[twitter-dev] Search not working properly for filters

2010-11-27 Thread Hwee-Boon Yar
curl http://search.twitter.com/search.atom?q=test%20filter%3Alinks

returns no results and there are only 3 results on the search page for
the same query:


Twitter developer documentation and resources: http://dev.twitter.com/doc
API updates via Twitter: http://twitter.com/twitterapi
Issues/Enhancements Tracker: http://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/list
Change your membership to this group: 

[twitter-dev] Re: Python Twitter

2010-06-13 Thread Hwee-Boon Yar
y?r=6 which extends python-twitter to include OAuth calls. I added a
method at a fork at http://github.com/hboon/oauthtwitter/ to include
the XAuth token exchange call.


On Jun 13, 10:39 am, pythonista sitecontac...@gmail.com wrote:
  I am using the simplegeo fork of python-oauth2, and it is working

 However, I then realize it doesn't contain API calls to actually send

 Anyone know of a particular Api wrapper that has updated its code, so
 that calls are made using the token/token secret that is now
 mandatory, or will be this month ?

 http://code.google.com/p/python-twitter/doesn't seem to have been
 updated yet for making calls via oauth


[twitter-dev] Re: link wrapping on the API

2010-06-08 Thread Hwee-Boon Yar
Are all links going to be wrapped or only long links? If it's the
latter, what's the definition?

1. This affects how we count characters before sending and has quite a
potential to go wrong, since we'll now need to know exactly which
links are going to be wrapped in a tweet.

2. It's also going to be tricky for apps that currently show a live
character count (like SimplyTweet and many other iPhone Twitter apps
and possibly web sites) as users type.


On Jun 9, 6:57 am, Raffi Krikorian ra...@twitter.com wrote:
 hi all.

 twitter has been wrapping links in e-mailed DMs for a couple months
 with that feature, we're trying to protect users against phishing and other
 malicious attacks. the way that we're doing this is that any URL that comes
 through in a DM gets currently wrapped with a twt.tl URL -- if the URL turns
 out to be malicious, Twitter can simply shut it down, and whoever follows
 that link will be presented with a page that warns them of potentially
 malicious content. in a few weeks, we're going to start slowly enabling this
 throughout the API for all statuses as well, but instead of twt.tl, we will
 be using t.co.

 practically, any tweet that is sent through statuses/update that has a link
 on it will have the link automatically converted to a t.co link on its way
 through the Twitter platform. if you fetch any tweet created after this
 change goes live, then its text field will have all its links automatically
 wrapped with t.co links. when a user clicks on that link, Twitter will
 redirect them to the original URL after first confirming with our database
 that that URL is not malicious.  on top of the end-user benefit, we hope to
 eventually provide all developers with aggregate usage data around your
 applications such as the number of clicks people make on URLs you display
 (it will, of course, be in aggregate and not identifiable manner).
 additionally, we want to be able to build services and APIs that can make
 algorithmic recommendations to users based on the content they are
 consuming. gathering the data from t.co will help make these possible.

 our current plan is that no user will see a t.co URL on twitter.com but we
 still have some details to work through. the links will still be displayed
 as they were sent in, but the target of the link will be the t.co link
 instead. and, we want to provide the same ability to display original links
 to developers. we're going to use the entities attribute to make this

 let's say i send out the following tweet: you have to check 

 a returned (and truncated) status object may look like:

   text : you have to check outhttp://t.co/s9gfk2d4!;,
   user : {
     screen_name : raffi,
   entities : {
     urls : [
         url : http://t.co/s9gfk2d4;,
         display_url : http://dev.twitter.com;,
         indices : [23, 43]


 two things to note: the text of the returned status object doesn't have the
 original URL and instead it has a t.co URL, and the entities block now has a
 display_url attribute associated with it. what we're hoping is that with
 this data, it should be relatively easy to create a UI where you replace 
 thehttp://t.co/s9gfk2d4in the text with the equivalent of

 a href=http://t.co/s9gfk2d4;http://dev.twitter.com/a

 this means the user would not see the t.co link, but we all can still
 provide the protection and gather data from the wrapped link. for the
 applications that don't choose to update, the t.co link will be shown (and
 the goal to protect users will be met). i just want to emphasize -- we
 really do hope that you all render the original URL, but please send the
 user through the t.co link.   if you do choose to prefetch all the URLs on a
 timeline, then, when a user actually clicks on one of the links, please
 still send him or her through t.co. We will be updating the TOS to require
 you to check t.co and register the click.

 related to this: the way the Twitter API counts characters is going to
 change ever so slightly. our 140 characters is now going to be defined as
 140 characters after link wrapping. t.co links are of a predictable length
 -- they will always be 20 characters. after we make this live, it will be
 feasible to send in the text for a status that is greater than 140
 characters. the rule is after the link wrapping, the text transforms to 140
 characters or fewer. we'll be using the same logic that is in
 twitter-text-rb to figure out what is a URL.

 look for an update to dev.twitter.com where we'll have a best practices
 document on how to use these t.co links.

 what's the timeline?  soon we'll enable this on @twitterapi, @rsarver,
 @raffi, and a few other test accounts so you all have live data to play
 with.  on the timescale of weeks (to potentially a month or two), we'll roll
 this out to everybody.

 of course, if there 

[twitter-dev] Re: link wrapping on the API

2010-06-08 Thread Hwee-Boon Yar
But if apps don't update and user sends a tweet which is just below
140 characters say, 139, and which contain a link(s) shorter than 19
(or is it 20) characters will mysteriously fail. The user will wonder
why the app doesn't let them send the tweet when their app clearly
says it's still within 140 characters, because Twitter is now counting
the longer 19/20 character t.co link.

