Re: [tryton] Install tryton via mercuarial.

2015-03-01 Thread Chris Larsen

On Saturday, 28 February 2015 21:04:51 UTC+7, Axel Braun wrote:

 Hi Chris, 

 Am Montag, 23. Februar 2015, 21:11:54 schrieb Chris Larsen: 

  I think that Tryton should stick to the time-honoured practice of having 
  trytond.config.sample file made available, which is documented and 
  commented, and users can copy it and modify their working version. Doing 
  such a sample file is actually less work than writing extensive wiki 
  documentation. We should make it easier, not harder, for users to use 
  splendid ERP infrastructure! 

 That helps, indeed, nevertheless you should read the docs to make sure you 
 understand what you are doing. 

 For the openSUSE packages I added a trytond.conf.example, updated tryton- 
 server.README.SUSE (can be found in /usr/share/doc/packages/trytond) and 
 well updated the wiki in 

 This should give a guidance on when an encrypted password is required - 
 when not. 


 Dear All,

As I run trytond (for ERP, with GNU Health and the Occhiolino LIMS) in 
different virtualenv instances, and inside FreeBSD jails, trytond does  
actually not run out of the box, or rather only in a simplistic localhost 
install. I blindly assume that the latter may not be everyone's idela 
installation modus.
Therefore, allow me to add a sampe configuration file that - as I hope - 
accommodates the latest current confiuguration version. By copying this 
trytond.conf.sample to your own tryton.conf, or, optionally, 
trytond_[instance].conf, and by editing those options that are non-default 
in your given setting, you should be ready to run! Here we go:

# trytond configuration file
# Defaults are provided, and can be overridden as required
# Defines the behavior of the JSON-RPC network interface
# Defines a comma separated list of couple of host (or IP address) and port 
numer separeted by a colon to listen on
#listen = localhost:8000
# This is the hostname used when generating tryton URI
#hostname =
# Configure the path of json-rpc data
#data = /var/www/localhost/tryton
# Defines the behaviour of the XML-RPC interface
# Defines a comma separated list of couple of host (or IP address) and port 
numer separeted by a colon to listen on
#listen =
# Defines the behaviour of the WebDAV interface
# Defines a comma separated list of couple of host (or IP address) and port 
numer separeted by a colon to listen on
#listen =
# Defines how database is managed
# Contains the URI to connect to the SQL database
# Syntax: database://username:password@host:port/
# The available databases are: postgresql://, mysql://, sqlite://
# pyscopg2 supports two type of connections:
#   TCP/IP connection: postgresql://user:password@localhost:5432/
#   Unix domain connection: postgresql://username:password@/
#uri =
# The directory where Tryton should store files and so the user running trytond 
must have write access on this directory
#path = /var/lib/trytond
# A boolean value to list available databases
#list = True
# The number of retries when a database operation error occurs during a request
#retry =
# The main language of the database that will be stored in the main table for 
translatable fields
#language = en_US
# Activates SSL on all network protocol
# The path to hte private key
#privatekey =
# The path to the certificate
#certificate =
# The SMTP-URL to connect to the SMTP server which is extended to support SSL 
# The available protocols are:
#   smtp: simple SMTP
#   smtp+tls: SMTP with STARTTLS
#   smtps: SMTP with SSL
#uri = smtp://localhost:25
# Defines the default From address when Tryton send emails
#from =
# Configure session handling
# The time in second before a session expires
#timeout = 600
# The server password uses to authenticate database management from the client
# It is encrypted using using the Unix crypt(3) routine
# Such password can be generated using this command line
#   python -c 'import getpass,crypt,random,string; print 
crypt.crypt(getpass.getpass(), .join(random.sample(string.ascii_letters + 
string.digits, 8)))'
# Configure the Tryton server password
#super_pwd =
# Configure parameters for report creation using Libre-/OpenOffice
# unoconv connection parameters
#unoconv = pipe,name=trytond;urp;StarOffice.ComponentContext

Please note the important comment regarding the superuser password. I think 
this is where many new users got stuck - the configuriation file accepts 
the password hash, *not* the cleartext password.
Hope this helps!



