[Tutor] [Fwd: Re: Which Designer]

2010-04-29 Thread Sharon

Thank you both for your help and insight.  It has given me room for thought.

Much appeciated,


 Original Message 
Subject:Re: [Tutor] Which Designer
Date:   Mon, 26 Apr 2010 09:09:59 +0100
From:   Alan Gauld alan.ga...@btinternet.com
To: tutor@python.org
References: 	4bd44500.9060...@gmail.com 

Steve Willoughby st...@alchemy.com wrote

However, there are some real disadvantages to Tk(inter) as well, chiefly
that it is a least-common denominator which does a passable job of running
GUIs but they don't look consistent with the native look of Windows or OS/X

The new themed widgets in Tk have changed that, they are built on the
native widgets and look just like any other GUI. Available in Tkinter from
Python 2.7 and 3.1

or whatever.  And there is a lot of missing functionality.

This is still true although Tix addresses the biggest gaps - but is
sadly lacking documentation - you have to use the Tcl/Tk docs :-(
(I keep intending to do a write up on Tix but other things get in the way!)

And there are other bolt-ons too such as PMW.

I'm getting into wxPython at the moment, and I have to say it's at least
worth a look.  It's also available for every platform (but doesn't come
with Python), and is far more complete, and just about as easy to use
as Tk, but looks a lot more polished.

wxPython is definielt more powerful and in particular has support
for things like printing and drag n drop which are missing fromTk.

There are other toolkits with their advocates as well, of course, but if
someone were just starting out with Python GUI programming, I'd recommend
looking around at your options before starting with Tk.

I'd still advocate Tk because
a) It comes with Python so is standard
b) It is also the standard GUI in Ruby, Perl and Tcl so once learned is 

c) It is best documented with many books etc featuring it
d) It is easy to learn the basic GUI principles that are valid in any Framework
  (a bit like learning Python is good becauise it helps you learn other 


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] Any

2010-04-29 Thread Kevin Kirton
Hi all,

I was just wondering if anyone here can recommend any freeware program
that has been written in python and for which the source code is

Basically I just want to see a program that does something relatively
simple and straightforward, but something that is real world, I mean
something that people actually use, hopefully something that comes
with it's own installer and GUI.

I'd like to try out using the program as an ordinary user and then I
want to look at the source code to see how it's been achieved.

Any ideas or suggestions?

Kevin Kirton
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] Any

2010-04-29 Thread Alan Gauld

Kevin Kirton kpkir...@gmail.com wrote 

I was just wondering if anyone here can recommend any freeware program
that has been written in python and for which the source code is

The IDE that comes with Python ias wtten in Python and the 
source comes as part of the standard library.

But if thats not enough try both sourceforge and the PyGame web sites.
On sourceforge search for projects using python... DIA is one that springs 
to mind(a Visio type drawing program)

PyGame has lots of Python games you can download, several with source.

Basically I just want to see a program that does something relatively
simple and straightforward, but something that is real world, I mean
something that people actually use, hopefully something that comes
with it's own installer and GUI.

You can use the python install tools or drive them with something 
higher level like Wize(?) or Installshield (or the free InstallMaker for 
Windows that I used to use... I don't know if its still extant however!)


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] Any

2010-04-29 Thread Kevin Kirton
Christian Witts wrote:

 Maybe look through projects at Freshmeat [1].

 [1] http://freshmeat.net/tags/python

That's exactly what I was looking for. I've already selected a few
small programs and now I plan on installing them, seeing how they
operate from a user's perspective, then I'll take a look at the source
code and see what I can work out.

Thanks very much.
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] Any

2010-04-29 Thread spir ☣
On Thu, 29 Apr 2010 13:04:20 +0100
Alan Gauld alan.ga...@btinternet.com wrote:

 The IDE that comes with Python ias wtten in Python and the 
 source comes as part of the standard library.

There's also a free software programming editor --editra, I guess-- written in 
and mainly for python. (But I would not recommend it for first tweaks, because 
it is great code but highly abstract.)


vit esse estrany ☣

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] Any

2010-04-29 Thread Kevin Kirton
Alan Gauld wrote:

 But if thats not enough try both sourceforge and the PyGame web sites.
 On sourceforge search for projects using python... DIA is one that springs
 to mind(a Visio type drawing program)

 PyGame has lots of Python games you can download, several with source.

PyGame looks promising (very distracting too). DIA in itself looks
quite useful and interesting, so I might learn that as a user then see
if I can look through its code.

Thanks for your help.
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] Any

2010-04-29 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Thu, 29 Apr 2010 08:06:30 pm Kevin Kirton wrote:
 Hi all,

 I was just wondering if anyone here can recommend any freeware
 program that has been written in python and for which the source code
 is available.

The Red Hat Package Manager (rpm) is written in Python.

