Re: ServerSide Presentation and Demo

2007-03-22 Thread Jeremy Boynes

Well, Meeraj and Jim did the real work.
OK, the circle is now complete :)

On Mar 22, 2007, at 2:33 PM, Meeraj Kunnumpurath wrote:

Ta, Actually Jeremy and Jim did most of it.

-Original Message-
From: Kevin Williams [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 22 March 2007 20:44
Subject: Re: ServerSide Presentation and Demo

Jim and Meeraj,
Congratulations!  Any chance the presentation was taped?

Jim Marino wrote:


We just finished the ServerSide demo and I figured I send

a mail to

the list outlining how it went...

We had the slot following the opening keynote and were up

against Rod

(Spring) and Patrick (OpenJPA) as the other  two talks. I was
surprised to find that the ballroom was pretty full. I

gave the talk

and the demo showing end-to-end federated deployment and reaction
seemed very positive.  Meeraj gets the "hero" award for

staying up to

an obscene hour in the morning to implement a JMS-based discovery
service as we encountered last-minute hiccups with JXTA.

My observations are:

- After speaking with people after the presentation,

feedback on the

value of SCA was consistent. Specifically, they thought the
programming model was nice but not a differentiator. What

people got

excited about was being able to dynamically provision services to
remote nodes and have a representation of their service

network.  In

this respect, I think the demo worked well. Two people

said they need

what the demo showed for projects they currently have underway.

- People asked how SCA is different than Spring.  They reacted
positively when I said "federation" and "distributed

wiring". Related

to this, people get dependency injection (i.e. it's

old-hat) and just

seem to assume that is the way local components obtain references.

- People seemed to react positively when I compared SCA to



- People liked the idea of heterogeneous service networks

and support

for components written in different languages, particularly C++.

- People didn't ask about web services. People were nodding their
heads (in agreement) when I talked about having the runtime select
alternative bindings such as AMQP and JMS.

- People want modularity and choice. Two areas they wanted

choice in

was databinding and persistence. They liked the fact that

we are not

locked into one databinding solution and that we have JPA


(as an aside, they also liked that SDO can be used without SCA).
Spring integration was also popular.

- People also liked the idea of a 2MB kernel download. One person
mentioned they only want to download what they intend to

use and not a

lot of extra "clutter".

- People wanted to know how SCA is different than an ESB.

I basically

described it using the switch vs. router metaphor and how

a component

implementation type can be a proxy for an ESB. Related to this and
point-to-point wires, people thought wire optimization by the
Controller was cool.

- People seemed to be more interested in running Tuscany as a
standalone edge server or embedded in an OSGi container. I

didn't get

any questions about running Tuscany in a Servlet container or J2EE
application server. This seems to be consistent with there being a
number of talks on server-side OSGi.

My big takeway is that we need to make the demo a reality.



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RE: ServerSide Presentation and Demo

2007-03-22 Thread Meeraj Kunnumpurath

Ta, Actually Jeremy and Jim did most of it.

