Re: [Tutor] Project Review

2006-12-21 Thread Jonathon Sisson
Christopher Arndt wrote:
 P.S. This is basically just rephrasing what has been already said by others 

Seriously, that is an excellent guide.  Eric S. Raymond writes some high 
quality stuff.  Anyone new to posting on this list (or any other, for 
that matter) should read that.  I highly recommend it and thanks Chris 
for posting that link.

And check out some of Eric's other guides and essays as well.  A 
particular favorite of mine (especially if you are interested in open 
source software and the development model utilized by most of the open 
source community) is

Great post, Chris.  Thanks!

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Data hiding in Python.

2006-12-19 Thread Jonathon Sisson

 My vote is, no, not worth the trouble. It's Java / C++ / static-typing / 
 put-the-client-in-a-straightjacket-so-they-don't-touch-anything thinking.

Heh...and don't forget the king-pin of them all, C#.  Between private, 
public, protected, internal, and protected internal I lose track of what 
I was originally doing and end up contemplating the meaning of what if 
another programmer wants to use this creation of mine instead of doing 
what I set out to do...

I'm with Kent on this one...definitely not worth the trouble to 
bastardize Python like that...

As a side note, does anyone have a good argument for access level 
controls like C#?  I personally think it's a waste of time (much like 
C#/ apologies to any .NET fans out there...), and honestly 
the arguable margin of security that access modifiers provide is 
outweighed by the cons, in my opinion.  (And usually what programmers 
end up doing is creating service methods that allow access anyways, so 
the margin of security is lost).  Thoughts?

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Data hiding in Python.

2006-12-19 Thread Jonathon Sisson
Alan Gauld wrote:
 but also enforces that intent. This is espectially important
 during the early development of libraries where the internal
 representation is constantly evolving.

Yeah, I would have to agree with you there.  I hadn't considered that 

 But multiple languages compiling to a common runtime
 all with a single class library is powerful medicine...

I would argue the only real innovation provided by .NET is just that: 
the ability to produce and consume project components from different 

I have to say I'd still prefer Java development over .NET, but that's 
probably more personal issues with Microsoft than language implementation.

I recently used Python for a relatively large project for a Linux 
scripting class (the professor was kind enough to allow any relatively 
common scripting language (i.e. available on our Linux server...heh)) 
and I have to admit, I'm much more productive with Python than with 
virtually any language I've used before. (No, I haven't tried Ruby yet, 
but I hear it's just as addicting).  Access modifiers or not, you can't 
really argue with development productivity like that...or the grade that 
I got on that project. =)  And, it was actually kind of fun listening to 
some other students gripe about Perl...haha.

Anyhow, thanks for the additional info, Alan!

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Amazing power of Regular Expressions...

2006-11-06 Thread Jonathon Sisson
Just out of curiousity (since I really can't say myself), does the code 
below import re each time it loops?  I ran the same commands and saw 
quite similar results (0.176 usec per loop for the first test and 0.993 
usec per loop for the second test), and I was just curious if that 
import (and the re.compile, for that matter) happen with each loop?


John Fouhy wrote:
 On 07/11/06, Kent Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If anyone really cares which Python implementation is faster, the timeit
 module is your friend. Assertions like would probably be faster or
 it's also quicker don't hold much weight. In Python, if you want to
 know what is faster, you must test.
 Hmm, what exactly is the contentious code?
 Morpork:~ repton$ python -m timeit -s
 'J in s'
 100 loops, best of 3: 0.295 usec per loop
 Morpork:~ repton$ python -m timeit -s 'import re' -s 'r =
 re.compile([0-9A-Za-z_.-])' 'r.match(J)'
 100 loops, best of 3: 1.16 usec per loop
Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] GUI with Designer

2006-11-05 Thread Jonathon Sisson

SPE is in the Gentoo repository as well.  I've been looking for 
something to replace Eric, so thanks for the tip, Chris!  I'll check it out.


Chris Hengge wrote:
 Well, I use SPE which comes with wxGlade and XRC. For the small amount 
 of gui I've done with python I think SPE offers the best IDE coder 
 experience (coming from a VS world). The tools make sense to me.
 wxGlade is a GUI designer written in Python with the popular GUI toolkit 
 wxPython, that helps you create 
 wxWidgets/wxPython user interfaces. At the moment it can generate 
 Python, C++, Perl and XRC (wxWidgets' XML resources) code.
 XRC(wxWidgets' XML resources) is nice because it allows you to abstract 
 your interface design (think of any program that uses XML to format skins).
 Overall, I think everyone using python should give SPE a try, even 
 without gui programming its a great tool for writing code. It's free, 
 and written in python using wxPython.. Stani (the Dev) is a great person 
 for helping out with questions on using his package, he puts out regular 
 updates and fixes. He's got some help from a few other people so its 
 packaged in .exe, .rpm and standalone .zip formats. It's also on the 
 standard repo's for Ubuntu.
 If you like it, be kind and toss the guy a few bucks for his efforts. If 
 you do, you will get your name mentioned on the SPE news page and get a 
 nice copy of his user manual (pdf).
 If you want to know more about SPE, check out:
 or video demonstations at:
 On 11/3/06, *Dick Moores* [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 At 02:10 PM 11/3/2006, Chris Hengge wrote:
 I vouch for the SPE with wxGlade and XRC! (packaged together with IDE)
 I'd be very interested in hearing why you suggest that combination.
 Dick Moores
 On 11/3/06, *Carlos Daniel Ruvalcaba Valenzuela* 

 wxPython is good for cross-platform stuff and has a few gui
 (Boa Constructor and others comes to mind), I don't know much
 PyQT state in this, but PyGtk + Glade (Gui Designer) is a very

 Is about choise, I suggest you to do some simple tests with
 until you find something to be confortable with.

 * PyGtk + Glade
 * Boa Contructor
 * SPE + wxPython

 On 11/3/06, Todd Dahl [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I am wanting to get into some GUI coding with Python and have
 heard about
  PyQT and wxPython. Now I am definately not looking for some
 type of holy war
  but can anyone give me a good reason to pick one over the other.
  Also I would like to have a designer with it or a seperate
 designer that
  could be used with either. I plan on coding in Windows XP.
  Tutor maillist  -
 Tutor maillist  -

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Re: [Tutor] Amazing power of Regular Expressions...

