[Tutor] How to deploy Python 2.7, Django in OpenShift

2012-08-12 Thread Surya K
I am really fed up with tutorials on web telling how to configure Django  
Python 2.7 on OpenShift DIY.
So, can write a detailed step-by-step procedure on how to setup Django 1.4 with 
Python 2.7 on OpenShift using VirtualEnv??
Thanks a lot!!___
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] A simple AJAX script needed

2012-07-20 Thread Surya K

Here is what i need:
I want to create a HTML button.. when clicked (should only work for once) 
should invoke a python script. 

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] How to authorize my application to use Google API

2012-07-01 Thread Surya K

I am building a Facebook application using Django where I am using Blogger API. 
So, all I want is to just read the data from a public blog (my blog).
I tried to read the documentation and found that we have 3 types of 
authentication mechanisms (ClientLogin, OAuth, AuthSub Proxy). As I can't 
directly put login credentials in the application (insecure), I have only one 
option to use. i.e., OAuth.
The tricky part of my project is, the users(facebook users) should be able to 
access my data without providing any authorization information to Google. 
However, in the eyes of Google - OAuth, as I am pulling data from blog to 
display to public, I am considered as user who needs to authorize the 
application when ever someone opens the app on facebook, which is completely 
So, there might be two ways to do this:
I should be able to pull data from blog without any authorization of user..How 
can I do it? If not
I should be able authorize my application internally for OAuth so that facebook 
users can access data without providing any information to google.How can I do 
this?? If possible, is this a secure way?

I am quite new to OAuth, Google API.. so, please suggest the best and secure 
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] what would be the best authentication method for my facebook application

2012-06-21 Thread Surya K

I am writing a facebook application in python where I used Blogger API to read 
posts from blogs (currently I am using ClientLogin under development).
As each user(visitor) of my application should be able to view my without any 
authentication, I am using OAuth for authentication but I am unable to choose 
the type..
So, can anyone help in choosing what type of OAuth authentication I should use 
for my app and how could I do that.___
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] How to read websites - Web Scraping or Parsing in python

2012-06-13 Thread Surya K


I am trying to write a python program which reads any webpage's content. 
Considering a blog, I'd like to read all the content written by the author in 
So, each blog/ site would be having different type of HTML/ XML whether its 
Blogger or Wordpress or Typepad or any.. I thought of using their RSS/Atom 
feeds to extract the content. 
Then, I used Universal Feed Parser to extract the content.
import feedparserurl  = http://knolzone.com/feed; parsedFeed = 
websiteTitle = parsedFeed.feed.titlefor aArticle in parsedFeed.entries:   
print aArticle.link   print aArticle.summary
I could able to find links of all articles and their summaries with the 
website's title. But I'd like to read the whole content of a particular 
article, not just summary
Say, for example we take a webpage 
 The author had written some article in it and I'd like to read that portion of 
As my target webpage could be anyone of web, and each website's designers could 
have designed in their own fashion using different class names, I am unable 
to figure out how to read article content in a webpage.
So, can anyone tell me what libraries should I ultimately use to achieve it ?? 
and what elements and attributes I should read??
I thought of using BeautifulSoup but I really don't know which elements ( div's 
or p or a ) I should read. Considering the above webpage given, I consists of 
lots of p elements in it and fortunately all the article content is in p 
elements.. However, there are few other p elements which don't belong to 
article content. In that case how should I eliminate them

Thanks for reading.. I hope you help.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] How to deploy Django project in Google App Engine

2012-05-28 Thread Surya K

Date: Sat, 26 May 2012 09:40:03 -0400
From: bgai...@gmail.com
To: sur...@live.com
CC: tutor@python.org
Subject: Re: [Tutor] How to deploy Django project in Google App Engine


On 5/26/2012 5:41 AM, Surya K wrote:

I wrote a Django project and would like to deploy on Google App

I searched a lot on net and couldn't find a proper tutorial
  till now. So, can any one explain me??

Did you look at

Bob Gailer
Chapel Hill NC
This seems to be a nice articles stating directly.. but I have one problem.1. 
In the test app, the project hierarchy is something like this:project folder/ 
project files - setting.py, __init__.py, manage.py, etc..
However, the Django's dir hierarchy in my PC (i.e, Django 1.4) is quite 
different.project folder/ folder , manage.py folder - __init__.py, 
settings.py, views.py etc...
so, where should I store those folders mentioned in the website 


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] How to deploy Django project in Google App Engine

2012-05-26 Thread Surya K

I wrote a Django project and would like to deploy on Google App Engine.
I searched a lot on net and couldn't find a proper tutorial till now. So, can 
any one explain me??
I used Eclipse Indigo, Python 2.7 for developing...

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] How to read blog posts in python

2012-05-17 Thread Surya K

I want to write a python code which read blog's RSS/ Atom feeds and gives us 
the all post's content of blog...
I am currently trying to use FeedParser (Universal Feed Parser). I am able to 
get all post's titles and URL's but not a content..
I tried to use certain functions mentioned in documentation but couldn't really 
understand how to do..
Can anyone help me how to do that? (I want to print the content exactly the 
way it has been written. I don't mind about fonts/ styles..)

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] How to start developing a website

2012-05-13 Thread Surya K

I have a idea (Website) which I want to develop using Django (Still learning 
it!). Currently I am following DjangoBook (reading DataBase..).
As I am really new to webframe works and Web development, I have a real dumb 
question which I don't really figure out.
# Question:
Broadly speaking my website takes a RSS/Atom feed and try to display dynamic 
content on its page. So, with what ever I know about django until now, all I 
can say that my project can handle creating dynamic content with django but I 
don't figure out how to really design it. I mean how to design the UI part.. 
One way of doing is to explicitly edit the Django's HTML pages using HTML, CSS, 
JavaScript from scratch. But I only know little HTML (I cannot do the design 
with what I know).
So, how can I achieve this thing.. 
I thought of using Adobe's Dreamweaver or any equivalent open source thing but 
their generated HTML code can't be easily edited for django template 

Can anyone explain me on it..

Thanks a lot

Surya ___
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] static methods class methods

2012-04-20 Thread Surya K

I have a class, and want to use a method of it in the class itself. 
How can I do it?
I mean, say I defined foo() , bar() methods in a class myClass. So, how can we 
i use foo() in bar(). I tried to use @staticmethod, @classmethod, but I am 
getting some errors..
sometimes saying unbound  and sometimes given more than 1 parameters.. can 
any one tell me how to do this...

I java it really works well.  ___
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] how to select a player to play first on a multiplayer game which runs on IRC

2012-04-19 Thread Surya K

I am writing tic tac toe game which runs on IRC (i am using freenode now).
Each player will be a channel member. So, players send private messages between 
each other to play game. This sounds fine but I need the below things to get 
done, but I don't know how to do them..
How my game works:
Each player will have my program (tictactoe.exe).
So, each player has to enter a unique Nick Name for them and a their's friend's 
nick name to play :
## Now, I want to know whether the player is on the channel or not. for that I 
need a list of nick's on the channel. How to get them?
The biggest problem is here:
## How to select a player to play first... ??? How do I get this done?

