Re: [Tutor] improving speed using and recalling C functions

2014-04-12 Thread Peter Otten
Gabriele Brambilla wrote:

 Ok guys, when I wrote that email I was excited for the apparent speed
 increasing (it was jumping the bottleneck for loop for the reason peter
 otten outlined).
 Now, instead the changes, the speed is not improved (the code still
 running from this morning and it's at one forth of the dataset).
 What can I do to speed it up?

Not as easy as I had hoped and certainly not as pretty, here's my 
modification of the code you sent me. What makes it messy is that 
I had to inline your kappa() function; my first attempt with 
numpy.vectorize() didn't help much. There is still stuff in the
'for gammar...' loop that doesn't belong there, but I decided it
was time for me to stop ;)

Note that it may still be worthwhile to consult a numpy expert 
(which I'm not!).

from scipy import stats
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import optimize
from matplotlib import colors, ticker, cm
import numpy as np

phamin = 0
phamax = 2*pi
obamin = 0
obamax = pi
npha = 100
nobs = 181
stepPHA = (phamax-phamin)/npha
stepOB = (obamax-obamin)/nobs
freq = 10
c = 2.9979*(10**(10))
e = 4.8032*(10**(-10))
hcut = 1.0546*(10**(-27))
eVtoErg = 1.6022*(10**(-12))

from math import *
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

kaparg = [
-3.0, -2.0, -1.52287875, -1.22184875, -1.0, -0.69897,
 -0.52287875, -0.39794001, -0.30103, -0.22184875,
 -0.15490196,  0.0, 0.30103, 0.60205999,  0.69897,
 0.77815125,  0.90308999,  1.0]

kapval = [
-0.6716204 , -0.35163999, -0.21183163, -0.13489603,
 -0.0872467 , -0.04431225, -0.03432803, -0.04335142,
 -0.05998184, -0.08039898, -0.10347378, -0.18641901,
 -0.52287875, -1.27572413, -1.66958623, -2.07314329,
 -2.88941029, -3.7212464 ]

my_inter = interp1d(kaparg, kapval)

def LEstep(n):
Emin = 10**6
Emax = 5*(10**10)
Lemin = log10(Emin)
Lemax = log10(Emax)
stepE = (Lemax-Lemin)/n
return stepE, n, Lemin, Lemax

def mymain(stepENE, nex, Lemin, Lemax, freq):
eel = np.array(list(range(nex)))
eels = np.logspace(Lemin, Lemax, num=nex, endpoint=False)

rlc = c/(2*pi*freq)

sigmas = [1, 3, 5, 10, 30]
np.zeros([npha, nobs, nex], dtype=float) for _ in sigmas]

alpha = '60_'
ALPHA = (1.732050808/c)*(e**2)
for count, my_line in enumerate(open('datasm0_60_5s.dat')):
myinternet = []
print('reading the line', count, '/599378')
my_parts = np.array(my_line.split(), dtype=float)
phase = my_parts[4]
zobs = my_parts[5]
rho = my_parts[6]

gmils = my_parts[7:12]

i = int((phase-phamin)/stepPHA)
j = int((zobs-obamin)/stepOB)

for gammar, MYMAP in zip(gmils, MYMAPS):

omC = (1.5)*(gammar**3)*c/(rho*rlc)
gig = omC*hcut/eVtoErg

omega = (10**(eel*stepENE+Lemin))*eVtoErg/hcut
x = omega/omC

kap = np.empty(x.shape)
sel = x = 10.0
zsel = x[sel]
kap[sel] = 1.2533 * np.sqrt(zsel)*np.exp(-zsel)

sel = x  0.001
zsel = x[sel]
kap[sel] = (2.1495 * np.exp(0.3 * np.log(zsel))
- 1.8138 * zsel)

sel = ~ ((x = 10.0) | (x  0.001))
zsel = x[sel]
result = my_inter(np.log10(zsel))
kap[sel] = 10**result

Iom = ALPHA*gammar*kap
P = Iom*(c/(rho*rlc))/(2*pi)
phps = P/(hcut*omega)
www =  phps/(stepPHA*sin(zobs)*stepOB)
MYMAP[i,j] += www

for sigma, MYMAP in zip(sigmas, MYMAPS):
filename = _.join(str(p) for p in
[skymap, alpha, sigma, npha, phamin, phamax, nobs,
obamin, obamax, nex, Lemin, Lemax, '.dat']

x, y, z = MYMAP.shape
with open(filename, 'ab') as MYfile:
MYMAP.reshape(x*y, z, order=F).T,
delimiter=,, fmt=%s, newline=,\n)

if __name__ == __main__:
if len(sys.argv)=1:
stepENE, nex, Lemin, Lemax = LEstep(200)
elif len(sys.argv)=2:
stepENE, nex, Lemin, Lemax = LEstep(int(sys.argv[1]))
stepENE, nex, Lemin, Lemax = LEstep(int(sys.argv[1]))

mymain(stepENE, nex, Lemin, Lemax, freq)

For reference here is the original (with the loop over gmlis 
instead of gmils):

 import sys
 from math import *
 from scipy import ndimage
 from scipy import stats
 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
 from scipy import optimize
 from matplotlib import colors, ticker, cm
 import numpy as np
 import cProfile
 import pstats
 from math import *
 import numpy as np
 from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

Re: [Tutor] improving speed using and recalling C functions

2014-04-12 Thread Gabriele Brambilla
Ok guys,
I'm not expert about profile but help me to look at it.
this one is for 715853 elements (to multiply by 5, and for each of this N*5
there is a loop of 200 times)

Sat Apr 12 04:58:50 2014restats

 9636507991 function calls in 66809.764 seconds

   Ordered by: internal time
   List reduced from 47 to 20 due to restriction 20

   ncallstottimepercallcumtime   percall
1   13548.507 13548.507   66809.692 66809.692
125800544 13539.337   0.00015998.9250.000
880603808 5353.3820.000 5353.3820.000
715853000 4998.7400.000 52861.634  0.000
251601088 4550.9400.000 4550.9400.000{method 'reduce'
of 'numpy.ufunc' objects}
125800544 4312.0780.00010163.6140.000
125800544 2944.1260.00014182.9170.000
125800544 2846.5770.000 29484.2480.000
125800544 1665.8520.0006000.6030.000
125800544 1039.4550.000 1039.4550.000 {method 'clip' of
'numpy.ndarray' objects}
251601088  944.8480.000   944.8480.000 {method 'reshape' of
'numpy.ndarray' objects}
251601088  922.9280.000  1651.2180.000
503202176  897.0440.000   3434.7680.000
125800544  816.4010.000 32242.4810.000
251601088  787.5930.000  5338.5330.000
125800544  689.7790.000  1989.1010.000
125800544  638.9460.000  638.9460.000 {method
'searchsorted' of 'numpy.ndarray' objects}
125800544  606.7780.000 2257.9960.000
125800544  598.0000.0006598.6020.000
629002720  549.3580.000   549.3580.000 {issubclass}

looking at tottime it seems that skymaps mymain() and interpolate take the
same big amount of time...right?

So it's true that I have to slow down mymain() but interpolate is a problem

do you agree with me?

Now I will read Peter Otten's code and run the new simulation with it



2014-04-12 6:21 GMT-04:00 Peter Otten

 Gabriele Brambilla wrote:

  Ok guys, when I wrote that email I was excited for the apparent speed
  increasing (it was jumping the bottleneck for loop for the reason peter
  otten outlined).
  Now, instead the changes, the speed is not improved (the code still
  running from this morning and it's at one forth of the dataset).
  What can I do to speed it up?

 Not as easy as I had hoped and certainly not as pretty, here's my
 modification of the code you sent me. What makes it messy is that
 I had to inline your kappa() function; my first attempt with
 numpy.vectorize() didn't help much. There is still stuff in the
 'for gammar...' loop that doesn't belong there, but I decided it
 was time for me to stop ;)

 Note that it may still be worthwhile to consult a numpy expert
 (which I'm not!).

 from scipy import stats
 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
 from scipy import optimize
 from matplotlib import colors, ticker, cm
 import numpy as np

 phamin = 0
 phamax = 2*pi
 obamin = 0
 obamax = pi
 npha = 100
 nobs = 181
 stepPHA = (phamax-phamin)/npha
 stepOB = (obamax-obamin)/nobs
 freq = 10
 c = 2.9979*(10**(10))
 e = 4.8032*(10**(-10))
 hcut = 1.0546*(10**(-27))
 eVtoErg = 1.6022*(10**(-12))

 from math import *
 import numpy as np
 from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

 kaparg = [
 -3.0, -2.0, -1.52287875, -1.22184875, -1.0, -0.69897,
  -0.52287875, -0.39794001, -0.30103, -0.22184875,
  -0.15490196,  0.0, 0.30103, 0.60205999,  0.69897,
  0.77815125,  0.90308999,  1.0]

 kapval = [
 -0.6716204 , -0.35163999, -0.21183163, -0.13489603,
  -0.0872467 , -0.04431225, -0.03432803, -0.04335142,
  -0.05998184, -0.08039898, -0.10347378, -0.18641901,
  -0.52287875, -1.27572413, -1.66958623, -2.07314329,
  -2.88941029, -3.7212464 ]

 my_inter = interp1d(kaparg, kapval)

 def LEstep(n):
 Emin = 10**6
 Emax = 5*(10**10)
 Lemin = log10(Emin)
 Lemax = log10(Emax)
 stepE = (Lemax-Lemin)/n
 return stepE, n, Lemin, Lemax

 def mymain(stepENE, nex, Lemin, Lemax, freq):
 eel = np.array(list(range(nex)))
 eels = np.logspace(Lemin, Lemax, num=nex, endpoint=False)

 rlc = c/(2*pi*freq)

 sigmas = [1, 3, 5, 10, 30]
 np.zeros([npha, nobs, nex], dtype=float) for _ in sigmas]

 alpha = '60_'
 ALPHA = (1.732050808/c)*(e**2)
 for count, my_line in enumerate(open('datasm0_60_5s.dat')):
 myinternet = []
 print('reading the line', count, '/599378')

