Re: [Tutor] Reading/dealing/matching with truly huge (ascii) files

2012-02-23 Thread Peter Otten
Elaina Ann Hyde wrote:

 Thanks for all the helpful hints, I really like the idea of using
 instead of a limit.  Walter was right that the 'i !=j' condition was
 causing problems.  I think that Alan and Steven's use of the index
 separately was great as it makes this much easier to test (and yes
 'astropysics' is a valid package, it's in there for later when I convert
 astrophysical coordinates and whatnot, pretty great but a little buggy
 FYI).  So I thought, hey, why not try to do a little of all these ideas,
 and, if you'll forgive the change in syntax, I think the problem is that
 the file might really just be too big to handle, and I'm not sure I have
 the right idea with the best_match:

 The errors are as follows:,Reader=asciitable.NoHeader,data_start=4,fill_values=['nan','-9.999'])
 line 131, in read
 dat = _guess(table, new_kwargs)
 line 175, in _guess
 dat =
 line 841, in read
 self.lines = self.inputter.get_lines(table)
 line 158, in get_lines
 lines = table.splitlines()
 So this means I don't have enough memory to run through the large file?
 Even if I just read in with asciitable I get this problem, I looked again
 and the large file is 1.5GB of text lines, so very large.  I was thinking
 of trying to tell the read function to skip lines that are too far away,
 the file is much, much bigger than the area I need.  Thanks for the
 comments so far.

Hmm, 1.5GB would be about 30,000 bytes per line if the 50,000 lines you 
mentioned before are correct. What does

$ wc bigfile


Can you give the first few lines of bigfile here or on I 
don't have asciitables installed but a quick look into the code suggests it 
consumes a lot more memory than necessary to solve your problem. If the file 
format is simple a viable alternative may be to extract the interesting 
columns manually together with the line index. Once you have the best 
matches you can build the result from bigfile and the indices of the best 

Alternatively you can split bigfile into a few parts, calculate the best 
matches for each part, and finally calculate the best matches of the partial 
best matches combined.

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Re: [Tutor] help writing functions

2012-02-23 Thread Alan Gauld

On 23/02/12 00:59, Saad Javed wrote:

[CODE]feed = urllib.urlopen(rssPage) #rssPage: address of xml feed
tree = etree.parse(feed)
x = tree.xpath(/rss/channel/item/title/text())
x = str(x[0])
for tag in tags: #tags is a list of items like hdtv, xvid, 720p etc
x = re.sub(r'\b' + tag + r'\b', '', x)
z = re.sub(r'[^\w\s]', '', x)
y = tree1.xpath(/rss/channel/item/pubDate/text())
print %s - %s %(z.rstrip(), y[0][:16])[/CODE]

Please don;t insert wiki style markers, its just confusing.
Also please use plain text for email otherwise the formatting
tends to get lost.

[CODE]def get_value(feed):
url = urllib2.urlopen(feed)
tree = etree.parse(url)
x = tree.xpath(/rss/channel/item/title/text())
y = tree.xpath(/rss/channel/item/pubDate/text())
x = str(x[0])
y = str(y[0][:16])
return x
return y

This will always return x and never y because a return statement 
terminates the function. If you want to return both values you need to 
put them in the same return statement:

return x,y

If you want to return only one you need to select which
with an if/else.

return x if some condition else y

or just

if some condition
   return x
   return y

If you prefer.

except SyntaxError:

You should probably not try catching Syntax errors since thats usually a 
fault in your code! Instead fix the syntax error.

def del_tag(x):
tags = ['HDTV', 'LOL', 'VTV', 'x264', 'DIMENSION', 'XviD', '720P',
'IMMERSE', '720p', 'X264']
for tag in tags:
x = re.sub(r'\b' + tag + r'\b', '', x)
y = re.sub(r'[^\w\s]', '', x)

You don't return x or y so they get thrown away at the end of the 
function. Which makes the whole thing a waste of space...

def main():
a = get_value(rssPage)
b = del_tag(a)
print b
if __name__ == '__main__':

Running this code returns [B]None[/B].

