Re: [TruthTalk] The Eternal Sonship and the Adoption heresey

2005-12-01 Thread Judy Taylor

What are you saying here JD? I've read it through 
and was no more enlightened at the end than before I began.
What bothers you about Jesus the man being "begotten" 
of the Father, rather than made like Adam or procreated
from two human beings like us?

Why does it bother you that he layed aside the glory he 
had with the Father, emptied Himself and took the form
of a man?

Is your faith rooted in ontology?

On Wed, 30 Nov 2005 20:49:51 -0500 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  I have read a number of articles concerning the Sonship of Christ as the result of some action associated with 
  His incarnation. 
  The Apostle John clearly understood Christ to be the Son of God and God 
  at the same time. 
  Those who disagree find the sonship 
  established with His birth, others see it in His resurrection and still 
  others see the sonship vested in the ascension. All of these 
  considerations imply that there was a time when Christ was not the son of 
  God. I might add that these very people believe that Christ 
  was not Son of God at a time in history when God WAS the Father 
  --- few argue that God was ever not the 
  If God has always been the Father but Christ's Sonship is not an 
  extension of His eternal nature, then 
  adoption is the only solution.The silliness that 
  "begotten" has to do with "birthing" as 
  opposed to "uniqueness" is at the center of this heresy. 
  At this time ofyear, wecelebratemuch more 
  than the birth of Christ. We , in fact, celebrate the coming of 
  God into our world - or perhaps I should say "into His world." We have decided, 
  each of us, to worship the man Jesus precisely because He was and is and will 
  always be GOD. 
  If God was completely folded into this man 
  [Christ]thenGod acted as man to save man. 
  Therecan be no eternal value in the salvation of man by 
  man. There can be no demand to worship Christ for the same reason. But few 
  make this argument. On the other hand, many 
  arguethat Christ emptied Himself of being God, took on our 
  form, and became the savior of mankind. There is no difference 
  between the first consideration and the second. There is no 
  alternative (other than the heretical) to 
  the notion that God in Christ experienced what seemed to an impossibility (for 
  God) and died so that all might live. His death 
  haseternalvalue because He is (and was) God. God 
  dying for man when coupled with the resurrection and the ascension [ both functions of a LIVING God 
  ] is one thing. Man dying for man is something else 
  and far less profound. 
  To change form as God , is reasonable. To cease tobe 
  God for some grand purpose or to become God when one is not God is to 
  believe in that which cannot 
  be. I cannot stop being who I am, in essence. 
  And I cannot become what I am not. Neither can God, IMO, because of the ontology of the 
  the point is this: the Great God Almighty accomplished 
  His mightiest work in an event that stripped Him of all that we would 
  consider to be His essence !!! Only God could 
  survive such an event. Hence, only God could actually save 
  man -- and that was His intention from the beginning of 
  thefoundations of the world. 
  Thank you Jesus
  Pastor Smithson
He that says "I know Him" and doesn't keep His 
is a liar (1 John 2:4)

Re: [TruthTalk] 'Calvin's beliefs are of Satan-He was an evil man' says Dean Moore

2005-12-01 Thread Judy Taylor

Hi David, thank you for your response.
I am not an expert on Servetus and did not live in 
Geneva so like you I am depending on written accounts by others - 
it appears as though there are other opinions about the 
situation in Geneva. In Dave Hunt's book "What Love is This?" P.63 he 

"Calvin's defenders turn a blind eye to the facts when 
they attempt to exonerate him by blaming events in Geneva on the civil 
authorities. In the face of so much evidence to the contrary. Boettner 
even insists that "Calvin was the first of the Reformers to demand complete 
separation between Church and State." In fact, Calvin not only established 
ecclesiastical law but he codified the civil legislation. He held the 
civil authorities responsible to "foster and maintain the external worship of 
God, to defend sound doctrine and condition of the church" and to see that "no 
idolatry, no blasphemy against God's name, no calumnies against his truth, nor 
other offenses to religion break out and be disseminated among the people ... 
(but) to prevent the true religion ... from being with impunity openly violated 
and polluted by public blasphemy"

Calvin used the civil arm to impose his peculiar 
doctrines upon the citizens of Geneva and to enforce them. Zweig, who pored over 
the official records of the City Council for Calvin's day tells us "There is 
hardly a day, in the records of the settings of the Town Council in which we do 
not find the remark "Better consult Master Calvin about this" Pike reminds 
us that Calvin was given a "consultant's chair" in every meeting of the city 
authorities and "when he was sick the authorities would come to his house for 
their sessions" Rather than diminishing with time, Calvin's power only 
grew. John McNeil, a Calvinist, admits that "in Calvin's latter years, and 
under his influence the laws of Geneva became more detailed and more 

Servetus may have been a rank heretic - but where there 
is life there is hope of repentance. His life was taken from him. 

On Wed, 30 Nov 2005 18:41:22 -0500 "David Miller" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Judy, elders and bishops are the same thing in Scripture. The 
  passage that Bill quotes is "bishop" in the KJV. I thought that was the 
  version of your Bible.
  You still don't get the situation in Geneva. John Calvin was 
  brought to Geneva to help them organize a "reformed" church. Calvin 
  outlined an organization with Doctors, Pastors, Deacons, and Elders. The 
  powers went only as far as excommunication. This was the only power that 
  Calvin had, and when he exercised it once to the chagrin of the city council, 
  he himself was banished from Geneva for 3 years, until a new city council had 
  invited him back. In regards to Servetus, Calvin had NO POWER or 
  AUTHORITY to put him to death, as mandated by his own outline of powers of the 
  church. His involvement was by exhorting the city council to do 
  something about this man, and then by making the case for how Servetus had 
  blasphemed the name of God. So your question of, "how would it have been 
  possible for one of these men living in Geneva to reign in John Calvin," has 
  already been answered. All they had to do was say to Calvin, "no." 
  That's it. In fact, Servetus had made the case that Calvin should be the 
  one on trial and he sought to have Calvin put to death and all his belongings 
  given to Servetus. The council took no action on his exhortation. 
  What would history have been like if they had accepted Servetus's arguments 
  instead of Calvin's? Think about it. 
  I'm off to meeting with the saints now. God bless.
  Peace be with you.David Miller.
- Original Message - 


Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2005 8:00 
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] 'Calvin's 
beliefs are of Satan-He was an evil man' says Dean Moore

Are you reading from the Latin Vulgate Bill? 
My Bible calls them "elders" - yes they are to be "examples" to
the flock but Jesus is head of the Church and they 
are at best undershepherds. How would it have been
possible for one of these men living in Geneva to 
reign in John Calvin?

On Wed, 30 Nov 2005 05:49:02 -0700 "Taylor" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  cd writes: Better read Titus 1:9-13 
  jt writes: Where in scripture does one find a 
  "Bishop-led" Church?
  Titus 1.7 For a bishop must be blameless, as the steward of 
  God; not selfwilled, not soon angry, not given to wine, no striker, not 
  given to filthy lucre; 8 But a lover of hospitality, a lover of good men, 
  sober, just, holy, temperate; 9 Holding fast the faithful word as he hath 
  been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to 
  convince the gainsayers. 10 For there are many unruly and 

[TruthTalk] Are you believing media myths??

2005-12-01 Thread Judy Taylor


  December 1, 2005






  1.77 metric tons of enriched 
  1,500 gallons of chemical weapons 
  Chemical warheads containing cyclosarin (a 
  nerve agent five times more deadly than sarin gas)
  Over 1,000 radioactive materials in 
  powdered form meant for dispersal over populated 
This is only a PARTIAL LIST of the horrific 
weapons verified to have been recovered in Iraq to date. Yet, 
Americans overwhelmingly believe U.S. and coalition forces found NO 
weapons of mass destruction.
The question is... WHY do they 
believe this lie? 