Re: [Tutor] improving speed using and recalling C functions

2014-04-12 Thread Gabriele Brambilla
Ok, i just run Peter's code and it seems really faster...I hope to don't
mistake this time!



sent from Samsung Mobile
Il giorno 12/apr/2014 08:22, Gabriele Brambilla ha scritto:

 Ok guys,
 I'm not expert about profile but help me to look at it.
 this one is for 715853 elements (to multiply by 5, and for each of this
 N*5 there is a loop of 200 times)

 Sat Apr 12 04:58:50 2014restats

  9636507991 function calls in 66809.764 seconds

Ordered by: internal time
List reduced from 47 to 20 due to restriction 20

ncallstottimepercallcumtime   percall
 1   13548.507 13548.507   66809.692 66809.692
 125800544 13539.337   0.00015998.9250.000
 880603808 5353.3820.000 5353.3820.000
 715853000 4998.7400.000 52861.634  0.000
 251601088 4550.9400.000 4550.9400.000{method 'reduce'
 of 'numpy.ufunc' objects}
 125800544 4312.0780.00010163.6140.000
 125800544 2944.1260.00014182.9170.000
 125800544 2846.5770.000 29484.2480.000
 125800544 1665.8520.0006000.6030.000
 125800544 1039.4550.000 1039.4550.000 {method 'clip' of
 'numpy.ndarray' objects}
 251601088  944.8480.000   944.8480.000 {method 'reshape'
 of 'numpy.ndarray' objects}
 251601088  922.9280.000  1651.218
 503202176  897.0440.000   3434.7680.000
 125800544  816.4010.000 32242.4810.000
 251601088  787.5930.000  5338.5330.000
 125800544  689.7790.000  1989.1010.000
 125800544  638.9460.000  638.9460.000 {method
 'searchsorted' of 'numpy.ndarray' objects}
 125800544  606.7780.000 2257.9960.000
 125800544  598.0000.0006598.6020.000
 629002720  549.3580.000   549.3580.000 {issubclass}

 looking at tottime it seems that skymaps mymain() and interpolate take the
 same big amount of time...right?

 So it's true that I have to slow down mymain() but interpolate is a
 problem too!

 do you agree with me?

 Now I will read Peter Otten's code and run the new simulation with it



 2014-04-12 6:21 GMT-04:00 Peter Otten

 Gabriele Brambilla wrote:

  Ok guys, when I wrote that email I was excited for the apparent speed
  increasing (it was jumping the bottleneck for loop for the reason peter
  otten outlined).
  Now, instead the changes, the speed is not improved (the code still
  running from this morning and it's at one forth of the dataset).
  What can I do to speed it up?

 Not as easy as I had hoped and certainly not as pretty, here's my
 modification of the code you sent me. What makes it messy is that
 I had to inline your kappa() function; my first attempt with
 numpy.vectorize() didn't help much. There is still stuff in the
 'for gammar...' loop that doesn't belong there, but I decided it
 was time for me to stop ;)

 Note that it may still be worthwhile to consult a numpy expert
 (which I'm not!).

 from scipy import stats
 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
 from scipy import optimize
 from matplotlib import colors, ticker, cm
 import numpy as np

 phamin = 0
 phamax = 2*pi
 obamin = 0
 obamax = pi
 npha = 100
 nobs = 181
 stepPHA = (phamax-phamin)/npha
 stepOB = (obamax-obamin)/nobs
 freq = 10
 c = 2.9979*(10**(10))
 e = 4.8032*(10**(-10))
 hcut = 1.0546*(10**(-27))
 eVtoErg = 1.6022*(10**(-12))

 from math import *
 import numpy as np
 from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

 kaparg = [
 -3.0, -2.0, -1.52287875, -1.22184875, -1.0, -0.69897,
  -0.52287875, -0.39794001, -0.30103, -0.22184875,
  -0.15490196,  0.0, 0.30103, 0.60205999,  0.69897,
  0.77815125,  0.90308999,  1.0]

 kapval = [
 -0.6716204 , -0.35163999, -0.21183163, -0.13489603,
  -0.0872467 , -0.04431225, -0.03432803, -0.04335142,
  -0.05998184, -0.08039898, -0.10347378, -0.18641901,
  -0.52287875, -1.27572413, -1.66958623, -2.07314329,
  -2.88941029, -3.7212464 ]

 my_inter = interp1d(kaparg, kapval)

 def LEstep(n):
 Emin = 10**6
 Emax = 5*(10**10)
 Lemin = log10(Emin)
 Lemax = log10(Emax)
 stepE = (Lemax-Lemin)/n
 return stepE, n, Lemin, Lemax

 def mymain(stepENE, nex, Lemin, Lemax, freq):
 eel = np.array(list(range(nex)))
 eels = np.logspace(Lemin, Lemax, num=nex, endpoint=False)

 rlc = c/(2*pi*freq)

 sigmas = [1, 3, 5, 10, 30]

Re: [Tutor] improving speed using and recalling C functions

2014-04-12 Thread Gabriele Brambilla
ok Peter Otten code works (very fast),
and this is the profile
Sat Apr 12 11:15:39 2014restats

 92834776 function calls in 6218.782 seconds

   Ordered by: internal time
   List reduced from 41 to 20 due to restriction 20

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
1 5301.641 5301.641 6218.763 6218.763
  3489985  380.4690.000  452.4780.000
  3489985   98.1860.000  227.2290.000
  6979970   96.5670.000   96.5670.000 {method 'reduce' of
  3489985   44.8530.000  738.1350.000
  7677978   41.0100.000   41.0100.000 {numpy.core.multiarray.array}
5   40.4308.086   40.6218.124
  3489985   26.9520.000   26.9520.000 {method 'clip' of
  3489985   24.7490.000   24.7490.000 {method 'searchsorted' of
'numpy.ndarray' objects}
  3489985   22.4570.000  828.2380.000
  6979970   19.7200.000  116.2870.000
  6979980   15.3300.000   35.0920.000
  3489985   14.8470.000   45.0390.000
  3489990   12.9040.000   12.9040.000 {method 'reshape' of
'numpy.ndarray' objects}
  6979970   12.7570.000  129.0440.000 {method 'any' of
'numpy.ndarray' objects}
  3489985   11.6240.000   11.6240.000 {method 'astype' of
'numpy.ndarray' objects}
  3489985   10.0770.000   10.0770.000 {numpy.core.multiarray.empty}
  34899859.9450.000   22.6070.000
  34899857.0510.0007.0510.000 {method 'ravel' of
'numpy.ndarray' objects}
   6979986.7460.0006.7460.000 {zip}

So I think that in this way it's ok.

Thank you all very much,


p.s: I didn't know this way to write: is there a tutorial for this kind of
kap = np.empty(x.shape)
sel = x = 10.0
zsel = x[sel]
kap[sel] = 1.2533 * np.sqrt(zsel)*np.exp(-zsel)

sel = x  0.001
zsel = x[sel]
kap[sel] = (2.1495 * np.exp(0.3 * np.log(zsel))
- 1.8138 * zsel)

sel = ~ ((x = 10.0) | (x  0.001))
zsel = x[sel]
result = my_inter(np.log10(zsel))
kap[sel] = 10**result

2014-04-12 9:34 GMT-04:00 Gabriele Brambilla

 Ok, i just run Peter's code and it seems really faster...I hope to don't
 mistake this time!



 sent from Samsung Mobile
 Il giorno 12/apr/2014 08:22, Gabriele Brambilla ha scritto:

 Ok guys,
 I'm not expert about profile but help me to look at it.
 this one is for 715853 elements (to multiply by 5, and for each of this
 N*5 there is a loop of 200 times)

 Sat Apr 12 04:58:50 2014restats

  9636507991 function calls in 66809.764 seconds

Ordered by: internal time
List reduced from 47 to 20 due to restriction 20

ncallstottimepercallcumtime   percall
 1   13548.507 13548.507   66809.692 66809.692
 125800544 13539.337   0.00015998.9250.000
 880603808 5353.3820.000 5353.3820.000
 715853000 4998.7400.000 52861.634  0.000
 251601088 4550.9400.000 4550.9400.000{method 'reduce'
 of 'numpy.ufunc' objects}
 125800544 4312.0780.00010163.6140.000
 125800544 2944.1260.00014182.9170.000
 125800544 2846.5770.000 29484.2480.000
 125800544 1665.8520.0006000.6030.000
 125800544 1039.4550.000 1039.4550.000 {method 'clip' of
 'numpy.ndarray' objects}
 251601088  944.8480.000   944.8480.000 {method 'reshape'
 of 'numpy.ndarray' objects}
 251601088  922.9280.000  1651.218
 503202176  897.0440.000   3434.7680.000
 125800544  816.4010.000 32242.4810.000
 251601088  787.5930.000  5338.5330.000
 125800544  689.7790.000  1989.1010.000
 125800544  638.9460.000  638.9460.000 {method
 'searchsorted' of 'numpy.ndarray' objects}
 125800544  606.7780.000 2257.9960.000
 125800544  598.0000.0006598.6020.000
 629002720  549.3580.000   549.3580.000 

Re: [Tutor] improving speed using and recalling C functions

2014-04-11 Thread Peter Otten
Gabriele Brambilla wrote:

 Anyway I would like to try to speed it up using C functions (and maybe
 comparing the resuts of the two profile in the end)

I can't help you on your chosen path, but let me emphasise that the code you 
posted looks like it has great potential for speed-up by replacing the inner 
loops with numpy array operations.

If you post a small dataset somewhere and a version of the code that can run 
standalone (no undefined variables or libraries, no commandline arguments) I 
might even tinker with it myself to demonstrate this potential...