2006-11-04 Thread Jonathon Sisson
Asrarahmed Kadri wrote:
  tries to supply negative values, then match will return None.
  So no hassle of using all those Ifs  and Elifs
  I think REGULAR Expressions can be quite powerful...

Indeed...Regular expressions were discovered etched into the blade of a 
sword that had been planted into a rock somewhere in ancient 
England...(yes, I'm kidding...but discovering RE's can make you feel 
that way...)

Regular Expressions can be cryptic at first, but once you get the hang 
of them they're addicting... As Alan Gauld stated in another thread (I'm 
pretty sure it was Alan): You'll get to the point that you want to use 
(regular expressions) all the time, even if they aren't the right tool 
for the job.  If something like a string function or a list slice can 
handle the job, don't go overkill on it.

I speak from experience...listen to Alan's advice.  I have used RE's 
where they weren't the right tool, and the deeper I got into the code 
the more I was made aware that RE's were a bad choice.  It's tough to 
dump a week or two's worth of work because of one bad decision...most of 
the time the tendency is to force the bad decision, and this leads to 
bad code...

To summarize:

Regular Expressions:  learn them, love them, use them...but put the 
sword down if a pen can handle the job better.


 Hi Folks,
 I dont know much about Regular Expressions. But I just want to share my 
 I was trying to implement error checking code on the date argument:
 I did this:  
 import re
 # the user should enter date in the format: dd/mm/
 p = re.compile('\d\d/\d\d/\d\d\d\d')
 m = p.match(date)
 the function match will return an object of type SRE_Match only if the 
 user has supplied the string in the form of dd/mm/. If the user 

 To HIM you shall return.
 Tutor maillist  -
Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] shebang problem

2006-11-04 Thread Jonathon Sisson

It's not a permissions issue...

(from the original e-mail...see below)
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/test$ ls -la
  -rwxr-xr-- 1 brian brian 68 2006-11-04 02:29

This is clearly executable by brian, and clearly being executed by 
brian.  The shebang line is correct (#!/usr/bin/python).

The problem is *how* you are executing the file.  If you simply type in 
the filename, your shell looks on your PATH to find the file.  Unless 
~/test is on PATH, you'll get a command not found error.

Instead type in:


and see if that works.  ./ tells the shell to look in your current 
working directory for the file.

Let me know if that solved the problem...


Carlos Hanson wrote:
 On Sat, November 4, 2006 4:11 pm, Brian van den Broek wrote:
 Hi all,

 I'm still getting comfortable with Linux and this might be an OS
 rather than a python problem.

 I am trying to make a script directly executable. I've reviewed the
 2nd ed of the Nutshell, and I cannot work out what I'm doing wrong.
 I'm running ubunutu 6.10 (edgy eft). Here's a copy past of my command

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/test$ which python
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/test$ ls -la
 -rwxr-xr-- 1 brian brian 68 2006-11-04 02:29
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/test$ cat

 if __name__ == '__main__':

  print It works
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/test$ shebangtest
 bash: shebangtest: command not found
 bash: command not found

 I've also tried:

 #!/usr/bin python

 as my shebang line.

 I've been unable to get this to work. Clearly, there is something I've
 misunderstood. (`#!' is not an easy thing to google for :-)


 Brian vdB

 Your answer lies in the file permission.  The file needs to be
 executable.  If you look at the man pages for chmod, you will find
 your answer.
 The shebang line tells the shell what to use to run the script.  For
 example, if the file is not executable, you would execute it as
 $ python
 As you found with `which python`, python is in /usr/bin, so executing
 the script is actually
 $ /usr/bin/python
 Therefore, the shebang line needs to be as follows:
 #! /usr/bin/python
 Then once the script has execute permissions (man chmod), it will run
 as expected.
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Amazing power of Regular Expressions...

2006-11-04 Thread Jonathon Sisson
Ahh, sorry, sorry.  I haven't been able to locate the thread that I read 
that summarized passage from, so I can't say who exactly said all of that...

Nice quote on C/C++...made me laugh.


Alan Gauld wrote:
 Jonathon Sisson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
 of them they're addicting... As Alan Gauld stated in another thread 
 pretty sure it was Alan): You'll get to the point that you want to 
 (regular expressions) all the time, even if they aren't the right 
 Nope, it wasn't me, maybe Danny.
 But I sure agree with it. The problem with Regex is that they can
 be just a bit too powerful. To cite another programming proverb,
 this time by Bjarne Stroustrup I think:
 C makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot;
 C++ makes it  harder, but when you do,
 it blows away your whole leg.
 Regex can be like that too.
 Regular Expressions:  learn them, love them, use them...but put the
 sword down if a pen can handle the job better.
 A great summary.
Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] question

2006-11-03 Thread Jonathon Sisson
Hi Doug,

I'm not a Python guru, but shouldn't you be putting the output of 
file.split('\n') into a list, and not back into a string (for clarity's 

Also, if you have two trailing newlines on the file, your final string 
will be '', so you should be doing clean1.append(i[26:40]) in your for 
loop, right?

Let me know if that helps...


Doug Potter wrote:
 I don't get  the output I would expect from the following.
 The variable clean1 gives me an empty string.  But if i change the for 
 loop to print i[26:40] I get all the info.
 what do I need to do to capture all the data to clean1? 
   a = open('arp.txt')
   file =
   file = file.split('\n')
   b = open('arplist.txt','w')
   clean1 = []
   for i in file:
 ... clean1 = i[26:40]
 Tutor maillist  -
Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] move forward in arbitrary direction

2006-10-28 Thread Jonathon Sisson
The something you're stuck on is the angle the triangle has rotated, 
measured in radians.  If the concept of radians is not familiar, then 
here's a quick review:

There are 2*pi radians in a complete circle (about 6.28)
There are 360 degrees in a complete circle
1 radian is approximately 57 degrees

Going by radians, 0.0*pi is pointing to the right, 0.5*pi is pointing 
down, 1.0*pi is pointing to the left, and 1.5*pi is pointing straight up.

