[twitter-dev] Deleting Extra Callback URLs

2011-06-24 Thread DustyReagan
I can't seem to delete any of my apps extra callback URLs at
dev.twitter.com. I just get an error that says:

Sorry, a temporary error occurred.
Please try again later.

I've tried again later, and the problem persists.

Anyone else having this problem?

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[twitter-dev] Re: Deleting Extra Callback URLs

2011-06-24 Thread DustyReagan
Sent via email. Thanks Matt!

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[twitter-dev] oauth_bridge_code Disabled?

2011-06-15 Thread DustyReagan
Was oauth_bridge_code disabled? If so how are we suppost to bridge
@anywhere OAuth logins to the REST API?

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[twitter-dev] Re: New Status Using A Query String

2011-05-17 Thread DustyReagan
So Intents are great, but are you officially deprecating the ?
status= functionality? Because it's been in place and working for
years. We need to know if it's simply going to stop working one day.
Also, is today that day?

On May 17, 5:12 pm, Megan yarbrough.me...@gmail.com wrote:
 Having the same issue.

 On May 17, 5:29 pm, Mo maur...@moluv.com wrote:

  It may just be me, but is anyone else having any problems adding a
  status to Twitter by passing a query string?

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[twitter-dev] @Anywhere JavaScript API Status?

2011-04-25 Thread DustyReagan
Looks like the documentation for the @Anywhere JavaScript API is down
http://platform.twitter.com/js-api.html. What does that mean for the
status of the JavaScript API?

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[twitter-dev] X-RateLimit-Remaining on @Anywhere Hovercards

2011-04-21 Thread DustyReagan
I see using Charles proxy that X-RateLimit-Remaining is returned after
requesting an @Anywhere Hovercard. Is there a good way to get that
data off the Hovercard?

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[twitter-dev] HTTP API calls redirect to HTTPS?

2011-04-21 Thread DustyReagan
I just noticed via Charles proxy that http://api.twitter.com Rest API
calls are redirected to httpS://api.twitter.com. Is this the correct
and permanent behavior?

If so, a lot of unnecessary redirects could be trimmed if API
developers knew to only request the HTTPS endpoint. I noticed in the
developer documentation, the standard HTTP url is still used.

Should we be using HTTPS?

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[twitter-dev] Re: HTTP API calls redirect to HTTPS?

2011-04-21 Thread DustyReagan
Yeah, you got it! That's exactly what's happening. Thanks Abraham!

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[twitter-dev] Re: Tweet Button vs ?Status=

2011-04-11 Thread DustyReagan
Nice! I didn't realize the intent page had the related and via
parameters! Great compromise between the aforementioned 2 options.
Thanks guys!

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[twitter-dev] Tweet Button vs ?Status=

2011-04-10 Thread DustyReagan
I'm torn between using the Tweet Button and simply linking to
http://twitter.com/home?status=whatever ?

It seems like the Tweet Button has a ton more overhead and complexity
than a simple link with a querystring. I guess you get to show off
your retweet count and solicite a follow with Tweet Button though.

What say you? Do you prefer one to the other?

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[twitter-dev] Re: Tweet Button vs ?Status=

2011-04-10 Thread DustyReagan
Yup. That's another way. Is that your preferred way? And if so why?

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[twitter-dev] Re: Some changes and updates to the API and Tweet Button

2011-03-25 Thread DustyReagan
Not that my opinion matters, but this one sucks:

[Soon] followers/ids and friends/ids is being updated to set the
cursor to
-1 if it isn't supplied during the request. This changes the default
response format.

Paging these results is slow. I've been avoiding it whenever possible.
I don't suppose these results will ever be able to be asynchronously

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[twitter-dev] Re: Snowflake: An update and some very important information

2010-11-23 Thread DustyReagan
Maybe this is a little naive, and I know you gotta' consider backwards
compatibility, but it seems like a bad idea to rely on status ID for
chronological sorting. If you want tweets displayed in order, sort by
the timestamp. If you get rid of the sorting requirement on the ID.
Why not do what Dean said? Just use a GUID for the ID. Languages
without GUIDs would treat it as a unique string.

It might be a pain to switch to GUIDs, but it sounds like switching to
Snowflake is no walk in the park either.

On Nov 22, 3:42 pm, jough jough.demp...@gmail.com wrote:
 I gather the reason for the 64-bit int type was to maintain some
 backwards-compatibility around the old sequential IDs, so both the old-
 style and Snowflake IDs could be sorted and you could glean that
 smaller IDs are older than larger integers.  U/GUIDs wouldn't be
 sortable in any meaningful fashion.

 - Jough

 On Nov 19, 10:42 pm, dean dean.pou...@gmail.com wrote:

  Why not just use a GUID or UUID type for the ID type (IE:
  3F2504E0-4F89-11D3-9A0C-0305E82C3301)?  This way you're not restricted
  by using a numeric data type that each language could potentially
  define differently.

  For languages that don't directly have a GUID or UUID type, they can
  treat that ID as a string, and the higher level languages can use the
  GUID data type directly.

  On Oct 18, 7:19 pm, Matt Harris thematthar...@twitter.com wrote:

   Last week you may remember Twitter planned to enable the new Status ID
   generator - 'Snowflake' but didn't. The purpose of this email is to 
   the reason why this didn't happen, what we are doing about it, and what 
   new release plan is.

   So what is Snowflake?
   Snowflake is a service we will be using to generate unique Tweet IDs. 
   Tweet IDs are unique 64bit unsigned integers, which, instead of being
   sequential like the current IDs, are based on time. The full ID is 
   of a timestamp, a worker number, and a sequence number.

   The problem
   Before launch it came to our attention that some programming languages 
   as Javascript cannot support numbers with 53bits. This can be easily
   examined by running a command similar to: (90071992547409921).toString() 
   your browsers console or by running the following JSON snippet through 
   JSON parser.

       {id: 10765432100123456789, id_str: 10765432100123456789}

   In affected JSON parsers the ID will not be converted successfully and 
   lose accuracy. In some parsers there may even be an exception.

