Re: [TruthTalk] Hell BoM

2006-03-17 Thread Dave Hansen

DAVEH:   You've surprised me, Kevin!   I thought you'd want to
defend your position using material favorable to your
perspective...namely, the Bible.  But that is OK, as the LDS sources
you've quoted plainly show the symbolism of the terms used to describe
hell.  Why you would quote some of them somewhat surprises me, as they
succinctly show that distinction.  I'll take each passage you quoted
and analyze it from the premise I've put forth.

whosesmoke ascendeth up forever and ever

DAVEH:   A physical impossibility, and clearly symbolic of a time
frame rather than a physical smoke.

which lake of fire and brimstone is endless torment

DAVEH:  That is explained by the fire and brimstone imagery
that is in reality endless torment.

a fire which cannot be consumed, even an unquenchable fire

DAVEH:   More imagery that is physically an impossibility.  Fire
can be extinguished, whereas mental torment can go on forever.

D&C 76: 36 These are they who shall go away into the lake of
fire and brimstone, with the devil and his angels—

DAVEH:  By taking the passage out of context, you miss some important
and pertinent information, Kevin

35 Having denied the Holy Spirit after having received it,
and having denied the Only Begotten Son of the Father, having crucified
him unto themselves and put him to an open shame.

36 These are they who shall go away into the lake of fire and
brimstone, with the devil and his angels—

37 And the only ones on whom the second death shall have any power;

.This is referring to a small but special category of those who
(denied the Holy Spirit after having received it)
are referred to as sons of perdition.  While this represents a tangent
thread which is not relevant to our discussion, please note vs 37 which
differentiates them from all the others as he only ones on whom
the second death shall have any power.  This may not make sense
Kevin, but these are not the folks of whom we usually think about when
we talk about hell.

After what ye have seen, will ye preach again unto this people, that
they shall be cast into a lake of fire and brimstone?

DAVEH:   Interestingly, you've quoted the chief judge (the antagonist)
who was chiding Alma & Amulek and while doing so, you have assumed
that the chief judge quoted Alma correctly.  However Kevin, that is an
errant assumption, as the below quote shows...

[Alma 12:17] Then is the time when their torments shall be as
a lake of fire and brimstone, whose flame ascendeth up
forever and ever; and then is the time that they shall be chained down
to an everlasting destruction, according to the power and captivity of
Satan, he having subjected them according to his will.

...Alma clearly taught that their torments were as a,
indicating that Alma's explanation of fire and brimstone
is a symbolic representation of hell.

and their gtorment is as a lake of fire and brimstone

DAVEH:   Apparently you've got a serious computer virus, Keving
is  infecting your posts!  

    The wording here suggests an analogy

torment is as a lake whose flame ascendeth up
forever and ever and has no end

...Again, clear symbolism that cannot be literally true.  The two
words is as plainly show this to be an analogy.

sha ll have their part in that lake which burneth with fire and
brimstone, which is the second death

DAVEH:  If there is any doubt as to the symbolic nature of hell, this
surely puts it to rest by explaining what is meant by.that
lake which burneth with fire and brimstone

whose smoke ascendeth up forever and ever

DAVEH:  Another obvious literal impossibility that as an analogy makes

which lake of fire and brimst one is endless torment

especially when it is explained as endless torment.

the final state of the souls of  men is to dwell in the
kingdom of God, or to be cast out

DAVEH:   Which pretty well explains the difference in venue.some
will reside in heaven, and some won't.  Effectively, those not allowed
to dwell in heaven will be spiritually and severely self tormented

    FWIWYou forgot to mention some of the other BoM passages
that when taken with the others pretty well reveal the symbolic nature
of the fire and brimstone hell.  Consider Nephi's comments...

[2Ne 9:14] Wherefore, we shall have a perfect knowledge of all our
guilt, and our uncleanness, and our nakedness; and the righteous shall
have a perfect knowledge of their enjoyment, and their righteousness,
being clothed with purity, yea, even with the robe of righteousness. 

[15] And it shall come to pass that when all men shall have passed from
this first death unto life, insomuch as they have become immortal, they
must appear before the judgment-seat of the Holy One of Israel; and
then cometh the judgment, and then must they be judged according to the
holy judgment of God. 

[16] And assuredly, as the Lord liveth, for the Lord God hath spoke

Re: [TruthTalk] Copyright Question

2006-03-17 Thread Dave Hansen

DAVEH:   ModeratorModerator.HELP keep G under control.   Now
he's using canada© without
capitalizing it!  (AndI don't think canada©
was meant to have a c
on both ends!!!)   


  be on guard, o canada© 
  On Thu, 16 Mar 2006 07:18:09 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Dave[H]:You appear rather
exercised over this matter. Why is this such a 'hot button' issue for

Dave Hansen
If you wish to receive
things I find interesting,
I maintain six email lists...

Re: [TruthTalk] Is Truth Knowable?

2006-03-17 Thread Lance Muir
Iz:Firstly, I WAS referring to myself and, NOT to David. Will you, kindly, 
restate David's position in your own words?

I know that there are numerous 'readings' of Genesis 1 - 11. The writers of 
Gen 1 - 11 meant something in what they wrote. There exists a reality 
concerning all of the matters addressed in Gen 1 - 11.

There are evolutionists who are Christians. There are various kinds of 
creationists who are Christians. The majority of Christians simply adopt a 
don't know/don't care position.

- Original Message - 
From: "ShieldsFamily" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: March 17, 2006 00:17
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Is Truth Knowable?

Lance, in all kindness may I submit to you the possibility that YOU might be
the one with the "cranial density" problem? I found DM's statement to be
quite lucid. izzy

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lance Muir
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2006 10:38 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Is Truth Knowable?

Lance, upon reading David's post below, exhibits 'cranial density' his own
self. Though I'd thought we would be further ahead, we're not. Why not
submit this to David Miller for a rewrite? He's good at that sort of thing
- Original Message - 
From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: March 16, 2006 11:29
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Is Truth Knowable?

My understanding of Gen. 1-11 is not going to be exactly the same as
in the sense that if I wrote a commentary on the chapters and then Judy
the same, they would differ much in the way that the different gospel
accounts differ from one another.  However, if we are both filled with the
same Spirit, we will hear one another and receive from one another such
through our communion and fellowship with each other, we would easily come
to speak the same thing about these passages.  We might even continue to
emphasize different points within the text, but there is this work of God
within both of us that is bringing us to a unity of knowledge as well as a
unity of faith (which is based upon knowledge).

Now much of this concerns knowledge that comes through the Spirit.
Sometimes people speculate about issues with the mind, especially about
these passages that you mention.  Such speculations may diverge greatly,
such is not really important in the grand scheme of things.  From my
perspective, it seems to me that Judy does not do a lot of this
and probably sees little value in it.  I enjoy speculating and considering
different possibilities of truth that might coincide with the Biblical
However, I always distinguish between such speculation and knowledge that
comes from the Spirit or knowledge that is directly being communicated by
the sacred text.

David Miller

- Original Message - 
From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2006 9:51 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Is Truth Knowable?

David:Please distinguish 'believe the same thing about these passages'
'exact same understanding at this point in time'. It may be that
to the 'sticking point' may be at hand.

- Original Message - 
From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: March 16, 2006 09:31
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Is Truth Knowable?

Lance, I think the point Judy is making is that God's Spirit will lead
believer to believe the same thing about these passages.  I don't think
means that every true believer will have the exact same understanding at
this point in time.

You mentioned employing 1 through 4.  I actually have a lot of concern
ever employing number 4.  People use emotions a lot in determining what
believe, but I think that is usually a mistake.  When people go with
over logic, that is a mistake.  Furthermore, emotions often cloud logic,
cause people to embrace falsehood.  What do you think?

David Miller.

- Original Message - 
From: Lance Muir

Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2006 8:12 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Is Truth Knowable?

1 - 11'

Have we just been provided with a perfect standard for determining who
is/who is not 'taught by God'?

- Original Message - 
From: Judy Taylor

Sent: March 16, 2006 07:57
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Is Truth Knowable?

I disagree with Lance.
I say that all who are taught by God will say the same thing about
Chapters 1 through 11
These are the ones who will all be saying the same thing in the end time
this is the "unity" Christ
prayed for... The definition of "believer" should be "one who speaks as
oracles of God"

On Thu, 16 Mar 2006 07:38:59 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Take Genesis chapters 1 - 3 or, if you prefer 1 - 11. Is TRUTH  taught
therein? Yes! Do all believers ag

Re: [TruthTalk] Hello

2006-03-17 Thread Kevin Deegan
VOTE FOR JD!Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  DAVEH: Welcome to TT, Conor! I do hope you enjoy your stay hereBTWHave you ever had any experience moderating an email forum??? ;-)[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:>Hello Everyone,> I recently joined truth talk and just wanted to introduce myself. My name>is Conor Mancone. I'll be graduating from the University of Florida in a few>short months with two degrees, one in physics and another in astronomy. For>those of you who care for a little background, I would tell you that I have>been religious my whole life. I was raised Catholic by my mother, and have>always believed and followed God. When I arrived at college, I began learning>a lot more about my faith, as well as reading the Bible. Now adays, I'm
 happy>to call myself christian, and I follow Jesus with all of my heart (or, to be>completely truthful, with as much of my heart as I can). I look forward to>getting to know all of you and talking with you.> -Conor> >-- ~~~Dave Hansen[EMAIL PROTECTED] you wish to receivethings I find interesting,I maintain six email lists...JOKESTER, OPINIONS, LDS,STUFF, MOTORCYCLE and CLIPS.--"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.orgIf you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed. If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.
		 Yahoo! Mail 
Use Photomail to share photos without annoying attachments.

Re: [TruthTalk] Hell BoM

2006-03-17 Thread Kevin Deegan
Then according to your own book you have been decieved by the Devil into thinking there is No literal HellDave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  DAVEH:   You've surprised me, Kevin!   I thought you'd want to defend your position using material favorable to your perspective...namely, the Bible.  But that is OK, as the LDS sources you've quoted plainly show the symbolism of the terms used to describe hell.  Why you would quote some of them somewhat surprises me, as they succinctly show that distinction.  I'll take each passage you quoted and analyze it from the premise I've put forth.whosesmoke ascendeth up forever and everDAVEH:   A physical impossibility, and clearly symbolic of a time frame rather than a physical smoke.which lake of fire and brimstone
 is endless tormentDAVEH:  That is explained by the fire and brimstone imagery that is in reality endless torment.a fire which cannot be consumed, even an unquenchable fireDAVEH:   More imagery that is physically an impossibility.  Fire can be extinguished, whereas mental torment can go on forever.D&C 76: 36 These are they who shall go away into the lake of fire and brimstone, with the devil and his angels—DAVEH:  By taking the passage out of context, you miss some important and pertinent information, Kevin+35 Having denied the Holy Spirit after having received it, and having denied the Only Begotten Son of the Father, having crucified him unto themselves and put him to an open shame.36 These are they who shall go away into the lake of fire and brimstone, with the devil and his angels—37 And the only ones on whom the
 second death shall have any power;+.This is referring to a small but special category of those who (denied the Holy Spirit after having received it) are referred to as sons of perdition.  While this represents a tangent thread which is not relevant to our discussion, please note vs 37 which differentiates them from all the others as he only ones on whom the second death shall have any power.  This may not make sense Kevin, but these are not the folks of whom we usually think about when we talk about hell.After what ye have seen, will ye preach again unto this people, that they shall be cast into a lake of fire and brimstone?DAVEH:   Interestingly, you've quoted the chief judge (the antagonist) who was chiding Alma & Amulek and while doing so, you have assumed that the chief judge quoted Alma correctly.  However Kevin, that is an errant assumption, as the
 below quote shows...+[Alma 12:17] Then is the time when their torments shall be as a lake of fire and brimstone, whose flame ascendeth up forever and ever; and then is the time that they shall be chained down to an everlasting destruction, according to the power and captivity of Satan, he having subjected them according to his will.+...Alma clearly taught that their torments were as a, indicating that Alma's explanation of fire and brimstone is a symbolic representation of hell.and their gtorment is as a lake of fire and brimstoneDAVEH:   Apparently you've got a serious computer virus, Keving is  infecting your posts!      The wording here suggests an analogytorment is as a lake whose flame ascendeth up forever and ever and has no
 end...Again, clear symbolism that cannot be literally true.  The two words is as plainly show this to be an analogy.sha ll have their part in that lake which burneth with fire and brimstone, which is the second deathDAVEH:  If there is any doubt as to the symbolic nature of hell, this surely puts it to rest by explaining what is meant by.that lake which burneth with fire and brimstonewhose smoke ascendeth up forever and everDAVEH:  Another obvious literal impossibility that as an analogy makes sense.which lake of fire and brimst one is endless tormentespecially when it is explained as endless torment.the final state of the souls of men is to dwell in the kingdom of God, or to be cast outDAVEH:   Which pretty well explains the difference in venue.some will reside in
 heaven, and some won't.  Effectively, those not allowed to dwell in heaven will be spiritually and severely self tormented eternally.    FWIWYou forgot to mention some of the other BoM passages that when taken with the others pretty well reveal the symbolic nature of the fire and brimstone hell.  Consider Nephi's comments...[2Ne 9:14] Wherefore, we shall have a perfect knowledge of all our guilt, and our uncleanness, and our nakedness; and the righteous shall have a perfect knowledge of their enjoyment, and their righteousness, being clothed with purity, yea, even with the robe of righteousness. [15] And it shall come to pass that when all men shall have passed from this first death unto life, insomuch as they have become immortal, they must appear before the judgment-seat of the Holy One of Israel; and then cometh the judgment, and then must they be judged according to the holy judgment o

[TruthTalk] Physics, Astronomy and Genesis chapters 1-11

2006-03-17 Thread Lance Muir

Conor: Might we hear from you on this? Frame this 
in whatever fashion suits you.