Re: [tryton] Install tryton via mercuarial.

2015-02-23 Thread Chris Larsen

On Sunday, 23 November 2014 16:30:03 UTC+7, Cédric Krier wrote:

 On 21 Nov 18:16, Pandhêga Palibaya wrote: 
  Hi guys.. 
  I was tried install tryton via mercurial, and always got Sorry, wrong 
  password for the Tryton server. Please try again. when create new 
  Then, I tried using trytond.conf I got 
  from because file trytond.conf is 
  missing from official repository, then got same error too. 

 Since 3.4, there is no more a default password in the configuration and 
 the format has changed for an encrypted version. 
 Also there is no more a default configuration file provided so you have 
 to create one with the option you want. 

 It seems the wiki page is not updated for the last version. 

 Cédric Krier - B2CK SPRL 
 Email/Jabber: javascript: 
 Tel: +32 472 54 46 59 

Dear All,
The lack of a default configuraqtion file is kind of acceptable, though a 
bit inconvenient.
What does not make sense is the lack of documentation of all the options 
that are applicable to the configuration file - I am, for instance, aawre 
that the LDAP setup has been shifted from the GUI to the configuration 
file. Likewise, other options will evolve over time. This link 
( barely 
explains the configuration file option, and hence does not help.
I think that Tryton should stick to the time-honoured practice of having a 
trytond.config.sample file made available, which is documented and 
commented, and users can copy it and modify their working version. Doing 
such a sample file is actually less work than writing extensive wiki 
documentation. We should make it easier, not harder, for users to use this 
splendid ERP infrastructure!

[tryton] Product category meta data

2014-10-02 Thread Chris Larsen
Dear All,

I stumbled across an interesting issue when setting up product categories 
for biomedical equipment: 

If you look at the 2011 WHO Core Medical Equipment
documentation, there is, for instance, a product category called:

Analyzer, Laboratory, Hematology, Blood Grouping, Automated, which can be 
translated nicely into a category tree.
However, there are currently two standards, UMDNS and GMDN, that mean the 
same, yet have different naming conventions, plus give a code to each of 
their very own terms. Example:

UMDNS equivalent: Analyzers, Laboratory, Hematology, Blood Grouping, 
UMDNS code: 16817

GMDN equivalent: ABO/Rh(D) Blood Grouping Analyser IVD, Automated
GMDN code: 56712

That is close enough for aliases of a given category term, but we also need 
a fields for the respective standards' codes.

Would it be possible to attach the attribute and attribute categories 
facility to the product categories, so that for each category we could 
define aliases and coses for each alas, PLUS a code for the category term 

I would otherwise see some serious issue in using Tryton for standardised 
products, especially, if there are several standards competing with each 
other, as is often seen in high-value environments, such as health.

Any thoughts?

Thanks a lot, indeed -


[tryton] Re: Product category meta data

2014-10-02 Thread Chris Larsen
On Thursday, 2 October 2014 18:33:59 UTC+3, Chris Larsen wrote:

 Dear All,

 I stumbled across an interesting issue when setting up product categories 
 for biomedical equipment: 

 If you look at the 2011 WHO Core Medical Equipment
 documentation, there is, for instance, a product category called:

 Analyzer, Laboratory, Hematology, Blood Grouping, Automated, which can 
 be translated nicely into a category tree.
 However, there are currently two standards, UMDNS and GMDN, that mean 
 the same, yet have different naming conventions, plus give a code to each 
 of their very own terms. Example:

 UMDNS equivalent: Analyzers, Laboratory, Hematology, Blood Grouping, 
 UMDNS code: 16817

 GMDN equivalent: ABO/Rh(D) Blood Grouping Analyser IVD, Automated
 GMDN code: 56712

 That is close enough for aliases of a given category term, but we also 
 need a fields for the respective standards' codes.

