Re: [Tutor] Python Interview Questions..

2011-05-27 Thread Alan Gauld

Marc Tompkins wrote

Java just isn't a hard enough language to separate great programmers
from plodders (neither is Python, for that matter) because pointers
and memory allocation are taken care of automagically.

I fundamentally disagree with his stand on this.

When you're hiring programmers, (Joel says) you want people
who understand what the computer is actually doing under
all the chrome, and you want people who are smart enough
to have actually passed classes where they had to do that stuff.

I have employed quantum physists and geoligists who had no
idea of how computers worked but they were plenty smart and
made good programmers.

A good programmer is someone who can think logically,
analyse and abstract a problem and express it clearly in
an implementation  language (regardless of what language
it is, they will probably use several in their career!)

There is a very small set of programming tasks where you
need to undertand the machine - developing an OS and
device drivers etc - but they are such a small part of the
industry that mostly we can be thankful that modern
languages hide the machine and let us focus on the
really hard stuff - understanding the customers world
and translating their requirements into code. Fred Brooks
identified this as far back as the 80's with his famous
No Silver Bullet article.

I started out as an electronics engineer, we wrote micro-code,
then machine code then assembler and finally Pascal.
Then I found C and so on. But I am profoundly grateful
that I no longer have to worry about which register to
store the result of an addition or which memory mode
I need to use in a subroutine call. There are equally
complex challenges in higher order programming than
there are in programming the machine. There is a role
for both, but the macho I can do it faster in assembler
attitude that sometimes arises is no more than ignorance
of the challenges elsewhere. I've worked with highly
technical programmers who couldn't understand how a
Corporate General Ledger accounting system worked
and so couldn't program solutions for it. But they
could explain in detail how the multi-threaded kernel
in the computer operated.

So language preferences are fine if they are based on
the language features. Computing and Programming are
something else again.

for Getting Stuff Done - but when you spend your hard-earned money 
commercial software, or trust your computing life to an operating 
you want to know that it was written by people who knew what the 
hell they
were doing, rather than people who scraped by in a Java School 
'cause the

classes weren't too hard.

And this is another matter again. But if you are talking about
share dealing systems or traffic control systems or factory
automation I'd rather the programmer understood algorithms
and  the business functions than the difference between
page switching and banked memory access.

But I definitely want him/her to understand computing, and programming
in depth. I want them to have studied the subject deeply and have
a wealth of experience. Studying computing because its an easy option
is not an option because its never easy. And anyone who starts down
that road will be weeded out very quickly.

We've all used software that was written by non-programmers
- I'm struggling with just such a system at the moment - and
life is just too damn short.

Software can only be written by programmers, its the definition
of the term. The issue is about whether the programmer was
trained in computing/engineering or whether it was someone
who just knew a programming language. Comp Sci was originally
a branch of math, and many of the best programmers I've worked
with came straight into the industry from math - but they had
to learn about defensive programming etc. But their algorithm
design often meant they had less to defend!

Seems to be my week for ranting... :-)

Alan G.

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Re: [Tutor] Could I modify codes and validate immediately withoutrestart program?

2011-05-27 Thread Alan Gauld wrote

Hi, guys. Here is a demo program like this:
aa = 3
bb = 4
cc = 53
dd = 6
print cc

I put a breakpoint at the first line, then debug the program.
After 'aa' is set to '3', I modify '53' in the 3rd line to '34', 

save the source file and run remain codes. As expected,
the output is '53'.

Correct because the interpreter and debugger are running
the original unmodified source file, it gets loaded into memory
when the interpreer started. To do what you want it would
have to read each line from the file as it went which would
be horrifically slow. It also would prevent the interpreter
compiling the code in memory which would add to the slowdown.

Does python has the ability to set cc to 34 after file
savings without restarting whole program?

No, and I don;t know of any language than can unless
you explicitly reload the code. But that is usually a
feature of the debugger/interpreter rather
than the language.

For example I worked ona C++ IDE a few years ago that
allowed you to change code and reload and continue running.
I've seen debuggers that let you step through code in
reverse. All very clever but nothing to do with the language.

And of course you could change the value of your variable
in the debugger by setting a breakpoint immediately after
the assignment. But that doesn't change the source code.

I heard LISP has this ability and wonder how could it
achieve this.

Lisp a a language does not, but some Lisp interpreters
or debuggers may well be able to reload a program in-flight.
It's not in the language it's in the tools.


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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Re: [Tutor] Python Interview Questions..

2011-05-27 Thread Alan Gauld

Alan Gauld wrote 

of the term. The issue is about whether the programmer was
trained in computing/engineering or whether it was someone
who just knew a programming language. 

And I meant to add that this includes learning about the 
virtual machine - the execution environment, the differences 
between interpreted and compiled code etc. Also 
understanding OS concepts like scheduling and file 
systems etc are necessary. It's just the low level memory 
management/register access type stuff that I don't believe 
is necessary.

And I do agree that we are seeing programmers who 
don't understand the basics of computing even at a user level
and that is not good in an industry concept. It's fine for 
hobbyists but not for industrial grade programming.


