[Tutor] Adding network play to an open source game.

2008-02-08 Thread Timothy Sikes

Hi.  First of all, I'm not an amazing programmer. But, I do have large goals, 
somtimes too large.  There is an open source game, konquer, (it's on the ubuntu 
repos.) that I would like to extend with python to include a network based 
game.  But, I only know how to do simple sockets  Is this too big a project 
for first year programmer? (I've been programing for 3, but have taken classes 
only one year.)The program is like a board game. You move your fleets to 
different planets, one at a time.  The game is written in C++(I think).

Just as a preliminary thing, I will go through how I think it will work.  One 
computer in the network will be designated as the 'server' that everyone will 
send information to. Each turn, four pieces of data will  have to be sent to 
the 'server' that I can think of right now.: 1. how many fleets have left 2. 
from what planet 3. going to which planet 4.taking how long to get there.   
From there, the server will then issue those to each player, and tell which 
player is next, and wait for his reply.

I don't really know how to start,  so I guess I will start here.

I appreciate your reply.
Need to know the score, the latest news, or you need your Hotmail®-get your 
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Adding network play to an open source game.

2008-02-08 Thread Timothy Sikes

Thanks for your advice.   You're probably right, I do need to figure out 
sockets first...  But it's a goal to work towards... I don't know if I would 
keep up computer programming if I didn't have a specific goal.  A few things:

I have the author's email of konquer (it was in the source).  I don't think 
he's actively developing it, but once I get to a nice start, I could try a nice 
email to him about it.  You're also right, I don't know C++, but would like to 
learn it.  

Anyone have any advice on good tutorials/books/examples of python network 
programming?  I saw a cherryChat program that I can start to understand, 
anything else?

 To: tutor@python.org
 Date: Fri, 8 Feb 2008 22:26:12 -0500
 Subject: Re: [Tutor] Adding network play to an open source game.

 I wish to warn you that I've never done anything like this before, but I
 have a couple of thoughts here. First thought is, network games tend to be
 slow because sending state information to everyone with enough frames per
 second to make it decent game play is a lot of information to send... So the
 least information you have to send the better. Fortunately, now that I read
 a little more closely... A board game is not going to be bad about this...

 Second thought is... start with simple sockets, work with the server model
 and the clients, do not mess with the game at first. Get dummy data to
 behave properly first before you ever try anything with the game itself.

 Third thought. C++ is a different language from python. This will further
 intensify your trouble. In fact, depending on your knowledge of C++, this
 could greatly intensify your trouble. You could have step two there going
 just perfectly, but getting python and C++ to talk could throw you in loops.

 I would say that generally for a programmer of a year, this seems like a
 very significant goal. Not only do you have to understand quite precisely
 what the C++ program is doing, (difficult especially in a game, IMO), but
 you have sockets to deal with, client, server, and just as difficult,
 C++/Python interaction. Also, given that you didn't write konquer~ someone
 else's code is harder to read than your own. Trust me.

 My suggestion is, if you are going to tackle this, very definitely take it
 in very defined steps. Work on sockets here, then C++/Python here, etc. I
 don't wish to discourage you, but I wouldn't try this yet. (Of course, I've
 never taken classes...)  ;-)

 Hi.  First of all, I'm not an amazing programmer. But, I do have large
 goals, somtimes too large.  There is an open source game, konquer, (it's
 on the ubuntu repos.) that I would like to extend with python to include a
 network based game.  But, I only know how to do simple sockets  Is
 this too big a project for first year programmer? (I've been programing
 for 3, but have taken classes only one year.)The program is like a board
 game. You move your fleets to different planets, one at a time.  The game
 is written in C++(I think).

 Just as a preliminary thing, I will go through how I think it will work.
 One computer in the network will be designated as the 'server' that
 everyone will send information to. Each turn, four pieces of data will
 have to be sent to the 'server' that I can think of right now.: 1. how
 many fleets have left 2. from what planet 3. going to which planet
 4.taking how long to get there.   From there, the server will then issue
 those to each player, and tell which player is next, and wait for his

 I don't really know how to start,  so I guess I will start here.

 I appreciate your reply.
 Need to know the score, the latest news, or you need your Hotmail®-get
 your fix.
 Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

 Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Shed those extra pounds with MSN and The Biggest Loser!
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Thought of some other things.