Keep in mind that python has a math function radians(x), which converts 
x degrees to radians.  If you use that, you can use degrees instead 
and convert on the fly.  (i.e. something to the effect of: 
math.cos(math.radians(degrees)) would give you the change in vector[0]).
If you would rather use radians, keep in mind that the python math 
module also has the pi constant, which is pretty self explanatory...

Hope that helps you...


Michael Shulman wrote:
 Hello, I have what should be a basic math question, but I keep messing 
 it up.
 How do I code an equation so that when I have an object facing an 
 arbitrary vector, pressing a key will make it move forwards in that 
 (I understand all the key-based setup, it's just the equation for moving 
 in the arbitrary vector direction that's got me stuck)
 right now i can make something move up and down, or left and right, but 
 if I want to rotate a triangle, then move it so that the 'tip' always 
 points in the direction it's going to move, I get stuck.
 the thing I have which doesn't work is something like
 vector = [0 0 0]
 def specialKey(key,x,y):
 if key  == 'up':
vector[0] = vector[0] + 1
 which I assume should be more like
 vector = [0 0 0]
 def specialKey(key,x,y):
 if key  == 'up':
vector[0] =  vector[0] * math.cos(something???)+ 1
vector[2] =  vector[2] * math.sin(something??)+1
 Any help would be greatly appreciated!
 ty, Mike
 Tutor maillist  -
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Re: [Tutor] I am terribly confused about generators and iterators.. Help me

2006-10-28 Thread Jonathon Sisson
My understanding is that an iterator is basically a facade` pattern.  If 
you aren't familiar with patterns, a facade` pattern basically makes 
something really easy to use or convenient.  Yes, you can do it by 
hand, and many times that is indeed the preferred method, but sometimes 
it's easier to use an iterator...particularly if it isn't a special 
case.  Nothing in the manual says you HAVE to use iterators, but they 
*can* make life easier.


Asrarahmed Kadri wrote:
 Hi Folks,
 What are generators and iterators...??And why are they are needed..??
 I can do my stuff with a 'for' or a 'while' loop.. so why do I need an 
 And what is a generator ..? I did try to read about these two things on 
 the web, but still I AM CONFUSED.
 To be honest, I am used to the nice and lucid style of the wonderful 
 people on this forum.. :)-
 Asrarahmed Kadri
 To HIM you shall return.
 Tutor maillist  -
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] move forward in arbitrary direction

2006-10-28 Thread Jonathon Sisson
Hrmmm...I do believe you are right, Luke.  My's been a bit 
since I actually used this stuff (about 12 years ago in college...heh). 
  And yes, it would matter, unless you swapped the key functionality 
around...but let's keep it simple, yes?

Good thing I'm not programming this project...haha.


Luke Paireepinart wrote:
 Going by radians, 0.0*pi is pointing to the right, 0.5*pi is pointing
 down, 1.0*pi is pointing to the left, and 1.5*pi is pointing
 straight up.
 uh, wouldn't pi/2 be pointing up?
 Don't you set 0 radians to be the positive-x axis and then go 
 Or does it not matter?
 It seems like it would.
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Mailing list question

2006-10-26 Thread Jonathon Sisson
Greetings everyone...

I use Thunderbird, too.  I've noticed that it handles threads a bit 
strange...for instance, I have pytutor set up to send me copies of my 
replies (so I can track threads better), but Thunderbird won't display 
my replies inline with the threads...

If you go to the folder you want to see threads in, then click on view, 
you can look at your thread settings.  Under sort by you should be 
able to set Threaded or unthreaded, and under Threads (under the 
view menu) you should have it set to all.  I know that there are 
subtle differences between Firefox for Windows and Firefox for *nix, but 
I don't know about Thunderbird.  If you're using Windows, there might be 
slight differences between what you see what I see in the menus.

I don't know if that helps at all, but that's how I have Thunderbird set 
up when it comes to threads.


Alan Gauld wrote:
 Jorge Azedo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote 
 How do I reply to a specific thread in the mailing list? 
 Just hit Reply All.
 There should be a command or button in your mail tool 
 to do that, even if you use web mail.
Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] Zipfile and File manipulation questions.

2006-10-16 Thread Jonathon Sisson
Chris Hengge wrote:
 I chose the way I used the names because to me...
 outFile = open(aFile.lower(), 'w') # Open output buffer for writing.
 = open a file with lowercase name for writing.
 it is implied that aFile is from the zip, since it is created in the 
 loop to read the zip..
 outFile.write( # Write the file.
 = write what is read from inside the zip file.
 I guess for declaration it isn't very clear, but thats what comments are 
 My naming was purely for my ease of mind.. I personally care less about 
 what I call it when I declare, as to how it logically flows when I go to 
 use it. I'm sure this is considered poor method, but once I declare a 
 method I tend to never need to change the declaration, just how I use 
 the info... I hope that makes sense.

Even if you're the only person that EVER lays eyes on that code (and you 
inherited Perl code, so I assume someone will eventually take this code 
over) it's vital to use names that are clear and concise.  If you 
disagree, put your code away in a locked box, then re-read it after six 
months and see if it makes perfect sense.

As Kent said, this is quite a minor issue that shouldn't be paraded, but 
I have been on the receiving end of code such as:

int a;

if (a == 0)
/* do something interesting */
/* do something less interesting */

(Sorry for the Java-ish flair...Java happens to be on my mind at the 

Even if I was there when the code was written, how could I know what a 
means a month later without digging back through to see how it's used? 
(and worse, a was used for conditional testing  in this specific 
example (i.e. on/off conditions), so a boolean would have done MUCH 
better).  Commenting can only help so much...the code must speak for 
itself at some point.  (Yes, I know this is an extreme example, but it 
happens all the time).

Something like this is much more readable:

boolean fileExists;

if (fileExists)
/* do something interesting */
/* do something less interesting */

I'm not complaining, because afterall it's up to you to write the code 
you're comfortable with (because you're not working on a team, that is), 
but a friendly suggestion on naming conventions (especially when you can 
refactor in most IDE's today) could go a long ways to helping you build 
readable code that is easier to maintain.