>> -Original Message-
>> From: Kevin Williams [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>> Sent: 22 March 2007 20:44
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: ServerSide Presentation and Demo
>> Jim and Meeraj,
>> Congratulations!  Any chance the presentation was taped?
>> --Kevin
>> Jim Marino wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > We just finished the ServerSide demo and I figured I send 
>> a mail to 
>> > the list outlining how it went...
>> >
>> > We had the slot following the opening keynote and were up 
>> against Rod
>> > (Spring) and Patrick (OpenJPA) as the other  two talks. I was 
>> > surprised to find that the ballroom was pretty full. I 
>> gave the talk 
>> > and the demo showing end-to-end federated deployment and reaction 
>> > seemed very positive.  Meeraj gets the "hero" award for 
>> staying up to 
>> > an obscene hour in the morning to implement a JMS-based discovery 
>> > service as we encountered last-minute hiccups with JXTA.
>> >
>> > My observations are:
>> >
>> > - After speaking with people after the presentation, 
>> feedback on the 
>> > value of SCA was consistent. Specifically, they thought the 
>> > programming model was nice but not a differentiator. What 
>> people got 
>> > excited about was being able to dynamically provision services to 
>> > remote nodes and have a representation of their service 
>> network.  In 
>> > this respect, I think the demo worked well. Two people 
>> said they need 
>> > what the demo showed for projects they currently have underway.
>> >
>> > - People asked how SCA is different than Spring.  They reacted 
>> > positively when I said "federation" and "distributed 
>> wiring". Related 
>> > to this, people get dependency injection (i.e. it's 
>> old-hat) and just 
>> > seem to assume that is the way local components obtain references.
>> >
>> > - People seemed to react positively when I compared SCA to 
>> Microsoft 
>> > WCF
>> >
>> > - People liked the idea of heterogeneous service networks 
>> and support 
>> > for components written in different languages, particularly C++.
>> >
>> > - People didn't ask about web services. People were nodding their 
>> > heads (in agreement) when I talked about having the runtime select 
>> > alternative bindings such as AMQP and JMS.
>> >
>> > - People want modularity and choice. Two areas they wanted 
>> choice in 
>> > was databinding and persistence. They liked the fact that 
>> we are not 
>> > locked into one databinding solution and that we have JPA 
>> integration. 
>> > (as an aside, they also liked that SDO can be used without SCA). 
>> > Spring integration was also popular.
>> >
>> > - People also liked the idea of a 2MB kernel download. One person 
>> > mentioned they only want to download what they intend to 
>> use and not a 
>> > lot of extra "clutter".
>> >
>> > - People wanted to know how SCA is different than an ESB. 
>> I basically 
>> > described it using the switch vs. router metaphor and how 
>> a component 
>> > implementation type can be a proxy for an ESB. Related to this and 
>> > point-to-point wires, people thought wire optimization by the 
>> > Controller was cool.
>> >
>> > - People seemed to be more interested in running Tuscany as a 
>> > standalone edge server or embedded in an OSGi container. I 
>> didn't get 
>> > any questions about running Tuscany in a Servlet container or J2EE 
>> > application server. This seems to be consistent with there being a 
>> > number of talks on server-side OSGi.
>> >
>> > My big takeway is that we need to make the demo a reality.
>> >
>> > Jim
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > 
>> -
>> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> -
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>> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> This message has been checked for all email viruses by MessageLabs


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If you are not the intended recipient please notify 
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Registered in England, No 1023742,
Registered Office: Voca Limited
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Hertfordshire, WD3 1FX. United Kingdom

VAT No. 226 6112 87

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Re: ServerSide Presentation and Demo

2007-03-22 Thread Jim Marino

On Mar 22, 2007, at 1:44 PM, Kevin Williams wrote:

Jim and Meeraj,
Congratulations!  Any chance the presentation was taped?


I don't think it was. I mentioned I will try to see if I can reprint  
copies of the slides. BTW, I wanted to also say Meeraj and Jeremy  
were the guys that need to get most of the credit with the effort  
they put in getting the demo functional.


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Re: ServerSide Presentation and Demo

2007-03-22 Thread Kevin Williams

Jim and Meeraj,
Congratulations!  Any chance the presentation was taped?

Jim Marino wrote:


We just finished the ServerSide demo and I figured I send a mail to  
the list outlining how it went...

We had the slot following the opening keynote and were up against Rod  
(Spring) and Patrick (OpenJPA) as the other  two talks. I was  
surprised to find that the ballroom was pretty full. I gave the talk  
and the demo showing end-to-end federated deployment and reaction  
seemed very positive.  Meeraj gets the "hero" award for staying up to  
an obscene hour in the morning to implement a JMS-based discovery  
service as we encountered last-minute hiccups with JXTA.

My observations are:

- After speaking with people after the presentation, feedback on the  
value of SCA was consistent. Specifically, they thought the  
programming model was nice but not a differentiator. What people got  
excited about was being able to dynamically provision services to  
remote nodes and have a representation of their service network.  In  
this respect, I think the demo worked well. Two people said they need  
what the demo showed for projects they currently have underway.

- People asked how SCA is different than Spring.  They reacted  
positively when I said "federation" and "distributed wiring". Related  
to this, people get dependency injection (i.e. it's old-hat) and just  
seem to assume that is the way local components obtain references.

- People seemed to react positively when I compared SCA to Microsoft WCF

- People liked the idea of heterogeneous service networks and support  
for components written in different languages, particularly C++.

- People didn't ask about web services. People were nodding their  
heads (in agreement) when I talked about having the runtime select  
alternative bindings such as AMQP and JMS.

- People want modularity and choice. Two areas they wanted choice in  
was databinding and persistence. They liked the fact that we are not  
locked into one databinding solution and that we have JPA  
integration. (as an aside, they also liked that SDO can be used  
without SCA). Spring integration was also popular.

- People also liked the idea of a 2MB kernel download. One person  
mentioned they only want to download what they intend to use and not  
a lot of extra "clutter".