[TruthTalk] A real question! Who IS Jesus?

2005-12-01 Thread Lance Muir


Jesus' abound:New Age Jesus (ascended master et 
al), JW Jesus (Michael the archangel), Mormon Jesus (literal offspring - via 
Mary - of a god who himself was once a man). Dan Brown's Jesus (DaVinci Code) 
One could go on and on and.

Does it matter WHO JESUS IS? Do true believers 
come, via Scripture, to sincere but DIFFERING CONCLUSIONS? Is the 'heart of the 
gospel' to be found in the answer to this question?

EARTH is WHY? (why me, why now, why this, why that). Is it possible that the 
answer to (IMO) 'the most asked question' is to be found in 'WHO JESUS IS' (Does 
WHO take precedence over WHY AND WHAT)

Of course there are a multitude of other and, 
important questions but, is any question more central than this? (WHO IS JESUS, 
FATHER AND THE SPIRIT?) Does the 'GOSPEL WE PREACH' grow out our answer to 

[TruthTalk] Emailing: trinity

2005-12-01 Thread Lance Muir

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RE: [TruthTalk] Emailing: trinity.htm

2005-12-01 Thread ShieldsFamily
Title: The Trinity  Subordinationism by Kevin Giles

Bottom line: liberals are liberals because
they have a spirit of rebellion. Thus subordinationism (submission to
authority) is anathema to them. And they certainly cant have Jesus doing
that!!! iz

Behalf Of Lance Muir
Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2005
7:09 AM
Subject: [TruthTalk] Emailing:

[TruthTalk] Garrison Keillor

2005-12-01 Thread ShieldsFamily

My husband and I used to enjoy Prairie Home Companion on the
radio every weekend until Garrison Keillors liberal politics got so
rabid that we stopped listening altogether. It was sickening. iz

Re: [TruthTalk] 'Calvin's beliefs are of Satan-He was an evil man' says Dean Moore

2005-12-01 Thread David Miller

Your quote from Dave Hunt's book is great. I have no problems with 
hisfacts or how he explains the connection between Calvin and the City 
Council. What he says below is exactly what I have been saying, and I hope 
you can see that what he says is much different than saying that Calvin had 
murderous hatred towardServetus and murdered him.

The only comment I might make to clarify matters stated belowis that 
Calvin indeed believed in separation between Church and State, but not in the 
way that we think of it today. The church, which Calvinwas part of 
and was a leader of, had only the power to excommunicate. That's it. 
This is what Calvin taught.The State, on the other hand, had the 
responsibility to wield the sword of God (Romans 13). So he argued that 
the State, not the church, was the one who punished evil doers. The 
difference comes in when we consider laws against adultery, homosexuality, 
abortion, blasphemy, not observing the Sabbath, drunkenness, etc. These 
days, separation of Church and State mean to most people that the State should 
not be involved in any matters that concern God or the church. From 
Calvin's perspective, the State had an obligation to wield the sword of God in 
matters that affected the Church and God. Sofrom his view, the State 
wielded the sword of God to punish evil doers whilethe Church 
ministeredforgiveness, mercy,the love of Christ, etc. This was 
Calvin's view of separation of Church and State, and this is what he worked 
toward accomplishing in Geneva.

Peace be with you.David Miller.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2005 7:13 
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] 'Calvin's 
  beliefs are of Satan-He was an evil man' says Dean Moore
  Hi David, thank you for your response.
  I am not an expert on Servetus and did not live in 
  Geneva so like you I am depending on written accounts by others - 
  it appears as though there are other opinions about 
  the situation in Geneva. In Dave Hunt's book "What Love is This?" P.63 
  he writes:
  "Calvin's defenders turn a blind eye to the facts 
  when they attempt to exonerate him by blaming events in Geneva on the civil 
  authorities. In the face of so much evidence to the contrary. Boettner 
  even insists that "Calvin was the first of the Reformers to demand complete 
  separation between Church and State." In fact, Calvin not only 
  established ecclesiastical law but he codified the civil legislation. He 
  held the civil authorities responsible to "foster and maintain the external 
  worship of God, to defend sound doctrine and condition of the church" and to 
  see that "no idolatry, no blasphemy against God's name, no calumnies against 
  his truth, nor other offenses to religion break out and be disseminated among 
  the people ... (but) to prevent the true religion ... from being with impunity 
  openly violated and polluted by public blasphemy"
  Calvin used the civil arm to impose his peculiar 
  doctrines upon the citizens of Geneva and to enforce them. Zweig, who pored 
  over the official records of the City Council for Calvin's day tells us "There 
  is hardly a day, in the records of the settings of the Town Council in which 
  we do not find the remark "Better consult Master Calvin about this" Pike 
  reminds us that Calvin was given a "consultant's chair" in every meeting of 
  the city authorities and "when he was sick the authorities would come to his 
  house for their sessions" Rather than diminishing with time, Calvin's 
  power only grew. John McNeil, a Calvinist, admits that "in Calvin's 
  latter years, and under his influence the laws of Geneva became more detailed 
  and more stringent"
  Servetus may have been a rank heretic - but where 
  there is life there is hope of repentance. His life was taken from 
  him. judyt
  On Wed, 30 Nov 2005 18:41:22 -0500 "David Miller" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Judy, elders and bishops are the same thing in Scripture. The 
passage that Bill quotes is "bishop" in the KJV. I thought that was 
the version of your Bible.

You still don't get the situation in Geneva. John Calvin was 
brought to Geneva to help them organize a "reformed" church. Calvin 
outlined an organization with Doctors, Pastors, Deacons, and Elders. 
The powers went only as far as excommunication. This was the only 
power that Calvin had, and when he exercised it once to the chagrin of the 
city council, he himself was banished from Geneva for 3 years, until a new 
city council had invited him back. In regards to Servetus, Calvin had 
NO POWER or AUTHORITY to put him to death, as mandated by his own outline of 
powers of the church. His involvement was by exhorting the city 
council to do something about this man, and then by making the case for how 
Servetus had 

Re: [TruthTalk] Fw: bush song

2005-12-01 Thread ttxpress

myth (a radical 
falsification of the NT picture of JCs ministry--another bit of evidencein 
whichconfounded cultic-Fundamentalist psychobabblecircumvents the 
truth of the NT, demandg instead political loyaltyto the/irRepublic 
repudiatingglobal public committment/s such as Calvin's which 
areat great cost to both JC himself and all his 

On Wed, 30 Nov 2005 10:58:13 -0500 Judy Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  [GWB]happens to be a 
  believer in Christ in his own personal life which is not 
  open to public scrutiny

Re: [TruthTalk] 'Calvin's beliefs are of Satan-He was an evil man' says Dean Moore

2005-12-01 Thread David Miller
Dean wrote:
 Calvin said God gave him his authority
 to kill-God clearly did not do

Bill Taylor wrote:
 Where did Calvin say that?

Dean wrote:
 J. Calvin wrote:
 Whoever shall now contend that it is unjust to put
 heretics and blasphemers to death will knowingly
 and willingly incur their very quilt. This is not laid
 down on human authority; it is God who speaks and
 prescribes a perpetual rule for his church (Shaff,
 History of the Christian Church, Vol. VIII, p.791.).

