Re: [Tutor] Leaving PHP for Python

2008-11-25 Thread Don Jennings
Welcome! I suggest you take a look at django [1]. You'll find that it
has documentation [2] and an active developer community [3]. Of
course, for your questions about learning python, you've already found
a very helpful community : )

Take care,


On 11/25/08, Jason DeBord [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello All,

 This is my first message on the mailing list. I am excited to get started
 developing content / backend for the web with Python.

 I have a background in PHP, but am convinced that Python is a better, more
 powerful language.

 I am on a Windows XP machine and I have been using XAMPP for server, php,

 I installed Python 2.5 and mod_python successfully. I can serve pages with
 .py extension to http://localhost .

 The following for example:

 from mod_python import apache

 def handler(req):
 req.write(Hello World!)
 return apache.OK

 Frankly, I don't understand what is going on in the above. This is a bit
 different compared to what I am used to.

 So, my question, would you all please point me to some introductory
 resources, tutorials, books, that focus on Python programming for the web? I
 am eventually going to interface with some web services, notably Amazon Web
 Services. Also, I'd like to write some server side scripts to serve as a
 backend to some Adobe AIR apps.

 Any and all advice is extremely appreciated.

 Thanks for your time!



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Re: [Tutor] Leaving PHP for Python

2008-11-25 Thread bob gailer

Jason DeBord wrote:

Hello All,

This is my first message on the mailing list. I am excited to get 
started developing content / backend for the web with Python.

I have a background in PHP, but am convinced that Python is a better, 
more powerful language.

I am on a Windows XP machine and I have been using XAMPP for server, 
php, mysql...

I installed Python 2.5 and mod_python successfully. I can serve pages 
with .py extension to http://localhost .

The following for example:

from mod_python import apache

def handler(req):
req.write(Hello World!)
return apache.OK

Frankly, I don't understand what is going on in the above. 

Exactly what don't you understand. Or ... what DO you understand. There 
is a lot to explain here. Narrowing it down will make it easier.

Bob Gailer
Chapel Hill NC 

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Re: [Tutor] Leaving PHP for Python

2008-11-25 Thread Kent Johnson
On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 7:43 AM, Jason DeBord [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The following for example:

 from mod_python import apache

 def handler(req):
 req.write(Hello World!)
 return apache.OK

 Frankly, I don't understand what is going on in the above. This is a bit
 different compared to what I am used to.

 So, my question, would you all please point me to some introductory
 resources, tutorials, books, that focus on Python programming for the web?

You might start with some general Python tutorials. Try one of these
lists, depending on your background:

Presumably you have found the mod_python docs? It has a tutorial also:

You don't say why you chose should know that writing
directly to mod_python is not the most popular method of writing
Python web apps. It is fine for something simple but for complex apps
you might want to look at one of the Python web frameworks such as
Django, TurboGears or

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Re: [Tutor] Leaving PHP for Python

2008-11-25 Thread W W
On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 6:43 AM, Jason DeBord [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The following for example:

 from mod_python import apache

 def handler(req):
 req.write(Hello World!)
 return apache.OK

 Frankly, I don't understand what is going on in the above. This is a bit
 different compared to what I am used to.

I don't know if you did much OOP (Object Oriented Programming) in PHP, or
anything else, but that's what python does, and does well. There are some
tutorials out there that explain what objects really are... but I read
somewhere that in python /everything/ is an object, and that's pretty much
true to my experience.

The line starting with from is similar to an include statement in php.
Though what you're doing is including apache that happens to be inside the
mod_python library.

The next line:

def means you're defining a function (or method, if it's in a class, where
it would be def handler(self, req), but that's another story)

handler is the name you're calling the function and req is the name of your
argument. At this point, it really doesn't matter what req is... it's just a
name that will point to (or become a copy of) whatever you pass to it.

In this case, you're passing it a class that has the method write.
Consider this example(I'm using the IPython active interpreter, so you see
In instead of ):

In [15]: class foo:
   : def write(self, mystr):
   : print mystr

In [17]: def handler(req):
   : req.write(Hello World!)

In [18]: x = foo()

In [19]: handler(x)
Hello World!

And then return apache.OK is returning... well, the object OK in the
apache class.

Of course, I've never used mod_python/apache, that's just me applying what I
know about python, so I may not be 100% accurate, but I don't think I'm too
far off.

 So, my question, would you all please point me to some introductory
 resources, tutorials, books, that focus on Python programming for the web? I
 am eventually going to interface with some web services, notably Amazon Web
 Services. Also, I'd like to write some server side scripts to serve as a
 backend to some Adobe AIR apps.

If you plan on doing much command line/admin type stuff, I'd recommend
Python for Unix and Linux System Adminstration by Noah Gift  Jeremy M.
Jones, available through O'Reilly, at least as one resource (ISBN:

Noah spoke at our un-conference in October, and I learned a lot, hence, my

It does a great job of throwing you into a lot of various administration
tasks, which instruction can be applied to (and is also useful for) many
other tasks.

Definitely check out the links others have provided, they'll be packed full
of helpful information, and I hope this helped as well.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Leaving PHP for Python

2008-11-25 Thread Spencer Parker
You might also want to look at Pylons...its another excellent web framework
built for Python.  The community around it, I feel, is better than Django.
People are pretty willing to answer any and all questions you have.  It
gives more control to the developer as oppiosed to Django.  I just switched
from Django to far it fits me better.  Not for everyone...ya

On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 5:43 AM, Jason DeBord [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello All,

 This is my first message on the mailing list. I am excited to get started
 developing content / backend for the web with Python.

 I have a background in PHP, but am convinced that Python is a better, more
 powerful language.

 I am on a Windows XP machine and I have been using XAMPP for server, php,

 I installed Python 2.5 and mod_python successfully. I can serve pages with
 .py extension to http://localhost .

 The following for example:

 from mod_python import apache

 def handler(req):
 req.write(Hello World!)
 return apache.OK

 Frankly, I don't understand what is going on in the above. This is a bit
 different compared to what I am used to.

 So, my question, would you all please point me to some introductory
 resources, tutorials, books, that focus on Python programming for the web? I
 am eventually going to interface with some web services, notably Amazon Web
 Services. Also, I'd like to write some server side scripts to serve as a
 backend to some Adobe AIR apps.

 Any and all advice is extremely appreciated.

 Thanks for your time!



 Tutor maillist  -

Spencer Parker
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