[twitter-dev] Getting twitter user through email address

2011-01-15 Thread Ran Margaliot
Hello, is it possible, using the twitter api, to get a twitter user
through his email - searching for user by email? i know that the user/
show method was able to do it, but now the email parameter has been

any thoughts?

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[twitter-dev] Re: Using multiple via labels for an application

2011-01-15 Thread @Red_Eyes
I have exactly the same requirment and have addressed it with one oAuth 
token per product/user. Be careful, though, not to park any token names 
before you are ready to use them. I did that, not appreciateing that it was 
violating a Twitter rule of the road, and ended up having several tokens 
suspended, including those that were in use by my clients. It was because I 
was effectively reserving names which could be used later by the via 
process which you mention. Twitter were very helpful in resolving this for 
me once I explained what I was doing, but it took a short while to get the 
matter resolved. It may be better (although more work for you) to have each 
oAuth token reside in the account of each of your users rather than in once 
central account. It always worries me that the actions of one user could 
lead to the suspension of thier oAuth token and then other unrelated tokens 
as as I have them all registered under one single account. (I have built 
into my code, by the way, limits on the number of DMs, Tweets per hour and 
repeat Tweets per 24 hours etc. so that these get stopped before they hit 
Twitter's servers in an attempt to minimise the risk of this).
Hope that helps!

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[twitter-dev] Substitute .connectButton with Sign in with button for twttr.anywhere?

2011-01-15 Thread Thao
First Time API user, so this is likely a *very* basic question.

I need to either ...

1)  get .connectButton to follow the same flow that the Sign in with
button does (go offsite to authorise and then return to callbackURL)


2) to substitute the .connectButton with a Sign in with button in a
twttr.anywhere call

Instead of .
   else {   T(#twitter-connect-placeholder).connectButton();

Can I show a signin button somehow, like .
   else {   T(#twitter-connect-placeholder). [Sign in button
here] ();

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[twitter-dev] Annotations! Annotations! Annotations!

2011-01-15 Thread Marc Fawzi

Hey Twitter people,

Are Annotations ready yet? Did I miss the announcement?

Some of us have been working on applications that will enhance the Twitter 
ecosystem and we are awaiting the release of this feature.

A side question is will it be supported across all Twitter API e.g. search, 
anywhere 'data' param, stream, etc?



Envoyé de mon iFoam

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[twitter-dev] Net::Twitter::Lite cannot authenticate me

2011-01-15 Thread Sol
Hello. I'm trying to tweet programmatically using the
Net::Twitter::Lite perl module. I use their example verbatim, with my
consumer_key and consumer_secret which I got by registering an app on

When I run the script I get Could not authenticate you. I did copy
and paste the two keys so there shouldn't be any typos.

I did search the archives for this group and, while I see postings
quite similar to mine, I couldn't find any resolutions or information
that might help me.

How can I debug this?

Here's my script:

use warnings;

use Net::Twitter::Lite;
use Scalar::Util 'blessed';

# As of 13-Aug-2010, Twitter requires OAuth for authenticated
requests  my $nt = Net::Twitter::Lite-new(
  traits   = [qw/OAuth API::REST/],
  consumer_key= 'my consumer_key',
  consumer_secret = 'my_consumer_secret',
  access_token= $token,  access_token_secret =

  my $result = $nt-update('Hello, world!');
  eval {
  my $statuses = $nt-friends_timeline({ since_id = $high_water,
count = 100 });
  for my $status ( @$statuses ) {
  print $status-{created_at} $status-{user}{screen_name}
  if ( my $err = $@ ) {
  die $@ unless blessed $err  $err-

  warn HTTP Response Code: , $err-code, \n,
   HTTP Message..: , $err-message, \n,
   Twitter error.: , $err-error, \n;

Thanks very much.


Twitter developer documentation and resources: http://dev.twitter.com/doc
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[twitter-dev] Re: API X-RateLimit-Remaining goes to 0 on our first request after midnight

2011-01-15 Thread Zach Gardner
Just got into the office and sure enough I got an email of a 400
response last night at 12:59 AM. From what I can tell the last request
before the 400 was at 11:55 PM and had an expiration time of 11:57 PM.

This does still match up with my first request after midnight theory,
but I noticed something else interesting in the header. The date in
the header is Sat, 15 Jan 2011 06:59:21 GMT, which would be 12:59:21
AM CST. The X-RateLimit-Reset is 1295074762, which is 12:59:22 AM CST.

It's possible that there was a request done after 11:57 PM that I'm
not tracking and that our request was just lucky to be sent one second
before our reset, but I find the one second different a little too
close to ignore.


