51
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] On how to win 
  the war
  In a message dated 6/22/2004 10:27:54 AM Pacific Daylight 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
  On Behalf Of Lance MuirDo you, indeed does 
  anyone, have an answer to John's very important question?:"a plan for dealing 
  with those who are bent on our physical harm and intend to accomplish this 
  in the very near future" ---The 
  enemy does not consist of a hand full of camel jockeys turned bad.  Our 
  enemy is every worshiper of a false god called Allah.  They are taught to 
  hate from the time they leave the cradle, and the only way any Muslim can ever 
  be certain of going to Heaven is to die a martyr's death.  In spite of 
  this, neither Christians nor liberals would agree to exterminating this group, 
  and short of total extermination, there is no sure solution.Just as 
  well.  If we got rid of them, then Satan would raise up the Chinese, or 
  the Tasmanians, or some such to take their place, and we would have to start 
  over again.That's why the Bible is such a comfort to believers.  
  Because so many prophecies have already come true, we know that those still to 
  be fulfilled will also come true, and those prophecies tell us ahead of time 
  how the story ends.  We win, though those that are the winners are 
  not necessarily American, or caucasian, or Klingons.Terry