Re: [Tutor] Beginner question (variables, namespaces...) (fwd)

2006-04-07 Thread Danny Yoo

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2006 21:05:33 -0600
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Beginner question (variables, namespaces...)

I tried redefining the "higher-order" variables as functions, but it didn't
quite work. Here's a simplified example:

var1 = 2

def timestwo(x):
return x*2

var2 = timestwo(var1)
print var1, var2
var1 = 3
print var1, var2

This results in the output:
2, 4

..which is not what I'm aiming for. Maybe I'll have to follow Bob's advice
and just store all of the variable assignments in a function, and then call
the function every time I change one of the variables (based on user input).
I could still leave the higher-order variables as functions as per your
advice, but that alone doesn't seem to do the trick. Unless I've missed


Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] Watch and control access to an executable

2006-04-07 Thread Bill Burns
Hi Tutors!

I have a problem that I've solved using Python, and I want to know if
I've done a good job :-)

Here's the problem:
At my work we have a Windows network. On a network drive lives a program
that a couple people need to access (there's a shortcut on each user's
Desktop to the executable). The problem is, only *one* person at a time
should run the program. For various reasons, it's possible for
information to get corrupted if two people are using the program at the
same time.

Here's the old solution to the problem:
Pick-up the phone.
Dial Dave's extension.
Dave this is Bill, I'm going to use the program.
Use the program.
Call Dave again and tell him I'm done using the program.
And Dave does the same for me.

Putting it mildly - this is a less than ideal way to run software ;-)

Now here's my solution:
1. Create a program let's call it 'myProg' that spawns 'otherProg'.
2. 'myProg' will utilize a config file.
3. When 'myProg' is started it looks in the config file to see if
'otherProg' is running.
4. If 'otherProg' is not running, start it and write to the config file
that 'otherProg' is running (also write who is running it).
5. 'myProg' continues to run on the user's computer, continuously
checking the PID (of 'otherProg') to see if the process is still alive.
6. When we don't find the PID anymore, write to the config file that
'otherProg' isn't running.
7. Shutdown 'myProg'.

Now in step #3 above - if 'myProg' reads the config file and finds that
the 'otherProg' is currently running, the user is warned that 'The
program is currently in use by !' And
'otherProg' is not started.

Couple of other things.
1. I'm taking 'myProg' and creating a single-file executable using py2exe.
2. 'myProg.exe' and the config file live on the network in the same
directory as 'otherProg'.
3. User's have a shortcut on the Desktop to 'myProg.exe' instead of

BTW, I've never stopped to consider if there was a simple 'Windows
networking / permissions' type solution to the problem. I just went
straight to Python :-)

Here's my code. I'd appreciate any critiques!



import time
import os
import sys
import getpass
from ConfigParser import ConfigParser

import win32pdhutil
import win32con
import win32api

CONFIG_FILE = 'WatchProc.ini'

# Is there a better way to deal with this
# default config file data?
defaultConfigData = \
proc =

[Current User]
user =

exe =

[Process Status]
running =

[Shutdown Status]
ok =

class WatchProc:
 def __init__(self):

 self.config = Config()
 self.user = getpass.getuser()

 def checkConfig(self):
 Check the config file and see if a process is listed.
 If nothing is listed throw an error, else do
 proc = self.config.getConfig('Process', 'proc')
 if proc == '':

 def checkStatus(self):
 Check the config file to see if the process is running
 or not. If running throw an error, else start the app.
 status = self.config.getConfig('Process Status', 'running')
 if status == 'True': # App is in use.
 elif status == 'False': # App not in use.
 else: # Config file is not setup properly.

 def startApp(self):
 Write the user's name to the config file.
 Start the executable.
 Then monitor the process.
 self.config.setConfig('Current User', 'user', self.user)

 def monitorProcess(self):
 Get the process name from the config file then continuously
 check to see if the process is running. When the process
 dies, call cleanup().
 procname = self.config.getConfig('Process', 'proc')
 self.config.setConfig('Shutdown Status', 'ok', False)
 CHECK = True
 while CHECK:
 pid = \
 except: # App has stopped running.
 CHECK = False

 def startExe(self):
 Grab the name of the executable to start.
 Write to the config file that we're running.
 exe = self.config.getConfig('Executable', 'exe')
 self.config.setConfig('Process Status', 'running', True)
 os.spawnv(os.P_NOWAIT, exe, [])

 def cleanup(self):
 Set the config file to the proper values (for a clean
 shutdown) and then exit.
 self.config.setConfig('Shutdown Status', 'ok',

