Re: [Tutor] info, help, guidence,...

2007-12-05 Thread Alan Gauld
"jeff witt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote

> my brother (who is a programmer) guides me to ".net" languages,

OK, Python is a .NET language too.

> and i am not too sure why,

.NET is the new Microsoft standard and their counter attack on Java.
It offers a language neutral runtime environment that allows you to
write the GUI(user interface) in VB.Net, the database intrerface in
Managed C++ and the algorithms in C# and then link them all
together in a single program. That used to be very hard to do.
.NET offers some other bits too but thats the main advantage IMHO.
(Wikipedia is your friend for all things IT related - try looking up
.NET there)

> i like the little i know about python, it seems to be user friendly,
> however,  i am not finding clear answers about what it does
> compared to ".net" for example.

They are two different things. .NET is an environment for running
programs, rather like a virtual operating system, that runs on the
Windows platform. You can use multiple programming languages
within .NET, including Python.

> here are a few questions that go through my head...
> how does python get applied to a GUI?

Thee are several GUI toolkits, the standard one(ie comes with python)
is Tkinter which in turn is a Python wrapper around the long standing
Tc;/Tk GUI toolkit (Tk=Toolkit). But there are others including the
.NET GUI and Java GUIs(via Jython).

> why dont universities teach it?

Several do, and even more colleges and high schools.
Universities tend to prefer Java because it is more like classical
programming languages and enforces a stricter style of programming
which fits (arguably) better to the University curriculum.

> is there an online class i can take for it?

There are many online tutorials (including mine) and you will find
a list of links on the Python web site under the Non programmers

> training certificates?

Not sure on that one, maybe...

> is it accepted in the world of programming professionally?

Yes there are many companies who use Python - see the python
web site for examples. Google is perhaps the best known but there
are plenty others. It falls under the general heading of scripting
languages and is considered to be on a par with Perl, Tcl, JavaScript,
Lisp and others.

> ( i am interested in a career too, as well as a new hobby),.

Several of the people on this list use Python in their day jobs.
And for some Python is their day job!

>  i use linux, and python seems to be everywhere for linux,..
> and i read that it works on windows too

Yes, Python workls on a multitude of platforms incliuding
the "big three": Unix, Windows, MacOS but also on VAX VMS,
MVS, and several more obscure OS.

> but is it accepted in "those" circles?

Yes, especially by the people who use it there! :-)

> what is pythons strengths and weaknesses,

It is a general purpose scripting language that is easy to learn
and easy to maintain and yet extensible and powerful. Read
the Python web site for a fuller story.

> IE. web/Internet, or program development, operating system
> things,...

I wouldn't write an OS nor anything too close to the hardware
(graphics driver say), but otherwise it can do all of those things
and if you read the archives of this group you will find relative
novices doing all of them.

> what would you (or you guys) recomend for the first language?

Python obviously! :-)

> or like my brother says, "just learn something and stop
> asking me questions"

And to some extent he is right. Once you learn any programming
language its relatively easy to convert to another. The hard bit is
the concepts involved in programming not the details of any
one language.

> if python was released in 1991 how long will it remain a current
> or a applicable language? or i guess i am asking, what is the
> normal life of a programming language before it is obsolete?

COBOL, Lisp, BASIC and ForTran were all invented before 1963
and are all still in regular use. Smalltalk started in 1973 and 
in 1980 and is still a highly influential language. C was invented in
the mid 70's and is still king of OS programming. Java was 1994(?)
and is the current "mainstream" leader.

But I could point to many languages which have come and gone
in the same period: CHILL, Coral, Snoball, PL/1, Modula2, Oberon.
You can still get tools for all of  these but the job market is
vanishingly small. Yet in their day all were mainstream or seen as
rising stars.

So how long depends on how good the language is, how well
it is marketed, and fashion amongst other factors.

> i am years from actually contributing to any open source
> project,

You probably could contribute as a tester or documentation
writer within a few weeks or months. You could be at the stage
of fixing bugs in less than a year. It depends on how much time
you commit...


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site 

Tutor maillist

Re: [Tutor] info, help, guidence,...

2007-12-05 Thread Brian Wisti
Hi Jeff,

On Dec 5, 2007 7:30 AM, jeff witt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> i have some questions about programming in general and python,..

Welcome! You have a lot of great questions. Tell your brother to relax.

First off, Python is a great first language because it was written
with an eye towards being consistent and easy to learn. It is also a
very powerful language that will continue to be useful for you as your
needs and knowledge expand. I've been using Python since 2000 and it
is still an important part of my development toolkit.

Now for your questions ...

> here are a few questions that go through my head...
>  how does python get applied to a GUI?

Python itself is just a language, and uses libraries for GUI applications.