- People wanted to know how SCA is different than an ESB. I basically  
described it using the switch vs. router metaphor and how a component  
implementation type can be a proxy for an ESB. Related to this and  
point-to-point wires, people thought wire optimization by the  
Controller was cool.

- People seemed to be more interested in running Tuscany as a  
standalone edge server or embedded in an OSGi container. I didn't get  
any questions about running Tuscany in a Servlet container or J2EE  
application server. This seems to be consistent with there being a  
number of talks on server-side OSGi.

My big takeway is that we need to make the demo a reality.


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Re: ServerSide Presentation and Demo

2007-03-22 Thread Jim Marino


Congratulations and Thanks for a nice summary. Are you planning to  
record the presentation and demo? It would be nice to have it  
posted somewhere, maybe on

Unfortunately, I don't think I can publish the slides on my own as it  
is part of the Serverside conference. Hopefully, they will publish  
them after the conference is over. I will also inquire if I can post  
them to the web site but I imagine they won't want me to.


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Re: ServerSide Presentation and Demo

2007-03-22 Thread Jean-Sebastien Delfino

Jim Marino wrote:


We just finished the ServerSide demo and I figured I send a mail to 
the list outlining how it went...

We had the slot following the opening keynote and were up against Rod 
(Spring) and Patrick (OpenJPA) as the other  two talks. I was 
surprised to find that the ballroom was pretty full. I gave the talk 
and the demo showing end-to-end federated deployment and reaction 
seemed very positive.  Meeraj gets the "hero" award for staying up to 
an obscene hour in the morning to implement a JMS-based discovery 
service as we encountered last-minute hiccups with JXTA.

My observations are:

- After speaking with people after the presentation, feedback on the 
value of SCA was consistent. Specifically, they thought the 
programming model was nice but not a differentiator. What people got 
excited about was being able to dynamically provision services to 
remote nodes and have a representation of their service network.  In 
this respect, I think the demo worked well. Two people said they need 
what the demo showed for projects they currently have underway.

- People asked how SCA is different than Spring.  They reacted 
positively when I said "federation" and "distributed wiring". Related 
to this, people get dependency injection (i.e. it's old-hat) and just 
seem to assume that is the way local components obtain references.

- People seemed to react positively when I compared SCA to Microsoft WCF

- People liked the idea of heterogeneous service networks and support 
for components written in different languages, particularly C++.

- People didn't ask about web services. People were nodding their 
heads (in agreement) when I talked about having the runtime select 
alternative bindings such as AMQP and JMS.

- People want modularity and choice. Two areas they wanted choice in 
was databinding and persistence. They liked the fact that we are not 
locked into one databinding solution and that we have JPA integration. 
(as an aside, they also liked that SDO can be used without SCA). 
Spring integration was also popular.

- People also liked the idea of a 2MB kernel download. One person 
mentioned they only want to download what they intend to use and not a 
lot of extra "clutter".

- People wanted to know how SCA is different than an ESB. I basically 
described it using the switch vs. router metaphor and how a component 
implementation type can be a proxy for an ESB. Related to this and 
point-to-point wires, people thought wire optimization by the 
Controller was cool.

- People seemed to be more interested in running Tuscany as a 
standalone edge server or embedded in an OSGi container. I didn't get 
any questions about running Tuscany in a Servlet container or J2EE 
application server. This seems to be consistent with there being a 
number of talks on server-side OSGi.

My big takeway is that we need to make the demo a reality.



Congratulations and Thanks for a nice summary. Are you planning to 
record the presentation and demo? It would be nice to have it posted 
somewhere, maybe on


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Re: ServerSide Presentation and Demo

2007-03-22 Thread Simon Laws

On 3/22/07, Meeraj Kunnumpurath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


My reply to Mario has all the detail to run the demo.