This partial quote does NOT indicate that Calvin said God gave him (Calvin) 
authority to kill.  Calvin would argue that he had no authority to kill. 
What he is arguing here in context is the authority of the civil 
magistrates, the State, to wield the sword of God for this purpose.  Calvin 
argues that those who do not support Romans 13 and the authority of the 
State to wield God's punishment against such evil doers are knowingly and 
willingly incurring their guilt.  This is like saying that if we do not 
support the idea that the State should punish murderers, then we are 
incurring the guilt of murderers.  There is room to debate this point, but 
let's not twist his words into some statement that Calvin believed God gave 
him authority to kill.  You are misunderstanding his argument.

Dean wrote:
 He never once told us or the disciples to
 kill those that break this law.

He also never told the authorities to stop killing those who deserved death 
according to the law, did he?  Would Jesus want us to get rid of the justice 
system and no longer prosecute murderers and thieves?  Is that what you are 

Dean wrote:
 No I do not agree as I am confined by the Bible
 which does not call for one to die over committing
 blasphemy -Titus 1 clearly states they must be
 silenced by opposing those who do such and even
 strong rebuke-but not death.

I am glad that you make this point here, Dean.  Bravo.  I like it. 
Nevertheless, this passage in Titus is speaking about the authority of the 
bishop, and Calvin would 100% agree with you in this context.  On the other 
hand, when you say that the Bible does not call for one to die over 
committing blasphemy, well, that statement is flat out false.  You need to 
consider the whole Bible, and not just one part that you argue is silent 
about it.  The Bible is very specific, showing how the one who blasphemes 
the name of the Lord as well as the one who commits murder, should be put to 
death.  Following is the passage for your consideration, where it even gives 
an example of a man who was stoned to death for blasphemy:

Leviticus 24:15-23
(15) And thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel, saying, Whosoever 
curseth his God shall bear his sin.
(16) And he that blasphemeth the name of the LORD, he shall surely be put to 
death, and all the congregation shall certainly stone him: as well the 
stranger, as he that is born in the land, when he blasphemeth the name of 
the LORD, shall be put to death.
(17) And he that killeth any man shall surely be put to death.
(18) And he that killeth a beast shall make it good; beast for beast.
(19) And if a man cause a blemish in his neighbour; as he hath done, so 
shall it be done to him;
(20) Breach for breach, eye for eye, tooth for tooth: as he hath caused a 
blemish in a man, so shall it be done to him again.
(21) And he that killeth a beast, he shall restore it: and he that killeth a 
man, he shall be put to death.
(22) Ye shall have one manner of law, as well for the stranger, as for one 
of your own country: for I am the LORD your God.
(23) And Moses spake to the children of Israel, that they should bring forth 
him that had cursed out of the camp, and stone him with stones. And the 
children of Israel did as the LORD commanded Moses.

Dean wrote:
 You must remember That J.Calvin made a decree that
 heretics, and blasphemers, and those that say it is unjust
 to kill for these reasons were put to death-not just

I think you are reading too much into his statement.  He does not mean that 
the civil authorities should put to death those who disagree.  I read him to 
be saying that before God, when they appear before God and are judged by 
him, they will bear guilt for not siding with God's Holy Scriptures, the 
Bible, because they know what the Bible says should be done to blasphemers, 
but they disagree and do not support the Scriptures.  I could be wrong, but 
that is how I read it.

Dean wrote:
 I hope you also understand that I believe in the
 death penalty as I am also told to keep the laws
 of the land unless they conflict with the laws
 of God-I see no conflict ions except aborting
 and Sodomy.

??? What!?   No conflicts except abortion and sodomy?  What about adultery? 
What about how they deal with divorce in light of what Jesus taught?  What 
about ordering the Ten Commandments into the closet?  The list goes on and 

Dean wrote:
 God put governors and rulers in place to make such
 decisions and stated that He would 

Re: [TruthTalk] Fw: bush song

2005-12-01 Thread ttxpress

On Thu, 1 Dec 2005 08:46:25 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  myth (a radical 
  falsification of the NT picture of JCs ministry--another bit of 
  evidencein whichconfounded cultic-Fundamentalist 
  psychobabble[subverts] the truth of the NT, 
  demandg instead political loyaltyto the/irRepublic 
  repudiatingglobal public committment/s such as Calvin's which 
  areat great cost to both JC himself and all his 
  On Wed, 30 Nov 2005 10:58:13 -0500 Judy Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
[GWB]happens to be a 
believer in Christ in his own personal life which is 
not open to public 

[TruthTalk] Calvin's beliefs -

2005-12-01 Thread Judy Taylor

All of this dialogue is ironic when one considers 
Calvins doctrine - which is that
because of God's Sovereignty - He hasdecreed 
everything .. So why did she not 
allowGod to deal with 
what He had Himselfdecreed?

There are so many contradictions. Last night our 
DIL (who not so long ago came back 
to church) and I attended a 
class where our pastor was attempting to enlighten us 
'Reformed doctrine' -Our DIL (who is a smart 
girl) came out of there thoroughly confused 

because at the beginninghe 
taughtTotal Depravity and last night he covered Romans 
2:14,15 (same asJD would teach it) which is that 
these are pagan Gentiles - rather than 
taking into consideration that the Gentiles in Romans 2 are in the church at Rome 
(who the letter is written to) and that they might just 
possibly be born of the Spirit and have
a new regenerated nature as per Jer 
31:33.Our DIL was 
tryingtofigure out how these 

'totally depraved Gentiles' have the law of 
God written on their hearts and do 
the things written therein. 
Amazing!! No wonder ppl check their minds in at 
the door and
pick them up on the way out.

David Miller writes:
This partial quote does NOT indicate that Calvin said God gave him (Calvin) 
authority to kill. Calvin would argue that he had no authority to 
kill. What he is arguing here in context is the authority of the civil 
magistrates, the State, to wield the sword of God for this purpose. 
Calvin argues that those who do not support Romans 13 and the authority of 
the State to wield God's punishment against such evil doers are knowingly 
and willingly incurring their guilt. This is like saying that if we do 
not support the idea that the State should punish murderers, then we are 
incurring the guilt of murderers. There is room to debate this point, 
but let's not twist his words into some statement that Calvin believed God 
gave him authority to kill. You are misunderstanding his 

Re: [TruthTalk] Fw: bush song

2005-12-01 Thread Judy Taylor

Excuse me, please don't ascribe words or motives to 
anyone but yourself tt
I am not demanding anything; I am saying that you have 
no right to judge another man's servant
because he is not in the public forum as a 

On Thu, 1 Dec 2005 08:46:25 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  myth (a radical 
  falsification of the NT picture of JCs ministry--another bit of 
  evidencein whichconfounded cultic-Fundamentalist 
  psychobabblecircumvents the truth of the NT, demandg instead political 
  loyaltyto the/irRepublic repudiatingglobal public 
  committment/s such as Calvin's which areat great cost to both JC himself 
  and all his realfollowers)
  On Wed, 30 Nov 2005 10:58:13 -0500 Judy Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
[GWB]happens to be a 
believer in Christ in his own personal life which is 
not open to public scrutiny
He that says "I know Him" and doesn't keep His 
is a liar (1 John 2:4)