Re: [Tutor] Unittest not running all test cases

2006-04-07 Thread Carroll, Barry

> -Original Message-
> From: Kent Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, April 07, 2006 3:59 PM
> To: Carroll, Barry
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] Unittest not running all test cases
> Carroll, Barry wrote:
> > Kent:
> >
> > I just rechecked my class names, and there are no duplicates.  I was
> > careful to preface all of the classes in testsymc39 with 'C39...',
> > used 'S25...' in testsym25.  Likewise, the classes in each module
> > names that describe the type of data being tested, so names are
> > within each module as well.
> >
> > Is there a maximum length for class names?  Some of my class names
> > pretty long, and only differ in the last few characters.  I'd be
> > surprised if that were the case in Python, but I'm short on other
> I don't know of any limits on class names. They are just strings in
> dictionaries after all.
> Try running your tests in verbose mode, you should at least be able to
> figure out which ones aren't running. Try
>  unittest.main(argv=['', '-v'])
> Kent

I tried your suggestion.  Lo and behold, all the test cases ran! So I
tried the terse mode again.  All the test cases STILL ran!  So the
problem has vanished without a trace.  Or a good reason.  

Having a problem just disappear like that bothers me almost more than
the original problem.  (It's also a little embarrassing.) =8^(  

Anyway, thanks for your help.  


We who cut mere stones must always be envisioning cathedrals.

-Quarry worker's creed

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Beginner question (variables, namespaces...)

2006-04-07 Thread Danny Yoo

> > buy_containers = roundup(need/container)
> Yeah, rather than code these as explicit variables, I'd strongly recommend
> rewriting each of these as functions.  Concretely:
> def buy_containers(stock, weekly_quota, container):
> return roundup(need(stock, weekly_quota) - extra(stock, weekly_quota))

Gaaa.  I don't know where the heck that function came from.  *grin*  Let
me try that again:

def buy_containers(stock, weekly_quota, container):
return roundup(need(stock, weekly_quota) / container)

Sorry; my eyes must have been wandering when I was writing that code.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Beginner question (variables, namespaces...)

2006-04-07 Thread Bob Gailer
Jesse wrote:
> Why is it that when one variable is assigned a value in terms of 
> another variable, assigning a new value to the first doesn't change 
> the value of the second? This is giving me a huge headache, since I 
> have a bunch of variables defined in terms of one another, and I want 
> to be able to dynamically update them (I did not include the 
> definitions of the functions overstock and roundup, but they work):
> stock = float(raw_input("Enter stock (in terms of portions: "))
> container = float(raw_input("Enter portions per container: "))
> price_per_container = float(raw_input("Enter price per container: "))
> weekly_quota = float(raw_input("Enter quota (in terms of portions): "))
> extra = overstock(stock, weekly_quota)  # overstock returns 0 if the 
> first argument is less than the second; otherwise it returns the
> difference between the first argument and the second.
> need = weekly_quota - extra
> buy_containers = roundup(need/container) # roundup rounds a 
> non-integer to the next highest integer
> buy_portions = buy_containers * container
> leftover = buy_portions - need
> cost = price_per_container * buy_containers
> I would like to write a function that will update the values of the 
> above variables given an increase in only the stock variable. 
> Otherwise I'd have to repeat a bunch of code...:(
def recalculate():
global extra, need, buy_containers, buy_portions, leftover, cost
extra = overstock(stock, weekly_quota)
need = weekly_quota - extra
buy_containers = roundup(need/container)
buy_portions = buy_containers * container
leftover = buy_portions - need
cost = price_per_container * buy_containers

That's all there is to it.
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Beginner question (variables, namespaces...)

2006-04-07 Thread Danny Yoo

On Fri, 7 Apr 2006, Jesse wrote:

> Why is it that when one variable is assigned a value in terms of another
> variable, assigning a new value to the first doesn't change the value of
> the second?