-Original Message-
From: Simon Laws [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2007 12:00 PM
Subject: Re: ServerSide Presentation and Demo

On 3/22/07, Meeraj Kunnumpurath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Simon,
> All the work that was done for the demo has been committed. I posted a

> set of build instructions to get the demo running for Mario. However,
> the information is scattered across multiple emails. I can collate
> them and repost it to the list, if that helps.
> Thanks
> Meeraj
> -Original Message-
> From: Simon Laws [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2007 11:31 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: ServerSide Presentation and Demo
> On 3/22/07, Venkata Krishnan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Jim,
> >
> > Thanks for sharing this information - its really useful.
> >
> > - Venkat
> >
> > On 3/22/07, Jim Marino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > We just finished the ServerSide demo and I figured I send a mail
> > > to the list outlining how it went...
> > >
> > > We had the slot following the opening keynote and were up against
> > > Rod
> > > (Spring) and Patrick (OpenJPA) as the other  two talks. I was
> > > surprised to find that the ballroom was pretty full. I gave the
> > > talk
> > > and the demo showing end-to-end federated deployment and reaction
> > > seemed very positive.  Meeraj gets the "hero" award for staying up

> > > to an obscene hour in the morning to implement a JMS-based
> > > discovery
> > > service as we encountered last-minute hiccups with JXTA.
> > >
> > > My observations are:
> > >
> > > - After speaking with people after the presentation, feedback on
> > > the
> > > value of SCA was consistent. Specifically, they thought the
> > > programming model was nice but not a differentiator. What people
> > > got
> > > excited about was being able to dynamically provision services to
> > > remote nodes and have a representation of their service network.
> > > In
> > > this respect, I think the demo worked well. Two people said they
> > > need what the demo showed for projects they currently have
> > >
> > > - People asked how SCA is different than Spring.  They reacted
> > > positively when I said "federation" and "distributed wiring".
> > > Related to this, people get dependency injection (i.e. it's
> > > old-hat)
> > > and just seem to assume that is the way local components obtain
> references.
> > >
> > > - People seemed to react positively when I compared SCA to
> > > Microsoft
> > > WCF
> > >
> > > - People liked the idea of heterogeneous service networks and
> > > support for components written in different languages,
> > > particularly
> C++.
> > >
> > > - People didn't ask about web services. People were nodding their
> > > heads (in agreement) when I talked about having the runtime select

> > > alternative bindings such as AMQP and JMS.
> > >
> > > - People want modularity and choice. Two areas they wanted choice
> > > in
> > > was databinding and persistence. They liked the fact that we are
> > > not
> > > locked into one databinding solution and that we have JPA
> > > integration. (as an aside, they also liked that SDO can be used
> > > without SCA). Spring integration was also popular.
> > >
> > > - People also liked the idea of a 2MB kernel download. One person
> > > mentioned they only want to download what they intend to use and
> > > not
> > > a lot of extra "clutter".
> > >
> > > - People wanted to know how SCA is different than an ESB. I
> > > basically described it using the switch vs. router metaphor and
> > > how a component implementation type can be a proxy for an ESB.
> > > Related to this and point-to-point wires, people thought wire
> > > optimization by the Controller was cool.
> > >
> > > - People seemed to be more interested in running Tuscany as a
> > > standalone edge server or embedded in an OSGi container. I didn't
> > > get any qu

RE: ServerSide Presentation and Demo

2007-03-22 Thread Meeraj Kunnumpurath

My reply to Mario has all the detail to run the demo.


-Original Message-
From: Simon Laws [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2007 12:00 PM
Subject: Re: ServerSide Presentation and Demo

On 3/22/07, Meeraj Kunnumpurath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Simon,
> All the work that was done for the demo has been committed. I posted a

> set of build instructions to get the demo running for Mario. However, 
> the information is scattered across multiple emails. I can collate 
> them and repost it to the list, if that helps.
> Thanks
> Meeraj
> -Original Message-
> From: Simon Laws [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2007 11:31 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: ServerSide Presentation and Demo
> On 3/22/07, Venkata Krishnan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Jim,
> >
> > Thanks for sharing this information - its really useful.
> >
> > - Venkat
> >
> > On 3/22/07, Jim Marino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > We just finished the ServerSide demo and I figured I send a mail 
> > > to the list outlining how it went...
> > >
> > > We had the slot following the opening keynote and were up against 
> > > Rod
> > > (Spring) and Patrick (OpenJPA) as the other  two talks. I was 
> > > surprised to find that the ballroom was pretty full. I gave the 
> > > talk
> > > and the demo showing end-to-end federated deployment and reaction 
> > > seemed very positive.  Meeraj gets the "hero" award for staying up