The original BitTorrent application was written in Python.

The Roundup and Trac bug-trackers are both written in Python, as are the 
version-control systems Bazaar and Mercurial.

So are Mailman and Plone.

Most of these are fairly big applications though. Not huge, but big.

The Reddit website is written in Python, as is the EVE Online massive 
multiplayer game, although I doubt the source code for them are 

 Basically I just want to see a program that does something relatively
 simple and straightforward, but something that is real world, I
 mean something that people actually use, hopefully something that
 comes with it's own installer and GUI.

Unfortunately, these days all the cool kids are programming web apps 
rather than desktop applications. So it's a bit hard to find 
interesting, useful desktop applications. However, you can check out 
Pygame, PythonCard and Dabo:


Pygame is a framework for, well, programming games in Python.

Pythoncard is a desktop application based on Apple's much-loved and 
never forgotten Hypercard (may it rest in peace!).

And Dabo is based on Visual FoxPro.

Steven D'Aprano
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] How to get ipRouteTable from Cisco router?

2010-04-29 Thread Костиков Сергей Николаевич

I want to get route tables from Cisco routers in the network. What i 

import re 

from pysnmp.entity.rfc3413.oneliner import cmdgen 

s = r'(%s)' % ('(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.)\ 
pattern = re.compile(s) 
file = 'routers.txt' 
s = open(file).read() 
i = 0 
router_list = [] 
while True: 
match = pattern.search(s, i) 
if match: 
i = match.end() + 1 

class router: 
def __init__(self, who): 
self.name = who 

routetable = {} 

router1 = router(router_list[0]) 

cmdGen = cmdgen.CommandGenerator() 
errorIndication, errorStatus, errorIndex, varBindTable = 
cmdgen.CommunityData('test-agent', public, 0), 
cmdgen.UdpTransportTarget((router1.name, 161)), 

if errorIndication: 
print errorIndication 
if errorStatus: 
print '%s at %s\n' % 
for varBindTableRow in varBindTable: 
for oid, val in varBindTableRow: 
 print varBindTableRow 


Code: Select all 
[(ObjectName(''), IpAddress(''))] 
[(ObjectName(''), IpAddress(''))] 

How can i get IpAddress values from this list and put they in the 
dictionary? Or may be there is much better solution?
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] Any

2010-04-29 Thread iamroot
 The Reddit website is written in Python, as is the EVE Online massive 
 multiplayer game, although I doubt the source code for them are 

Actually, Reddit has made it's source available and has included a HOWTO 
install Reddit on your webserver. There is a Google Group reddit-dev for
this purpose, as well.

See http://code.reddit.com for more...they actually use Trac for that site. ;).


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] How to get ipRouteTable from Cisco router?

2010-04-29 Thread Костиков Сергей Николаевич

I want to get route tables from Cisco routers in the network. What i
   for varBindTableRow in varBindTable:
   for oid, val in varBindTableRow:
print varBindTableRow


Code: Select all
[(ObjectName(''), IpAddress(''))]
[(ObjectName(''), IpAddress(''))]

How can i get IpAddress values from this list and put they in the
dictionary? Or may be there is much better solution?

My guess, from looking at what you have there, str(varBindTableRow[1]) should 
get your IP address in a string format. In any case the varBindTableRow[1] will 
contain the IpAddress object(?) that is displayed in the lists.


Results are: 

1. print str(varBindTableRow[1])

IndexError: list index out of range

2. print str(varBindTableRow[0][1])


3. but for ipRouteIfIndex, i have

print str(varBindTableRow[0][1])


So, it works for IfIndex, RouteType, but not for Dest, Mask and NextHop as they 
return ip.

Thanks indeed.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] blackjack game

2010-04-29 Thread Shurui Liu (Aaron Liu)
# Blackjack
# From 1 to 7 players compete against a dealer

import cards, games

class BJ_Card(cards.Card):
 A Blackjack Card. 

def get_value(self):
if self.is_face_up:
value = BJ_Card.RANKS.index(self.rank) + 1
if value  10:
value = 10
value = None
return value

value = property(get_value)

class BJ_Deck(cards.Deck):
 A Blackjack Deck. 
def populate(self):
for suit in BJ_Card.SUITS:
for rank in BJ_Card.RANKS:
self.cards.append(BJ_Card(rank, suit))

class BJ_Hand(cards.Hand):
 A Blackjack Hand. 
def __init__(self, name):
super(BJ_Hand, self).__init__()
self.name = name

def __str__(self):
rep = self.name + :\t + super(BJ_Hand, self).__str__()
if self.total:
rep += ( + str(self.total) + )
return rep

def get_total(self):
# if a card in the hand has value of None, then total is None
for card in self.cards:
if not card.value:
return None