Help me!!!___
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] how to select a player to play first on a multiplayer game which runs on IRC

2012-04-19 Thread Surya K

 Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2012 07:24:33 -0400
 From: d...@davea.name
 To: sur...@live.com
 CC: tutor@python.org; bgai...@gmail.com
 Subject: Re: [Tutor] how to select a player to play first on a multiplayer 
 game which runs on IRC
 On 04/19/2012 06:54 AM, Surya K wrote:
  I am writing tic tac toe game which runs on IRC (i am using freenode now).
  Each player will be a channel member. So, players send private messages 
  between each other to play game. This sounds fine but I need the below 
  things to get done, but I don't know how to do them..
  How my game works:
  Each player will have my program (tictactoe.exe).
  So, each player has to enter a unique Nick Name for them and a their's 
  friend's nick name to play :
  ## Now, I want to know whether the player is on the channel or not. for 
  that I need a list of nick's on the channel. How to get them?
 I can't help there.
  The biggest problem is here:
  ## How to select a player to play first... ??? How do I get this done?
 In a peer-to-peer connection, there are a number of situations where you
 have to break symmetry.  This is one of them, though not the first. 
 Since you don't have a 3rd party arbiter, the two endpoints have to
 agree between themselves which of them is to be the arbiter when both
 sides need to agree on something.  Once you've chosen the arbiter, then
 each decision is made by asking the arbiter.
 Start by choosing a large random number (or guid) at each end.  Each
 sends his own guid along with the two nick-names to propose the new
 game.  One of the guids will be larger, and that machine is the arbiter.
 The first conflict to be resolved this way is not who goes first, but
 how you make sure you only have one game between any two endpoints. 
 What happens if more than two players are present, and what happens if
 more than one of them picks the same nickname?  Are you going to permit
 one of the players to play against two others at the same time, and how
 will you keep the games straight?  You need a connection token for each
 running game, and that's probably the first time you need an arbiter.
Actually, as in a IRC channel, each user should have a unique nick name, the 
problem is resolved.Actually, in this game, the 2 players will have a private 
chat.. so, there would be no chance that other person will come into picture.

Rather that doing all this mess, I want to put a server on Google App Engine 
and run clients on my PC. But I don't know how!!
I have to know Google API for writing GAE app's using python 2.7
Lets say, I have created a server using python 2.7, can you tell me how to run 
it on GAE ?? (Assuming, I haven't used any google api).. 
Actually, I don't need any Templates, nice HTML pages on Google App. Its enough 
to just mention how many peers are connected at that particular instant...
can you tell me how to do that??
 The second case is choosing who goes first.  The arbiter probably
 chooses that randomly, and notifies the other player.  The third case is
 how to handle miscommunication.  Messages can be lost between the end
 points, and you may have to reconstruct the state, so both ends get back
 in synch.  Fourth is how to quit.  If one player quits, the other might
 not get notified correctly, so you have to keep the connection token for
 a while, to aid cleanup.
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] How to run a small python client-server on Google App Engine

2012-04-19 Thread Surya K

I wrote a small python Client-Server program.. (I use python 2.7) and want to 
make it real. I mean, I want to put the server on Google App Engine..
I went through it and found that, I need to use Google API so that it should 
work on GAE.
So, How could I create  such a small Google App Engine's app. I mean..
Can anyone help me on it..(Assuming that there is a server.py which just shows 
how many clients are connected to it, how do I make a app of such program)
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] How to interact with users on IRC using Python

2012-04-16 Thread Surya K

Actually, I am writing a small IRC bot for a game (A Multiplayer one). 

This how my code looks. (I this code, I am just trying to read from IRC client 
and send a message to it..)

import sysimport socketimport string
s=socket.socket( )s.connect((HOST, PORT))s.send(NICK %s\r\n % 
NICK)s.send(USER %s %s bla :%s\r\n % (IDENT, HOST, REALNAME))s.send(JOIN 
while 1:readbuffer=readbuffer+s.recv(1024)print readbuffer
s.send(text:) # MY Code goes like this.

Actually, I am not even aware of IRC commands.. so I thought to take some help 
to carry on

This is what I require:
As my game is quite simple, I just need to transfer a small string from each 
player to another.
My game will have a two players.. so, Each user will join my 
##myExampleChannel.Say, a player (or a IRC user) p1 wants to play with p2. 
They simply have to exchange private messages from each other.
So, what IRC commands should I use and how do I typically implement them?

Let me put the above this way:
How do I create a small IRC program which can send and receive private messages 
from users?

Thanks for reading! Hope you help me.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] should we use multithreading for multiple clients in socket class

2012-04-12 Thread Surya K

I am learning networking and just wrote a primitive client server program..
from time import ctimefrom socket import *
tcpSerSoc = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)tcpSerSoc.bind(ADDR)tcpSerSoc.listen(5)
while True:print waiting for connection..tcpCliSoc, addr = 
tcpSerSoc.accept()print # Connected from:, addrwhile True:
data = tcpCliSoc.recv(BUFSIZ)if not data:break
tcpCliSoc.send( [%s] %s % (ctime(), data ))
from socket import *
HOST = 'localhost'PORT = 21567BUFSIZ = 1024ADDR = (HOST, PORT)
tcpCliSoc = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)tcpCliSoc.connect(ADDR)
while True:data = raw_input()if not data:break
tcpCliSoc.send(data)data = tcpCliSoc.recv(BUFSIZ)if not data:
breakprint datatcpCliSoc.close()
This client sends a string, and receives the same string with current time...

So, I tried to run another client (same code but from different file) but found 
that its now working.
why its happening, should I use multithreading so that I can handle two clients 

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] how to build a multiplayer game?

2012-04-11 Thread Surya K

I have written the basic part of the game. Now I want to make it a multiplayer 
one. (Its not a web app, a OS application)
So, I just wanted to know how do it.
Which topics I should refer? Network Programming or Web Programming or Internet 
Client Programming. 
(There were the topics mentioned in Core Python Programming book).

Can anyone tell me how do we achieve such a application (I mean without having 
a web server). I am not really ready to setup a Apache HTTP server. and 
all.   ___
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] how to build a multiplayer game?

2012-04-11 Thread Surya K

 Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2012 06:42:40 -0400
 From: d...@davea.name
 To: sur...@live.com
 CC: tutor@python.org
 Subject: Re: [Tutor] how to build a multiplayer game?
 On 04/11/2012 06:02 AM, Surya K wrote:
  I have written the basic part of the game. Now I want to make it a 
  multiplayer one. (Its not a web app, a OS application)
  So, I just wanted to know how do it.
  Which topics I should refer? Network Programming or Web Programming or 
  Internet Client Programming. 
  (There were the topics mentioned in Core Python Programming book).
  Can anyone tell me how do we achieve such a application (I mean without 
  having a web server). I am not really ready to setup a Apache HTTP 
  server. and all.   
 You want to make two instances of the app talk to each other.  If
 they're on the same machine (unlikely for a real game, but might be used
 for testing), or if they're on the same local network, then the features
 you need are available in the stdlib.  If you're going out on the web,
 you need a host out there which will cooperate with the two apps (players).
 Same local network:  Generally when both machines share a router or a
 wifi connection, and would get to the web through the same ISP
 connection.  If you figure out what their IP addresses are, they can
 talk directly, using sockets.
Well, can we make the program so that user enters his IP, DNS addresses before 
Don't you think DNS is required as IP addr may be same for some people in this 
world.. after all, we only have limited number of combinations. (xx.xx.xx.xx .. 
* I even got a wild idea, can't we use a IRC channel, create a group and we 
make sure that each user of the game will be a member of the group??approx, how 
much delay would be there??

 Out on the web:  You need a server that's on the web that each machine
 can reach.  It doesn't have to be your own, and I can't recommend any
 particular one, but I'd bet google appserver would work.  For that
 matter, email would work, if you don't mind a pretty long delay between
Hmm, google app engine is a nice option but thing is I don't know how to use it.

 For any more specific advice, somebody else had better pop in.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] GUI for python Google App Engine

2012-04-09 Thread Surya K

Hi there,

I just wrote a small game in python and would like to make it a facebook app.
These are the things I wish to know:
1. How to write GUI for my app. I believe, PyQt or Wx wouldn't work in Google 
App Engine.2. How to integrate my app with facebook. I went through facebook 
documentation but couldn't get it clearly..
this is what I require as per the game:
Two players join a game and each player inputs a character..