Hi Jesse,

If you have a "variable" that depends on the values of other parameters,
that's just begging to be represented as a function.  Let's look at some
of those computations:

> stock = float(raw_input("Enter stock (in terms of portions: "))
> container = float(raw_input("Enter portions per container: "))
> price_per_container = float(raw_input("Enter price per container: "))
> weekly_quota = float(raw_input("Enter quota (in terms of portions): "))

> extra = overstock(stock, weekly_quota)
> need = weekly_quota - extra
> buy_containers = roundup(need/container) # roundup rounds a non-integer to
> the next highest integer
> buy_portions = buy_containers * container
> leftover = buy_portions - need
> cost = price_per_container * buy_containers

Yeah, rather than code these as explicit variables, I'd strongly recommend
rewriting each of these as functions.  Concretely:

def extra(stock, weekly_quota):
return overstock(stock, weekly_quota)

def need(stock, weekly_quota):
return weekly_quota - extra(stock, weekly_quota)

def buy_containers(stock, weekly_quota, container):
return roundup(need(stock, weekly_quota) - extra(stock, weekly_quota))

It's a little ugly, but this coding explicitely defines the dependencies
between the inputs into our system and the expected outputs.  When we look
at buy_containers(), we can easily see that any change in the stock,
weekly_quote, or container parameters may have some profound affect on the
output to buy_containers().

That dependency between input and output is what we try to capture when we
write a function.  So if you recode your assignment statements as function
definitions, you should be better able to handle changes to your input.

If we think of the names we use for these concepts, there's something
ironic that functions behave better on varying data than variables.  Oh

As an advanced aside: the "equations" that you're writing into Python,
unfortunately, aren't treated as real math equations, but as separate,
independent assignment statements.  I think I know what you want, but
Python doesn't provide it out of the box.  What I think you want is called
"constraint" programming.  Such systems do exist.  For example:

I can't vouch for the maturity of logilab's "constraint" module; I haven't
played with it yet.

But if you're interested, you may want to look at the treatment of simple
constraint systems in the classic textbook "Structure and Interpretation
of Computer Programs":

It should be very possible to adapt the material there into Python,
although it might take a fair bit of work if you're not familiar with

Good luck to you!

Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] Beginner question (variables, namespaces...)

2006-04-07 Thread Jesse
Why is it that when one variable is assigned a value in terms of another variable, assigning a new value to the first doesn't change the value of the second? This is giving me a huge headache, since I have a bunch of variables defined in terms of one another, and I want to be able to dynamically update them (I did not include the definitions of the functions overstock and roundup, but they work): 

stock = float(raw_input("Enter stock (in terms of portions: "))container = float(raw_input("Enter portions per container: "))price_per_container = float(raw_input("Enter price per container: ")) 
weekly_quota = float(raw_input("Enter quota (in terms of portions): "))extra = overstock(stock, weekly_quota)  # overstock returns 0 if the first argument is less than the second; otherwise it returns the 

  difference between the first argument and the second.need = weekly_quota - extrabuy_containers = roundup(need/container) # roundup rounds a non-integer to the next highest integer 
buy_portions = buy_containers * containerleftover = buy_portions - needcost = price_per_container * buy_containers
I would like to write a function that will update the values of the above variables given an increase in only the stock variable. Otherwise I'd have to repeat a bunch of code...:(
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Python performance resources & resouce usage hints

2006-04-07 Thread Liam Clarke
Well, thanks very much Kent, Hugo and Danny.

I went with the "never-ending blocking queues" and sentinel data approach.
When running tests with a continual stream of packets being received
3ms apart, CPU usage peaked at 15%, was usually around 7-9%, and when
deployed the packets will separated by seconds  rather than

Thanks for the assistance, I've now overcome my fear of blocking I/O :).