> > > to an obscene hour in the morning to implement a JMS-based 
> > > discovery
> > > service as we encountered last-minute hiccups with JXTA.
> > >
> > > My observations are:
> > >
> > > - After speaking with people after the presentation, feedback on 
> > > the
> > > value of SCA was consistent. Specifically, they thought the 
> > > programming model was nice but not a differentiator. What people 
> > > got
> > > excited about was being able to dynamically provision services to 
> > > remote nodes and have a representation of their service network.  
> > > In
> > > this respect, I think the demo worked well. Two people said they 
> > > need what the demo showed for projects they currently have
> > >
> > > - People asked how SCA is different than Spring.  They reacted 
> > > positively when I said "federation" and "distributed wiring".
> > > Related to this, people get dependency injection (i.e. it's 
> > > old-hat)
> > > and just seem to assume that is the way local components obtain
> references.
> > >
> > > - People seemed to react positively when I compared SCA to 
> > > Microsoft
> > > WCF
> > >
> > > - People liked the idea of heterogeneous service networks and 
> > > support for components written in different languages, 
> > > particularly
> C++.
> > >
> > > - People didn't ask about web services. People were nodding their 
> > > heads (in agreement) when I talked about having the runtime select

> > > alternative bindings such as AMQP and JMS.
> > >
> > > - People want modularity and choice. Two areas they wanted choice 
> > > in
> > > was databinding and persistence. They liked the fact that we are 
> > > not
> > > locked into one databinding solution and that we have JPA 
> > > integration. (as an aside, they also liked that SDO can be used 
> > > without SCA). Spring integration was also popular.
> > >
> > > - People also liked the idea of a 2MB kernel download. One person 
> > > mentioned they only want to download what they intend to use and 
> > > not
> > > a lot of extra "clutter".
> > >
> > > - People wanted to know how SCA is different than an ESB. I 
> > > basically described it using the switch vs. router metaphor and 
> > > how a component implementation type can be a proxy for an ESB. 
> > > Related to this and point-to-point wires, people thought wire 
> > > optimization by the Controller was cool.
> > >
> > > - People seemed to be more interested in running Tuscany as a 
> > > standalone edge server or embedded in an OSGi container. I didn't 
> > > get any questions about running Tuscany in a Se

Re: ServerSide Presentation and Demo

2007-03-22 Thread Simon Laws

On 3/22/07, Meeraj Kunnumpurath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


All the work that was done for the demo has been committed. I posted a
set of build instructions to get the demo running for Mario. However,
the information is scattered across multiple emails. I can collate them
and repost it to the list, if that helps.


-Original Message-
From: Simon Laws [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2007 11:31 AM
Subject: Re: ServerSide Presentation and Demo

On 3/22/07, Venkata Krishnan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Jim,
> Thanks for sharing this information - its really useful.
> - Venkat
> On 3/22/07, Jim Marino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > We just finished the ServerSide demo and I figured I send a mail to
> > the list outlining how it went...
> >
> > We had the slot following the opening keynote and were up against
> > Rod
> > (Spring) and Patrick (OpenJPA) as the other  two talks. I was
> > surprised to find that the ballroom was pretty full. I gave the talk

> > and the demo showing end-to-end federated deployment and reaction
> > seemed very positive.  Meeraj gets the "hero" award for staying up
> > to an obscene hour in the morning to implement a JMS-based discovery

> > service as we encountered last-minute hiccups with JXTA.
> >
> > My observations are:
> >
> > - After speaking with people after the presentation, feedback on the

> > value of SCA was consistent. Specifically, they thought the
> > programming model was nice but not a differentiator. What people got

> > excited about was being able to dynamically provision services to
> > remote nodes and have a representation of their service network.  In

> > this respect, I think the demo worked well. Two people said they
> > need what the demo showed for projects they currently have underway.
> >
> > - People asked how SCA is different than Spring.  They reacted
> > positively when I said "federation" and "distributed wiring".
> > Related to this, people get dependency injection (i.e. it's old-hat)

> > and just seem to assume that is the way local components obtain
> >
> > - People seemed to react positively when I compared SCA to Microsoft

> > WCF
> >
> > - People liked the idea of heterogeneous service networks and
> > support for components written in different languages, particularly
> >
> > - People didn't ask about web services. People were nodding their
> > heads (in agreement) when I talked about having the runtime select
> > alternative bindings such as AMQP and JMS.
> >
> > - People want modularity and choice. Two areas they wanted choice in

> > was databinding and persistence. They liked the fact that we are not

> > locked into one databinding solution and that we have JPA
> > integration. (as an aside, they also liked that SDO can be used
> > without SCA). Spring integration was also popular.
> >
> > - People also liked the idea of a 2MB kernel download. One person
> > mentioned they only want to download what they intend to use and not

