[Tutor] List of lists help

2008-11-20 Thread btkuhn


I am completely baffled by this action and would appreciate any help. 
My problem is occurring within a class which is within a larger 
program; if I need to post the entire program let me know and I will. 
It's only about 250 lines so far. Anyways, I am using a list of lists 
to store data in a GUI game called goMoku. It is kind of like a connect 
five game, pretty simple. When a user clicks a certain square, this 
line is called to store the move:

self.boardarray[row][col] = self.currentPlayer

self.currentPlayer is either White or Black which are constants set 
to 1 and 2, so that when, say, the black player clicks on row 2 column 
4, self.boardarray[2][4] will be set to 2. Instead, the program is 
setting multiple values within the list as 2. Here is an example 
output, when I click on (0,0):

[[2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 
0, 0, 0, 0], [2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], etc.

The board is 13X13 and position 0 for each list in the list of lists is 
being set to 2, while only position 0 in the first list should be 
changed to 2. To check for errors, I've surrounded the statement by 
print statements to see what's going on, like this:

print self.boardarray
print row,col,self.currentPlayer,self.boardarray[row][col]
self.boardarray[row][col] = self.currentPlayer
print self.boardarray

My output is:

[[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 
0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], etc.

0 0 2 0
[[2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 
0, 0, 0, 0], [2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], etc.

I do not understand what is going on. Everything is as expected except 
that the extra positions are being assigned as 2. Can anyone suggest 
what is going wrong?

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] List of lists help

2008-11-20 Thread A.T.Hofkamp



I am completely baffled by this action and would appreciate any help. My 
problem is occurring within a class which is within a larger program; if 
I need to post the entire program let me know and I will. It's only 
about 250 lines so far. Anyways, I am using a list of lists to store 
data in a GUI game called goMoku. It is kind of like a connect five 
game, pretty simple. When a user clicks a certain square, this line is 
called to store the move:

self.boardarray[row][col] = self.currentPlayer

The problem is most likely in how you construct your data structure.

If you want to post a follow-up with code, extract those lines and see if you 
can construct the problem in = 10 lines of code.

(any code with more than 15 lines is most likely too large to understand in 
the time that people take to read a post here)

With respect to your problem, a similar problem has been discussed recently at 
this list with dictionaries instead of lists, please read


If it doesn't answer your question, try to re-construct the problem in a small 
example, and post that.


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] what do you use @staticmethod for?

2008-11-20 Thread Tim Golden

spir wrote:

Good night,

I have not yet found any use for this feature.

Also, I do not really understand the difference with @classmethod, from 
the programmer's points of view (even if I get the difference on the 
python side).
As I see it, a classmethod is a very ordinary method, except its 'owner' 
is a type. [But we cannnot express its definition with standard syntax, 
because it conflicts with instance method definition syntax.]

I would be pleased to read your views about staticmethods, and the use 
cases you have for them -- that could not be done (the same way) with 

For me, the difference is a somewhat conceptual one: I use class methods
when the operation they're performing is not (possibly cannot be) tied to 
a specific instance of that class. The canonical application is as a class

factory. So I have classmethods called things like .from_string which
return an instance of the class which is their first parameter. This will
therefore work from subclasses.

On the other side of the coin, static methods don't (and can't) even rely 
on the class they're in so they're not very different from, say, module

global functions. I use them if they are in concept a part of whatever
functionality the class is offering, but don't (and shouldn't) depend 
on any instance or any class data. Examples in my own code include a

method which returns login sessions from the Windows LSA within an LSA
class: you don't need any kind of LSA policy handle to enumerate logons,
but it fits conceptually within the idea of an LSA class whose other
operations do rely on a policy handle, so I left it there and made it


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] List of lists help

2008-11-20 Thread Alan Gauld


self.boardarray[row][col] = self.currentPlayer

4, self.boardarray[2][4] will be set to 2. Instead, the program is 
setting multiple values within the list as 2. Here is an example 
output, when I click on (0,0):

[[2, 0, 0, 0, 0], [2, 0, 0, 0, 0], [2, 0, 0, 0, 0], etc.

This is almost always caused by you initialising the data wrongly.
You have set every item in your list to point to the same sublist.
Something like

L = [[0,0,0] *3]

Now L contains 3 copies of the same list so when you change
any one copy it is reflected in all of the other copies.