Lia, Clarke

On 4/8/06, Liam Clarke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks very much all. :) I'll have a crack this afternoon and let you know.
> Kent - the increase in the queue size for the socket server is to
> allow for any delay in processing packets; it has a default queue size
> of 5 and then it starts rejecting packets; more of a safety policy
> when reducing CPU usage than a direct attempt to reduce CPU usage.
> Once again, thanks for the input!
> On 4/8/06, Danny Yoo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> > On Fri, 7 Apr 2006, Kent Johnson wrote:
> >
> > > Hugo Gonz�lez Monteverde wrote:
> > > > You are not using the optional timeout and blocking which 'get' 
> > > > provides (!)
> > > >
> > > > Try setting it and see your CPU usage go down. This will implement
> > > > blocking, and the queue will be used as soon as data is there.  Set 
> > > > block
> > > > to True and a timeout if you need to use it (looks like you only need
> > > > blocking)
> > > >
> > > >  while True:
> > > >   try:
> > > >  data = self.queue.get(True)
> > > >  self.DAO.send_data(data)
> > >
> > > I think he will need the timeout too, otherwise the shutdown flag will
> > > only be checked when there is work which is probably not what he wants.
> >
> >
> > This could be fixed: when setting the 'shutdown' flag, also push a
> > sentinel piece of data into the queue.  That'll wake the thread back up,
> > and that'll give it the opportunity to process a shutdown.
> >
> > The thread here:
> >
> >
> >
> > has some more examples of this.
> >
> >
> > Hope this helps!
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Tutor maillist  -
> >
> >
> >
> >
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Unittest not running all test cases

2006-04-07 Thread Carroll, Barry

I just rechecked my class names, and there are no duplicates.  I was
careful to preface all of the classes in testsymc39 with 'C39...', and
used 'S25...' in testsym25.  Likewise, the classes in each module have
names that describe the type of data being tested, so names are unique
within each module as well.  

Is there a maximum length for class names?  Some of my class names are
pretty long, and only differ in the last few characters.  I'd be
surprised if that were the case in Python, but I'm short on other ideas.

Thanks for your help.  


We who cut mere stones must always be envisioning cathedrals.

-Quarry worker's creed

> -Original Message-
> Date: Fri, 07 Apr 2006 15:42:15 -0400
> From: Kent Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] Unittest not running all test cases
> Cc:
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed


> I don't think there is a limit like this. I wonder, do you have any
> collisions? For example if testsymc39 and testsym25 both contain class
> TestSym then only the second one will run because it will shadow the
> name from the first module.
> If this is the case you need a more sophisticated way of accumulating
> tests. You might want to look into using nose or one of the other
> test-discovery frameworks listed here:
> Kent

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Python performance resources & resouce usage hints

2006-04-07 Thread Liam Clarke
Thanks very much all. :) I'll have a crack this afternoon and let you know.

Kent - the increase in the queue size for the socket server is to
allow for any delay in processing packets; it has a default queue size
of 5 and then it starts rejecting packets; more of a safety policy
when reducing CPU usage than a direct attempt to reduce CPU usage.

Once again, thanks for the input!

On 4/8/06, Danny Yoo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, 7 Apr 2006, Kent Johnson wrote:
> > Hugo Gonz�lez Monteverde wrote:
> > > You are not using the optional timeout and blocking which 'get' provides 
> > > (!)
> > >
> > > Try setting it and see your CPU usage go down. This will implement
> > > blocking, and the queue will be used as soon as data is there.  Set 
> > > block
> > > to True and a timeout if you need to use it (looks like you only need
> > > blocking)
> > >
> > >  while True:
> > >   try:
> > >  data = self.queue.get(True)
> > >  self.DAO.send_data(data)
> >
> > I think he will need the timeout too, otherwise the shutdown flag will
> > only be checked when there is work which is probably not what he wants.
> This could be fixed: when setting the 'shutdown' flag, also push a
> sentinel piece of data into the queue.  That'll wake the thread back up,
> and that'll give it the opportunity to process a shutdown.
> The thread here:
> has some more examples of this.
> Hope this helps!
> ___
> Tutor maillist  -
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] string formatting question

2006-04-07 Thread Karl Pflästerer
On  7 Apr 2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Sorry I didn't make my question clearer. Bascially I
> want to replace this line:
>  address=""/>
> With:
>  address=""/>
> So the regex grouping are that I want to keep
> portNumber= and tcpORudp= and replace the values.
> Which will be varibles in my code. 
> The question is more on the string formatting in the
> replace. How do use two %s in one statement? 
> i.e.: re.sub('\1 %s \2 %s' % var1 % var2, line)

You could write it simply like that:

Python> s = ''
Python> re.sub('".*?"','"%s"',s,2)
Python> re.sub('".*?"','"%s"',s,2) % ('1000', 'TCP')

Or you could exploit the fact that you can use a function instead of a
simply string as substitution; in that function you can do really
complicated things.