   The solution
   To allow javascript and JSON parsers to read the IDs we need to include a
   string version of any ID when responding in the JSON format. What this 
   is Status, User, Direct Message and Saved Search IDs in the Twitter API 
   now be returned as an integer and a string in JSON responses. This will
   apply to the main Twitter API, the Streaming API and the Search API.

   For example, a status object will now contain an id and an id_str. The
   following JSON representation of a status object shows the two versions of
   the ID fields for each data point.

       coordinates: null,
       truncated: false,
       created_at: Thu Oct 14 22:20:15 + 2010,
       favorited: false,
       entities: {
         urls: [
         hashtags: [
         user_mentions: [
             name: Matt Harris,
             id: 777925,
             id_str: 777925,
             indices: [
             screen_name: themattharris
       text: @themattharris hey how are things?,
       annotations: null,
       contributors: [
           id: 819797,
           id_str: 819797,
           screen_name: episod
       id: 12738165059,
       id_str: 12738165059,
       retweet_count: 0,
       geo: null,
       retweeted: false,
       in_reply_to_user_id: 777925,
       in_reply_to_user_id_str: 777925,
       in_reply_to_screen_name: themattharris,
       user: {
         id: 6253282
         id_str: 6253282
       source: web,
       place: null,
       in_reply_to_status_id: 12738040524
       in_reply_to_status_id_str: 12738040524

   What should you do - RIGHT NOW
   The first thing you should do is attempt to decode the JSON snippet above
   using your production code parser. Observe the output to confirm the ID 
   not lost accuracy.

   What you do next depends on what happens:

   * If your code converts the ID successfully without losing accuracy you 
   OK but should consider converting to the _str versions of IDs as soon as
   * If your code has lost accuracy, convert your code to using the _str
   version immediately. If you do not 

[twitter-dev] Re: Identify Suspended Accounts

2010-11-11 Thread DustyReagan
They closed the ticket: 

I commented to try and get it re-opened. Perhaps a new ticket needs to
be opened.

If this bug doesn't get fixed, I think what I'll try doing is use
javascript to intercept all user requests to vist Twitter.com. I'll
check just the webpage's head and look for a 404. If it's a 404 I'll
send a message back to my server and verify it's a suspended account
via a user show API call, then mark it in my DB. The user will see the
error page once, but not a 2nd time. Pain! And even this method has no
way of finding suspended accounts that have since been un-suspended.
The only way I can think of dealing with that is to constantly check
currently suspended accounts to see if they've been reactivated.

Maybe we should just refer our complaining users to the ticket issue
so they can comment and star it. ;)

On Nov 11, 12:14 am, Tim Haines tmhai...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hey Dusty,

 It's currently assigned to @al3x, I'm sure he'll get to it some day.  ;-)

 I have a list of about 28k suspended ids or deleted accounts, out of around
 8m I have on file.  I'm pretty sure there's maybe 5% or so false positives
 in there, as accounts become unsuspended but I don't have an automatic
 process in place checking for that.  The 5% guess is based on a manual check
 about a month ago.

 I'd be happy to share this list with you if Twitter's not going to provide
 something themselves.  Perhaps we could swap ids..



 On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 11:12 AM, DustyReagan dustyrea...@gmail.com wrote:
  If memory serves, Twitter is still returning suspended accounts in the
  followers API calls. I try to identify and mark these users in my own
  database so I don't display them to my end user, however this is a
  difficult and resource intensive task. One in which I have to worry
  about false positives.

  Does anyone know of a service that is simply a reliable ever updating
  giant list of suspended accounts that I can rub against my database to
  clean it?

  Alternatively, if the API would stop returning suspended accounts in
  the follow data, I could skip this data cleanup step. ;) This has been
  an issue for at least a year and a half now.http://bit.ly/agSBZ7

  Twitter developer documentation and resources:http://dev.twitter.com/doc
  API updates via Twitter:http://twitter.com/twitterapi
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Twitter developer documentation and resources: http://dev.twitter.com/doc
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Issues/Enhancements Tracker: http://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/list
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[twitter-dev] Re: Identify Suspended Accounts

2010-11-11 Thread DustyReagan
Wahoo! I can't tell you how happy I'd be to see this issue resolved
Matt! My users hate seeing suspended accounts, and I've had a rough
time trying to keep up with them in order to hide them. This issue's
resolution would fix the bigest complaint my users have, and I could
delete a whole bunch of ugly code and API calls. :)

Please let me know if I can help by looking up more examples.

On Nov 11, 8:03 pm, Matt Harris thematthar...@twitter.com wrote:
 Just so we're all on the same page this is the comment I left on the issue

 This is an old ticket which recent tests cannot reproduce. I've run through
 with some test accounts and suspended users are not returned in the
 friends/followers ids lists.

 Is there a specific method in which a suspended user is being returned? If
 there is let us know with an example and we'll reopen the ticket.

 Also fixing the status as a duplicate without a related status ID is not

 I hope the message was clear here that this was not Just another example of
 the twitter dev/advocates ignoring a blatant issue. but instead something
 we were unable to reproduce.

 DustyReagan responded with examples of where this is still an issue and so
 the ticket has been re-opened and we are investigating.

 Developer Advocate, Twitterhttp://twitter.com/themattharris

 On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 2:22 PM, Edward Hotchkiss 

 edw...@edwardhotchkiss.com wrote:
  Just another example of the twitter dev/advocates ignoring a blatant issue.


  Edward H. Hotchkiss

  On Nov 11, 2010, at 4:02 PM, DustyReagan wrote:

   They closed the ticket:

  I commented to try and get it re-opened. Perhaps a new ticket needs to
  be opened.

  If this bug doesn't get fixed, I think what I'll try doing is use
  javascript to intercept all user requests to vist Twitter.com. I'll
  check just the webpage's head and look for a 404. If it's a 404 I'll
  send a message back to my server and verify it's a suspended account
  via a user show API call, then mark it in my DB. The user will see the
  error page once, but not a 2nd time. Pain! And even this method has no
  way of finding suspended accounts that have since been un-suspended.
  The only way I can think of dealing with that is to constantly check
  currently suspended accounts to see if they've been reactivated.