> > a lot of extra "clutter".
> >
> > - People wanted to know how SCA is different than an ESB. I
> > basically described it using the switch vs. router metaphor and how
> > a component implementation type can be a proxy for an ESB. Related
> > to this and point-to-point wires, people thought wire optimization
> > by the Controller was cool.
> >
> > - People seemed to be more interested in running Tuscany as a
> > standalone edge server or embedded in an OSGi container. I didn't
> > get any questions about running Tuscany in a Servlet container or
> > J2EE application server. This seems to be consistent with there
> > being a number of talks on server-side OSGi.
> >
> > My big takeway is that we need to make the demo a reality.
> >
> > Jim
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > 
> > - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >

Nice one. Thanks for the summary. Did the conference record the talk?
Would be good to see it. Noting your comment and recent mails about the
last minute changes to get JMS working in short order, is everything
checked in that's needed to run the demo? Looking back I see several
notes on build instructions and it would be pretty cool to give it a

Can I ask a question about support

RE: ServerSide Presentation and Demo

2007-03-22 Thread Meeraj Kunnumpurath

All the work that was done for the demo has been committed. I posted a
set of build instructions to get the demo running for Mario. However,
the information is scattered across multiple emails. I can collate them
and repost it to the list, if that helps.


-Original Message-
From: Simon Laws [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2007 11:31 AM
Subject: Re: ServerSide Presentation and Demo

On 3/22/07, Venkata Krishnan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Jim,
> Thanks for sharing this information - its really useful.
> - Venkat
> On 3/22/07, Jim Marino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > We just finished the ServerSide demo and I figured I send a mail to 
> > the list outlining how it went...
> >
> > We had the slot following the opening keynote and were up against 
> > Rod
> > (Spring) and Patrick (OpenJPA) as the other  two talks. I was 
> > surprised to find that the ballroom was pretty full. I gave the talk

> > and the demo showing end-to-end federated deployment and reaction 
> > seemed very positive.  Meeraj gets the "hero" award for staying up 
> > to an obscene hour in the morning to implement a JMS-based discovery

> > service as we encountered last-minute hiccups with JXTA.
> >
> > My observations are:
> >
> > - After speaking with people after the presentation, feedback on the

> > value of SCA was consistent. Specifically, they thought the 
> > programming model was nice but not a differentiator. What people got

> > excited about was being able to dynamically provision services to 
> > remote nodes and have a representation of their service network.  In

> > this respect, I think the demo worked well. Two people said they 
> > need what the demo showed for projects they currently have underway.
> >
> > - People asked how SCA is different than Spring.  They reacted 
> > positively when I said "federation" and "distributed wiring". 
> > Related to this, people get dependency injection (i.e. it's old-hat)

> > and just seem to assume that is the way local components obtain
> >
> > - People seemed to react positively when I compared SCA to Microsoft

> > WCF
> >
> > - People liked the idea of heterogeneous service networks and 
> > support for components written in different languages, particularly
> >
> > - People didn't ask about web services. People were nodding their 
> > heads (in agreement) when I talked about having the runtime select 
> > alternative bindings such as AMQP and JMS.
> >
> > - People want modularity and choice. Two areas they wanted choice in

> > was databinding and persistence. They liked the fact that we are not

> > locked into one databinding solution and that we have JPA 
> > integration. (as an aside, they also liked that SDO can be used 
> > without SCA). Spring integration was also popular.
> >
> > - People also liked the idea of a 2MB kernel download. One person 
> > mentioned they only want to download what they intend to use and not

> > a lot of extra "clutter".
> >
> > - People wanted to know how SCA is different than an ESB. I 
> > basically described it using the switch vs. router metaphor and how 
> > a component implementation type can be a proxy for an ESB. Related 
> > to this and point-to-point wires, people thought wire optimization 
> > by the Controller was cool.
> >
> > - People seemed to be more interested in running Tuscany as a 
> > standalone edge server or embedded in an OSGi container. I didn't 
> > get any questions about running Tuscany in a Servlet container or 
> > J2EE application server. This seems to be consistent with there 
> > being a number of talks on server-side OSGi.
> >
> > My big takeway is that we need to make the demo a reality.
> >
> > Jim
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > 
> > - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >

Nice one. Thanks for the summary. Did the conference record the talk?
Would be good to see it. Noting your comment and recent mails about the
last minute changes to get JMS working in short order, is everything
checked in that's needed to run the demo? Looking back I see several
notes on build instructions and it would be pretty cool to give it a

Can I ask a question about support for components written in different

Re: ServerSide Presentation and Demo

2007-03-22 Thread Simon Laws

On 3/22/07, Venkata Krishnan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Jim,

Thanks for sharing this information - its really useful.