Re: [TruthTalk] Physics, Astronomy and Genesis chapters 1-11

2006-03-17 Thread Judy Taylor

Why try to confuse Conor right off the bat Lance?  
Genesis is not a "science book" per se.
Although the writer of Genesis is also the God who 
created all that is called "science"
Are you asking Conor to interpret Genesis in the light 
of Astronomy and Physics?
Just this morning I read this interaction between DaveH 
and KevinD   (I think) ...
KD: That is explained by the fire and brimstone imagery that is 
in reality endless torment. a fire which cannot be 
consumed, even an unquenchable fireDAVEH:   More imagery that is physically an impossibility.  
Fire can be extinguished, whereas 
mental torment can go on forever.
So tell me - What is a physical impossibility for God? 
The same God who delivered what he had 
promised to Abraham and 
Sarah when they were 90 and 100yrs old respectively. A God who was 
able to roll back the Red Sea until his people crossed and afterward kept 
them in the desert for 40yrs 
feeding them with manna from heaven and 
keeping their clothes from wearing out and their feet from 
swelling.  The same God who stopped the sun for 24 
hours and caused an axe head to float on water 
The God who energized His 
prophet causing him to run for 25 miles in front of Jezebels' chariot and 

had the ravens feed him 
while he rested and regrouped in a cave.  
Tell me - what would be too difficult for a 
God like this and how can the feeble efforts of man 
On Fri, 17 Mar 2006 07:57:56 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  Conor: Might we hear from you on this? Frame this 
  in whatever fashion suits you.

Re: [TruthTalk] Physics, Astronomy and Genesis chapters 1-11

2006-03-17 Thread Lance Muir

Judy:The question 'what is too difficult for God' 
is not the sort of question I'm given to asking. However, if I've asked a 
question too difficult for Conor then, I'd just ask that Conor take a pass. It 
is Conor's choice.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: March 17, 2006 08:45
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Physics, 
  Astronomy and Genesis chapters 1-11
  Why try to confuse Conor right off the bat 
  Lance?  Genesis is not a "science book" per se.
  Although the writer of Genesis is also the God who 
  created all that is called "science"
  Are you asking Conor to interpret Genesis in the 
  light of Astronomy and Physics?
  Just this morning I read this interaction between 
  DaveH and KevinD   (I think) ...
  KD: That is explained by the fire and brimstone imagery that 
  is in reality endless torment. a fire which cannot be 
  consumed, even an unquenchable fireDAVEH:   More imagery that is physically an impossibility.  
  Fire can be extinguished, whereas 
  mental torment can go on forever.
  So tell me - What is a physical impossibility for 
  God? The same God who delivered what he had 
  promised to Abraham and 
  Sarah when they were 90 and 100yrs old respectively. A God who was 
  able to roll back the Red Sea until his people crossed and afterward 
  kept them in the desert for 40yrs 

  feeding them with manna from heaven and 
  keeping their clothes from wearing out and their feet from 
  swelling.  The same God who stopped the sun for 24 
  hours and caused an axe head to float on water 
  The God who energized His 
  prophet causing him to run for 25 miles in front of Jezebels' chariot and 
  had the ravens feed 
  him while he rested and regrouped in a cave.  
  Tell me - what would be too difficult for a 
  God like this and how can the feeble efforts of man 
  On Fri, 17 Mar 2006 07:57:56 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Conor: Might we hear from you on this? Frame 
this in whatever fashion suits you.

Re: [TruthTalk] Is Truth Knowable?

2006-03-17 Thread David Miller
:-)  Slow down, Izzy, and read Lance's post again.  He was saying that HE 
was the one with the cranial density problem.  I think you understood my 
post because we have similar assumptions.  Lance has a different set of 

I was a little surprised that Lance could not understand my post, but I 
believe he is sincere when he says he does not understand it.  The work is 
to try and figure out what assumptions he holds to that causes my post not 
to resonate with him.  That is difficult for me to do at this point, given 
the lack of his response here.  Lance is basically just saying he doesn't 
understand my post without doing the work of identifying what part of my 
post is the part that starts to lose him.  I will keep looking out in future 
posts of his what it might be that causes he and I to approach our 
understanding of this subject in different ways, but until then, we can be 
respectful, patient, longsuffering, and work hard at communicating.  :-)

God bless you, sister.  It greatly uplifted my spirit to hear that you found 
me quite lucid.  Sometimes I feel like I'm in my own world where nobody 
understands me, but the Scriptures do teach that the spiritual man discerns 
all things yet he himself is discerned of no one.

David Miller

- Original Message - 
From: "ShieldsFamily" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 17, 2006 12:17 AM
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Is Truth Knowable?

Lance, in all kindness may I submit to you the possibility that YOU might be
the one with the "cranial density" problem? I found DM's statement to be
quite lucid. izzy

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lance Muir
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2006 10:38 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Is Truth Knowable?

Lance, upon reading David's post below, exhibits 'cranial density' his own
self. Though I'd thought we would be further ahead, we're not. Why not
submit this to David Miller for a rewrite? He's good at that sort of thing
- Original Message - 
From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: March 16, 2006 11:29
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Is Truth Knowable?

> My understanding of Gen. 1-11 is not going to be exactly the same as
> Judy's
> in the sense that if I wrote a commentary on the chapters and then Judy
> did
> the same, they would differ much in the way that the different gospel
> accounts differ from one another.  However, if we are both filled with the
> same Spirit, we will hear one another and receive from one another such
> that
> through our communion and fellowship with each other, we would easily come
> to speak the same thing about these passages.  We might even continue to
> emphasize different points within the text, but there is this work of God
> within both of us that is bringing us to a unity of knowledge as well as a
> unity of faith (which is based upon knowledge).
> Now much of this concerns knowledge that comes through the Spirit.
> Sometimes people speculate about issues with the mind, especially about
> these passages that you mention.  Such speculations may diverge greatly,
> but
> such is not really important in the grand scheme of things.  From my
> perspective, it seems to me that Judy does not do a lot of this
> speculating
> and probably sees little value in it.  I enjoy speculating and considering
> different possibilities of truth that might coincide with the Biblical
> text.
> However, I always distinguish between such speculation and knowledge that
> comes from the Spirit or knowledge that is directly being communicated by
> the sacred text.
> David Miller
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2006 9:51 AM
> Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Is Truth Knowable?
> David:Please distinguish 'believe the same thing about these passages'
> from
> 'exact same understanding at this point in time'. It may be that
> resolution
> to the 'sticking point' may be at hand.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: March 16, 2006 09:31
> Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Is Truth Knowable?
>> Lance, I think the point Judy is making is that God's Spirit will lead
>> the
>> believer to believe the same thing about these passages.  I don't think
>> she
>> means that every true believer will have the exact same understanding at
>> this point in time.
>> You mentioned employing 1 through 4.  I actually have a lot of concern
>> about
>> ever employing number 4.  People use emotions a lot in determining what
>> they
>> believe, but I think that is usually a mistake.  When people go with
>> emotion
>> over logic, that is a mistake.  Furthermore, emotions often cloud logic,
>> and
>> cause people to embrace falsehood.  What do you think?
>> David Miller.
>> - Original Message - 
>> From: Lance Muir
>> To:
>> Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2

[TruthTalk] Creationism

2006-03-17 Thread David Miller
Lance wrote:
> There are evolutionists who are Christians.
> There are various kinds of creationists who
> are Christians. The majority of Christians
> simply adopt a don't know/don't care position.

I would say that EVERY believer in Jesus Christ must be a creationist. 
Would you disagree with this statement?

David Miller 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to 
join, tell him to send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

Re: [TruthTalk] Hell BoM

2006-03-17 Thread David Miller
Kevin wrote:
> Then according to your own book you have
> been decieved by the Devil into thinking
> there is No literal Hell

Hi Kevin.

Why exactly are you convinced that there is a literal hell?  Can you present 
an argument for a literal hell for us?

David Miller 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to 
join, tell him to send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

Re: [TruthTalk] Physics, Astronomy and Genesis chapters 1-11

2006-03-17 Thread David Miller
DaveH, I agree with Judy here.  The argument of a "literal impossibility" is 
a little weak when we are talking about God.  Moses did see a bush that was 
burning but not consumed.  Doesn't that teach us something about God's 
abilities of creating an unquenchable fire?

David Miller

- Original Message - 
From: Judy Taylor
Sent: Friday, March 17, 2006 8:45 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Physics, Astronomy and Genesis chapters 1-11

Why try to confuse Conor right off the bat Lance?  Genesis is not a "science 
book" per se.
Although the writer of Genesis is also the God who created all that is 
called "science"
Are you asking Conor to interpret Genesis in the light of Astronomy and 

Just this morning I read this interaction between DaveH and KevinD   (I 
think) ...

KD: That is explained by the fire and brimstone imagery that is in reality 
endless torment.
a fire which cannot be consumed, even an unquenchable fire

DAVEH:   More imagery that is physically an impossibility.  Fire can be 
extinguished, whereas
mental torment can go on forever.

So tell me - What is a physical impossibility for God? The same God who 
delivered what he had
promised to Abraham and Sarah when they were 90 and 100yrs old respectively. 
A God who was
able to roll back the Red Sea until his people crossed and afterward kept 
them in the desert for 40yrs
feeding them with manna from heaven and keeping their clothes from wearing 
out and their feet from
swelling.  The same God who stopped the sun for 24 hours and caused an axe 
head to float on water
The God who energized His prophet causing him to run for 25 miles in front 
of Jezebels' chariot and
had the ravens feed him while he rested and regrouped in a cave.

Tell me - what would be too difficult for a God like this and how can the 
feeble efforts of man explain

On Fri, 17 Mar 2006 07:57:56 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Conor: Might we hear from you on this? Frame this in whatever fashion suits 


"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to 
join, tell him to send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

Re: [TruthTalk] Creationism

2006-03-17 Thread Lance Muir
David:I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume this not to 
be a trick question. So then, yes. I am a teleological evolutionist thus 
making me 'that sort' of 'creationist'. Lucid?

- Original Message - 
From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: March 17, 2006 09:42
Subject: [TruthTalk] Creationism

Lance wrote:

There are evolutionists who are Christians.
There are various kinds of creationists who
are Christians. The majority of Christians
simply adopt a don't know/don't care position.

I would say that EVERY believer in Jesus Christ must be a creationist.
Would you disagree with this statement?

David Miller

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Re: [TruthTalk] Hell BoM

2006-03-17 Thread Dave Hansen

you have been decieved by the Devil

DAVEH:  I respectfully disagree with you on that, Kevin.  Quite the
contraryIn reality, I've been enlightened by a fellow TTer!

    I don't know why it is so difficult for you to understand my
position on this, Kevin.  I do believe in a literal hell.literally
being separated from God.  I just don't believe that those who reject
Jesus will literally be cast into a lake of fire and brimstone, as many
believe.  Lacking the eternal love of the Lord, those who suffer such
separation will eternally and forever suffer mental anguish at their
shortsighted selfish decision to choose evil over good.

    Before you had brought these BoM and D&C passages to my
attention, I had never considered how latter-day scriptures handled
this topic.  The only time I had looked into it was several years ago
in response to TTers questioning me about it, and at that time I only
looked at Bible passages that were posted.  Perhaps it was you Kevin, I
don't recall.  Back then, I had only examined a number of Biblical
passages to come to determine that those who mentioned hell in the
Bible were doing so symbolically when they used the imagery of the
burning trash pit of Jerusalem to reflect how one who does not go to
heaven will feel.  Posting the below passages from other sources
reaffirms the same conclusion.

Kevin Deegan wrote:
Then according to your own book you have been decieved
by the Devil into thinking there is No literal Hell
  Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
DAVEH:   You've surprised me, Kevin!   I thought you'd want to
defend your position using material favorable to your
perspective...namely, the Bible.  But that is OK, as the LDS sources
you've quoted plainly show the symbolism of the terms used to describe
hell.  Why you would quote some of them somewhat surprises me, as they
succinctly show that distinction.  I'll take each passage you quoted
and analyze it from the premise I've put forth.

whosesmoke ascendeth up forever and ever

DAVEH:   A physical impossibility, and clearly symbolic of a
time frame rather than a physical smoke.

which lake of fire and bri mstone is endless torment

DAVEH:  That is explained by the fire and brimstone imagery
that is in reality endless torment.

a fire which cannot be consumed, even an unquenchable fire

DAVEH:   More imagery that is physically an impossibility. 
Fire can be extinguished, whereas mental torment can go on forever.