  Maybe we should just refer our complaining users to the ticket issue
  so they can comment and star it. ;)

  On Nov 11, 12:14 am, Tim Haines tmhai...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hey Dusty,

  It's currently assigned to @al3x, I'm sure he'll get to it some day.  ;-)

  I have a list of about 28k suspended ids or deleted accounts, out of
  8m I have on file.  I'm pretty sure there's maybe 5% or so false
  in there, as accounts become unsuspended but I don't have an automatic
  process in place checking for that.  The 5% guess is based on a manual
  about a month ago.

  I'd be happy to share this list with you if Twitter's not going to
  something themselves.  Perhaps we could swap ids..



  On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 11:12 AM, DustyReagan dustyrea...@gmail.com

  If memory serves, Twitter is still returning suspended accounts in the
  followers API calls. I try to identify and mark these users in my own
  database so I don't display them to my end user, however this is a
  difficult and resource intensive task. One in which I have to worry
  about false positives.

   Does anyone know of a service that is simply a reliable ever updating
  giant list of suspended accounts that I can rub against my database to
  clean it?

   Alternatively, if the API would stop returning suspended accounts in
  the follow data, I could skip this data cleanup step. ;) This has been
  an issue for at least a year and a half now.http://bit.ly/agSBZ7

  Twitter developer documentation and resources:
  API updates via Twitter:http://twitter.com/twitterapi
  Issues/Enhancements Tracker:
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  Twitter developer documentation and resources:http://dev.twitter.com/doc
  API updates via Twitter:http://twitter.com/twitterapi
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  Change your membership to this group:

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[twitter-dev] Identify Suspended Accounts

2010-11-10 Thread DustyReagan
If memory serves, Twitter is still returning suspended accounts in the
followers API calls. I try to identify and mark these users in my own
database so I don't display them to my end user, however this is a
difficult and resource intensive task. One in which I have to worry
about false positives.

Does anyone know of a service that is simply a reliable ever updating
giant list of suspended accounts that I can rub against my database to
clean it?

Alternatively, if the API would stop returning suspended accounts in
the follow data, I could skip this data cleanup step. ;) This has been
an issue for at least a year and a half now. http://bit.ly/agSBZ7

Twitter developer documentation and resources: http://dev.twitter.com/doc
API updates via Twitter: http://twitter.com/twitterapi
Issues/Enhancements Tracker: http://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/list
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[twitter-dev] Re: Sharing MySQL User Table Schema

2010-04-02 Thread DustyReagan

It depends on what you're trying to accomplish. For example, for
Friend Or Follow I only store the user's latest tweet. I disregard all
other tweets. In that case storing the last status object with the
user object makes the most sense, and does not create duplicate rows.
If you're storing more than the user's last tweet, absolutely, you
should have a 'tweet' table and a 'user' table linked by the user's

On Apr 2, 6:55 am, Nigel Legg nigel.l...@gmail.com wrote:
 Dusty, just took a look at that, good stuff.
 Wouldn't it be better database design to have separate tables for user and
 status, and only update user details if they have changed?  This design
 suggests you will have a lot of duplicate data in the database.  Just a

 On 2 April 2010 02:26, DustyReagan dustyrea...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hey Damon!

  FoF is missing several new and new(ish) fields, particularly because
  it takes ages to update the DB. I'll add the verified field to gist!

  Thanks for pointing out the protected field! I think I set it to
  varchar(5) because Twitter sometimes sends back 'false' and sometimes
  sends back '1', and most of the time sends back null. (It may send
  back '0', and 'true' as well, I can't remember.) I save it to the DB
  the way Twitter sends it, and do the mapping on read. Probably the
  smart thing to do is, like you said, make it a tinyint(1) then scrub
  the data before insert.

  My new strategy to database updates is 1) to do as many as possible in
  one batch 2) put Friend Or Follow in read-only mode, so it still
  works, but the DB user cache/table isn't updating. I can stop doing
  inserts for a few days before anyone seems to really notice. A more
  better solution would probably be some sorta' hot swap, ie: point the
  app to a backup copy of the DB, do the updates on the primary DB, then
  point the app back to the primary DB. It's easier for me to just go
  read-only for a stint though. Updates are a headache with YesSQL for

  On Apr 1, 7:15 pm, Damon C d.lifehac...@gmail.com wrote:
   Curious why you're using a varchar field for protected as opposed to
   tinyint(1)/boolean? I don't see a verified field either, not sure if
   that's necessary for FoF.

   Other than that, most of my stuff is pretty similar although I'm not
   quite as discerning on the lengths of the fields. I usually just do

   Do you have a strategy/opinion for when Twitter adds additional fields
   like geo, verified, etc? This is one of the primary reasons I've been
   considering leaving YesSQL since I have to shut down my site for hours
   just to do an ALTER. :(


   On Apr 1, 4:12 pm, DustyReagan dustyrea...@gmail.com wrote:

So, it occurs to me how many developers must be reinventing the MySQL
schema for the User object. I've started work on optimizing my
database for Friend Or Follow, and thought it'd be cool to share my
schema and collaborate with other YesSQL users.

Here's where I'm starting:

Leave comments here or on my blog and I'll update the MySQL in the
main post. It'd be nice to have this for other Twitter objects as well.

To unsubscribe, reply using remove me as the subject.

[twitter-dev] Re: Lists count in User object

2010-04-02 Thread DustyReagan
Good to hear! Thanks Raffi! :)

On Apr 2, 12:07 pm, Nigel Legg nigel.l...@gmail.com wrote:
 Good news - especially as I see number of lists a user is on as being an
 important factor affecting the (potential) popularity of their tweets ;-).

 On 2 April 2010 17:57, Raffi Krikorian ra...@twitter.com wrote:

  yup - its on our list.  we're working on a series of things behind the
  scenes which will allow us to have volatile data available in user objects
  in a scalable manner in the API.  as you all probably know, the user object
  is embedded in the status object, and sometimes those objects become out of
  sync with reality and the like -- once we fix this, getting list data into
  the user object is high on the list.