Re: [TruthTalk] Calvin's beliefs -

2005-12-01 Thread Judy Taylor

Oophs! I meant 'he'since Calvin is 

On Thu, 1 Dec 2005 11:23:44 -0500 Judy Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  All of this dialogue is ironic when one considers 
  Calvins doctrine - which is that
  because of God's Sovereignty - He hasdecreed 
  everything .. So why did she not 
  allowGod to deal with what He had Himselfdecreed?
  There are so many contradictions. Last night 
  our DIL (who not so long ago came back 
  to church) and I attended 
  a class where our pastor was attempting to 
  enlighten us about 
  'Reformed doctrine' -Our DIL (who is a smart 
  girl) came out of there thoroughly confused 
  because at the beginninghe 
  taughtTotal Depravity and last night he covered Romans 
  2:14,15 (same asJD would teach it) which is 
  that these are pagan Gentiles - rather than 
  taking into consideration that the Gentiles in Romans 2 are in the church at Rome 

  (who the letter is written to) and that they might 
  just possibly be born of the Spirit and have
  a new regenerated nature as per Jer 
  31:33.Our DIL was 
  tryingtofigure out how these 
  'totally depraved Gentiles' have the law of 
  God written on their hearts and do 
  the things written therein. Amazing!! No wonder 
  ppl check their minds in at the door and
  pick them up on the way out.
  David Miller writes:
  This partial quote does NOT indicate that Calvin said God gave him 
  (Calvin) authority to kill. Calvin would argue that he had no 
  authority to kill. What he is arguing here in context is the authority of 
  the civil magistrates, the State, to wield the sword of God for this 
  purpose. Calvin argues that those who do not support Romans 13 and 
  the authority of the State to wield God's punishment against such evil 
  doers are knowingly and willingly incurring their guilt. This is 
  like saying that if we do not support the idea that the State should 
  punish murderers, then we are incurring the guilt of murderers. 
  There is room to debate this point, but let's not twist his words into 
  some statement that Calvin believed God gave him authority to kill. 
  You are misunderstanding his argument.
He that says "I know Him" and doesn't keep His 
is a liar (1 John 2:4)

[TruthTalk] bush song

2005-12-01 Thread Judy Taylor

What "global committment?" Geneva isglobal 
now  ?
You are hallucinating Gary

tt writes:
repudiatingglobal public committment/s such as Calvin's which 
areat great cost to both JC himself and all his 

He that says "I know Him" and doesn't keep His 
is a liar (1 John 2:4)

Re: [TruthTalk] A real question! Who IS Jesus?

2005-12-01 Thread Christine Miller
Amen, Lance! You are right: the question of "Who  is Jesus" should really be the question. Today we only think about  ourselves, and engage in idolotry.Psa 46:10 Be still, and know that I am God  Blessings Lance Muir [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  WHAT IF GOD WERE (BECAME) ONE OF US? Jesus' abound:New Age Jesus (ascended master et   al), JW Jesus (Michael the archangel), Mormon Jesus (literal offspring - via   Mary - of a god who himself was once a man). Dan Brown's Jesus (DaVinci Code)   One could go on
 and on and.Does it matter WHO JESUS IS? Do true believers   come, via Scripture, to sincere but DIFFERING CONCLUSIONS? Is the 'heart of the   gospel' to be found in the answer to this question?IMO, THE MOST ASKED QUESTION ON THE FACE OF THE   EARTH is WHY? (why me, why now, why this, why that).. Is it possible that the   answer to (IMO) 'the most asked question' is to be found in 'WHO JESUS IS' (Does   WHO take precedence over WHY AND WHAT)Of course there are a multitude of other and,   important questions but, is any question more central than this? (WHO IS JESUS,   WHO IS EMMANUEL, WHO IS THIS JEW BORN OF MARY, WHO IS THIS MAN RELATIVE TO THE   FATHER AND THE SPIRIT?)
 Does the 'GOSPEL WE PREACH' grow out our answer to   this?
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Re: [TruthTalk] A real question! Who IS Jesus?

2005-12-01 Thread knpraise

My first response to this question is "No." How could it matter when no one really has it right? 
And I think that I could make a very strong case from this beginning. I would argue that God's love is bigger than our misunderstandings of Him and go on from there. 

But, the question isnot Does it matter WHO JESUS IS?, rather  Does it matter WHO JESUS IS? Do true believers come, via Scripture, to sincere but DIFFERING CONCLUSIONS? Is the 'heart of the gospel' to be found in the answer to this question?

Is it possible that the true answer to this question is not an intellectually stated conclusion but an ontological one? I can see separation in the first but unanimity in the second?

-Original Message-From: Lance Muir [EMAIL PROTECTED]comTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSent: Thu, 1 Dec 2005 07:35:52 -0500Subject: [TruthTalk] A real question! Who IS Jesus?


Jesus' abound:New Age Jesus (ascended master et al), JW Jesus (Michael the archangel), Mormon Jesus (literal offspring - via Mary - of a god who himself was once a man). Dan Brown's Jesus (DaVinci Code) One could go on and on and.

Does it matter WHO JESUS IS? Do true believers come, via Scripture, to sincere but DIFFERING CONCLUSIONS? Is the 'heart of the gospel' to be found in the answer to this question?

IMO, THE MOST ASKED QUESTION ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH is WHY? (why me, why now, why this, why that). Is it possible that the answer to (IMO) 'the most asked question' is to be found in 'WHO JESUS IS' (Does WHO take precedence over WHY AND WHAT)

Of course there are a multitude of other and, important questions but, is any question more central than this? (WHO IS JESUS, WHO IS EMMANUEL, WHO IS THIS JEW BORN OF MARY, WHO IS THIS MAN RELATIVE TO THE FATHER AND THE SPIRIT?) Does the 'GOSPEL WE PREACH' grow out our answer to this?

Re: [TruthTalk] Calvin's beliefs -

2005-12-01 Thread Taylor

Additional comments below in 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2005 7:44 
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Calvin's beliefs 
  ... rather than taking into consideration 
  that the Gentiles in Romans 2 are in the church at Rome 
  Hi Judy,
  What about Romans 1.18-32: did Paul write this in 
  regards to the Christians in the Rome church? Were they the ones who were 
  doing those things? Is this sectionabout the Gentile Christians there, 
  but not aboutthe Jewish ones? It would seem it is, since Paul moves 
  immediately onto a rebuke of Jews in the first part of Chapter Two. And, of course, in that rebuke he charges them with having 
  practiced the same things. Or maybe I should ask this: Do you consider 
  the "O man" statements of Romans 2 to be in reference to Jews only and not to 
  Gentiles also? Many commentators consider this ("O man") vocative to be Paul's 
  way of directing his comments to Jews only. My question is,Do you agree 
  with them?
- Original Message - 

Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2005 9:23 
Subject: [TruthTalk] Calvin's beliefs 

All of this dialogue is ironic when one 
considers Calvins doctrine - which is that
because of God's Sovereignty - He hasdecreed 
everything .. So why did she not 
allowGod to deal with what He had Himselfdecreed?

There are so many contradictions. Last night 
our DIL (who not so long ago came back 
to church) and I 
attended a class where our pastor was attempting 
to enlighten us about 
'Reformed doctrine' -Our DIL (who is a smart 
girl) came out of there thoroughly confused 

because at the beginninghe 
taughtTotal Depravity and last night he covered Romans 
2:14,15 (same asJD would teach it) which is 
that these are pagan Gentiles - rather than 
taking into consideration that the Gentiles in Romans 2 are in the church at Rome 

(who the letter is written to) and that they might 
just possibly be born of the Spirit and have
a new regenerated nature as per Jer 
31:33.Our DIL was 
tryingtofigure out how these 

'totally depraved Gentiles' have the law of 
God written on their hearts and do 
the things written therein. Amazing!! No wonder 
ppl check their minds in at the door and
pick them up on the way 

[TruthTalk] FW: Insight into the Arab World

2005-12-01 Thread ShieldsFamily

I thought you'd like to see another viewpoint
Insight into the Arab World from an Arab

Time Magazine is publishing a shocking interview with an Iraqi suicide
bomber. It's mind-boggling to understand, but just like in WWII when
America came to understand and accept the barbarism of its Nazi and
Japan enemies, so must Americans come to grips with our current enemy
(Islamic militants ) how they view America.