Tutor maillist  -
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Re: [Tutor] improving speed using and recalling C functions

2014-04-11 Thread Albert-Jan Roskam

 From: Gabriele Brambilla
To: Danny Yoo 
Cc: python tutor 
Sent: Friday, April 11, 2014 5:30 AM
Subject: Re: [Tutor] improving speed using and recalling C functions

Hi Danny,
I followed your suggestion.
Tomorrow morning I will run this new version of the code.

Now using a sample of 81 elements (instead of 60) the profile returns: 

Thu Apr 10 23:25:59 2014    restats

         18101188 function calls in 1218.626 seconds

   Ordered by: internal time
   List reduced from 13 to 10 due to restriction 10 

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
        1 1015.803 1015.803 1218.334 1218.334
 18101000  202.490    0.000  202.490    0.000 {method 'write' of 'file' 

        1    0.292    0.292 1218.626 1218.626 string:1(module)
        6    0.029    0.005    0.029    0.005 {open}
        5    0.010    0.002    0.010    0.002 {method 'close' of 'file' 

       81    0.002    0.000    0.002    0.000 {method 'split' of 'str' objects}
       82    0.001    0.000    0.001    0.000 {zip}
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
        5    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {numpy.core.multiarray.zeros}

Anyway I would like to try to speed it up using C functions (and maybe 
comparing the resuts of the two profile in the end) 
How can I do it now? Can I use Cython?

If you have a compiler installed already it's just easy_install cython. Writing 
Cython is not hard. That is, you easily get speed improvements. It's in a .pyx 
file and once you're done you generate the .c and .so/.dll files with a like below. Reason why I am posting this snippet is the way to 
generate an annotated html file of your cython code. The whiter, the more in C, 
the better. Yellow means stuff might still be improved more.
from distutils.core import setup
from distutils.extension import Extension
from Cython.Distutils import build_ext
import Cython.Compiler.Options
Cython.Compiler.Options.annotate = True   #  really handy

    cmdclass = {'build_ext': build_ext},
    ext_modules = [Extension(myModule, [myModule.pyx])]

Tutor maillist  -
To unsubscribe or change subscription options:

Re: [Tutor] improving speed using and recalling C functions

2014-04-11 Thread Gabriele Brambilla
I think I have Cython already installed with Anaconda.

How it works?



2014-04-11 8:16 GMT-04:00 Albert-Jan Roskam

  From: Gabriele Brambilla
 To: Danny Yoo
 Cc: python tutor
 Sent: Friday, April 11, 2014 5:30 AM
 Subject: Re: [Tutor] improving speed using and recalling C functions
 Hi Danny,
 I followed your suggestion.
 Tomorrow morning I will run this new version of the code.
 Now using a sample of 81 elements (instead of 60) the profile returns:
 Thu Apr 10 23:25:59 2014restats
  18101188 function calls in 1218.626 seconds
Ordered by: internal time
List reduced from 13 to 10 due to restriction 10
ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
 1 1015.803 1015.803 1218.334 1218.334
  18101000  202.4900.000  202.4900.000 {method 'write' of 'file'
 10.2920.292 1218.626 1218.626 string:1(module)
 60.0290.0050.0290.005 {open}
 50.0100.0020.0100.002 {method 'close' of 'file'
810.0020.0000.0020.000 {method 'split' of 'str'
820.0010.0000.0010.000 {zip}
 Anyway I would like to try to speed it up using C functions (and maybe
 comparing the resuts of the two profile in the end)
 How can I do it now? Can I use Cython?

 If you have a compiler installed already it's just easy_install cython.
 Writing Cython is not hard. That is, you easily get speed improvements.
 It's in a .pyx file and once you're done you generate the .c and .so/.dll
 files with a like below. Reason why I am posting this snippet is
 the way to generate an annotated html file of your cython code. The whiter,
 the more in C, the better. Yellow means stuff might still be improved more.

 from distutils.core import setup
 from distutils.extension import Extension
 from Cython.Distutils import build_ext
 import Cython.Compiler.Options
 Cython.Compiler.Options.annotate = True   #  really handy

 cmdclass = {'build_ext': build_ext},
 ext_modules = [Extension(myModule, [myModule.pyx])]


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Re: [Tutor] improving speed using and recalling C functions

2014-04-11 Thread Gabriele Brambilla
Hi Danny,
I'm quiet impressed.
the program takes near 30 minutes instead of more than 8 hours!

this is the profile:
Fri Apr 11 09:14:04 2014restats

 19532732 function calls in 2105.024 seconds

   Ordered by: internal time

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
1 2087.606 2087.606 2105.006 2105.006
 18101000   12.7570.000   12.7570.000 {method 'write' of 'file'

   7158533.4730.0003.4730.000 {method 'split' of 'str'
   7158541.1620.0001.1620.000 {zip}
10.0180.018 2105.024 2105.024 string:1(module)
60.0060.0010.0060.001 {open}
50.0020.0000.0020.000 {method 'close' of 'file'

50.0000.0000.0000.000 {numpy.core.multiarray.zeros}
10.0000.0000.0000.000 {numpy.core.multiarray.arange}
30.0000.0000.0000.000 {range}
10.0000.0000.0000.000 {method 'disable' of
iler' objects}

I hope to have similar problems in the future to learn better how to do
with them!
but in the profile I don't see any operation regarding reading the file or
the mathematical operations...are them hidden in mymain()?



2014-04-10 21:38 GMT-04:00 Danny Yoo

  Comment:  You are looping over your sliced eel five times.  Do you
 need to?  I like eel salad a great deal, as well, but, how about:
 for k in eel:
 MYMAP1[i, j, k] = MYMAP1[i, j, k] + myinternet[oo]
 MYMAP2[i, j, k] = MYMAP2[i, j, k] + myinternet[oo]
 MYMAP3[i, j, k] = MYMAP3[i, j, k] + myinternet[oo]
 MYMAP4[i, j, k] = MYMAP4[i, j, k] + myinternet[oo]
 MYMAP5[i, j, k] = MYMAP5[i, j, k] + myinternet[oo]
 oo = oo + 1

 Hi Gabriele,

 Also note that, when Martin looked at this part of the code, he
 unfortunately misinterpreted its effect; Martin's proposed rewrite
 here does not preserve the meaning of the original code.  But rather
 than wag my finger at how Martin interpreted the code, I'd rather make
 the observation that this is a warning sign that the original code
 here was not easy to understand.

Tutor maillist  -
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Re: [Tutor] improving speed using and recalling C functions

2014-04-11 Thread Gabriele Brambilla
Hi, I'm sorry but there is a big problem.
the code is producing empty file.dat.

I think it's because of this that previously I have done that strange trick
of myinternet...


for my_line in open('data.dat'):

myinternet = []

gmlis = []

print('reading the line', count, '/599378')

my_parts = [float(i) for i in my_line.split()]

phase = my_parts[4]

zobs = my_parts[5]

rho = my_parts[6]

gmils=[my_parts[7], my_parts[8], my_parts[9], my_parts[10],

i = int((phase-phamin)/stepPHA)

j = int((zobs-obamin)/stepOB)

for gammar, MYMAP in zip(gmlis, MYMAPS):

omC = (1.5)*(gammar**3)*c/(rho*rlc)

gig = omC*hcut/eVtoErg

#check the single emission

for w in eel:

omega =

x = omega/omC

kap = instruments.kappa(x)

Iom = (1.732050808/c)*(e**2)*gammar*kap
#jackson dI/domega

P = Iom*(c/(rho*rlc))/(2*pi) #jackson P

phps = P/(hcut*omega) #photons per second

www =  phps/(stepPHA*sin(zobs)*stepOB)

MYMAP[i,j,w] += www

count = count + 1

when I exit here the MYMAP matrix has all the cells = 0.

Now I will try to fiugre it out why.



2014-04-11 9:20 GMT-04:00 Gabriele Brambilla

 Hi Danny,
 I'm quiet impressed.
 the program takes near 30 minutes instead of more than 8 hours!

 this is the profile:
 Fri Apr 11 09:14:04 2014restats

  19532732 function calls in 2105.024 seconds

Ordered by: internal time

ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
 1 2087.606 2087.606 2105.006 2105.006
  18101000   12.7570.000   12.7570.000 {method 'write' of 'file'

7158533.4730.0003.4730.000 {method 'split' of 'str'
7158541.1620.0001.1620.000 {zip}
 10.0180.018 2105.024 2105.024 string:1(module)
 60.0060.0010.0060.001 {open}
 50.0020.0000.0020.000 {method 'close' of 'file'

 50.0000.0000.0000.000 {numpy.core.multiarray.zeros}
 30.0000.0000.0000.000 {range}
 10.0000.0000.0000.000 {method 'disable' of
 iler' objects}

 I hope to have similar problems in the future to learn better how to do
 with them!
 but in the profile I don't see any operation regarding reading the file or
 the mathematical operations...are them hidden in mymain()?



 2014-04-10 21:38 GMT-04:00 Danny Yoo

  Comment:  You are looping over your sliced eel five times.  Do you
 need to?  I like eel salad a great deal, as well, but, how about:
 for k in eel:
 MYMAP1[i, j, k] = MYMAP1[i, j, k] + myinternet[oo]
 MYMAP2[i, j, k] = MYMAP2[i, j, k] + myinternet[oo]
 MYMAP3[i, j, k] = MYMAP3[i, j, k] + myinternet[oo]
 MYMAP4[i, j, k] = MYMAP4[i, j, k] + myinternet[oo]
 MYMAP5[i, j, k] = MYMAP5[i, j, k] + myinternet[oo]
 oo = oo + 1

 Hi Gabriele,

 Also note that, when Martin looked at this part of the code, he
 unfortunately misinterpreted its effect; Martin's proposed rewrite
 here does not preserve the meaning of the original code.  But rather
 than wag my finger at how Martin interpreted the code, I'd rather make
 the observation that this is a warning sign that the original code
 here was not easy to understand.

