[Tutor] problems finding position in list and changing it for GO game

2008-12-15 Thread Lee Meredith
I am looking for some help if you have or worked with pygame or not
I'm sure if you have not you could still help me
I am working on a  *GO game* no AI a analog behavior only
I have the stones going to the board and switching colors between black and
but I want to take *stones/pieces* off and count them
and if you don't play go it's okay as well but might help

the MOUSEBUTTONDOWN gives the black0 XandYpositions with the*.append*
how do I reference the address in the list by using XandYpositions
Then replace them or take it out off the list

This code puts out an error when you hit the letter b

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:/Users/Lee/Desktop/pyGame01/GO/GO_1_2_3.py, line 46, in module
for stone in len(black0):
TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable

Which I'm not really sure what that means or how to remedy it as well

Thank you everyone

## geting there black and white stones alternate now the issue
## of taking the stones off the board
## Or more precisely to .insert into the list at an address that I detected
by finding the X. and the Y. by using the
## if event.pos == range( black0[stone][0] - (stoneWidth/2),
black0[stone][0] + ((stoneWidth/2)+1)):
import pygame
from pygame.locals import *
from sys import exit
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((758, 758), 0, 32)
color0 = (0,255)

b = 0

white0 = [] #white0
black0 = [] #black0

stoneWidth = 20

while True:
pressed_keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == QUIT:
if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:##makes a variable out of the X.
and Y. coordinates
if b==0:
black0.append(event.pos)##black0.append [X. and Y.]
print black points1
print black0
print white points
print white0
if event.type == KEYDOWN:
if event.key == K_b:
print cut black
for stone in len(black0):##I'm not sure here either   is
this the way I would look for detection of mouse in the range
Circleif event.pos == range( black0[stone][0] -
(stoneWidth/2), black0[stone][0] + ((stoneWidth/2)+1)):
## this is where I get confused what should I do

## black0.insert(event.pos,0)
if event.pos == range( black0[stone][1] -
(stoneWidth/2), black0[stone][1] + ((stoneWidth/2)+1)):
## this is where I get confused what should I do


for white in white0: #you're drawing
pygame.draw.circle(screen, (color0[1],color0[1],color0[1]), white,
for black in black0:
pygame.draw.circle(screen, (color0[0],color0[0],color0[0]), black,
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] problems finding position in list and changing it for GO game

2008-12-15 Thread W W
On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 10:01 PM, Lee Meredith tesujicam...@gmail.comwrote:

 the MOUSEBUTTONDOWN gives the black0 XandYpositions with the*.append*
 how do I reference the address in the list by using XandYpositions
 Then replace them or take it out off the list

 This code puts out an error when you hit the letter b

This error is pretty verbose, as most python errors are:

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File C:/Users/Lee/Desktop/pyGame01/GO/GO_1_2_3.py, line 46, in module

This line tells you that the offending statement, the one that broke your
program/contained a bug is on line 46. Usually this is a pretty good place
to start looking.

 for stone in len(black0):

That tells you the statement that broke

 TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable

This line tells you /why/ it broke, which is usually the most important bit,
and this one gives you some good information. First off, it tells you the
type of error, in this case TypeError. AFAIK, this means you tried to do
something with a type that isn't allowed. In this case you tried to iterate
over an integer. This doesn't work.

Would you expect this to work?
for num in 7:

Hopefully your experience with python will tell you that it would be silly
to think of such a thing.However, if you were to say:

for num in range(0, 7): - that would be a little more sane. In this case,
you are performing something similar to the prior example: you're trying to
iterate over a single integer. len() returns the length of the list as an
integer value.

If you look at some of your other statements you have for white in white0:
- a list is iterable, and white0 is a list.

I hope this helps,

 Which I'm not really sure what that means or how to remedy it as well

 Thank you everyone

 ## geting there black and white stones alternate now the issue
 ## of taking the stones off the board
 ## Or more precisely to .insert into the list at an address that I detected
 by finding the X. and the Y. by using the
 ## if event.pos == range( black0[stone][0] - (stoneWidth/2),
 black0[stone][0] + ((stoneWidth/2)+1)):
 import pygame
 from pygame.locals import *
 from sys import exit
 screen = pygame.display.set_mode((758, 758), 0, 32)
 color0 = (0,255)

 b = 0

 white0 = [] #white0
 black0 = [] #black0

 stoneWidth = 20

 while True:
 pressed_keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
 for event in pygame.event.get():
 if event.type == QUIT:
 if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:##makes a variable out of the X.
 and Y. coordinates
 if b==0:
 black0.append(event.pos)##black0.append [X. and Y.]
 print black points1
 print black0
 print white points
 print white0
 if event.type == KEYDOWN:
 if event.key == K_b:
 print cut black
 for stone in len(black0):##I'm not sure here either   is
 this the way I would look for detection of mouse in the range
 Circleif event.pos == range( black0[stone][0] -
 (stoneWidth/2), black0[stone][0] + ((stoneWidth/2)+1)):
 ## this is where I get confused what should I do
 ## black0.insert(event.pos,0)
 if event.pos == range( black0[stone][1] -
 (stoneWidth/2), black0[stone][1] + ((stoneWidth/2)+1)):
 ## this is where I get confused what should I do

 for white in white0: #you're drawing
 pygame.draw.circle(screen, (color0[1],color0[1],color0[1]), white,
 for black in black0:
 pygame.draw.circle(screen, (color0[0],color0[0],color0[0]), black,

 Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

To be considered stupid and to be told so is more painful than being called
gluttonous, mendacious, violent, lascivious, lazy, cowardly: every weakness,
every vice, has found its defenders, its rhetoric, its ennoblement and
exaltation, but stupidity hasn't. - Primo Levi
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org