D&C 76: 36 These are they who shall go away into the lake of
fire and brimstone, with the devil and his angels—

DAVEH:  By taking the passage out of context, you miss some important
and pertinent information, Kevin

35 Having denied the Holy Spirit after having received it,
and having denied the Only Begotten Son of the Father, having crucified
him unto themselves and put him to an open shame.

36 These are they who shall go away into the lake of fire and
brimstone, with the devil and his angels—

37 And the only ones on wh om the second death shall have any power;

.This is referring to a small but special category of those who
(denied the Holy Spirit after having received it)
are referred to as sons of perdition.  While this represents a tangent
thread which is not relevant to our discussion, please note vs 37 which
differentiates them from all the others as he only ones on whom
the second death shall have any power.  This may not make sense
Kevin, but these are not the folks of whom we usually think about when
we talk about hell.

After what ye have seen, will ye preach again unto this people,
that they shall be cast into a lake of fire and brimstone?

DAVEH:   Interestingly, you've quoted the chief judge (the antagonist)
who was chiding Alma & Amulek and while doing so, you have assumed
that the chief judge quoted Alma correctly.  However Kevin, that is an
errant assumption, as the below quote shows...

[Alma 12:17] Then is the time when their torments shall be as
a lake of fire and brimstone, whose flame ascendeth up
forever and ever; and then is the time that they shall be chained down
to an everlasting destruction, according to the power and captivity of
Satan, he having subjected them according to his will.

...Alma clearly taught that their torments were as a,
indicating that Alma's explanation of fire and brimstone
is a symbolic representation of hell.

and their gtorment is as a lake of fire and brimstone

DAVEH:   Apparently you've got a serious computer virus, Keving
is  infecting your posts!  

    The wording here suggests an analogy

torment is as a lake whose flame ascendeth up
forever and ever and has no end

...Again, clear symbolism that cannot be literally true.  The two
words is as plainly show this to be an analogy.

sha ll have their part in that lake wh

Re: [TruthTalk] Physics, Astronomy and Genesis chapters 1-11

2006-03-17 Thread Dave Hansen

What is a physical impossibility for God? 

DAVEH:  Did you ever read the SCREWTAPE LETTERS, Judy?  At one point,
Screwtape (the devil) tells Wormwood that humans are too quick to
attribute their all their ills to him, effectively suggesting that
sometime humans give credit to where credit isn't due.

    I think the same can be said of God.  Sometimes we assume he does
things he really doesn't.  In this case, by suggesting God can do the
impossible might just be painting God into a corner from which he would
prefer not to be.  You asked the question.What
is a physical impossibility for God?and the obvious
answer is that which you have undoubtedly heard before.Can God
create a rock to heavy for him to lift?   Would you agree that doing so
is a physical impossibility for God,

    I prefer to believe God operates within the laws of his creation. 
Those laws define him and all his creation, and I do not think God
could/would break those laws, but is capable of using them in ways of
which we are unaware in order to perform miracles that confound his

Judy Taylor wrote:

  Just this morning I read this interaction
between DaveH and KevinD   (I think) ...
  KD: That is explained by the fire and brimstone imagery
that is in reality endless torment. 
  a fire which cannot be consumed, even an unquenchable fire
  DAVEH:   More imagery that is physically
an impossibility.  Fire can be extinguished, whereas 
  mental torment can go on forever.
  So tell me - What is a physical
impossibility for God? The same God who delivered what he had 
  promised to
Abraham and Sarah when they were 90 and 100yrs old respectively. A God
who was 
  able to roll back the Red Sea until his people crossed and
afterward kept them in the desert for
  feeding them with manna from heaven and
keeping their clothes from wearing out and their feet from 
  swelling.  The same God who stopped the sun
for 24 hours and caused an axe head to float on water 
  The God who energized
His prophet causing him to run for 25 miles in front of Jezebels'
chariot and 
  had the ravens feed
him while he rested and regrouped in a cave.  
  Tell me - what would be too difficult for
a God like this and how can the feeble
efforts of man explain 
  On Fri, 17 Mar 2006 07:57:56 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Conor: Might we hear from you on
this? Frame this in whatever fashion suits you.

Dave Hansen
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things I find interesting,
I maintain six email lists...

Re: [TruthTalk] Psychology versus anything pastoral

2006-03-17 Thread Judy Taylor

On Fri, 17 Mar 2006 04:58:34 + [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  In my opinion, it is not "pastoral" if it is secular  --  they 
  are mutually exclusive ideas.   That does not mean there is no value 
  in the secular.   I fully believe in the good work of research in 
  this field  (pyschology),   There is much that we humans have 
  in common  --   
  Such as our fallenness because of the first 
  but the reactions to any number of variables creates the demand we be 
  viewed as unique.   Generally speaking, there are five models in 
  present day pyschology:  psychophysiological, psychdynamic  
  (Freud),  behavorial  (Watson), cognitive (Simon), and humanistic 
  (Rollo mays, Rogers and Maslow)  There are , in fact, over 200 
  expressions of or models of psychology  --  many of them competing 
  Which is it - five or over two hundred models of 
  psychology?  Whichever, it can't compete with the confusion
  of the supposedly sacred.  The World Christian 
  Database Denomination list shows there are 9,000 Christian denominations in 
  the world and 635 of them in the USA and many of these are also competing 
  Note that anything "divine" is not included. A course study on 
  the foundational aspects of modern day psychology will not include 
  reference to anything divine or pastoral.   In fact, a number 
  of models view "pastoral" or "divine" as problematic and to be 
  I am not taking a stand for psychology per se but 
  there are many believers who have a degree in sociology and who counsel in a 
  secular setting.
  It is modern day psychology that has challenged religion 
  and not the converse   ---   simple minded 
  fundamentalist attacks aside.
  The above is an unnecessary slam JD and it is 
  unloving. Just because one is willing to take God at His Word does not make 
  them "simple minded" or put them in a "fundamentalist" file.
  I believe that where therapy does not involve pharmacology, it should be 
  be pastoral in content.   I also believe that much of what we call 
  "mental illness" is not illness at all, rather the normal workings of the mind 
  when it comes under catastrophic stress.  
  Yes a mind that is full of fear and devoid of faith - 
  but this is a spiritual issue.  That person is like a city with broken 
  down walls so that anything and everything comes and goes.
  I believe that thoughts are not the only things that account for 
  psychological response  - 
  Maybe not but isn't this where the problem becomes 
  apparent?  Do you give your counselees scriptural advice
  and tell them it is possible to take their thoughts 
  captive to the obedience of Christ?
  the other consideration is that of relationships.   And that is 
  where "religion" comes into the picture. Because of my belief in the 
  above  --  this business of community is  important 
  because it has to do with our mental state  -  our very 
  How so JD?  Our very person is not a brain or 
  even a mind.  We are triune beings as originally created in God's image 
  but God is One, He is not a 
  In fact,  the content of "relating" is more important when 
  the two considerations are compared.  Man is fully 
  formed as he is 
  embrassed by the community  (family, husband-wife,  clubs, 
  sport teams and , yes, churches.)   Most cases of extreme "mental 
  illness" have a commonality  --  isolation from surrounding 
  relationships   --  especially isolation from demonstrable 
  expressions of a truine (or pluristic) God.  
  Now what is the above all about?  Never heard of 
  it before and I certainly don't see it in God's Word. There is 
  principle of iron sharpening iron yes, but this is 
  not the only way - God taught Moses, David, and Paul His ways in 
  solitary places.
  If that is true,  then pastoral counseling is critical and every 
  saint should be a pastor.   Knowing that when we 
  capture God, He consumes us , the pastoral "counselor" that is 
  worth her salt is one who understands the difference between the knowledge of human actions and the love that can command 
  those actions and find sense in that which 
  is nonsensical.  jd
  How does one do this?  I understood victory to 
  be when we allow God to transform us - what example do you have of one who 
  "captured Him?"  How does love command human actions in your opinion 
  From: Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
How IYO does the "pastoral counseling" that you 
offer differ from the secular kind and what kind of 
are you confronted with JD?  
On Thu, 16 Mar 2006 21:44:46 + [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Yes ,  I charge for the sessions  
  --    $45  for an hour and 20 
  minutes.    I try to work myself out of a job within 6 
  sessions but will "coach"  (read:disciple) them 

Re: [TruthTalk] Physics, Astronomy and Genesis chapters 1-11

2006-03-17 Thread Judy Taylor

On Fri, 17 Mar 2006 07:20:45 -0800 Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  What is a physical impossibility for God? 
  DAVEH:  Did you ever read the SCREWTAPE LETTERS, 
  Judy?  At one point, Screwtape (the devil) tells Wormwood that humans are 
  too quick to attribute their all their ills to him, effectively suggesting 
  that sometime humans give credit to where credit isn't due.
  The book you refer to DH is the fantasy of CSL, I go 
  to a higher authority which tells me that illness is not
  a blessing; it also reveals to me who it is 
  that implements the curse but not without God's permission I
  might add.    I think 
  the same can be said of God.  Sometimes we assume he does things he 
  really doesn't.  In this case, by suggesting God can do the impossible 
  might just be painting God into a corner from which he would prefer not to 
  How is that DH?  I don't make up things that 
  paint God into any corner; I am speaking of things that He has
  done already; things he has recorded in His Word by 
  His Spirit.
   You asked the question.What is a 
  physical impossibility for God?and the obvious answer is 
  that which you have undoubtedly heard before.Can God create a rock to 
  heavy for him to lift?   Would you agree that doing so 
  is a physical impossibility for God, 
  Only if God were a man with limitations but since He 
  is not a man that He should lie and He is not a man who is
  limited by fleshly weakness all He has to do is speak to the rock and it will move 
  just as He spoke the worlds into existence.    I 
  prefer to believe God operates within the laws of his creation.  
  His son was born under the Mosaic Law but even He 
  circumvented physical laws constantly by walking on water
  and commanding a storm along with rebuking 
  Those laws define him and all his creation, and I do not think God 
  could/would break those laws, but is capable of using them in ways of which we 
  are unaware in order to perform miracles that confound his Adversary.
  God is transcendent DH and his adversary is well 
  aware of who is boss.Judy Taylor wrote: 

Just this morning I read this interaction between 
DaveH and KevinD   (I think) ...
KD: That is explained by the fire and brimstone imagery 
that is in reality endless torment. a fire which cannot 
be consumed, even an unquenchable fireDAVEH:   
More imagery that is physically an 
impossibility.  Fire can be extinguished, whereas 
mental torment can go on forever.
So tell me - What is a physical impossibility 
for God? The same God who delivered what he had 
promised to Abraham and 
Sarah when they were 90 and 100yrs old respectively. A God who was 

able to roll back the Red Sea until his people crossed and afterward 
kept them in the desert for 40yrs 

feeding them with manna from heaven and 
keeping their clothes from wearing out and their feet from 

swelling.  The same God who stopped the sun for 24 
hours and caused an axe head to float on water 
The God who energized 
His prophet causing him to run for 25 miles in front of Jezebels' 
chariot and 
had the ravens feed 
him while he rested and regrouped in a cave.  
Tell me - what would be too difficult for a 
God like this and how can the feeble efforts of 
man explain 
On Fri, 17 Mar 2006 07:57:56 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

  Conor: Might we hear from you on this? Frame 
  this in whatever fashion suits you.
Dave Hansen
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things I find interesting,
I maintain six email lists...

Re: [TruthTalk] Love and fear

2006-03-17 Thread knpraise
Judy,  God's covenant with Abraham was not contractual in nature.His 
promise(s) in that case was sovereign and apart from Abraham's efforts.
Ditto  for us  (Romans 3:28.)   We share in the very same promise.   

The greek thing (eis) has everything to do with the discussion at hand
your opinions on that subject aside.   In the Galatians passage,  we 
are immersed INTO Jesus Christ...and thus "hid in Christ"  (Gal 3:26,27 and 
Col 3:3).   

Now, if you want to isolate a single biblical thought   regarding judgment, 
be my guest   -   but I think the student/disciple is much better served 
as she considers all of scripture AND allows scripture to say what it says. 