  On Fri, Apr 2, 2010 at 12:51 AM, Nigel Legg nigel.l...@gmail.com wrote:

  List membership is as important as followers in terms of reach of a
  twitter account (I won't say person, as bots and group-run corporate
  accounts also have followers and get on lists). If you cannot easily see 
  many lists a person is on, you can't see
  a) how relevant / influential they are to their current followers; and
  b) the potential reach, beyond the n. followers they already have, that
  the lists represent.
  At the moment I permanently follow three lists created by other people, on
  which more than half the people I don't follow, I'm sure there are plenty 
  other people (especially tweetdeck users, where it is so easy) who do the
  same thing.
  For these reasons, I would say putting the list count in the user object
  would provide us and our users with very useful additional piece of data.
  Cheers, Nigel.

  On 2 April 2010 07:19, Damon C d.lifehac...@gmail.com wrote:

  I heard somewhere that the list count is supposed to be included in
  the user object at some point, although I can't remember where I heard
  that/what the timeline was.

  Until then, best solution appears to be (I hate to say it) scraping
  the website. Otherwise, the API calls could get out of hand for users
  on a ton of lists.


  On Apr 1, 10:20 pm, Orian Marx (@orian) or...@orianmarx.com wrote:
   Yeah this was logged in the bug tracker I think the day lists were
   rolled out to the public, but it looks like it never received an
   official response and is still marked as a new entry. :(

   On Apr 1, 5:16 pm, DustyReagan dustyrea...@gmail.com wrote:

I was wondering if it'd be possible to get the number of lists a user
belongs to returned in the User object. I noticed the list count is
displayed beside status, follower, and following counts all over
Twitter, looks like the list count may be on the same level as the
other counts. I'd like to include the list counts in my application
without making additional API calls. Possibility?

  To unsubscribe, reply using remove me as the subject.

  Raffi Krikorian
  Twitter Platform Team

[twitter-dev] Lists count in User object

2010-04-01 Thread DustyReagan
I was wondering if it'd be possible to get the number of lists a user
belongs to returned in the User object. I noticed the list count is
displayed beside status, follower, and following counts all over
Twitter, looks like the list count may be on the same level as the
other counts. I'd like to include the list counts in my application
without making additional API calls. Possibility?

To unsubscribe, reply using remove me as the subject.

[twitter-dev] Sharing MySQL User Table Schema

2010-04-01 Thread DustyReagan
So, it occurs to me how many developers must be reinventing the MySQL
schema for the User object. I've started work on optimizing my
database for Friend Or Follow, and thought it'd be cool to share my
schema and collaborate with other YesSQL users.

Here's where I'm starting:

Leave comments here or on my blog and I'll update the MySQL in the
main post. It'd be nice to have this for other Twitter objects as well.

To unsubscribe, reply using remove me as the subject.

[twitter-dev] Re: Sharing MySQL User Table Schema

2010-04-01 Thread DustyReagan
Oh nice! Didn't know about gist.

Here it is: http://gist.github.com/352508

On Apr 1, 6:16 pm, Abraham Williams 4bra...@gmail.com wrote:
 You should consider moving the schema to something 
 likehttp://gist.github.com/. Then other developers can fork it for their
 modifications, revisions will be kept track of and you can even embed the
 code on your blog and it will always be the latest version.


 On Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 16:12, DustyReagan dustyrea...@gmail.com wrote:
  So, it occurs to me how many developers must be reinventing the MySQL
  schema for the User object. I've started work on optimizing my
  database for Friend Or Follow, and thought it'd be cool to share my
  schema and collaborate with other YesSQL users.

  Here's where I'm starting:

  Leave comments here or on my blog and I'll update the MySQL in the
  main post. It'd be nice to have this for other Twitter objects as well.

  To unsubscribe, reply using remove me as the subject.

 Abraham Williams | Community Advocate |http://abrah.am
 Digri | Your network just got hotter |http://digri.net
 This email is: [ ] shareable [x] ask first [ ] private.

[twitter-dev] Re: Sharing MySQL User Table Schema

2010-04-01 Thread DustyReagan
Hey Damon!

FoF is missing several new and new(ish) fields, particularly because
it takes ages to update the DB. I'll add the verified field to gist!

Thanks for pointing out the protected field! I think I set it to
varchar(5) because Twitter sometimes sends back 'false' and sometimes
sends back '1', and most of the time sends back null. (It may send
back '0', and 'true' as well, I can't remember.) I save it to the DB
the way Twitter sends it, and do the mapping on read. Probably the
smart thing to do is, like you said, make it a tinyint(1) then scrub
the data before insert.

My new strategy to database updates is 1) to do as many as possible in
one batch 2) put Friend Or Follow in read-only mode, so it still
works, but the DB user cache/table isn't updating. I can stop doing
inserts for a few days before anyone seems to really notice. A more
better solution would probably be some sorta' hot swap, ie: point the
app to a backup copy of the DB, do the updates on the primary DB, then
point the app back to the primary DB. It's easier for me to just go
read-only for a stint though. Updates are a headache with YesSQL for

On Apr 1, 7:15 pm, Damon C d.lifehac...@gmail.com wrote:
 Curious why you're using a varchar field for protected as opposed to
 tinyint(1)/boolean? I don't see a verified field either, not sure if
 that's necessary for FoF.

 Other than that, most of my stuff is pretty similar although I'm not
 quite as discerning on the lengths of the fields. I usually just do

 Do you have a strategy/opinion for when Twitter adds additional fields
 like geo, verified, etc? This is one of the primary reasons I've been
 considering leaving YesSQL since I have to shut down my site for hours
 just to do an ALTER. :(


 On Apr 1, 4:12 pm, DustyReagan dustyrea...@gmail.com wrote:

  So, it occurs to me how many developers must be reinventing the MySQL
  schema for the User object. I've started work on optimizing my
  database for Friend Or Follow, and thought it'd be cool to share my
  schema and collaborate with other YesSQL users.

  Here's where I'm 

  Leave comments here or on my blog and I'll update the MySQL in the
  main post. It'd be nice to have this for other Twitter objects as well.

[twitter-dev] Re: Bulk User Lookups

2010-03-29 Thread DustyReagan
Agreed! Thanks for this method! With the secondary limits removed, the
bulk user lookup method is amazing! :)

On Mar 26, 9:33 am, Dewald Pretorius dpr...@gmail.com wrote:
 I just want to say thank you for the new users/lookup API method, and
 for removing the secondary limits.

 It has improved the response times in relevant areas of my app by
 orders of magnitude.