2008-02-07 Thread Timothy Sikes

 Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2008 00:05:54 -0500 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL 
 PROTECTED]; Tutor@python.org Subject: Re: [Tutor] Thought of some other 
 things.  On Feb 6, 2008 11:38 PM, Timothy Sikes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
   First off, I was running my script from my flash drive-That could have 
 caused something. Next, I have possible found something IN the location 
 where I ran the script, I found a pic_db.bat with stuff in it... It still 
 doesn't explain why the program crashed, but it does explain why I didn't 
 think it was doing anything.  Your question is unclear, Timothy. Running 
 from the flash drive is not going to cause your program to crash. The 
 interpreter is in the PATH of your computer and you can run your program 
 from flash drive, cd or from the floppy drive.  pic_db.bat could be 
 anything. Google for it and verify if it is not a virus.  Paste the error 
 message you received for more specific response.  Thanks,  Well, the 
 problem was I wasn't getting an error message.  My computer would just stop 
 and log me off.  Sorry I didn't specify before, but the pic_db.bat is the 
 result of the 'make_db' command.  So it basically started to work, then 
 crashed my computer.  I meant to ask whether or not anyone could see anything 
 that would cause my system to restart, but it's not necissary now.  For some 
 reason, when I ran this script the second time, only this time saving the 
 list of files to a list, and then using the 'make_db' command on each and 
 every file in the list seemed to work.  If anyone can tell me why my computer 
 restarted off the top of thier head, great, but otherwise Im not going to 
 worry about it now Thanks though!
  --  --  O.R.Senthil Kumaran http://phoe6.livejournal.com 
  ___ Tutor maillist - 
  Tutor@python.org http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/tutor
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Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] Pixelize ubuntu python script acting odd.

2008-02-06 Thread Timothy Sikes

so I recently installed ubuntu and started messing around with some of the 
programs.  Pixelize takes a  picture, then using a database of other pictures, 
makes a picture out of the database. The only way I know of to add pictures to 
the database is through the command 'make_db '  It doesn't seem to accept 
folders, only files.

So I made this script in order to get a large number of files into it without 
having to type them all manually.

 def runThrough():
walk = os.walk(/media/sda1/Documents/Pictures/2007) #location of the pics 
I want to use
count = 0
for root, dirs, files in walk:
for x in files:
if x.lower().find(.jpg) -1: #If it's a .jpg...
count = count + 1
operation = 'make_db ' + root + '/' +  x
os.system(operation) # Call the command line with the 
operation above
print root + '/' + x #This is optional, I did this for 
print str(count) +  files done
except OSError:
print root + / + x +  was not included in the list
#This was run to get rid of all the obnoxious spaces in the file names
#for x in files:
#loc = root + '/' + x
#pic = loc.replace(' ', _)
#os.rename(loc, pic)
#count = count + 1
#print str(count) + files done
#except OSError:
#print root + '/' + x +  was not included

But here's the problem... My computer has randomly restarted (or logged me off 
possibly) every I have run the program, about thirty seconds into the program.  
os.system('make_db ' + ) manually works in python, I tried it. Note: the same 
thing with double quotes does not work.  I have changed some stuff since I last 
ran this, but I haven't run it again, because my computer randomly logging me 
off kinda bothers me.

I am using Gusty Gibbons Ubuntu.

Shed those extra pounds with MSN and The Biggest Loser!
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] Thought of some other things.

2008-02-06 Thread Timothy Sikes

First off,  I was running my script from my flash drive-That could have caused 
something.   Next, I have possible found something  IN the location where I 
ran the script,  I found a pic_db.bat with stuff in it... It still doesn't 
explain why the program crashed, but it does explain why I didn't think it was 
doing anything.

Thanks again
Shed those extra pounds with MSN and The Biggest Loser!
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] IronPython, the wii remote, and blender

2008-01-26 Thread Timothy Sikes

Well, I was playing my Wii the other day and then sat down to mess around on 
blender. Then I had an idea! What if the Wii remote could be used as an input 
device for blender? It would be great for 3d modeling, and you could always 
switch back to a mouse and keyboard for more precise control.

So my next thought was Is it possible? Obviously it would be somehow, but 
whether it would be feasible or not for me I had to research.  I remebered that 
they have a wii remote library for vb.net and 
C#(http://blogs.msdn.com/coding4fun/archive/2007/03/14/1879033.aspx), and 
IronPython is a .net framework.   Would it be fairly easy to convert their code 
to work with IronPython?  After that is working, I would might need some help 
from someone who already knows the blender source, or who can write externals 
for it fairly well. 

Basically, is it feasible to do the above?  If I decide to carry this project 
out, it would take a lot of planning.  Is there anyone out there willing to 

Oh, and if this is just a crazy idea, please tell me so. = (I got this message 
in plain text this time!)
Shed those extra pounds with MSN and The Biggest Loser!
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] Dos and os.walk with Python