Most of us fail to struggle with reconciling one passage with another.   It is 
not "reconciliation" to prefer one passage and IGNORE the others.   The result
of such studies is a redactive theology that is meaningless  (IMHO>)


 -- Original message --
From: Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> JD 
> 2 Cor 5:10.11 is written by the same apostle as the scriptures you have
> posted below and believe me he never ever speaks out of both sides of his
> mouth ATST - this is our problem - not his because 2 Cor 5:10,11 was
> written by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and it stands.
> Trying to mix scripture with metaphysics and philosophy is the problem
> here. This is akin to trying to mix oil with water; it is  attempting to
> conform God's Living Word to some man's dead theology.  The letter kills
> but the Spirit gives life - so we must not forget the ifs, ands, and
> buts; because all of God's covenants are conditional and there is not a
> thing wrong with his eyesight.  We can not be walking in sin and walking
> in the "righteousness of Christ" at the same time. The condition for
> walking free from condemnation is "walking after the spirit and not
> fulfilling the lust of the flesh"  When we choose carnal thinking and
> fleshly pursuits we make ourselves God's enemy which means we are not
> free from sin and where there is sin there is also judgment.
> As for this (eis) business and the "ontology" some refer to constantly -
> this has nothing at all to do with God's revelation 
> and is best left in Greek antiquity with Aristotle and his Metaphysics 
> judyt
> On Fri, 17 Mar 2006 06:23:52 + [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> Col 3:3  --  our very lives are hid in Christ.  God looks to the
> righteousness of Christ  and it is in this righteousness that we are
> hidden.  
> Christ's sacrifice is once and for all time  --  emphasis here on "once."
>  It is offered only once because in that offering our sins are fully
> remitted (Heb 10:18).   There can be no judgment , of the person, if
> there is no sin.  
> And II Cor 5: 21 tells us that we have become the righteousness of God IN
> Christ  --   a positional circumstance in this case.   
> Gal 3:26-27  As many as have been immersed into Christ have put on
> Christ.  We are "in"  (eis) the very ontology of Son of God and are
> becoming like Him in terms of faith and righteousness.  Our personal
> judgment is in this circumstance. 
> Col 1:23  We are holy, blameless and without reproach IN  Christ.   
> And, again  --  all of this as if we were hidden in Him.   Solo didache
> is not a hermeneutical rule of any meaningful consequence.   The passage
> you cited must be considered in the light of scripture such as quoted
> above and others, perhaps even more to my point.  I will continue the
> search.  Such is my answer.  jd   
> 1John wrote:
> > In Christ we are not judged.
> How do you reconcile this idea with the following passage?
> 2 Corinthians 5:10-11
> (10) For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that
> every 
> one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath
> done, 
> whether it be good or bad.
> (11) Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men; but we
> are 
> made manifest unto God; and I trust also are made manifest in your 
> consciences.
David Miller

--- Begin Message ---

2 Cor 5:10.11 is written by the same apostle as the 
scriptures you have posted below and believe me he never ever speaks out of both sides of his mouth ATST - 
this is our problem - not his because 2 Cor 5:10,11 was written by the 
inspiration of the Holy Spirit and it stands.
Trying to mix scripture with metaphysics and 
philosophy is the problem here. This is akin to trying to mix oil with water; it 
is  attempting to conform God's Living Word to some man's dead theology.  The letter kills but the 
Spirit gives life - so we must not forget the ifs, ands, and buts; because all 
of God's covenants are conditional and there is not a thing wrong with his 
eyesight.  We can not be walking in sin and walking in the 
"righteousness of Christ" at the same time. The condition for walking free from 
condemnation is "walking after the spirit and not fulfilling the lust 

[TruthTalk] Love and fear

2006-03-17 Thread Judy Taylor

Judy,  God's covenant with Abraham was not contractual in 
nature.    His promise(s) in that case was sovereign and 
apart from Abraham's efforts.
Not the whole truth JD. I know he and Sarah produced an 
Ishmael by works of 
the flesh; but what if Abraham had 
refused to "believe" God and leave UR?  

Without faith it is 
impossible to please Him - is this not a condition?
In (Romans 3:28.)   We share in the very same 
Yes and we have the same fear and faith confronting us 
as Abraham
did with the same spiritual 
The greek thing (eis) has everything to do with the discussion at 
Possibly the "in Christ" idea which I believe (eis) is 
BT's scholarly way of
your opinions on that subject aside.   In the Galatians 
passage,  we are immersed INTO Jesus Christ...and thus "hid in 
(Gal 3:26,27 and Col 3:3).
Let's see "For ye are all the children of God 
by faith in Christ Jesus"
Gal 3:26  (same 
condition) and Col 3:2 "Set your affection on things
above, not on things on the earth" IOW be spiritually 
minded which
is a faith action and is also a condition.
Now, if you want to isolate a single biblical thought   regarding 
judgment, be my guest   -   but I think the 
student/disciple is much better served as she considers all of scripture AND 
allows scripture to say what it says. 
Judgment is part of what it says JD and there is much 
more than one
single scripture, in fact Jesus spoke about judgment 
more than he
spoke about heaven.
Most of us fail to struggle with reconciling one passage with 
another.   It is not "reconciliation" to prefer one passage and 
IGNORE the others.   The resultof such studies is a redactive 
theology that is meaningless  (IMHO>)  jd
I don't have to do the above JD because I have 
nothing to hide, nothing to protect, 
and no theologian to 
defend.  I like all scripture equally, every Word of God 
these are life to those who 
find them and health to all their flesh.
-- Original message --From: Judy Taylor 
JD > 2 Cor 5:10.11 is written by the same apostle as the scriptures you 
have> posted below and believe me he never ever speaks out of both sides 
of his> mouth ATST - this is our problem - not his because 2 Cor 5:10,11 
was> written by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and it stands.> 
> Trying to mix scripture with metaphysics and philosophy is the 
problem> here. This is akin to trying to mix oil with water; it is  
attempting to> conform God's Living Word to some man's dead 
theology.  The letter kills> but the Spirit gives life - so we must 
not forget the ifs, ands, and> buts; because all of God's covenants are 
conditional and there is not a> thing wrong with his eyesight.  We 
can not be walking in sin and walking> in the "righteousness of Christ" 
at the same time. The condition for> walking free from condemnation is 
"walking after the spirit and not> fulfilling the lust of the 
flesh"  When we choose carnal thinking and> fleshly pursuits we make 
ourselves God's enemy which means we are not> free from sin and where 
there is sin there is also judgment.> > As for this (eis) business 
and the "ontology" some refer to constantly -> this has nothing at all to 
do with God's revelation > and is best left in Greek antiquity with 
Aristotle and his Metaphysics > judyt> > On Fri, 17 Mar 
2006 06:23:52 + [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:> Col 
3:3  --  our very lives are hid in Christ.  God looks to 
the> righteousness of Christ  and it is in this righteousness that 
we are> hidden.  > > Christ's sacrifice is once and 
for all time  --  emphasis here on "once.">  It is offered 
only once because in that offering our sins are fully> remitted (Heb 
10:18).   There can be no judgment , of the person, if> there 
is no sin.  > > And II Cor 5: 21 tells us that we have become 
the righteousness of God IN> Christ  --   a positional 
circumstance in this case.   > > Gal 3:26-27  As 
many as have been immersed into Christ have put on> Christ.  We are 
"in"  (eis) the very ontology of Son of God and are> becoming like 
Him in terms of faith and righteousness.  Our personal> judgment is 
in this circumstance. > > Col 1:23  We are holy, blameless 
and without reproach IN  Christ.   > > And, 
again  --  all of this as if we were hidden in Him.   Solo 
didache> is not a hermeneutical rule of any meaningful 
consequence.   The passage> you cited must be considered in the 
light of scripture such as quoted> above and others, perhaps even more to 
my point.  I will continue the> search.  Such is my 
answer.  jd   > > > 1John wrote:> 
> In Christ we are not judged.> > How do you reconcile this 
idea with the following passage?> > 2 Corinthians 5:10-11> 
(10) For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that> 
every > one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he 
hath> done, > whe

Re: [TruthTalk] Hello

2006-03-17 Thread conor

I'm not currently Catholic, no.  When I started reading the Bible, it didn't
take me long before I started seeing a lot of contradictions between the
teachings of the Catholic church and the Bible.  Considering that the Bible is
the best source of information we have on Jesus and his life, I decided 
to take

the Bible's word for it.  However, I was born and raised catholic, was a
practicing catholic for the first 18 years of my life, and I went to catholic
school for 8 years.  So, I consider myself pretty aware of the catholic
perspective, from a real life point of view.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to 
join, tell him to send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

Re: [TruthTalk] Physics, Astronomy and Genesis chapters 1-11

2006-03-17 Thread Kevin Deegan
Perhaps this is a difference of philosophy since:     I presume that Judy sees God as transcendant from his creation and DH sees him as part of the creation.  Judy sees a God who is outside of time who created time and the law of physics  DH sees a god who was procreated at some point in time (in the preexistance) and then organized matter (not create matter)     Is this correct?Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:        On Fri, 17 Mar 2006 07:20:45 -0800 Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:What is a physical impossibility for God? DAVEH:  Did you ever read the SCREWTAPE LETTERS, Judy?  At one point, Screwtape (the devil) tells Wormwood that humans are too quick to attribute their all their ills to him, effectively suggesting that sometime humans give credit to where credit isn't due.     The book you refer to DH is the fantasy of CSL, I go to a higher authority which tells me that illness is not  a blessing; it also reveals to me who it is that implements the curse but not without God's permission I  might add.    I think the same can be said of God.  Sometimes we assume he does things he really doesn't.  In this case, by suggesting God can do the impossible might just be painting God into a corner from which he would prefer not to be.  
    How is that DH?  I don't make up things that paint God into any corner; I am speaking of things that He has  done already; things he has recorded in His Word by His Spirit.      You asked the question.What is a physical impossibility for God?and the obvious answer is that which you have undoubtedly heard before.Can God create a rock to heavy for him to lift?   Would you agree that doing so   is a physical impossibility for God, Judy?     Only if God were a man with limitations but since He is not a man that He should lie and He is not a man who is  limited by fleshly weakness all He has to do is speak to the rock and it will move just as He
 spoke the worlds into existence.    I prefer to believe God operates within the laws of his creation.       His son was born under the Mosaic Law but even He circumvented physical laws constantly by walking on water  and commanding a storm along with rebuking death.     Those laws define him and all his creation, and I do not think God could/would break those laws, but is capable of using them in ways of which we are unaware in order to perform miracles that confound his Adversary.     God is transcendent DH and his adversary is well aware of who is boss.Judy Taylor wrote:      Just this morning I read this interaction between DaveH and KevinD   (I think) ...     KD: That is explained by the fire and brimstone imagery that is in reality endless torment. a fire which cannot be consumed, even an unquenchable fireDAVEH:   More imagery that is physically an impossibility.  Fire can be extinguished, whereas   mental torment can go on forever.     So tell me - What is a physical impossibility for God? The same God who delivered what he had   promised to Abraham and Sarah when they were 90 and 100yrs old respectively. A God who was   able to roll back the Red Sea until his people crossed and
 afterward kept them in the desert for 40yrs   feeding them with manna from heaven and keeping their clothes from wearing out and their feet from   swelling.  The same God who stopped the sun for 24 hours and caused an axe head to float on water   The God who energized His prophet causing him to run for 25 miles in front of Jezebels' chariot and   had the ravens feed him while he rested and regrouped in a cave.       Tell me - what would be too difficult for a God like this and how can the feeble efforts of man explain   Him?  On Fri, 17 Mar 2006 07:57:56 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:Conor: Might we hear from you on this? Frame this in whatever fashion suits you.     Lance   --   ~~~  Dave Hansen  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ~~~  If you wish to receive  things I find interesting,  I maintain six email lists...  JOKESTER, OPINIONS, LDS,  STUFF, MOTORCYCLE and CLIPS.   
		 Yahoo! Mail 
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[TruthTalk] ** Moderator Comment **

2006-03-17 Thread David Miller
Title: The radical consequences of justification, by T.F. Torrance

Please do not forward entire web pages to the list.  If you desire to 
share information from web pages, especially those that contain 
graphics, menus, _javascript_, etc., please send a link to the web page rather 
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this policy that I can explain in private for those interested.  There 
are also legal copyright reasons and web etiquette reasons why sharing 
links rather than copying web pages is the preferred method of sharing published 
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David Miller
TruthTalk Moderator

Re: [TruthTalk] Physics, Astronomy and Genesis chapters 1-11

2006-03-17 Thread conor
Lance: Might we hear from you on this? Frame this in whatever fashion 
suits you.

Such a short question, but such a long answer :)  I think that 
astronomy is
something that often gets overlooked in that question.  The last time I 

astronomers dated the universe to about 13.5 billion years old.  The dating of
the universe is something that has been discussed often in my astronomy
classes.  The method astronomers use to come to this conclusion is a little
strange, but largely makes sense.  However, even if their dating method was
completely wrong, there would still be plenty of evidence that the universe
looks old.  Models of the sun which accurately predict its structure also
predict ages and lifetimes (old ages and long lifetimes).  The same 
models work
well for other stars we observe, and seem to be good models beyond a 

doubt.  There's a lot to it, but essentially the universe looks old.  Quick
example.  Models of star formation predict that it would take hundreds of
thousands (or millions) of years for a star to collapse from a cloud of 
gas. The sun is a star.  Therefore it seems a safe bet that the sun is 
at least a

million years old.
I accept that fact that the universe looks old.  I suppose it's possible
that God created the universe in such a way that it looks old, but is in
actuality young.  I don't see why that would be necessary though.  Personally,
I'm not convinced that the seven days of creation are meant to be taken
literally.  Whether the first chapter of genesis is literal or figurative, the
underlying story still stays the same.  The universe (and us) are God's
creation.  We were created in his image.  That's the entire point of genesis,
and it's a point that remains the same regardless.
Ironically though, I'm not a strict evolutionist, or a strict 
creationist. I'm still waiting for a third option, which seems to be 
slow in coming.  I find

macro evolution to be rather hard to buy.  There's a couple other things I
wanted to say in regards to the previous e-mails.