None is the default return value if you do not provide one.
main has no return statement. Neither does del_tag()
Both main and del_tag will therefore return None.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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Re: [Tutor] Which computer operating system is best for Python developers?

2012-02-23 Thread Alan Gauld

On 23/02/12 01:00, Tamar Osher wrote:

Hi. I am still having trouble installing and using Python on my (new)
Windows 7 computer, but I plan to contact Microsoft forums and see if
they can help me, since this is a Windows problem and not a Python problem.

I doubt if you have any big issues.
You probably only need to set two environment variables that the latest 
Pythion installers do not set for you. (I'm not sure why!)

My question: For the future, what type of computer is best for Python
developers? Do all Python developers use some type of Unix computer?

By no means, one of Pythons strengths is that the same code can run on 
many OS. But as Steven has mentioned many developers use Linux because 
GNU/Linux is designed as a developer's OS and comes with oodles of 
tools. Most of those are available for Windows too but you have to go 
find them, download them and install them.

I used Python on Windows for 11 years. I only switched to Linux full 
time a year ago when Windows 7 became too expensive and I decided I 
wasn't paying that much for an OS when a free alternative existed! But I 
still have Python on my Win7 work's laptop. And I also have it on my 10 
year old MacOS iBook. And the same python code runs on all of them...

So you don't need to switch OS, just tweak a couple of settings.
Go through the procedure I outlined in my previous mail and tell us how 
you get on. It may be a reinstall of Python is needed, or it may just be 
the two settings I mentioned above (PATH and PYTHONPATH)

One thing:
If you do a reinstall, download the ActiveState version rather
than the version. Active state tweak their Windows
version of Python to include a bunch of extra goodies for Windows 

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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Re: [Tutor] Reading/dealing/matching with truly huge (ascii) files

2012-02-23 Thread Alan Gauld

On 23/02/12 01:55, Elaina Ann Hyde wrote:

line 158, in get_lines
 lines = table.splitlines()
So this means I don't have enough memory to run through the large file?

Probably, or the code you are using is doing something extremely 

Even if I just read in with asciitable I get this problem, I looked
again and the large file is 1.5GB of text lines, so very large.

How much RAM do you have? Probably only 1-2G? so I'd suggest trying
another approach.

Peter has suggested a couple of ideas.

The other way is to simply load both files into database tables and use 
a SQL SELECT to pull out the combined lines. This will probably be 
faster than trying to do line by line stitch ups in Python.

You can also use the SQL interactive prompt to experiment with the query 
till you are sure its right!

Do you know any SQL? If not it is very easy to learn.
(See the database topic in my tutorial(v2 only) )

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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[Tutor] Solve wave equation

2012-02-23 Thread David Craig

I am trying to write some code that will solve the 2D wave equation by 
the finite difference method, but it just returns an array full of zeros 
and NaN's. Not sure where I am going wrong, the code is attached so if 
could someone point me in the right direction I'd appreciate this.

# 2D Finite Distance Wave Equation.
from pylab import *
from numpy import math

# Set up variables.
nx = 100
nz = 100
nsteps = 300
c = 4000
dt = 1**-4
h = 1
t = arange(0,nsteps,dt)

# Define source as a spike.
s = zeros(nsteps)
s[1] = 1
s[2] = 2
s[3] = 1

# Position source.
xs = 50
zs = 50

# Set up pressure field.

for t in range(0,nsteps-1):

for z in range(0,nz-1):

for x in range(0,nx-1):

p[x,z,t] = 0

# Solve wave equation.
for t in range(2,nsteps-1):

for z in range(1,nz-1):

for x in range(2,nx-1):

p[xs,zs,t] = s[t]

k = (c*dt/h)**2

p[x,z,t] = 2*p[x,z,t-1] - p[x,z,t-2] + 

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Re: [Tutor] Solve wave equation

2012-02-23 Thread Steven D'Aprano

David Craig wrote:

I am trying to write some code that will solve the 2D wave equation by 
the finite difference method, but it just returns an array full of zeros 
and NaN's. Not sure where I am going wrong, the code is attached so if 
could someone point me in the right direction I'd appreciate this.