* Tkinter []
comes with the standard Python distribution, which makes it the
official GUI library.
* WxPython [] is a very popular
cross-platform GUI library. It's an extra download, and maybe a little
advanced for somebody who is *just* starting out with programming. But
hey, don't let that stop you.
* IronPython
[] is
actually a different version of Python written specifically for the
.NET environment. Most of the language features are the same as
CPython (the standard Python you would get from, and in
addition it has full access to the .NET framework including Windows
Forms. It's very powerful, and I've had a lot of fun with it.
* Jython [] is a version of Python written in
Java. It's a little behind CPython on features, but has full access to
the Java API including Swing.

IronPython and Jython require a bit of setup to get started with, so
they might not be the best choices for your first day. Play with
Tkinter and maybe WxPython for the moment, the other two will be there
when you're interested.

> why dont universities teach it?

They do. MIT is a high profile example. They recently incorporated
Python into their courses.

> is there an online class i can take for it?

Probably, but save your money and go to Google with the phrase "Python
tutorial". You'll be overwhelmed with the amount of instructional
material. Python is fun to write about.

> training certificates?

Yes, but I am not aware of any organizations that care about Python
certification. I've always been asked to show what I know, but never
about certification.

> is it accepted in the world of programming professionally?  ( i am interested 
> in a
> career too, as well as a new hobby),.

Oh my yes. Python is used by companies all over the world. Google and
NASA are especially impressive-sounding examples of organizations that
use Python. Check for a very long
list of organizations using Python.

>   i use linux, and python seems to be everywhere for linux,.. and i read
> that it works on windows too but is it accepted in "those" circles?

Absolutely. The set of Python users crosses a huge number of operating
systems, including Windows.

> what is pythons strengths and weaknesses, IE. web/Internet, or program
> development, operating system things,...

Python is a very high level language with great library support, and
has been useful for me in every problem domain. A Python application
normally runs slower than an application built in C/C++, so it usually
isn't the first choice for time-critical applications where somebody
could *die*. There are many ways to speed up your Python applications,
though, and it can be used by a knowledgeable developer to create
those time-critical apps.

> what would you (or you guys) recomend for the first language?

Perl! No, that was just a joke. You are asking the Python tutor list
about the best starting language. I think you can guess what the
answer is going to be.

> or like my brother says, "just learn something and stop asking me questions"

Man, tell that guy to switch to decaf. I'd say "just learn something
and keep asking questions"

> if python was released in 1991 how long will it remain a current or a 
> applicable language? or i guess i am asking, what is the normal life of a 
> programming language before it is obsolete?

For a very long time indeed. C is over 30 years old and still being
used for creating new applications. COBOL is about 4 million years old
(give or take a few million) and people still make good money using
it. The Python team has done an excellent job of keeping pace with the
needs of the day, and I don't think Python is going away any time

> well, like i mentioned, any help or info would be greatly appreciated,   i
> have been to some of the beginner sites and tried the whole "hello world"
> thing, and i unfortunately realize i am years from actually contributing to
> any open source project,  (especially since i am still struggling with the
> file system in linux [only been using it for 8or9 months])

Re: [Tutor] info, help, guidence,...

2007-12-05 Thread Kent Johnson
jeff witt wrote:

> here are a few questions that go through my head...
>  how does python get applied to a GUI?  

There are many possibilities, see

Also you can use native window toolkits on Windows and Mac.

> is 
> it accepted in the world of programming professionally?  ( i am 
> interested in a career too, as well as a new hobby),.


>   i use linux, and python seems to be everywhere for linux,.. and i read 
> that it works on windows too but is it accepted in "those" circles? 


> what is pythons strengths and weaknesses, IE. web/Internet, or program 
> development, operating system things,... 

Pretty much anything except operating systems, device drivers and 
real-time programs:

>  what would you (or you guys) 
> recomend for the first language?  or like my brother says, "just learn 
> something and stop asking me questions"

Python, of course!

> if python was released in 1991 how long will it remain a current or a 
> applicable language? or i guess i am asking, what is the normal life of 
> a programming language before it is obsolete?

Python popularity is increasing, by some measures at least:

> well, like i mentioned, any help or info would be greatly appreciated,   
> i have been to some of the beginner sites and tried the whole "hello 
> world" thing, and i unfortunately realize i am years from actually 
> contributing to any open source project,  (especially since i am still 
> struggling with the file system in linux [only been using it for 8or9 
> months])

There are quite a few good Python tutorials for non-programmers:

A good book for a beginner is Dawson's "Python Programming for the 
absolute beginner".

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] info, help, guidence,...

2007-12-05 Thread taserian
Sorry if this isn't the right place for it, but today's xkcd comic strip is
very apropos for the newly illuminated in all things Python.

Tony R.