Those laws define him and all his creation, and I do not think God
could/would break those laws, but is capable of using them in ways of
which we are unaware in order to perform miracles that confound his

I would disagree with that satement.  The universe is a creation of God's,
and the laws of physics that "run" our universe are also His creation.  As His
creations, He has complete control over them.  It's quite possible that God
performs his miracles without breaking the laws that run our universe, but I
think it much more likely that when God makes a miracle happen, the laws of
physics step aside.  Just think about the feeding of the five thousand. 
 How is

it possible for 5 loaves and 2 fish to feed five thousand men until they were
full?  I realize that human beings don't have a complete understanding of the
laws of physics, but I'm pretty sure that that is a task which is physically
impossible.  The laws of physics (as we know them) had to go right out the
window for that one.  The universe is God's creation.  Just as we can modify a
computer as much as we want (after all, it's our creation), God can 
change this

universe as much as he wants.


Did you ever read the SCREWTAPE LETTERS, Judy?  At one point,
Screwtape (the devil) tells Wormwood that humans are too quick to
attribute their all their ills to him, effectively suggesting that
sometime humans give credit to where credit isn't due.

I think you have a very good point here.  It is very easy to attribute
things to God that God didn't necessarily do.  After all, coincidences do
happen.  In this case, I am thinking about a particular example.  This was a
while back, so I don't remember the details exactly.
About a year ago I visited an LDS church one sunday (someone on this list
is mormon, right?).  Anyway, at this particular service people from the
congregation were coming up to the front and sharing their "testimony".  One
lady came up and talked about her very long conversion to mormonism.  She was
originally visited by some missionaries when she was younger (late 
teens, early
twenties, I don't remember).  She talked with them, but, didn't 
convert. Instead, she remained a nominal christian for a decade or two. 
 Some crisis
happened in her life that left her very much in search of God.  She 
prayed that

God would help her figure things out and in about five minutes a pair of LDS
missionaries showed up at her door.  She took it as a sign, and shortly there
after became mormon.
I've heard many example of things like this helping people become
christians as well.  I'm sure there are example like this from just 
about every

religion.  However, they can't all be acts of God.  They only way that is
possible is if God is just as happy with people being mormon as he is with
people being christian.  However, I think that the mormon missionaries I have
talked with would disagree with 

Re: [TruthTalk] ** Moderator Comment **

2006-03-17 Thread Lance Muir
Title: The radical consequences of justification, by T.F. Torrance

I apologize David.

  - Original Message - 
  David Miller 
  Sent: March 17, 2006 13:36
  Subject: [TruthTalk] ** Moderator Comment 
  Please do not forward entire web pages to the list.  If you desire 
  to share information from web pages, especially those that contain 
  graphics, menus, _javascript_, etc., please send a link to the web page rather 
  than copying the entire page.  There are numerous technical reasons for 
  this policy that I can explain in private for those interested.  There 
  are also legal copyright reasons and web etiquette reasons why 
  sharing links rather than copying web pages is the preferred method of sharing 
  published web pages.  Thank you for your consideration to this 
  David Miller
  TruthTalk Moderator

Re: [TruthTalk] Physics, Astronomy and Genesis chapters 1-11

2006-03-17 Thread David Miller
Conor wrote:
> Personally, I'm not convinced that the seven
> days of creation are meant to be taken literally.

I tend to think they are to be taken literally, primarily because of the 
emphasis on evening and morning, but also because the first creation account 
appears to be an empirical, chronological style description in comparison to 
the second creation account.

Conor wrote:
> Ironically though, I'm not a strict evolutionist,
> or a strict creationist. I'm still waiting for a third
> option, which seems to be slow in coming.

If you believe that God created the heavens and the earth, then you are a 
creationist.  How he did that becomes secondary.  For a pure scientist, God 
did not create.  The scientist has no creationist option at all.  Evolution 
is the only option.

Creationist models can incorporate evolutionary components, and should, but 
scientifically oriented evolutionary models cannot and do not incorporate 
any creationist components.  I think your attitude of waiting for a third 
option is simply that gnawing feeling that something is amiss with the 
purely scientific explanation of natural laws and evolution explaining it 

My sense is that the earth and universe is old, but life on earth is of 
relatively recent origin.

David Miller

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL 
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RE: [TruthTalk] Is Truth Knowable?

2006-03-17 Thread ShieldsFamily
I found DM's own explanation of what he thinks to be quite clear.  Maybe you
could ask him to restate it in Canada-ese? :-) iz

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lance Muir
Sent: Friday, March 17, 2006 4:01 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Is Truth Knowable?

Iz:Firstly, I WAS referring to myself and, NOT to David. Will you, kindly, 
restate David's position in your own words?

I know that there are numerous 'readings' of Genesis 1 - 11. The writers of 
Gen 1 - 11 meant something in what they wrote. There exists a reality 
concerning all of the matters addressed in Gen 1 - 11.

There are evolutionists who are Christians. There are various kinds of 
creationists who are Christians. The majority of Christians simply adopt a 
don't know/don't care position.

- Original Message - 
From: "ShieldsFamily" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: March 17, 2006 00:17
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Is Truth Knowable?

Lance, in all kindness may I submit to you the possibility that YOU might be
the one with the "cranial density" problem? I found DM's statement to be
quite lucid. izzy

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lance Muir
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2006 10:38 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Is Truth Knowable?

Lance, upon reading David's post below, exhibits 'cranial density' his own
self. Though I'd thought we would be further ahead, we're not. Why not
submit this to David Miller for a rewrite? He's good at that sort of thing
- Original Message - 
From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: March 16, 2006 11:29
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Is Truth Knowable?

> My understanding of Gen. 1-11 is not going to be exactly the same as
> Judy's
> in the sense that if I wrote a commentary on the chapters and then Judy
> did
> the same, they would differ much in the way that the different gospel
> accounts differ from one another.  However, if we are both filled with the
> same Spirit, we will hear one another and receive from one another such
> that
> through our communion and fellowship with each other, we would easily come
> to speak the same thing about these passages.  We might even continue to
> emphasize different points within the text, but there is this work of God
> within both of us that is bringing us to a unity of knowledge as well as a
> unity of faith (which is based upon knowledge).
> Now much of this concerns knowledge that comes through the Spirit.
> Sometimes people speculate about issues with the mind, especially about
> these passages that you mention.  Such speculations may diverge greatly,
> but
> such is not really important in the grand scheme of things.  From my
> perspective, it seems to me that Judy does not do a lot of this
> speculating
> and probably sees little value in it.  I enjoy speculating and considering
> different possibilities of truth that might coincide with the Biblical
> text.
> However, I always distinguish between such speculation and knowledge that
> comes from the Spirit or knowledge that is directly being communicated by
> the sacred text.
> David Miller
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2006 9:51 AM
> Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Is Truth Knowable?
> David:Please distinguish 'believe the same thing about these passages'
> from
> 'exact same understanding at this point in time'. It may be that
> resolution
> to the 'sticking point' may be at hand.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: March 16, 2006 09:31
> Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Is Truth Knowable?
>> Lance, I think the point Judy is making is that God's Spirit will lead
>> the
>> believer to believe the same thing about these passages.  I don't think
>> she
>> means that every true believer will have the exact same understanding at
>> this point in time.
>> You mentioned employing 1 through 4.  I actually have a lot of concern
>> about
>> ever employing number 4.  People use emotions a lot in determining what
>> they
>> believe, but I think that is usually a mistake.  When people go with
>> emotion
>> over logic, that is a mistake.  Furthermore, emotions often cloud logic,
>> and
>> cause people to embrace falsehood.  What do you think?
>> David Miller.
>> - Original Message - 
>> From: Lance Muir
>> To:
>> Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2006 8:12 AM
>> Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Is Truth Knowable?
>> 1 - 11'
>> Have we just been provided with a perfect standard for determining who
>> is/who is not 'taught by God'?
>> - Original Message - 
>> From: Judy Taylor
>> To:
>> Cc:
>> Sent: March 16, 2006 07:57
>> Subject: Re:

[TruthTalk] Is Jesus Christ Truth?

2006-03-17 Thread David Miller
Gary, are you disagreeing with Judy's statement that 'truth is Jesus 

There is a wide latitude of meaning in this statement, so I'm not sure what 
you are disagreeing about.  Jesus said, "I am the ... Truth."  Does it not 
also follow that the truth is Jesus Christ?

Jesus also said, "every one that is of the truth heareth my voice" (John 
18:37).  Consider also:

1 Corinthians 1:30-31
(30) But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, 
and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption:
(31) That, according as it is written, He that glorieth, let him glory in 
the Lord.

One last consideration.  Jesus Christ is the logos.  Is it not also true 
that the logos is Jesus Christ?

Help me out here Gary.  Where's your beef?

Peace be with you.
David Miller. 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to 
join, tell him to send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

Re: [TruthTalk] Is Truth Knowable?

2006-03-17 Thread Lance Muir


- Original Message - 
From: "ShieldsFamily" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: March 17, 2006 14:46
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Is Truth Knowable?

I found DM's own explanation of what he thinks to be quite clear.  Maybe you
could ask him to restate it in Canada-ese? :-) iz

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lance Muir
Sent: Friday, March 17, 2006 4:01 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Is Truth Knowable?

Iz:Firstly, I WAS referring to myself and, NOT to David. Will you, kindly,
restate David's position in your own words?

I know that there are numerous 'readings' of Genesis 1 - 11. The writers of
Gen 1 - 11 meant something in what they wrote. There exists a reality
concerning all of the matters addressed in Gen 1 - 11.

There are evolutionists who are Christians. There are various kinds of
creationists who are Christians. The majority of Christians simply adopt a
don't know/don't care position.

- Original Message - 
From: "ShieldsFamily" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: March 17, 2006 00:17
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Is Truth Knowable?

Lance, in all kindness may I submit to you the possibility that YOU might be
the one with the "cranial density" problem? I found DM's statement to be
quite lucid. izzy

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lance Muir
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2006 10:38 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Is Truth Knowable?

Lance, upon reading David's post below, exhibits 'cranial density' his own
self. Though I'd thought we would be further ahead, we're not. Why not
submit this to David Miller for a rewrite? He's good at that sort of thing
- Original Message - 
From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: March 16, 2006 11:29
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Is Truth Knowable?

My understanding of Gen. 1-11 is not going to be exactly the same as
in the sense that if I wrote a commentary on the chapters and then Judy
the same, they would differ much in the way that the different gospel
accounts differ from one another.  However, if we are both filled with the
same Spirit, we will hear one another and receive from one another such
through our communion and fellowship with each other, we would easily come
to speak the same thing about these passages.  We might even continue to
emphasize different points within the text, but there is this work of God
within both of us that is bringing us to a unity of knowledge as well as a
unity of faith (which is based upon knowledge).

Now much of this concerns knowledge that comes through the Spirit.
Sometimes people speculate about issues with the mind, especially about
these passages that you mention.  Such speculations may diverge greatly,
such is not really important in the grand scheme of things.  From my
perspective, it seems to me that Judy does not do a lot of this
and probably sees little value in it.  I enjoy speculating and considering
different possibilities of truth that might coincide with the Biblical
However, I always distinguish between such speculation and knowledge that
comes from the Spirit or knowledge that is directly being communicated by
the sacred text.

David Miller

- Original Message - 
From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2006 9:51 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Is Truth Knowable?

David:Please distinguish 'believe the same thing about these passages'
'exact same understanding at this point in time'. It may be that
to the 'sticking point' may be at hand.

- Original Message - 
From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: March 16, 2006 09:31
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Is Truth Knowable?

Lance, I think the point Judy is making is that God's Spirit will lead
believer to believe the same thing about these passages.  I don't think
means that every true believer will have the exact same understanding at
this point in time.

You mentioned employing 1 through 4.  I actually have a lot of concern
ever employing number 4.  People use emotions a lot in determining what
believe, but I think that is usually a mistake.  When people go with
over logic, that is a mistake.  Furthermore, emotions often cloud logic,
cause people to embrace falsehood.  What do you think?

David Miller.

- Original Message - 
From: Lance Muir

Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2006 8:12 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Is Truth Knowable?

1 - 11'

Have we just been provided with a perfect standard for determining who
is/who is not 'taught by God'?

- Original Message - 
From: Judy Taylor

Sent: March 16, 2006 07:57
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Is Truth Knowable?