I'm not enough of a mathematician to tell what the solution of the 2D wave 
equation by the finite difference method should be. Are you sure that an array 
full of zeroes and NANs is not the right answer? Perhaps this is telling you 
that there is no solution?

A couple of other random stumbles in the dark:

dt = 1**-4

Do you realise that 1**-4 == 1?

# Set up pressure field.

This sets p to an array with random values (whatever rubbish just happens to 
be in memory at the time). You are expected to initialize the values yourself.

Since you go on to try to initialize to all zeroes, you should consider using 
numpy's zeroes() function instead of empty().

for t in range(0,nsteps-1):
for z in range(0,nz-1):
for x in range(0,nx-1):
p[x,z,t] = 0

I'm pretty sure you end the loops one iteration too early here. Your array is 
indexed by

x = 0...nx-1 inclusive
z = inclusive
t = 0...nsteps-1 inclusive

(that is, the half-open intervals [0, nx) etc.) but you initialize only the 
values x = 0...nx-2 inclusive, etc. This is because Python's range() is 
already half-open on the right:

py range(0, 10)
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

By subtracting one, you miss an item:

py range(0, 10-1)
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]

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Re: [Tutor] Which computer operating system is best for Python developers?

2012-02-23 Thread Tim Golden

On 23/02/2012 09:00, Alan Gauld wrote:

By no means, one of Pythons strengths is that the same code can run on
many OS. But as Steven has mentioned many developers use Linux because
GNU/Linux is designed as a developer's OS and comes with oodles of
tools. Most of those are available for Windows too but you have to go
find them, download them and install them.

One thing:
If you do a reinstall, download the ActiveState version rather
than the version. Active state tweak their Windows
version of Python to include a bunch of extra goodies for Windows

Just seconding both of Alan's points here. I have been fruitfully
using Python on Windows for more than 12 years now and I am one of
the very few core developers who works in Windows (although sadly
lacking the time at the moment to contribute much). I develop
Python-based websites which run unaltered on my Win7 laptop, my
WinXP desktop, and whatever flavour of Linux my hosting provider
is using. (It could be RedHat or CentOS but I don't care because
it just works). You need to do a very small bit of initial
assumption-bashing to ensure that things will work across platforms,
but once that's done you never have to change anything again.

I also recommend the ActiveState distro. It sets Python up on the
PATH and adds pip in the right places. Both of those are easy
enough to do for yourself, but it's nice to have it done for

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Re: [Tutor] Which computer operating system is best for Python developers?

2012-02-23 Thread Jugurtha Hadjar

On 23/02/2012 02:00, Tamar Osher wrote:

Hi.  I am still having trouble installing and using Python on my (new) Windows 
7 computer, but I plan to contact Microsoft forums and see if they can help me, 
since this is a Windows problem and not a Python problem.

My question: For the future, what type of computer is best for Python 
developers?  Do all Python developers use some type of Unix computer?
I appreciate your feedback and look forward to hearing from you.  Thanks for 
your time.

That's actually a good question.

I am in Instrumentation Engineering (Electronics), and a lot of the 
software is designed  to run only in Windows, or, the equivalent 
software in Linux is more for hobbyists than for professionnals (Think 
software for printed circuit boards), or, in the best case there are 
versions that run on Linux, but they aren't as featured or updated as 
the one that run on Windows.

So I work on Windows. I have both Python26 and Python32 installed 
(Python26 for things like Numpy/SciPy).

I also installed VirtualBox and run Ubuntu 11.10. It's nice because most 
of the software I use is on Windows, but I fire up the virtual machine 
sometimes for programming stuff.

