Re: [Tutor] Import Modules

2009-04-15 Thread Kent Johnson
On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 6:57 PM, Alan Gauld  wrote:

> When you import you import names, in the first case webapp.
> Where the name is a package (ie a folder) that gives you access
> to the modules (or sub packages) contained in that folder but
> not to the contents of those items directly, hence the need for
> webapp.util.

In general, importing a package does not give access to members of a
sub-package. You have to explicitly import the subpackage. For

In [1]: import xml

In [2]: xml.dom.Node
AttributeErrorTraceback (most recent call last)

/Users/kent/ in ()

AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'dom'

In [3]: import xml.dom

In [4]: xml.dom.Node

There are some exceptions, notably os.path:
In [5]: import os

In [6]: os.path

but that is a special case and requires special coding in the os module.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Here's something to talk about

2009-04-15 Thread Paul McGuire
Ronald -

I really encourage you to try to embrace some of the basic Python idioms as
part of your Java->Python journey:

1. Iterators

for item in list_of_items:
# do something with item

Is all that is needed to visit each item in a Python list.  Your verbose
MoveFirst, MoveNext, if more <> None, etc. is completely subsumed into the
built-in machinery Python has for iterators. (4-space source indent is also
the norm.)

2. Static typing

Change that snippet to:

def visit_each_item(collection):
for item in collection:
# do something with item, like printing its name

And this code works for lists, tuples, and sets of items, or dicts with
items as keys (assuming an item is hashable).  (The old method would accept
non-lists, too, but naming a parameter 'list_of_items' sounds like only
lists are intended.)  And the items in the list/tuple/set/whatever don't
even have to be all the same type, as long as they all support the concept
of "doing something".  Such as:

def print_each_items_name(collection):
for item in collection:

The Java approach is to define an interface called Nameable (or INameable?),
with methods GetName and SetName.

You want to talk about self-maintaining code?  I wrote code like this before
sets were even added to the language definition, and when this new data type
came along, my code library handled it without changing a single line!  Good
thing that I didn't try to hack in some hare-brained run-time type safety

if isinstance(collection,(list,tuple,dict)):
for item in collection:
... blah blah...

Or I would have to chase down all such code and add 'set' to the list.

3. Interfaces

Interfaces are there to allow compilers to verify that a static data type
will comply with an interface's requirements at runtime.  Python skips this
and just does the runtime check - if the object does not have the necessary
attribute (and methods are just callable attributes), then an AttributeError
gets thrown.  If you have a design that calls for inheritance from a pure
virtual abstract base class, then in Python, that base class is completely
unnecessary.  Sometimes in my code I will still include such a base class,
for purposes of documentation or to help me remember later what the heck was
I thinking?  But such a thing is for my benefit, not Python's.

4. Getters and Setters

This is such a fundamental dogma for Java developers that it may be
difficult for you to let go.  But do so, please!  Assume that rootTag in
your XMLExporter is a public variable, which you later must change to a
method call (maybe to ensure that the given tag is actually a kosher XML tag
string, and not something like "123...@^^!!!") - this is where the Python
property allows you to map set and get access to an attribute through a pair
of methods, while external code continues to access the property by its
public name, "rootTag".  No additional refactoring or recoding or
recompiling necessary.  Meanwhile, you can trim significant fat of "just in
case I need to make this a method someday" code from your classes, and just
use the attributes directly.

5. New concepts in Python

Python has some exciting features related to its built-in support for
collections that makes creating and working with them a dream.  Read up on
list comprehensions, generator expressions, iterators, and generators.  You
won't need them right away, but the sooner you get them, the sooner you'll
be able to dump verbose (and slow!) code like:

return_list = []
for blah in somecollection:

and write:

return_list = [something_about(blah) for blah in somecollection]

Not only is this more compact and concise, it also runs faster.  Also, learn
about zip and itertools - these will make your programs just fly.

Please try to hold off on the Newbie's Hubris.  The code that you posted
doesn't really present anything novel, or particularly awesome.  Instead,
think about this:

class ApplicationClass(object):
# objects of this class have no attributes - yet!

def makeExportable(obj, exporter):
obj.exporter = exporter

a = ApplicationClass()
makeExportable(a, SQLExporter)

Now I have added exportability to an instance, without changing the class at
all.  This might even be a class from a 3rd party lib, whose source code I
don't even have!

Welcome to Python, but check your Java baggage at the door!

-- Paul

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Here's something to talk about (Weidner, Ronald)

2009-04-15 Thread Alan Gauld

"Emile van Sebille"  wrote 

Redundant, yes; syntax error, no.  IIRC, semi-colons are optional line 

statement terminators I think. ie you can have several statements 
on a line by separating with semicolons:

x=5; print x+2


Alan G

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Here's something to talk about

2009-04-15 Thread Alan Gauld

"Weidner, Ronald"  wrote

# This code is posted for the purpose of conversation.  If it is of some
# value to someone that would be great.  But what I hope is that the code
# sparks conversations about what I did in this code and why I did it. 
# the list seems thick with OOP questions at the moment, I thought this 

# be relevant.  Digest and enjoy.

Some fairly quick comments based on an initial scan:

class Item ( object ):

Its good to put some documentation strings describing the purpose
of the class, same for the methods.

   def __init__( self ):
   self._FullName = ''
   self._Recovery = 0
   self._Exporter = SimpleItemExporter ();

Why not make these default values of parameters? That then gives the
clients the chance to initialise the values at instantiation time.

class SimpleItemExporter ( object ):

def __init__( self ):

This does nothing, you do not need an __init__ if its not used.

class XMLExporter ( object ):
def __init__ ( self, tag='XML' ):
self.SetRootTag( tag )

Nothing wrong with doing direct assignment inside a method.

class SQLExporter ( object ):

def __init__ ( self, tableName):
self._TableName = tableName

Which you do here!