# add up card values, treat each Ace as 1
total = 0
for card in self.cards:
  total += card.value

# determine if hand contains an Ace
contains_ace = False
for card in self.cards:
if card.value == BJ_Card.ACE_VALUE:
contains_ace = True

# if hand contains Ace and total is low enough, treat Ace as 11
if contains_ace and total = 11:
# add only 10 since we've already added 1 for the Ace
total += 10

return total

total = property(get_total)

def is_busted(self):
return self.total  21

class BJ_Player(BJ_Hand):
 A Blackjack Player. 
def is_hitting(self):
response = games.ask_yes_no(\n + self.name + , do you want
a hit? (Y/N): )
return response == y

def bust(self):
print self.name, busts.

def lose(self):
print self.name, loses.

def win(self):
print self.name, wins.

def push(self):
print self.name, pushes.

class BJ_Dealer(BJ_Hand):
 A Blackjack Dealer. 
def is_hitting(self):
return self.total  17

def bust(self):
print self.name, busts.

def flip_first_card(self):
first_card = self.cards[0]

class BJ_Game(object):
 A Blackjack Game. 
def __init__(self, names):
self.players = []
for name in names:
player = BJ_Player(name)

self.dealer = BJ_Dealer(Dealer)

self.deck = BJ_Deck()

def get_still_playing(self):
remaining = []
for player in self.players:
if not player.is_busted():
return remaining

# list of players still playing (not busted) this round
still_playing = property(get_still_playing)

def __additional_cards(self, player):
while not player.is_busted() and player.is_hitting():
print player
if player.is_busted():

def play(self):
# deal initial 2 cards to everyone
self.deck.deal(self.players + [self.dealer], per_hand = 2)
self.dealer.flip_first_card()# hide dealer's first card
for player in self.players:
print player
print self.dealer

# deal additional cards to players
for player in self.players:

self.dealer.flip_first_card()# reveal dealer's first

if not self.still_playing:
# since all players have busted, just show the dealer's hand
print self.dealer
# deal additional cards to dealer
print self.dealer

if self.dealer.is_busted():
# everyone still playing wins
for player in self.still_playing:
# compare each player still playing to dealer
for player in self.still_playing:
if player.total  self.dealer.total:
elif player.total  self.dealer.total:

# remove everyone's cards
for player in self.players:

def main():
print \t\tWelcome to Blackjack!\n

names = []
number = games.ask_number(How many players? (1 - 7): , low = 1, high = 8)
for i in range(number):
name = raw_input(Enter player name: )

Re: [Tutor] blackjack game

2010-04-29 Thread Lie Ryan
On 04/30/10 06:23, Shurui Liu (Aaron Liu) wrote:
 # Blackjack
 # From 1 to 7 players compete against a dealer
snip code
 Here is the code of this game. I want to change some part of them.
 1. Since I don't know what part of code is responsible for the
 number of cards, so I don't know how to add a card number check
 attribute, I mean, to check the number of card is more enough for next
 time play no matter how many players there are, if cards are not more
 enough, print out a notice and stop the program;

The BJ_Game is responsible in querying the Deck if it has enough cards
for the round. BJ_Game will calculate the number of players and asks if
ask BJ_Deck if it can support that much player. Be careful when
calculating number of cards since in blackjack using one deck it is
possible to split one's hand into four (btw, why is BJ_Player inheriting
BJ_Deck? that would make splitting impossible; a player has a hand but
it is not a hand :-)

 2. I am not sure if I can let the winner get all of the cards and
 print out what cards the winner has when the game finished.

that depends on the house rule, I think, some games requires all player
can see everyone else's card while other games keeps everyone's hand closed.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] Any

2010-04-29 Thread Alan Gauld

Steven D'Aprano st...@pearwood.info wrote

Pythoncard is a desktop application based on Apple's much-loved and 
never forgotten Hypercard (may it rest in peace!).

And Dabo is based on Visual FoxPro.

Just a caveat:

Both of these are really development tools rather than applications in 
the normal sense - although they are applications for developers of 
course! But they are much closer to Visual Studio than to MS Word...


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] blackjack game

2010-04-29 Thread Alan Gauld

Shurui Liu (Aaron Liu) shuru...@gmail.com wrote

Your sig says you are studying Comp Sci and engineering.

You have posted the code for what is really a very, very, small program.
In the real world you will be expected to read and understand much
bigger programs than this - think about 1000+ files and half a million
lines of code (That was my first post uni' project - in C)

You apparently want us to read this code and interpret it for you?

Please try reading it and figuring out how it works first, then if you
have sections you want help with, come back and ask specific
questions. Don't expect us to do something you are not willing
to at least make a start on...

Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

# Blackjack
# From 1 to 7 players compete against a dealer

import cards, games

class BJ_Card(cards.Card):
A Blackjack Card. 
   ACE_VALUE = 1

   def get_value(self):
   if self.is_face_up:
   value = BJ_Card.RANKS.index(self.rank) + 1
   if value  10:
   value = 10
   value = None
   return value

   value = property(get_value)

class BJ_Deck(cards.Deck):
A Blackjack Deck. 
   def populate(self):
   for suit in BJ_Card.SUITS:
   for rank in BJ_Card.RANKS:
   self.cards.append(BJ_Card(rank, suit))

class BJ_Hand(cards.Hand):
A Blackjack Hand. 
   def __init__(self, name):
   super(BJ_Hand, self).__init__()
   self.name = name

   def __str__(self):
   rep = self.name + :\t + super(BJ_Hand, self).__str__()
   if self.total:
   rep += ( + str(self.total) + )
   return rep

   def get_total(self):
   # if a card in the hand has value of None, then total is None
   for card in self.cards:
   if not card.value:
   return None

   # add up card values, treat each Ace as 1
   total = 0
   for card in self.cards:
 total += card.value

   # determine if hand contains an Ace
   contains_ace = False
   for card in self.cards:
   if card.value == BJ_Card.ACE_VALUE:
   contains_ace = True

   # if hand contains Ace and total is low enough, treat Ace as 11
   if contains_ace and total = 11:
   # add only 10 since we've already added 1 for the Ace
   total += 10

   return total

   total = property(get_total)

   def is_busted(self):
   return self.total  21

class BJ_Player(BJ_Hand):
A Blackjack Player. 
   def is_hitting(self):
   response = games.ask_yes_no(\n + self.name + , do you want
a hit? (Y/N): )
   return response == y

   def bust(self):
   print self.name, busts.

   def lose(self):
   print self.name, loses.

   def win(self):
   print self.name, wins.

   def push(self):
   print self.name, pushes.

class BJ_Dealer(BJ_Hand):
A Blackjack Dealer. 
   def is_hitting(self):
   return self.total  17

   def bust(self):
   print self.name, busts.

   def flip_first_card(self):
   first_card = self.cards[0]

class BJ_Game(object):
A Blackjack Game. 
   def __init__(self, names):
   self.players = []
   for name in names:
   player = BJ_Player(name)

   self.dealer = BJ_Dealer(Dealer)

   self.deck = BJ_Deck()

   def get_still_playing(self):
   remaining = []
   for player in self.players:
   if not player.is_busted():
   return remaining

   # list of players still playing (not busted) this round
   still_playing = property(get_still_playing)

   def __additional_cards(self, player):
   while not player.is_busted() and player.is_hitting():
   print player
   if player.is_busted():

   def play(self):
   # deal initial 2 cards to everyone
   self.deck.deal(self.players + [self.dealer], per_hand = 2)
   self.dealer.flip_first_card()# hide dealer's first card
   for player in self.players:
   print player
   print self.dealer

   # deal additional cards to players
   for player in self.players:

   self.dealer.flip_first_card()# reveal dealer's first

   if not self.still_playing:
   # since all players have busted, just show the dealer's hand
   print self.dealer
   # deal additional cards to dealer
   print self.dealer

   if self.dealer.is_busted():
   # everyone still playing wins
   for player in self.still_playing:
   # compare each player still playing to dealer
   for player in 

Re: [Tutor] blackjack game

2010-04-29 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, 30 Apr 2010 06:23:44 am Shurui Liu (Aaron Liu) wrote:

 Here is the code of this game. I want to change some part of them.
 1. Since I don't know what part of code is responsible for the
 number of cards, so I don't know how to add a card number check
 attribute, I mean, to check the number of card is more enough for
 next time play no matter how many players there are, if cards are not
 more enough, print out a notice and stop the program;

In real life, cards are dealt from a deck, and if the deck does not have 
enough cards, something will happen -- usually the dealer will start a 
new, shuffled, deck. Does your code have a deck?

 2. I am not sure if I can let the winner get all of the cards and
 print out what cards the winner has when the game finished.

That's a question about blackjack, not Python. Since I don't play 
blackjack, I don't know.

Steven D'Aprano
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] Boa Constructor list control

2010-04-29 Thread Ray Parrish


I am just learning how to use Boa Constructor to make GUI apps, and am 
having some problem with understanding the list control.

The list control has a property called columns, but I cannot figure out 
how to add columns, and specify names for them.

When I click the column property a small window opens up with it's title 
set to col1 something with the word Name in a label on it. Subsequent 
clicks on the column properry of the list control just brings this 
little window up again.

I cannot change the text in the label of that small window to the name I 
want for a column, and I cannot figure out how to add more columns to 
the list control.

When the small column window is selected no properties show for it in 
the Inspector window.

Can anyone tell me how to use this control? I tried using the Boa 
Constructor help menu, and it led me to a very brief description of the 
list control, with no details on what it's properties were even.

Thanks, Ray Parrish

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Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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