To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
twitter-development-talk+unsubscribegooglegroups.com or reply to this email 
with the words REMOVE ME as the subject.

[twitter-dev] Profile Image Host Name Parallelization

2010-02-26 Thread DustyReagan
I'm trying to speed up my Twitter application, and one of the
recommendations I ran across was to increase the download
parallelization of the numerous Twitter profile images on my webpage.

Just out of curiosity, I tried:


and noticed they all resolve. Perhaps Twitter is using this same
performance tactic?

Can we rely on spreading our profile image requests from a1.twimg.com
to a5.twimg.com for our applications?

[twitter-dev] Disappearing / Reappearing Social Graph Lists

2010-01-20 Thread DustyReagan
I noticed an issue tonight where a user's Friends, Followers, and
Lists counts randomly goes down to zero. For example, I can refresh
http://twitter.com/TastyTracy a few times and her Friends, Followers,
and Lists counts randomly drop to zero and come back on the next

It also happens in the API.

If I refresh the following method a few times, it will return the
correct Friends array, but sometimes it will return an empty array,
with a status of 200.


Can anyone confirm this is happening to them as well.

Hopefully this won't magically be fixed by the time someone tries it
on this example account.

[twitter-dev] Re: Social Graph API: Legacy data format will be eliminated 1/11/2010

2010-01-08 Thread DustyReagan
As large as possible. 100k would be a huge improvement.

For FriendOrFollow.com I need the user's entire social graph to
effectively calculate who's not following them back, who they're not
following back, and their mutual friendships. I can't really cache
this data because user's make decisions on who to follow and unfollow
based on my data. If the data is old, I start hearing complaints about
how a user unfollowed someone who was really following them, etc. So
the data really needs to be pulled on page load. The 5k at a time
cursors pretty much cripples FriendOrFollow for anyone with an
impressive amount of followers, and it also takes too many API calls
to be rate limit effective. The more IDs that can be pulled at once,
the better.

If I could have the user's IDs streamed to me like the streaming API
does tweets, that would be pretty hot.

On Jan 8, 2:38 pm, Dossy Shiobara do...@panoptic.com wrote:
 100k, at the minimum.

 On 1/8/10 3:35 PM, Wilhelm Bierbaum wrote:

  How much larger do you think makes it easier?

  On Jan 7, 6:42 pm, st...@implu.com st...@implu.com wrote:
  I would agree with several views expressed in various posts here.

  1) A cursor-less call that returns all IDs makes for simpler code and
  fewer API calls. i.e. less processing time.

  2) If we must have a 'cursored' call then at least allow for cursor=-1
  to return a larger number than 5k.

 Dossy Shiobara              | do...@panoptic.com |http://dossy.org/
 Panoptic Computer Network   |http://panoptic.com/
   He realized the fastest way to change is to laugh at your own
     folly -- then you can let go and quickly move on. (p. 70)

[twitter-dev] Re: Social Graph API: Legacy data format will be eliminated 1/11/2010

2009-12-29 Thread DustyReagan
I 2nd Dewald's sentiments.

On Dec 27, 8:29 pm, Dewald Pretorius dpr...@gmail.com wrote:
 What is being deprecated here is the old pagination method with the
 page parameter.

 As noted earlier, it is going to cause great pain if the API is going
 to assume a cursor of -1 if no cursor is specified, and hence enforce
 the use of cursors regardless of the size of the social graph.

 The API is currently comfortably returning social graphs smaller than
 200,000 members in one call. I very rarely get a 502 on social graphs
 of that size. It makes no sense to force us to make 40 API where 1 API
 call currently suffices and works. Those 40 API calls take between 40
 and 80 seconds to complete, as opposed to 1 to 2 seconds for the
 single API call. Multiply that by a few thousand Twitter accounts, and
 it adds hours of additional processing time, which is completely
 unnecessary, and will make getting through a large number of accounts
 virtually impossible.

 On Dec 27, 7:45 pm, Zac Bowling zbowl...@gmail.com wrote:

  I agree with the others to some extent. Although its a good signal to stop
  using something ASAP when something is depreciated, saying depreciated and
  not giving definite time-line on it's removal isn't good either. (Source
  params are deprecated but still work and don't have solid deprecation date,
  and I'm still going on using them because OAuth sucks for desktop/mobile
  situations still and would die with a 15 day heads up on removal).

  Also iPhone app devs using this API will would probably have a hard time
  squeezing a 15 day return on Apple right now.

  Zac Bowling

  On Sun, Dec 27, 2009 at 3:28 PM, Dewald Pretorius dpr...@gmail.com wrote:
   I agree 100%.

   Calls without the starting cursor of -1 must still return all
   followers as is currently the case.

   As a test I've set my system to use cursors on all calls. It inflates
   the processing time so much that things become completely unworkable.

   We can programmatically use cursors if showuser says that the person
   has more than a certain number of friends/followers. That's what I'm
   currently doing, and it works beautifully. So, please do not force us
   to use cursors on all calls.

   On Dec 24, 7:20 am, Aki yoru.fuku...@gmail.com wrote:
I agree with PJB. The previous announcements only said that the
pagination will be deprecated.


However, both of the announcements did not say that the API call
without page parameter to get
all IDs will be removed or replaced with cursor pagination.
The deprecation of this method is not being documented as PJB said.

On Dec 24, 5:00 pm, PJB pjbmancun...@gmail.com wrote:

 Why hasn't this been announced before?  Why does the API suggest
 something totally different?  At the very least, can you please hold
 off on deprecation of this until 2/11/2010?  This is a new API change.

 On Dec 23, 7:45 pm, Raffi Krikorian ra...@twitter.com wrote:

  yes - if you do not pass in cursors, then the API will behave as
   though you
  requested the first cursor.


   Your announcement is apparently expanding the changeover from page
   cursor in new, unannounced ways??

   The API documentation page says: If the cursor parameter is not
   provided, all IDs are attempted to be returned, but large sets of
   will likely fail with timeout errors.

   Yesterday you wrote: Starting soon, if you fail to pass a cursor,
   data returned will be that of the first cursor (-1) and the
   next_cursor and previous_cursor elements will be included.