 Would it be possible to attach the attribute and attribute categories 
 facility to the product categories, so that for each category we could 
 define aliases and coses for each alas, PLUS a code for the category term 

 I would otherwise see some serious issue in using Tryton for 
 standardised products, especially, if there are several standards 
 competing with each other, as is often seen in high-value environments, 
 such as health.

 Any thoughts?

 Thanks a lot, indeed -


An add-on, related: 
I noted that in the Product Categories section, I can sort only by Name in 
the left-hand column showing the ends of each branch of the category tree. 
The 2nd column showing the whole tree is not sort-able at all, yet it 
should to cope with complex trees. 
Am is missing something? Thanks a lot,

[tryton] Re: tryton-contrib : How to?

2013-06-15 Thread Chris Larsen
Dear All,
Though replying from Vietnam, I have enough affiliations with Latin 
American work on Tryton (- GNU Health, etc.) that I feel part of this...
If you tell me what you need, I will be happy to look into website and 
such. I have certainly enough server capacity at present, and am running 
Plone as CMS, but maybe this is an excellent opportunity to learn Nereid 
Let me know, if I can be of any help,

[tryton] Re: Contact Mechanisms - per Party versus per Address/Contact

2013-06-13 Thread Chris Larsen
Thanks everybody for your very helpful replies. Cédric, allow me to explain 
how I understand Parties versus Addresses:
If I have one big company as a customer, and this company is one party, 
then I will invariably end up with several contacts within that parts (= 
big company) with their related telephone numbers and other contact 
Admittedly, this expands the role of the address-only idea, but it is 
undoubtedly useful. I think this is what raimonesteve and jmartin tried to 
refer to. Of course, I could also shift perspective, and link several 
parties to a super-party, where the party represents the company contact, 
and the superparty the company. 
The open question is what is the most user-friendly approach.
In any case, Merci beaucoup! and ¡Muchas gracias!; I will try to 
modules provided by Tryton Spain and Zigzag Media, and will report back.
Bests, Chris

[tryton] Re: Contact Mechanisms - per Party versus per Address/Contact

2013-06-13 Thread Chris Larsen
I get your point - so basically you propose a three layer model, where
the current Party stands for Contacts, addresses are just, well,
addresses (physical, invoice, postal, whatever), and there is a meta-
level to aggregate Parties, as required. This does make sense and
offers the highest degree of flexibility, the only issue being that
the meta-level is not quite there yet. The crutch of using the
trytond-party_communication module works for most situations, but is
admittedly, in the above sense, not scalable.
Is there any work on the meta-level in the make? Thanks a lot

[tryton] Contact Mechanisms - per Party versus per Address/Contact

2013-06-12 Thread Chris Larsen
Dear All,
I have an issue in a number of settings with the fact that Tryton seems to 
group all contact mechanisms to the respective party. As a consequence, I 
cannot (easily) specify contact mechanism for certain addresses that are 
part of the party, such as the mobile phone number of sales manager.
I am aware of the fact that I can add comments to each contact mechanism. 
and indicate that a specific mobile number is for the said sales manager, 
only, but this is still awkward. Ideally, the address facility should offer 
a way to add address-specific contact mechanisms, all of course within the 
given party.
Or am I missing something?
Thanks a lot.

[tryton] VAT Country

2012-04-06 Thread Chris Larsen
Dear All,
It seems I am unable to find anything on my problem in previous posts,
so here we go:
Platform: FreeBSD,trytond running in as jail using python 2.7.2. All
fine. Except:
The dropdown list on of the VAT Country field is mysteriously empty,
and the field does (logically) not accept any entry.
This seems to have consequences, as I cannot enter any country-
specific tax details, and hence get stuck in the whole accounting /
purchasing / sales / products department.
Am I missing something stupid?
Thanks a lot,

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