So it depends what you do and the software you use.

One last point: Having two versions of Python, here's what I did in 
order to chose which version is used depending what I'm doing (If I'm 
tinkering with Numpy, I must use Python26)

Python 2.6 is installed in C:\Python26
Python 3.2 is installed in C:\Python32

I added both paths to the Windows Environment Variables.

I created two .bat files named Python26.bat and Python32.bat, each one 
in the respective directory.

The Python26.bat file contains the follwoing lines:

@echo off
C:\Python26\python.exe %1

And the Python32.bat file contains the follwoing lines:

@echo off
C:\Python32\python.exe %1

So, if I write python26 in the command line, the script gets 
executed by Python 2.6.
In the same way, if I write python32, it gets executed by 
Python 3.2..

Just a little thing to make my life easier.

PS: If you have any question regarding the setting of the Virtual Box to 
run Ubuntu as a guest on Windows, feel free to ask for details. I'll be 
glad to provide links and things like that.

~Jugurtha Hadjar,

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Re: [Tutor] Solve wave equation

2012-02-23 Thread David Craig

Hooray it works,

On 02/23/2012 01:39 PM, Ken Oliver wrote:

Do you really want dt = 1**-4 or would 10**-4 be better

-Original Message-

From: David
Sent: Feb 23, 2012 7:57 AM
Subject: [Tutor] Solve wave equation

I am trying to write some code that will solve the 2D wave equation by
the finite difference method, but it just returns an array full of zeros
and NaN's. Not sure where I am going wrong, the code is attached so if
could someone point me in the right direction I'd appreciate this.


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Re: [Tutor] help writing functions

2012-02-23 Thread Saad Javed
Sorry for the formatting. Added return statements to both functions. Adding
return [x, y] to get_value func. That solved the problem. Thank you! :)


On Thursday, February 23, 2012, Alan Gauld wrote:

 On 23/02/12 00:59, Saad Javed wrote:

  [CODE]feed = urllib.urlopen(rssPage) #rssPage: address of xml feed
 tree = etree.parse(feed)
 x = tree.xpath(/rss/channel/item/**title/text())
 x = str(x[0])
 for tag in tags: #tags is a list of items like hdtv, xvid, 720p etc
 x = re.sub(r'\b' + tag + r'\b', '', x)
 z = re.sub(r'[^\w\s]', '', x)
 y = tree1.xpath(/rss/channel/**item/pubDate/text())
 print %s - %s %(z.rstrip(), y[0][:16])[/CODE]

 Please don;t insert wiki style markers, its just confusing.
 Also please use plain text for email otherwise the formatting
 tends to get lost.

  [CODE]def get_value(feed):
 url = urllib2.urlopen(feed)
 tree = etree.parse(url)
 x = tree.xpath(/rss/channel/item/**title/text())
 y = tree.xpath(/rss/channel/item/**pubDate/text())
 x = str(x[0])
 y = str(y[0][:16])
 return x
 return y

 This will always return x and never y because a return statement
 terminates the function. If you want to return both values you need to put
 them in the same return statement:

 return x,y

 If you want to return only one you need to select which
 with an if/else.

 return x if some condition else y

 or just

 if some condition
   return x
   return y

 If you prefer.

  except SyntaxError:

 You should probably not try catching Syntax errors since thats usually a
 fault in your code! Instead fix the syntax error.

  def del_tag(x):
 tags = ['HDTV', 'LOL', 'VTV', 'x264', 'DIMENSION', 'XviD', '720P',
 'IMMERSE', '720p', 'X264']
 for tag in tags:
 x = re.sub(r'\b' + tag + r'\b', '', x)
 y = re.sub(r'[^\w\s]', '', x)

 You don't return x or y so they get thrown away at the end of the
 function. Which makes the whole thing a waste of space...

  def main():
 a = get_value(rssPage)
 b = del_tag(a)
 print b
 if __name__ == '__main__':

 Running this code returns [B]None[/B].