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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Re: [Tutor] Python Interview Questions..

2011-05-27 Thread lina
May I direct the interview question to another direction?

are there some tests (I mean, just like the examination test) of
python for beginner?

which asked some basic but important questions (I do not want to learn
python all of the stuff, it might be so huge for me.)
and most important those practice gave answers.

I learned it on and off and hard to achieve something (I mean practice
in daily working). But got a wish to learn. so any advice will be
highly appreciated.


On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 5:15 PM, Alan Gauld wrote:

 Alan Gauld wrote

 of the term. The issue is about whether the programmer was
 trained in computing/engineering or whether it was someone
 who just knew a programming language.

 And I meant to add that this includes learning about the virtual machine -
 the execution environment, the differences between interpreted and compiled
 code etc. Also understanding OS concepts like scheduling and file systems
 etc are necessary. It's just the low level memory management/register access
 type stuff that I don't believe is necessary.

 And I do agree that we are seeing programmers who don't understand the
 basics of computing even at a user level
 and that is not good in an industry concept. It's fine for hobbyists but not
 for industrial grade programming.


 Alan Gauld
 Author of the Learn to Program web site

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Best Regards,

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Re: [Tutor] Python Interview Questions..

2011-05-27 Thread Walter Prins
On 27 May 2011 09:59, Alan Gauld wrote:

 Marc Tompkins wrote

 Java just isn't a hard enough language to separate great programmers

 from plodders (neither is Python, for that matter) because pointers
 and memory allocation are taken care of automagically.

 I fundamentally disagree with his stand on this.

Not sure what you're saying here Alan -- are you saying you consider Java
hard enough language to seperate great programmers from plodders or are
you saying that you don't agree with the distinction drawn (that some
programmers are plodders and others are not) or what?

  When you're hiring programmers, (Joel says) you want people
 who understand what the computer is actually doing under
 all the chrome, and you want people who are smart enough
 to have actually passed classes where they had to do that stuff.

 I have employed quantum physists and geoligists who had no
 idea of how computers worked but they were plenty smart and
 made good programmers.

 A good programmer is someone who can think logically,
 analyse and abstract a problem and express it clearly in
 an implementation  language (regardless of what language
 it is, they will probably use several in their career!)

Well, FWIW I would tend to side with Joel/Marc on this one (depending on
interpretation of what you're both saying -- maybe I fall somewhere in the
middle... whatever...)  To try and clarify, I'd perhaps rephrase/paraphrase
their view as, you want people who have some understanding of how the code
you've written will actually ends up being executed by the computer in terms
of the effective time and space complexity (as well as other potentially
problematic aspects) of the code.

To me that seems to be a largely isomorphic expression of what they're
saying and perhaps closer to what they're actually trying to get at.  Either
way, the point I'm trying to make is that even if you have for example some
awareness of the /apparent/ time/space complexity of *your* code, it's still
very easy to fall into a Schlemiel painter's type algorithm by not really
having an understanding of how (for example) some of the libraries or basic
functionality of the language you're using are implemented.  To belabor the
point: The same pseudocode/algorithm realised in 2 different languages can
have wildly different performance characteristics depending on the nature of
the underlying languages and the exact form of the realisation.  And you as
programmer will never even know unless you have a more than superficial
understanding of the language you program in and have some awareness that
these types of issues exist and what the different performance
characteristics of various algorithm classes are.  And yet, many programmers
don't apparently have even a superficial awareness of attributes of the code
that they write, never mind how a such a superficial analysis (e.g. ignoring
the platform/language) may differ from what really happens when executed,
and why such a difference exists.

Anyway, best regards and have a good weekend all,

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Re: [Tutor] Clunky Password maker

2011-05-27 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Thu, 26 May 2011 05:45:30 am Alan Gauld wrote:

 the choice() function from the whrandom module.

 passwd = [whrandom.choice(series) for n in range(p)]

whrandom was deleted in Python 2.5! I'm not sure when it was formally 
deprecated, but the recommended way of getting random numbers has been 
the random module all the way back to version 1.5!

Since version 2.3, Python has been using the Mersenne Twister as the 
default random number generator, instead of Wichmann-Hill. Mersenne 
Twister is *much* better and stronger than WH.

Steven D'Aprano
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Re: [Tutor] Non programmer wanting to become programmer

2011-05-27 Thread amt
Thank you all for the replies. They helped me a lot.

Have a great weekend!
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Re: [Tutor] Cherrypy

2011-05-27 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Thu, 26 May 2011 12:16:05 am Bryton wrote:
 Is anyone having a step by step tutorial of cherrypy(or book title).I
 have used the tutorial in their site as well as the book (cherrypy
 essentials) and I would like to have a one that is a bit more step by
 step...Please help...

