Re: [Tutor] eval and exec

2004-12-04 Thread Alan Gauld
 I'm having trouble understanding the difference between eval and

eval evaluates an *expression* - that is something that returns a

exec executes a piece of code, it need not return a value.

eval is slightly safer than exec (but not much).

Some examples:

print 'hello'   # use exec for this

6+7-9/3# use eval for this

myfunction(42)   # use eval for this

to make eval useful you need to assign the result to a variable:

res = eval('6+7-9/3')

but exec is just executed on its own:

exec('print hello')

Both are extremely dangerous functions from a security
and maintenance/reliability pouint of view and should be
used very rarely.

Was there anything more specific you wanted to know?


Alan G.

Tutor maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Tutor] eval and exec

2004-12-04 Thread Brian van den Broek
Brian van den Broek said unto the world upon 2004-12-04 04:28:
Marilyn Davis said unto the world upon 2004-12-04 01:37:
Hello Tutors,
I'm having trouble understanding the difference between eval and exec.
Can anyone explain it to me please?
Marilyn Davis
Hi Marilyn,
does this help?
Darn. I left a few things that might help:
exec(a = 2 + 40)
exec(print a)

As before, exec(a = 2 + 40) runs the code a = 2 + 40, making 'a' 
point to 42.
Thus, exec(print a) is synonymous with:
 print a

*in the interpreter* eval('a') also gives 42. This is because, *in the 

But, run this script:
exec('print a')
exec(print eval('a') == eval('21 * 2'))
 === RESTART ===


*In a script*,
doesn't produce any output at all. This script does print 'True' because 
of the third line. It reads:

Run the sting print eval('a') == eval('21 * 2') as code.
So, print the expression you get by putting an '==' between the results 
of evaluating the expressions a and 21 * 2. Thus, print an 
expression equivalent to
42 == 42.

And its almost 5am and I've begun to worry I'm muddying the waters, 
rather than helping. It is to be hoped that someone will clean up any 
messes I have made. (Ken? Danny? . . . .)

brian vdB
Tutor maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Tutor] Global presets ?

2004-12-04 Thread Kent Johnson
You are on the right track. Put your common definitions in a configuration 
module like this:
Then in client code, import Config. When you use the names defined in Config you have to prefix them 
with the module name like this:

import Config
print Config.data_dir
Alternately you can use either of these forms:
# Get a couple of names from Config into our global namespace
from Config import arch_data_dir, data_dir
or this:
# Get *all* names defined in Config into our global namespace
from Config import *
to make the bare names available in the client.
Dave S wrote:
Hi there,
I have some common data directories, like
which increasing numbers of scripts are accessing. At the begining of 
each script
I end up putting in declarations like


over  over. This is OK until I want to move a directory
Somewhere I read about importing a script to define common globals for 
all the scripts that import it.

I tried this, and failed - the variable was only valid for the module, 
to be expected really :)

Can anyone make a suggestion howto set up common global presets.

Tutor maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tutor maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Tutor] Global presets ?

2004-12-04 Thread Dave S
Thanks Guys,
They are both good ways of getting round my problem, I appreciate your 
input  will have a play.

:-) :-) :-) :-)
Tutor maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Tutor] Simple RPN calculator

2004-12-04 Thread Kent Johnson
I didn't get the attachment, can you try again?
Just Incase wrote:
Hi Tutors,
I am new to programming and so don't know anything much, yet. I am 
having problem with implementing a simple RPN calculator in python. I 
have tried editing some other programs I have been referenced to earlier 
and I was able to play around with hoping to get something out of it but 
the problem I have is that I don't know how to make it request for 
input(s) of say a simple math like  1 2 3 4 5 + - * /.
Help please with any suggestions or any other better and easier way of 
implementing a RPN calculator.
Thank you,
The following is what I have:

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The all-new My Yahoo!  What will yours do?