   I can understand the need to swap from page to cursor, but was
   that a single call was still available to return (or attempt to
   return) all friend/follower ids.  Now you are saying that, in
   to the changeover from page to cursor, you are also getting rid of

   Can you please confirm/deny?

   On Dec 22, 4:13 pm, Wilhelm Bierbaum wilh...@twitter.com wrote:
We noticed that some clients are still calling social graph
without cursor parameters. We wanted to take time to make sure
people were calling the updated methods which return data with
instead of the old formats that do not.

As previously announced in September (http://bit.ly/46x1iL) and
November (http://bit.ly/3UQ0LU), the legacy data formats
as a result of calling social graph endpoints without a cursor
parameter are deprecated and will be removed.

These formats have been removed from the API wiki since

You should always pass a cursor parameter. Starting soon, if you
to pass a cursor, the data returned 

[twitter-dev] Re: Search API: new HTTP response code 420 for rate limiting starting 1/18/2010

2009-12-22 Thread DustyReagan
Will you be changing the REST API error code to match the Search API?
RE: 420 = rate limit exceeded.

On Dec 22, 4:44 pm, Wilhelm Bierbaum wilh...@twitter.com wrote:
 We're changing the response code sent back by the Search API when the
 rate limit has been exceeded. At present, it is impossible to
 distinguish rate limit responses from other error conditions in
 responses from the Search API -- this is what we're trying to fix.

 Starting Monday, January 18th, 2010 the Search API will respond
 with error code 420 in the event that the number of requests you have
 made exceeds the quota afforded by your assigned rate limit.

 Please update your response your response handler to accommodate this
 new behavior.

 Apologies for the false start last time this change was announced.

 If you have any questions, please feel free to post them on


[twitter-dev] Twitter API Library Popularity Poll

2009-11-29 Thread DustyReagan
I created a simple popularity poll for Twitter API Libraries. Why?
Simple curiosity on what everyone is using. Please only fill it out
once, and only select libraries you use in actual production code.

Take the poll here: http://bit.ly/5sFfZc

I'll share the results.

[twitter-dev] update_delivery_device method

2009-10-29 Thread DustyReagan

I was playing around with the account/update_delivery_device method.

It seems to behave like this:

device=sms:im - Does nothing
device=none - Turns device updates off

Neither sms or im turn device updates back on.

Are there any plans for this method to be updated or deprecated?

[twitter-dev] blocks/blocking documentation?

2009-10-24 Thread DustyReagan

In the blocks/blocking documentation, it stats that 20 user objects
are returned at a time before you have to page. I tested this and
received 115 in one page. Does anyone know the upper bound of blocks/
blocking object return? Or is it actually limitless?

It feels like the page parameter has no affect on the method. Passing
page=234234 still returns my 115 blocked users just like page=1 does.


Any takers?


[twitter-dev] Re: Deprecation Notice: pagination on several methods is being replaced with cursoring on October 26, 2009

2009-10-23 Thread DustyReagan


Anyone know if page deprecation still scheduled to happen on Oct.

On Oct 22, 3:17 am, Rich rhyl...@gmail.com wrote:
 I hope not, Apple are being especially slow at approving my update at
 the moment that includes the cursor changes!

 On Oct 22, 3:20 am, DustyReagan dustyrea...@gmail.com wrote:

  Is page deprecation still scheduled to happen on Oct. 26th?

  Is this deprecation happening on all methods that have the cursor
  parameter enabled?


  On Oct 8, 5:26 am, Kyle Mulka repalvigla...@yahoo.com wrote:

   Will thepageparameter on /statuses/user_timeline (or on any of the
   other timeline methods) be deprecated as 

   I've noticed a lot of failures on /statuses/user_timeline recently.
   Instead of thepageparameter, is it better to use max_id?

   Kyle Mulkahttp://twilk.com-putyour friends faces on your Twitter 

   On Sep 24, 8:47 pm, Alex Payne a...@twitter.com wrote:


Recently, we documented a new pagination mechanism for our social
graph methods, /friends/ids and /followers/ids. Traditional
   page-based pagination doesn't dovetail with our recent backend
changes, and we've now exposed acursor-based pagination mechanism
that's far more reliable.

Today, we've documented that this new pagination mechanism is also
available for the /statuses/friends and /statuses/followers methods.
With that change, we're setting a hard deprecation date for
traditional pagination on these four methods: October 26th, 2009.
That's over a month from now.

Once deprecated, we'll simply ignore the page parameter if it's sent
by a client, and you'll get the default number of items for the method
you're calling.

For more information, 
seehttp://apiwiki.twitter.com/Twitter-API-Documentation. Thanks.

Alex Payne - Platform Lead, Twitter, Inc.http://twitter.com/al3x

[twitter-dev] Re: Deprecation Notice: pagination on several methods is being replaced with cursoring on October 26, 2009

2009-10-21 Thread DustyReagan

Is page deprecation still scheduled to happen on Oct. 26th?

Is this deprecation happening on all methods that have the cursor
parameter enabled?


On Oct 8, 5:26 am, Kyle Mulka repalvigla...@yahoo.com wrote:
 Will thepageparameter on /statuses/user_timeline (or on any of the
 other timeline methods) be deprecated as 

 I've noticed a lot of failures on /statuses/user_timeline recently.
 Instead of thepageparameter, is it better to use max_id?

 Kyle Mulkahttp://twilk.com- put your friends faces on your Twitter background

 On Sep 24, 8:47 pm, Alex Payne a...@twitter.com wrote:


  Recently, we documented a new pagination mechanism for our social
  graph methods, /friends/ids and /followers/ids. Traditional
 page-based pagination doesn't dovetail with our recent backend
  changes, and we've now exposed acursor-based pagination mechanism
  that's far more reliable.

  Today, we've documented that this new pagination mechanism is also
  available for the /statuses/friends and /statuses/followers methods.
  With that change, we're setting a hard deprecation date for
  traditional pagination on these four methods: October 26th, 2009.
  That's over a month from now.

  Once deprecated, we'll simply ignore the page parameter if it's sent
  by a client, and you'll get the default number of items for the method
  you're calling.

  For more information, 
  seehttp://apiwiki.twitter.com/Twitter-API-Documentation. Thanks.