Sorry Bryton, I don't know any. Have you googled to see what is 

Steven D'Aprano
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Re: [Tutor] Python Variables Changing in Other Functions

2011-05-27 Thread Steven D'Aprano

Rachel-Mikel ArceJaeger wrote:


I am having trouble with determining when python is passing by reference and by 

Others have already discussed this, but at the risk of blowing my own 
trumpet, I'd like to point you at an earlier discussion on this list:


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Re: [Tutor] Python Interview Questions..

2011-05-27 Thread col speed
On 27 May 2011 17:31, Walter Prins wrote:

 I find this thread very interesting.

I've been learning Python on and off for the past 3 years, as a hobby.
I am over 50 years old, so will never be a programmer. However:

1/ I've done a bit in Project Euler and have found many algorithms to get
prime numbers. There is one that is 10 times faster than any other that I
have found, it uses numpy. Unfortunately, I don't understand it at all.
However,  neither would I understand Python's sort method, but I still use

2/ I used be able to take a car to pieces and put it back together. Today, I
wouldn't stand a chance.

I suppose that what I'm trying to say is that there will always be a need
for experts that know different OS's and how a computer works inside, and
there will also be a need for coders who code a programme that is needed at
a certain time.

Is there really a time that knowing that list is interpreted as
1001000100010001001100010010 is important these days?

Please flame me
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[Tutor] Creating a dictionary

2011-05-27 Thread Válas Péter
I think I am new to here, as far as I remember. :-) says:
we can create a dictionary with

   - dict({'one': 1, 'two': 2})

What is the adventage of this form to simply writing d = {'one': 1, 'two': 2}?
Is there any difference?

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Re: [Tutor] Creating a dictionary

2011-05-27 Thread spawgi
The first approach does not really give you any variable (in easy form) to
operate upon.
The second approach returns a dict object that you can later reuse in easier
form. So one advantage is certainly that ease of object reuse and also
object modification.
If you want to add, remove, update anything in the dict object, the second
syntax is easier. You can also make it part of a class or module. You can
pass it to a function as well.


2011/5/27 Válas Péter

 I think I am new to here, as far as I remember. :-) says:
 we can create a dictionary with

- dict({'one': 1, 'two': 2})

 What is the adventage of this form to simply writing d = {'one': 1, 'two': 2}?
 Is there any difference?


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Re: [Tutor] Creating a dictionary

2011-05-27 Thread Válas Péter
Sorry, I am afraid, I was not clear enough. So what is the difference
  d = dict({'one': 1, 'two': 2})
  d = {'one': 1, 'two': 2}
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Re: [Tutor] Creating a dictionary

2011-05-27 Thread spawgi
I think the way - d = dict({'one': 1, 'two': 2})  can be used to created
dictionary using list comprehension.
 d = dict((i,i**2) for i in range(10))
{0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 4, 3: 9, 4: 16, 5: 25, 6: 36, 7: 49, 8: 64, 9: 81}

I do not think the second approach can be used in this fashion.

From python documentation -
The dict() constructor builds dictionaries directly from lists of key-value
pairs stored as tuples. When the pairs form a pattern, list comprehensions
can compactly specify the key-value list.

I am not an expert. So may be someone can explain it better.

2011/5/27 Válas Péter

 Sorry, I am afraid, I was not clear enough. So what is the difference
   d = dict({'one': 1, 'two': 2})
   d = {'one': 1, 'two': 2}

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Re: [Tutor] Creating a dictionary

2011-05-27 Thread Steven D'Aprano

Válas Péter wrote:

I think I am new to here, as far as I remember. :-) says:
we can create a dictionary with

   - dict({'one': 1, 'two': 2})

What is the adventage of this form to simply writing d = {'one': 1, 'two': 2}?
Is there any difference?

dict() is a function (technically, a type) that creates new dictionaries 
from whatever argument you pass to it. { ... } is syntax for creating 
literal dictionaries. Think of this as similar to the difference between 
a mathematical expression:

x = 2*9-1

and a number literal:

x = 17

HOWEVER, in the above example with dict(), the form shown is redundant. 
dict({'one': 1, 'two': 2}) does these four steps:

(a) Python creates a dictionary using the dict literal syntax
{'one': 1, 'two': 2}
(b) That dictionary is then passed to the dict() function
(c) The dict() function makes a copy of that dictionary and returns it
(d) Python's garbage collector deletes the original dictionary.

Never put a lone dict literal {...} inside a call to dict(), that's just 
a waste of time. Just use the literal on its own.

dict() *can* be very useful, just not in the example shown. You can use 
it to make copies of other dicts:

first_dict = {'one': 1, 'two': 2}
second_dict = dict(first_dict)

That's not very interesting, as you can easily make a copy with 
first_dict.copy() instead. But it gets more interesting if you want to 
add new items to the dictionary:

third_dict = dict(first_dict, three=3, four=4)

You can even leave out the original dict:

fourth_dict = dict(a=1, b=2, c=3)

or instead use a list of (key, value) pairs:

items = [('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 3)]
fifth_dict = dict(items, d=4)


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Re: [Tutor] Creating a dictionary

2011-05-27 Thread delegbede
The first instance is more keystrokes while the second saves u that.
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN

-Original Message-
From: Válas Péter
Date: Fri, 27 May 2011 16:19:08 
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Creating a dictionary

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Re: [Tutor] Creating a dictionary

2011-05-27 Thread Válas Péter
2011. május 27. 16:31 írta,

 I think the way - d = dict({'one': 1, 'two': 2})  can be used to created
 dictionary using list comprehension.
  d = dict((i,i**2) for i in range(10))

 I think this is not the same syntax, there are no braces in.  dict({'one':
 1, 'two': 2}) rather seems to me as a converting function that creates a
dictionary from a dictionary.