Any small tutorials that would teach me would be appreciated.. 
Right now I don't want to learn about GAE or Facebook API in detail. I just 
want to build my app.
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] Unable to open .py files directly

2012-03-21 Thread Surya K

Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2012 19:11:18 -0400
From: bgai...@gmail.com
To: sur...@live.com
CC: tutor@python.org
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Unable to open .py files directly


On 3/19/2012 10:30 AM, Surya K wrote:

Hi there,

I am facing a typical problem in opening .py files by
  clicking them (In windows).

In addition to the other advice - 

open is ambiguous. What do you want to happen? Edit or execute?

clicking a file usually just selects it. Do you mean double-click or

The more precise you are regarding what you want and what you do
makes it a lot easier for us to help.

Bob Gailer
Chapel Hill NC

I was double clicking.. and I want to open IDLE.  
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] Unable to open .py files directly

2012-03-21 Thread Surya K

Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2012 13:29:17 +
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Unable to open .py files directly
From: bod...@googlemail.com
To: sur...@live.com
CC: tutor@python.org; bgai...@gmail.com

On Mar 21, 2012 1:03 PM, Surya K sur...@live.com wrote:


 Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2012 19:11:18 -0400

 From: bgai...@gmail.com

 To: sur...@live.com

 CC: tutor@python.org

 Subject: Re: [Tutor] Unable to open .py files directly

 On 3/19/2012 10:30 AM, Surya K wrote:

 Hi there,

 I am facing a typical problem in opening .py files by clicking them (In 

 In addition to the other advice - 

 open is ambiguous. What do you want to happen? Edit or execute?

 clicking a file usually just selects it. Do you mean double-click or what?

 The more precise you are regarding what you want and what you do makes it a 
 lot easier for us to help.


 Bob Gailer


 Chapel Hill NC

 I was double clicking.. and I want to open IDLE.


 Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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In that case, you need to change the file association of .py files to IDLE 

Yeah, I tried that. The worst part is we don't have any exe file specifically 
for IDLE. I mean windows has to choose whether to edit or compile.
In my case, the file associated with my .py files is python.exe 
(c:/python27/python.exe). I still don't understand why its not opening in IDLE. 

If I am wrong, is there any special application (exe file) for IDLE so that I 
can configure to??
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] Unable to open .py files directly

2012-03-19 Thread Surya K

Hi there,
I am facing a typical problem in opening .py files by clicking them (In 
When ever I those files, there's a black window opening and closing immediately 
(I think, its output of python at python command line, NOT SURE). I have to 
open those files from IDE's or any test editors.
I tried to fix it in 'default programs' list, but I just didn't find any 
problem there..

I use PyScripter IDE. I think, this is making trouble (don't know how). 
actually, this problem has occurred after installing it.(I use Win7)
How do I fix it.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] New project idea!!

2012-03-06 Thread Surya K

I am an electronics guy, extremely interested in programming. So learned Python.
Currently I know (C, Python, HTML); Learning Java, Python (still making myself 
flexible in OOP).
So, last year I build a sudoku solver in C which was an amazing experience 
(though re inventing wheel is not a big deal at all), I learned a lot. 
Now, I would like to do a similar project using python (which should be quite 
acceptable to put on my resume).. Any Ideas please!!
(Note: I am no computer science guy, My day-to-day affairs deal with resistors, 
capacitors, transistors etc. I try to learn programming myself at home.. So, I 
wouldn't have knowledge exactly how a computer science guys will have. But I 
have more than enough enthusiasm..___
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] New project idea!!

2012-03-06 Thread Surya K

Subject: Re: [Tutor] New project idea!!
From: las...@antalconsulting.com
Date: Tue, 6 Mar 2012 09:24:12 -0800
CC: tutor@python.org
To: sur...@live.com

Since you are an electronics guy, how about a circuit simulator?You can start 
very simple with a power source and a light and show how the current flows.Add 
resistors and other bodies later. You could use pygame for the drawing and 
animation.I have been thinking of a simple app like that lately but I am don't 
have any former background in electronics and the know how, but I think it 
would be a great teaching tool and fun project.


Well, that's not bad but I wish it should be something interesting... 
Actually, I have an idea to develop a multiplayer game (where friends connect 
across internet.. ) The problem is that, I don't know network/ socket 
programming. which itself takes a lot of time to learn.. : (

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] loop until a keypress

2012-01-29 Thread Surya K

I want to run code until a enter is pressed. Well, it shouldn't wait for the 
user to enter enter
This is my code:
import msvcrtchr = 0while chr != 'q': print my code, if 
msvcrt.kbhit():   chr = msvcrt.getch()
This isn't working the way I wanted. When ever I press enter, the loop is 
starting in a new line and continuing.
I even added break statement in if block but it isn't workingCan you tell 
me how to do that?
I am on windows. So, as msvcrt is for windows, I wonder if there is any module 
that works for both,   ___
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] compile time calculator

2012-01-28 Thread Surya K

Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2012 17:35:39 -0800
Subject: Re: [Tutor] compile time calculator
From: marc.tompk...@gmail.com
To: sur...@live.com
CC: tutor@python.org

On Fri, Jan 27, 2012 at 7:46 AM, Surya K sur...@live.com wrote:

I want to calculate compile time for my puzzles. 
Since nobody else has mentioned it yet...

Well, using python documentation, I did this..
(calculating execution time).
def main():## This is my whole puzzle code...

fobj_ip = open('D:/code/py/input.txt', 'r')fobj_op = 
line=1for eachLine in fobj_ip:if line1:
fobj_op.write (Case #%d: %d\n %(line-1, the_count(eachLine) ) )line+=1
if __name__ == '__main__':from timeit import Timermain()t = 
Timer(main())print t.timeit()

This is showing the following output
1000 loops, best of 3: 0.0612 usec per loop
(This is repeating...)
So, what exactly is 0.0612 usec per loop, is that execution time of my whole 
program??If, how do I calculate it in seconds.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] how to convert usec/pass to seconds

2012-01-28 Thread Surya K

I am actually using a activestate wrapper for calculating execution time of my 

This is the code 
#!/usr/bin/python# A simple wrapper for the timeit module.import timeit
def Timeit(func,number=1,module=__main__): A wrapper which can
be used to time any function 
name = func.__name__t = timeit.Timer(%s()%name, from %s import %s % 
(module, name))return %.2f usec/pass % 
if __name__==__main__:
from program import*
# Using wrapperprint Timeit(main)# Directly using timeitt = 
timeit.Timer(main(), from __main__ import main)print %.2f usec/pass % 

So, this module is showing my execution time in usec/pass.
I tested it for a puzzle and that showed me around 1385.33 usec/sec..However, 
as its from facebook hackers cup where I got a penalty time of 28.32.00 (not 
exactly, forgot).. 
what units facebook was following.. If I had to change those usec/pass units to 
seconds, what I have to use.
can anyone tell me?