To help explain this, consider Brigitte Gabriel, a native of the Arab
world, and the former news anchor of World News for Middle East

Now a Contributing Editor for, Gabriel wants
viewers and listeners to know the truth about what the Arab World thinks
of Senator Durbin's remarks, the alleged so-called abuses at Gitmo (a
joke she calls it), and the Arab ideology which views the mettle of a
man as the brutal way they treat their enemy.

As a child, Gabriel's own home was destroyed by radical Islamists
because she was a Christian. She spent 2 1/2 months in the hospital and
then lived under-ground for 7 years with no electricity and little food.
THEN she rose to become a news anchor, and later moved to the US where
she's a true American success story - own business, husband, two kids,


Torture is accepted and even expected in the Arab world. Yes, I know
what you're thinking-that's not politically correct in most mainstream
media. And you know some nice Arabs who have immigrated to America. But
it's the truth in the Arab world. Might makes right. Real men don't eat
quiche. They prove their manhood by the way they treat their enemy.
After all it's what Muhammad did to the unbelievers - Christians, Jews
and Zoroastrians in the Quoran - the 'holy book' allegedly mishandled in
Guantanamo prison.

Arab Muslim men gain honor by shaming, belittling, abusing and torturing
their enemy in the most horrific ways. Just look at how the Palestinians
treat so-called collaborators by disemboweling them and hanging them
upside down in Manger Square in Bethlehem. Look at the terrorist torture
chambers that the coalition forces recently uncovered in Iraq.

When people refer to the prisons of Saddam Hussein and his regime they
think he is the extreme exception. Not! The truth is his torture tactics
are quite the norm in the Arab world. If you want to see torture that is
beyond what any Westerner can ever imagine please go to
( . Yes, you read it right,
impalement. You'll get a glimpse of what the Arabs do to their own

As someone who came from the Arab world and knows how they think, it
frustrates me to see self-appointed righteous minded politicians and
media pundits oblivious to Arabic culture and thinking, criticizing
America's actions at Guantanamo. These are a bunch of al Qaeda jihadists
who were captured while bent on killing us - the kaffirs or
'unbelievers. They laugh watching our government bend over backwards,
forwards and sideways trying to appease the critics. The more we stumble
over ourselves questioning our goals and tactics, the more they think we
are weak and easy to defeat.

They smirk because they believe that Americans have demonstrated how
stupid and weak they are by caving in to stories about maltreatment of
Guantanamo detainees. They are watching our critics in this country and
counting on them to embolden the radical Islamic cause and weaken our

Actually, Gitmo is a joke as far as the Arabs are concerned. Prison? You
call that a prison? Let me tell you what some of the prisoners call
Guantanamo, Al muntazah al-dini lilmujaheden al Muslimin, The
Religious Resort for Islamic Militants.

They are given three halal meals a day in accordance to their religious
dictates. How many kosher prisons are there in the Arabic world? None.
Jews captured in the Arab world are butchered like those obscene
pictures taken in Ramallah during the frenzied slaughter of two Israeli
reservists who got lost. Remember the Palestinian man holding his red,
Jewish blood dripping hands, high above his head in victory? Remember
Nick Berg's head being held high also?

Most of these detainees never had three meals a day in their entire
life. They are gaining weight, and are living in what they refer to in
Arabic as Al-Jannah, paradise. They have radio, television, soccer
games, air-conditioning, clean clothes, servants, meaning American GIs,
who wait on them hand and foot. They have Islamic chaplains and handed
Qu'rans, the social hate guide against Infidels, by people so concerned
as not to offend that they wear latex gloves and carry the book with two

Many Muslims in the Middle East would gladly give up their poverty,
dictatorial governments, corrupt leaders and social bondage to enjoy the
relative luxuries Guantanamo offers. They have free medical care, better
than millions of uninsured 

Re: [TruthTalk] 'Calvin's beliefs are of Satan-He was an evil man' says Dean Moore

2005-12-01 Thread Taylor

Well said, David. Your comments have not fallen 
completely on deaf ears. I've very much appreciated the history 



  - Original Message - 
  David Miller 
  Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2005 8:12 
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] 'Calvin's 
  beliefs are of Satan-He was an evil man' says Dean Moore
  Your quote from Dave Hunt's book is great. I have no problems with 
  hisfacts or how he explains the connection between Calvin and the City 
  Council. What he says below is exactly what I have been saying, and I 
  hope you can see that what he says is much different than saying that Calvin 
  had murderous hatred towardServetus and murdered him.
  The only comment I might make to clarify matters stated belowis 
  that Calvin indeed believed in separation between Church and State, but not in 
  the way that we think of it today. The church, which Calvinwas 
  part of and was a leader of, had only the power to excommunicate. That's 
  it. This is what Calvin taught.The State, on the other hand, 
  had the responsibility to wield the sword of God (Romans 13). So he 
  argued that the State, not the church, was the one who punished evil 
  doers. The difference comes in when we consider laws against adultery, 
  homosexuality, abortion, blasphemy, not observing the Sabbath, drunkenness, 
  etc. These days, separation of Church and State mean to most people that 
  the State should not be involved in any matters that concern God or the 
  church. From Calvin's perspective, the State had an obligation to wield 
  the sword of God in matters that affected the Church and God. 
  Sofrom his view, the State wielded the sword of God to punish evil doers 
  whilethe Church ministeredforgiveness, mercy,the love of 
  Christ, etc. This was Calvin's view of separation of Church and State, 
  and this is what he worked toward accomplishing in Geneva.
  Peace be with you.David Miller.
- Original Message - 


Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2005 7:13 
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] 'Calvin's 
beliefs are of Satan-He was an evil man' says Dean Moore

Hi David, thank you for your response.
I am not an expert on Servetus and did not live in 
Geneva so like you I am depending on written accounts by others - 
it appears as though there are other opinions about 
the situation in Geneva. In Dave Hunt's book "What Love is This?" P.63 
he writes:

"Calvin's defenders turn a blind eye to the facts 
when they attempt to exonerate him by blaming events in Geneva on the civil 
authorities. In the face of so much evidence to the contrary. Boettner 
even insists that "Calvin was the first of the Reformers to demand complete 
separation between Church and State." In fact, Calvin not only 
established ecclesiastical law but he codified the civil legislation. 
He held the civil authorities responsible to "foster and maintain the 
external worship of God, to defend sound doctrine and condition of the 
church" and to see that "no idolatry, no blasphemy against God's name, no 
calumnies against his truth, nor other offenses to religion break out and be 
disseminated among the people ... (but) to prevent the true religion ... 
from being with impunity openly violated and polluted by public 

Calvin used the civil arm to impose his peculiar 
doctrines upon the citizens of Geneva and to enforce them. Zweig, who pored 
over the official records of the City Council for Calvin's day tells us 
"There is hardly a day, in the records of the settings of the Town Council 
in which we do not find the remark "Better consult Master Calvin about 
this" Pike reminds us that Calvin was given a "consultant's chair" in 
every meeting of the city authorities and "when he was sick the authorities 
would come to his house for their sessions" Rather than diminishing 
with time, Calvin's power only grew. John McNeil, a Calvinist, admits 
that "in Calvin's latter years, and under his influence the laws of Geneva 
became more detailed and more stringent"

Servetus may have been a rank heretic - but where 
there is life there is hope of repentance. His life was taken from 
him. judyt

On Wed, 30 Nov 2005 18:41:22 -0500 "David Miller" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Judy, elders and bishops are the same thing in Scripture. The 
  passage that Bill quotes is "bishop" in the KJV. I thought that was 
  the version of your Bible.
  You still don't get the situation in Geneva. John Calvin was 
  brought to Geneva to help them organize a "reformed" church. Calvin 
  outlined an organization with Doctors, Pastors, Deacons, and Elders. 