Tutor maillist  -
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Re: [Tutor] improving speed using and recalling C functions

2014-04-11 Thread Gabriele Brambilla
ok, it seems that the code don't enter in this for loop

for gammar, MYMAP in zip(gmlis, MYMAPS):

I don't understand why.



2014-04-11 9:56 GMT-04:00 Gabriele Brambilla

 Hi, I'm sorry but there is a big problem.
 the code is producing empty file.dat.

 I think it's because of this that previously I have done that strange
 trick of myinternet...


 for my_line in open('data.dat'):

 myinternet = []

 gmlis = []

 print('reading the line', count, '/599378')

 my_parts = [float(i) for i in my_line.split()]

 phase = my_parts[4]

 zobs = my_parts[5]

 rho = my_parts[6]

 gmils=[my_parts[7], my_parts[8], my_parts[9],
 my_parts[10], my_parts[11]]

 i = int((phase-phamin)/stepPHA)

 j = int((zobs-obamin)/stepOB)

 for gammar, MYMAP in zip(gmlis, MYMAPS):

 omC = (1.5)*(gammar**3)*c/(rho*rlc)

 gig = omC*hcut/eVtoErg

 #check the single emission

 for w in eel:

 omega =

 x = omega/omC

 kap = instruments.kappa(x)

 Iom = (1.732050808/c)*(e**2)*gammar*kap
 #jackson dI/domega

 P = Iom*(c/(rho*rlc))/(2*pi) #jackson P

 phps = P/(hcut*omega) #photons per second

 www =  phps/(stepPHA*sin(zobs)*stepOB)

 MYMAP[i,j,w] += www

 count = count + 1

 when I exit here the MYMAP matrix has all the cells = 0.

 Now I will try to fiugre it out why.



 2014-04-11 9:20 GMT-04:00 Gabriele Brambilla

 Hi Danny,
 I'm quiet impressed.
 the program takes near 30 minutes instead of more than 8 hours!

 this is the profile:
 Fri Apr 11 09:14:04 2014restats

  19532732 function calls in 2105.024 seconds

Ordered by: internal time

ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
 1 2087.606 2087.606 2105.006 2105.006
  18101000   12.7570.000   12.7570.000 {method 'write' of 'file'

7158533.4730.0003.4730.000 {method 'split' of 'str'
7158541.1620.0001.1620.000 {zip}
 10.0180.018 2105.024 2105.024 string:1(module)
 60.0060.0010.0060.001 {open}
 50.0020.0000.0020.000 {method 'close' of 'file'

 30.0000.0000.0000.000 {range}
 10.0000.0000.0000.000 {method 'disable' of
 iler' objects}

 I hope to have similar problems in the future to learn better how to do
 with them!
 but in the profile I don't see any operation regarding reading the file
 or the mathematical operations...are them hidden in mymain()?



 2014-04-10 21:38 GMT-04:00 Danny Yoo

  Comment:  You are looping over your sliced eel five times.  Do you
 need to?  I like eel salad a great deal, as well, but, how about:
 for k in eel:
 MYMAP1[i, j, k] = MYMAP1[i, j, k] + myinternet[oo]
 MYMAP2[i, j, k] = MYMAP2[i, j, k] + myinternet[oo]
 MYMAP3[i, j, k] = MYMAP3[i, j, k] + myinternet[oo]
 MYMAP4[i, j, k] = MYMAP4[i, j, k] + myinternet[oo]
 MYMAP5[i, j, k] = MYMAP5[i, j, k] + myinternet[oo]
 oo = oo + 1

 Hi Gabriele,

 Also note that, when Martin looked at this part of the code, he
 unfortunately misinterpreted its effect; Martin's proposed rewrite
 here does not preserve the meaning of the original code.  But rather
 than wag my finger at how Martin interpreted the code, I'd rather make
 the observation that this is a warning sign that the original code
 here was not easy to understand.

Tutor maillist  -
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Re: [Tutor] improving speed using and recalling C functions

2014-04-11 Thread Gabriele Brambilla
modifying the for in this way (zipping an array of matrix drive it crazy)
it works


for gammar in gmils:

omC = (1.5)*(gammar**3)*c/(rho*rlc)

gig = omC*hcut/eVtoErg

#check the single emission

for w in eel:

omega =

x = omega/omC

kap = instruments.kappa(x)

Iom = (1.732050808/c)*(e**2)*gammar*kap
#jackson dI/domega

P = Iom*(c/(rho*rlc))/(2*pi) #jackson P

phps = P/(hcut*omega) #photons per second

www =  phps/(stepPHA*sin(zobs)*stepOB)

MYMAPS[dko][i,j,w] += www

dko += 1

count = count + 1

Now I will tell you how  much it takes.



2014-04-11 10:05 GMT-04:00 Gabriele Brambilla

 ok, it seems that the code don't enter in this for loop

 for gammar, MYMAP in zip(gmlis, MYMAPS):

 I don't understand why.



 2014-04-11 9:56 GMT-04:00 Gabriele Brambilla

 Hi, I'm sorry but there is a big problem.
 the code is producing empty file.dat.

 I think it's because of this that previously I have done that strange
 trick of myinternet...


 for my_line in open('data.dat'):

 myinternet = []

 gmlis = []

 print('reading the line', count, '/599378')

 my_parts = [float(i) for i in my_line.split()]

 phase = my_parts[4]

 zobs = my_parts[5]

 rho = my_parts[6]

 gmils=[my_parts[7], my_parts[8], my_parts[9],
 my_parts[10], my_parts[11]]

 i = int((phase-phamin)/stepPHA)

 j = int((zobs-obamin)/stepOB)

 for gammar, MYMAP in zip(gmlis, MYMAPS):

 omC = (1.5)*(gammar**3)*c/(rho*rlc)

 gig = omC*hcut/eVtoErg

 #check the single emission

 for w in eel:

 omega =

 x = omega/omC

 kap = instruments.kappa(x)

 Iom = (1.732050808/c)*(e**2)*gammar*kap
 #jackson dI/domega

 P = Iom*(c/(rho*rlc))/(2*pi) #jackson P

 phps = P/(hcut*omega) #photons per second

 www =  phps/(stepPHA*sin(zobs)*stepOB)

 MYMAP[i,j,w] += www

 count = count + 1

 when I exit here the MYMAP matrix has all the cells = 0.

 Now I will try to fiugre it out why.



 2014-04-11 9:20 GMT-04:00 Gabriele Brambilla

 Hi Danny,
 I'm quiet impressed.
 the program takes near 30 minutes instead of more than 8 hours!

 this is the profile:
 Fri Apr 11 09:14:04 2014restats

  19532732 function calls in 2105.024 seconds

Ordered by: internal time

ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
 1 2087.606 2087.606 2105.006 2105.006
  18101000   12.7570.000   12.7570.000 {method 'write' of 'file'

7158533.4730.0003.4730.000 {method 'split' of 'str'
7158541.1620.0001.1620.000 {zip}
 10.0180.018 2105.024 2105.024 string:1(module)
 60.0060.0010.0060.001 {open}
 50.0020.0000.0020.000 {method 'close' of 'file'

 30.0000.0000.0000.000 {range}
 10.0000.0000.0000.000 {method 'disable' of
 iler' objects}

 I hope to have similar problems in the future to learn better how to do
 with them!
 but in the profile I don't see any operation regarding reading the file
 or the mathematical operations...are them hidden in mymain()?



 2014-04-10 21:38 GMT-04:00 Danny Yoo

  Comment:  You are looping over your sliced eel five times.  Do you
 need to?  I like eel salad a great deal, as well, but, how about:
 for k in eel:
 MYMAP1[i, j, k] = MYMAP1[i, j, k] + myinternet[oo]
 MYMAP2[i, j, k] = MYMAP2[i, j, k] + myinternet[oo]

Re: [Tutor] improving speed using and recalling C functions

2014-04-11 Thread Gabriele Brambilla
this is the profile for a sample of 1000 elements

Fri Apr 11 10:21:21 2014restats

 31594963 function calls in 103.708 seconds

   Ordered by: internal time
   List reduced from 47 to 20 due to restriction 20

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
1   57.133   57.133  103.692  103.692
   1768329.8980.000   11.7100.000
 181010007.8080.0007.8080.000 {method 'write' of 'file'

  12378243.7940.0003.7940.000 {numpy.core.multiarray.array}
  10010003.6100.000   38.3830.000
   3536643.3140.0003.3140.000 {method 'reduce' of
   1768322.0740.000   10.2130.000
   1768322.0530.000   21.5220.000
   1768320.7690.0000.7690.000 {method 'clip' of
   3536640.7060.0000.7060.000 {method 'reshape' of
y' objects}
   1768320.6010.000   23.5550.000
   1768320.4730.0000.4730.000 {method 'searchsorted' of
darray' objects}



2014-04-11 10:18 GMT-04:00 Gabriele Brambilla

 modifying the for in this way (zipping an array of matrix drive it crazy)
 it works


 for gammar in gmils:

 omC = (1.5)*(gammar**3)*c/(rho*rlc)

 gig = omC*hcut/eVtoErg

 #check the single emission

 for w in eel:

 omega =

 x = omega/omC

 kap = instruments.kappa(x)

 Iom = (1.732050808/c)*(e**2)*gammar*kap
 #jackson dI/domega

 P = Iom*(c/(rho*rlc))/(2*pi) #jackson P

 phps = P/(hcut*omega) #photons per second

 www =  phps/(stepPHA*sin(zobs)*stepOB)

 MYMAPS[dko][i,j,w] += www

 dko += 1

 count = count + 1

 Now I will tell you how  much it takes.



 2014-04-11 10:05 GMT-04:00 Gabriele Brambilla

 ok, it seems that the code don't enter in this for loop

 for gammar, MYMAP in zip(gmlis, MYMAPS):

 I don't understand why.