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] compile time calculator

2012-01-27 Thread Surya K

I want to calculate compile time for my puzzles. Although I read about 
timeit(), I didn't really understand how it should be applied it.So, can anyone 
write a function for me please!!
I am looking for a function which should solve my puzzle and also show compile 
time. (Later, I should be able to delete that function before submitting my 
The following way is what I am exactly looking at:
define a compile time function such that it should take all my puzzle code and 
provide compile time for it.
(I think timeit() should be called at each statement, which is not flexible, 
don't know exactly.)
can anyone write a program for me? please...
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] how to handle very large numbers

2012-01-23 Thread Surya K

 Date: Sun, 22 Jan 2012 21:28:14 -0500
 From: d...@davea.name
 To: sur...@live.com
 CC: tutor@python.org
 Subject: Re: [Tutor] how to handle very large numbers
 On 01/22/2012 09:08 PM, Surya K wrote:
  I have been doing a puzzle where I have to deal with number 10^18. A 
  variable can store that value but can't do operations.Ex: If I use range() 
  on it, it shows overflow error.
  So, How do I handle this. I have to use range() for that number.. in this 
  Also mention how to handle in other cases too (A small tutorial/ book would 
  be appreciated )
 Check out the ongoing thread of someone who's probably doing the same 
 assignment.  Subject is OverflowError in lucky numbers script
 Short answers for range():  You need to specify your Python version.
 In Python 2.7, range() has no problem handling longs as its arguments.  
 It does have a problem when the number of items gets too large for 
 memory.  You could avoid the memory problem by using xrange(), which is 
 restricted to ints.  You can, however, write a generator to operate over 
 a series of such longs.
 I don't believe Python 3.x range has any constraints, and it's already a 
 generator, so you'll have to be more specific about what your 
 environment is.

I am using Python 2.7. I don't think range() can take large values.
I took a = 100 (10^18); This is the max limit in a puzzle.
python showed the following error :OverflowError: range() has too many items.
I even tried using xrange(), I didn't solve the issue..
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] how to handle very large numbers

2012-01-22 Thread Surya K

I have been doing a puzzle where I have to deal with number 10^18. A variable 
can store that value but can't do operations.Ex: If I use range() on it, it 
shows overflow error.
So, How do I handle this. I have to use range() for that number.. in this 
Also mention how to handle in other cases too (A small tutorial/ book would be 
appreciated )

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] where I am going wrong?

2011-12-14 Thread surya k

This is a project Euler puzzle. http://projecteuler.net/problem=30
I applied brute force way and here is my code
k=0for p in range(1,10):    for q in range(0,10):        for r in range(0,10):  
          for s in range(0,10):                for t in range(0,10):            
     n = (p*1)+ (q*1000) + (r*100) + (s*10) + (t*1)                 if n == 
\                     p**5 + q**5 + r**5 + s**5 + t**5:                        
print n                        k+=nprint k
My answer: 240559
But its showing the answer as wrong!!.
I used the same method on the example puzzle and it worked. 
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] where I am going wrong?

2011-12-14 Thread surya k

 From: waynejwer...@gmail.com 
 Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2011 08:25:53 -0600 
 Subject: Re: [Tutor] where I am going wrong? 
 To: sur...@live.com 
 CC: tutor@python.org 
 On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 8:13 AM, surya k  
 sur...@live.commailto:sur...@live.com wrote: 
 This is a project Euler  
 I applied brute force way and here is my code 
 k=0for p in range(1,10):for q in range(0,10):for r in  
 range(0,10):for s in range(0,10):for t in  
 range(0,10): n = (p*1)+ (q*1000) + (r*100) + (s*10)  
 + (t*1) if n == \ p**5 + q**5 +  
 r**5 + s**5 + t**5:print n   
k+=nprint k 
 My answer: 240559 
 But its showing the answer as wrong!!. 
 I used the same method on the example puzzle and it worked. 
 Your email client broke the formatting - you should probably use  
 plain-text or a pastebin. 

This is a project Euler puzzle. http://projecteuler.net/problem=30
I applied brute force way and here is my codek=0for p in range(1,10):        
for q in range(0,10):                  for r in range(0,10):                    
         for s in range(0,10):                                         for t in 
range(0,10):                                                  n = (p*1)+ 
(q*1000) + (r*100) + (s*10) + (t*1)                                             
     if n == p**5 + q**5 + r**5 + s**5 + t**5:                                  
                        k+=nprint kMy answer: 240559But its showing the answer 
as wrong!!.
I used the same method on the example puzzle and it worked. 
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] where I am going wrong?

2011-12-14 Thread surya k

 From: sur...@live.com
 To: waynejwer...@gmail.com
 CC: tutor@python.org
 Subject: RE: [Tutor] where I am going wrong?
 Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2011 19:59:24 +0530

  From: waynejwer...@gmail.com
  Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2011 08:25:53 -0600
  Subject: Re: [Tutor] where I am going wrong?
  To: sur...@live.com
  CC: tutor@python.org
  On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 8:13 AM, surya k
  sur...@live.commailto:sur...@live.com wrote:
  This is a project Euler
  I applied brute force way and here is my code
  k=0for p in range(1,10): for q in range(0,10): for r in
  range(0,10): for s in range(0,10): for t in
  range(0,10): n = (p*1)+ (q*1000) + (r*100) + (s*10)
  + (t*1) if n == \ p**5 + q**5 +
  r**5 + s**5 + t**5: print n
  k+=nprint k
  My answer: 240559
  But its showing the answer as wrong!!.
  I used the same method on the example puzzle and it worked.
  Your email client broke the formatting - you should probably use
  plain-text or a pastebin.

This is a project Euler puzzle. http://projecteuler.net/problem=30I applied 
brute force way and here is my codek=0for p in range(1,10):for q in 
range(0,10): for r in range(0,10):
for s in range(0,10):   for t in 
range(0,10): n = (p*1)+ 
(q*1000) + (r*100) + (s*10) + (t*1) 
   if n ==  p**5 + q**5 + r**5 + s**5 + t**5:   
print kMy answer: 240559But its showing the answer as wrong!!.I used the same 
method on the example puzzle and it worked. 
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] where I am going wrong?

2011-12-14 Thread surya k

 Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2011 10:39:53 -0500
 From: d...@davea.name
 To: sur...@live.com
 CC: waynejwer...@gmail.com; tutor@python.org
 Subject: Re: [Tutor] where I am going wrong?
 On 12/14/2011 09:29 AM, surya k wrote:
  From: waynejwer...@gmail.com
  Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2011 08:25:53 -0600
  Subject: Re: [Tutor] where I am going wrong?
  To: sur...@live.com
  CC: tutor@python.org
  On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 8:13 AM, surya k
  sur...@live.commailto:sur...@live.com  wrote:
  This is a project Euler
  I applied brute force way and here is my code
  k=0for p in range(1,10):for q in range(0,10):for r in
  range(0,10):for s in range(0,10):for t in
  range(0,10): n = (p*1)+ (q*1000) + (r*100) + (s*10)
  + (t*1) if n == \ p**5 + q**5 +
  r**5 + s**5 + t**5:print n
  k+=nprint k
  My answer: 240559
  But its showing the answer as wrong!!.
  I used the same method on the example puzzle and it worked.
  Your email client broke the formatting - you should probably use
  plain-text or a pastebin.
  This is a project Euler puzzle. http://projecteuler.net/problem=30
  I applied brute force way and here is my codek=0for p in range(1,10):   
   for q in range(0,10):  for r in range(0,10):   
for s in range(0,10): 
  for t in range(0,10):  n = 
  (p*1)+ (q*1000) + (r*100) + (s*10) + (t*1)  
  if n == p**5 + q**5 + r**5 + s**5 + t**5:   
 k+=nprint kMy answer: 240559But 
  its showing the answer as wrong!!.
  I used the same method on the example puzzle and it worked. 
  Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
  To unsubscribe or change subscription options:
 The new copy you posted was just as bad.  Please tell your email program 
 not to reformat your text.  With Thunderbird,  I do that  by telling it 
 to use plain-text format for any message that goes to the domain: 
 python.org.  It's under File-preferences-Composition-General-Send 
 Options.  First section Convert the message to plain text and second 
 section, under PlainTextDomain, add  python.org
 I tried to reflow the source.  But 59 columns of indentation is pretty 
 wild.  So I also changed indentation, and maybe got it right.
 Your code assumes all the numbers it will find will be 5 digit numbers, which 
 is a strange assumption.  When I try it with **4, I get zero as the result.  
 All the numbers for that case happen to be exactly 4 digits, while you have 5 
 nested loops.  There's no reason to presuppose the number of digits.
 I therefore changed the p range to 0,10, and the if statement to exclude the 
 solution for 0 and 1.
 I also added a global called exp, so we can run it unchanged on either 4 or 5.
 exp = 4
 for p in range(0,10):
for q in range(0,10):
  for r in range(0,10):
  for s in range(0,10):
  for t in range(0,10):
  n = (p*1)+ (q*1000) + (r*100) + (s*10) + (t*1)
  if n == p**exp + q**exp + r**exp + s**exp + t**exp and 
  print one part, n
 print k
 This still doesn't get the right answer, because it misses at least one 
 number that has more than 5 digits.
 If you just want to get on with it, you could nest several more 
 for-loops. But you can readily put a coarse upper limit on the largest 
 match, by trying something like  10* 9**5.  See how big that is, and if 
 it's less than 10 digits long, you have an upper limit. Now you know how 
 many loops you need.
 There are other approaches that don't require you to make a large number 
 of nested loops.  One is to use recursion.  Another is to just iterate 
 through the integers (n), then use str() and list() to turn it into a 
 bunch of digits, which you then raise to the appropriate power in a 
 simple loop.