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site 

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Import Modules

2009-04-15 Thread Alan Gauld

"Giorgio Bonfiglio"  wrote

from google.appengine.ext import webapp
from google.appengine.ext.webapp.util import run_wsgi_app

The first line imports the webapp subpackage (that is not actually a 

it's a subdirectory with some .py files into). So why do i need to import
the specific function in the second line? Does'nt it get imported in the

The webapp name will get imported but to reach the function you
would need to use


Somebody decided that was too close to hard work so they imported
that specific function.

When you import you import names, in the first case webapp.
Where the name is a package (ie a folder) that gives you access
to the modules (or sub packages) contained in that folder but
not to the contents of those items directly, hence the need for

You could just use the long name each time but the direct
import makes for shorter coding, especially if you use the
function a lot.


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site 

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Here's something to talk about

2009-04-15 Thread Weidner, Ronald

1. Python is not Java (see Philip Eby's blog entry  Let go of your
concepts that only Items can go into an ItemCollection - Python already has
some perfectly good collection builtins.  Instead of writing a custom
ItemCollection, why not write a generic Exporter that takes any Python
sequence (such as a list, set, tuple, etc., anything that supports iter)?

2. SQLExporter does not use recommended form for substituting values into an
SQL statement.  It is preferred that one use the 2-argument form of execute,
in which the first argument contains '?' or '%s' placeholders, and the
second argument is a tuple of values.  That is, instead of:

first, last = "Bobby", "Tables"
cursor.execute("INSERT into STUDENT (firstname, lastname) values


first, last = "Bobby", "Tables"
cursor.execute("INSERT into STUDENT (firstname, lastname) values (?,?)",

No need for wrapping in quotes, already handles values with embedded quotes,
and no SQL injection jeopardy (   This slightly
complicates your SQL exporter, it would have to return a tuple containing
the INSERT statement and the tuple of substitution values, instead of just a
string to be passed to execute.

3. The Pythonic way to create a comma-separated string of values from a list
of strings is:  ','.join(value_list).  If you have a list of tuples and want
two comma-separated strings, do: keystring, valstring = (','.join(s) for s
in zip(*key_value_tuple_list))

4. While I am not a slave to PEP8, your mixed case method names with leading
capitals look too much like class names and/or .Net method names.

In general, I find your approach too intrusive into the objects you would
like to export or load.  I would prefer to see a Loader and/or Exporter
class that takes my own application object, configured with table name and
field names, and then creates the proper XML or SQL representation.

-- Paul

In the future, I'll try not to have a Java accent when speaking Python.  
( No guarantee though :) ) That said, thanks for the syntax tips and
Python preferred snips.  

One of your points represents a great opportunity to make mine.  Suppose
this code is several years old.  Now we have a new requirement that 
states we need to work with the data as you described above. How
much of the existing code would you have to change to make that change 
happen?  The answer is exactly one line.  And here is the line...

exporter = SQLExporter("itemTable")

And you would change the line to something like...

exporter = SQLTupleExporter("itemTable")

or perhaps...

exporter = ExportItemToDatabase('', 'user', 'pass', 'schema')

Of course, you would need to define a class to go along with your change
but all of that will be NEW code.  Not a change to existing code.  So,
all of your existing code should still be valid and tested.  The only
thing you'll need to do validate and test your new code.

There are no tentacles.  Replacing exporter with a different kind of
exporter does not invalidate anything you've done in your code before.

Maybe you need to do both? Maybe you need to export the old way, and 
export the new way.  How difficult would that be with 2 export 
objects?  In this case, you wouldn't need to change any lines of code, 
but rather you would add 2 more lines to the main logic and 
implement the needed class.

It's really just a strategy for creating maintainable code.  Maybe
It's a good strategy, maybe it isn't.  I guess it would depend on 
the project.  I find the technique interesting and useful.  

Ronald Weidner


Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] colours in IDLE

2009-04-15 Thread Alan Gauld

"mbikinyi brat"  wrote 

When you type a code in IDLE-Python, they appear in different colours.
For instance:
factorial in blue and return and else and result in red.
Any significance to these colours?

Yes, they indicate different syntactic features. You can change 
them and see what they are for by looking at the configuration 
screens, the Highlighting tab. There is a drop down list that will 
show you what can be coloured.

This is a useful tool since it can show an unterminated string
(ie where you forgot the closing quote), or where you 
accidentally use a keyword as a variable name etc

Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Here's something to talk about

2009-04-15 Thread wesley chun
>> i think it's a common style guideline in multiple
>> languages i'm familiar with (other than Python) to Capitalize class
>> names but keep variables, functions, and methods all lowered.
> In most cases I know, class names are capitalized, while func and method 
> names are camel-cased:
>   ThisKlass

this is indeed called "CamelCased".