Tutor maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tutor maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Tutor] OT: test

2004-12-04 Thread Eri Mendz
sorry it seems like my email address is mangled in my earlier post.
resending new message with address in sig.
Using PC-Pine 4.61
reply to:
Tutor maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Tutor] Address book sort of

2004-12-04 Thread Rick Muller
Couldn't tell if this got sent, so I'm re-sending.
Apologies for duplicates:

Well, one option is to use pickle (or cPickle,
preferrably) to dump the python objects to a file:

from cPickle import load, dump

def save(fname,addressbook):
file = open(filename,'w')

def read(fname):
file = open(filename)
addressbook = load(file)
return addressbook

The advantage of pickle is that you don't have to
decide on a text format for your data -- it just dumps
and then reloads the python code. You can waste a lot
of time deciding on a text format, implementing the
readers/writers, etc.


--- Eri Mendz

 Dear Tutor,
 I like to know what is the proper procedure (is
 algorithmn the right
 term?) in creating data in a program, write it to
 file, close the app
 then retrieve the data when run again. Basically,
 I'm trying to simulate
 a simple address book (well not really for the datas
 are just names for
 now) and so far have created the basic menu
 interface. It is console
 base so forget gui. I ask user input and store it in
 a list. There are
 menus to change, delete the data, and to save the
 data list in file. I
 use cPickle for this and have verified the file is
 created by checking
 in my $PWD. I want to retrieve that data when
 program is run again. What
 to add in my code? I thought not to post the code
 but explain it as
 What i want: when program is run again, the saved
 data is loaded when user
 selects option 1 below. Of course the first time it
 is run, the list is
 def print_options():
print '''
[1] - Print content of list
[2] - Add name to list
[3] - Delete name from list
[4] - Change name in list
[5] - Save list to file
[P] - Print this menu
[Q] - Quit
 Eri Mendz
 Using PC-Pine 4.61
 Using PC-Pine 4.61
 Tutor maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Rick Muller

Do you Yahoo!? 
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Tutor maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Tutor] Global presets ?

2004-12-04 Thread Dave S
Alan Gauld wrote:
have you considered making the root directory an environment variable?
That way you can read the value (os.getenv) at the start of the
And if you ever need to move the structure you can simply change the
environment value. It also means different users can use their own
structures by defining their own environment value...

# File
value1 = 42
value2 = 'spam'

Got ya so far ..
# File:
import myvars
localvar = myvars.value1
myvars.value2 = 'Alan'

Never thought of setting 'myvars.value2 = 'Alan''  I guess this would 
just set the variable in the myvars namespace since it could not change itself.

#  File
import myvars
newvar = myvars.value2

With you ...
print myvars.value1 - 27

Have I misunderstood, should this not be 42 ? Typo or me not understanding ?

Does that help?
Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor


Tutor maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Tutor] Broblem with exiting a Tkinter app

2004-12-04 Thread Mark Kels
Hi all ,
I got 2 questions for you guys.

The fist question:
I wrote small Tkinter app while laerning about the Radiobutton widget,
and I added a Quit button, like this:
bb=Button(root, text=Quit, fg=BLUE, command=root.quit).pack()
When I pressed the button the app crashed and I got an error message (
program is not responding ) from windows.
I tried to add a frame to the program and then exit the frame, like this:
bb=Button(f, text=Quit, fg=BLUE, command=f.quit).pack()
But the result is the same...

Here is the full source code of the app:
from Tkinter import *
import sys
text=Label(root, text=how old are you?).pack()
v = IntVar(root)
Radiobutton(f, text=less than 13, variable=v, value=1).pack(side=LEFT)
Radiobutton(f, text=13-20, variable=v, value=2).pack(side=LEFT)
Radiobutton(f, text=20-40, variable=v, value=3).pack(side=LEFT)
Radiobutton(f, text=40+, variable=v, value=4).pack(side=LEFT)
bb=Button(f, text=Quit, fg=BLUE, command=f.quit).pack()

The second question:
I dont understand how to get the input fron the radio buttons...
It doesnt returns any value, so how can the app know what the user chose?

Tutor maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Tutor] Accuracy of time.sleep()

2004-12-04 Thread Tim Peters
 OK I may be pushing it,  ;-)

Yup wink.