L[0][1] = 6


You can avoid this by constricting the list using a list comprehension
(or any of several other solutions)

L = [[0,0,0] for n in range(3)]
L[0][1] = 7
[[0, 7, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]

Remember that Python does everything by references so

a = foo
b = foo

leaves a and b pointing at the same foo object not two
copies of foo. The same applies to lists. If you want a
copy you need to explicitly make a copy.

L1 = [1,2]
L2 = L1[:]

Now L1 and L2 are two separate lists.


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] import data (txt/csv) into list/array and manipulation

2008-11-20 Thread trias


 so for this part of the problem it goes a bit like this:

 I have a CSV file (file1) that contains three columns, column one contains
a unique ID type str,
columns two and three contain start and stop coordinates type int. 
  the other file (file2) contains two columns, column one contains a single
coordinate type int and the second column contains a value type float.

 What I would like to do is for example be able to grab the values from
file2 that lies within range defind by the start,stop coordinates associated
with an ID from file1.

  But most importantly I would like to be able to grab say the values from
file1 that are from range((start-300),start) for every single ID in file1, I
guess plot them in an array and then calculate the sum/ of these values and
plot them, ie for ob1 in file get values from range((1025-300),1025), for
ob2((1090-300),1090) for ob3((2200-300),2200) and then plot/calculate the
sum assuming the have the same start coordinate, so x axis would be (step)
values from 0-300 and y axis would be the sum of values from ob1,2,3 for
every single step value from 0-300.

 does this make sense/

cheers http://www.nabble.com/file/p20599488/file1.csv file1.csv 
http://www.nabble.com/file/p20599488/file2.csv file2.csv 

Kent Johnson wrote:
 On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 9:50 AM, trias [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 PS I could maybe upload a couple of small example flies or a schematic to
 see what I mean
 A small example would be very helpful. Also please subscribe to the list.
 Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

View this message in context: 
Sent from the Python - tutor mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] first python program to find citeulike duplicates

2008-11-20 Thread Suresh Krishna

hi everybody,

i wrote this to solve the problem of exact duplicate entries in my  
citeulike library, that i wanted to remove. so i exported my entries in  
ris format, and then parsed the entries to find exact duplicates based on  
matching fields. the exact duplicates came about because i uploaded the  
same RIS file twice to my citeulike library, as a result of the upload  
being interrupted the first time.

it works (i think), but since this is my very first python program, i  
would really appreciate feedback on how the program could be improved..

thanks much 



InFileName= original_library.ris;

OutFileName= C:/users/skrishna/desktop/library_without_duplicates.ris;

OutDupFileName= C:/users/skrishna/desktop/library_of_duplicates.ris;



for line in INBIBFILE: #large file, so prefer not to use readlines()

if not current_entry and line.isspace():
continue  #dont write out successive blanks or initial blanks
elif current_entry and line.isspace(): #reached a blank that  
demarcates end of current entry

keyvalue=''.join(current_keyval) #generated a key based on certain  

if keyvalue not in current_keys: #is a unique entry
current_keys.append(keyvalue) #append current key to list of  

current_entry.append(line) #add the blank line to current entry
OUTBIBFILE.writelines(current_entry) #write out to new bib  
file without duplicates

current_entry=[] #clear current entry for next one
current_keyval=[] #clear current key
numduplicates=numduplicates+1 #increment the number of  

current_entry.append(line) #add the blank line at end of entry
OUTDUPBIBFILE.writelines(current_entry) #write out to list of  
duplicates file

current_entry=[] #clear current entry for next one
current_keyval=[] #clear current key
elif len(line)2: #not a blank, so more stuff in currrent entry
if line[0:2] in ('TY','JF','EP','TI','SP','KW','AU','PY','UR'):  
#only if line starts with these fields

current_keyval.append(line) #append to current key


print numduplicates

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] import data (txt/csv) into list/array and manipulation

2008-11-20 Thread A.T.Hofkamp

trias wrote:


 so for this part of the problem it goes a bit like this:

 I have a CSV file (file1) that contains three columns, column one contains
a unique ID type str,
columns two and three contain start and stop coordinates type int. 
  the other file (file2) contains two columns, column one contains a single

coordinate type int and the second column contains a value type float.

 What I would like to do is for example be able to grab the values from
file2 that lies within range defind by the start,stop coordinates associated
with an ID from file1.