2008-01-24 Thread Timothy Sikes
Hi.I wrote a python script that goes through a specified directory and 
returns a list of all the files that haven't been modified since a certain 
date.  I was hoping to be able to then continue with the program to bring up 
dos, and zip, then move the files (to my external hard drive). I have Windows 
XP. I don't know if it's okay to ask about Dos in python mailing list, so I 
hope it's alright.  Here is my program, I don't know if there are any 
formatting rules for posting programs, so I hope this will sufice.import os, 
sys, timedef earlierThan (path, year, exclude=[]):all = []walk = 
os.walk(path)for root, dirs, files in walk:for i in files:  
  try:if (time.localtime(os.path.getmtime(root + \\ + i))[0] 
 yearand doesNotHave(exclude, root)) :
all.append(root + \\ + i)except OSError:  #I think that I might 
need a more specific error message, as this one would handle something
   #That's not necessarily a broken file name. 
(I got one of them when I ran it).print root + \\ + i +  was 
not included in the listreturn all
def doesNotHave(exclude, root):for x in exclude:if 
root.startswith(x)  -1:return Falsereturn TrueI've had little 
experience with dos.  I believe I should use the COMPACT, and then the MOVE dos 
command... Would it go something like this?g = earlierThan(G:\My Documents, 
2007, [Music])for x in g:
 os.system(COMPACT /F  + x)
 os.sytem(MOVE  + x +   + H:\Backup)Thanks
Need to know the score, the latest news, or you need your Hotmail®-get your 
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] Forgot something...

2008-01-24 Thread Timothy Sikes
Sorry, but in my previous message, I realized that I hadn't changed the code 
from doesNotHave...  It's supposed to be x.find(), not x.startswith..Oh, 
and I also am not worried about messing up any files too much, because I have 
them all backed up on another computer already
Helping your favorite cause is as easy as instant messaging. You IM, we give.
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Dos and os.walk with Python

2008-01-24 Thread Timothy Sikes
I'm getting the Digest version of the mailing list, if there's any better way 
to respond to a specific message, I would like to know. thanks :

 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Tutor Digest, Vol 47, Issue 66 To: 
 tutor@python.org Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2008 02:09:13 +0100  
 --  Message: 9 Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2008 01:11:00 
 - From: Alan Gauld [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [Tutor] Dos and 
 os.walk with Python To: tutor@python.org Message-ID: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset=iso-8859-1; 
 reply-type=original   Timothy Sikes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote   I 
 don't know if it's okay to ask about Dos in python mailing list,  If its 
 related to programming in python as well its fine :-)   I don't know if 
 there are any formatting rules for posting programs  It helps if we can see 
 the formatting, especially since Python relies on layout. This was just a 
 mess on my screen!  I've tried to sort it out...
I can't seem to figure out how to make hotmail keep those spaces and new 
lines.   ah oh well
  --- import os, sys, time  def 
  earlierThan (path, year, exclude=[]): all = [] walk = os.walk(path) for 
  root, dirs, files in walk: for i in files: try: if 
  (time.localtime(os.path.getmtime(root + \\ +  i))[0]  year and 
  doesNotHave(exclude, root)) : all.append(root + \\ + i) except 
  OSError: #I think that I might need a more specific error  message, #as 
  this one would handle something #That's not necessarily a broken file 
  name. (I got  one of them when I ran it). print root + \\ + i +  was 
  not included in the  list return all  def doesNotHave(exclude, root): 
  for x in exclude: if root.startswith(x)  -1: return False return True 
  --  That last function is a 
  little odd. startswith already returns a boolean so comparing to -1 is 
  weird. I'm not sure what you think it will do.
yeah, I meant to have it as .find()
  Consider:   'fred'.startswith('x') False  'fred'.startswith('x') 
   -1 True  'fred'.startswith('f')  -1 True   I'm not sure when 
  it would ever fail the test so I think your function will nearly always 
  return False.   I've had little experience with dos. I believe I should 
  use the  COMPACT, and then the MOVE dos command... Would  it go 
  something like this?  You could use these but you'd be better just using 
  Python to do it via the shutil and os modules and avoid the DOS commands 
  completely IMHO. 
Okay, I've found the move command from the shutil module,  but I don't see one 
that compressess files...  Are there some? or am I just not seeing 
them...thanks. HTH,   --  Alan Gauld Author of the Learn to Program web 
site http://www.freenetpages.co.uk/hp/alan.gauld  
___ Tutor maillist - 
Tutor@python.org http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/tutor   End of 
Tutor Digest, Vol 47, Issue 66 *
Helping your favorite cause is as easy as instant messaging. You IM, we give.
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] Windowss sidebar gadgets with Python?

2008-01-09 Thread Timothy Sikes
Hello all.I have been working with Python for a couple years off and on, and am 
currently enrolled in a java class. Python was my first language, and I think 
it's probably my favorite. But anyway, I was wondering about whether a Windows 
SideBar application could be built with Python.  I'm not completely sure how 
they work, as honestly, HTML just confuses me I know you can use 
JavaScript, but I don't know if you can apply it with Python.  I'll probably be 
back with more questions, as I like to develop different Python scripts and 
programs for my enjoyment, and I'm starting basic Socket and Network 
programming.Thank you
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Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org