Re: [tryton-dev] Debian link broken

2018-06-01 Thread Luciano Rossi

Hi Mathias!

El 24/05/18 a las 16:53, Mathias Behrle escribió:

* Cédric Krier: " [tryton-dev] Debian link broken" (Thu, 24 May 2018 13:26:34


The Debian link on does not return any more useful
Does anyone know what is happening? has finally closed down and all repositories have moved over

Good to know!

The new entry point is

The url still is redirecting to the old entry

Luciano Rossi - - Cooperativa de Software Libre
Julián Alvarez 958 CABA C1414DRT +54 11 4771-0055

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Re: [tryton] Re: [tryton-fr] Handling of returns/cancelations

2018-06-01 Thread Richard PALO

Le 08/04/2018 à 09:41, Richard PALO a écrit :

For info, has been updated with an initial
patchset proposal supporting an 'allow_negative_moves' configuration parameter.

Perhaps this should be alternately named 'allow red storno moves' as that seems 
to be
a recogniseable term used for this, particularly in eastern europe where it is 
widely used.

try entering 'accounting red storno' in your favourite internet search engine.

It seems typically that western accounting packages need to have an option 
enabled to permit negative moves as I propose above and, if used, the negative 
moves are even marked up in red,
as the name suggests.


Richard PALO

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Re: [tryton] Using different credit and debit accounts on statement journal

2018-06-01 Thread Richard PALO

Le 01/06/2018 à 18:39, Richard PALO a écrit :

As far as our usage goes (using account_fr), the only journal having differing 
accounts for debit/credit is the closing journal which is a [special] 
situation, not a statement, journal.

Should probably mention that since the debit/credit accounts are requested in the 
"Balance non-deferral" assistant, they seem not even required in our closing 
journal at that.


Richard PALO

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Re: [tryton] Using different credit and debit accounts on statement journal

2018-06-01 Thread Richard PALO

Le 31/05/2018 à 10:28, Sergi Almacellas Abellana a écrit :

Hi All,

We are moving the accounts used by statement journal from the accounting
journal to the statement journal [1]. This avoids the need to create a
different statement journal to use different accounts on the statement.

During the review of this change [2] we thought about merging the credit
and debit accounts into a single account and use one unique account on
bank statement as we nmormally use the same account on both options.

Is anybody using different debit and credit accounts to import their
statements? Or everybody is using the same account as us?

Your feedback will be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


As far as our usage goes (using account_fr), the only journal having differing 
accounts for debit/credit is the closing journal which is a [special] 
situation, not a statement, journal.


Richard PALO

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Re: [tryton-es] Reglas de impuestos

2018-06-01 Thread Sergi Almacellas Abellana
El 31/05/18 a les 20:03, José Salvador ha escrit:
> Hola,
> Me gustaría conseguir que para un tercero en concreto se aplicaran por
> defecto 2 impuestos:
> - Retención 15%
> - IVA 21%
> sobre cualquier factura de proveedor del propio tercero que dé de alta
> en el sistema.

Entonces solo tienes que instalar el plan contable español y en la regla
de impuestos de proveedor utilizar la que pone "Retención 15%".
> Como no he encontrado una regla de impuesto conformada por IVA +
> Retención he creado una nueva compuesta por los dos impuestos citados.
> A la hora de añadir una linea de factura sólo me añade uno de los 2
> impuestos definidos en la regla de impuesto asignado al tercero.
> ¿Las reglas de impuestos se utilizan para esto?

Si, las reglas de impuestos se utilizan para modificar/cambiar impuestos.
> Si es así, ¿en que me puedo estar equivocando?

Que impuestos has definido en el producto? Los impuestos se definen en
la configuración de productos (IVA Normal, IVA Reducido, etc.). Al crear
una factura se utiliza la regla de impuesto del cliente para modificar
los impuestos por defecto, de forma que en el caso que comentas se
añadirá la retención de IRPF del proveedor.


Sergi Almacellas Abellana
Twitter: @pokoli_srk