>   thisFunc

this is called "mixedCase". an all-lowered alternative is
"lower_case_with_underscores," as in 'this_func'. PEP8 seems to lean
towards the latter over the former, altho i use both and also do not
stay strict to it. here's the link if you're curious:

-- wesley
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"Core Python Programming", Prentice Hall, (c)2007,2001
"Python Fundamentals", Prentice Hall, (c)2009

wesley.j.chun ::
python training and technical consulting : silicon valley, ca
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Here's something to talk about

2009-04-15 Thread spir
Le Wed, 15 Apr 2009 12:20:20 -0700,
wesley chun  s'exprima ainsi:

> i think it's a common style guideline in multiple
> languages i'm familiar with (other than Python) to Capitalize class
> names but keep variables, functions, and methods all lowered.

In most cases I know, class names are capitalized, while func and method names 
are camel-cased:

la vita e estrany
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Here's something to talk about

2009-04-15 Thread Weidner, Ronald

I must confess I do not really understand your intent
(a) with the code itself
(b) with the fact of publishing it

Maybe I have read it too fast. What I saw is an implementation of strict object 
interface, in the sense strictly separating the inner and outer parts of an 
object. Sure, this is an aspect of OO. But AFAIK this is not very pythonic, not 
very common at least (and I personly do not feel attracted by this coding style 
-- rather I consider it a useless overload).
For code security reasons? You may be interested in the concepts of the 
so-called "Object-capability model":

It's ok not to be attracted to the code or the concept.  It's not for everyone 
(or perhaps it's not for anyone).  Thanks for the link.  That was an 
interesting read.  Let me confess my intentions.  I enjoy programming and I 
also enjoy talking about programming, and sharing ideas.  That's it.  

The problem that coding in this style tries to solve is change and evolution. 
During the evolution of software many things can change.  Including the things 
we sometimes take for granted when we start a project.  Like the input and 
output of the program.  This example shows how cobbling a few objects together 
can produce some very different results with very little logic change.

There are better more generic ways to solve these problems.  Probably even more 
pythonic ways to solve them.  I hope to discuss them in this thread.

Ronald Weidner
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Here's something to talk about

2009-04-15 Thread wesley chun
> 1. Python is not Java

although i agree with all 4 points that paul makes, this 1st one
stands out the most. when i saw the code the first time, the immediate
thought that came to my mind was, "This looks like Java code written
with Python syntax." i thing the same functionality can be
accomplished using half or a third of the total # of lines of code
originally presented.

> 2. SQLExporter does not use recommended form for substituting values into an
SQL statement.

yes, in addition to the "preferred" feeling, it will also help
mitigate SQL injection attacks. this code looks like Java + JS.
creating strings with few operations helps with performance too, as

> 3. The Pythonic way to create a comma-separated string of values from a list
of strings is:  ','.join(value_list).
> 4. While I am not a slave to PEP8, your mixed case method names with leading
capitals look too much like class names and/or .Net method names.

also agreed. i think it's a common style guideline in multiple
languages i'm familiar with (other than Python) to Capitalize class
names but keep variables, functions, and methods all lowered.

well, the OP was right... it has indeed led to some discussion on the list!

-- wesley
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"Core Python Programming", Prentice Hall, (c)2007,2001
"Python Fundamentals", Prentice Hall, (c)2009

wesley.j.chun ::
python training and technical consulting : silicon valley, ca
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Here's something to talk about

2009-04-15 Thread Paul McGuire
1. Python is not Java (see Philip Eby's blog entry  Let go of your
concepts that only Items can go into an ItemCollection - Python already has
some perfectly good collection builtins.  Instead of writing a custom
ItemCollection, why not write a generic Exporter that takes any Python
sequence (such as a list, set, tuple, etc., anything that supports iter)?

2. SQLExporter does not use recommended form for substituting values into an
SQL statement.  It is preferred that one use the 2-argument form of execute,
in which the first argument contains '?' or '%s' placeholders, and the
second argument is a tuple of values.  That is, instead of:

first, last = "Bobby", "Tables"
cursor.execute("INSERT into STUDENT (firstname, lastname) values


first, last = "Bobby", "Tables"
cursor.execute("INSERT into STUDENT (firstname, lastname) values (?,?)",

No need for wrapping in quotes, already handles values with embedded quotes,
and no SQL injection jeopardy (   This slightly
complicates your SQL exporter, it would have to return a tuple containing
the INSERT statement and the tuple of substitution values, instead of just a
string to be passed to execute.

3. The Pythonic way to create a comma-separated string of values from a list
of strings is:  ','.join(value_list).  If you have a list of tuples and want
two comma-separated strings, do: keystring, valstring = (','.join(s) for s
in zip(*key_value_tuple_list))

4. While I am not a slave to PEP8, your mixed case method names with leading
capitals look too much like class names and/or .Net method names.

In general, I find your approach too intrusive into the objects you would
like to export or load.  I would prefer to see a Loader and/or Exporter
class that takes my own application object, configured with table name and
field names, and then creates the proper XML or SQL representation.

-- Paul

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Here's something to talk about

2009-04-15 Thread spir
Le Wed, 15 Apr 2009 08:29:30 -0700,
"Weidner, Ronald"  s'exprima ainsi:

> # This code is posted for the purpose of conversation.  If it is of some 
> # value to someone that would be great.  But what I hope is that the code
> # sparks conversations about what I did in this code and why I did it.
> Since # the list seems thick with OOP questions at the moment, I thought
> this might # be relevant.  Digest and enjoy.