  But most importantly I would like to be able to grab say the values from
file1 that are from range((start-300),start) for every single ID in file1, I
guess plot them in an array and then calculate the sum/ of these values and
plot them, ie for ob1 in file get values from range((1025-300),1025), for
ob2((1090-300),1090) for ob3((2200-300),2200) and then plot/calculate the
sum assuming the have the same start coordinate, so x axis would be (step)
values from 0-300 and y axis would be the sum of values from ob1,2,3 for
every single step value from 0-300.

 does this make sense/

mostly, although you lost me when you started talking about ranges.

Computer programming is often about making small steps at a time (trying to do 
everything at the same time tends to make yourself get lost in what to do first).
In your case, I'd start with reading your first csv file (with the csv Python 
module) into memory. Once you have done that, get for example a list of 
start/stop coordinates from the loaded data.
Then start loading the second csv file, see how you can find a value, and then 
a range of values.

Once you have done that, you can implement you first objective.

After that start thinking about storing in arrays, plotting, etc.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] first python program to find citeulike duplicates

2008-11-20 Thread A.T.Hofkamp

Suresh Krishna wrote:
it works (i think), but since this is my very first python program, i 
would really appreciate feedback on how the program could be improved..

First of all, welcome, new Python programmer,

My main trouble with the program is lack of structure, some lines deal with 
individual lines of the input file, while other deal with complete 
citation-records. I think the program would improve if this is more clearly 
expressed in the code.

One of the reasons that you got the current structure may be due to the use of 
the 'for line in bibfile' loop, which gives you a new line at only one point 
in the program.
Such a for-loop is good for simple line processing (for each line do ...), but 
your program has grown beyond that imho. For this reason I'd like to propose 
to throw out the for-loop, and use a while-loop with three parts instead.

For simplicity, I left out the handling of the records (which we can discuss 
later perhaps)

inbibfile = open(InFileName,'r')

finished = False
while not finished:
# Read  skip blank lines
while True:
line = inbibfile.readline()
if len(line) == 0:
finished = True
break  # end of file detected
if len(line.rstrip())  0:  # Line contains non-white-space
# else it was a blank line, skip, read next line

if finished:

# line contains the first non-whitespace line of a new record
# read the entire record until the next empty line or EOF
current_entry = [line]
while True:
line = inbibfile.readline()
if len(line) == 0:
finished = True
break  # Found EOF
if len(line.rstrip())  0:
else: # Found an empty line, finished with current record

# finished reading (empty line or EOF encountered)
## Do something with current_entry

# if not finished, do the next record


You can go further by introducing a few functions:

inbibfile = open(InFileName,'r')

finished = False
while not finished:
finished, line = read_blank_lines(inbibfile)
if finished:

# line contains the first non-whitespace line of a new record
current_entry = make_new_record(line)
finished, current_entry = read_record_lines(current_entry, inbibfile)

# finished reading (empty line or EOF encountered)
## Do something with current_entry


and the functions then contain the details of each step.

A few comments about your current program:

InFileName= original_library.ris;

In Python, you don't end a line with a ';'.
Also, 'InFileName' is a constant, which is normally given an all-uppercase name.


One of the most difficult things to do in programming is achieving 
consistency. Above you have 3 global variables, and you use several different 
way of writing their names. You should try to write them the same.
The big advantage of consistent names is that just by looking at a name you 
know what kind of thing it is, which reduces the chance of making errors in 
your program.

(Don't feel bad about it, this seems a very simple and obvious problem but in 
fact it is very hard to achieve, especially for larger programs and projects 
with several people).

if keyvalue not in current_keys: #is a unique entry
current_keys.append(keyvalue) #append current key to list of 

current_entry.append(line) #add the blank line to current entry
OUTBIBFILE.writelines(current_entry) #write out to new bib 
file without duplicates

current_entry=[] #clear current entry for next one
current_keyval=[] #clear current key

Look at the code of each line above, then look at the comment at the same 
line. What does the comment tell you that the code didn't?

continue  #dont write out successive blanks or initial blanks
elif current_entry and line.isspace(): #reached a blank that demarcates 
end of current entry
keyvalue=''.join(current_keyval) #generated a key based on certain 

 elif len(line)2: #not a blank, so more stuff in currrent entry

Now do the same here.

You see the difference?