 2014-04-11 9:56 GMT-04:00 Gabriele Brambilla

 Hi, I'm sorry but there is a big problem.
 the code is producing empty file.dat.

 I think it's because of this that previously I have done that strange
 trick of myinternet...


 for my_line in open('data.dat'):

 myinternet = []

 gmlis = []

 print('reading the line', count, '/599378')

 my_parts = [float(i) for i in my_line.split()]

 phase = my_parts[4]

 zobs = my_parts[5]

 rho = my_parts[6]

 gmils=[my_parts[7], my_parts[8], my_parts[9],
 my_parts[10], my_parts[11]]

 i = int((phase-phamin)/stepPHA)

 j = int((zobs-obamin)/stepOB)

 for gammar, MYMAP in zip(gmlis, MYMAPS):

 omC = (1.5)*(gammar**3)*c/(rho*rlc)

 gig = omC*hcut/eVtoErg

 #check the single emission

 for w in eel:

 omega =

 x = omega/omC

 kap = instruments.kappa(x)

 Iom = (1.732050808/c)*(e**2)*gammar*kap
 #jackson dI/domega

 P = Iom*(c/(rho*rlc))/(2*pi) #jackson P

 phps = P/(hcut*omega) #photons per second

 www =  phps/(stepPHA*sin(zobs)*stepOB)

 MYMAP[i,j,w] += www

 count = count + 1

 when I exit here the MYMAP matrix has all the cells = 0.

 Now I will try to fiugre it out why.




Re: [Tutor] improving speed using and recalling C functions

2014-04-11 Thread Alan Gauld

On 11/04/14 09:59, Peter Otten wrote:

Gabriele Brambilla wrote:

Anyway I would like to try to speed it up using C functions

posted looks like it has great potential for speed-up by replacing the inner
loops with numpy array operations.

And in case its not obvious much(most?) of numPy consists
of C functions. So by using NumPy you are usually using
C code not native Python.

That's what I alluded to in my first post on this thread:
there are other libraries who have trod this route before
and done the work for you.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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Re: [Tutor] improving speed using and recalling C functions

2014-04-11 Thread Peter Otten
Gabriele Brambilla wrote:

 ok, it seems that the code don't enter in this for loop
 for gammar, MYMAP in zip(gmlis, MYMAPS):
 I don't understand why.

You have two variables with similar names, gmlis and gmils:

 gmlis = []

 gmils=[my_parts[7], my_parts[8], my_parts[9],
 my_parts[10], my_parts[11]]

 for gammar, MYMAP in zip(gmlis, MYMAPS):

I assume you wanted

   for gammar, MYMAP in zip(gmils, MYMAPS):

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Re: [Tutor] improving speed using and recalling C functions

2014-04-11 Thread Gabriele Brambilla
but I want to make a C extension to run faster a function from
scipy.interpolate (interp1d)

It woulldn't change anything?



2014-04-11 14:47 GMT-04:00 Alan Gauld

 On 11/04/14 09:59, Peter Otten wrote:

 Gabriele Brambilla wrote:

  Anyway I would like to try to speed it up using C functions


 posted looks like it has great potential for speed-up by replacing the
 loops with numpy array operations.

 And in case its not obvious much(most?) of numPy consists
 of C functions. So by using NumPy you are usually using
 C code not native Python.

 That's what I alluded to in my first post on this thread:
 there are other libraries who have trod this route before
 and done the work for you.


 Alan G
 Author of the Learn to Program web site

 Tutor maillist  -
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Re: [Tutor] improving speed using and recalling C functions

2014-04-11 Thread Danny Yoo
On Fri, Apr 11, 2014 at 1:01 PM, Gabriele Brambilla wrote:
 but I want to make a C extension to run faster a function from
 scipy.interpolate (interp1d)

Just to emphasis: I believe your goal should be: I want to make my
program fast.

Your goal should probably not be: I want to write a C extension.
I'm not saying that writing a C extension is necessarily wrong, and it
may be that writing a C extension will make your program fast.  But
this approach may not be the easiest or most maintainable approach to
improving your program's performance.

Using C is not without its costs and risks.  As soon as you are in C
territory, the seat belts are off.  Just recall the craziness that
happened this week with regards to programs written in low-level
languages like C.  Explicitly:  If you are
writing with C, you have to be very, very delicate with your code.
Experts get it wrong, with severe consequences.

This is why the focus on C extensions to get speed disturbs me so
much: it assumes that C is a safe language to use.  It's not,
especially for beginners. We should strongly discourage low-level
languages unless there is some overriding concern.  For scientific
calculations like the ones you are doing, you should place a premium
on getting a right answer, and not just a fast answer.
Tutor maillist  -
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Re: [Tutor] improving speed using and recalling C functions

2014-04-11 Thread Danny Yoo
On Fri, Apr 11, 2014 at 1:01 PM, Gabriele Brambilla wrote:
 but I want to make a C extension to run faster a function from
 scipy.interpolate (interp1d)

 It woulldn't change anything?

This is precisely why you want to drive your optimization based on
what the profiler is telling you.  Look at the profiler's output
again, closely:

 31594963 function calls in 103.708 seconds

   Ordered by: internal time
   List reduced from 47 to 20 due to restriction 20

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
1   57.133   57.133  103.692  103.692
   1768329.8980.000   11.7100.000
 181010007.8080.0007.8080.000 {method 'write' of 'file' objects}

  12378243.7940.0003.7940.000 {numpy.core.multiarray.array}
  10010003.6100.000   38.3830.000
   3536643.3140.0003.3140.000 {method 'reduce' of 'numpy.ufunc'

[cutting some content]

About 8% of the time in your program is being spent in
 But this is in SciPy code, so it is likely difficult to rewrite.
Also note that the amount of time being spent on merely writing the
output is about that much time too!  That's what the profile is
saying, qualitatively.

And on the other hand, the code in skymapsI.mymain is still a target
worthy of your attention.  Compare how much time it was taking before
we started investigating it.  Before, it took 75% of the total runtime
of your program.  We improved upon that a lot with a few small
changes.  But it's still taking 55% of the total time of your
program's running.  If you look at the rest of the profiler's output,
we know that everything else is fairly inconsequential.

That's why we're pushing you to look at the data.  Trust the profiler.
 Work on the thing that is contributing most to the cost of your
program: continue trying to improve the code in skymapsI.mymain.  I am
fairly certain there is still some low-hanging fruit there.

The profile you want to see, eventually, is one where the computation
is being done mostly in numpy code.  But as we can see now, the numpy
code is barely contributing to the runtime.  That's a situation that
needs improvement.

Peter Otten's offer to help you use NumPy more effectively is one you
should take seriously.

Good luck!
Tutor maillist  -
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Re: [Tutor] improving speed using and recalling C functions

2014-04-11 Thread Gabriele Brambilla
Ok guys, when I wrote that email I was excited for the apparent speed
increasing (it was jumping the bottleneck for loop for the reason peter
otten outlined).
Now, instead the changes, the speed is not improved (the code still running
from this morning and it's at one forth of the dataset).

What can I do to speed it up?



sent from Samsung Mobile
Il giorno 11/apr/2014 17:00, Danny Yoo ha

 On Fri, Apr 11, 2014 at 1:01 PM, Gabriele Brambilla wrote:
  but I want to make a C extension to run faster a function from
  scipy.interpolate (interp1d)

 Just to emphasis: I believe your goal should be: I want to make my
 program fast.

 Your goal should probably not be: I want to write a C extension.
 I'm not saying that writing a C extension is necessarily wrong, and it
 may be that writing a C extension will make your program fast.  But
 this approach may not be the easiest or most maintainable approach to
 improving your program's performance.

 Using C is not without its costs and risks.  As soon as you are in C
 territory, the seat belts are off.  Just recall the craziness that
 happened this week with regards to programs written in low-level
 languages like C.  Explicitly:  If you are
 writing with C, you have to be very, very delicate with your code.
 Experts get it wrong, with severe consequences.

 This is why the focus on C extensions to get speed disturbs me so
 much: it assumes that C is a safe language to use.  It's not,
 especially for beginners. We should strongly discourage low-level
 languages unless there is some overriding concern.  For scientific
 calculations like the ones you are doing, you should place a premium
 on getting a right answer, and not just a fast answer.

Tutor maillist  -
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Re: [Tutor] improving speed using and recalling C functions

2014-04-10 Thread Martin A. Brown

Hi there Gabriele,

 : I have a program that is reading near 60 elements from a 
 : file. For each element it performs 200 times a particular 
 : mathematical operation (a numerical interpolation of a function). 
 : Now these process takes near 8 hours.

Sounds fun!  Here are some thoughts (though I may not have any solid 
answers, I hope these pointers are useful):

  Are you sure (from profiling) that the numerical interpolation
is the bottleneck?

  What is the numerical operation?
1: Is the function implemented in Numpy? [0]
2: How about SciPy? [1]

Is there a domain-specific Python library that already does the 
computation you want to achieve?  If so, then you have only the 
format question--how to put your data into the format required by 
the library.  If not, then on to the next question you ask ...

 : Creating a C function and calling it from the code could improve 
 : the speed? It could be useful that it contains both the 
 : mathematical operation and the for loop or only the mathematical 
 : operation?
 : If it is a reasonable solution to try decreasing the 
 : computational time how can I implement this C function?

It is certainly an option!  In the event that you cannot find 
something that is fast enough in Python already and you cannot find 
any C library that has Python bindings, then, whether you have to 
write your own, or you have a third party C library, you have 
several options for writing bindings.

You can write your Python bindings using:

  * ctypes:
  * cffi:
  * cython:
  * roll your own C!

It might be beyond the scope of this list (certainly beyond my 
capabilities) to provide recommendations on which avenue to 
take--but if you are asking, you may already have the tools you need 
to assess for yourself.  There is, however, quite a bit of 
experience loitering around this list, so perhaps somebody else will 
have a suggestion.