I must confess I do not really understand your intent
(a) with the code itself
(b) with the fact of publishing it

Maybe I have read it too fast. What I saw is an implementation of strict object 
interface, in the sense strictly separating the inner and outer parts of an 
object. Sure, this is an aspect of OO. But AFAIK this is not very pythonic, not 
very common at least (and I personly do not feel attracted by this coding style 
-- rather I consider it a useless overload).
For code security reasons? You may be interested in the concepts of the 
so-called "Object-capability model":

la vita e estrany
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Here's something to talk about (Weidner, Ronald)

2009-04-15 Thread Emile van Sebille

W W wrote:
On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 12:27 PM, Carnell, James E>> wrote:

Since # the list seems thick with OOP questions at the moment, I thought
this might # be relevant.  Digest and enjoy.

class Item ( object ):

   def __init__( self ):
   self._FullName = ''
   self._Recovery = 0
   self._Exporter = SimpleItemExporter (); # 

Re: [Tutor] Here's something to talk about (Weidner, Ronald)

2009-04-15 Thread W W
On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 12:27 PM, Carnell, James E <> wrote:

> Since # the list seems thick with OOP questions at the moment, I thought
> this might # be relevant.  Digest and enjoy.
> class Item ( object ):
>def __init__( self ):
>self._FullName = ''
>self._Recovery = 0
>self._Exporter = SimpleItemExporter (); #  understand
> Bummer, I was hoping to consider myself at the tip of intermediate
> python programming ...
> This is the first time I have ever seen a variable set to what appears
> to be a function address(?). Since I am at work I can't copy paste this
> thing yet. Is SimpleItemExporter from the parent class, object? I am
> assuming Item extends or inherits (or whatever the right "word" is) from
> object.

First off, the semicolon is probably a syntax error.

SimpleItemExporter is probably a class, but I don't think object is the
parent. If you were trying to access something from object I'm fairly
certain you'd use the dot operator, so it would be

But if it's a class it would be a new instance of that class. Otherwise it
doesn't make a lot of sense to have the parenthesis (unless
SimpleItemExporter returns something useful... which it isn't named like it

Consider the following:
In [1]: def foo():
   ...: print "Hello"

In [2]: x = foo()

In [3]: x

In [4]: x('a')
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)

/home/wayne/ in ()

TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable

In [5]: class foo:
   ...: def __init__(self, spam):
   ...: print spam

In [7]: x = foo('eggs')

In [8]: x
Out[8]: < instance at 0x9f0304c>

In [9]: x()
AttributeErrorTraceback (most recent call last)

/home/wayne/ in ()

AttributeError: foo instance has no __call__ method

In [10]: x.__init__('eggs')


In [11]: class spam:
   : def __init__(self, eggs):
   : lay(eggs)
   : def lay(x):
   : print x

In [13]: class foo(spam):
   : def __init__(self, bar):
   : lay(bar)

In [14]: x = foo('Ni')
NameError Traceback (most recent call last)

/home/wayne/ in ()

/home/wayne/ in __init__(self, bar)

NameError: global name 'lay' is not defined

The above snippets seem to show what I stated before - SimpleItemExporter is
a class on it's own - not a method/function in the object class. If that
were the case then my class foo should have direct access to the lay
function, AFAIK.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Here's something to talk about (Weidner, Ronald)

2009-04-15 Thread Carnell, James E
"""But what I hope is that the code # sparks conversations about what I did in 
this code and why I did it.""" 

If anyone answers me thank you. really.
Nevertheless, I am personally not pursuing to understand this code. Ronald 
Weidner left on vacation and won't be back until the 19th (I don't know French 
though). Maybe we should wait until then...

Je suis absente jusqu'au 19/04/09 inclus.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Here's something to talk about (Weidner, Ronald)

2009-04-15 Thread Weidner, Ronald

class Item ( object ):

def __init__( self ):
self._FullName = ''
self._Recovery = 0
self._Exporter = SimpleItemExporter (); # 

Re: [Tutor] Here's something to talk about (Weidner, Ronald)

2009-04-15 Thread Carnell, James E
Since # the list seems thick with OOP questions at the moment, I thought
this might # be relevant.  Digest and enjoy.

class Item ( object ):

def __init__( self ):
self._FullName = ''
self._Recovery = 0
self._Exporter = SimpleItemExporter (); # 

Re: [Tutor] regular expression problem

2009-04-15 Thread Spencer Parker
After he said that...I realized where I was being dumb...

On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 10:29 AM, bob gailer  wrote:

> Spencer Parker wrote:
>> I have a python script that takes a text file as an argument.  It then
>> loops
>> through the text file pulling out specific lines of text that I want.  I
>> have a regular expression that evaluates the text to see if it matches a
>> specific phrase.  Right now I have it writing to another text file that
>> output.  The problem I am having is that it finds the phrase prints it,
>> but
>> then it continuously prints the statement.  There is only 1 entries in the
>> file for the result it finds, but it prints it multiple times...several
>> hundred before it moves onto the next one.  But it appends the first one
>> to
>> the next entry...and does this till it finds everything.
>> Any Help?
> dedent the 2nd for loop.
> --
> Bob Gailer
> Chapel Hill NC
> 919-636-4239
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] regular expression problem

2009-04-15 Thread bob gailer

Spencer Parker wrote:

I have a python script that takes a text file as an argument.  It then loops
through the text file pulling out specific lines of text that I want.  I
have a regular expression that evaluates the text to see if it matches a

specific phrase.  Right now I have it writing to another text file that
output.  The problem I am having is that it finds the phrase prints it, but
then it continuously prints the statement.  There is only 1 entries in the

file for the result it finds, but it prints it multiple times...several
hundred before it moves onto the next one.  But it appends the first one to
the next entry...and does this till it finds everything.