 None is the default return value if you do not provide one.
 main has no return statement. Neither does del_tag()
 Both main and del_tag will therefore return None.

 Alan G
 Author of the Learn to Program web site

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Re: [Tutor] Which computer operating system is best for Python developers?

2012-02-23 Thread Dave Angel

On 02/23/2012 10:23 AM, Jugurtha Hadjar wrote:

One last point: Having two versions of Python, here's what I did in 
order to chose which version is used depending what I'm doing (If I'm 
tinkering with Numpy, I must use Python26)

Python 2.6 is installed in C:\Python26
Python 3.2 is installed in C:\Python32

I added both paths to the Windows Environment Variables.

I created two .bat files named Python26.bat and Python32.bat, each one 
in the respective directory.

The Python26.bat file contains the follwoing lines:

@echo off
C:\Python26\python.exe %1

And the Python32.bat file contains the follwoing lines:

@echo off
C:\Python32\python.exe %1

I'm not running Windows any more (except in a VirtualBox), but your 
batch files could be improved:

Since you only have the one useful line in the batch file, just put the 
@ on that line;  no need to turn off echo for the whole file, when the 
file is one line.

And i forget whether it's  %*   or %$but there is a substitution 
string you can use to mean all the arguments, rather than just taking 
one.  Remember that sometimes people want to run python with multiple 

I also made a bat directory, and added it to the PATH.  Then you put 
both those batch files, plus some others, into the bat directory.  That 
assumes you'll keep finding more utilities you'd like to add to the path.

No biggie, just trying to help.  There are more complicated changes that 
I used to do, which I won't mention here.



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Re: [Tutor] Which computer operating system is best for Python developers?

2012-02-23 Thread Jugurtha Hadjar

On 23/02/2012 16:46, Dave Angel wrote:
I'm not running Windows any more (except in a VirtualBox), but your 
batch files could be improved:

Since you only have the one useful line in the batch file, just put 
the @ on that line;  no need to turn off echo for the whole file, when 
the file is one line.

And i forget whether it's  %*   or %$but there is a substitution 
string you can use to mean all the arguments, rather than just 
taking one.  Remember that sometimes people want to run python with 
multiple arguments.

I also made a bat directory, and added it to the PATH.  Then you put 
both those batch files, plus some others, into the bat directory.  
That assumes you'll keep finding more utilities you'd like to add to 
the path.

No biggie, just trying to help.  There are more complicated changes 
that I used to do, which I won't mention here.



Hey, these are very neat ideas (especially the bat folder and the 
arguments point) .. Thank you !

~Jugurtha Hadjar,

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Re: [Tutor] Which computer operating system is best for Python developers?

2012-02-23 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 23/02/2012 15:23, Jugurtha Hadjar wrote:

On 23/02/2012 02:00, Tamar Osher wrote:

Hi. I am still having trouble installing and using Python on my (new)
Windows 7 computer, but I plan to contact Microsoft forums and see if
they can help me, since this is a Windows problem and not a Python

My question: For the future, what type of computer is best for Python
developers? Do all Python developers use some type of Unix computer?
I appreciate your feedback and look forward to hearing from you.
Thanks for your time.

That's actually a good question.

I am in Instrumentation Engineering (Electronics), and a lot of the
software is designed to run only in Windows, or, the equivalent software
in Linux is more for hobbyists than for professionnals (Think software
for printed circuit boards), or, in the best case there are versions
that run on Linux, but they aren't as featured or updated as the one
that run on Windows.

So I work on Windows. I have both Python26 and Python32 installed
(Python26 for things like Numpy/SciPy).

I also installed VirtualBox and run Ubuntu 11.10. It's nice because most
of the software I use is on Windows, but I fire up the virtual machine
sometimes for programming stuff.

So it depends what you do and the software you use.