Thank you anyway!
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Re: [Tutor] Python Interview Questions..

2011-05-27 Thread Walter Prins
Hi Colin,

On 27 May 2011 14:41, col speed wrote:

 I've been learning Python on and off for the past 3 years, as a hobby.
 I am over 50 years old, so will never be a programmer. However:

Well just because you're 50 years old doesn't mean you will never be a
programmer ;)

 1/ I've done a bit in Project Euler and have found many algorithms to get
 prime numbers. There is one that is 10 times faster than any other that I
 have found, it uses numpy. Unfortunately, I don't understand it at all.
 However,  neither would I understand Python's sort method, but I still use

It's this awareness (that you clearly already have0 that I submit is often
(sadly) lacking in many programmers.  So there mere fact that you're
pointing this out tells me that you already have, at least, a feel/awareness
that not all algorithms are equal, regardless of whether you understand

 I suppose that what I'm trying to say is that there will always be a need
 for experts that know different OS's and how a computer works inside, and
 there will also be a need for coders who code a programme that is needed at
 a certain time.

 Is there really a time that knowing that list is interpreted as
 1001000100010001001100010010 is important these days?

No, but that wasn't IMHO the point being made.  It's more about how (for
example) lists in general behave (e.g. having at least a feel for the cost
of various operations etc) and (by contrast) also how **Python's** list
implementation behaves (which is not the same as a classical linked list.
Python lists (CPython at least) are IIRC actually implemented as dynamic
arrays of pointers, which means that some operations don't cost as much as
they would do with a true nodular linked list implementation, while other
operations cost more etc. etc.)

Best wishes (hoping this was not perceived as a flame as it wasn't intended
as one!)

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Re: [Tutor] Creating a dictionary

2011-05-27 Thread delegbede
Nice observation Spawgi.
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN

-Original Message-
Date: Fri, 27 May 2011 20:01:24 
To: Válas Pé
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Creating a dictionary

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Re: [Tutor] Creating a dictionary

2011-05-27 Thread Peter Otten
Válas Péter wrote:

 I think I am new to here, as far as I remember. :-) says:
 we can create a dictionary with
- dict({'one': 1, 'two': 2})
 What is the adventage of this form to simply writing d = {'one': 1, 'two':
 2}? Is there any difference?

That is meant to illustrate that you can create a dictionary from another 
one by passing the existing dictionary to dict(). A more realistic example 

 friends = {Jim: 42, Jack: 18}
 family = {Sue: 7, Eli: 30}
 friends_and_family = dict(friends)
{'Eli': 30, 'Sue': 7, 'Jim': 42, 'Jack': 18}

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Re: [Tutor] Creating a dictionary

2011-05-27 Thread Válas Péter
2011/5/27 Steven D'Aprano

 Never put a lone dict literal {...} inside a call to dict(), that's just a
 waste of time. Just use the literal on its own.

That's what I thought about this, I just didn't want to believe that wrote a redundant example.

 third_dict = dict(first_dict, three=3, four=4)

 Thank you, these were useful examples!

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Re: [Tutor] Creating a dictionary

2011-05-27 Thread spawgi
Thanks for the detailed explanation Steve. That was very helpful.

On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 8:04 PM, Steven D'Aprano st...@pearwood.infowrote:

 Válas Péter wrote:

 I think I am new to here, as far as I remember. :-) says:
 we can create a dictionary with

   - dict({'one': 1, 'two': 2})

 What is the adventage of this form to simply writing d = {'one': 1, 'two':
 Is there any difference?

 dict() is a function (technically, a type) that creates new dictionaries
 from whatever argument you pass to it. { ... } is syntax for creating
 literal dictionaries. Think of this as similar to the difference between a
 mathematical expression:

 x = 2*9-1

 and a number literal:

 x = 17

 HOWEVER, in the above example with dict(), the form shown is redundant.
 dict({'one': 1, 'two': 2}) does these four steps:

 (a) Python creates a dictionary using the dict literal syntax
{'one': 1, 'two': 2}
 (b) That dictionary is then passed to the dict() function
 (c) The dict() function makes a copy of that dictionary and returns it
 (d) Python's garbage collector deletes the original dictionary.