On Dec 5, 2007 12:00 PM, bhaaluu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Greetings,
> On Dec 5, 2007 10:30 AM, jeff witt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> > i have some questions about programming in general and python,..
> > my brother (who is a programmer) guides me to ".net" languages,  and i
> am
> > not too sure why, however, he is getting sick of me pestering him with
> my
> > questions,..
> > i like the little i know about python, it seems to be user friendly,
> > however, i am not finding clear answers about what it does compared to
> > ".net" for example.
> >  I really know nothing about programming (which i am sure is obvious) so
> > info would be helpful, ...
> >
> > here are a few questions that go through my head...
> >  how does python get applied to a GUI?
> TkInter is Python's "standard" GUI library
> > why dont universities teach it? is
> > there an online class i can take for it?  training certificates?   is it
> > accepted in the world of programming professionally?  ( i am interested
> in a
> > career too, as well as a new hobby),.
> Some universities do use Python to teach Computer Science topics.
> There are several online tutorials to get you started, for example:
> is the 'official' Python tutorial
> >   i use linux, and python seems to be everywhere for linux,.. and i read
> > that it works on windows too but is it accepted in "those" circles?
> > what is pythons strengths and weaknesses, IE. web/Internet, or program
> > development, operating system things,...   what would you (or you guys)
> > recomend for the first language?  or like my brother says, "just learn
> > something and stop asking me questions"
> Python is an excellent first programming language.
> The Tutor list is for learning Python as a first programming language.
> There seem to be an equal number of Tutors who use Linux or Windows.
> > if python was released in 1991 how long will it remain a current or a
> > applicable language? or i guess i am asking, what is the normal life of
> a
> > programming language before it is obsolete?
> That's a good question!
> >
> > well, like i mentioned, any help or info would be greatly appreciated,
> i
> > have been to some of the beginner sites and tried the whole "hello
> world"
> > thing, and i unfortunately realize i am years from actually contributing
> to
> > any open source project,  (especially since i am still struggling with
> the
> > file system in linux [only been using it for 8or9 months])
> >
> > God bless you  guys, and thank you for your site and willingness to
> share
> > and help!
> >
> > jeff
> There are several excellent tutorials and books online for free.
> You'll have to check them out and see which ones 'click' for you.
> Each person learns stuff differently, and each writer has a different
> 'style' of writing, so you might find two tutorials that cover the same
> things, but you'll like one better than the other.
> This is a good place to ask questions!
> Happy Programming!
> --
> b h a a l u u at g m a i l dot c o m
> ___
> Tutor maillist  -
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] info, help, guidence,...

2007-12-05 Thread bhaaluu

On Dec 5, 2007 10:30 AM, jeff witt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> i have some questions about programming in general and python,..
> my brother (who is a programmer) guides me to ".net" languages,  and i am
> not too sure why, however, he is getting sick of me pestering him with my
> questions,..
> i like the little i know about python, it seems to be user friendly,
> however, i am not finding clear answers about what it does compared to
> ".net" for example.
>  I really know nothing about programming (which i am sure is obvious) so ANY
> info would be helpful, ...
> here are a few questions that go through my head...
>  how does python get applied to a GUI?
TkInter is Python's "standard" GUI library

> why dont universities teach it? is
> there an online class i can take for it?  training certificates?   is it
> accepted in the world of programming professionally?  ( i am interested in a
> career too, as well as a new hobby),.

Some universities do use Python to teach Computer Science topics.
There are several online tutorials to get you started, for example:
is the 'official' Python tutorial

>   i use linux, and python seems to be everywhere for linux,.. and i read
> that it works on windows too but is it accepted in "those" circles?
> what is pythons strengths and weaknesses, IE. web/Internet, or program
> development, operating system things,...   what would you (or you guys)
> recomend for the first language?  or like my brother says, "just learn
> something and stop asking me questions"

Python is an excellent first programming language.
The Tutor list is for learning Python as a first programming language.
There seem to be an equal number of Tutors who use Linux or Windows.

> if python was released in 1991 how long will it remain a current or a
> applicable language? or i guess i am asking, what is the normal life of a
> programming language before it is obsolete?

That's a good question!

> well, like i mentioned, any help or info would be greatly appreciated,   i
> have been to some of the beginner sites and tried the whole "hello world"
> thing, and i unfortunately realize i am years from actually contributing to
> any open source project,  (especially since i am still struggling with the
> file system in linux [only been using it for 8or9 months])
> God bless you  guys, and thank you for your site and willingness to share
> and help!
> jeff

There are several excellent tutorials and books online for free.
You'll have to check them out and see which ones 'click' for you.
Each person learns stuff differently, and each writer has a different
'style' of writing, so you might find two tutorials that cover the same
things, but you'll like one better than the other.

This is a good place to ask questions!
Happy Programming!
b h a a l u u at g m a i l dot c o m
Tutor maillist  -