Thanks Dave for putting that much effort.Actually, I was using plane text 
format.. I wonder what went wrong!
So, regarding the program, you assumed it correctly. Let me do it again as you 
said.. I'll let you know if there is any problem
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] best book for OOP

2011-12-11 Thread surya k

I'm reading Core Python Programming - Chun.. 
Currently, I am studying OOP in it.. and I feel there is something I am missing 
in that while studying. Actually I am from C.. so, no idea of OOP.
Could you tell me the best, simple, easy to understand book!!

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] how to handle big numbers

2011-12-09 Thread surya k

Finding factorial of 8 or 9 isn't big. If I would like to find factorial of 
32327, how can I ??   
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] how to handle big numbers

2011-12-09 Thread surya k

 Date: Fri, 9 Dec 2011 14:53:07 -0500
 From: d...@davea.name
 To: sur...@live.com
 CC: tutor@python.org
 Subject: Re: [Tutor] how to handle big numbers

 On 12/09/2011 02:25 PM, surya k wrote:
  Finding factorial of 8 or 9 isn't big. If I would like to find factorial of 
  32327, how can I ??
  Tutor maillist - Tutor@python.org
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 How close do you want your answer? The gamma function can be used to
 calculate it, but it won't be precise. I don't know how many digits
 are in 32327!, but it must be at least hundreds of thousands, and a
 float cannot represent that exactly. In fact it cannot represent a
 number that big, even approximately. It might be millions of digits,
 but I don't have the time right now to figure it out.

 If you use a long int (which int will promote to, automatically), you
 could do the calculation with a very simple program, providing you don't
 run out of either time or memory.

 if it were my problem, I'd do it in three steps. First write a program
 to calculate N! exactly. See how long it takes for 100, and how many
 digits are in the answer. Then try it again for 1000!

 Next, I'd look up the gamma function, and figure out how large the
 desired value will be.

 Finally, depending on what I got from those first two, I'd either run
 the first program with 32327, and wait a long time, or write a
 specialized math package to calculate the gamma function to whatever
 precision I thought Ineeded.



Well, its in a puzzle.. everything is done except this part. I need to 
calculate N! ( max value of N is 10^6).
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] how to calculate program compile time?

2011-12-08 Thread surya k

I'm doing puzzles where we need to write code that works as fast a possible
So, how can I check the compile time of my program ?...
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] unable to use find(), index()

2011-12-08 Thread surya k

I am using the following code 
astr = foobarstr1 =fooastr.find(str1, beg=0, end=3)

This is showing the following error
Traceback (most recent call last):  File interactive input, line 1, in 
moduleTypeError: find() takes no keyword arguments
I even tried by importing string module, but it isn't working.
This same problem with find()
Could you please help me!

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] how to use int and split() simultaneously

2011-12-08 Thread surya k

This is something I am trying to do..
Say, we are entering a string 1 2 3 4 5.so, I want to assign the numbers 
directly as numbers. how can I do it?
I could put that numbers as string but not as number..
strNum = raw_input('enter:').split()
I can convert the list into numbers by doing this...
for i in range(len(strNum)):   strNum[i] = int(strNum[i]).
but I feel, its a long process. How can I do it in the shortest possible way??  
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] how to find index of list with its value

2011-12-08 Thread surya k

Well, we all know to know the value when we have the index of a list. But how 
can we find it in the reverse way...
say a listl=[1,2,3,4]
l[0]=1.but how can I find its address with its value 1 ??   
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] unable to run file though dir path included

2011-12-06 Thread surya k

I have included the path directory of the file but still I couldn't run it!.
1. I created a .pth file and wrote all required path list's and saved in 
site-packages of python dir.( python\Lib\Site-packages).
2. I also included python path ( c:\python27\) in system path so as to run it 
using command prompt.
Now when I use this command to run a file foo.py at command prompt ( runcmd )
command: python foo.py.. it isn't running.
The following error is shown.
 python: can't open file 'foo': [ Errno 2] no such file or directory.

What should I do?
But the following command didn't give me an error in python shell
 import foo ___
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] how to link GUI app to the code

2011-12-05 Thread surya k

I have designed a application using WxGlade but I don't know how to link it to 
my code and run it.Could you please tell me? at least it would be helpful if 
you could show me relevant tutorials.
Here is the part of the application code that is generated using WxGlade.

self.panel_6 = wx.Panel(self.notebook_main_home, -1)
self.label_title = wx.StaticText(self.notebook_main_home, -1, Enter Names, 
style=wx.ALIGN_CENTRE)self.panel_7 = wx.Panel(self.notebook_main_home, 
-1)self.label_name1 = wx.StaticText(self.notebook_main_home, -1, Name 
1, style=wx.ALIGN_CENTRE)self.text_ctrl_name1 = 
wx.TextCtrl(self.notebook_main_home, -1, )self.text_ctrl_output = 
wx.TextCtrl(self.notebook_main_home, -1, , style=wx.TE_READONLY)
self.label_name2 = wx.StaticText(self.notebook_main_home, -1, Name 2)
self.text_ctrl_name2 = wx.TextCtrl(self.notebook_main_home, -1, )
self.panel_5 = wx.Panel(self.notebook_main_home, -1)self.panel_8 = 
wx.Panel(self.notebook_main_home, -1)self.button_submit = 
wx.Button(self.notebook_main_home, -1, Submit)self.panel_9 = 
wx.Panel(self.notebook_main_home, -1)
Those bold lines are where I suppose to give controls.
1. self.text_ctrl_name1 : here I need to give input name12. 
self.text_ctrl_name2 : here I need to give input name23. self.button_submit: 
The program should take the above input values after clicking this button4. 
self.text_ctrl_output : here I need to get output.
As far as my program is concerned, its just a small string manipulation program 
based upon the input names. 

How could I do this?  ___
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] where python is used in real world

2011-12-03 Thread surya k
I don't understand why python doesn't provide executable files for the source 

I am using py2exe for building executables and I found that, it doesn't 
completely change code into binary but creates dll files and python libraries 
to run that particular code. This process makes program very large although it 

1. Why doesn't python doesn't offer executable file ? 
2. If one wants to make a commercial software using python, how can he hide the 
3. However, if one wants to make an open source software, as python doesn't 
offer executable files, how people make those so as to distribute their 
products to people?___
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] unexpected list entry

2011-12-02 Thread surya k

Just take a look at this small code.. I am just taking a string as input and 
assigning it as a list.
But I am finding an unexpected entry in the list.. Why this is happening?