In the first lines you repeat your code in words. In the second lines, you 
tell what you aim to achieve at that line, ie WHY do you do what you are doing 
rather than just WHAT does the line do (since that is already defined in the 
In general, there is no need to comment each line. You may also assume that 
the reader knows Python (otherwise there is little value for him reading the 

Try to make 'blocks' of code with one or more empty lines in between (see my 
example code), and write a comment what that block as a whole aims to do.

Hope I didn't critize you too much. For a first Python program it is quite nice.


Re: [Tutor] Scrolling through output in shell

2008-11-20 Thread Simón A. Ruiz

Lie Ryan wrote:

As the manpage of less explains: 'less - opposite of more'

I've always heard it explained that more is the original paging 
program of UNIX, and when a new pager was created (by GNU?) they named 
it less because, as we all know, less is more[1].


[1] http://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/226400.html (for those to whom 
English is not a primary language, or just anyone who doesn't get the 

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Scrolling through output in shell

2008-11-20 Thread Simón A. Ruiz

Lie Ryan wrote:

As the manpage of less explains: 'less - opposite of more'

I've always heard it explained that more is the original paging 
program of UNIX, and when a new pager was created (by GNU?) they named 
it less because, as we all know, less is more[1].


[1] http://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/226400.html (for those to whom 
English is not a primary language, or just anyone who doesn't get the 

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] List of lists help

2008-11-20 Thread Mark Tolonen

Alan Gauld [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 


Something like

L = [[0,0,0] *3]

I think you meant:


[[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]


Now L contains 3 copies of the same list so when you change
any one copy it is reflected in all of the other copies.

L[0][1] = 6


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] [Fwd: Re: what do you use @staticmethod for?]

2008-11-20 Thread spir

[forwarded to the list]

Thank you for your answers. I found Tim's example below especially helpful.
Still, I am a bit surprised. Would you agree with the following:

-1- Methods are usually defined as functions bound to an object, often called
'owner', meaning especially that the object is then available from insidethe
method for operations to apply on it, or with it. Static methods aren't bound,
no object is passed as arg, so they are not methods in fact. Simply the calling
 syntax looks like a method call because of the prefix. From this point of
view, static methods may alternatively be called class functions instead.

-2- The differences between a standard function (defined e.g. at module level)
and a static method are that the latter is defined inside a class's scope, and
called using the class name as prefix. This can be appropriate, or even
relevant, for the developper or reader.

-3- Semantically speaking: at the process/python level, there is no real
difference, behind the scene a static method actually is a function. At the
programmer's level, defining a static method is (can be) meaningful, for it
matches the problem, his/her point of view, or design choice. In short: it
makes sense.

If this is True ;-), then it is the first Python feature I notice that simply
exists for such a (relevant, imo) reason. Now, I will probably find many
appropriate use cases for static methods.


Tim Golden a écrit :

spir wrote:

Good night,

I have not yet found any use for this feature.

Also, I do not really understand the difference with @classmethod,
from the programmer's points of view (even if I get the difference on
the python side).
As I see it, a classmethod is a very ordinary method, except its
'owner' is a type. [But we cannnot express its definition with
standard syntax, because it conflicts with instance method definition

I would be pleased to read your views about staticmethods, and the use
cases you have for them -- that could not be done (the same way) with

For me, the difference is a somewhat conceptual one: I use class methods
when the operation they're performing is not (possibly cannot be) tied
to a specific instance of that class. The canonical application is as a
factory. So I have classmethods called things like .from_string which
return an instance of the class which is their first parameter. This will
therefore work from subclasses.

On the other side of the coin, static methods don't (and can't) even
rely on the class they're in so they're not very different from, say,
global functions. I use them if they are in concept a part of whatever
functionality the class is offering, but don't (and shouldn't) depend on
any instance or any class data. Examples in my own code include a
method which returns login sessions from the Windows LSA within an LSA
class: you don't need any kind of LSA policy handle to enumerate logons,
but it fits conceptually within the idea of an LSA class whose other
operations do rely on a policy handle, so I left it there and made it



Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] what do you use @staticmethod for?

2008-11-20 Thread ALAN GAULD
Forwarded to group.

 Would you mind telling me what you think of the following?
 /Inside/ class definition, conflict may happen between class 
 an instance attributes.
 Non-callable attributes (say, properties) are diffenreciated using the 
 syntactic convention that instance properties are prefixed with a special 
 placeholder (usually self) taking the place of future instance name:

Its not merely a syntactic convention. self is a very real local 
variable within the method. It is no different to any other local variable.

