Re: Shopping Store Tutorial, was: ApacheCon US 2007 - Shopping Store Overview

2007-10-22 Thread Jean-Sebastien Delfino

Antollini, Mario wrote:

Jean-Sebastien, Raymond,

Thanks for the feedback. I modified the figure accordingly.

What do you both think now?



Thanks Mario.

I guess we should work on the various parts of the application:
- the catalog component with a hardcoded list of items
- the catalog component backed by a database
- the catalog component talking to the Amazon catalog
- the catalog component talking to the eBay catalog

We need to define a single business interface that they'll all implement.

Also I'd like to add a currency converter component that can run on a 
different Tuscany node

I started to work on the build structure and a build.xml file with the 
right dependencies. BTW I'm going to temporarily move the tutorial 
directory from java/sca/demos/tutorial to java/sca/tutorial to make it 
easier to reuse existing samples and their build.xml files on top of the 
Tuscany distribution. We can move the directory again later if people want.


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Shopping Store Tutorial, was: ApacheCon US 2007 - Shopping Store Overview

2007-10-19 Thread Jean-Sebastien Delfino


JS, Raymond,

I have attached a picture depicting the components the Shopping Store 
Composite will have. I hope this represents the same picture you had 
in mind.

Looks pretty good, I have a few suggestions below.

Otherwise, please let me know.

As you can see there, some questions arose:

1 - The composite will offer its service via WS or we will invoke it 
locally (the local one will be easier to implement J)

I think it could be both: we add and for 
the service.

I think we need two composite services, one for the catalog and the 
other for the shopping cart, as SCA cannot promote two 
component-services as one composite-service.

The services could be provided with a selection of bindings:
- binding.jsonrpc and to make it easy to invoke from an Ajax client
- binding.atom will work well with Ajax clients too
- will help integrate with other SCA composites in an SCA domain

2 - The Shopping Cart Service will be implemented as a POJO or as a 
Session Bean? -> I have it currently implemented as a POJO but turning 
it into a session bean will not be difficult (fingers crossed)

I would say POJO for now as we don't have implementation.jee 
yet. We could add a reference to an external EJB using binding.ejb if 
it's needed.

+1 for a Java component implementation for now

+1 for putting together a JEE variation of the shopping cart later, when 
we have support for 

3 -The Persistence Service will be implemented as a POJO or as an 
Entity Bean?

4 - Shall we use DAS to persist the data?

We could use or implementation.das to 
persist the data. Luciano, which one supports write?

How about starting really simple with a Java component implementation 
that just uses JDBC to talk to the database like what Douglas has 
started to contribute recently (see

I have put his implementation of the getting-started store sample that 
integrates a database under demos/tutorial/store-database, thinking that 
it could be useful in the context of the tutorial.

Let's try to come up with a final version of it so we can start taking 
ownership of the different components in order to start coding.

Two more thoughts:

- add a local Catalog component that has the catalog store in a local 

- run the different components on different SCA nodes.

Hope to hear from you soon.


Mario E. Antollini
Intel Software
+54 351 414 5594


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