 On 10/16/06, *Kent Johnson* [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Chris Hengge wrote:
   Here is my solution, completed with (I think) all your suggestions...
   def extractZip(filePathName):
   This method recieves the zip file name for decompression,
 placing the
   contents of the zip file appropriately.
   if filePathName == :
   print No file provided...\n
   try: # Attempt to unzip file.
   zFile = zipfile.ZipFile(filePathName.strip(''), r)
   for aFile in zFile.namelist(): # For every file in
 the zip.
   # If the file ends with a needed extension,
 extract it.
   for ext in ['.cap', '.hex', '.fru', '.cfg', '.sdr']:
   if aFile.lower().endswith(ext):
   insideZip = aFile # Copy of Filename.
   if / in aFile: # Split the filename if '/'.
 aFile = aFile.rsplit('/', 1)[-1]
   elif  \\ in aFile: # Split the filename
 if '\'.
 aFile = aFile.rsplit('\\',
   outfile = open( aFile.lower(), 'w') # Open
   output buffer for writing.
   outfile.write( #
 Write the
   outfile.close() # Close the output file
   print Resource extraction completed successfully!\n
   except IOerror, message: # If file creation fails, let
 the user
   print File could not be written: \n
   print message
   Definatly an improvement! Thanks Kent.
 Yes, that is what I meant. One minor quibble, I think I would keep
   as the name in the zip, since that is what it starts as, and use a new
 name for the external file name. Maybe you could use better names, for
 example zipPath and fileName. I think that would make the code a little
 clearer but it is a very minor point.
 Tutor maillist  -  

[Tutor] executing with double click on linux

2006-10-14 Thread Jonathon Sisson
I'm afraid I don't have enough experience with Gnome to answer your 
questions, Alfonso.  I will share what I know, though.  If you could, 
run this:

$ gnomevfs-info yourfile.pyc | grep MIME

and see what it says?  (If it gives you nothing back, then you need to 
register a MIME type for .pyc files.

is the official Gnome documentation on how to accomplish that task)

You should get a MIME type of application/x-python-bytecode.  If that 
checks out good, then my suggestion would be to place all of your python 
code in a good place (/home/user/scripts or the like) then create a 
desktop shortcut pointing to:

python /home/user/scripts/targetScript.pyc.

If my memory serves me well, when you create a desktop shortcut you can 
tell it what command to run as well as what commandline arguements to 
pass to the program.  Split it up accordingly.

I've tested that out in idesk running on fluxbox, so I can't guarantee 
how well it will work under Gnome, but it's worth a try.  Also, if your 
script doesn't have a GUI, you'll need to point the desktop shortcut to:

xterm -e 'python /home/user/scripts/targetScript.pyc'

(use your favorite terminal, of course...) instead of simply python 
/home/user/scripts/targetScript.pyc, or you'll lose the output.  (I 
checked against idesk/fluxbox while monitoring with CPU 
shoots to 100% on a py script that I wrote that builds Markov models 
from the words in a given dictionary file...(yes, I was quite bored the 
day I wrote that...), so I know the script is indeed running even 
without a terminal to output to).

If you create the shortcut in that fashion, you *should* be able to run 
whatever python bytecode you want...

Hope this helps, and let me know how that works out for you...


Alfonso wrote:
 Jonathon Sisson escribió:
 Alfonso wrote:
 Sorry for the too obvious question. I'm new to python and have no idea 
 how can I make execute a compiled .pyc with a double click in linux, 
 with gnome. Trying to double click in a .py gives allways the question 
 wether I want to execute the text file, or read it. (This behaviour can 
 be changed with gconf-editor, but as it is for security matters, I would 
 prefer to execute the .pyc with a double click). I have tried to 
 associate python to the .pyc (first time I executed it there was no 
 programm associated), but it doesn't work.

 I don't know how much Linux experience you have (judging by the
 double-click concept, I'm assuming you're coming from a Windows
 background or are perhaps catering to users with only a Windows
 background) (correct me if I'm wrong) I'm going to break this down
 as much as I can.

 .pyc files are considered binary files by Linux.  As such, bash attempts
 to execute them as binary (ELF, etc...), which obviously won't work.  If
 you really need to have double-click/execute functionality, consider
 writing a small shell script to execute the .pyc file for you.

 For instance, let's say you have a python script and a compiled
 python script foo.pyc.  If you attempt to run from the shell
 and you have a proper header (i.e. #!/usr/bin/python), then bash can
 execute the script.  I'm assuming that GNOME has similar functionality
 (I prefer Fluxbox to either GNOME or KDE), which allows your .py files
 to execute directly.  .pyc, however, even with a file association, fails
 to launch...on my system, I get this error:

 $ ./foo.pyc
 bash: ./foo.pyc: cannot execute binary file

 bash recognizes the file as binary, but it fails to launch as an ELF
 binary (or whatever you're set up to run).  To fix it, simply write a
 shell script as such:


 python /home/me/scripts/foo.pyc


 Name the script whatever you want (i.e. then run from the

 $ chmod 700

 This gives the script read/write/execute permissions for the owner of
 the script...if you require read/write/execute/etc...for group or all,
 change 700 to whatever you need.  (i.e. 755 for rwxr-xr-x permissions)

 (Alternatively you can right click on the shell script and set
 permissions graphically...whichever you prefer)  Now, you should be able
 to double-click the script (or preferably a shortcut to the script on
 your desktop), which will launch the compiled python module for you.  If
 this seems like a lot of work, then perhaps you could write a shell
 script to automate the task of creating the shell script and setting
 permissions each time you create a new .pyc...doh?

 Hope this is a satisfactory answer...and if anyone knows something I
 have overlooked, please let Alfonso and I know.


 Thank you for your answer.

 LLama Gratis a cualquier PC del Mundo. 
 Llamadas a fijos y móviles desde 1 céntimo por minuto.
 Tutor maillist

[Tutor] executing with double click on linux

2006-10-11 Thread Jonathon Sisson
Alfonso wrote:
 Sorry for the too obvious question. I'm new to python and have no idea 
 how can I make execute a compiled .pyc with a double click in linux, 
 with gnome. Trying to double click in a .py gives allways the question 
 wether I want to execute the text file, or read it. (This behaviour can 
 be changed with gconf-editor, but as it is for security matters, I would 
 prefer to execute the .pyc with a double click). I have tried to 
 associate python to the .pyc (first time I executed it there was no 
 programm associated), but it doesn't work.