On Jan 14, 9:32 am, Zach Gardner z.gard...@hotmail.com wrote:
 We've been having problems recently with going over our rate limit
 when making API calls. We do a lot of server side caching of the
 responses we get from the API, so I was curious why we were going over
 our limit. I setup our application to record the headers we receive
 each time we make an API call, and found something interesting with X-

 When we make our first API call in a while a little before midnight,
 we get a new rate limit remaining and new expiration time. But as soon
 as we make a call to the API after midnight, our rate limit goes to 0,
 so we have to wait till the expiration time to start making calls

 Yesterday at 11:50 PM CST we made the first call to the API after our
 expiration time passed. Our X-RateLimit-Remaining was 149 out of 150
 because that call used one of our allotted 150 per hour. The next call
 we made to the API was this morning at 12:10 AM CST, but our X-
 RateLimit-Remaining was 0. It's entirely possible that I didn't add
 the header tracking to another place we do API calls, but I doubt we'd
 have that much traffic at that time of the day to use 149 calls in 20

 For the past few weeks I had it set to email me when the API returns a
 400 Bad Request header. I've gotten one on the 11th at 12:17, the 10th
 at 12:37, the 8th at 12:22, and the 6th at 12:23 AM CST. (Google
 crawls our site around midnight our time, and our server side caches
 have expired by that time, which is the origin of most of the

 I found something interesting while looking through our logs for the
 12th. We made an API call on the 11th at 11:35 PM, which used our
 146th call per hour. The expiration time for that hour was the 12th at
 12:04 AM. The next call we made was on the 12th at 12:35 AM, after our
 expiration date. Our rate limit remaining was back at 149 out of 150
 with an expiration at 1:35 AM as expected.

 I was wondering if anyone has experienced something similar, or am I
 just missing something entirely. I can provide the headers in full if



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[twitter-dev] Regarding basic authentication problem

2011-01-15 Thread sangeeta

I have generated an application in xcode for iphones which uses
twitter API, is giving basic authentication not supported error.

can you pliz help me?

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[twitter-dev] Garden hose access

2011-01-15 Thread James Simmons

I'm interested in finding out how to receive Garden Hose level access
to the stream. I'm currently using the Spritzer-level access (http://
stream.twitter.com/1/statuses/sample.json). I've looked far and wide
for information on how to actually increase your access level but I
can't seem to find any information about it on the Web or on
Twitter.com. Is there a dept. within Twitter that I can contact to
arrange the details of upgrading my service level?

Thank you,

James Simmons

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[twitter-dev] Twitter Button and W3C Validator

2011-01-15 Thread Murray Smith
We're adding the Tweet Button to our test web page ( 
http://www.plentyofforestryjobs.com/00_fj_index.html ) and are receiving the 
following errors from the W3C Validator ( http://validator.w3.org ):

*Line 178, Column 82*: there is no attribute data-url 
*Line 178, Column 141*: there is no attribute data-text 
*Line 178, Column 206*: there is no attribute data-count 
*Line 178, Column 228*: there is no attribute data-via 

Our Twitter code is:
a href=http://twitter.com/share; class=twitter-share-button 
data-url=http://www.plentyofforestryjobs.com/index.html; data-text=Check 
out the new job at Plenty of Forestry Jobs™ ! data-count=horizontal 
data-via=PFJForestryJobsTweet/ascript type=text/javascript 

How do we resolve these errors?  Thanks in advance!

Twitter developer documentation and resources: http://dev.twitter.com/doc
API updates via Twitter: http://twitter.com/twitterapi
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[twitter-dev] W3C Validator Errors and Tweet Button

2011-01-15 Thread Murray Smith
We're adding the Tweet Button to our test web page ( 
http://www.plentyofforestryjobs.com/00_fj_index.html ) and are receiving the 
following errors from the W3C Validator ( http://validator.w3.org ):

*Line 178, Column 82*: there is no attribute data-url 
*Line 178, Column 141*: there is no attribute data-text 
*Line 178, Column 206*: there is no attribute data-count 
*Line 178, Column 228*: there is no attribute data-via 

Our Twitter code is:
a href=http://twitter.com/share
 class=twitter-share-button data-url=
http://www.plentyofforestryjobs.com/index.html; data-text=Check out the new 
job at Plenty of Forestry Jobs™ ! data-count=horizontal 
data-via=PFJForestryJobsTweet/ascript type=text/javascript src=

How do we resolve these errors?  Thanks in advance!

Twitter developer documentation and resources: http://dev.twitter.com/doc
API updates via Twitter: http://twitter.com/twitterapi
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[twitter-dev] setFollow Filter mentions

2011-01-15 Thread Hope R.
Hi - I've installed the database server and it works like a charm!
Thanks so much for putting the time into this project.

For my purposes, I'm using setFollow with an array of userIDs for the

I need to display mentions only from the users that are included in
the setFollow array.  Currently it is importing all mentions, i.e.
users/bots that these accounts do not follow.  All the accounts are
set to follow each other.

From another post on your blog:

Since I only want tweets made by these users, I’ll have the code that
collects the tweets returned by the API check each tweets author and
only save the tweet if it is by one of the users being followed.

Do you have that code available or could you suggest the best way to
achieve this?


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