Re: [TruthTalk] Love and fear

2006-03-17 Thread knpraise

John in blood red.  
-- Original message -- From: Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

Judy,  God's covenant with Abraham was not contractual in nature.    His promise(s) in that case was sovereign and apart from Abraham's efforts.
Not the whole truth JD. I know he and Sarah produced an Ishmael by works of 
the flesh; but what if Abraham had refused to "believe" God and leave UR?  
Without faith it is impossible to please Him - is this not a condition?
I am not talking about God's pleasue.  I am talking about his 
work of justification.   Of course He is not pleased until we fully
understand His message and live His life.  
You ignore Gen 15:5,6.   I am talking about the very thing Paul 
entertains in Romans 3:28.    At what point in the Genesis 
story was Abraham deemed justified, Judy?   I say his 
pronouncement of "righteousness by substitution" occurred when
he stepped outside his tent, looked to the skies  and believed.   And this conclusion is really a statement of scripture.  So it is 
the whole truth of the matter.  
In (Romans 3:28.)   We share in the very same promise.   
Yes and we have the same fear and faith confronting us as Abraham
did with the same spiritual consequences.
I certainly hope so.    
The greek thing (eis) has everything to do with the discussion at hand
Possibly the "in Christ" idea which I believe (eis) is BT's scholarly way of
saying.   Huh??   Why do you say this?
your opinions on that subject aside.   In the Galatians passage,  we are immersed INTO Jesus Christ...and thus "hid in Christ"  
(Gal 3:26,27 and Col 3:3).
Let's see "For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus"
Gal 3:26  (same condition) and Col 3:2 "Set your affection on things
above, not on things on the earth" IOW be spiritually minded which
is a faith action and is also a condition.
Do you know the diff between indicative and imperative?  
Now, if you want to isolate a single biblical thought   regarding judgment, be my guest   -   but I think the student/disciple is much better served as she considers all of scripture AND allows scripture to say what it says. 
Judgment is part of what it says JD and there is much more than one
single scripture, in fact Jesus spoke about judgment more than he
spoke about heaven.  I spoke of a "single biblical thought" and not
of a single passage of scritpure.  
Most of us fail to struggle with reconciling one passage with another.   It is not "reconciliation" to prefer one passage and IGNORE the others.   The resultof such studies is a redactive theology that is meaningless  (IMHO>)  jd
I don't have to do the above JD because I have nothing to hide, nothing to protect, 
and no theologian to defend.  I like all scripture equally, every Word of God because 
these are life to those who find them and health to all their flesh.
Hopefully, such will manifest itself sometime in the near future.  
--- Begin Message ---
--- Begin Message ---

2 Cor 5:10.11 is written by the same apostle as the 
scriptures you have posted below and believe me he never ever speaks out of both sides of his mouth ATST - 
this is our problem - not his because 2 Cor 5:10,11 was written by the 
inspiration of the Holy Spirit and it stands.
Trying to mix scripture with metaphysics and 
philosophy is the problem here. This is akin to trying to mix oil with water; it 
is  attempting to conform God's Living Word to some man's dead theology.  The letter kills but the 
Spirit gives life - so we must not forget the ifs, ands, and buts; because all 
of God's covenants are conditional and there is not a thing wrong with his 
eyesight.  We can not be walking in sin and walking in the 
"righteousness of Christ" at the same time. The condition for walking free from 
condemnation is "walking after the spirit and not fulfilling the lust of 
the flesh"  When we choose carnal thinking and fleshly pursuits we 
make ourselves God's enemy which means we are not free from sin and where 
there is sin there is also judgment.
As for this (eis) business and the "ontology" some 
refer to constantly - this has nothing at all to do with God's revelation 

and is best left in Greek antiquity with Aristotle 
and his Metaphysics  judyt
On Fri, 17 Mar 2006 06:23:52 + [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Col 3:3  --  our very lives are hid in Christ.  God looks to the righteousness of Christ  and it is 
  in this righteousness that we are hidden.  
  Christ's sacrifice is once and for all time  --  emphasis here 
  on "once."  It is offered only once because in that offering our sins are 
  fully remitted (Heb 10:18).   There can be no 
  judgment , of the person, if there is no sin.  
  And II Cor 5: 21 tells us that we have become the righteousness of God IN 
  Christ  --   a positional circumstance in this 
  Gal 3:26-27  As many as have been immersed into Christ have put on 
  Christ.  W

Re: [TruthTalk] Who is God?

2006-03-17 Thread Kevin Deegan
Maybe you can help me out here Dave H?     Who do you, believe to be God?     Father  Son  Holy Ghost
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Re: [TruthTalk] Hell BoM

2006-03-17 Thread Kevin Deegan
I am sorry  I did think from previous encounters that you believed there was no "literal" Hell.  Are you saying then that it is not a place?  It is not physical?  When someone uses the term Literal that is synonomous with physical, perhaps, therein lies the confusion.     If this "literal" Hell you speak of is not a place, where will those that suffer this mental anguish be?  Will they be neighbors of those that do not suffer?  Can there be both joy & sorrow in the same place?  Will they be in a physical place?Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  you have been decieved by the DevilDAVEH:  I respectfully disagree with you on that, Kevin.  Quite the contraryIn reality, I've been enlightened by a fellow
 TTer!    I don't know why it is so difficult for you to understand my position on this, Kevin.  I do believe in a literal hell.literally being separated from God.  I just don't believe that those who reject Jesus will literally be cast into a lake of fire and brimstone, as many believe.  Lacking the eternal love of the Lord, those who suffer such separation will eternally and forever suffer mental anguish at their shortsighted selfish decision to choose evil over good.    Before you had brought these BoM and D&C passages to my attention, I had never considered how latter-day scriptures handled this topic.  The only time I had looked into it was several years ago in response to TTers questioning me about it, and at that time I only looked at Bible passages that were posted.  Perhaps it was you Kevin, I don't recall.  Back then, I had only examined a number of Biblical passages to come to determine
 that those who mentioned hell in the Bible were doing so symbolically when they used the imagery of the burning trash pit of Jerusalem to reflect how one who does not go to heaven will feel.  Posting the below passages from other sources reaffirms the same conclusion.Kevin Deegan wrote:   Then according to your own book you have been decieved by the Devil into thinking there is No literal HellDave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   DAVEH:   You've surprised me, Kevin!   I thought you'd want to defend your position using material favorable to your perspective...namely, the Bible.  But that is OK, as the LDS sources you've quoted plainly show the
 symbolism of the terms used to describe hell.  Why you would quote some of them somewhat surprises me, as they succinctly show that distinction.  I'll take each passage you quoted and analyze it from the premise I've put forth.whosesmoke ascendeth up forever and everDAVEH:   A physical impossibility, and clearly symbolic of a time frame rather than a physical smoke.which lake of fire and bri mstone is endless tormentDAVEH:  That is explained by the fire and brimstone imagery that is in reality endless torment.a fire which cannot be consumed, even an unquenchable fireDAVEH:   More imagery that is physically an impossibility.  Fire can be extinguished, whereas mental torment can go on forever.D&C 76: 36 These are they who shall go away into the lake of fire and brimstone, with the devil and his
 angels—DAVEH:  By taking the passage out of context, you miss some important and pertinent information, Kevin+35 Having denied the Holy Spirit after having received it, and having denied the Only Begotten Son of the Father, having crucified him unto themselves and put him to an open shame.36 These are they who shall go away into the lake of fire and brimstone, with the devil and his angels—37 And the only ones on wh om the second death shall have any power;+.This is referring to a small but special category of those who (denied the Holy Spirit after having received it) are referred to as sons of perdition.  While this represents a tangent thread which is not relevant to our discussion, please note vs 37 which differentiates them from all the others as he only ones on whom the second death shall have any power.  This may not
 make sense Kevin, but these are not the folks of whom we usually think about when we talk about hell.After what ye have seen, will ye preach again unto this people, that they shall be cast into a lake of fire and brimstone?DAVEH:   Interestingly, you've quoted the chief judge (the antagonist) who was chiding Alma & Amulek and while doing so, you have assumed that the chief judge quoted Alma correctly.  However Kevin, that is an errant assumption, as the below quote shows...+[Alma 12:17] Then is the time when their torments shall be as a lake of fire and brimstone, whose flame ascendeth up forever and ever; and then is the time that they shall be chained down to an everlasting destruction, according to the power and captivity of Satan, he having subjected them according to his will.+...Alma clearly taught that their torments were as a,
 indicating that Alma's explanation of fire and brimstone is a symbolic representation of hell.and their gtorment is as a lake of fire and brimstoneDAVEH:   Appar

Re: [TruthTalk] Physics, Astronomy and Genesis chapters 1-11

2006-03-17 Thread Kevin Deegan
I suppose it's possible that God created the universe in such a way that it looks old, but is in actuality young.     In your mind then when God created Adam presumably as a man did he just look old or was he actually old?  I'm not convinced that the seven days of creation are meant to be takenliterally. Whether the first chapter of genesis is literal or figurative, theunderlying story still stays the same     Is there anything internal in the chapter that tells you this may be figurative?  Why just the first chapter?  Why not figurative seven days of rain as in Gen 7?  Why not take the seven days that the doves were sent out as figurative? Gen 8  When Laban chased after Jacob for seven days? Gen 31:23   Should these be millions?  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Lance: Might we hear from you on this? Frame this in whatever fashion suits you.Such a short question, but such a long answer :) I think that astronomy issomething that often gets overlooked in that question. The last time I checked,astronomers dated the universe to about 13.5 billion years old. The dating ofthe universe is something that has been discussed often in my astronomyclasses. The method astronomers use to come to this conclusion is a littlestrange, but largely makes sense. However, even if their dating method wascompletely wrong, there would still be plenty of evidence that the universelooks old. Models of the sun which accurately predict its structure alsopredict ages and lifetimes (old ages and long lifetimes). The same models workwell for other stars we observe, and seem to be good models beyond a reasonabledoubt.
 There's a lot to it, but essentially the universe looks old. Quickexample. Models of star formation predict that it would take hundreds ofthousands (or millions) of years for a star to collapse from a cloud of gas. The sun is a star. Therefore it seems a safe bet that the sun is at least amillion years old.I accept that fact that the universe looks old. I suppose it's possiblethat God created the universe in such a way that it looks old, but is inactuality young. I don't see why that would be necessary though. Personally,I'm not convinced that the seven days of creation are meant to be takenliterally. Whether the first chapter of genesis is literal or figurative, theunderlying story still stays the same. The universe (and us) are God'screation. We were created in his image. That's the entire point of genesis,and it's a point that remains the same regardless.Ironically though, I'm not a strict evolutionist, or a strict
 creationist. I'm still waiting for a third option, which seems to be slow in coming. I findmacro evolution to be rather hard to buy. There's a couple other things Iwanted to say in regards to the previous e-mails.DaveH:> Those laws define him and all his creation, and I do not think God> could/would break those laws, but is capable of using them in ways of> which we are unaware in order to perform miracles that confound his> Adversary.I would disagree with that satement. The universe is a creation of God's,and the laws of physics that "run" our universe are also His creation. As Hiscreations, He has complete control over them. It's quite possible that Godperforms his miracles without breaking the laws that run our universe, but Ithink it much more likely that when God makes a miracle happen, the laws ofphysics step aside. Just think about the feeding of the five thousand. How isit possible for 5
 loaves and 2 fish to feed five thousand men until they werefull? I realize that human beings don't have a complete understanding of thelaws of physics, but I'm pretty sure that that is a task which is physicallyimpossible. The laws of physics (as we know them) had to go right out thewindow for that one. The universe is God's creation. Just as we can modify acomputer as much as we want (after all, it's our creation), God can change thisuniverse as much as he wants.DaveH:> Did you ever read the SCREWTAPE LETTERS, Judy? At one point,> Screwtape (the devil) tells Wormwood that humans are too quick to> attribute their all their ills to him, effectively suggesting that> sometime humans give credit to where credit isn't due.I think you have a very good point here. It is very easy to attributethings to God that God didn't necessarily do. After all, coincidences dohappen. In this case, I am thinking about a
 particular example. This was awhile back, so I don't remember the details exactly.About a year ago I visited an LDS church one sunday (someone on this listis mormon, right?). Anyway, at this particular service people from thecongregation were coming up to the front and sharing their "testimony". Onelady came up and talked about her very long conversion to mormonism. She wasoriginally visited by some missionaries when she was younger (late teens, earlytwenties, I don't remember). She talked with them, but, didn't convert. Instead, she remained a nominal christian for a decade or two. Some crisishappened in her life that left her

Re: [TruthTalk] Physics, Astronomy and Genesis chapters 1-11

2006-03-17 Thread conor
When I say that I'm not a strict creationist, I'm refering to the 
idea that
the universe, the earth, and everything living on it were created 
roughly 1

years ago.  Certainly I'm a creationist in the sense that I believe that God
created the universe, there's no other way it could have come to be.   Also,
you are completely right:


I think your attitude of waiting for a third
option is simply that gnawing feeling that something is amiss with the
purely scientific explanation of natural laws and evolution explaining it

That is precisely why I am waiting for a third option.  I believe that a
purely scientific explanation of natural laws and evolution can't explain life
getting here.  I think there is a lot of necessary evidence missing for
evolution, but that evolution is accepted because the only other possibility,
God, is ruled out in advance (by scientists).  However, I also believe 
that the
universe, the earth, and (possibly) life have been around for a very 
long time.

Quoting David Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Conor wrote:

Personally, I'm not convinced that the seven
days of creation are meant to be taken literally.

I tend to think they are to be taken literally, primarily because of the
emphasis on evening and morning, but also because the first creation account
appears to be an empirical, chronological style description in comparison to
the second creation account.

Conor wrote:

Ironically though, I'm not a strict evolutionist,
or a strict creationist. I'm still waiting for a third
option, which seems to be slow in coming.

If you believe that God created the heavens and the earth, then you are a
creationist.  How he did that becomes secondary.  For a pure scientist, God
did not create.  The scientist has no creationist option at all.  Evolution
is the only option.

Creationist models can incorporate evolutionary components, and should, but
scientifically oriented evolutionary models cannot and do not incorporate
any creationist components.  I think your attitude of waiting for a third
option is simply that gnawing feeling that something is amiss with the
purely scientific explanation of natural laws and evolution explaining it

My sense is that the earth and universe is old, but life on earth is of
relatively recent origin.