Please do *not* send copies of replies to me.
I read the list
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Unittest not running all test cases

2006-04-07 Thread Kent Johnson
Carroll, Barry wrote:
> Greetings:
> I'm not certain this is the right forum for this question. If not,
please point me to the correct one.
> I am using the unittest module to test a package our team is writing.
I presently have three modules of test cases and a top level module to
run the entire suite. The hierarchy looks like this:

> testsymgen  top level
> testsymc39  61 test cases
> testsym2544 test cases
> testsymc93  0 test cases (so far)
> testsymgen is a very simple file.  Here it is:
> import unittest
> from testsymc39 import *
> from testsym25 import *
> from testsymc93 import *
> if __name__=='__main__':
> unittest.main( )
> Each of the sub-modules runs correctly, but when I run testsymgen,
only 99 test cases are executed. Can anyone tell me why this should
happen. Is there some sort of limit on the number of test cases that can
be run in a batch?

I don't think there is a limit like this. I wonder, do you have any name 
collisions? For example if testsymc39 and testsym25 both contain class 
TestSym then only the second one will run because it will shadow the 
name from the first module.

If this is the case you need a more sophisticated way of accumulating 
tests. You might want to look into using nose or one of the other 
test-discovery frameworks listed here:


Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] Unittest not running all test cases

2006-04-07 Thread Carroll, Barry

I'm not certain this is the right forum for this question.  If not, please 
point me to the correct one.  

I am using the unittest module to test a package our team is writing.  I 
presently have three modules of test cases and a top level module to run the 
entire suite.  The hierarchy looks like this:

testsymgen  top level
testsymc39  61 test cases
testsym2544 test cases
testsymc93  0 test cases (so far)

testsymgen is a very simple file.  Here it is:

import unittest
from testsymc39 import *
from testsym25 import *
from testsymc93 import *

if __name__=='__main__':
unittest.main( )

Each of the sub-modules runs correctly, but when I run testsymgen, only 99 test 
cases are executed.  Can anyone tell me why this should happen.  Is there some 
sort of limit on the number of test cases that can be run in a batch?

Thanks in advance for your help.




We who cut mere stones must always be envisioning cathedrals.
-Quarry worker's creed

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Python performance resources & resouce usage hints

2006-04-07 Thread Danny Yoo

On Fri, 7 Apr 2006, Kent Johnson wrote:

> Hugo Gonz�lez Monteverde wrote:
> > You are not using the optional timeout and blocking which 'get' provides (!)
> >
> > Try setting it and see your CPU usage go down. This will implement
> > blocking, and the queue will be used as soon as data is there.  Set 
> > block
> > to True and a timeout if you need to use it (looks like you only need
> > blocking)
> >
> >  while True:
> >   try:
> >  data = self.queue.get(True)
> >  self.DAO.send_data(data)
> I think he will need the timeout too, otherwise the shutdown flag will
> only be checked when there is work which is probably not what he wants.

This could be fixed: when setting the 'shutdown' flag, also push a
sentinel piece of data into the queue.  That'll wake the thread back up,
and that'll give it the opportunity to process a shutdown.

The thread here:

has some more examples of this.

Hope this helps!

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] string formatting question

2006-04-07 Thread Kent Johnson
Jerome Jabson wrote:
> Hi Kent,
> Sorry I didn't make my question clearer. Bascially I
> want to replace this line:
>  address=""/>
> With:
>  address=""/>
> So the regex grouping are that I want to keep
> portNumber= and tcpORudp= and replace the values.
> Which will be varibles in my code. 
> The question is more on the string formatting in the
> replace. How do use two %s in one statement? 
> i.e.: re.sub('\1 %s \2 %s' % var1 % var2, line)

Ok, actually now I can reread your original question and it makes sense :-)

I think I'm having an off day for answering questions. I'm glad Alan is 
with it :-) he gave the answer you need.


Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] string formatting question

2006-04-07 Thread Jerome Jabson
Hi Kent,

Sorry I didn't make my question clearer. Bascially I
want to replace this line:


So the regex grouping are that I want to keep
portNumber= and tcpORudp= and replace the values.
Which will be varibles in my code. 