I am using PyScripter IDE.

code :

#!/usr/bin/env python

def main():

if __name__ == '__main__':

print Flames: 
name1 = raw_input('enter name 1')

ListName1 = list(name1)
print name1
print ListName1


[u'f', u'o', u'o']

Observe the last line.. it isn't showing [ 'f', 'o', 'o']
Why is that u coming in the middle from no where ??___
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] unexpected list entry

2011-12-02 Thread surya k

Thanks for the information about unicode.

Actually, I am using python 2.7 in Windows XP.
IDE: PyScripter.

So, I run the same code in IDLE (Python 2.7).. Its working. It isn't showing 
the list in unicode format!

I've used PyScripter many times before and worked on lists.. but I never 
faced any problem like this

From: Dave Angel d...@davea.name
Sent: Friday, December 02, 2011 7:43 PM
To: surya k sur...@live.com
Cc: Python Tutor tutor@python.org
Subject: Re: [Tutor] unexpected list entry

On 12/02/2011 08:49 AM, surya k wrote:


Just take a look at this small code.. I am just taking a string as input 
and assigning it as a list.

But I am finding an unexpected entry in the list.. Why this is happening?

I am using PyScripter IDE.

code :

#!/usr/bin/env python

def main():

if __name__ == '__main__':

print Flames: 
name1 = raw_input('enter name 1')

ListName1 = list(name1)
print name1
print ListName1


[u'f', u'o', u'o']

Observe the last line.. it isn't showing [ 'f', 'o', 'o']
Why is that u coming in the middle from no where ??

The u  notation just says it's a unicode string.  No more confusing than 
the [] meaning it's a list.  Neither is the content of the object, just 
showing you textually what the type is.  You should also print 
repr(name1) to see if it is likewise a unicode string.  I presume it's 
already unicode when returned by raw_input().

My puzzle is how you got unicode strings, if you've shown your entire 
program.   In Python3, all strings are unicode, so it wouldn't bother to 
say so.  Besides, your code has a syntax error in it, if it's supposed to 
be Python 3.x

You probably need to identify your particular version of Python, and the 
platform (OS) you're running it on.

But it could be affected by your IDE (Pyscripter), or by a site.py or 
other implicitly loaded module.

You can check for the former by running the script from a command shell.



Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] unexpected list entry

2011-12-02 Thread surya k

One more thing I want to mention..
I think there is a problem in the IDE itself. I have faced some problems 
with this IDE before... (Not with this)

Could you please tell me a free python IDE (No Eclipse/ Netbeans)

From: Dave Angel d...@davea.name
Sent: Friday, December 02, 2011 7:43 PM
To: surya k sur...@live.com
Cc: Python Tutor tutor@python.org
Subject: Re: [Tutor] unexpected list entry

On 12/02/2011 08:49 AM, surya k wrote:


Just take a look at this small code.. I am just taking a string as input 
and assigning it as a list.

But I am finding an unexpected entry in the list.. Why this is happening?

I am using PyScripter IDE.

code :

#!/usr/bin/env python

def main():

if __name__ == '__main__':

print Flames: 
name1 = raw_input('enter name 1')

ListName1 = list(name1)
print name1
print ListName1


[u'f', u'o', u'o']

Observe the last line.. it isn't showing [ 'f', 'o', 'o']
Why is that u coming in the middle from no where ??

The u  notation just says it's a unicode string.  No more confusing than 
the [] meaning it's a list.  Neither is the content of the object, just 
showing you textually what the type is.  You should also print 
repr(name1) to see if it is likewise a unicode string.  I presume it's 
already unicode when returned by raw_input().

My puzzle is how you got unicode strings, if you've shown your entire 
program.   In Python3, all strings are unicode, so it wouldn't bother to 
say so.  Besides, your code has a syntax error in it, if it's supposed to 
be Python 3.x

You probably need to identify your particular version of Python, and the 
platform (OS) you're running it on.

But it could be affected by your IDE (Pyscripter), or by a site.py or 
other implicitly loaded module.

You can check for the former by running the script from a command shell.



Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] unexpected list entry

2011-12-02 Thread surya k

From: Dave Angel d...@davea.name
Sent: Friday, December 02, 2011 9:36 PM
To: surya k sur...@live.com
Cc: Python Tutor tutor@python.org
Subject: Re: [Tutor] unexpected list entry

(You top-posted.  Put your remarks AFTER whatever you quote from earlier 

On 12/02/2011 10:47 AM, surya k wrote:

Thanks for the information about unicode.

Actually, I am using python 2.7 in Windows XP.
IDE: PyScripter.

So, I run the same code in IDLE (Python 2.7).. Its working. It isn't
showing the list in unicode format!

Nothing to do with list.  Reread my remarks.  The string is apparently 
unicode, presumably from the raw_input() call.  The IDE must be changing 
the type of stdin to make it unicode.

Did you try print repr(name1)   ?  I'll bet that's also a unicode 

And you tried it in another IDE, IDLE.  But the key question is how it 
behaves in raw Windows, from a command prompt.  The user of your code is 
unlikely to set up your particular IDE to run something you've written.

As for an IDE, the only free one I use is emacs.  I've heard good things 
about pywin  (or something like that), a free IDE that comes with the free 
ActiveState python.  The Active State python also includes some extensions 
specifically for Windows, and to make it easier to use Windows dll's and 
com objects.  I used to use the ActiveState stuff when I used Windows.

The following material is out of order, but I left it in anyway, for some 

I've used PyScripter many times before and worked on lists.. but I never
faced any problem like this

From: Dave Angel d...@davea.name
Sent: Friday, December 02, 2011 7:43 PM
To: surya k sur...@live.com
Cc: Python Tutor tutor@python.org
Subject: Re: [Tutor] unexpected list entry

On 12/02/2011 08:49 AM, surya k wrote:


Just take a look at this small code.. I am just taking a string as
input and assigning it as a list.
But I am finding an unexpected entry in the list.. Why this is

I am using PyScripter IDE.

code :

#!/usr/bin/env python

def main():

if __name__ == '__main__':

print Flames: 
name1 = raw_input('enter name 1')

ListName1 = list(name1)
print name1
print ListName1


[u'f', u'o', u'o']

Observe the last line.. it isn't showing [ 'f', 'o', 'o']
Why is that u coming in the middle from no where ??

The u notation just says it's a unicode string. No more confusing
than the [] meaning it's a list. Neither is the content of the object,
just showing you textually what the type is. You should also print
repr(name1) to see if it is likewise a unicode string. I presume it's
already unicode when returned by raw_input().

My puzzle is how you got unicode strings, if you've shown your entire
program. In Python3, all strings are unicode, so it wouldn't bother to
say so. Besides, your code has a syntax error in it, if it's supposed
to be Python 3.x

You probably need to identify your particular version of Python, and
the platform (OS) you're running it on.

But it could be affected by your IDE (Pyscripter), or by a site.py or
other implicitly loaded module.
You can check for the former by running the script from a command shell.





Dave, I am now puzzled.. I
don't understand but the list is now not showing unicode. I just restarted 
the IDE and rewrote the code again!

however, I tried print repr(name1), it didn't show me any unicode notation.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] why doesn't python show error

2011-11-28 Thread surya k

1. Why doesn't python show error(description given below) at the beginning when 
we use functions which aren't present in the standard modules...