Re: [TruthTalk] Calvin's beliefs -

2005-12-01 Thread Taylor

... rather than taking into consideration that 
the Gentiles in Romans 2 are in the church at Rome ...

Hi Judy,

What about Romans 1.18-32: did Paul write this in 
regards to the Christians in the Rome church? Were they the ones who were doing 
those things? Is this sectionabout the Gentile Christians there, but not 
aboutthe Jewish ones? It would seem it is, since Paul moves immediately 
onto a rebuke of Jews in the first part of Chapter Two. Or maybe I should ask 
this: Do you consider the "O man" statements of Romans 2 to be in reference to 
Jews only and not to Gentiles also? Many commentators consider this ("O man") 
vocative to be Paul's way of directing his comments to Jews only. My question 
is,Do you agree with them?


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2005 9:23 
  Subject: [TruthTalk] Calvin's beliefs 
  All of this dialogue is ironic when one considers 
  Calvins doctrine - which is that
  because of God's Sovereignty - He hasdecreed 
  everything .. So why did she not 
  allowGod to deal with what He had Himselfdecreed?
  There are so many contradictions. Last night 
  our DIL (who not so long ago came back 
  to church) and I attended 
  a class where our pastor was attempting to 
  enlighten us about 
  'Reformed doctrine' -Our DIL (who is a smart 
  girl) came out of there thoroughly confused 
  because at the beginninghe 
  taughtTotal Depravity and last night he covered Romans 
  2:14,15 (same asJD would teach it) which is 
  that these are pagan Gentiles - rather than 
  taking into consideration that the Gentiles in Romans 2 are in the church at Rome 

  (who the letter is written to) and that they might 
  just possibly be born of the Spirit and have
  a new regenerated nature as per Jer 
  31:33.Our DIL was 
  tryingtofigure out how these 
  'totally depraved Gentiles' have the law of 
  God written on their hearts and do 
  the things written therein. Amazing!! No wonder 
  ppl check their minds in at the door and
  pick them up on the way out.
  David Miller writes:
  This partial quote does NOT indicate that Calvin said God gave him 
  (Calvin) authority to kill. Calvin would argue that he had no 
  authority to kill. What he is arguing here in context is the authority of 
  the civil magistrates, the State, to wield the sword of God for this 
  purpose. Calvin argues that those who do not support Romans 13 and 
  the authority of the State to wield God's punishment against such evil 
  doers are knowingly and willingly incurring their guilt. This is 
  like saying that if we do not support the idea that the State should 
  punish murderers, then we are incurring the guilt of murderers. 
  There is room to debate this point, but let's not twist his words into 
  some statement that Calvin believed God gave him authority to kill. 
  You are misunderstanding his argument.

Re: [TruthTalk] Fw: bush song

2005-12-01 Thread ttxpress

GWBs declining 
presidency, like he himself,is public property; so are his educational, 
tax, military records, records of his family  career in Texas, 
his local and national campaign speeches, policy documents, bill signings, news 
conferences,faith-based initiatives, military operations. tax codes, state 
of the union addresses, radio commentaries, office transcripts, public 
appearance tapes, convention speeches, fund raising banquet circuit 
notes, off-handed comments, and what ever he's ever said or done and embodied in 
his closest associates

On Thu, 1 Dec 2005 11:25:50 -0500 Judy Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  I am saying that you have no right to judge 
  another man's servant
  because he is not in the public forum as a 

Re: [TruthTalk] A real question! Who IS Jesus?

2005-12-01 Thread ttxpress

who is Jesus in his 

On Thu, 1 Dec 2005 10:04:11 -0800 (PST) Christine Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  the question of "Who is Jesus" should really be the 
  question. Today we only think about ourselves, and engage in 

Re: [TruthTalk] The Eternal Sonship and the Adoption heresey

2005-12-01 Thread knpraise

I cannot offer enlightenment to you, Judy. More to the point, you read my comments with a view to opposition and for no other reason -that is apparent. 

What bothers me about the "begotten"as used in John 3:16AND 1:14 18 (monogenes) is that is means "unique" and has no reference to his physical birth. 

Youmisunderstand my belief when you ask Why does it bother you that he layed aside the glory he had with the Father, emptied Himself and took the form of a man? The passage in Philip 2 speaks of changing form -- not of ceasing to be God.More than this, it says NOTHING OF LAYING ASIDE THE GLORY OF GOD. The first chapter of John's gospel makes it clear that God (Christ) cameto "his people" (in this case they are ONLY the people of GOD).The Word, pronounced to be God Himselfin v 1became flesh and in the flesh, we beheld His glory, the glory of the only begotten (v 14). 

That he layed aside His form and took onthe form of a servant does not bother me in the slightest. But it is heretical tothen argue thatHe ceased to be God. Especially in view of the foregoing. To argue that at some point in time, Jesus Christ became theSon of God is to preach the doctrine ofAdoption.You have man saving man instead of God saving man -- and that bothers me. 


-Original Message-From: Judy Taylor jandgtaylor1@juno.comTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgCc: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSent: Thu, 1 Dec 2005 06:59:15 -0500Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The Eternal Sonship and the Adoption heresey

What are you saying here JD? I've read it through and was no more enlightened at the end than before I began.
What bothers you about Jesus the man being "begotten" of the Father, rather than made like Adam or procreated
from two human beings like us?

Why does it bother you that he layed aside the glory he had with the Father, emptied Himself and took the form
of a man?

Is your faith rooted in ontology?

On Wed, 30 Nov 2005 20:49:51 -0500 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I have read a number of articles concerning the Sonship of Christ as the result of some action associated with His incarnation. 

The Apostle John clearly understood Christ to be the Son of God and God at the same time. 

Those who disagree find the sonship established with His birth, others see it in His resurrection and still others see the sonship vested in the ascension. All of these considerations imply that there was a time when Christ was not the son of God. I might add that these very people believe that Christ was not Son of God at a time in history when God WAS the Father --- few argue that God was ever not the Father. 

If God has always been the Father but Christ's Sonship is not an extension of His eternal nature, then adoption is the only solution.The silliness that "begotten" has to do with "birthing" as opposed to "uniqueness" is at the center of this heresy. 

At this time ofyear, wecelebratemuch more than the birth of Christ. We , in fact, celebrate the coming of God into our world - or perhaps I should say "into His world." We have decided, each of us, to worship the man Jesus precisely because He was and is and will always be GOD. 

If God was completely folded into this man [Christ]thenGod acted as man to save man. Therecan be no eternal value in the salvation of man by man. There can be no demand to worship Christ for the same reason. But few make this argument. On the other hand, many arguethat Christ emptied Himself of being God, took on our form, and became the savior of mankind. There is no difference between the first consideration and the second. There is no alternative (other than the heretical) to the notion that God in Christ experienced what seemed to an impossibility (for God) and died so that all might live. His death haseternalvalue because He is (and was) God. God dying for man when coupled with the resurrection and the ascension
p; [ both functions of a LIVING God ] is one thing. Man dying for man is something else and far less profound. 