 For methods, the same convention applies at method call:
 * class: Clas.method(args)
 * instance: self.method(ergs)
 Strangely enough (from my point of view), this nice rule is broken 
 at method definition:
 * class: Noneexpected def method(args)
 * instance: def method(self,args)expected def self.method(args)

But self is not defined at the class level. It is not just a naming feature, 
self is a real local variable with a value assigned at call time just like 
any other function/method parameter. It does not exist outside of a
method definition. In fact the self parameter of each method is different:

class C:
   def m1(self): pass
   def m2(this): pass
   def m3(xyz): pass

self, xyz and this are all independant and equally valid names for 
the instance reference that will be passed in when the method is called.
Indeed the following is perfectly valid code:

c = C()
C.m3(c) # same as c.m3()

 As I see it, the syntax for instance method definition conflicts with 
 class method def. 

Regular class method definition is not regular. Thats the real issue!
We define instance methods far more often thabn class methods so that
has been optimised. The class method definition has been simplified 
as far as possible by the decorator but it is admittedly differenmt to 
the normal function definition protocol. But...

 If 'self' (or any other word) would be used as prefix for method def, 

this would be very irregular. It would not fit well with normal function 
definition. An instance method definition currently looks exactly like
(and operates like) a normal function except its inside a class. It just 
happens to have some syntactic sugar added to make the calling 
usage more convenient.

 could define class methods normally. 

We do define them normally but we assign them as class methods 
as an extra step. Its not the definition of the method that is different 
its the step of assigning them to be class methods thats awkward.

 Additionally, this would allow instance attributes to be present at class 
 top-level scope, not only inside methods. Which may be good for readibility

Perhaps, but would you still allow instanc attributes to be assigned 
outside of the class definition, for that too is possible:

class D: pass

d = D()
d.foo = 42   # add an attribute to the instance
print d.foo

 allowing to clearly show for instance objects fields, which presently are 
 randomly created here and there inside methods. 

Or as above, outside methods.
Object instances are just data structures like any other, so we can 
add to them at any time once created.

 programmers use __init__ as field list declaration by doing false 
 def __init__(self, arg1):
 self.arg1 = arg1 # real init
 self.arg2 = 0# false init 'showing' arg2

Yes, that's a matter of taste, and to a large extent background.
Personally I like it but many don't do that.

Remember that class methods, and indeed class attributes, are used 
so rarely that this is simply not an issue for most programmers. 
If you come from another OOP language it can seem, a bit odd 
in Python initially but it does have an elegant simplicity that 
exposes the underlying implementation while retaining ease of 
use. When you read Python code it's very easy to see how the 
underlying dictionary upon which classes and objects are built 
are being used.


Alan G
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] List of lists help

2008-11-20 Thread Alan Gauld

Mark Tolonen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote 

L = [[0,0,0] *3]

I think you meant:


[[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]

Yes indeed, to much haste and not enough testing!

Alan G

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] Decimal fixed point representation

2008-11-20 Thread Dinesh B Vadhia
I'm trying to get my head around the Decimal module to understand how to 
represent a decimal floating point number as an integer (or integers).  Am I 
barking mad or is this possible?


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Decimal fixed point representation

2008-11-20 Thread bob gailer

Dinesh B Vadhia wrote:
I'm trying to get my head around the Decimal module to understand how 
to represent a decimal floating point number as an integer (or integers).

Huh? That makes no sense to me!

Examples please.

Bob Gailer
Chapel Hill NC 

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Decimal fixed point representation

2008-11-20 Thread Alan Gauld

Dinesh B Vadhia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote 

I'm trying to get my head around the Decimal module to 
understand how to represent a decimal floating point 
number as an integer (or integers).  

I'm not sure what you mean by that.

Is it the use of the Decimal module you are querying?

Is it how to represent a ecimal fraction as an 
integer - ie how to lose the numbers after the point?

Is it how to represent it as a common/vulgar fraction
eg 1.234 = 1234/1000

Or something else?

Am I barking mad or is this possible?

It is possible that you are barking mad I suppose. 

As to whether what you are asking about decimals 
is possible, that depends on what you are actually 
asking :-)

Alan G

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org