TheString = raw_input('enter a string')lengthofStr = strlen(TheString)Look 
closely, I used a wrong function to find length of the string. [ strlen( ) 
belongs to C ].When I run the program, it didn't show any error but when 
entered input, it then showed up!.Why python doesn't show error at the 
beginning just like C does?2. Why doesn't python create executable file (.exe ) 
when we run the code.. If this doesn't do, how can I share my program.. does 
everyone need to have python to check others code and know what it does?    
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] why doesn't python show error

2011-11-28 Thread surya k
Thanks for that information. I understood what you are saying but in general 
when python doesn't give us executable files (whether its in Mac/ Linux/ 
Windows).. how could people develop programs ?. 
At some point of time people need to provide a file that runs without the help 
of a python interpreter.. 

From: Sarma Tangirala 
Sent: Monday, November 28, 2011 3:46 PM
To: surya k 
Cc: Python Tutor 
Subject: Re: [Tutor] why doesn't python show error

On 28 November 2011 15:23, surya k sur...@live.com wrote:

  1. Why doesn't python show error(description given below) at the beginning 
when we use functions which aren't present in the standard modules...


  TheString = raw_input('enter a string')lengthofStr = strlen(TheString)Look 
closely, I used a wrong function to find length of the string. [ strlen( ) 
belongs to C ].When I run the program, it didn't show any error but when 
entered input, it then showed up!.Why python doesn't show error at the 
beginning just like C does?2. Why doesn't python create executable file (.exe ) 
when we run the code.. If this doesn't do, how can I share my program.. does 
everyone need to have python to check others code and know what it does? 
  Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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The thing is, python does not compile code like C does. It interprets each 
line. So as you say, it runs. Errors turn up only when they are encountered. 


But python does have a compile version, I believe jython does this.

There are a couple of programs that generate executable, py2exe on Win for 


Sarma Tangirala, 
Class of 2012,
Department of Information Science and Technology,
College of Engineering Guindy - Anna University
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] Multiplater gaming

2011-11-28 Thread surya k
I am building a multiplayer game (Game:Bingo) where friends(players) connect 
over internet. In this particular game, users sends a character/ number to 
all other players..

Can you please shed some light on it. I've been looking into 'Core Python 
Programming' book by Chun but I couldn't understand clearly. 

So, If possible, please provide links to related free e-books / tutorials.

my another question is.. do I need to setup any external hardware 
infrastructure to get this done ??

Thanks for sparing your valuable time on this!

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] Writing Game in python

2011-11-27 Thread surya k


Actually, I want to develop a multiplayer Bingo game. So, I would like to 
develop it in python  C. As I am not familiar with game development, could you 
please tell me what libraries I should use for development?... etc  
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] Writing Game in python

2011-11-27 Thread surya k

Thanks for your reply.
Actually, I am good at writing code in C and still learning python(Familiar 
with basics). Now, I am much inclined towards python than C and trying to use 
it more. I love it.
Coming back to the game I want to develop.. I didn't put any code yet but I 
finished with the algorithm part. All I can tell you is.. Its a small board 
game, Bingo!. Its typical game we seldom use to play in school on a piece of 

From: waynejwer...@gmail.com
Date: Sun, 27 Nov 2011 08:05:46 -0600
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Writing Game in python
To: sur...@live.com
CC: tutor@python.org

On Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 7:52 AM, surya k sur...@live.com wrote:


Actually, I want to develop a multiplayer Bingo game. So, I would like to 
develop it in python  C. As I am not familiar with game development, could you 
please tell me what libraries I should use for development?... etc

You could easily develop the game entirely in Python. As for libraries... well 
it depends on what you're trying to do.
If you want a GUI you'll want to look at one of the frameworks like Tkinter, 
PyGTK+, wxPython, or QtPython. Alternatively you could look at the PyGame 
library which is geared towards game development.

If you want to do internet communication, you'll want to investigate the socket 
module, and possibly the threading module.
How familiar are you with Python? Have you written any programs before?

What would really help is if you gave us some psuedocode of your algorithm or 
the steps you think each piece should need to accomplish. We like to see that 
you've at least tried to do something.

HTH,Wayne ___
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] Writing Game in python

2011-11-27 Thread surya k

I think I have got enough tail to catch up and start my project..Thanks to all 
who have spared some time to help me.

From: waynejwer...@gmail.com
Date: Sun, 27 Nov 2011 08:05:46 -0600
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Writing Game in python
To: sur...@live.com
CC: tutor@python.org

On Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 7:52 AM, surya k sur...@live.com wrote:


Actually, I want to develop a multiplayer Bingo game. So, I would like to 
develop it in python  C. As I am not familiar with game development, could you 
please tell me what libraries I should use for development?... etc

You could easily develop the game entirely in Python. As for libraries... well 
it depends on what you're trying to do.
If you want a GUI you'll want to look at one of the frameworks like Tkinter, 
PyGTK+, wxPython, or QtPython. Alternatively you could look at the PyGame 
library which is geared towards game development.

If you want to do internet communication, you'll want to investigate the socket 
module, and possibly the threading module.
How familiar are you with Python? Have you written any programs before?

What would really help is if you gave us some psuedocode of your algorithm or 
the steps you think each piece should need to accomplish. We like to see that 
you've at least tried to do something.

HTH,Wayne ___
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] How to handle conjunction operators

2011-11-27 Thread surya k

Could you please tell me why this isn't working and how can I make it 
Consider this code..name = raw_input(Enter your first name: )
if name[0] == (m or f or b) :
   rhyme = name[1:]What I want here is.. If the name starts with 'm' or 'f' or 
'b', The first letter should be removed.But this isn't happening here.  
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] taking input for a list in a list

2011-09-26 Thread surya k

Actually my programming language is C.. learning python.

I'm trying to write sudoku program for which I need to take input.
This is what I did merely

*list = []
for i in range (0,4) :
  for j in range (0,4) :
   list[i][j].append ( int (raw_input(Enter) ) )

This is completely wrong.. but I couldn't handle this kind of.. how do I..
Actually I need a list in a list to handle sudoku.

for a simple list to get input.. this would obviously work..
*list.append ( int(raw_input(Enter) )*

Can you tell me how do I do this correctly ?
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] integrating python and C

2011-09-23 Thread surya k

Actually, I'm writing sudoku solver. So, I'd write my logic in C but when it
comes to GUI, I feel that python is much easier than doing in C.
What I'm looking at is, take input from python program with graphic
interface and passing it to my C program file then solve the puzzle and
again passing the whole array to python code to display..

How should I do it.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] largest palindrome number

2011-08-27 Thread surya k
If you take a close look at my code.

for i in range (1,100) :
for j in range (i,100) :
   Temp = palindrome(i*j)

here, as the loop goes on, i*j can never become smaller in any case.
which is why I think it, as long as PNum gets a new number, its
bigger palindrome than the previous.. so, at the end of the loop.
we'll get largest palindrome number..

On 8/25/11, Hugo Arts hugo.yo...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 6:49 PM, surya k sur...@live.com wrote:
 I'm doing a puzzle where it asked me to find the largest palindrome number
 formed by the product of two three-digit numbers. They mentioned an
 saying that 9009 is the largest palindrome number formed by two two-digit
 numbers (99 * 91).
 I've written my code this way.. and I tested it with the given example and
 got it right!
 Logic I used :
 largest two digit number is 99 and three digit number is 999.. so largest
 product of two two-digit numbers is  100*100 and for three-digit numbers
 So, I used a for loop and it assigns a palindromic value to PNum till it
   100*100 (for 2 digit number) and  1000*1000 (for three-digit number)..
 Thus it stops at the max possible palindromic value, which is what we

 def palindrome (n) :

     TempN = n
     rev  = 0
     while n != 0 :
         k = n % 10
      rev = (rev * 10) + k
      n = n / 10
     if  TempN == rev :
         return TempN # Palindrome
     else :
      return 0 # not Palindrome

 for i in range (1,100) :
     for j in range (i,100) :
         Temp = palindrome(i*j)
         if Temp  1 and Temp != 0 :
            PNum = Temp
 print PNum

 So, for getting the largest palindrome number formed by two three-digit
 numbers, I changed 100 to 1000 and 1,00,00 to 1,000,000 in the highlighted
 area. Thus I got the answer to be 88. When I submitted the answer, its
 saying wrong!
 Where I'm going wrong ?
 help me, please !