 Never put a lone dict literal {...} inside a call to dict(), that's just a
 waste of time. Just use the literal on its own.

 dict() *can* be very useful, just not in the example shown. You can use it
 to make copies of other dicts:

 first_dict = {'one': 1, 'two': 2}
 second_dict = dict(first_dict)

 That's not very interesting, as you can easily make a copy with
 first_dict.copy() instead. But it gets more interesting if you want to add
 new items to the dictionary:

 third_dict = dict(first_dict, three=3, four=4)

 You can even leave out the original dict:

 fourth_dict = dict(a=1, b=2, c=3)

 or instead use a list of (key, value) pairs:

 items = [('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 3)]
 fifth_dict = dict(items, d=4)


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We can do it and do it better.
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Re: [Tutor] Python Interview Questions..

2011-05-27 Thread Marc Tompkins
On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 1:59 AM, Alan Gauld

 I want them to have studied the subject deeply and have a wealth of
 experience. Studying computing because its an easy option is not an option
 because its never easy.

That was the point that Joel and I were making.  The CS programs that have
become Java schools now make the curriculum as easy as possible because they
used to flunk lots of students, or lose them to other majors - they
obviously saw that as a Bad Thing, but it actually wasn't.  A degree from a
school that flunks a lot of students actually means something; a degree from
a school where everybody passes is about as meaningful as a Participation

 And anyone who starts down that road will be weeded out very quickly.

Not quickly enough!  They should be weeded out IN SCHOOL, or before they
even commit to a computer-science track.  It's cruel to students,
inefficient for business, and disastrous for consumers if they don't get
weeded out until they're already employed as programmers.

  Software can only be written by programmers, its the definition of the

You knew what I meant; don't be coy.  Anybody with a wrench and some pipe is
a plumber.  Doesn't mean I'm letting him work on my dishwasher.

The point I was trying to make, which apparently I didn't state clearly
enough, was: Professional programmers - I really supported the effort, years
back, to protect the term software engineer - should be familiar with the
ins and outs of computers, not just with the quirks of the language they are
employed to use.  To use my dishwasher analogy from a moment ago, I'm sure
we've all been visited by the appliance repairman (or auto mechanic, or
whatever) who only knows how to replace a single component, and who
therefore sees every malfunction as requiring a new control board.  I don't
want him either!  I want the guy who's worked on lots of appliances - not
just dishwashers, not just my model - because he's going to have a better
idea of how it all works when it's working, and what can go wrong when it's

At the same time - coming back to the theme of this group - I'm enthusiastic
about the idea of people learning to fix their own dishwashers, and - if
they love it, and get really good at it - becoming employed as appliance
repair professionals.  I have now officially over-worked this analogy.

There were a couple of other points I wanted to answer, but I'm out of
time.  It does seem that we mostly agree - certainly we agree that Java
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Re: [Tutor] Python Interview Questions..

2011-05-27 Thread Brett Ritter
On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 12:51 PM, Marc Tompkins wrote:
 That was the point that Joel and I were making.  The CS programs that have
 become Java schools now make the curriculum as easy as possible because they

The concept that knowledge/ability to use a language doesn't indicate
quality is one I agree with.


 enough, was: Professional programmers - I really supported the effort, years
 back, to protect the term software engineer - should be familiar with the
 ins and outs of computers, not just with the quirks of the language they are
 employed to use.  To use my dishwasher analogy from a moment ago, I'm sure

Here I disagree.  A certain level of base knowledge beyond the
requirements of your language is required, true, but
a) I think that can be taken too far.  I suspect a ton of truly great
programmers have never have to memalloc() and they are still good.
b) I think this is placing the cart before the horse.

To expand on that second point, I see a good programmer as someone
that thinks abstractly, that can bounce between big picture and
details, that considers concepts like reuse and flexibility without
extra effort.  They are lazy enough to want to take advantage of
existing libraries and diligent enough to fix things the first time.
They have curiosity and insight.

A person like that will, in time, learn enough about the environment
and foundations of their tools to reap all possible benefit from it.
Studying those foundations will not make you one of those people, nor
will testing for knowledge of those foundations necessarily find you
one of those people.

And, frankly, I suspect a great many of those people will never
wrestle with when exactly their compiler performs tail call
elimination.  But that's just my suspicion.

 There were a couple of other points I wanted to answer, but I'm out of
 time.  It does seem that we mostly agree - certainly we agree that Java

One issue I've not seen discussed is some of the specific habits the
language encourages.  I've never been one to trash a language,
believing it's a poor workman that blames his tools, and that almost
all tools have their strengths, but having worked with Java (and Java
developers) for a while now I've really come to dislike some of the
practices that are becoming common: Stacked patterns without
understanding the purpose, premature and excessive abstraction,
elimination of verbs, and horrendous naming habits.  I'm curious to
see if any of these habits change if/when Java adds functions as
first-class objects.

Brett Ritter / SwiftOne
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Re: [Tutor] Could I modify codes and validate immediately withoutrestart program?

2011-05-27 Thread Prasad, Ramit
 Does python has the ability to set cc to 34 after file
 savings without restarting whole program?
No, and I don;t know of any language than can unless
you explicitly reload the code. But that is usually a
feature of the debugger/interpreter rather
than the language.