Any Help?

dedent the 2nd for loop.

Bob Gailer
Chapel Hill NC
Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] regular expression problem

2009-04-15 Thread Spencer Parker
I have a python script that takes a text file as an argument.  It then loops
through the text file pulling out specific lines of text that I want.  I
have a regular expression that evaluates the text to see if it matches a
specific phrase.  Right now I have it writing to another text file that
output.  The problem I am having is that it finds the phrase prints it, but
then it continuously prints the statement.  There is only 1 entries in the
file for the result it finds, but it prints it multiple times...several
hundred before it moves onto the next one.  But it appends the first one to
the next entry...and does this till it finds everything.

Any Help?
Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] Here's something to talk about

2009-04-15 Thread Weidner, Ronald
# This code is posted for the purpose of conversation.  If it is of some 
# value to someone that would be great.  But what I hope is that the code
# sparks conversations about what I did in this code and why I did it.  Since
# the list seems thick with OOP questions at the moment, I thought this might
# be relevant.  Digest and enjoy.

class Item ( object ):

def __init__( self ):
self._FullName = ''
self._Recovery = 0
self._Exporter = SimpleItemExporter ();

def SetFullName( self, name ):
self._FullName = name

def SetRecovery( self, value ):
self._Recovery = value

def SetExporter( self, exporter ):
self._Exporter = exporter

def Export( self ):
properties = { 'FullName':self._FullName, 
'Recovery':self._Recovery }
self._Exporter.Export( properties ) 

class ItemCollection( object ):

def __init__( self ):
self._ItemList = []
self._CollectionIndex = -1
self._Loader = None

def Add ( self, item ):

def MoveFirst ( self ):
self._CollectionIndex = -1

def MoveNext ( self ):
self._CollectionIndex += 1
if self._CollectionIndex < ( len ( self._ItemList ) ):
return self._ItemList[ self._CollectionIndex ]
return None

def MoveTo ( self, index ):

def GetLength ( self ):

def SetCollectionLoader ( self, loader ):
self._Loader = loader

def Load ( self ):
if self._Loader <> None:

class SimpleItemExporter ( object ):

def __init__( self ):

def Export ( self, dictionary ):
print "The recovery status of " +str(dictionary['FullName'])+ " 
is: " + str(dictionary['Recovery'])

class XMLExporter ( object ):
def __init__ ( self, tag='XML' ):
self.SetRootTag( tag )

def SetRootTag ( self, tag ):
self._RootTag = tag;

def Export ( self, dictionary ):

xml = ""
keys = dictionary.keys()
for key in keys:
xml = xml + "\n\t<" + key + ">" + str(dictionary[key]) 
+ ""

print "<" + self._RootTag + ">" + xml + "\n" 

class SQLExporter ( object ):

def __init__ ( self, tableName):
self._TableName = tableName

def Export ( self, dictionary ):
value = ""
field = ""
first = 1
keys = dictionary.keys()
for key in keys:
if first <> 1:
field = field + ", "
value = value + ", "
field = field + " " + key
value = value + "'" + str(dictionary[key]) + "'"
first = 0

print "INSERT into " + self._TableName + " (" + field + ") 
values (" + value + ")"  

class ItemCollectionLoader ( object ):

def LoadCollection(self, collection):

for i in range ( 1, 5 ):
item = Item()
item.SetFullName( 'Ron The Dude' )
item.SetRecovery( i )
collection.Add( item )

more = 1
collection = ItemCollection()

# here we create a loader obbject
loader = ItemCollectionLoader()

# this loader object could do other things instead of the contrived example 
# shown here.  Such as the loader object could read from a file, or a network
# resource, stdin, whatever.  As long as it's LoadCollection interface doesn't
# change the object could be many things.  I've decided to illustrate this 
# later in the code with the exporter object.


while more <> None:
item = collection.MoveNext ()
if item <> None:

# What's important here to note is that the exporter may have 
# constructors but, the Export method takes the same arguments 
in each 
# export class.  In other words, it's interface is the same.  
So, we
# can easily switch one exporter object for another.  With a 
little more
# code you could even export these items in more than one 
format (if needed).

#exporter = SimpleItemExporter()

[Tutor] Import Modules

2009-04-15 Thread Giorgio Bonfiglio
hope this mailing list is still active.

I'm learning phyton. I can write simple programs, and i've studied all
examples provided by the Google App Engine Documentation.

As i understood, i can import a module using something like:

import modulename

Or, import a specific function, using:

from modulename import functionname

Ok, now let's look at the first example provided by google:

I can see those lines:

from google.appengine.ext import webapp
from google.appengine.ext.webapp.util import run_wsgi_app

The first line imports the webapp subpackage (that is not actually a module,
it's a subdirectory with some .py files into). So why do i need to import
the specific function in the second line? Does'nt it get imported in the

Thankyou for your help.
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] python books

2009-04-15 Thread W W
On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 4:45 AM, Wayne Watson

> It's unlikely you are going to find a pdf on Python that's suitable for
> beginners. Do you mean pdf or a digital book? There are Python books in
> digital form on the web. I'm not quite sure how it works, but I know of at
> least one public library has them. I think it works that if you have a
> library card, then you can get web access to read the book on-line. I think
> this operates at a college level too. 