Martin A. Brown
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Re: [Tutor] improving speed using and recalling C functions

2014-04-10 Thread Alan Gauld

On 10/04/14 16:58, Gabriele Brambilla wrote:

For each element it performs 200 times a particular mathematical
operation (a numerical interpolation of a function).
Now these process takes near 8 hours.

The first thing to do in such cases is check that the time
is going where you think it is. Run the cProfile tool on the
code (with a smaller data set!) to see where the time is
being spent.

Creating a C function and calling it from the code could improve the speed?

Yes, it could.
But it may not be necessary.
There are various add on tools that can drastically improve Python 
efficiency, especially for math type functions so you might want to 
check that nobody has already written what you need.

If it is a reasonable solution to try decreasing the computational time
how can I implement this C function?

If its already written in Python the easiest way might be to use Cython 
to convert it into C. I'm no expert in Cython however, but others on 
this list can help.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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Re: [Tutor] improving speed using and recalling C functions

2014-04-10 Thread Gabriele Brambilla

2014-04-10 13:05 GMT-04:00 Martin A. Brown

 Hi there Gabriele,

  : I have a program that is reading near 60 elements from a
  : file. For each element it performs 200 times a particular
  : mathematical operation (a numerical interpolation of a function).
  : Now these process takes near 8 hours.

 Sounds fun!  Here are some thoughts (though I may not have any solid
 answers, I hope these pointers are useful):

   Are you sure (from profiling) that the numerical interpolation
 is the bottleneck?

 I see that the time needed by the code increase when I increase the number
of these operation. It's the only thing I do in the code.
(I'm sorry but I don't know very well what profiling is)

   What is the numerical operation?
 1: Is the function implemented in Numpy? [0]
 2: How about SciPy? [1]

 Is interp1d from scipy.interpolate.

I think is the best one

 Is there a domain-specific Python library that already does the
 computation you want to achieve?  If so, then you have only the
 format question--how to put your data into the format required by
 the library.  If not, then on to the next question you ask ...

 No, interp1d do exactly what I want.

  : Creating a C function and calling it from the code could improve
  : the speed? It could be useful that it contains both the
  : mathematical operation and the for loop or only the mathematical
  : operation?
  : If it is a reasonable solution to try decreasing the
  : computational time how can I implement this C function?

 It is certainly an option!  In the event that you cannot find
 something that is fast enough in Python already and you cannot find
 any C library that has Python bindings, then, whether you have to
 write your own, or you have a third party C library, you have
 several options for writing bindings.

 You can write your Python bindings using:

   * ctypes:
   * cffi:
   * cython:
   * roll your own C!

 Do you know if does a C library exist with an already implemented function
like interp1d?
I use Anaconda, is there an already implemented mode to do it in Anaconda?

 It might be beyond the scope of this list (certainly beyond my
 capabilities) to provide recommendations on which avenue to
 take--but if you are asking, you may already have the tools you need
 to assess for yourself.  There is, however, quite a bit of
 experience loitering around this list, so perhaps somebody else will
 have a suggestion.



 Martin A. Brown

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Re: [Tutor] improving speed using and recalling C functions

2014-04-10 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 10/04/2014 18:29, Gabriele Brambilla wrote:

(I'm sorry but I don't know very well what profiling is)

Take a look at these for some tips and

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask 
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence

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Re: [Tutor] improving speed using and recalling C functions

2014-04-10 Thread Danny Yoo
Hi Gabriele,

Have you profiled your program?  Please look at:

If you can, avoid guessing what is causing performance to drop.
Rather, use the tools in the profiling libraries to perform

It may be that your program is taking a long time because of something
obvious, but perhaps there is some other factor that's contributing.
Please do this.  More details would be helpful.  Are you using any
libraries such as Numpy?  Just writing something in C doesn't
magically make it go faster.  CPython is written in C, for example,
and yet people do not say that Python itself is very fast.  :P

It may be the case that writing the computations in C will allow you
to specify enough type information so that the computer can
effectively run your computations quickly.  But if you're using
libraries like Numpy to do vector parallel operations, I would not be
surprised if that would outperform native non-parallel C code.


which demonstrates that effective use of NumPy may speed up
computations by a significant order of magnitude, if you use the
library to take advantage of its vectorizing compuations.

More domain-specific details may help folks on the tutor list to give
good advice here.
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Re: [Tutor] improving speed using and recalling C functions

2014-04-10 Thread Gabriele Brambilla
I'm trying to profile it adding this code:

import cProfile
import re
import pstats're.compile(foo|bar)', 'restats')

p = pstats.Stats('restats')

but where I have to add this in my code?

because I obtain

Thu Apr 10 15:23:17 2014restats

 194 function calls (189 primitive calls) in 0.001 seconds

   Ordered by: internal time
   List reduced from 34 to 10 due to restriction 10

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
   150.0000.0000.0000.000 {isinstance}

but my program take more than 0.001 seconds!
I think it's not working as I want.


2014-04-10 15:09 GMT-04:00 Danny Yoo

 Hi Gabriele,

 Have you profiled your program?  Please look at:

 If you can, avoid guessing what is causing performance to drop.
 Rather, use the tools in the profiling libraries to perform

 It may be that your program is taking a long time because of something
 obvious, but perhaps there is some other factor that's contributing.
 Please do this.  More details would be helpful.  Are you using any
 libraries such as Numpy?  Just writing something in C doesn't
 magically make it go faster.  CPython is written in C, for example,
 and yet people do not say that Python itself is very fast.  :P

 It may be the case that writing the computations in C will allow you
 to specify enough type information so that the computer can
 effectively run your computations quickly.  But if you're using
 libraries like Numpy to do vector parallel operations, I would not be
 surprised if that would outperform native non-parallel C code.


 which demonstrates that effective use of NumPy may speed up
 computations by a significant order of magnitude, if you use the
 library to take advantage of its vectorizing compuations.

 More domain-specific details may help folks on the tutor list to give
 good advice here.

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Re: [Tutor] improving speed using and recalling C functions

2014-04-10 Thread Danny Yoo
Hi Gabriele,

I should probably have pointed you to:


Here is an example that uses the cProfile module.  Let's say that I'm
trying to pinpoint where something is going slow in some_program():

import cProfile

def slow_string_mul(w, n):
  s = 
  for x in xrange(n):
s = slow_append(s, w)
  return s

def slow_append(s, w):
  return s + w

def fast_string_mul(w, n):
  return w * n

def some_program(w, n):
  print slow_string_mul(w, n) == fast_string_mul(w, n)

## Try running the operation, and let cProfile report stats.'some_program(testing, 5)', None, 'time')

We tell to execute some_program(), sorting its
measurements by time.  You might save the collected statistics to a
file, but here I have not, and have just report the
results after the program finishes.

Here's what comes back from cProfile's report:

$ python
 50005 function calls in 1.422 seconds

   Ordered by: internal time

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
10.0000.0001.4221.422 string:1(module)
10.0000.0000.0000.000 {method 'disable' of
'_lsprof.Profiler' objects}

This is telling me that slow_append is being called 5 times, which
in hindsight sounds right.  It's taking the majority of the time of
this program, which is intuitively true, as I wrote it in a way to do
a very naive string-appending operation, which gets more expensive the
longer the string grows.

The point of examples is to show simple uses of the libraries.  But
you will have to adapt the examples to work for your context.
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Re: [Tutor] improving speed using and recalling C functions

2014-04-10 Thread Gabriele Brambilla

I get this result:
Thu Apr 10 17:35:53 2014restats

 21071736 function calls in 199.883 seconds

   Ordered by: internal time
   List reduced from 188 to 10 due to restriction 10

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
1  149.479  149.479  199.851  199.851
 18101000   28.6820.000   28.6820.000 {method 'write' of 'file'

   232.2720.000   21.2790.000
   2313282.1200.0002.1200.000 {numpy.core.multiarray.array}
660881.6110.0001.6110.000 {method 'reduce' of
330441.1460.000   11.6230.000

the major time is required by mymain that is the whole program.
the write on file is an operation that I do in the end but if I increase
the number of data it doesn't increase (I tried doubing the sample of
values and I know why it's behaving in this way)
the third are interpolate and kappa: the two functions (one called inside
the other one)

So they are the ones that are taking time.

Now what can I do?



2014-04-10 17:14 GMT-04:00 Danny Yoo

 Hi Gabriele,

 I should probably have pointed you to:


 Here is an example that uses the cProfile module.  Let's say that I'm
 trying to pinpoint where something is going slow in some_program():

 import cProfile

 def slow_string_mul(w, n):
   s = 
   for x in xrange(n):
 s = slow_append(s, w)
   return s

 def slow_append(s, w):
   return s + w

 def fast_string_mul(w, n):
   return w * n

 def some_program(w, n):
   print slow_string_mul(w, n) == fast_string_mul(w, n)

 ## Try running the operation, and let cProfile report stats.'some_program(testing, 5)', None, 'time')

 We tell to execute some_program(), sorting its
 measurements by time.  You might save the collected statistics to a
 file, but here I have not, and have just report the
 results after the program finishes.

 Here's what comes back from cProfile's report:

 $ python
  50005 function calls in 1.422 seconds

Ordered by: internal time

ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
 10.0000.0001.4221.422 string:1(module)
 10.0000.0000.0000.000 {method 'disable' of
 '_lsprof.Profiler' objects}

 This is telling me that slow_append is being called 5 times, which
 in hindsight sounds right.  It's taking the majority of the time of
 this program, which is intuitively true, as I wrote it in a way to do
 a very naive string-appending operation, which gets more expensive the
 longer the string grows.

 The point of examples is to show simple uses of the libraries.  But
 you will have to adapt the examples to work for your context.