One last point: Having two versions of Python, here's what I did in
order to chose which version is used depending what I'm doing (If I'm
tinkering with Numpy, I must use Python26)

Python 2.6 is installed in C:\Python26
Python 3.2 is installed in C:\Python32

I added both paths to the Windows Environment Variables.

I created two .bat files named Python26.bat and Python32.bat, each one
in the respective directory.

The Python26.bat file contains the follwoing lines:

@echo off
C:\Python26\python.exe %1

And the Python32.bat file contains the follwoing lines:

@echo off
C:\Python32\python.exe %1

So, if I write python26 in the command line, the script gets
executed by Python 2.6.
In the same way, if I write python32, it gets executed by
Python 3.2..

Just a little thing to make my life easier.

PS: If you have any question regarding the setting of the Virtual Box to
run Ubuntu as a guest on Windows, feel free to ask for details. I'll be
glad to provide links and things like that.

Have you seen pylauncher?
Here's the background


Mark Lawrence.

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Re: [Tutor] Writing to a file/changing the file name

2012-02-23 Thread bob gailer

On 2/23/2012 12:04 AM, Michael Lewis wrote:

Hi everyone,

I have a program where I open a file (recipe.txt), I read that file 
and write it to another file. I am doing some multiplying of numbers 
in between; however, my question is, when I name the file I am writing 
to, the file extension is changed, but the file name is not. What am I 
doing wrong?

Christian gave you the answer (he fished for you)

How to fish for yourself:

Before posting a question do a walkthru of the program.

This means pretending you are the Python interpreter and your job is to 
execute the program step-by-step, writing down the effect of each statement

You will find many answers yourself this way, saving all of us time and 

in the above case take the statement   new_file_name = file_name + '2'
and do this:
file_name is recipe.txt
file_name + '2' is here you pretend to be the interpreter and answer 
the question what is recipe.txt + 2
If you come up with anything other than recipe.txt2 then you need to 
review how Python works.

Another idea is: when you get an unexpected result there must be a very 
good reason for it. Do a little hunting. Each time you solve a problem 
for yourself you get stronger.


Bob Gailer
Chapel Hill NC

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Re: [Tutor] Solve wave equation

2012-02-23 Thread David Craig
OK so I can solve the equation but now I am having trouble plotting the 
solution! I would like to produce a surface plot with colors defined by 
p and animate it. That is plot the value of p at all x and z, over time 
(t).  My code to get p is below but I really have no idea how to plot 
this. Anyone know the best way to go about this?


 Original Message 
Subject:Re: [Tutor] Solve wave equation
Date:   Thu, 23 Feb 2012 15:24:45 +
From:   David Craig

Hooray it works,

On 02/23/2012 01:39 PM, Ken Oliver wrote:

 Do you really want dt = 1**-4 or would 10**-4 be better

 -Original Message-

 From: David
 Sent: Feb 23, 2012 7:57 AM
 Subject: [Tutor] Solve wave equation

 I am trying to write some code that will solve the 2D wave equation by
 the finite difference method, but it just returns an array full of zeros
 and NaN's. Not sure where I am going wrong, the code is attached so if
 could someone point me in the right direction I'd appreciate this.


# 2D Finite Distance Wave Equation.
from pylab import *
from numpy import math


# Set up variables.
nx = 100
nz = 100
nsteps = 300
c = 3500
dt = 10**-4
h = 1
t = arange(0,nsteps,dt)

# Define source as a spike.
s = zeros(nsteps)
s[1] = 1
s[2] = 2
s[3] = 1

# Position source.
xs = 50
zs = 50

# Set up pressure field.

for t in range(0,nsteps-1):

for z in range(0,nz-1):

for x in range(0,nx-1):

p[x,z,t] = 0

# Solve wave equation

for t in range(2,nsteps-1):

for z in range(1,nz-1):

for x in range(2,nx-1):

p[xs,zs,t] = s[t]
k = (c*dt/h)**2

p[x,z,t] = 2*p[x,z,t-1] - p[x,z,t-2] + 

#Plot somehow



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Re: [Tutor] Solve wave equation

2012-02-23 Thread Evert Rol
 OK so I can solve the equation but now I am having trouble plotting the 
 solution! I would like to produce a surface plot with colors defined by p and 
 animate it. That is plot the value of p at all x and z, over time (t).  My 
 code to get p is below but I really have no idea how to plot this. Anyone 
 know the best way to go about this? 