Snake Wrangling for Kids is a perfectly good pdf for beginners (both to
programming and python). I'd say the same about Think like a computer
scientist -

But maybe that's just me :P
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Looking for starter projects

2009-04-15 Thread W W
On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 3:50 AM, Evert Edel  wrote:

> Hi all,
> Now since I've got the learning python book I first did a quick read trough
> it and now I'm going more slowly trough it and doing all the explained
> things (in the interactive prompt). I do understand the basics behind OOP
> and I'm wanting to start some smaller projects using the book as a reference
> to get my hands on python. It seems to me that it's better to learn it with
> smaller projects (and evolving with those).

That's probably a fairly good idea... I would guess that most of us learned
the same way, or at least in similar ways.

> But I really don't know what smaller projects would be good to start on as
> beginner. I've got some ideas but those are more advanced (making a mpd
> client, some website ideas).
> I hope you can give me some starting projects to learn python :).

Well, what do you enjoy? That's really probably the best way to program -
when you program things you enjoy you tend to be more likely to stick with

Do you like games? Maybe you could program a tic-tac-toe game. Or a guessing
game. Do you like math? Perhaps you could write programs that will do
certain math functions for you (Like the Fibonacci series, computing area,
maybe even doing some calculus).

Do you like drawing pictures? If you use Tkinter or the turtle module you
could write some programs to do that. Maybe you could try writing your name,
first in block, then in script (actually the script would end out rather
complicated, but certainly fun[if that's what you enjoy]!)

 And of course, if you get stuck anywhere and need some help, we're always
willing to help point you in the right direction.

Good luck!
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] sorting file paths made up of of strings and numbers

2009-04-15 Thread عماد نوفل
On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 10:36 PM, Bill Campbell  wrote:

> On Tue, Apr 14, 2009, Emad Nawfal ( ) wrote:
> >
> >   Hi tutors,
> >   How can I sort the following list in a way that takes care of the
> >   right order of numbers? The sorted function compares strings here as
> >   far as I can see, but I want to have filepath2 follow filepath1. Your
> >   help is appreciated.
> There is at least one example of a method of dealing with this in
> the O'Reilly ``Python cookbook''.
> >   >>> myList
> >   ['filepath54', 'filepath25', 'filepath49', 'filepath0', 'filepath89',
> >   'filepath52', 'filepath37', 'filepath32', 'filepath2', 'filepath15',
> >   'filepath88', 'filepath70', 'filepath33', 'filepath58', 'filepath28',
> >   'filepath61', 'filepath23', 'filepath64', 'filepath72', 'filepath11',
> >   'filepath63', 'filepath76', 'filepath87', 'filepath45', 'filepath41',
> >   'filepath68', 'filepath81', 'filepath75', 'filepath62', 'filepath46',
> >   'filepath36', 'filepath39', 'filepath5', 'filepath34', 'filepath8',
> >   'filepath67', 'filepath14', 'filepath82', 'filepath29', 'filepath47',
> >   'filepath79', 'filepath13', 'filepath16', 'filepath71', 'filepath27',
> >   'filepath100', 'filepath20', 'filepath92', 'filepath57', 'filepath73',
> >   'filepath40', 'filepath44', 'filepath83', 'filepath50', 'filepath66',
> >   'filepath94', 'filepath86', 'filepath22', 'filepath17', 'filepath84',
> >   'filepath38', 'filepath12', 'filepath53', 'filepath6', 'filepath48',
> >   'filepath60', 'filepath51', 'filepath90', 'filepath4', 'filepath78',
> >   'filepath69', 'filepath35', 'filepath97', 'filepath93', 'filepath24',
> >   'filepath26', 'filepath1', 'filepath3', 'filepath96', 'filepath77',
> >   'filepath98', 'filepath18', 'filepath43', 'filepath19', 'filepath56',
> >   'filepath65', 'filepath95', 'filepath55', 'filepath7', 'filepath99',
> >   'filepath91', 'filepath85', 'filepath9', 'filepath59', 'filepath10',
> >   'filepath30', 'filepath31', 'filepath80', 'filepath42', 'filepath74',
> >   'filepath21']
> >   >>> sorted(myList)
> >   ['filepath0', 'filepath1', 'filepath10', 'filepath100', 'filepath11',
> >   'filepath12', 'filepath13', 'filepath14', 'filepath15', 'filepath16',
> >   'filepath17', 'filepath18', 'filepath19', 'filepath2', 'filepath20',
> >   'filepath21', 'filepath22', 'filepath23', 'filepath24', 'filepath25',
> >   'filepath26', 'filepath27', 'filepath28', 'filepath29', 'filepath3',
> >   'filepath30', 'filepath31', 'filepath32', 'filepath33', 'filepath34',
> >   'filepath35', 'filepath36', 'filepath37', 'filepath38', 'filepath39',
> >   'filepath4', 'filepath40', 'filepath41', 'filepath42', 'filepath43',
> >   'filepath44', 'filepath45', 'filepath46', 'filepath47', 'filepath48',
> >   'filepath49', 'filepath5', 'filepath50', 'filepath51', 'filepath52',
> >   'filepath53', 'filepath54', 'filepath55', 'filepath56', 'filepath57',
> >   'filepath58', 'filepath59', 'filepath6', 'filepath60', 'filepath61',
> >   'filepath62', 'filepath63', 'filepath64', 'filepath65', 'filepath66',
> >   'filepath67', 'filepath68', 'filepath69', 'filepath7', 'filepath70',
> >   'filepath71', 'filepath72', 'filepath73', 'filepath74', 'filepath75',
> >   'filepath76', 'filepath77', 'filepath78', 'filepath79', 'filepath8',
> >   'filepath80', 'filepath81', 'filepath82', 'filepath83', 'filepath84',
> >   'filepath85', 'filepath86', 'filepath87', 'filepath88', 'filepath89',
> >   'filepath9', 'filepath90', 'filepath91', 'filepath92', 'filepath93',
> >   'filepath94', 'filepath95', 'filepath96', 'filepath97', 'filepath98',
> >   'filepath99']
> >   >>> ```
> >   --
> >   áÇ ÃÚÑÝ ãÙáæãÇ ÊæÇØà ÇáäÇÓ Úáí åÖãå æáÇ ÒåÏæÇ Ýí ÅäÕÇÝå
> >   ßÇáÍÞíÞÉ.ãÍãÏ ÇáÛÒÇáí
> >   "No victim has ever been more repressed and alienated than the truth"
> >   Emad Soliman Nawfal
> >   Indiana University, Bloomington
> >   
> >___
> >Tutor maillist  -
> >
> --
> Bill
> --
> INTERNET:  Bill Campbell; Celestial Software LLC
> URL:  PO Box 820; 6641 E. Mercer Way
> Voice:  (206) 236-1676  Mercer Island, WA 98040-0820
> Fax:(206) 232-9186  Skype: jwccsllc (206) 855-5792
> An almost hysterical antagonism toward the gold standard is one issue which
> unites statists of all persuasions.  They seem to sense that gold and
> economic freedom are inseparable.  -- Alan Greenspan
> ___
> Tutor maillist  -