David Miller

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to 
join, tell him to send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

Re: [TruthTalk] Physics, Astronomy and Genesis chapters 1-11

2006-03-17 Thread knpraise

the creation of mankind continues to this day !!!   # 12 is coming into this world in about 30 minutes .. PapaJohn is outahere!!  
-- Original message -- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > When I say that I'm not a strict creationist, I'm refering to the > idea that > the universe, the earth, and everything living on it were created > roughly 1 > years ago. Certainly I'm a creationist in the sense that I believe that God > created the universe, there's no other way it could have come to be. Also, > you are completely right: > > David: > > I think your attitude of waiting for a third > > option is simply that gnawing feeling that something is amiss with the > > purely scientific explanation of natural laws and evolution explaining it > > all. > > That is precisely why I am waiting for a third option. I believe that a > purely scientific explanation of natural laws and evolution can't explain life > getting here. I t
hink there is a lot of necessary evidence missing for > evolution, but that evolution is accepted because the only other possibility, > God, is ruled out in advance (by scientists). However, I also believe > that the > universe, the earth, and (possibly) life have been around for a very > long time. > > Quoting David Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > > > Conor wrote: > >> Personally, I'm not convinced that the seven > >> days of creation are meant to be taken literally. > > > > I tend to think they are to be taken literally, primarily because of the > > emphasis on evening and morning, but also because the first creation account > > appears to be an empirical, chronological style description in comparison to > > the second creation account. > > > > Conor wrote: > >> Ironically though, I'm not a strict evolutionist, > >> or a strict creationist. I'm s
till waiting for a third > >> option, which seems to be slow in coming. > > > > If you believe that God created the heavens and the earth, then you are a > > creationist. How he did that becomes secondary. For a pure scientist, God > > did not create. The scientist has no creationist option at all. Evolution > > is the only option. > > > > Creationist models can incorporate evolutionary components, and should, but > > scientifically oriented evolutionary models cannot and do not incorporate > > any creationist components. I think your attitude of waiting for a third > > option is simply that gnawing feeling that something is amiss with the > > purely scientific explanation of natural laws and evolution explaining it > > all. > > > > My sense is that the earth and universe is old, but life on earth is of > > relatively recent origin. > > > > David Mille
r > > > -- > "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how > you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6) > > If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to > [EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed. If you have a friend > who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and > he will be subscribed. 

[TruthTalk] The Future of TruthTalk

2006-03-17 Thread David Miller

Dear TruthTalk members,
As many of you know, I have not had time to moderate TruthTalk for a number 
of years.  We have had some problems recently on the list that has 
been especially trying for many of us, especially the past 
moderator.  Another TruthTalk member has volunteered to moderate the list, 
but given recent events, I am very reticent to consider this option.  Right 
now, I have to confess to the list that I am seriously considering taking down 
the list.  I don't regret having had this list for these last 8 years, but 
priorities in our lives change and I feel that my priority is toward other 
situations in my life which concern my family, my church, my business, 
etc.  I also have a desire to start writing position papers on various 
issues, and TruthTalk basically takes away my time from doing such 
things.  I suppose in some ways I feel that I have outgrown TruthTalk, and 
in other ways I just need a break for awhile.  This would be a lot easier 
decision to make if TruthTalk was somehow dying on the vine with few posts being 
made.  The truth is just the opposite of that 
situation.  Interest continues concerning engaging in 
dialogue here.  
I will be continuing to moderate TruthTalk for the next week or so as if 
TruthTalk were going to continue, but I am still very seriously considering 
bringing an end to TruthTalk.  If any of you have any wisdom or suggestions 
about TruthTalk continuing, perhaps without my leadership or involvement, please 
share it with me.  I'm open to alternatives, but I do think my time with 
TruthTalk, even in an administration capacity or lurking capacity, is being 
brought to an end here this week.  Most of all, I want everyone to know 
what is stirring in my heart so you are not surprised or shocked if I do take 
down this list at the end of the week or if there is some other drastic change 
that happens with the list.  
God bless you all,
David Miller

Re: [TruthTalk] The Future of TruthTalk

2006-03-17 Thread Marlin halverson

David M, how does this list work?  Do you have a very 
large computer that automatically does it?  I do not recall using yahoo to 
join up. 

Re: [TruthTalk] Is Jesus Christ Truth?

2006-03-17 Thread ttxpress

"You are a 
king, then!" said Pilate.   Jesus 
"You are right in saying 
I am a king. 
In fact, for this reason I 
was born, 
and for this I came into the 
to testify to the truth. 
Everyone on 

the side of truth listens to 
On Fri, 17 Mar 2006 14:51:27 -0500 "David 
Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:>"every one that is of the truth heareth my 
voice" (Jn 18:37)

Re: [TruthTalk] Is Jesus Christ Truth?

2006-03-17 Thread ttxpress

On Fri, 17 Mar 2006 14:51:27 -0500 "David 
Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:> ..'truth is Jesus 
Christ'|| >There is a wide latitude of meaning in this 

Re: [TruthTalk] Is Jesus Christ Truth?

2006-03-17 Thread ttxpress

..( "I came into the 
world, to testify to the 
..actually, there's a 
certain latitude in this, 
above, denied by that, below)
On Fri, 17 Mar 2006 20:23:19 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  On Fri, 17 Mar 2006 14:51:27 -0500 "David 
  Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:> ..'truth is Jesus 
  Christ'|| >There is a wide latitude of meaning in this 

Re: [TruthTalk] Is Jesus Christ Truth?

2006-03-17 Thread ttxpress

..(e.g.) JC himself thinks David & 
Moses wrote the truth about JC himself, Bro
On Fri, 17 Mar 2006 20:56:55 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  ..( "I came into 
  the world, to testify 
  to the truth." 
  ..actually, there's a 
  certain latitude in this, 
  above, denied by that, below)
  On Fri, 17 Mar 2006 20:23:19 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

On Fri, 17 Mar 2006 14:51:27 -0500 
"David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:> ..'truth is Jesus 
Christ'|| >There is a wide latitude of meaning in 
this statement

Re: [TruthTalk] Is Jesus Christ Truth?

2006-03-17 Thread ttxpress

..You, [Pilate, like Moses & David,] are 
right in saying I am a king
On Fri, 17 Mar 2006 20:40:08 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  "You are a 
  king, then!" said Pilate.   Jesus 
  "You are right in saying 
  I am a king. 
  In fact, for this reason I 
  was born, 
  and for this I came into 
  the world, 
  to testify to the truth. 
  Everyone on 
  the side of truth listens 
  to me." 
  On Fri, 17 Mar 2006 14:51:27 -0500 "David 
  Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:>"every one that is of the truth 
  heareth my voice" (Jn 18:37)

Re: [TruthTalk] Is Jesus Christ Truth?

2006-03-17 Thread ttxpress

...I was born [so 
you and any other's like you, Pilate, who want to do so, can come to terms with 
me like my favorite ancient Poets did:)]  
On Fri, 17 Mar 2006 21:16:45 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  ..You, [Pilate, like Moses & David,] 
  are right in saying I am a king
  On Fri, 17 Mar 2006 20:40:08 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

18:37 NIV:
"You are a 
king, then!" said Pilate.   Jesus 
"You are right in saying 
I am a king. 
In fact, for this reason 
I was born, 
and for this I came into 
the world, 
to testify to the truth. 
Everyone on 

the side of truth listens 
to me." 
On Fri, 17 Mar 2006 14:51:27 -0500 
"David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:>"every one that is of the 
truth heareth my voice" (Jn 18:37)


Re: [TruthTalk] Is Jesus Christ Truth?

2006-03-17 Thread Judy Taylor

I AM the Way, the Truth, and the 
No man comes to the Father BUT by ME 
John 14:6
On Fri, 17 Mar 2006 21:09:05 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  ..(e.g.) JC himself thinks David & 
  Moses wrote the truth about JC himself, Bro
  On Fri, 17 Mar 2006 20:56:55 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
..( "I came into 
the world, to testify 
to the truth." 
..actually, there's a 
certain latitude in this, 
above, denied by that, below)
On Fri, 17 Mar 2006 20:23:19 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  On Fri, 17 Mar 2006 14:51:27 -0500 
  "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:> ..'truth is Jesus 
  Christ'|| >There is a wide latitude of meaning in 
  this statement

Re: [TruthTalk] Is Jesus Christ Truth?

2006-03-17 Thread ttxpress

  "1 Lord, you have been our dwelling place 
   throughout all generations. 
 2 Before 
the mountains were born    or you brought 
forth the earth and the world,    from 
everlasting to everlasting you are God. 
 3 You 
turn men back to dust,    saying, "Return 
to dust, O sons of men." 
 4 For a 
thousand years in your sight    are like a 
day that has just gone by,    or like a 
watch in the night. 
 5 You 
sweep men away in the sleep of death;    
they are like the new grass of the morning- 
 6 though 
in the morning it springs up new,    by 
evening it is dry and withered. 
 7 We are 
consumed by your anger    and terrified by 
your indignation. 
 8 You 
have set our iniquities before you,    our 
secret sins in the light of your presence. 
 9 All 
our days pass away under your wrath;    we 
finish our years with a moan. 
 10 The 
length of our days is seventy years—    or 
eighty, if we have the strength;    yet 
their span [a] is but trouble and sorrow, 
   for they quickly pass, and we fly away. 

 11 Who 
knows the power of your anger?    For your 
wrath is as great as the fear that is due you. 
 12 Teach 
us to number our days aright,    that we 
may gain a heart of wisdom. 
Relent, O LORD! How long will it be?    
Have compassion on your servants. 
Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, 
   that we may sing for joy and be glad 
all our days. 
 15 Make 
us glad for as many days as you have afflicted us, 
   for as many years as we have seen 
 16 May 
your deeds be shown to your servants,    
your splendor to their children. 
 17 May 
the favor of the Lord our God rest upon us; 
   establish the work of our hands for us— 
   yes, establish the work of our hands." 

©Moses (Ps 90)
On Fri, 17 Mar 2006 21:22:04 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  ...I was born [so 
  you and any other's like you, Pilate, who want to do so, can come to terms 
  with me like my favorite ancient Poets did:)]  
  On Fri, 17 Mar 2006 21:16:45 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
..You, [Pilate, like Moses & David,] 
are right in saying I am a king
On Fri, 17 Mar 2006 20:40:08 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  18:37 NIV:
  "You are a 
  king, then!" said Pilate. 
    Jesus answered, 
  "You are right in 
  saying I am a king. 
  In fact, for this 
  reason I was born, 
  and for this I came 
  into the world, 
  to testify to the 
  truth. Everyone on 
  the side of truth 
  listens to me." 
  On Fri, 17 Mar 2006 14:51:27 -0500 
  "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:>"every one that is of the truth heareth 
  my voice" (Jn 18:37)

Re: [TruthTalk] torrance.

2006-03-17 Thread knpraise

In the recent article posted by Lance from Torrance, the theologican says this: 
"Nowhere is this more apparent than in the case of the popular minister where everything centers on him, and the whole life of the congregation is built round him.  What is that but Protestant sacerdotalism, sacerdotalism which involves the displacement of the Humanity of Christ by the humanity of the minister, and the obscuring of the Person of Christ by the personality of the minister?"
amen.   We have here a well worded warning to the mega church industry that  the Christ,  His very person, just might be lost to a pattern of worship that denies opportunities for authenticity  and spontaneous participation by the attendee.  It can be argued that such 'worship services"  fly in the face of such passages as Eph 5:18,19.   There is a bonding and a closeness that takes place in a small group that is not possible in the mega assemblies.  
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Re: [TruthTalk] Is Jesus Christ Truth?

2006-03-17 Thread knpraise

copywright info duly noted, brother bro
-- Original message -- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  "1 Lord, you have been our dwelling place    throughout all generations. 
 2 Before the mountains were born    or you brought forth the earth and the world,    from everlasting to everlasting you are God. 
 3 You turn men back to dust,    saying, "Return to dust, O sons of men." 
 4 For a thousand years in your sight    are like a day that has just gone by,    or like a watch in the night. 
 5 You sweep men away in the sleep of death;    they are like the new grass of the morning- 
 6 though in the morning it springs up new,    by evening it is dry and withered. 
 7 We are consumed by your anger    and terrified by your indignation. 
 8 You have set our iniquities before you,    our secret sins in the light of your presence. 
 9 All our days pass away under your wrath;    we finish our years with a moan. 
 10 The length of our days is seventy years—    or eighty, if we have the strength;    yet their span [a] is but trouble and sorrow,    for they quickly pass, and we fly away. 
 11 Who knows the power of your anger?    For your wrath is as great as the fear that is due you. 
 12 Teach us to number our days aright,    that we may gain a heart of wisdom. 
 13 Relent, O LORD! How long will it be?    Have compassion on your servants. 
 14 Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love,    that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days. 
 15 Make us glad for as many days as you have afflicted us,    for as many years as we have seen trouble. 
 16 May your deeds be shown to your servants,    your splendor to their children. 
 17 May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon us;    establish the work of our hands for us—    yes, establish the work of our hands." 
©Moses (Ps 90)
On Fri, 17 Mar 2006 21:22:04 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

...I was born [so you and any other's like you, Pilate, who want to do so, can come to terms with me like my favorite ancient Poets did:)]  
On Fri, 17 Mar 2006 21:16:45 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

..You, [Pilate, like Moses & David,] are right in saying I am a king
On Fri, 17 Mar 2006 20:40:08 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

18:37 NIV:
"You are a king, then!" said Pilate.   Jesus answered, 
"You are right in saying I am a king. 
In fact, for this reason I was born, 
and for this I came into the world, 
to testify to the truth. Everyone on 
the side of truth listens to me." 
On Fri, 17 Mar 2006 14:51:27 -0500 "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:>"every one that is of the truth heareth my voice" (Jn 18:37)

Re: [TruthTalk] Is Jesus Christ Truth?