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Re: [Tutor] improving speed using and recalling C functions

2014-04-10 Thread Martin A. Brown


21071736 function calls in 199.883 seconds

The 21 million function calls isn't really a surprise to me, given 
18 million calls to file.write().  Given that the majority of the 
time is still spent in, I think you'll need to 
instrument that a bit more to figure out where the hotspot is.

  Ordered by: internal time
  List reduced from 188 to 10 due to restriction 10

  ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
   1  149.479  149.479  199.851  199.851
18101000   28.6820.000   28.6820.000 {method 'write' of 'file'

the major time is required by mymain that is the whole program. 
the write on file is an operation that I do in the end but if I 
increase the number of data it doesn't increase (I tried doubing 
the sample of values and I know why it's behaving in this way) the 
third are interpolate and kappa: the two functions (one called 
inside the other one)

This is a good finding, in fact.  Now, you know which module 
contains the bottleneck.  Is your CPU pegged when you run that code?  Can you run the profiler on the code, 
too, to locate the specific hotspot?  Great to see that you are 
using the profiler, effectively, too!

So they are the ones that are taking time.
Now what can I do?

I think you now need to profile code?  Specifically the 
stuff in main().

OK, so I have not myself used scipy.interpolate.interp1d before, but 
I went to have a look at it.  So, you feed interp1d() an x and a y 
(e.g. a plot line on a diagram), and it essentially produces its 
best guess of a function which will fit that curve, correct?

Well, this is how it performs with random input and an identity 

  element count 100, duration 0.000
  element count 1000, duration 0.001
  element count 1, duration 0.005
  element count 10, duration 0.055
  element count 100, duration 0.858
  element count 1000, duration 30.404

So, with 10 million inputs on an admittedly brain-dead function, 
there's not a performance bottleneck.  If you can find the parts of 
your code that are the bottleneck, then you could post 
it here.

I hadn't thought of using interpolate, myself, as I didn't even know 
it existed.

Thanks and good luck,


Martin A. Brown
Tutor maillist  -
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Re: [Tutor] improving speed using and recalling C functions

2014-04-10 Thread Danny Yoo
ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
 1  149.479  149.479  199.851  199.851
  18101000   28.6820.000   28.6820.000 {method 'write' of 'file'

232.2720.000   21.2790.000
 660881.6110.0001.6110.000 {method 'reduce' of
 330441.1460.000   11.6230.000

 the major time is required by mymain that is the whole program.

Good!  Profiles like this allow us to pinpoint issues.

Wait... ?!

The profiler is saying that the majority of time is in my main, but _not_
in auxiliary functions. That's surprising.  Am I misreading the profile?

Can you show what mymain is doing?
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Re: [Tutor] improving speed using and recalling C functions

2014-04-10 Thread Gabriele Brambilla
but main is the program that contains everything.

I used the profile in this way:

import cProfile

import pstats

def mymain():

#all the code

#end of main indentation'mymain()', 'restats', 'time')

p = pstats.Stats('restats')



So all the function I used are contained in main(), so even all the others
that are appeared.


2014-04-10 19:41 GMT-04:00 Martin A. Brown


  21071736 function calls in 199.883 seconds

 The 21 million function calls isn't really a surprise to me, given 18
 million calls to file.write().  Given that the majority of the time is
 still spent in, I think you'll need to instrument that a bit
 more to figure out where the hotspot is.

Ordered by: internal time
   List reduced from 188 to 10 due to restriction 10

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
1  149.479  149.479  199.851  199.851
 18101000   28.6820.000   28.6820.000 {method 'write' of 'file'

 the major time is required by mymain that is the whole program. the write
 on file is an operation that I do in the end but if I increase the number
 of data it doesn't increase (I tried doubing the sample of values and I
 know why it's behaving in this way) the third are interpolate and kappa:
 the two functions (one called inside the other one)

 This is a good finding, in fact.  Now, you know which module contains the
 bottleneck.  Is your CPU pegged when you run that code?  Can you
 run the profiler on the code, too, to locate the specific
 hotspot?  Great to see that you are using the profiler, effectively, too!

  So they are the ones that are taking time.
 Now what can I do?

 I think you now need to profile code?  Specifically the stuff
 in main().

 OK, so I have not myself used scipy.interpolate.interp1d before, but I
 went to have a look at it.  So, you feed interp1d() an x and a y (e.g. a
 plot line on a diagram), and it essentially produces its best guess of a
 function which will fit that curve, correct?

 Well, this is how it performs with random input and an identity function:

   element count 100, duration 0.000
   element count 1000, duration 0.001
   element count 1, duration 0.005
   element count 10, duration 0.055
   element count 100, duration 0.858
   element count 1000, duration 30.404

 So, with 10 million inputs on an admittedly brain-dead function, there's
 not a performance bottleneck.  If you can find the parts of your code that are the bottleneck, then you could post it here.

 I hadn't thought of using interpolate, myself, as I didn't even know it

 Thanks and good luck,


 Martin A. Brown

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Re: [Tutor] improving speed using and recalling C functions

2014-04-10 Thread Gabriele Brambilla

def mymain():

def LEstep(n):






return (stepE, n, Lemin, Lemax)

if __name__ == __main__:

import sys

if len(sys.argv)=1:

stepENE, nex, Lemin, Lemax = LEstep(200)

elif len(sys.argv)=2:

stepENE, nex, Lemin, Lemax =


stepENE, nex, Lemin, Lemax =


eel = list(range(nex))

eels = np.logspace(Lemin, Lemax, num=nex, endpoint=False)

indpha = list(range(npha))

indobs = list(range(nobs))

rlc = c/(2*pi*freq)

MYMAP1 = np.zeros([npha, nobs, nex], dtype=float)

MYMAP2 = np.zeros([npha, nobs, nex], dtype=float)

MYMAP3 = np.zeros([npha, nobs, nex], dtype=float)

MYMAP4 = np.zeros([npha, nobs, nex], dtype=float)

MYMAP5 = np.zeros([npha, nobs, nex], dtype=float)


omegacliston = []

alpha = '60_'

for my_line in open('datasm0_60_5s.dat'):

myinternet = []

gmlis = []

print('reading the line', count, '/599378')

my_parts = [float(i) for i in my_line.split()]

phase = my_parts[4]

zobs = my_parts[5]

rho = my_parts[6]

gammar1 = my_parts[7]

gammar2 = my_parts[8]

gammar3 = my_parts[9]

gammar4 = my_parts[10]

gammar5 = my_parts[11]






i = int((phase-phamin)/stepPHA)

j = int((zobs-obamin)/stepOB)

for gammar in gmlis:

omC = (1.5)*(gammar**3)*c/(rho*rlc)

gig = omC*hcut/eVtoErg


for w in eel[:]:

omega =

x = omega/omC

kap = instruments.kappa(x)

Iom = (1.732050808/c)*(e**2)*gammar*kap

P = Iom*(c/(rho*rlc))/(2*pi)

phps = P/(hcut*omega  )

www =  phps/(stepPHA*sin(zobs)*stepOB)


count = count + 1

oo = 0

for k in eel[:]:

MYMAP1[i, j, k] = MYMAP1[i, j, k] + myinternet[oo]

oo = oo + 1

for k in eel[:]:

MYMAP2[i, j, k] = MYMAP2[i, j, k] + myinternet[oo]

oo = oo + 1

for k in eel[:]:

MYMAP3[i, j, k] = MYMAP3[i, j, k] + myinternet[oo]

oo = oo + 1

for k in eel[:]:

MYMAP4[i, j, k] = MYMAP4[i, j, k] + myinternet[oo]

oo = oo + 1

for k in eel[:]:

MYMAP5[i, j, k] = MYMAP5[i, j, k] + myinternet[oo]

oo = oo + 1


sigmas = [1, 3, 5, 10, 30]

fiq1 = plt.figure()

fiq2 = plt.figure()

fiq3 = plt.figure()

fiq4 = plt.figure()

fiq5 = plt.figure()

fiqqs = [fiq1, fiq2, fiq3, fiq4, fiq5]

multis = zip(sigmas, BIGMAPS, fiqqs)

for sigma, MYMAP, fiq in multis:


MYfile = open(filename, 'a')

for k in eel[:]:

for j in indobs[:]:

for i in indpha[:]:

A=MYMAP[i, j, k]

stringa = str(A) + ','


accapo = '\n'



2014-04-10 19:55 GMT-04:00 Danny Yoo

 ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
  1  149.479  149.479  199.851  199.851
   18101000   28.6820.000   28.6820.000 {method 'write' of 'file'

Re: [Tutor] improving speed using and recalling C functions

2014-04-10 Thread Martin A. Brown


but main is the program that contains everything.

And, that is precisely the point of profiling the thing that 
contains 'everything'.  Because the bottleneck is almost always 
somewher inside of 'everything'.  But, you have to keep digging 
until you find it.

I saw that you replied to Danny Yoo with your code, and I have to 
say that this is rather domain-specific, so it may be quite 
difficult for somebody to glance at it and figure out where the 
hotspot is.  It is for this reason that we were asking about 

Some follow-on questions:

Code:  for my_line in open('datasm0_60_5s.dat')

Q:  How big is datasm0_60_5s.dat?  Unless there's a whitespace
pasting issue, it looks like you are reading that file for each
run through mymain().  Has this file changed in size recently?

Code:  kap = instruments.kappa(x)

Q:  What is instruments?  A module?  Is the performance hit there?


   for k in eel[:]:
   MYMAP1[i, j, k] = MYMAP1[i, j, k] + myinternet[oo]
   oo = oo + 1

   for k in eel[:]:
   MYMAP,[i, j, k] = MYMAP1[i, j, k] + myinternet[oo]
   oo = oo + 1


Comment:  You are looping over your sliced eel five times.  Do you
   need to?  I like eel salad a great deal, as well, but, how about:

   for k in eel:
   MYMAP1[i, j, k] = MYMAP1[i, j, k] + myinternet[oo]
   MYMAP2[i, j, k] = MYMAP2[i, j, k] + myinternet[oo]
   MYMAP3[i, j, k] = MYMAP3[i, j, k] + myinternet[oo]
   MYMAP4[i, j, k] = MYMAP4[i, j, k] + myinternet[oo]
   MYMAP5[i, j, k] = MYMAP5[i, j, k] + myinternet[oo]
   oo = oo + 1

That should cut down a bit of looping time.  Especially as the eel 
grows longer.