Thank you Kent and Bill. This is much easier than itemgetter.
لا أعرف مظلوما تواطأ الناس علي هضمه ولا زهدوا في إنصافه كالحقيقة.محمد
"No victim has ever been more repressed and alienated than the truth"

Emad Soliman Nawfal
Indiana University, Bloomington

Re: [Tutor] OOP

2009-04-15 Thread Kent Johnson
On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 3:43 AM, mbikinyi brat  wrote:
> Dear ALL,
> I am a python beginner and has never programmed and has been struggling to
> understand how to create objects or classes in python. Can anyone help with
> any concrete example. I have read most recommended textbooks but still have
> difficulties figuring what it is all about.

Any tutorial should contain simple examples of how to create classes.
If you are struggling with *why* to create classes you might like this
essay, which gives several reasons why you might want to start using
classes in a design, with examples from the standard library:

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] colours in IDLE(How does the interpreter knows the meaning of factorial)

2009-04-15 Thread Oxymoron


On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 7:41 PM, mbikinyi brat  wrote:
> Dear Oxymoron,
> In my previous example I had to import math for it to work . But in this
> code with the factorial, I have not imported anything yet when I call it
> with factorial(5), I get the result. How is this possible?

In this example, you're not using anything from an external module
like math, your code is self-contained, so you did not have to import
anything. Earlier you called math.pi - math is a module that's part of
standard Python, but still needs to be imported, it is external to
your file.

> Regards,
> Henry
> --- On Wed, 4/15/09, Oxymoron  wrote:
> From: Oxymoron 
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] colours in IDLE
> To:
> Date: Wednesday, April 15, 2009, 5:36 AM
> Hi,
> On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 7:29 PM, mbikinyi brat 
> wrote:
>> Dear ALL,
>> When you type a code in IDLE-Python, they appear in different colours.
>> For instance:
>>  def factorial(n):
>>  if n==0:
>>   return 1
>>  else:
>>   recurse=factorial(n-1)
>>   result=n*recurse
>>   return result
>> factorial in blue and return and else and result in red.
>> Any significance to these colours?
> That's called "syntax-highlighting", it basically allows you to read
> the code clearer. Different Python language constructs are given
> appropriate colours. I don't use IDLE myself, but in your example,
> 'factorial' - is a function name - an identifier in general, that's
> assigned one colour, whereas 'def', 'else', 'return' are Python
> keywords - you cannot use these as identifiers - they're assigned yet
> another colour. Keywords, braces, operators, identifiers - these
> constitute the 'syntax' of Python. Hence using colours highlights the
> syntax so it's easier to read -- syntax-highlighting ;-).
> ___
> Tutor maillist  -

There is more to life than increasing its speed.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] python books

2009-04-15 Thread Wayne Watson
It's unlikely you are going to find a pdf on Python that's suitable for 
beginners. Do you mean pdf or a digital book? There are Python books in 
digital form on the web. I'm not quite sure how it works, but I know of 
at least one public library has them. I think it works that if you have 
a library card, then you can get web access to read the book on-line. I 
think this operates at a college level too.

Consider Python for Absolute Beginners. If you are pressed for money, go 
to a college bookstore and see if you can find it used, probably $18 USD 
used (I know by experience! I do not own it or have done much more than 
browse a few pages of it.). I know of one university here that uses it. 
It is not likely that it would be used for a computer science (CS) 
classes, but I suspect there are students there in non-CS classes who 
might need to use Python. For example, engineers, math-majors, 
elementary statistics classes, and even upper-level astronomy classes. 
One can often get a good sense of a book by going to Amazon. They have a 
Look-Inside feature that allows you to browse parts of many books.