I don't know how much Linux experience you have (judging by the
double-click concept, I'm assuming you're coming from a Windows
background or are perhaps catering to users with only a Windows
background) (correct me if I'm wrong) I'm going to break this down
as much as I can.

.pyc files are considered binary files by Linux.  As such, bash attempts
to execute them as binary (ELF, etc...), which obviously won't work.  If
you really need to have double-click/execute functionality, consider
writing a small shell script to execute the .pyc file for you.

For instance, let's say you have a python script and a compiled
python script foo.pyc.  If you attempt to run from the shell
and you have a proper header (i.e. #!/usr/bin/python), then bash can
execute the script.  I'm assuming that GNOME has similar functionality
(I prefer Fluxbox to either GNOME or KDE), which allows your .py files
to execute directly.  .pyc, however, even with a file association, fails
to launch...on my system, I get this error:

$ ./foo.pyc
bash: ./foo.pyc: cannot execute binary file

bash recognizes the file as binary, but it fails to launch as an ELF
binary (or whatever you're set up to run).  To fix it, simply write a
shell script as such:


python /home/me/scripts/foo.pyc


Name the script whatever you want (i.e. then run from the

$ chmod 700

This gives the script read/write/execute permissions for the owner of
the script...if you require read/write/execute/etc...for group or all,
change 700 to whatever you need.  (i.e. 755 for rwxr-xr-x permissions)

(Alternatively you can right click on the shell script and set
permissions graphically...whichever you prefer)  Now, you should be able
to double-click the script (or preferably a shortcut to the script on
your desktop), which will launch the compiled python module for you.  If
this seems like a lot of work, then perhaps you could write a shell
script to automate the task of creating the shell script and setting
permissions each time you create a new .pyc...doh?

Hope this is a satisfactory answer...and if anyone knows something I
have overlooked, please let Alfonso and I know.


 Thank you for your answer.
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[Tutor] OT: Book(s) about linux

2006-10-05 Thread Jonathon Sisson
Hello Bernard...

Just to give you a pointer about Linux:  If you're new, Fedora and
Ubuntu are both relatively easy to learn, but powerful (I've never used
Ubuntu (or Debian, for that matter), but I hear that Ubuntu is a really
great distro).  Stay away from Slackware and Gentoo, at least until
you've had the chance to familiarize yourself with Linux.  I made the
mistake of attempting a stage 1 Gentoo install on a PII machine with
hardly any experience.  (Fortunately, the PII was so slow that I had
time to read the manual completely before each step).  It booted up fine
when I was done, but it was rough (even with extensive documentation ).

I'm not saying that Slackware and Gentoo are useless, as both are
*extremely* powerful OS's (Gentoo is my favorite OS other than OpenBSD).
 They do require quite a bit of knowledge just to get them installed,
however, and therefore are not good choices for someone just beginning
with Linux.


Python wrote:
 On Thu, 2006-10-05 at 11:33 -0400, Bernard Lebel wrote:

 Sorry to use this list for such an OT subject. But I want to get hands
 down with Linux, and am looking for a book or two on the subject.

 I'm looking for information about installation, configuration,
 optimisation, and management of the Linux OS.
 If you are new to Linux, you're likely to be best helped by a book that
 matches your distribution, e.g. Ubuntu Linux or Ubuntu Unleashed.
 (Not to push you to Ubuntu; I'm running Fedora myself.)  These books
 provide shallow coverage of everything and will give the background
 needed to make good use of the system documentation.  They will also
 point you to yum, synaptic, smart or whatever package management system
 makes sense with your chosen distribution.  The package managers greatly
 simplify system administration.
 There are books devoted to packages: SSH, Sendmail, DNS/Bind, Apache,
 Samba, etc. so you may need to get additional books depending on how you
 use your computer.  Linux in a Nutshell (mine is 5th edition) provides
 a useful reference.  There are also books like Linux Debugging and
 Performance Tuning which are more system oriented.  Moving to the
 Linux Business Desktop is useful for finding your way among all of the
 available desktop applications.  Linux is a pretty broad subject so
 there's a huge range of books from which to pick.

 Tutor maillist  -
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[Tutor] from string to variable name

2006-10-05 Thread Jonathon Sisson
By string variable that contains a name that I want to use as a
variablename do you mean something like this:

myString = rotationalSpeed
rotationalSpeed = 4500


In Python a dictionary is an excellent solution to this problem.  The
only other way to accomplish this (to my knowledge) is in PHP (not
trying to steer you away from Python, just giving some info):

var myString = rotationalSpeed;
$$myString = 4500;
echo $rotationalSpeed;

results in 4500.  This is called variable variables in PHP and it can
get hairy if done in a sloppy manner.

I'm going to make the same recommendation that Luke did.  Dictionaries
are powerful structures.  I recently wrote a Python script to parse an
English dictionary file and build Markov models out of the words
contained in the file (no, it wasn't for school, or work, or
anything...I was just really, really bored).  Rather than declaring an
int to hold the frequency information for every letter, digram, and
trigram possible (a total of 18,278 declarations), I used the letter,
digram, or trigram as a key into a dictionary.  Now I can do simple
lookups by individual letters, digrams, or trigrams and see the
frequency information without having to reference thousands of
variables, and as an added side effect, only the letters, digrams, and
trigrams that actually occur require storage.