 When you get a new palindrome, you should make sure it's bigger than
 the one you already have before you replace the old one. 88 is the
 last palindrome you find, but it is not the the biggest. You cannot
 assume the biggest one will be found last.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] largest palindrome number

2011-08-25 Thread surya k

I'm doing a puzzle where it asked me to find the largest palindrome number
formed by the product of two three-digit numbers. They mentioned an example
saying that 9009 is the largest palindrome number formed by two two-digit
numbers (99 * 91).

I've written my code this way.. and I tested it with the given example and I
got it right!

*Logic I used :*
largest two digit number is 99 and three digit number is 999.. so largest
product of two two-digit numbers is  100*100 and for three-digit numbers is
So, I used a for loop and it assigns a palindromic value to *PNum* till it
is   100*100 (for 2 digit number) and  1000*1000 (for three-digit
Thus it stops at the max possible palindromic value, which is what we want.

def palindrome (n) :

TempN = n
rev  = 0
while n != 0 :
k = n % 10
 rev = (rev * 10) + k
 n = n / 10
if  TempN == rev :
return TempN # Palindrome
else :
 return 0 # not Palindrome

for i in range (1,100) :
for j in range (i,100) :
Temp = palindrome(i*j)
if Temp  1 and Temp != 0 :
   PNum = Temp
print PNum

So, for getting the largest palindrome number formed by two three-digit
numbers, I changed 100 to 1000 and 1,00,00 to 1,000,000 in the highlighted
area. Thus I got the answer to be 88. When I submitted the answer, its
saying wrong!

Where I'm going wrong ?
help me, please !
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] getting error while solving a series that estimates the value of pi

2011-07-18 Thread surya k

The problem is to estimate the value of pi using the following series.
 *1 / pi  = (( 2 * sqrt(2) )/ 9801 )  * SIGMA of k[ (4k)! (1103 + 26390*k) /
(k!^ 4 ) * 396^(4k)  ]*
*where k is [0, infinity)*
* Problem is located at : ThinkPython Book, www.thinkpython.org
   *Pg 89, Exercise 7.5, Think Python Book. *
the series should be considered till the last term of the sigma must be 
I have written the below code :

*# program estimates the value of pi*
*# Ramanujan's series... *
*import math*
*def fact(n) : # def of factorial function.*
*if n  0 :*
*   return n * fact(n-1)*
*if n == 0 :*
*   return 1*
*k = 0*
*tot = 0*
*temp1 = 0*
*while k = 0 and temp1 == 0 :*
*  a = ( 2 * math.sqrt(2) ) / 9801 # first term before sigma *
*  nu = fact (4*k) * (1103 + (26390*k) )  # numerator of series*
*  de = pow( fact(k), 4 ) * pow ( 396, 4*k )  # denominator of series*
*  *
*  if de / nu  1e-15 : *
*temp = nu / de*
*tot = tot + temp*
*temp1 = 0 *
*k = k + 1 *
*  elif de / nu  == 1e-15 :*
* series = a * tot  *
* k = k + 1*
* temp1 = 0*
*  elif de / nu  1e-15 :*
* print series*
* temp1 = 1*

I am getting the following error : which is completely surprising!

*Traceback (most recent call last):*
*  File pi.py, line 30, in module*
*print series*
*NameError: name 'series' is not defined*

Thus I have removed name 'series' and replaced with  *a*tot, *
now I am getting this error

*Traceback (most recent call last):*
*  File pi.py, line 30, in module*
*print 1 / (a * tot)*
*ZeroDivisionError: float divisio*n

Thus I changed the first highlighted lines to

 *nu = float (fact (4*k) * (1103 + (26390*k) ) )*
*  de = float (pow( fact(k), 4 ) * pow ( 396, 4*k )) *

now I am getting

* Traceback (most recent call last):*
*  File pi.py, line 18, in module*
*de = float (pow( fact(k), 4 ) * pow ( 396, 4*k ) )*
*OverflowError: long int too large to convert to float*

*help me out of this problem, how could I fix this*
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] getting error while solving a series that estimates the value of pi

2011-07-18 Thread surya k
Let me write the code again..
Thanks for your help.

On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 10:38 PM, James Reynolds eire1...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 12:10 PM, surya k sur...@live.com wrote:


 The problem is to estimate the value of pi using the following series.
  *1 / pi  = (( 2 * sqrt(2) )/ 9801 )  * SIGMA of k[ (4k)! (1103 +
 26390*k) / (k!^ 4 ) * 396^(4k)  ]*
 *where k is [0, infinity)*
 * Problem is located at : ThinkPython Book, www.thinkpython.org
*Pg 89, Exercise 7.5, Think Python Book. *
 the series should be considered till the last term of the sigma must be 
 I have written the below code :

 *# program estimates the value of pi*
 *# Ramanujan's series... *
 *import math*
 *def fact(n) : # def of factorial function.*
 *if n  0 :*
 *   return n * fact(n-1)*
 *if n == 0 :*
 *   return 1*
 *k = 0*
 *tot = 0*
 *temp1 = 0*
 *while k = 0 and temp1 == 0 :*
 *  a = ( 2 * math.sqrt(2) ) / 9801 # first term before sigma *
 *  nu = fact (4*k) * (1103 + (26390*k) )  # numerator of series*
 *  de = pow( fact(k), 4 ) * pow ( 396, 4*k )  # denominator of series
 *  *
 *  if de / nu  1e-15 : *
 *temp = nu / de*
 *tot = tot + temp*
 *temp1 = 0 *
 *k = k + 1 *
 *  elif de / nu  == 1e-15 :*
 * series = a * tot  *
 * k = k + 1*
 * temp1 = 0*
 *  elif de / nu  1e-15 :*
 * print series*
 * temp1 = 1*

 I am getting the following error : which is completely surprising!

 *Traceback (most recent call last):*
 *  File pi.py, line 30, in module*
 *print series*
 *NameError: name 'series' is not defined*

 Thus I have removed name 'series' and replaced with  *a*tot, *
 now I am getting this error

 *Traceback (most recent call last):*
 *  File pi.py, line 30, in module*
 *print 1 / (a * tot)*
 *ZeroDivisionError: float divisio*n

 Thus I changed the first highlighted lines to

  *nu = float (fact (4*k) * (1103 + (26390*k) ) )*
 *  de = float (pow( fact(k), 4 ) * pow ( 396, 4*k )) *

 now I am getting

 * Traceback (most recent call last):*
 *  File pi.py, line 18, in module*
 *de = float (pow( fact(k), 4 ) * pow ( 396, 4*k ) )*
 *OverflowError: long int too large to convert to float*

 *help me out of this problem, how could I fix this*

 Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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 I am getting the following error : which is completely surprising!

 You only define series when nu/de == XXX. Just don't print series outside
 of where it is defined, or print it outside of the while loop if you can be
 assured it is defined when the while loop ends.

 Even so, you would still end up with the overflow error, because you have
 de / nu and I'm assuming you want nu / de. As an aside, you might want to
 consider creating a variable above all the if statements called nude = nu /
 de and replace all of the nu / de 's to nude. This way you only divide once
 and not (potentially) three times per loop.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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