  Alex Payne - Platform Lead, Twitter, Inc.http://twitter.com/al3x

[twitter-dev] Twitter API Wiki Lockdown

2009-10-18 Thread DustyReagan

I was just wondering why the Twitter API wiki isn't open to edit?
Well, I can understand that Twitter wants full control of it, but it
seems like you could grow some really strong documentation using crowd-
sourcing. Twitter would put out the bulk of the content, but indie
developers could probably dot the i's and cross the t's.

Also, the comments are turned off. If they were turned on you might
get some good conversations going on the method pages. Kind of like
the PHP documentation, ex: http://php.net/manual/en/function.count.php

Then again maybe not. :)

Just something I think about when I visit the wiki. Thought I'd
finally comment on it. :)

[twitter-dev] Want to be quoted in Twitter App Development for Dummies?

2009-09-20 Thread DustyReagan

I'm working on Twitter Application Development for Dummies, and the
last chapter is 10 Twitter API Tips From Noteworthy Twitter

If you have *tip* you'd like to submit please send it to
du...@dustyreagan.com. Please put #TADD Tip somewhere in the subject,
let me know what Twitter applications you're responsible for, and
include your Twitter username.

The tip can be anything you learned from building Twitter apps. I'm
looking for useful bite sized bits of Twitter API wisdom.



[twitter-dev] Unable to Connect to tcp://twitter.com:80. Error #110: Connection timed out

2009-04-28 Thread DustyReagan

Is anyone else getting the error: Unable to Connect to tcp://twitter.com:80.
Error #110: Connection timed out

I have to apps on with 2 different white-listed accounts on static IP
addresses getting this error. Am I alone?

My apps are:

I was getting this error on MediaTemple and moved to SliceHost with
static IPs to prevent this from happening again.

Help! Did something change with the API?

2009-02-11 Thread DustyReagan


I have 2 apps http://FriendOrFollow.com (I haven't changed the code on
this site in weeks) and http://FeaturedUsers.com (uses the Zend
Framework to access Twitter). Both of these sites are using the same
authentication and are giving me the error Unable to Connect to
tcp://twitter.com:80. Error #110: Connection timed out.

I've been checking my rate limit status quite a bit, and it doesn't
seem to shift below 20k for some unknown reason. My rate limit right
now is 19998 because I manually hit http://twitter.com/statuses/
followers.xml twice, just to see if the API was working.

Did I miss a vital update to the API or something? What could be
happening, that my apps are broken, but I can still manually hit the



Re: Help! Did something change with the API?

2009-02-11 Thread DustyReagan

PS. I'm using Media Temple to server my sites. Could the IP Address be
blocked or something?

On Feb 11, 3:27 pm, DustyReagan dustyrea...@gmail.com wrote:

 I have 2 appshttp://FriendOrFollow.com(I haven't changed the code on
 this site in weeks) andhttp://FeaturedUsers.com(uses the Zend
 Framework to access Twitter). Both of these sites are using the same
 authentication and are giving me the error Unable to Connect to
 tcp://twitter.com:80. Error #110: Connection timed out.

 I've been checking my rate limit status quite a bit, and it doesn't
 seem to shift below 20k for some unknown reason. My rate limit right
 now is 19998 because I manually hit http://twitter.com/statuses/
 followers.xml twice, just to see if the API was working.

 Did I miss a vital update to the API or something? What could be
 happening, that my apps are broken, but I can still manually hit the



Re: Help! Did something change with the API?

2009-02-11 Thread DustyReagan

I *think* it's (FriendOrFollow.com)

On Feb 11, 3:32 pm, Matt Sanford m...@twitter.com wrote:
 Hi Dusty,

      The timeout error sounds suspiciously like a network problem and  
 not a rate limit issue. When you say you tested the API manually, did  
 you do it from your servers? Also, if you can let me know the IP  
 address I can check if it is blocked for some reason.

    — Matt Sanford

 On Feb 11, 2009, at 01:29 PM, DustyReagan wrote:

  PS. I'm using Media Temple to server my sites. Could the IP Address be
  blocked or something?

  On Feb 11, 3:27 pm, DustyReagan dustyrea...@gmail.com wrote:

  I have 2 appshttp://FriendOrFollow.com(Ihaven't changed the code on
  this site in weeks) andhttp://FeaturedUsers.com(usesthe Zend
  Framework to access Twitter). Both of these sites are using the same
  authentication and are giving me the error Unable to Connect to
  tcp://twitter.com:80. Error #110: Connection timed out.

  I've been checking my rate limit status quite a bit, and it doesn't
  seem to shift below 20k for some unknown reason. My rate limit right
  now is 19998 because I manually hit http://twitter.com/statuses/
  followers.xml twice, just to see if the API was working.

  Did I miss a vital update to the API or something? What could be
  happening, that my apps are broken, but I can still manually hit the



Re: Help! Did something change with the API?

2009-02-11 Thread DustyReagan

Oh. I tested the API manually from home. Just typed the address in my

On Feb 11, 3:32 pm, Matt Sanford m...@twitter.com wrote:
 Hi Dusty,

      The timeout error sounds suspiciously like a network problem and  
 not a rate limit issue. When you say you tested the API manually, did  
 you do it from your servers? Also, if you can let me know the IP  
 address I can check if it is blocked for some reason.

    — Matt Sanford

 On Feb 11, 2009, at 01:29 PM, DustyReagan wrote:

  PS. I'm using Media Temple to server my sites. Could the IP Address be
  blocked or something?

  On Feb 11, 3:27 pm, DustyReagan dustyrea...@gmail.com wrote:

  I have 2 appshttp://FriendOrFollow.com(Ihaven't changed the code on
  this site in weeks) andhttp://FeaturedUsers.com(usesthe Zend
  Framework to access Twitter). Both of these sites are using the same
  authentication and are giving me the error Unable to Connect to
  tcp://twitter.com:80. Error #110: Connection timed out.

  I've been checking my rate limit status quite a bit, and it doesn't
  seem to shift below 20k for some unknown reason. My rate limit right
  now is 19998 because I manually hit http://twitter.com/statuses/
  followers.xml twice, just to see if the API was working.