Luke Paireepinart wrote:
 frank h. wrote:
 hello, i have a string variable that  contains a name that I want to 
 use as a variablename
 putting aside questions of why I would like to do that - i this 
 possible at all?

 so I want to assign a value to a variable whos name is available only 
 as a string to me.
 that variable does not exist yet in the local namespace.

 from: t = myvar
 to: myvar = 3

 is this possible? something like setattr?
 thanks for any insight you might have
 I think the point of dictionaries is to get this same basic 
 functionality without polluting the namespaces.
 You won't let us ask you 'why' you want to do this,
 but I'll ask you: Why don't you want to use a dictionary?
 Do you want to know if it's _Possible_ just so you'll know,
 or do you actually want to use this for something?
 If you just want to know if it's possible, I believe it is.
 But consider:
 if you don't know the variable name until runtime,
 how are you going to refer to the variable later in your code?
 It would be, insofar as I can tell, useless to do this.
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[Tutor] number game

2006-10-03 Thread Jonathon Sisson

The algorithm you use is what causes the infinite loop (it cycles
through the same numbers repeatedly).  I've updated the code and I'll
post it here:

def num(number):
r=input(range )
print guess
min = 0
max = r
while guess!=number:
if guess  number:
min = guess
max = guess
guess = (min + max) / 2
guesses += 1
print guess
print i got the number,number,in,guesses,guesses

mike viceano wrote:
 i wrote a program that guesses number in the most effective way i could 
 think of but i keep running into endless loops any help fixing it would be 
 great :)

 here it is:

 def num(number):
 r=input(range )
 print guess
 while guess!=number:
 if guess  number:
 guess= ((r-guess)/2)+guess
 print guess
 elif guess  number:
 guess= ((r-guess)/2)-guess
 print guess
 print i got the number,number,in,guesses,guesses

 my only idea is to make it so it dosint re guess numbers but i would rather 
 just find out what is wrong
 and fix it

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[Tutor] Random Variable at root

2006-10-03 Thread Jonathon Sisson

You need to create an instance of the Root class before you can call
rootState in your final print statement.  Your code doesn't do this.  A
class is merely a template, something like blueprints to a house.  For
you to be able to unlock the front door (for instance), you need to
actually build a specific instance of the house first.  313 Hillcrest
Lane and 4214 Willowbrook Drive might be two houses that have the
same blueprint, but maintain different states from each other because
they are different instances of class House.

To make this work, remove the final print statement and replace it with

# instantiates (builds) a copy of the Root class and names it root
root = Root(0)
print The character state at the root is %0.f % root._rootState

Note the change to the end of the print statement.  Your code has
rootState, mine has root._rootState (the specific instance of Root,
followed by the dot operator, followed by the attribute or method you
are trying to access).  I'm a bit confused as to whether you intended
_rootState to be a copy of the *original* value passed in, with
rootState maintaining a copy of the *current* value, or if that is a
typo.  Please elaborate.

Hope this helps clear up confusion (as opposed to creating more...heh).


halamillo wrote:
  I'm a really-green-to-python Biology Grad Student. I;m starting this
 code so I can assign either a 0 or a 1 at a root node that I will
 later evolve throughout a tree, but for some reason it is not printing
 the rootState value.  I know its probably a really stupid mistake, but
 I can't seem to work it out. Can anyone give me insight why? Thanks. 

 import random
 from random import random as rnd
 from math import exp

 class Root:
 Single Node in a Tree

 def __init__( self, rootState ):

 self._rootState = rootState

 # random choice for root state from a list
 for i in range(1):
 rootState = random.choice([0, 1])

 def __str__( self ):
 Root string representation

 return str( self._rootState )
 print The character state at the root is %0.f % rootState

 Hugo Alamillo
 Biological Sciences
 265 Eastlick
 PO Box 644236
 Washington State University
 Pullman, WA 99164


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Re: [Tutor] Python Course at Foothill College

2006-09-17 Thread Jonathon Sisson
I'll have to second school is wrapped up with Java, C#, and
Scheme.  Python has all about ruined me for programming in other
languages, and I really wish Python was taught/allowed at my school. 
I'm currently working on a team for CSC 480 (Senior Project - Design
Phase) and we're forced to choke down Microsoft design models (I'm an
avid open source
advocate...( for a
paper by Eric S. Raymond that, for me, hits the nail on the head).)

*sigh* Perhaps when I start grad school I'll be in a position to use my
favored language...until then I guess .NET wins.

By the way, CIS at my school is a hybrid between business and computer
science.  It's basically a lightweight computer science degree combined
with a lightweight business degree.  From a computer science standpoint,
it does cover the fundamentals (architectures, programming, data
structures, algorithms, etc...) but does not include the senior project
course series, advanced database admin, Windows admin, etc...

Luke Paireepinart wrote:
 Elaine wrote:
 If you would like to learn Python, Foothill College in
 Los Altos Hills, CA  is offering a course starting
 Mon. evening, 25 Sept. The course is designed for
 students who are already familiar with some type of
 programming. Here is the course description:


 CIS is Computer Information Systems at my school.
 CIS is part of the business school and doesn't have much to do with 
 Computer Science.
 Is that how it is there as well?
 If so, do you have Computer Science courses in Python as well?
 (I don't live anywhere near CA, I'm just interested.)
 Wish my school used Python.
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[Tutor] Java: (and python ?) nearer measles than coffee

2006-09-11 Thread Jonathon Sisson opinion is that you shouldn't waste your time with Java
(sorry to any Java coders on this list).  It's entirely too automated
for my tastes (automatic garbage collection, transparent pointers,
etc...).  To quote an unknown author who was quite the anti-OOP
programmer, it made me want to throw a java.f***ThisException.

So why, might you ask, am I bothering learning Python?

Well, at first I was looking for a powerful scripting language to
prototype with.  You know the routine...whip up a quick and dirty
version 0.1 and let the customer see what's in store, test layouts,
algorithms, design ideas, etc...

Reason I use Python #1:
But then I noticed something.  Python runs on my wife's Windows
machine...and my Linux machine...and my OpenBSD machine...and insert
your favorite operating system here...etc...  The real catch for me was
OpenBSD support.  Find a thorough java runtime for OpenBSD (I last
looked probably a year or two ago, so correct me if I'm wrong on this),
and perhaps I'll try it out, but until then, Python is my choice when I
need code that will run on multiple OS's.

Reason I use Python #2:
I'm not trying to flatter anyone, seriously, I'm not...but this list is
another reason Python has been a favorite of mine.

Reason I use Python #3:
I am a strong advocate of Open Source Software and the GPL.  If Sun
truly supported Open Source, then the OpenBSD team would have the specs
for Java.

Reason I use Python #4:
If I want to code something in Java, give me a week.  For Python, give
me one night, perhaps two.  I prefer getting done so I can move on, ya know?