It is not quite the same, but there are debuggers (not sure about for Python) 
that will let you change the *in memory* value of cc on the fly. Of course, any 
code change will still not work.

Eclipse's Java debugger will let you do small changes on the fly while 
paused; it will restart from the beginning of the function, but more often than 
not it will say could not replace because the criteria that is allowed for 
on the fly changes is *very* narrow.


Ramit Prasad | JPMorgan Chase Investment Bank | Currencies Technology
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Re: [Tutor] nested / concatenated function docstrings?

2011-05-27 Thread Prasad, Ramit
I knew I could set the docstring (and played with it) but I did not realize 
that would work when the function is imported from a module! 

Thank you,

Ramit Prasad | JPMorgan Chase Investment Bank | Currencies Technology
712 Main Street | Houston, TX 77002
work phone: 713 - 216 - 5423

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Alan 
Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2011 7:20 PM
Subject: Re: [Tutor] nested / concatenated function docstrings?

Prasad, Ramit wrote

 I would like to have the docstring for function first also 
 contain the docstring for second because it should 
 support/pass any argument second contains. 

You can explicitly set the docstring by assigning to __doc__:

 def f():
...  '''here is f's doc string '''
...  return 42
 def g():
...  return f() + 10
 g.__doc__ = Here is g's help\n + f.__doc__
Help on function g in module __main__:

Here is g's help 
here is f's doc string

There may be a more elegant way but that seems to work...

Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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Re: [Tutor] nested / concatenated function docstrings?

2011-05-27 Thread ALAN GAULD

 I knew I could set the docstring (and played with it) but I did 
 not realize that would work when the function is imported 
 from a module! 

You are changing the doc string of the function in the same 
module, you couldn't change the docstring of a function in 
another module - or at least not permanently.

Thank you,
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Re: [Tutor] Python Interview Questions..

2011-05-27 Thread Alan Gauld

Walter Prins wrote

Java just isn't a hard enough language to separate great 
from plodders (neither is Python, for that matter) because 

and memory allocation are taken care of automagically.

I fundamentally disagree with his stand on this.

Not sure what you're saying here Alan -- are you saying you consider 

hard enough language to seperate great programmers from plodders

Yes, I'm saying the language just isn't that significant.

you saying that you don't agree with the distinction drawn (that 

programmers are plodders and others are not) or what?

No, there are plodders and greats, but I'm disagreeing about
what constitutes great.

 When you're hiring programmers, (Joel says) you want people

who understand what the computer is actually doing under
all the chrome,

Thats where I disagree, you might occasionally need a few
of those, but not often and not many.

you want people who are smart enough to have actually
passed classes where they had to do that stuff.

And I do want them to have studied the subject and be
qualified - either by exam or by experience.

their view as, you want people who have some understanding of how 
the code
you've written will actually ends up being executed by the computer 
in terms
of the effective time and space complexity (as well as other 

problematic aspects) of the code.

The efficiency of an algorithm is one thing. The way a computer
executes it? That's much harder to guess since much depends
on the compiler/interpreter. A good algorithm is usually independant
of those things. (So an algorithm that creates zillions of objects in
memory is a bad algorithm and you need to be aware of the impact,
but you don't usually need to be aware of how the computer is creating
those in memory.)

point: The same pseudocode/algorithm realised in 2 different 
languages can
have wildly different performance characteristics depending on the 
nature of

the underlying languages and the exact form of the realisation.

I would say slight differences depending on language, the same
algorithm will generally have the same *relative* performance
regardless of language. The quality of the optimiser is likely
to be far more important. And in most real world scenarios
the quality of data structure design and database choice and
network usage are far more likely to cause performance issues
than the code. I'd rather have someone who can design a good
code structure than someone who can write tight code any day.

programmer will never even know unless you have a more
than superficial understanding of the language you program
in and have some awareness that these types of issues exist

I'd have agreed with that 10-15 years ago. Nowadays thats
rarely an issue. I haven't had to deal with those kind of issues
in a project for at least 10 years. I've had lots of performamce
issues to resolve, but the code is the last place I look.

what the different performance characteristics of various
algorithm classes are.

Here we agree. Redesigning the algorithm (and the data
structures) are far more likely to solve a performance
issue than tightening the code to suit the CPU
characteristics. Tightening code can save a few seconds
tightening the algorithm/data will save minutes or even hours.

Alan G.

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Re: [Tutor] Clunky Password maker

2011-05-27 Thread Alan Gauld

Steven D'Aprano wrote 

whrandom was deleted in Python 2.5! 

Well, I'm using 2.5 but I confess I didn't try it, 
I looked up my O'Reilly Python standard Library book 
because I already had it to hand. It obviously predates 2.5! :-)

Alan G.

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Re: [Tutor] Could I modify codes and validateimmediately withoutrestart program?

2011-05-27 Thread Alan Gauld

Prasad, Ramit wrote

It is not quite the same, but there are debuggers 
(not sure about for Python) that will let you change the 
*in memory* value of cc on the fly. 

Yes Pythons debugger can set a variable value during a 
break. But the OP wanted to do it in the source file not 
in memory.