A quick search on matplotlib surface plot (since you're already using 
matplotlib) led me to
Perhaps that's something you can use?
Your statement 'colors defined by p' leads more to using contour plots instead, 
and variants thereof:

I assume with animate it, you just want to show every plot, continuously 
updating it. With matplotlib, that may be a bit slow, but you could save each 
figure to disk and then use some tool to put them into a movie (mpeg, wmv, 
animated gif, anything) if this is something you want to present to other 


  Original Message 
 Subject:  Re: [Tutor] Solve wave equation
 Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2012 15:24:45 +
 From: David Craig
 Hooray it works,
 On 02/23/2012 01:39 PM, Ken Oliver wrote:
  Do you really want dt = 1**-4 or would 10**-4 be better
  -Original Message-
  From: David Craig
  Sent: Feb 23, 2012 7:57 AM
  Subject: [Tutor] Solve wave equation
  I am trying to write some code that will solve the 2D wave equation by
  the finite difference method, but it just returns an array full of zeros
  and NaN's. Not sure where I am going wrong, the code is attached so if
  could someone point me in the right direction I'd appreciate this.
 # 2D Finite Distance Wave Equation.
 from pylab import *
 from numpy import math
 # Set up variables.
 nx = 100
 nz = 100
 nsteps = 300
 c = 3500
 dt = 10**-4
 h = 1
 t = arange(0,nsteps,dt)
 # Define source as a spike.
 s = zeros(nsteps)
 s[1] = 1
 s[2] = 2
 s[3] = 1
 # Position source.
 xs = 50
 zs = 50
 # Set up pressure field.
 for t in range(0,nsteps-1):
 for z in range(0,nz-1):
 for x in range(0,nx-1):
 p[x,z,t] = 0
 # Solve wave equation
 for t in range(2,nsteps-1):
 for z in range(1,nz-1):
 for x in range(2,nx-1):
 p[xs,zs,t] = s[t]
 k = (c*dt/h)**2
 p[x,z,t] = 2*p[x,z,t-1] - p[x,z,t-2] + 
 #Plot somehow
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[Tutor] how to uninstall distutils?

2012-02-23 Thread Comer Duncan

I have distutils 0.9 install under Python 2.7. I want to uninstall it.
 I am on a Macbook pro running Lion. The site-packages directory is in
/Lib/Python/2.7/site-packages.  There distutils exists along with a
lot of other stuff  I have installed.  I do not have pip installed and
in fact installed distutils 0.9 from the distutils directory by
running as usual sudo python2.7 install.  I am unsure whether
I can just remove the distutils stuff in the site-packages directory
and do so safely.  Can you please advise me on the safe way to
completely remove distutils?

Thanks for your help.

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Re: [Tutor] how to uninstall distutils?

2012-02-23 Thread Comer Duncan
Wow, I screwed up.  I meant docutils rather than distutils !!  Sorry
for the crazy fingers.

On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 3:14 PM, Comer Duncan wrote:

 I have distutils 0.9 install under Python 2.7. I want to uninstall it.
  I am on a Macbook pro running Lion. The site-packages directory is in
 /Lib/Python/2.7/site-packages.  There distutils exists along with a
 lot of other stuff  I have installed.  I do not have pip installed and
 in fact installed distutils 0.9 from the distutils directory by
 running as usual sudo python2.7 install.  I am unsure whether
 I can just remove the distutils stuff in the site-packages directory
 and do so safely.  Can you please advise me on the safe way to
 completely remove distutils?

 Thanks for your help.