Anyways, those are the first few reasons I use Python.


Klaus Ramelow wrote:
 Sometimes I have also some  - or more - problems trying digesting python
 and feeling totally blocked.

 My programming experience (beginning at the card-reader era)
 main-frame, mini and micro :
 Bit / Byte / Word system-programming via switch-console followed by
 Assembler and commercial software using Basic, Cobol, Pascal and SQL.

 Mnemonic programming-language - in my understanding - can only be
 consisting of expressions near the human language.
 The best example for writing non-system-programms are
 Basic, Cobol (thanks to Alan) and SQL(especially Informix-SQL as full 
 language - not only for DB).
 Why should I waste time in learning a language like Java (or more
 positive: python) ?
 Nevertheless this Tutor Digest is most helpful, the number of questions
 / problems show:
 some more people are looking for a mnemonic-language which should
 optimized cross-compile to something with multiplatform-capability
 like Java.
 Please let me know, if I am entirely wrong.

 Klaus Ramelow

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[Tutor] help

2006-08-25 Thread Jonathon Sisson

Seems I sent that reply before stepping through my code a bit...
The last section of that code should be:

else:# kl and ll contain the same number here
if indexK  indexL: # this block is needed so we
indexL = indexL + 1 # don't enter an endless loop...
indexK = indexK + 1

The way I had it set up before (see below) always increments indexL.
Not a problem for this particular instance, but definitely shabby 


Hi Mike,

I'm not sure I'm understanding exactly what it is you're looking for
here, but from what I can tell you're looking for something such as:

num(220, 330) #for example
input a range of 10 # again, for example

which would result in an output of 0, 660, 1320 and 1980 (because
these four numbers are common to both kl and ll).

If this is indeed the case, then you need to replace the while fc
statement block in your code.  Your code is looking for f (i.e. 0 -9
for the example numbers above), in kl and ll.  This explains why you
can get the least common multiple (0), but nothing more.  The solution
would be  to replace the entire while fc block with this:

while (indexK  c and indexL  c):
if kl[indexK]  ll[indexL]:# kl contains a smaller number
indexK = indexK + 1
elif ll[indexL]  kl[indexK]: # ll contains a smaller number
indexL = indexL + 1
else:# kl and ll contain the same number here
if kl[indexK]  ll[indexL]: # this block is needed so we
# don't enter an endless loop...
indexK = indexK + 1
indexL = indexL + 1

(make sure to declare indexK=indexL=0 somewhere before this block)
The following print both statement would then output:

[0, 660, 1320, 1980]

Is this what you were asking for?


mike viceano wrote:

  hello i need a little help with a common multiple module i am haveing
  problems with the best i can get it is to show the least common multiple i
  think the problem is eather the and command ot the if command
 # finds common multiples
  def nums(a,b): # assigns numbers to a and b
  print enter range
  c = input()
  while ec:
  print a,X,e,=,k,   ,b,X,e,=,l
  while fc:
  if f in kl and f in ll:
  print both
  any help would be great
  ^_^  s33 y4
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  Tutor maillist  -
Hi Mike,

I'm not sure I'm understanding exactly what it is you're looking for
here, but from what I can tell you're looking for something such as:

num(220, 330) #for example
input a range of 10 # again, for example

which would result in an output of 0, 660, 1320 and 1980 (because
these four numbers are common to both kl and ll).

If this is indeed the case, then you need to replace the while fc
statement block in your code.  Your code is looking for f (i.e. 0 -9
for the example numbers above), in kl and ll.  This explains why you
can get the least common multiple (0), but nothing more.  The solution
would be  to replace the entire while fc block with this:

while (indexK  c and indexL  c):
if kl[indexK]  ll[indexL]:# kl contains a smaller number
indexK = indexK + 1
elif ll[indexL]  kl[indexK]: # ll contains a smaller number
indexL = indexL + 1
else:# kl and ll
contain the same number here
if kl[indexK]  ll[indexL]: # this block is needed so we
don't enter an endless loop...
indexK = indexK + 1
indexL = indexL + 1

(make sure to declare indexK=indexL=0 somewhere before this block)
The following print both statement would then output:

[0, 660, 1320, 1980]

Is this what you were asking for?


mike viceano wrote:
 hello i need a little help with a common multiple module i am haveing
 problems with the best i can get it is to show the least common multiple i
 think the problem is eather the and command ot the if command

# finds common multiples
 def nums(a,b): # assigns numbers to a and b
 print enter range
 c = input()
 while ec:
 print a,X,e,=,k,   ,b,X,e,=,l

Re: [Tutor] help

2006-08-24 Thread Jonathon Sisson
Hi Mike,

I'm not sure I'm understanding exactly what it is you're looking for
here, but from what I can tell you're looking for something such as:

num(220, 330) #for example
input a range of 10 # again, for example

which would result in an output of 0, 660, 1320 and 1980 (because
these four numbers are common to both kl and ll).

If this is indeed the case, then you need to replace the while fc
statement block in your code.  Your code is looking for f (i.e. 0 -9
for the example numbers above), in kl and ll.  This explains why you
can get the least common multiple (0), but nothing more.  The solution
would be  to replace the entire while fc block with this:

while (indexK  c and indexL  c):
if kl[indexK]  ll[indexL]:# kl contains a smaller number
indexK = indexK + 1
elif ll[indexL]  kl[indexK]: # ll contains a smaller number
indexL = indexL + 1
else:# kl and ll
contain the same number here
if kl[indexK]  ll[indexL]: # this block is needed so we
don't enter an endless loop...
indexK = indexK + 1
indexL = indexL + 1

(make sure to declare indexK=indexL=0 somewhere before this block)
The following print both statement would then output:

[0, 660, 1320, 1980]

Is this what you were asking for?


mike viceano wrote:
 hello i need a little help with a common multiple module i am haveing
 problems with the best i can get it is to show the least common multiple i
 think the problem is eather the and command ot the if command

# finds common multiples
 def nums(a,b): # assigns numbers to a and b
 print enter range
 c = input()
 while ec:
 print a,X,e,=,k,   ,b,X,e,=,l
 while fc:
 if f in kl and f in ll:
 print both

 any help would be great

 ^_^  s33 y4

 Call friends with PC-to-PC calling -- FREE

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Re: [Tutor] An Introduction and a question

2006-06-10 Thread Jonathon Sisson
Michael Sullivan wrote:
 Here's the situation:  My wife likes to play the game Chuzzle, found at
 Yahoo Games.  We use primarily Linux, however Chuzzle is written as an
 ActiveX control, which only works on Windows.  I have not been able to
 get Internet Explorer to work correctly through Wine, 

This might not be a Python topic, but I figured I'd respond with what I
know on this particular subject...