  Did I miss a vital update to the API or something? What could be
  happening, that my apps are broken, but I can still manually hit the



Re: Incomplete list of friends being returned

2008-12-10 Thread DustyReagan

I've noticed the same sorta' thing. Getting a user's list of followers
and followings has been really flaky. Would love for it to be more


On Dec 10, 3:46 pm, Carter Rabasa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I doubt it, because I am authenticating with the user's credentials.
 You'd think the authenticated user would get a complete list of their

 On Dec 10, 3:32 pm, Brian Gilham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Perhaps it is not returning protected users?

  -Original Message-
  From: Carter Rabasa [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2008 13:27:57
  To: Twitter Development Talktwitter-development-talk@googlegroups.com
  Subject: Incomplete list of friends being returned

  I am currently developing an application to bridge Twitter and
  FriendFeed (http://twitter2ff.appspot.com) and I am having a problem
  retrieving a complete list of a user's friends.

  For example, using the command-line (curl), I retrieved all the
  friends for davewiner.  His profile (http://twitter.com/davewiner)
  indicates he has 741 friends.  When I count the number of screen_names
  returned (over 8 pages of results) I only see 733 friends.

  I've double-checked this with several other public accounts. Any

  Carter Rabasa

Re: Using CAPTCHAs to get more followers on twitter.

2008-12-09 Thread DustyReagan

The way I understand it, you want to create a CAPTCHA that uses the
twitter API. The CAPTCHA itself would be used anywhere someone needs a
CAPTCHA. Like my websites email newsletter signup. So the point of the
thing is to be and function as CAPTCHA. But instead of picking out
kittens, or reading letters, people would see a few of my tweets. So,
it's just one more spot to expose the user to my brand.

Did I get that right Amir?

If so, it sounds cool. If I, as a developer, need to setup a CAPTCHA
for whatever site I'm working on. It might as well be one that could
help my brand. (Aka possibly gain my Twitter account more followers.)


On Dec 8, 9:51 pm, Amir Michail [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 10:31 PM, Waitman Gobble [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Well, if you're like me you don't really need any cheerleaders to
  fluff you up and get you going. I mean they're nice and all, but
  stubborn persistence regardless.

  And besides, we'd not have much of this stuff if it weren't for some
  renegades with stubborn idears. You know, the Internet Cowboys. Guys
  who would crowbar their ways onto the rooftops of bank hi-rises just
  to set up satellite dishes and offer wireless internet when most
  people never even heard of broadband. Or rent a back hoe and chaw
  through public streets without permit to run copper. Back in the
  1990's. Those types. Where would we be now?

  The thing I'm missing in your proposal - I can't see the nookie. I
  mean, are users getting a higher quality of selection of tweets
  because you do the Turing exam? Or are they going to get more
  followers because you have a pool of twitters at the other end waiting
  for them? (because of the quality of feed).

 Suppose you have two twitter users who are each working on a web 2.0
 startup and would like to increase the number of their twitter
 followers to better their chances of startup success.

 They could go to this service to increase their followers.

 So in using this service, they find each other.  Even though they
 don't necessarily want to increase the number of people they follow,
 they might discover cool tweets that they would like to see anyway.

 And so they end up following each other, even though it was not their
 intent to follow more people.


  Not cutting, just trying to understand.


  On Dec 8, 7:11 pm, Amir Michail [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 9:20 PM, Waitman Gobble [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Anyways, back to the original topic.

   I don't understand WHERE these Them are going to submit. (re:
   original post). I guess that's what I'm missing.


  At the service using the twitter API that I'm thinking of building.  I
  didn't realize this idea was so difficult to understand though.  Maybe
  I shouldn't even try...


   On Dec 8, 5:54 pm, Cameron Kaiser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   It's because people who are new, or considered new due to few posts, are
   automatically put in the moderation queue.
   spam, which I'm sure



What happened to users background API

2008-12-09 Thread DustyReagan

Show User use to return the following, but it seems not to anymore.
Are they gone for good or moved?



Re: What happened to users background API

2008-12-09 Thread DustyReagan

Right on. Thanks!

On Dec 9, 5:53 pm, Alex Payne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Please see the recently updated thread about this issue.  It's a
 temporary error that these attributes are missing, and we're fixing it
 right now.

 On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 15:50, DustyReagan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Show User use to return the following, but it seems not to anymore.
  Are they gone for good or moved?



 Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.http://twitter.com/al3x

Re: User Method Show Friends Down

2008-11-22 Thread DustyReagan

Hmm... seems to be working now.

Could this have had something to do with the special characters in
peoples bios? Like the stars and faces and such?

On Nov 22, 3:46 pm, DustyReagan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It seems thathttp://twitter.com/statuses/friends/bob.xml?page=1is
 not working.

 I'm getting lots of complaints on FriendOrFollow.com from users seeing
 incorrect results. So it's not just bob with a broken page. Also, it
 doesn't appear to always be page 1. Sometimes it's a page in the
 middle like this example:

 WORKS =http://twitter.com/statuses/friends/cesart.xml?page=2
 BROKEN =http://twitter.com/statuses/friends/cesart.xml?page=3
 WORKS =http://twitter.com/statuses/friends/cesart.xml?page=4

 I'm not sure if this is related to the show_users problem being
 discussed now also in the group.


Re: Friends and followers

2008-10-13 Thread DustyReagan

Hey Stephen,

I have a similar app, http://friendorfollow.com. I process my data in
a similar manner as you and I've also noticed some inaccuracies. So
far I've chalked it up to lag in the API data. Would be nice if the
data was a bit more reliable.


On Oct 10, 7:03 pm, Steven Bristol [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a case where I am callinghttp://twitter.com/statuses/friends
 andhttp://twitter.com/statuses/followerson the same user to discern
 who is a friend, follower or mutual. There seems to be something wrong
 with the data that is returned because some people who are mutually
 following are not being returned in one or the other calls. I have
 verified this with my own account. My account 'stevenbristol' is a
 friend to 'Croaky' and he is a friend to me. He shows up 
 here:http://twitter.com/statuses/friends/stevenbristol.xml, but he does
 show up here:http://twitter.com/statuses/followers/stevenbristol.xml.
 When you look at both user's friends list on the web both users show
 up there.

 Is my logic wrong or is there a bug in the API?

 steven bristol