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Re: [Tutor] Reading/dealing/matching with truly huge (ascii) files

2012-02-23 Thread Elaina Ann Hyde
On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 9:07 PM, Alan Gauld

 On 23/02/12 01:55, Elaina Ann Hyde wrote:

 line 158, in get_lines
 lines = table.splitlines()
 So this means I don't have enough memory to run through the large file?

 Probably, or the code you are using is doing something extremely

  Even if I just read in with asciitable I get this problem, I looked
 again and the large file is 1.5GB of text lines, so very large.

 How much RAM do you have? Probably only 1-2G? so I'd suggest trying
 another approach.

 Peter has suggested a couple of ideas.

 The other way is to simply load both files into database tables and use a
 SQL SELECT to pull out the combined lines. This will probably be faster
 than trying to do line by line stitch ups in Python.

 You can also use the SQL interactive prompt to experiment with the query
 till you are sure its right!

 Do you know any SQL? If not it is very easy to learn.
 (See the database topic in my tutorial(v2 only) )

 Alan G
 Author of the Learn to Program web site

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Ok, if I use awk I seperate the file into an edible 240MB chunk, I do my
initial sorting there.  Now, having learned my lesson from last time, using
numpy is/can be faster than looping for an array, so if I want to find the
minimum distance and get matches.  I cobbled these together and now the
matching is reasonably fast and seems to be doing quite well.


# import modules used here -- sys is a very standard one
import sys
import asciitable
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.path as mpath
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.pyplot import figure, show
from matplotlib.patches import Ellipse
import scipy
import numpy as np
from numpy import *
import math
import pylab
import random
from pylab import *
import astropysics
import astropysics.obstools
import astropysics.coords
from astropysics.coords import ICRSCoordinates,GalacticCoordinates


#first convert from decimal radians to degrees

dat2 =,Reader=asciitable.NoHeader,fill_values=['
fopen = open('allfiles_rod2Mass.list','w')

#here are the 2 values for the large file
#converts hexadecimal in multiple columns to regular degrees
Radeg2 = 15*(dat2['col1']+(dat2['col2']/60.)+(dat2['col3']/(60.*60.)))
Decdeg2 = dat2['col4']-(dat2['col5']/60.)-(dat2['col6']/(60.*60.))

#try defining distances instead of a limit
#built in numpy function faster than a loop, combine numpy and loop
def distance(Ra1,Dec1,Ra2,Dec2):
x = Ra1 - Ra2
y = Dec1 - Dec2
return np.sqrt(x*x+y*y)

for i in xrange(len(Radeg)):
dist2 = np.array(distance(Radeg[i],Decdeg[i],Radeg2,Decdeg2))
best_match = where(dist2==min(dist2))[0][0]
Rab = Radeg2[best_match]
Decb = Decdeg2[best_match]
fopen.write(str(dist2[best_match])++ .join([str(k) for k in
list(dat[i])])+ + .join([str(k) for k in

Thanks everyone!  All your comments were really helpful, I think I might
even be getting the hang of this!

PhD Candidate
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Faculty of Science
Macquarie University
North Ryde, NSW 2109, Australia
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Re: [Tutor] Reading/dealing/matching with truly huge (ascii) files

2012-02-23 Thread Asokan Pichai
Did you try loadtxt() from numpy?

the poster above notes  that 2.5 million lines and 10 columns takes 3
minutes to load.

Asokan Pichai
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Re: [Tutor] Reading/dealing/matching with truly huge (ascii) files

2012-02-23 Thread Alan Gauld

On 24/02/12 05:11, Elaina Ann Hyde wrote:

Ok, if I use awk I seperate the file into an edible 240MB chunk,

Why awk? Python is nearly always faster than awk...
Even nawk or gawk. awk is a great language but I rarely
use it nowadays other than for one liners because
perl/python/ruby are all generally faster for non
trivial tasks.

split OTOH should be faster still for chunking a file.

But by keeping the chunking as part of your program you don't
have the switching time between apps.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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