Of course, any code change will still not work.

And that was the problem.
And a reload() would restart the code from the start.

Alan G.

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Re: [Tutor] Python Interview Questions..

2011-05-27 Thread Steven D'Aprano

Marc Tompkins wrote:

And anyone who starts down that road will be weeded out very quickly.

Not quickly enough!  They should be weeded out IN SCHOOL, or before they
even commit to a computer-science track.  It's cruel to students,
inefficient for business, and disastrous for consumers if they don't get
weeded out until they're already employed as programmers.

I'd like to point out a blog post by Jeff Atwood asking why programmers 
can't program. Not program well, but program *at all*.

Actually, the blog post title is provocatively wrong, since Jeff isn't 
*actually* saying that 99.5% of working programmers can't program, but 
that 99.5% of applicants for programming jobs can't write a simple 
beginner program. Or sometimes even a single line of code.

(The correct figure for working programmers is more like 80% *wink*)

Hilariously, about half the people writing in to say they easily solved 
the FizzBuzz problem actually *got it wrong*.

One commenter defended the can't-program-programmers by saying:

The people who couldn't solve the fizzbuzz test you describe in your 
article, might be great at solving well defined problems.

Presumably he meant well-defined problems *except* the fizzbuzz problem.

Follow the links in Jeff's post for more controversy, hilarity and/or 
analysis of the problem of finding good programmers.

 Software can only be written by programmers, its the definition of the

You knew what I meant; don't be coy.  Anybody with a wrench and some pipe is
a plumber.  Doesn't mean I'm letting him work on my dishwasher.

Not here in Australia you're not. You can only call yourself a plumber 
if you are properly licensed and certified. That usually means having 
gone through *at least* a five(?) year apprenticeship and that they at 
least know that water flows downhill.

The point I was trying to make, which apparently I didn't state clearly
enough, was: Professional programmers - I really supported the effort, years
back, to protect the term software engineer - should be familiar with the
ins and outs of computers, not just with the quirks of the language they are

Well, that depends on what you mean by familiar. I like to think that 
any good programmer should understand that there *are* hardware issues 
to consider, even if they don't actually know how to consider them. They 
should know about Big Oh notation, and be able to explain in general 
terms why bubblesort is so slow and quicksort is usually fast but 
sometimes becomes slow. If they can actually calculate the best/worst/

average Big Oh running times for a function, that's a bonus.

A good programmer should be aware that hardware caches invalidation will 
make your code run slow, even in a high-level language like Python. A 
*great* programmer will be able to tell you exactly which code will 
invalidate the hardware cache, and what to do to stop it.

But let's not mistake ignorance with stupidity. An ignorant programmer 
may have merely never learned about the difference between O(1) and 
O(2**n) running times, by some accident of education and work 
experience, but still be a good programmer. A stupid programmer still 
writes Shlemiel the painter's algorithms even after having them pointed 
out again and again.

employed to use.  To use my dishwasher analogy from a moment ago, I'm sure
we've all been visited by the appliance repairman (or auto mechanic, or
whatever) who only knows how to replace a single component, and who
therefore sees every malfunction as requiring a new control board.  I don't
want him either!

Not such a good analogy, since modern consumer goods are getting to the 
point where they are almost unrepairable except by replacing the control 
board. It often costs you *more* to fix a broken widget than to throw 
the machine away and buy a new one, e.g. monitors, TVs, DVD players...

That's also often the case with computers unless you value your time 
very low. In my day job, if I have the choice in paying one of my junior 
techs more than 4 hours to diagnose a flaky piece of hardware, I'd 
rather just hit it with a hammer and replace the likely suspects 
(memory, motherboard... whatever is likely to be causing the symptoms). 
Obviously its a sliding scale -- I don't replace a $14,000 server 
because a hard drive is broken, but neither do I spend three days trying 
to be absolutely 100% sure that a $60 power supply is flaky before 
replacing it.

Coming back to programming, sometimes the right answer is to throw more 
memory at a problem rather than to write better code. A GB of RAM costs, 
what, $100? That's like what, 1-3 hours of developer time? If it takes 
you three hours to lower your application's memory requirements by half 
a gig, you might be throwing money away.

That's partly why we program in Python: use a relatively heavyweight 

Re: [Tutor] Python Interview Questions..

2011-05-27 Thread Steven D'Aprano

Alan Gauld wrote:

Walter Prins wrote

Java just isn't a hard enough language to separate great programmers
from plodders (neither is Python, for that matter) because pointers
and memory allocation are taken care of automagically.

I fundamentally disagree with his stand on this.

Not sure what you're saying here Alan -- are you saying you consider Java
hard enough language to seperate great programmers from plodders

Yes, I'm saying the language just isn't that significant.

Sorry Alan, you confuse me. Do you mean Java isn't that *insignificant*?

 When you're hiring programmers, (Joel says) you want people

who understand what the computer is actually doing under
all the chrome,

Thats where I disagree, you might occasionally need a few
of those, but not often and not many.