 I need a script to sleep from any point to 8:05AM when in needs to
 So I calculate the number of seconds with the following 
 def secs_till_805():
# Returns the number of seconds till 8:05AM

Ouch.  Never try to pick apart the current time by computing it more
than once.  For example, if the time at the start of that block is
just a fraction of a second before 9AM, it's quite possible you'll end
up with hours==8 and mins==secs==0 (because the time is 8:59:59 at the
time you do the %H business, and but it's 9:00:00 by the time you
get to %M).  That would throw you off by an hour.  The same kind of
thing can happen a little before the (any) minute changes too.


# If we are before 8:05, then ...
if sec_leftsecs_8hr_24hr:
return sec_left-secs_8hr_24hr

# If we are after 8:05, then ...
return sec_left+secs_8hr

Here's a different way, computing current time only once, and using
the datetime module to do all the fiddly work:

def seconds_until(h, m=0, s=0):
from datetime import datetime, time, timedelta

target_time = time(h, m, s)
now =
target = datetime.combine(, target_time)
if target  now:
target += timedelta(days=1)
diff = target - now
return diff.seconds + diff.microseconds / 1e6

This returns seconds as a float, which is good (Python's time.sleep()
can make sense of floats, and sleep for fractional seconds).

 Then I ...

With the above, you'd do

time.sleep(seconds_until(8, 5))


 I expected the script to re-start 2-3 seconds after 8:05, python
 reloading after a long sleep etc, what I get is the script restarting at
 08:04.55, earlier ???

You'll probably never know why for sure.  Python calls platform C
library gimmicks to sleep, which in turn invoke operating system
facilities.  Understanding the whole story would require that you
understand everything all of those do.

 It must be cummulative error over 10s of thousands of seconds.


 Its a bodge ( cron or at are better) but I suppose I could calculate seconds
 to 8:05 sleep(seconds*0.95), re calculate secs to 8:05 sleep(seconds)
 which should reduce the error to almost zip.

That's also a good idea in order to avoid surprises due to crossing
daylight time boundaries (assuming you mean 8:05 according to the
local wall clock).  Here's a function building on the above:

def sleep_until(h, m=0, s=0):
from time import sleep

while True:
delay = seconds_until(h, m, s)
if delay  10.0:
sleep(delay / 2)

That is, it cuts the sleep time in half repeatedly, until less than 10
seconds remain.  It can sleep for hours at a time, but as the target
time approaches it wakes up more frequently.  This should keep the
program loaded in memory as the target time gets near.
Tutor maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Tutor] eval and exec

2004-12-04 Thread Bill Campbell
On Sat, Dec 04, 2004, Alan Gauld wrote:
 I'm having trouble understanding the difference between eval and

eval evaluates an *expression* - that is something that returns a

Both are extremely dangerous functions from a security
and maintenance/reliability pouint of view and should be
used very rarely.

True enough, but useful upon occassion.  In particular I've had a
question on the back burner for a while.  Suppose I have a
dictionary of database instances, dbtables, keyed on table name,
and I want a general way of creating variables with the name of
the table so I'm not accessing the dictionary.  Would something
like this work:

# dbtables is already built
for table in dbtables.keys():
exec(%s = dbtables['%s'] % (table, table))

INTERNET:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Bill Campbell; Celestial Software LLC
UUCP:   camco!bill  PO Box 820; 6641 E. Mercer Way
FAX:(206) 232-9186  Mercer Island, WA 98040-0820; (206) 236-1676

My brother sent me a postcard the other day with this big satellite photo
of the entire earth on it. On the back it said: ``Wish you were here''.
-- Steven Wright
Tutor maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Tutor] Broblem with exiting a Tkinter app