To change form as God , is reasonable. To cease tobe God for some grand purpose or to become God when one is not God is to believe in that which cannot be. I cannot stop being who I am, in essence. And I cannot become what I am not. Neither can God, IMO, because of the ontology of the circumstance. 

the point is this: the Great God Almighty accomplished His mightiest work in an event that stripped Him of all that we would consider to be His essence !!! Only God could survive such an event. Hence, only God could actually save man -- and that was His intention from the beginning of thefoundations of the world. 

Thank you Jesus

Pastor Smithson
 judyt He that says "I know Him" and doesn't keep His Commandments is a liar (1 John 2:4)

Re: [TruthTalk] Fw: bush song

2005-12-01 Thread ttxpress

..and 500 years 
from now, John Calvin'sincreasingly interesting influenceon 
globalfellowship with the Christ who partook of our human sufferings as 
God will be as vibrant as it is now, ~500 yearsafter he wrote the 
Institutes, direct evidence of his historic, public faith in 

even as a 
politician he didn't hide it from anybody

On Thu, 1 Dec 2005 19:42:52 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  GWBs declining 
  presidency, like he himself,is public property; so are his educational, 
  tax, military records, records of his family  career in Texas, 
  his local and national campaign speeches, policy documents, bill signings, 
  news conferences,faith-based initiatives, military operations. tax 
  codes, state of the union addresses, radio commentaries, office transcripts, 
  public appearance tapes, convention speeches, fund raising banquet 
  circuit notes, off-handed comments, and what ever he's ever said or done and 
  embodied in his closest associates
  On Thu, 1 Dec 2005 11:25:50 -0500 Judy Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
I am saying that you have no right to judge 
another man's servant
because he is not in the public forum as a 

Re: [TruthTalk] The Eternal Sonship and the Adoption heresey

2005-12-01 Thread ttxpress

who is 'we', 
Bro? (think about this, Christine:)

On Thu, 01 Dec 2005 22:50:02 -0500 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  The first chapter of John's gospel makes it clear that God (Christ) 
  cameto "his people" (in this case they are ONLY the people of 
  GOD).The Word, pronounced to be God Himselfin v 
  1became flesh and in the flesh, we beheld His 
  glory, the glory of the only begotten (v 14). 

Re: [TruthTalk] The Eternal Sonship and the Adoption heresey

2005-12-01 Thread Christine Miller
Isn't "we" all those who saw Jesus in the flesh? What's your point, Gary?[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  who is 'we',   Bro? (think about this, Christine:)On Thu, 01 Dec 2005 22:50:02 -0500 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:  The first chapter of John's gospel makes it clear that God (Christ) cameto "his people" (in this case they are ONLY the people of
 GOD).The Word, pronounced to be God Himselfin v 1became flesh and in the flesh, we beheld His glory, the glory of the only begotten (v 14). 
		 Yahoo! Personals 
Let fate take it's course directly to your email. 
See who's waiting for you Yahoo! Personals

Re: [TruthTalk] The Eternal Sonship and the Adoption heresey

2005-12-01 Thread Christine Miller
Or is it the three who saw Jesus on the mount of transfiguration? I thought about that right after I hit "Send." Sorry about responding to myself, but perhaps you will understand, Gary. ;-)Christine Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Isn't "we" all those who saw Jesus in the flesh? What's your point, Gary?[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  who is 'we',   Bro? (think about this, Christine:)On Thu, 01 Dec 2005 22:50:02
 -0500 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:  The  first chapter of John's gospel makes it clear that God (Christ)  cameto "his people" (in this case they are ONLY the people  of GOD).The Word, pronounced to be God  Himselfin v 1became flesh and in the flesh, we beheld His glory, the glory of the only begotten (v 14).  Yahoo! Personals   Let fate take it's course directly to your email.   See who's waiting for you Yahoo!
		 Yahoo! Personals 
Single? There's someone we'd like you to meet. 
Lots of someones, actually. Yahoo! Personals

Re: [TruthTalk] The Eternal Sonship and the Adoption heresey

2005-12-01 Thread ttxpress

do you believe 
(because)they saw God in the flesh?

On Thu, 1 Dec 2005 20:42:36 -0800 (PST) Christine Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Isn't "we" all those who saw Jesus in the flesh? 

Re: [TruthTalk] Fw: bush song

2005-12-01 Thread Judy Taylor

Yes - everything he does while in office is public 
property along with ppl scrutinizing everything about him.
However, if you have any fear of God within you at all, 
you will leave George Bush the man alone in the area
of his faith and service to the Lord Jesus Christ since 
God does not judge the way men do (by outward 
appearance). He looks at the heart and His 
evaluation is most likely opposite of yours.

On Thu, 1 Dec 2005 19:42:52 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  GWBs declining 
  presidency, like he himself,is public property; so are his educational, 
  tax, military records, records of his family  career in Texas, 
  his local and national campaign speeches, policy documents, bill signings, 
  news conferences,faith-based initiatives, military operations. tax 
  codes, state of the union addresses, radio commentaries, office transcripts, 
  public appearance tapes, convention speeches, fund raising banquet 
  circuit notes, off-handed comments, and what ever he's ever said or done and 
  embodied in his closest associates
  On Thu, 1 Dec 2005 11:25:50 -0500 Judy Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
I am saying that you have no right to judge 
another man's servant
because he is not in the public forum as a 
He that says "I know Him" and doesn't keep His 
is a liar (1 John 2:4)

Re: [TruthTalk] Calvin's beliefs -

2005-12-01 Thread Judy Taylor

On Thu, 1 Dec 2005 19:56:09 -0700 "Taylor" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Additional comments below in 
From: Taylor 
... rather than taking into consideration that the Gentiles in Romans 2 are in 
the church at Rome ...

Hi Judy,

What about Romans 1.18-32: did Paul write this 
in regards to the Christians in the Rome church? Were they the ones who were 
doing those things? Is this sectionabout the Gentile Christians there, 
but not aboutthe Jewish ones? 

To me it appearsas though Paul is 
giving an example of what happens when ppl (either Jews or Gentiles) in the 
Church hold the truth
in unrighteousness - IOW when they know the 
truth but continue practicing the lust of the flesh, eventually God turns 
them over to it since they love this 
wickedness more than they love God and His ways.

It would seem it is, since Paul moves 
immediately onto a rebuke of Jews in the first part of Chapter Two. And, of course, in that rebuke he charges them with having 
practiced the same things. 

Apparently they have been judging ppl and 
Paul rebukes them for this. I don't see it as necessarily related to 
the problems addressed
in Chapter 1. Jesus gives the same warning 
in Matt 7:1; many times we dislike in others what we dislike about 

Or maybe I should ask this: Do you consider the 
"O man" statements of Romans 2 to be in reference to Jews only and not to 
Gentiles also? Many commentators consider this ("O man") vocative to be 
Paul's way of directing his comments to Jews only. My question is,Do 
you agree with them?

No, I believe Paul is addressing the Church 
at Rome which consists of both Jew and Gentile but he does give the Jew 
special attention in Chapter 11.