- Venkat

On 3/22/07, Jim Marino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> We just finished the ServerSide demo and I figured I send a mail to
> the list outlining how it went...
> We had the slot following the opening keynote and were up against Rod
> (Spring) and Patrick (OpenJPA) as the other  two talks. I was
> surprised to find that the ballroom was pretty full. I gave the talk
> and the demo showing end-to-end federated deployment and reaction
> seemed very positive.  Meeraj gets the "hero" award for staying up to
> an obscene hour in the morning to implement a JMS-based discovery
> service as we encountered last-minute hiccups with JXTA.
> My observations are:
> - After speaking with people after the presentation, feedback on the
> value of SCA was consistent. Specifically, they thought the
> programming model was nice but not a differentiator. What people got
> excited about was being able to dynamically provision services to
> remote nodes and have a representation of their service network.  In
> this respect, I think the demo worked well. Two people said they need
> what the demo showed for projects they currently have underway.
> - People asked how SCA is different than Spring.  They reacted
> positively when I said "federation" and "distributed wiring". Related
> to this, people get dependency injection (i.e. it's old-hat) and just
> seem to assume that is the way local components obtain references.
> - People seemed to react positively when I compared SCA to Microsoft WCF
> - People liked the idea of heterogeneous service networks and support
> for components written in different languages, particularly C++.
> - People didn't ask about web services. People were nodding their
> heads (in agreement) when I talked about having the runtime select
> alternative bindings such as AMQP and JMS.
> - People want modularity and choice. Two areas they wanted choice in
> was databinding and persistence. They liked the fact that we are not
> locked into one databinding solution and that we have JPA
> integration. (as an aside, they also liked that SDO can be used
> without SCA). Spring integration was also popular.
> - People also liked the idea of a 2MB kernel download. One person
> mentioned they only want to download what they intend to use and not
> a lot of extra "clutter".
> - People wanted to know how SCA is different than an ESB. I basically
> described it using the switch vs. router metaphor and how a component
> implementation type can be a proxy for an ESB. Related to this and
> point-to-point wires, people thought wire optimization by the
> Controller was cool.
> - People seemed to be more interested in running Tuscany as a
> standalone edge server or embedded in an OSGi container. I didn't get
> any questions about running Tuscany in a Servlet container or J2EE
> application server. This seems to be consistent with there being a
> number of talks on server-side OSGi.
> My big takeway is that we need to make the demo a reality.
> Jim
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Nice one. Thanks for the summary. Did the conference record the talk? Would
be good to see it. Noting your comment and recent mails about the last
minute changes to get JMS working in short order, is everything checked in
that's needed to run the demo? Looking back I see several notes on build
instructions and it would be pretty cool to give it a spin.

Can I ask a question about support for components written in different
languages? Did people specifically say they were interested in C++? Did they
mention other languages (and, if so, which ones)?

Presumably the sweet spot is the ability to show components implemented in
various languages all acting as part of a single SCA Domain. How big a deal
do you think this ability to be able to draw a "picture" of you
heterogeneous service network (in SCDL) vs some of the other things you
mention like "standalone edge server" or "selectable bindings". I'm asking
this question because, as you know, I like the idea and from your notes it
seems the audience likes the idea but I'm interested to know how much
interest there was for this vs other things.

I imagine, from reading your closing comments, you have a whole stack of
ideas now in your head about what needs doing next. This would seem like a
great opportunity for us all to look at what technical challenges lie ahead
and to have a discussion about how, as a community, we step up to meeting
some of them. How do we do this? Do we start some threads on individual
items? A thread on the grand plan and then split onto areas of peoples
interest. Having this summary is great because is really pushes on what we
really need to focus on, i.e. maki

Re: ServerSide Presentation and Demo

2007-03-22 Thread Venkata Krishnan

Hi Jim,

Thanks for sharing this information - its really useful.

- Venkat

On 3/22/07, Jim Marino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


We just finished the ServerSide demo and I figured I send a mail to
the list outlining how it went...

We had the slot following the opening keynote and were up against Rod
(Spring) and Patrick (OpenJPA) as the other  two talks. I was
surprised to find that the ballroom was pretty full. I gave the talk
and the demo showing end-to-end federated deployment and reaction
seemed very positive.  Meeraj gets the "hero" award for staying up to
an obscene hour in the morning to implement a JMS-based discovery
service as we encountered last-minute hiccups with JXTA.