2004-12-04 Thread Mark Kels
On Sat, 04 Dec 2004 14:38:06 -0500, Kent Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Mark Kels wrote:
  Hi all ,
  I got 2 questions for you guys.
  The fist question:
  I wrote small Tkinter app while laerning about the Radiobutton widget,
  and I added a Quit button, like this:
  bb=Button(root, text=Quit, fg=BLUE, command=root.quit).pack()
  When I pressed the button the app crashed and I got an error message (
  program is not responding ) from windows.
  I tried to add a frame to the program and then exit the frame, like this:
  bb=Button(f, text=Quit, fg=BLUE, command=f.quit).pack()
  But the result is the same...
  Here is the full source code of the app:
  from Tkinter import *
  import sys
  text=Label(root, text=how old are you?).pack()
  v = IntVar(root)
  Radiobutton(f, text=less than 13, variable=v, value=1).pack(side=LEFT)
  Radiobutton(f, text=13-20, variable=v, value=2).pack(side=LEFT)
  Radiobutton(f, text=20-40, variable=v, value=3).pack(side=LEFT)
  Radiobutton(f, text=40+, variable=v, value=4).pack(side=LEFT)
  bb=Button(f, text=Quit, fg=BLUE, command=f.quit).pack()
 This program works fine for me on Win2K. How are you running the program?
  The second question:
  I dont understand how to get the input fron the radio buttons...
  It doesnt returns any value, so how can the app know what the user chose?
 Read the value from the variable associated with the buttons - v. For example 
 if you define
 def quit():
  print 'You chose button', v.get()
 and change the command on bb to command=quit, the program will print the 
 selection value on exit.
 (You have to define quit before bb or you will get a NameError.)
  Tutor maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Tutor maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thats weird...
Suddenly the program started to work fine :-) !

Thank you very much for your time.
Tutor maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Tutor] Simple RPN calculator

2004-12-04 Thread Alan Gauld
 I am new to programming and so don't know anything much, yet.
 I am having problem with implementing a simple RPN calculator
 in python.

I'm not surprised. While an RPN vcalculator is one of the easier
calculators to build its not exactly trivial. It sounds like the
kind of thing an ambitious (or optimistic?) teacher might set
for homework... Would I nbe right?

 to make it request for input(s) of say a simple math like  1 2 3 4
5 + - * /.

Look at raw_input()

But if you are that much of a beginner you need to take several
steps back and try one of the tutorials, they all cover raw_input
fairly early on...

And finally doesn't RPN put the operators first? Or is it me thats
getting confused fromtoo much Lisping recently?...

 Help please with any suggestions or any other better and easier
 way of implementing a RPN calculator.

Python is a fine place to start building RPN calculators. But thee
are so many available that I van't help suspecting homewoprk here,
and we can only offer limited guidance in that case.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

Tutor maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Tutor] Accuracy of time.sleep()

2004-12-04 Thread Alan Gauld
 It must be cummulative error over 10s of thousands of seconds.

Just so, and depends on howm many other processes are running,
how busy the CPU is etc.

 bodge ( cron or at are better) but I suppose I could calculate
 to 8:05 sleep(seconds*0.95), re calculate secs to 8:05
 which should reduce the error to almost zip.

Thats the approach I suggest in my otther email :-)

Alan G

Tutor maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Tutor] line 1: print: command not found

2004-12-04 Thread Cullen Newsom

Thanks for your reply.  I have already tried to set my
shebang to /usr/bin/env python.  But for everyone's benefit. 
I've tried it again, and the same behavior persists.  As another
confirmation that this is not a file permission problem, I
should say that I can run as root, and get the expected
result.  I can also run it as normal user, from /usr/lib/python
and get the proper behavior.  It is from /home/user/
that this error persists.  I included below the attribute flags
from ls-l.  Thanks again for your help, any ideas are


file attributes
-rwxrwxrwx  1 nooseisloose users 42 2004-12-04 18:36
/file attributes

 On Dec 5, 2004, at 00:53, Cullen Newsom wrote:
  Hello List,
  Here is my Error: line 1: print: command not found
  Here is my cat
  print Hello, world!
  I know this is a Linux question (or SuSE question) as
  as a python question, but I do not think there is a more
  appropriate place to ask this question, and hopefully it
  help save someone some time and frustration, especially
 since a
  person new to Python might well believe it to be a problem
  Anyone know the proper thing to set, or change?  Thanks.
   How are you running your script? Are you doing a basic
 python, or have you set to +x and are you relying
 on the 
 first line to tell the script where the Python interpreter is?
   If it's answer #2, you should try replacing your first line
 #!/usr/bin/env python , and see what happens.
 -- Max
 maxnoel_fr at yahoo dot fr -- ICQ #85274019
 Look at you hacker... A pathetic creature of meat and bone,
 and sweating as you run through my corridors... How can you
 challenge a 
 perfect, immortal machine?

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Tutor maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]