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2005 
  9:23 AM
  Subject: [TruthTalk] Calvin's beliefs 
  All of this dialogue is ironic when one 
  considers Calvins doctrine - which is that
  because of God's Sovereignty - He 
  hasdecreed everything .. So why did she not 
  allowGod to deal with what He had Himselfdecreed?
  There are so many contradictions. Last 
  night our DIL (who not so long ago came back 
  to church) and I 
  attended a class where our pastor was 
  attempting to enlighten us about 
  'Reformed doctrine' -Our DIL (who is a 
  smart girl) came out of there thoroughly 
  because at the beginninghe 
  taughtTotal Depravity and last night he covered Romans 
  2:14,15 (same asJD would teach it) which is 
  that these are pagan Gentiles - rather than 
  taking into consideration that the Gentiles in Romans 2 are in the church at Rome 
  (who the letter is written to) and that they 
  might just possibly be born of the Spirit and have
  a new regenerated nature as per Jer 
  31:33.Our DIL was 
  tryingtofigure out how these 
  'totally depraved Gentiles' have the law of 
  God written on their hearts and do 
  the things written therein. Amazing!! No 
  wonder ppl check their minds in at the door and
  pick them up on the way 
He that says "I know Him" and doesn't keep His 
is a liar (1 John 2:4)

Re: [TruthTalk] The Eternal Sonship and the Adoption heresey

2005-12-01 Thread Judy Taylor

On Thu, 01 Dec 2005 22:50:02 -0500 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  I cannot offer enlightenment to you, Judy. 
  Are you saying that you can not explain to me what 
  you are saying?
  More to the point, you read my comments with a view to opposition and for no other reason -that is 
  So you continue to judge my motives JD and find it 
  impossible to believe that I might just enjoy dialoguing with
  another believe outside of an evil 
  What bothers me about the "begotten"as used in John 3:16AND 
  1:14 18 (monogenes) is that is means "unique" and has no 
  reference to his physical birth.
  It means "unique" in the sense that He is the only 
  one of a kind having a human mother and a Holy Spirit 
  and if one reads in context this word does have to do 
  with Him being born of the woman.
  Youmisunderstand my belief when you ask Why does it 
  bother you that he layed aside the glory 
  he had with the Father, emptied Himself and took the form of a man? The passage in Philip 2 speaks of changing form -- 
  not of ceasing to be God.
  He did take upon Himself the form of a servant but he 
  also layed aside the glory He had with the Father. If He
  appeared here the way He was in heavennoone 
  would be able to stand in His presence. Look at the reaction of
  Israel when Moses went up the 
  mountain to meet with God. They were terrified and didn't want any part of 
  More than this, it says NOTHING OF LAYING ASIDE 
  As a memberof the Godhead what other kind of 
  glory would He be laying aside?
  The first chapter of John's gospel makes it clear 
  that God (Christ) cameto "his people" (in this case they are ONLY 
  the people of GOD).The Word, pronounced to be God 
  Himselfin v 1became flesh and in the flesh, 
  we beheld His glory, the glory of the only 
  begotten (v 14).
  Yeah! Well some remained, He was 
  anointed and He is/was holy, unlike the generationHe walked 
  That he layed 
  aside His form and took onthe form of a servant does not bother me in 
  the slightest. But it is heretical tothen argue thatHe ceased to be 
  I don't remember arguing that specifically - what I 
  have been saying isthat while here He was born as a human baby, he had 
  to grow and learn certain things as a child and He walked as a man anointed by 
  the Spirit of God in total dependence upon the Father. If He were 
  walking around as "wholly God" How would He then have been an example that we 
  could follow (in His steps)?
  Especially in view of the foregoing. To 
  argue that at some point in time, Jesus Christ became theSon of 
  God is to preach the doctrine ofAdoption.You have man saving 
  man instead of God saving man -- and that bothers 
  How can you call it "man 
  saving man" when it is what God ordained from the foundation of the 
  world? Jesus is called manythings in scripture including "the Lamb 
  who takes away the sin of the world"
  -Original Message-From: Judy Taylor 
  TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSent: Thu, 1 Dec 2005 06:59:15 
  -0500Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The Eternal Sonship and the Adoption heresey

  What are you saying here JD? I've read it through and was no more enlightened at the 
  end than before I began.
  What bothers you about Jesus the man being "begotten" 
  of the Father, rather than made like Adam or procreated
  from two human beings like us?
  Why does it bother you that he layed aside the glory he had with the Father, emptied Himself and 
  took the form
  of a man?
  Is your faith rooted in ontology?
  On Wed, 30 Nov 2005 20:49:51 -0500 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

I have read a number of articles concerning the Sonship of Christ as the result of some action associated with 
His incarnation. 

The Apostle John clearly understood Christ to be the Son of God and God 
at the same time. 

Those who disagree find the sonship established with His 
birth, others see it in His resurrection and still others see the 
sonship vested in the ascension. All of these considerations imply 
that there was a time when Christ was not the son of God. 
I might add that these very people believe that Christ was not Son of God at 
a time in history when God WAS the Father --- few 
argue that God was ever not the Father. 

If God has always been the Father but Christ's Sonship is not an extension of His eternal nature, then adoption is the 
only solution.The silliness that "begotten" has to do with 
"birthing" as opposed to "uniqueness" is at the center of 
this heresy. 

At this time ofyear, wecelebratemuch more 
than the birth of Christ. We , in fact, celebrate the coming of 
God into our world - or perhaps I should say "into His world." We have decided, 

Re: [TruthTalk] Fw: bush song

2005-12-01 Thread Judy Taylor

No he didn't, deceived ppl never know they are 
deceived. Calvin was drinking from a poisoned stream, his 
was Augustine rather than Christ. I don't agree 
that he will receive a "well done thou good and faithful servant"
because the servant is like his Master and Calvin was 
nothing at all like Christ. Christ never everhunted ppl down, 

banished them, flogged them, or burned the first one at 
the stake fornot agreeing with him. He 
preached the gospel 
and warned them and as His ambassadors we are to do the 
same. Mercy always triumphs over judgment.

On Thu, 1 Dec 2005 21:08:09 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  ..and 500 years 
  from now, John Calvin'sincreasingly interesting influenceon 
  globalfellowship with the Christ who partook of our human sufferings as 
  God will be as vibrant as it is now, ~500 yearsafter he wrote the 
  Institutes, direct evidence of his historic, public faith in 
  even as a 
  politician he didn't hide it from anybody
  On Thu, 1 Dec 2005 19:42:52 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
GWBs declining 
presidency, like he himself,is public property; so are his 
educational, tax, military records, records of his family  
career in Texas, his local and national campaign speeches, policy documents, 
bill signings, news conferences,faith-based initiatives, military 
operations. tax codes, state of the union addresses, radio commentaries, 
office transcripts, public appearance tapes, convention speeches, fund 
raising banquet circuit notes, off-handed comments, and what ever 
he's ever said or done and embodied in his closest 

On Thu, 1 Dec 2005 11:25:50 -0500 Judy Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  I am saying that you have no right to judge 
  another man's servant
  because he is not in the public forum as a 

He that says "I know Him" and doesn't keep His 
is a liar (1 John 2:4)

Re: [TruthTalk] The Eternal Sonship and the Adoption heresey

2005-12-01 Thread Judy Taylor

We isn't JD because he never did behold God the Word 
walking about in a flesh body in his generation.

On Thu, 1 Dec 2005 21:25:39 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  who is 'we', 
  Bro? (think about this, Christine:)
  On Thu, 01 Dec 2005 22:50:02 -0500 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

The first chapter of John's gospel makes it clear that God 
(Christ) cameto "his people" (in this case they are ONLY the 
people of GOD).The Word, pronounced to be God 
Himselfin v 1became flesh and in the 
flesh, we beheld His glory, the glory of the only 
begotten (v 14).  

He that says "I know Him" and doesn't keep His 
is a liar (1 John 2:4)