Re: [Tutor] web development question

2015-06-21 Thread Alan Gauld

On 21/06/15 18:32, Laura Creighton wrote:

If you don't know javascript, and want to code your website in
python, you might consider using web2py

New one on me, looks interesting having viewed the first 4 videos.

But not sure how it helps with the UI or Javascript?
Its still just Python on the server? Very similar to Flask
but with a nice web based IDE.
But the UI (View) is still HTML/Javascript
 - and indeed web2py includes JQuery as a standard toolset.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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Re: [Tutor] web development question

2015-06-21 Thread Laura Creighton
In a message of Sun, 21 Jun 2015 20:09:54 +0100, Alan Gauld writes:
On 21/06/15 18:32, Laura Creighton wrote:
 If you don't know javascript, and want to code your website in
 python, you might consider using web2py

New one on me, looks interesting having viewed the first 4 videos.

But not sure how it helps with the UI or Javascript?
Its still just Python on the server? Very similar to Flask
but with a nice web based IDE.
But the UI (View) is still HTML/Javascript
  - and indeed web2py includes JQuery as a standard toolset.

Maybe I am wrong, but I thought you could write in nothing but
Python and HTML.  I am going to start playing with web2py tomorrow,
so I will find out how wrong I was.


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Re: [Tutor] web development question

2015-06-21 Thread Alan Gauld

On 21/06/15 20:50, Laura Creighton wrote:

 Its still just Python on the server? Very similar to Flask
 but with a nice web based IDE.
 But the UI (View) is still HTML/Javascript

Maybe I am wrong, but I thought you could write in nothing but
Python and HTML.  I am going to start playing with web2py tomorrow,
so I will find out how wrong I was.

Like most Python web frameworks the server side is all Python
but the Views(UI ) are in HTML which includes any Javascript
you care to write. Web2py doesn't care about that it just sends
it to the browser which interprets it as usual.

So to write a modern-style web app with responsive UI you
still need to wite it in HTML/Javascript using a combination
of HTML5 and JQuery for the UI interactions/validations.

The connection between the web2py server side bits (in the
controllers) is the use of {{...}} markers within the HTML.
Anything inside the double curlies gets translated to HTML
by web2py, inserted into the View html and the View then
gets  and sent out along with the boilerplate in the
layout (html) file.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

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Re: [Tutor] web development

2005-09-28 Thread Andrew P
I've used CherryPy on a couple of projects now. I use it with
( and
SQLObject ( 

This has the advantage of being about as Pythonic as you can get, since
everything you manipulate is represented as an object.
HTMLTemplate is especially nice since it completely separates the html
from your code. I can, have, and do change the interface
frequently with impunity, and vice versa. Contrast this with
something like inline PHP. It's also editable in any old wsywig
HTML editor. But you are free to choose whatever persistent
storage and templating system you like.

CherryPy is low level, and will force you to make decisions about what
templating you want to use, and what you want to use for a
backend. But the upside is, it feels no different than writing
any other program. Just do what you've always done, choose
supporting packages you like, and it's off to the races. It's
even it's own webserver. So edit, run, edit run. Same as always.

I can tell you why I didn't choose some others. Zope is a chunky,
labyrinth-like framework. My friend runs Plone, built with Zope,
and it's easily the most resource heavy thing running on my
server. That just sent me running. Webware uses some sort
of JSP/ASP/PHP alike, which makes me cringe in horror. HTML and
code do not belong together in a big inline spaghetti lovefest.
IMHO :) 

Twisted is an asynchronous networking framework, and I haven't used
it, but actually looks fairly small, has it's own webserver, and a very
very nice looking templating system which has the same philosophy as
HTMLTemplate, but has some really cool feautures like livepage, which
seems to be the same thing as AJAX, a la google maps. I just
haven't had a reason to check it out, but it would be first on my list
to check. It's more of a kitchen sink approach, or general
purpose if you prefer, but does seem cool. So if you are looking
for something like that, well. Build websites, write chat

OK. Enough early morning rambling :) Good luck choosing. 

On 9/27/05, Don Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Earlier this month, Kent posted that Jython and Velocity are a good wayto develop dynamic web sites. After a little searching, it seems thatthere are quite a few options for web development in Python (perhapstoo many?). So, rather than ask for recommendations of which one to
use, what I would really like to know are how people decided to use anyparticular framework.Thanks!DonP.S. As an aside, does anyone have any experience with django? (Ireally like the name since I am fond of django reinhardt, the jazz
guitarist.)___Tutor maillist-Tutor@python.org

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] web development

2005-09-28 Thread Mike Hansen
 [Tutor] web development
 Tue, 27 Sep 2005 22:13:30 -0400
 Earlier this month, Kent posted that Jython and Velocity are a good way 
 to develop dynamic web sites. After a little searching, it seems that 
 there are quite a few options for web development in Python (perhaps too 
 many?). So, rather than ask for recommendations of which one to use, 
 what I would really like to know are how people decided to use any 
 particular framework.
 P.S. As an aside, does anyone have any experience with django? (I really 
 like the name since I am fond of django reinhardt, the jazz guitarist.)

I've looked at a few of the web development frameworks for Python. I'm thinking 
I'm going with CherryPy on my next project. Reading the docs, it seems to click 
with me. Mapping URLs directly to python functions seems pretty simple and 
flexible. The POST and GET parameters just show up as arguments to your 
functions. You can even decide weather or not you want to expose the function 
not. You can use any HTML templating toolkit you want with it. I'm still 
deciding on the templating toolkit to use.

Here's my take on some of the other frameworks

It seems too big for my purposes. If your web apps are going to be high volume, 
Zope is probably the answer.

It seems a little weird and complex to me. I may look at it again someday.

Uses the MVC philosophy, and appears to build a directory structure to 
facilitate that philosophy. I'm not sure I want to go there yet in that you 
to work its way and not your way. I've heard that it's very similar to Ruby on 

If I recall, it extracted woven from the Twisted Framework so that it could 
on it's own. Kind of reminded me of Quixote.

There are many others that I passed on for various reasons.

For me, if it looked like a steep learning curve, then I thought I'd be better 
off with something else. I also wanted something that's been around for a 
while(stable) with a good size community to help if I got stuck. It had to be 
fairly easy to install and configure. I didn't want to spend all my time 
it up and running on a development server. Then having problems when it's time 
to install on a production server or other servers at different locations.

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