Another suggestion, that is more along the lines of how do I figure 
out what's broken this time in my code.  I almost always add the 
logging module to any program larger than a few lines.  Why? 
Because then, I can simply add logger lines and see what's going on. 
Since I'm a perfect programmer and, like you, I don't make mistakes, 
I never need this, but I do it anyway to look good around my 
colleagues (best practices and all).

In seriousness, using logging [0] is not at all tricky for 
standalone scripts.  (It does get a bit more involved when you are 
importing modules and libraries), but,) Consider the following:

  import sys
  import logging
  logformat='%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s %(message)s'
  logging.basicConfig(format=logformat, stream=sys.stderr,   level=logging.INFO)
  logger = logging.getLogger({ '__main__': None }.get(__name__, __name__))

With that setup at the top of the program, now you can sprinkle 
lines like this throughout your code with impunity.

  import os
  # -- calling will print stuff to STDERR example %r, os.environ)

  # -- calling logger.debug() will not print to STDERR
  #using, above config
  logger.debug(debug example %d, 1)

  # -- Ok, set it so anything that is set to logging.DEBUG (or
  #higher) is shown
  logger.debug(debug example %d, 2)

  # -- and restore the prior pattern; restting so newer .debug lines
  #are not shown
  logger.debug(debug example %d, 3)

OK, so why is this useful?  Well, timestamps in log lines is one 
reason.  Another reason is the typical diagnostic technique 
What is the value of variable x, y, z, oo, text_contens

Good luck tracking down your peformance issue!



Martin A. Brown
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Re: [Tutor] improving speed using and recalling C functions

2014-04-10 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 11:58:30AM -0400, Gabriele Brambilla wrote:
 I have a program that is reading near 60 elements from a file.
 For each element it performs 200 times a particular mathematical operation
 (a numerical interpolation of a function).
 Now these process takes near 8 hours.

Why are you repeating each operation 200 times? Surely you don't mean 
something like this?

for element in elements_from_file():
for i in range(200):
result = function(element)

Before spending your time re-writing the function in C, it may help 
checking that there are no inefficencies in the code. Calculating the 
function may not be what is slowing your code down.

It might help if you show us your code.

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Re: [Tutor] improving speed using and recalling C functions

2014-04-10 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, Apr 11, 2014 at 10:59:05AM +1000, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 It might help if you show us your code.

Oops, never mind, I see you have done so.

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Re: [Tutor] improving speed using and recalling C functions

2014-04-10 Thread Danny Yoo
Ok, good.

There's a few things you'll want to fix in your mymain() in order for
the profiler to work more effectively in pinpointing issues.

1.  Move functionality outside of if __name__ == '__main__':

At the moment, you've put the entire functionality of your program in
the body of that if statement within mymain.  That structure is
probably not right.

I see that this block is computing values for stepENE, nex, Lemin,
Lemax, and, conditionally, freq.  This should be lifted out into its
own function.  You should also note that, because 'freq' is computed
conditionally, there are certain code paths in which your mymain()
will fail.  This is most likely a bad thing.

Recommendation: have mymain() take in parameters.  Move LEstep()
toplevel.  Restructure to:

import sys

def mymain(stepENE, nex, Lemin, Lemax, freq):
## everything starting after eel = list(range(nex))...

if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv)=1:
stepENE, nex, Lemin, Lemax = LEstep(200)
elif len(sys.argv) = 2:
stepENE, nex, Lemin, Lemax = LEstep(int(sys.argv[1]))
stepENE, nex, Lemin, Lemax = LEstep(int(sys.argv[1]))
mymain(stepENE, nex, Lemin, Lemax, freq)

2.  Do not slice lists unless you really mean to do so.  I see a lot
of slices that do not look right.  Examples like:

for k in eel[:]:
# code cut ...

Just loop over eel.  No copy necessary.   This is doing a lot more
memory copying over and over again.  Instead:

for k in eel:
# code cut ...

Do this everywhere you're creating slices with [:], unless you really
need to copy.  This is happening in multiple places in the code.

3.  Be sure to remove dead variables.  There are variables here that
are not used.  omegacliston is dead code, for example.  You're
appending to it, but doing nothing with its value.

4.  Watch for repetitive code.  There's something about the use of
MYMAP1, MYMAP2, etc. that looks very suspicious.  That is, the block

oo = 0
for k in eel:
MYMAP1[i, j, k] = MYMAP1[i, j, k] + myinternet[oo]
oo = oo + 1
for k in eel:
MYMAP2[i, j, k] = MYMAP2[i, j, k] + myinternet[oo]
oo = oo + 1
for k in eel:
MYMAP3[i, j, k] = MYMAP3[i, j, k] + myinternet[oo]
oo = oo + 1
for k in eel:
MYMAP4[i, j, k] = MYMAP4[i, j, k] + myinternet[oo]
oo = oo + 1
for k in eel:
MYMAP5[i, j, k] = MYMAP5[i, j, k] + myinternet[oo]
oo = oo + 1

feels repetitive and strange.  Martin Brown identifies this problem as
well, so at least we're on the same page.  Solving this problem takes
a little bit of work.

If you have five maps, with some kind of relationship, represent and
use that.  Ah.  You're already doing this by representing BIGMAPS at
reporting time.  Then move the definition of an array of maps to the
front of the code.  Use a container holding those five maps in a
single variable.  Call it MYMAPS.

MYMAPS = [np.zeros([npha, nobs, nex], dtype=float),
  np.zeros([npha, nobs, nex], dtype=float),
  np.zeros([npha, nobs, nex], dtype=float),
  np.zeros([npha, nobs, nex], dtype=float),
  np.zeros([npha, nobs, nex], dtype=float)]

Wen you're tempted to say MYMAP1, use MYMAPS[0].  MYMAP2 --
MYMAPS[1], and so on.

This will allow you to dissolve a lot of complexity out of the code.
We'll see this in a moment.

5.  Change the computational structure.  The computation of MYMAPS
being done after the processing of gmlis is not right.  It's the whole
reason why there's this awkward intermediate myinternet structure
that's used just to fill in each MYMAP later.  Do the processing as
part of your earlier loop.

We know that gmlis is exactly five elements long.  Just say so:

   gmlis = [my_parts[7],

Once you have this, and once you have a definition of MYMAPS, then you
can kill a lot of the code by doing a zip loop across them both:

for gammar, MYMAP in zip(gmlis, MYMAPS):

Re: [Tutor] improving speed using and recalling C functions

2014-04-10 Thread Danny Yoo
 Comment:  You are looping over your sliced eel five times.  Do you
need to?  I like eel salad a great deal, as well, but, how about:

for k in eel:
MYMAP1[i, j, k] = MYMAP1[i, j, k] + myinternet[oo]
MYMAP2[i, j, k] = MYMAP2[i, j, k] + myinternet[oo]
MYMAP3[i, j, k] = MYMAP3[i, j, k] + myinternet[oo]
MYMAP4[i, j, k] = MYMAP4[i, j, k] + myinternet[oo]
MYMAP5[i, j, k] = MYMAP5[i, j, k] + myinternet[oo]
oo = oo + 1

Hi Gabriele,

Also note that, when Martin looked at this part of the code, he
unfortunately misinterpreted its effect; Martin's proposed rewrite
here does not preserve the meaning of the original code.  But rather
than wag my finger at how Martin interpreted the code, I'd rather make
the observation that this is a warning sign that the original code
here was not easy to understand.
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Re: [Tutor] improving speed using and recalling C functions

2014-04-10 Thread Gabriele Brambilla
Hi Danny,
I followed your suggestion.
Tomorrow morning I will run this new version of the code.

Now using a sample of 81 elements (instead of 60) the profile returns:

Thu Apr 10 23:25:59 2014restats

 18101188 function calls in 1218.626 seconds

   Ordered by: internal time
   List reduced from 13 to 10 due to restriction 10

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
1 1015.803 1015.803 1218.334 1218.334
 18101000  202.4900.000  202.4900.000 {method 'write' of 'file'

10.2920.292 1218.626 1218.626 string:1(module)
60.0290.0050.0290.005 {open}
50.0100.0020.0100.002 {method 'close' of 'file'

   810.0020.0000.0020.000 {method 'split' of 'str'
   820.0010.0000.0010.000 {zip}
50.0000.0000.0000.000 {numpy.core.multiarray.zeros}

Anyway I would like to try to speed it up using C functions (and maybe
comparing the resuts of the two profile in the end)
How can I do it now? Can I use Cython?



2014-04-10 21:38 GMT-04:00 Danny Yoo

  Comment:  You are looping over your sliced eel five times.  Do you
 need to?  I like eel salad a great deal, as well, but, how about:
 for k in eel:
 MYMAP1[i, j, k] = MYMAP1[i, j, k] + myinternet[oo]
 MYMAP2[i, j, k] = MYMAP2[i, j, k] + myinternet[oo]
 MYMAP3[i, j, k] = MYMAP3[i, j, k] + myinternet[oo]
 MYMAP4[i, j, k] = MYMAP4[i, j, k] + myinternet[oo]
 MYMAP5[i, j, k] = MYMAP5[i, j, k] + myinternet[oo]
 oo = oo + 1

 Hi Gabriele,

 Also note that, when Martin looked at this part of the code, he
 unfortunately misinterpreted its effect; Martin's proposed rewrite
 here does not preserve the meaning of the original code.  But rather
 than wag my finger at how Martin interpreted the code, I'd rather make
 the observation that this is a warning sign that the original code
 here was not easy to understand.

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