My observations are:

- After speaking with people after the presentation, feedback on the
value of SCA was consistent. Specifically, they thought the
programming model was nice but not a differentiator. What people got
excited about was being able to dynamically provision services to
remote nodes and have a representation of their service network.  In
this respect, I think the demo worked well. Two people said they need
what the demo showed for projects they currently have underway.

- People asked how SCA is different than Spring.  They reacted
positively when I said "federation" and "distributed wiring". Related
to this, people get dependency injection (i.e. it's old-hat) and just
seem to assume that is the way local components obtain references.

- People seemed to react positively when I compared SCA to Microsoft WCF

- People liked the idea of heterogeneous service networks and support
for components written in different languages, particularly C++.

- People didn't ask about web services. People were nodding their
heads (in agreement) when I talked about having the runtime select
alternative bindings such as AMQP and JMS.

- People want modularity and choice. Two areas they wanted choice in
was databinding and persistence. They liked the fact that we are not
locked into one databinding solution and that we have JPA
integration. (as an aside, they also liked that SDO can be used
without SCA). Spring integration was also popular.

- People also liked the idea of a 2MB kernel download. One person
mentioned they only want to download what they intend to use and not
a lot of extra "clutter".

- People wanted to know how SCA is different than an ESB. I basically
described it using the switch vs. router metaphor and how a component
implementation type can be a proxy for an ESB. Related to this and
point-to-point wires, people thought wire optimization by the
Controller was cool.

- People seemed to be more interested in running Tuscany as a
standalone edge server or embedded in an OSGi container. I didn't get
any questions about running Tuscany in a Servlet container or J2EE
application server. This seems to be consistent with there being a
number of talks on server-side OSGi.

My big takeway is that we need to make the demo a reality.


To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: ServerSide Presentation and Demo

2007-03-21 Thread Raymond Feng

Hi, Jim.

Congratulations on the success! 

The update is very useful for us to get the first-hand information.


- Original Message - 
From: "Jim Marino" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2007 3:17 PM
Subject: ServerSide Presentation and Demo


We just finished the ServerSide demo and I figured I send a mail to  
the list outlining how it went...

We had the slot following the opening keynote and were up against Rod  
(Spring) and Patrick (OpenJPA) as the other  two talks. I was  
surprised to find that the ballroom was pretty full. I gave the talk  
and the demo showing end-to-end federated deployment and reaction  
seemed very positive.  Meeraj gets the "hero" award for staying up to  
an obscene hour in the morning to implement a JMS-based discovery  
service as we encountered last-minute hiccups with JXTA.

My observations are:

- After speaking with people after the presentation, feedback on the  
value of SCA was consistent. Specifically, they thought the  
programming model was nice but not a differentiator. What people got  
excited about was being able to dynamically provision services to  
remote nodes and have a representation of their service network.  In  
this respect, I think the demo worked well. Two people said they need  
what the demo showed for projects they currently have underway.

- People asked how SCA is different than Spring.  They reacted  
positively when I said "federation" and "distributed wiring". Related  
to this, people get dependency injection (i.e. it's old-hat) and just  
seem to assume that is the way local components obtain references.

- People seemed to react positively when I compared SCA to Microsoft WCF

- People liked the idea of heterogeneous service networks and support  
for components written in different languages, particularly C++.

- People didn't ask about web services. People were nodding their  
heads (in agreement) when I talked about having the runtime select  
alternative bindings such as AMQP and JMS.

- People want modularity and choice. Two areas they wanted choice in  
was databinding and persistence. They liked the fact that we are not  
locked into one databinding solution and that we have JPA  
integration. (as an aside, they also liked that SDO can be used  
without SCA). Spring integration was also popular.

- People also liked the idea of a 2MB kernel download. One person  
mentioned they only want to download what they intend to use and not  
a lot of extra "clutter".

- People wanted to know how SCA is different than an ESB. I basically  
described it using the switch vs. router metaphor and how a component  
implementation type can be a proxy for an ESB. Related to this and  
point-to-point wires, people thought wire optimization by the  
Controller was cool.

- People seemed to be more interested in running Tuscany as a  
standalone edge server or embedded in an OSGi container. I didn't get  
any questions about running Tuscany in a Servlet container or J2EE  
application server. This seems to be consistent with there being a  
number of talks on server-side OSGi.

My big takeway is that we need to make the demo a reality.


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For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]