ActiveX can be run in Linux using the WINDOWS version of Mozilla in Wine
and a little bit of coaxing as per this HOWTO on the Gentoo Forums (make
sure you install the ActiveX control in Wine...):

World of Warcraft uses ActiveX in it's patch updater, and although I've
never personally run it I've had many people tell me this method works.
 Now if I could just figure out how to convince my wife to try Linux (as
you apparently have done) then I'd be set...kudos to you on that.


so I determined to
 write a Chuzzle-like game (with many of my own enhancements) for Linux.
 I've been playing around with some Pygame examples lately, and thought
 that I'd try writing the game in Python (I've been meaning to learn
 Python for years, but just never got around to it.)  Today I started on
 writing the game.  I've decided (at least for now) to call my version,
 LinePuzzle.  For those of you unfamiliar with Chuzzle, here's the basic
 concept:  There are individual pieces of different colors arranged on a
 grid.  The pieces can be moved on a line either vertically or
 horizontally.  The object of the game is to position three similarly
 colored pieces ajacent to each other.  At this point the three pieces
 will disappear, and the pieces above them will fall to take their place.
 As the levels progress, locks are added so that the player cannot move a
 locked piece either horizontally or vertically.  The game is over when
 no more pieces can be removed.  
 I started my script by creating a class called LinePuzzlePiece which
 represents a single coloured piece.  I wanted a random colour chosen
 from a list to be assigned to the piece, and then to prove that I had it
 set up correctly, I wanted to call a method that would print out the
 color of the piece.  Here is my code:
 #!/usr/bin/env python
 import random
 import time
 import math
 class LinePuzzlePiece:
This class defines a single playing piece for LinePuzzle
def __init__(self):
   index = int(math.floor(uniform(1, 10)))   colorlist = [red,
 blue, green yellow, purple]   self.color = colorlist[index]
def printcolor():
   print self.color
 mypiece = LinePuzzlePiece
 I saved the script and made it chmod +x.  However, when I run it, I get
 Now, I'm no expert, but I really think something should have been
 printed, if even a blank line.  What am I doing wrong here?  Why is
 nothing printing?  Is my printcolor method even being called
 -Michael Sullivan-
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Re: [Tutor] An Introduction and a question

2006-06-10 Thread Jonathon Sisson
've triedMichael Sullivan wrote:
 On Sat, 2006-06-10 at 03:27 +0100, Jonathon Sisson wrote:
 Michael Sullivan wrote:
 Here's the situation:  My wife likes to play the game Chuzzle, found at
 Yahoo Games.  We use primarily Linux, however Chuzzle is written as an
 ActiveX control, which only works on Windows.  I have not been able to
 get Internet Explorer to work correctly through Wine, 
 This might not be a Python topic, but I figured I'd respond with what I
 know on this particular subject...

 ActiveX can be run in Linux using the WINDOWS version of Mozilla in Wine
 and a little bit of coaxing as per this HOWTO on the Gentoo Forums (make
 sure you install the ActiveX control in Wine...):

 World of Warcraft uses ActiveX in it's patch updater, and although I've
 never personally run it I've had many people tell me this method works.
  Now if I could just figure out how to convince my wife to try Linux (as
 you apparently have done) then I'd be set...kudos to you on that.
've triedi 
 My wife says that she actually prefers Linux over Windows.  The only
 thing we use Windows for is playing Civilizations II and The Sims,
 although she also uses it for playing Internet games that don't work on
 Linux.  She's said that if I can make Linux versions of those games she
 plays on Windows, she won't use Windows at home anymore.  When I first
 started with Linux, she was kinda iffy about it, but now she loves it.
 We've only used it since fall of 2003...

Part of my reasoning behind learning Python is that Python used so
heavily in the Gentoo Linux package management system Portage.  I love
portage because of it's flexibility and configurability, and I hope
someday to make a contribution back to the OS that really got me hooked
on Linux.  (I started out with RedHat around May of 2002, but I grew
tired of it pretty quickly.  I moved from there to try out SuSE,
Slackware, Mandrake, Fedora (after giving RedHat a break for a few
months), and a few others (haven't tried out Debian...I hear it's really
nice, too), but when I saw Gentoo's optimization and configuration
capabilities, I was in for life...).

Therein lies the difference...I'm an efficiency nut (no I really do not
mind compiling the entire OS from source, as long as I can compile it
*exactly* how I want, using *only* what I want), and my wife just wants
to kick people's a$$es online.  She got a bad first impression of Linux
from the start because I was constantly tweaking (and breaking) my Linux
system, so the chances of her using Linux are rather slim, even though
as I progress with my Computer Science degree, I break my Linux system
less and less...hahaha.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Offtopic observation

2006-06-07 Thread Jonathon Sisson
Kent Johnson wrote:
 From: Danny Yoo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Wed, 7 Jun 2006, doug shawhan wrote:

 This marks the third time this week I have been typing in a question for 
 the group, and have made the answer apparent just by trying to explain 
 my question clearly.
 Yes.  *grin*  It's a very powerful technique.  Writing does this for me as 
 For me it's often talking. I have a friend in the office I go to when I am 
 stuck on something. He's a very powerful listener - often by the time I am 
 done describing the problem and the available options I have settled on an 
 Tutor maillist  -

I want one of those...hahaha...someone who would listen long enough for
me to settle on an answer on my own?  God, you're a lucky person.  If I
so much as shape my mouth like the word computer is going to come out,
my wife runs for friends do their best, but most of them
aren't great listeners so we end up getting off topic and never do find
a solution.  My daughter listens, but I have to wait for her to start
pre-school for hope of any real response.  Consider yourself quite
lucky, Kent.

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