The question is more on the string formatting in the
replace. How do use two %s in one statement? 

i.e.: re.sub('\1 %s \2 %s' % var1 % var2, line)

Thanks again!

> Hello,
> I'm trying to replace some strings in a line of
> using some regex functions. My question is: If
> more then one regex grouping I want to replace in
> line of a file, how can I use the String Formatting
> operator (%s) in two places?

Hi Jerome,

I don't understand your question. Can you give a
complete example of 
  line from the file and the new line you want to
> Here's the line it matches in the file:
>  address=""/>
> Here's the regex:
> m_sock = re.compile('(portNumber=)"\d+"
> (tcpORudp=)"[A-Z]+"')

You have put parentheses around fixed strings, so your
groups will 
always be the same. Is that what you want?
> My replace should look like this:
> \1 "112" \2 "TCP" 
> (obviously "112" and "TCP" would be varibles)

This looks like you want to make the string
portNumber= 112 tcpORudp= TCP

but that doesn't have any variable text from the
original string so I 
think I must not understand.


> My problem now is how do I construct the replace
> statement?
> twork = m_sock.sub('\1 %s \2 %s', % port_num %
> twork)
> But of course this does not work! :-( Is there a
> better way to do this? Or am I just doing this all
> wrong?
> Thanks in advance!

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Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] function caller

2006-04-07 Thread Alan Gauld
> Hi,


>  Can someone explain me function and caller relationship when passing 
> arguments?

There is an explanation of this in vitually any tutorial on Python.

Haver you read any of these? Have you any experience in other
languages that we can relate an explanation too?

For example, you could read the Modules and Functions topic in
my tutor. If you still don't undeerstand come back with a specific
question and we can try to help some more.

Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] string formatting question

2006-04-07 Thread Alan Gauld
> My problem now is how do I construct the replace
> statement?
> twork = m_sock.sub('\1 %s \2 %s', % port_num % proto,
> twork)

The format operator takes a tuple:

twork = m_sock.sub('\1 %s \2 %s' % (port_num, proto), twork)

So I  removed the comma after the string, used a single percent 
operator and I put the two variables in a tuple


Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Python performance resources & resouce usage hints

2006-04-07 Thread Kent Johnson
Hugo González Monteverde wrote:
> You are not using the optional timeout and blocking which 'get' provides (!)
> Try setting it and see your CPU usage go down. This will implement 
> blocking, and the queue will be used as soon as data is there.Set 
> block 
> to True and a timeout if you need to use it (looks like you only need 
> blocking)
>  while True:
>   try:
>  data = self.queue.get(True)
>  self.DAO.send_data(data)

I think he will need the timeout too, otherwise the shutdown flag will 
only be checked when there is work which is probably not what he wants.

I agree, this is a good solution.


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Re: [Tutor] string formatting question

2006-04-07 Thread Kent Johnson
Jerome Jabson wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to replace some strings in a line of text,
> using some regex functions. My question is: If there's
> more then one regex grouping I want to replace in one
> line of a file, how can I use the String Formatting
> operator (%s) in two places?

Hi Jerome,

I don't understand your question. Can you give a complete example of the 
  line from the file and the new line you want to create?
> Here's the line it matches in the file:
>  address=""/>
> Here's the regex:
> m_sock = re.compile('(portNumber=)"\d+"
> (tcpORudp=)"[A-Z]+"')

You have put parentheses around fixed strings, so your groups will 
always be the same. Is that what you want?
> My replace should look like this:
> \1 "112" \2 "TCP" 
> (obviously "112" and "TCP" would be varibles)

This looks like you want to make the string
portNumber= 112 tcpORudp= TCP

but that doesn't have any variable text from the original string so I 
think I must not understand.


> My problem now is how do I construct the replace
> statement?
> twork = m_sock.sub('\1 %s \2 %s', % port_num % proto,
> twork)
> But of course this does not work! :-( Is there a
> better way to do this? Or am I just doing this all
> wrong?
> Thanks in advance!
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[Tutor] string formatting question

2006-04-07 Thread Jerome Jabson

I'm trying to replace some strings in a line of text,
using some regex functions. My question is: If there's
more then one regex grouping I want to replace in one
line of a file, how can I use the String Formatting
operator (%s) in two places?