  Wayne Watson (Watson Adventures, Prop., Nevada City, CA)

(121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
 Obz Site:  39° 15' 7" N, 121° 2' 32" W, 2700 feet  

  All the neutrons, and protons in the human body occupy
  a cube whose side is 5.52*10**-6 meters (tiny!). That
  adds up to a 150 pound person. It's not a surprise that
  we are mostly space. (Calculation by WTW)

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] colours in IDLE

2009-04-15 Thread Oxymoron

On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 7:29 PM, mbikinyi brat  wrote:
> Dear ALL,
> When you type a code in IDLE-Python, they appear in different colours.
> For instance:
>  def factorial(n):
>  if n==0:
>   return 1
>  else:
>   recurse=factorial(n-1)
>   result=n*recurse
>   return result
> factorial in blue and return and else and result in red.
> Any significance to these colours?

That's called "syntax-highlighting", it basically allows you to read
the code clearer. Different Python language constructs are given
appropriate colours. I don't use IDLE myself, but in your example,
'factorial' - is a function name - an identifier in general, that's
assigned one colour, whereas 'def', 'else', 'return' are Python
keywords - you cannot use these as identifiers - they're assigned yet
another colour. Keywords, braces, operators, identifiers - these
constitute the 'syntax' of Python. Hence using colours highlights the
syntax so it's easier to read -- syntax-highlighting ;-).
Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] colours in IDLE

2009-04-15 Thread mbikinyi brat
Dear ALL,
When you type a code in IDLE-Python, they appear in different colours.
For instance:
 def factorial(n):
 if n==0:
  return 1
  return result
factorial in blue and return and else and result in red.
Any significance to these colours?

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] calculate area of a circle

2009-04-15 Thread Oxymoron

On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 6:52 PM, mbikinyi brat  wrote:
> Hi All,
> This is a code I have written to calculate the area of a circle.
> def area(radius):
>  temp=math.pi*radius**2
>  return temp
> I now call it by entering area(12) at the prompt in IDLE. This is the error
> message I get. Can someone help please?
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "", line 1, in 
>     area(10)
>   File "", line 2, in area
>     temp=math.pi*radius**2
> NameError: global name 'math' is not defined

You need to import the 'math' module to use its member pi. Prior to
using the module (e.g. before typing in the area function), type:

import math

Lookup modules for more info (e.g.

-- K
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] calculate area of a circle

2009-04-15 Thread vishwajeet singh
you need import math

On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 2:22 PM, mbikinyi brat wrote:

> Hi All,
> This is a code I have written to calculate the area of a circle.
> *def area(radius):
>  temp=math.pi*radius**2
>  return temp*
> **
> *I* now call it by entering *area(12)* at the prompt in IDLE. This is the
> error message I get. Can someone help please?
> *Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "", line 1, in 
> area(10)
>   File "", line 2, in area
> temp=math.pi*radius**2
> NameError: global name 'math' is not defined*
> **
> Regards,
> Henry
> ___
> Tutor maillist  -

Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] Looking for starter projects

2009-04-15 Thread Evert Edel
Hi all,

This is my first post to this tutor list, so I hope you'll all get this
message :). I've bought last year a book on python programming (Learning
python from O'Reilly) to get started with python. I'm wanting to learn
python for two purposes: learning some webdevving (with django?) and being
able to write some smaller programs.

Now since I've got the learning python book I first did a quick read trough
it and now I'm going more slowly trough it and doing all the explained
things (in the interactive prompt). I do understand the basics behind OOP
and I'm wanting to start some smaller projects using the book as a reference
to get my hands on python. It seems to me that it's better to learn it with
smaller projects (and evolving with those).

But I really don't know what smaller projects would be good to start on as
beginner. I've got some ideas but those are more advanced (making a mpd
client, some website ideas).

I hope you can give me some starting projects to learn python :).

Thanks in advance,
Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] calculate area of a circle

2009-04-15 Thread mbikinyi brat
Hi All, 
This is a code I have written to calculate the area of a circle.
def area(radius):
 return temp
I now call it by entering area(12) at the prompt in IDLE. This is the error 
message I get. Can someone help please?
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
  File "", line 2, in area
NameError: global name 'math' is not defined

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] OOP

2009-04-15 Thread Alan Gauld

"mbikinyi brat"  wrote

I am a python beginner and has never programmed 

Welcome to the tutor list.

and has been struggling to understand how to create 
objects or classes in python. Can anyone help with any 
concrete example. 

Most tutorials have examples of classes and objects. 
Certainly mine does. There is an example in the Raw Data

topic (with a sidebar at the end explaining it line by line)
There is also a more detailed explanatyioon in the OOP topic 
in the Advanced section

Here is one example:

# define a class
class Message:
  def __init__(self, msg=""):
self.text = msg
  def show(self):
print self.text

# create some objects
m1 = Message("Hello world")
m2 = Message("Goodbye!")
m3 = Message()

# send the objects a message

I have read most recommended textbooks but still 
have difficulties figuring what it is all about.

If you can show us an example and tell us what you don't 
understand we might be able to give more specific 
answers. Also please tell us which version of Python 
you are using and which Operating System.

Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] OOP

2009-04-15 Thread mbikinyi brat
Dear ALL,
I am a python beginner and has never programmed and has been struggling to 
understand how to create objects or classes in python. Can anyone help with any 
concrete example. I have read most recommended textbooks but still have 
difficulties figuring what it is all about.

Tutor maillist  -