2006-03-17 Thread ttxpress

it's quite possible that both Pilate 
& I think that's true about JC
On Fri, 17 Mar 2006 23:18:36 -0500 Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  I AM the Way, the Truth, and the 

Re: [TruthTalk] creation continued

2006-03-17 Thread knpraise

It is a girl  --  6 pounds 6 ounces -- 17 3/4 inches long
Claire Wilken

Re: [TruthTalk] Is Jesus Christ Truth?

2006-03-17 Thread Judy Taylor

Only necessary for the non inspired versions 
The KJV has no Copyright ie: Freely, freely, you have 
On Sat, 18 Mar 2006 04:45:38 + [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  copywright info duly noted, brother bro

  "1 Lord, you have been 
our dwelling place    throughout all 
Before the mountains were born    or 
you brought forth the earth and the world, 
   from everlasting to everlasting you 
are God. 
You turn men back to dust,    saying, 
"Return to dust, O sons of men." 
For a thousand years in your sight    
are like a day that has just gone by, 
   or like a watch in the night. 

You sweep men away in the sleep of death; 
   they are like the new grass of the 
though in the morning it springs up new, 
   by evening it is dry and withered. 

 7 We 
are consumed by your anger    and 
terrified by your indignation. 
You have set our iniquities before you, 
   our secret sins in the light of 
your presence. 
All our days pass away under your wrath; 
   we finish our years with a moan. 

The length of our days is seventy years— 
   or eighty, if we have the strength; 
   yet their span [a] is 
but trouble and sorrow,    for they 
quickly pass, and we fly away. 
Who knows the power of your anger?    
For your wrath is as great as the fear that is due you. 
Teach us to number our days aright,    
that we may gain a heart of wisdom. 
Relent, O LORD! How long will it be? 
   Have compassion on your servants. 

Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, 
   that we may sing for joy and be 
glad all our days. 
Make us glad for as many days as you have afflicted us, 
   for as many years as we have seen 
May your deeds be shown to your servants, 
   your splendor to their children. 

May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon us; 
   establish the work of our hands for 
us—    yes, establish the work of our 
©Moses (Ps 90)
On Fri, 17 Mar 2006 21:22:04 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  ...I was born 
  [so you and any other's like you, Pilate, who want to 
  do so, can come to terms with me like my favorite ancient Poets 
  On Fri, 17 Mar 2006 21:16:45 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
..You, [Pilate, like Moses & 
David,] are right in saying I am a 
On Fri, 17 Mar 2006 20:40:08 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  18:37 NIV:
  are a king, then!" said Pilate. 
  "You are right in 
  saying I am a king. 
  In fact, for this 
  reason I was born, 
  and for this I came 
  into the world, 
  to testify to the 
  truth. Everyone on 
  the side of truth 
  listens to me." 
  On Fri, 17 Mar 2006 14:51:27 
  -0500 "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:>"every one that is of the truth 
  heareth my voice" (Jn 18:37)

Re: [TruthTalk] Is Jesus Christ Truth?

2006-03-17 Thread knpraise

the KJV is inspired ??
-- Original message -- From: Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

Only necessary for the non inspired versions JD
The KJV has no Copyright ie: Freely, freely, you have received..
On Sat, 18 Mar 2006 04:45:38 + [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

copywright info duly noted, brother bro

  "1 Lord, you have been our dwelling place    throughout all generations. 
 2 Before the mountains were born    or you brought forth the earth and the world,    from everlasting to everlasting you are God. 
 3 You turn men back to dust,    saying, "Return to dust, O sons of men." 
 4 For a thousand years in your sight    are like a day that has just gone by,    or like a watch in the night. 
 5 You sweep men away in the sleep of death;    they are like the new grass of the morning- 
 6 though in the morning it springs up new,    by evening it is dry and withered. 
 7 We are consumed by your anger    and terrified by your indignation. 
 8 You have set our iniquities before you,    our secret sins in the light of your presence. 
 9 All our days pass away under your wrath;    we finish our years with a moan. 
 10 The length of our days is seventy years—    or eighty, if we have the strength;    yet their span [a] is but trouble and sorrow,    for they quickly pass, and we fly away. 
 11 Who knows the power of your anger?    For your wrath is as great as the fear that is due you. 
 12 Teach us to number our days aright,    that we may gain a heart of wisdom. 
 13 Relent, O LORD! How long will it be?    Have compassion on your servants. 
 14 Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love,    that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days. 
 15 Make us glad for as many days as you have afflicted us,    for as many years as we have seen trouble. 
 16 May your deeds be shown to your servants,    your splendor to their children. 
 17 May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon us;    establish the work of our hands for us—    yes, establish the work of our hands." 
©Moses (Ps 90)
On Fri, 17 Mar 2006 21:22:04 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

...I was born [so you and any other's like you, Pilate, who want to do so, can come to terms with me like my favorite ancient Poets did:)]  
On Fri, 17 Mar 2006 21:16:45 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

..You, [Pilate, like Moses & David,] are right in saying I am a king
On Fri, 17 Mar 2006 20:40:08 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

18:37 NIV:
"You are a king, then!" said Pilate.   Jesus answered, 
"You are right in saying I am a king. 
In fact, for this reason I was born, 
and for this I came into the world, 
to testify to the truth. Everyone on 
the side of truth listens to me." 
On Fri, 17 Mar 2006 14:51:27 -0500 "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:>"every one that is of the truth heareth my voice" (Jn 18:37)

Re: [TruthTalk] Is Jesus Christ Truth?

2006-03-17 Thread Judy Taylor

Pilate may have been as opinionated as you are 
Gary - He knew nothing about Truth
His most famous line:  "What is 
Truth?"  Your identifying yourself with him clears up some 
On Fri, 17 Mar 2006 21:48:21 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  it's quite possible that both Pilate 
  & I think that's true about JC
  On Fri, 17 Mar 2006 23:18:36 -0500 Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
I AM the Way, the Truth, and the 

Re: [TruthTalk] creation continued

2006-03-17 Thread Judy Taylor

Congratulations JD; I assume you are the proud 
What a blessing from the Lord.  Welcome 
On Sat, 18 Mar 2006 04:51:09 + [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  It is a girl  --  6 pounds 6 ounces -- 17 3/4 inches long
  Claire Wilken

Re: [TruthTalk] Is Jesus Christ Truth?

2006-03-17 Thread ttxpress

precisely--that's exactly the point: in 
your dualistic view all books but the KJV are 
On Fri, 17 Mar 2006 23:50:13 -0500 Judy Taylor 

  Only necessary for the non 
  inspired versions..The KJV has no 

Re: [TruthTalk] Is Jesus Christ Truth?

2006-03-17 Thread ttxpress

myth (your presumptive dualism is 
characterized by two absolutes both rooted in 
On Sat, 18 Mar 2006 00:02:49 -0500 Judy 
Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  [Pilate] knew nothing 
  about Truth

Re: [TruthTalk] Is Jesus Christ Truth?

2006-03-17 Thread Judy Taylor

Pilate did not recognize the Truth when it 
stood right there before him
His wife had more sense but he didn't heed her 
As for you Gary Olson - you are way out there 
some place
I will not go there
On Fri, 17 Mar 2006 22:18:36 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  myth (your presumptive dualism is 
  characterized by two absolutes both rooted in 
  On Sat, 18 Mar 2006 00:02:49 -0500 Judy 
  Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
[Pilate] knew 
nothing about Truth

Re: [TruthTalk] torrance.

2006-03-17 Thread Judy Taylor

He also says this:

But the Scots Confession laid the axe to the root of any such movement when 
it insisted that we have to spoil ourselves even of our own 
regeneration and sanctification as well as justification. What is "axed" 
so radically was the notion of "co-redemption" which in our day has again become 
so rampant, not only in the Roman Church, but in Liberal and Evangelical 
Protestantism, e.g., the emphasis 
upon existential decision as the means whereby 
we "make real" for ourselves the kerygma [proclamation] of the New Testament, 
which means that in the last resort our salvation depends upon our own personal 
or existential decision. That is 
the exact antithesis of the Reformed doctrine of election, which rests salvation 
upon the prior and objective decision of God in Christ. It is Justification by Grace alone that guards the Gospel 
from corruption by "Evangelicals," "Liberals," and Romans alike. 
So Torrance is also a Calvinist at 
heart who is resting in Calvin's "doctrine of election" in spite of all the big 
theological words and high talk...
On Sat, 18 Mar 2006 04:43:32 + [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  In the recent article posted by Lance from Torrance, the theologican says 
  "Nowhere is this more apparent than in the case of the popular minister 
  where everything centers on him, and the whole life of the congregation is 
  built round him.  What is that but Protestant sacerdotalism, 
  sacerdotalism which involves the displacement of the Humanity of Christ by the 
  humanity of the minister, and the obscuring of the Person of Christ by the 
  personality of the minister?"
  amen.   We have here a well worded warning to the mega church 
  industry that  the Christ,  His very person, just might be lost to a 
  pattern of worship that denies opportunities for authenticity  and spontaneous participation by the 
  attendee.  It can be argued that such 'worship services"  fly in the 
  face of such passages as Eph 5:18,19.   There is a bonding and a 
  closeness that takes place in a small group that is not possible in the mega 

Re: [TruthTalk] Is Jesus Christ Truth?

2006-03-17 Thread ttxpress

myth (why'd Pilate's 
wife instruct him: "Don't have anything to do with that innocent man" 
On Sat, 18 Mar 2006 00:26:42 -0500 Judy 
Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  Pilate did not recognize 
  the Truth 

Re: [TruthTalk] Is Jesus Christ Truth?

2006-03-17 Thread ttxpress

myth (female intuition at its 
finest, eh, "Don't have anything to do with that 
innocent man"?)  
On Sat, 18 Mar 2006 00:26:42 -0500 Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  His wife had more 

Re: [TruthTalk] Is Jesus Christ Truth?

2006-03-17 Thread ttxpress

(E.g, ..As evening approached, 
there came a rich man from Arimathea, named Joseph, who had himself become a 
disciple of Jesus. Going to Pilate, he asked for Jesus' body, and Pilate 
ordered that it be given to him...  Matt 
On Sat, 18 Mar 2006 00:26:42 -0500 Judy 
Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  Pilate did not recognize 
  the Truth when it stood right there before him

Re: [TruthTalk] Is Jesus Christ Truth?

2006-03-17 Thread Judy Taylor

Should be obvious - she loved her husband 
enough not to want innocent blood on his hands
On Fri, 17 Mar 2006 22:46:33 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  myth (why'd Pilate's 
  wife instruct him: "Don't have anything to do with that innocent man" 
  On Sat, 18 Mar 2006 00:26:42 -0500 Judy 
  Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Pilate did not recognize 
the Truth 

Re: [TruthTalk] Is Jesus Christ Truth?

2006-03-17 Thread Judy Taylor

No actually she suffered many things in a dream 
and she knew he was a "just" man; 
God does speak to women you know - 
surprise!, surprise!
On Fri, 17 Mar 2006 23:00:31 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  myth (female intuition at its 
  finest, eh, "Don't have anything to do with 
  that innocent man"?)  
  On Sat, 18 Mar 2006 00:26:42 -0500 Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
His wife had more 

Re: [TruthTalk] Is Jesus Christ Truth?

2006-03-17 Thread ttxpress

myth (i know 
who'll speak truthfully to ardent feminists through 
truthful voices like Moses')
On Sat, 18 Mar 2006 01:28:21 -0500 Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  ..God does speak to women you know.. 

Re: [TruthTalk] Is Jesus Christ Truth?

2006-03-17 Thread ttxpress


  ..there came a rich man from Arimathea, named 
  Joseph, who had himself become a disciple of Jesus. 
  Going to Pilate, he asked for Jesus' body, and 
  Pilate ordered that it be given to him...  Matt 

Re: [TruthTalk] Is Jesus Christ Truth?

2006-03-17 Thread ttxpress

but apparently he loved her less than he 
loved JC while
biblical evidence suggests he didn't pay 
a bit of attention 
to her, which plainly means (in your scenario) that he 
perceived her so-called 'love' as 
amounting to 
a lie, which also drives home the main point: 
'truth is Jesus Christ' is a 
philosophical hound that 
don't hunt biblically
On Sat, 18 Mar 2006 01:19:20 -0500 Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  Should be obvious - she loved her husband 

Re: [TruthTalk] Is Jesus Christ Truth?

2006-03-17 Thread ttxpress

On Sat, 18 Mar 2006 00:21:26 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  ..Joseph, who had himself become a disciple 
  of Jesus. Going to Pilate, 
  he asked for Jesus' body, and Pilate 
  ordered that it be given to him...  Matt 