Here's the line it matches in the file:

Here's the regex:
m_sock = re.compile('(portNumber=)"\d+"

My replace should look like this:
\1 "112" \2 "TCP" 
(obviously "112" and "TCP" would be varibles)

My problem now is how do I construct the replace
twork = m_sock.sub('\1 %s \2 %s', % port_num % proto,

But of course this does not work! :-( Is there a
better way to do this? Or am I just doing this all

Thanks in advance!

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Re: [Tutor] Quick question,

2006-04-07 Thread Hugo González Monteverde
Carlos Benevides wrote:
> Hi,
> Can someone tell me what the r before the expression means, as in 
> "re.compile(r'(\.exe|\.zip|\.pif|\.scr|\.ps|\.pdf|\.ppt)$')"?

It is not specific to regular expressions, it is called a raw string.
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Re: [Tutor] function caller

2006-04-07 Thread Hugo González Monteverde
josip wrote:

> Can someone explain me function and caller relationship when passing 
> arguments?

Hi... what do you mean? Is there something specific you're not getting 
if you take a look at:

We'd be glad to help with that, but we need the doubt to be more specific.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Python performance resources & resouce usage hints

2006-04-07 Thread Hugo González Monteverde
Liam Clarke wrote:

> Each thread's run() method basically looks like this -
> while True:
> try:
> data = self.queue.get(False)
> self.DAO.send_data(data)
> except Empty:
> if self.shutdown:
> print "\DAO closing"
> return
> continue

Hi Liam,

I checked the response by Kent. I completely agree with him in that the 
problem is the endless polling you have.

However, you do not have to implement a sleep in your loop; the main 
issue may be that you are not using the facilities of the 'get' method 
in the queue. From the queue docs:

get([block[, timeout]])
 Remove and return an item from the queue. If optional args block is 
true and timeout is None (the default), block if necessary until an item 
is available. If timeout is a positive number, it blocks at most timeout 
seconds and raises the Empty exception if no item was available within 
that time. Otherwise (block is false), return an item if one is 
immediately available, else raise the Empty exception (timeout is 
ignored in that case).

You are not using the optional timeout and blocking which 'get' provides (!)

Try setting it and see your CPU usage go down. This will implement 
blocking, and the queue will be used as soon as data is there.  Set block 
to True and a timeout if you need to use it (looks like you only need 

 while True:
 data = self.queue.get(True)

Hope that helps,


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Re: [Tutor] Quick question,

2006-04-07 Thread Noufal Ibrahim

On Fri, April 7, 2006 8:23 pm, Carlos Benevides wrote:
> Hi,
> Can someone tell me what the r before the expression means, as in
> "re.compile(r'(\.exe|\.zip|\.pif|\.scr|\.ps|\.pdf|\.ppt)$')"?

r is the way of making a string "raw". This means that escape characters
will not be interpreted. Here is an example that should make it clear.

>>> foo = "This is \t me"
>>> print foo
This is  me
>>> foo = r"This is \t me"
>>> print foo
This is \t me

Since slashes are used often for writing regexps, it's useful to make the
strings raw.



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Re: [Tutor] Python performance resources & resouce usage hints

2006-04-07 Thread Kent Johnson
Liam Clarke wrote:
> Hi,
> I've developed what would be my largest Python app to date. And, going
> from the crude Windows Task Manager, it's trying to use as much CPU
> time as it can get when it's idle.
> This, no doub,t is due to my design.
> I have an UDP socket server, a packet cruncher, and a DAO.
> Each resides in it's own thread, and each thread is connected to the
> next by a Queue.
> So it's server ---> cruncher --> DAO.
> Each thread's run() method basically looks like this -
> while True:
> try:
> data = self.queue.get(False)
> self.DAO.send_data(data)
> except Empty:
> if self.shutdown:
> print "\DAO closing"
> return
> continue
> i.e. each thread is looping endlessly until data arrives via the
> queue. I can't believe it chews the CPU time the way it does, but I
> suppose it's easy to do so.

Yes, it's easy. You have basically told the thread to check the queue as 
often as possible. So it is running as fast as it can, checking the 
queue and handling whatever comes its way.
> My query to the list is twofold -
> First, if anyone knows of any websites with articles on Python
> threading optimisation/pitfalls websites, I'd be greatly appreciative.