I think that depends on what you mean by understand.

If you mean, should all programmers be like Mel:

then Hell No!!!

But I do believe that all programmers should understand the limitations 
of the machines they're running on (in Python's case, there's a virtual 
machine plus the real one), or at least understand that those 
limitations exist, so they can avoid making silly mistakes or at least 
recognise it when they do so.

I'm not talking about them knowing how to write assembly code, but 
little things like knowing why the recursive versions of factorial 
function and the Fibonacci sequence are so damn slow.

This is often harder than it sounds in Python, because the C built-in 
functions are so fast compared to those written in pure Python that for 
any reasonable amount of data it often is faster to use a O(n**2) 
function using built-ins than O(n) code in pure Python.

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Re: [Tutor] Python Interview Questions..

2011-05-27 Thread Marc Tompkins
On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 8:38 PM, Steven D'Aprano st...@pearwood.infowrote:

 Not such a good analogy, since modern consumer goods are getting to the
 point where they are almost unrepairable except by replacing the control
 board. It often costs you *more* to fix a broken widget than to throw the
 machine away and buy a new one, e.g. monitors, TVs, DVD players...

I kept going way, way too long with the dishwasher analogy, but the actual
incident that was stuck in my mind was automotive: a few years ago, my
brakes started pulsing whenever I tried to stop, and the brake light was
constantly lit.  I took it to the dealership; they took a look, and said
You need a new anti-lock brake computer.  That'll be $1000.  That seemed a
bit steep to me, so I took it to Midas Brake and Muffler.  They took a look,
and said You need a new right-front anti-lock brake sensor; that'll be
$600.  That seemed more reasonable, but when you have two clocks that don't
agree you should consult a third, so I went to my regular mechanic (where I
should have started in the first place!)  He said A stone from the road cut
the wire from the right front sensor to the computer.  We spliced the wire,
wrapped it in heat-shrink tubing and sealed it.  That'll be $15.
Now, try to re-imagine my analogy with those three mechanics in the place of
programmers.  Which one should I hire?

 That's also often the case with computers unless you value your time very
 low. In my day job, if I have the choice in paying one of my junior techs
 more than 4 hours to diagnose a flaky piece of hardware, I'd rather just hit
 it with a hammer and replace the likely suspects (memory, motherboard...
 whatever is likely to be causing the symptoms). Obviously its a sliding
 scale -- I don't replace a $14,000 server because a hard drive is broken,
 but neither do I spend three days trying to be absolutely 100% sure that a
 $60 power supply is flaky before replacing it.

 Coming back to programming, sometimes the right answer is to throw more
 memory at a problem rather than to write better code. A GB of RAM costs,
 what, $100? That's like what, 1-3 hours of developer time? If it takes you
 three hours to lower your application's memory requirements by half a gig,
 you might be throwing money away.

This approach may be acceptable for in-house development, or a case where
you and three other people use your program.  When Microsoft and Apple adopt
this philosophy, it makes me incredibly angry - multiply that $100 by all
the computers running their crap software, and eventually it adds up to real
money.  I truly think that one of the tragedies of modern software is that
the developers at places like MS, Apple, Adobe, etc. get their computers
replaced on a shorter lifecycle than most of the rest of us.  I mean, really
- have you used Outlook or iTunes, or FSM help us Acrobat, recently?  Makes
me want to open a vein.

And that gets to the point I was trying to make.  I am ALL FOR hobbyist and
part-time programming - I would not describe myself as a genius programmer,
so it's a good thing that it's not my full-time job (although it's my
favorite part of my job!)
I damn well want geniuses, and nobody else, working on the software that I
have to use to make my living.  It pisses me off beyond belief to have to
use some Schlemiel's efforts when I'm trying to put food on my family.*  And
that is why, if I were hiring developers, I would be strongly tempted to
skip the resumes from Java schools (even if, FSM help me, my shop actually
developed in Java) - there may very well be great programmers who went to
those schools, but someone else can find them; I want the ones who've been
pre-sifted for me.

 That's partly why we program in Python: use a relatively heavyweight
 language environment (at least compared to C or assembly) that allows us to
 be 10-30 times as productive for the cost of 10 times slower code and twice
 as much memory.

At no time have I advocated developing in assembler.   I think that
programmers should Get their Stuff Done in the most efficient manner
possible.  BUT:  if you work for me, I want you to have sprained your brain
learning how the flippin' machine works.  Then, when you come to work for
me, I will be ever-so happy to let you work in Python - because I know it's
the best way to harness your talent.  But (although I love this list, and
wish everybody on it well) I would never hire a programmer who had only ever
used Python, even if I ran a Python shop.

Full disclosure: I am currently cranky on the subject of crap software (and
the crap programmers who produce it) because, in one of my non-Python gigs,
I've been struggling to update some templates in an Electronic Health Record
system (which shall remain nameless.)  The template editor was clearly
written by a loosely-affiliated team of mental defectives, and it raises my
blood pressure every time I get near it.  So I may be a little unreasonable
on the subject of quality software...