There's not much. This might help:

This book is excellent for teaching some of the tools that are used for 
communication and synchronization between threads:

There are many threading related recipes in the Python Cookbook, both 
online and printed.

> Okay, the 2nd piece of advice I'm seeking, is what would be the most
> efficient path here?
> My initial thoughts are along three lines:
> Either:
> A) Increase the queue size of the socket servers

I don't see how that would help.

> B) Use timer threads to 'pulse' my threads.

That's a lot of additional complexity.
> A) Increase the queue size of the socket servers
> B) Use blocking queues
> Or:
> A) Use blocking queues with a timeout
> B) Use the socket servers to "wake" processing threads

These are all better.
> As Python doesn't have sleeping threads etc, the third option is my
> current measure of last resort, as there'll be some substantial
> rejigging, and I'm not overly experienced with threads.

Use time.sleep() to sleep a thread.

The simplest fix is to add a time.sleep() into your loops. Then the 
thread will check the queue, process any work, and sleep for a little 
while. (This is called a busy loop.)

The disadvantage of this solution is that there is a trade off between 
CPU usage and responsiveness. If the sleep is very short, the thread 
will be very responsive but it will still run a lot and use CPU when 
idling. If you make the timeout long, the idle CPU will be very low but 
responsiveness will be poor.

If you can live with a response delay of 0.05 or 0.1 second, try that, 
it should cut the CPU usage dramatically. Even a 0.01 delay might make a 
big difference.

A better fix is to use blocking queues or other blocking events. In this 
approach, a thread will block until there is something to do, then wake 
up, do its work and go back to sleep.

The hitch here is you need to find another way to signal the thread to 
exit. One possibility is just to mark them as daemon threads, then they 
will exit when your app exits. This is a very simple solution if you 
don't have any cleanup actions you want to do in the threads.

Another possibility might be to send a "quit" message in the queue. When 
the thread sees the special quit message, it forwards it to the next 
thread and exits.

If neither of these work then you could use a queue.get() with a timeout 
so you check the done flag periodically.


Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] Quick question,

2006-04-07 Thread Carlos Benevides

Can someone tell me what the r before the expression means, as in 

I've seen regular expressions both ways, and I've seen them work with or 
without the r.  Just wondering what it does, or if it makes a difference.

Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] function caller

2006-04-07 Thread josip
Hi,     Can someone explain me function and caller relationship when passing arguments?     Thanks
		How low will we go? Check out Yahoo! Messenger’s low  PC-to-Phone call rates.___
Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] Python performance resources & resouce usage hints

2006-04-07 Thread Liam Clarke

I've developed what would be my largest Python app to date. And, going
from the crude Windows Task Manager, it's trying to use as much CPU
time as it can get when it's idle.

This, no doub,t is due to my design.

I have an UDP socket server, a packet cruncher, and a DAO.
Each resides in it's own thread, and each thread is connected to the
next by a Queue.

So it's server ---> cruncher --> DAO.

Each thread's run() method basically looks like this -

while True:
data = self.queue.get(False)
except Empty:
if self.shutdown:
print "\DAO closing"

i.e. each thread is looping endlessly until data arrives via the
queue. I can't believe it chews the CPU time the way it does, but I
suppose it's easy to do so.

My query to the list is twofold -

First, if anyone knows of any websites with articles on Python
threading optimisation/pitfalls websites, I'd be greatly appreciative.

I've been reading the Performance tips on the official wiki, so if
there's anything similar I'd be  keen to look at it.

Okay, the 2nd piece of advice I'm seeking, is what would be the most
efficient path here?
My initial thoughts are along three lines:


A) Increase the queue size of the socket servers
B) Use timer threads to 'pulse' my threads.


A) Increase the queue size of the socket servers
B) Use blocking queues


A) Use blocking queues with a timeout
B) Use the socket servers to "wake" processing threads

As Python doesn't have sleeping threads etc, the third option is my
current measure of last resort, as there'll be some substantial
rejigging, and I'm not overly experienced with threads.

On the wiki,
I read  that "There is a function in the sys module, setcheckinterval,
which you can call to tell the interpreter how often to perform these
periodic checks."

Should I even think about that? I'm not after performance so much as
less utilisation of system resources...

Much thanks for any guidance offered.


Liam Clarke
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