Is this considered a rare scenario?


On Jun 9, 12:18 pm, John Kalucki j...@twitter.com wrote:
 Apps that don't update will continue to work, they will just display
 something different than they do now.

[twitter-dev] Re: Incorrect Signature for oAuth

2010-06-06 Thread Hwee-Boon Yar
Since it's GET works and POST, no. 1 reason is to make sure the base
URI in the base signature string is constructed correctly. In your
example, you don't need source= since it's OAuth.


On Jun 6, 8:56 pm, rhysmeister therhysmeis...@hotmail.com wrote:
 Hi All,

 I am having problems identifying what is wrong with converting my app
 to use oAuth. All my GET requests work fine but my POST requests all
 fail with an incorrect signature error. I am adding the oauth
 parameters to the authorisation header of my request. My authorisation
 header is build like below for GET requests (this works);


 My POST requests (these don't work);


 I get the below error returned...

 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
   errorIncorrect signature/error

 Would anyone be able to provide any pointers here?



[twitter-dev] Re: lang= Support in Search API

2010-06-03 Thread Hwee-Boon Yar
I get my list from http://search.twitter.com/advanced.


On Jun 3, 10:21 am, Bess bess...@gmail.com wrote:
 I'd like to confirm the list of language support on Search API b/c I
 couldn't find any documentation in this Google group 

 From my online search developers say it supports only 3 languages:
 English = en
 Japanese = ja
 Spanish = es

 From documentation, it refers to wikipedia on ISO 63901 code. However,
 I try many lang parameters with many of them not working or returning
 much results.


 These are listed but not supported:

 *   French is represented by fr
 *   German is represented by de
 *   Portuguese is represented by pt
 *   Haiti is represented by ht or hat

 lang: Optional: Restricts tweets to the given language, given by
 an ISO 639-1 code.


 What are the official lang supported? How can we get the latest list?

[twitter-dev] Re: Announcing Snowflake

2010-06-01 Thread Hwee-Boon Yar
So, does this mean (to paraphrase):

IDs will remain sorted *all* the time except when comparing between 2
tweets sent within 1 second apart, the order *might* be reversed. And
therefore, for most Twitter apps, no change is necessary?


On Jun 2, 10:00 am, themattharris thematthar...@twitter.com wrote:
 Hey everyone,

 In March we sent a message to you about upcoming changes to the way
 status IDs are sequenced (http://bit.ly/upcoming-status-id-changes).
 Today we announced Snowflake - the service we will be using to
 generate those new IDs.

 It isn't going live yet! We just know a lot of you are concerned about
 how the Tweet IDs are going to affect your applications and wanted you
 to have the chance to familiarize yourself with how Snowflake works.

 You can find the a link to the code and read more about Snowflake on
 the Twitter Engineering blog:http://bit.ly/announcing-snowflake


[twitter-dev] Deleting a retweet

2010-05-25 Thread Hwee-Boon Yar
This is probably so obvious I'm missing it. How do I delete a retweet?

[twitter-dev] Re: How to register current Basic Auth application as OAuth application

2010-05-17 Thread Hwee-Boon Yar
Thanks Brian,

I have filed a new ticket about the trademark report, as well as using
the email address (same domain as previous ticket) I registered the
app with so it's clearer.


On May 18, 12:24 am, Brian Sutorius bsutor...@twitter.com wrote:
 Registering a basic-auth source parameter was not the same action as
 registering an application. It is possible that between the time you
 registered the SimplyTweet source parameter and now, someone else
 registered an application under the same name. If you own a trademark
 on SimplyTweet, you can follow the process at the lower half 
 ofhttp://twitter.zendesk.com/entries/18367and our Policy team will be
 happy to help you with this. If not, please follow up on your ticket
 (for privacy reasons) and we'll look into it further.

 Brian Sutorius

 On May 15, 10:39 pm, Hwee-Boon Yar hweeb...@gmail.com wrote:

  My Twitter app runs on iPhone (and has a server side component that
  user doesn't directly interact with). It has been running on Basic
  Auth for more than a year. I would like to register it as OAuth and
  migrated users over, i.e. running both in parallel under end June
  since not everyone will update their their version immediately.

  When I register an app with the same name, it says the name is already
  taken. I presume that's referring to the previous Basic Auth app? (or
  someone registered my app name - SimplyTweet).

  How should I proceed with this? I sent a support ticket, but one of us
  isn't understanding the other. Thanks.

[twitter-dev] How to register current Basic Auth application as OAuth application

2010-05-15 Thread Hwee-Boon Yar
My Twitter app runs on iPhone (and has a server side component that
user doesn't directly interact with). It has been running on Basic
Auth for more than a year. I would like to register it as OAuth and
migrated users over, i.e. running both in parallel under end June
since not everyone will update their their version immediately.

When I register an app with the same name, it says the name is already
taken. I presume that's referring to the previous Basic Auth app? (or
someone registered my app name - SimplyTweet).

How should I proceed with this? I sent a support ticket, but one of us
isn't understanding the other. Thanks.

[twitter-dev] Re: Deprecating /statuses/public_timeline resource on 4/5/10

2010-03-04 Thread Hwee-Boon Yar
Is there a reasonable replacement to provide the same functionality in
mobile apps?


On Mar 5, 12:04 am, Raffi Krikorian ra...@twitter.com wrote:
 sorry - its being deprecated as of today.  it is being removed on 5 april
 2010.  hope that clears up the confusion.

 On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 6:54 AM, Brian Smith br...@briansmith.org wrote:
   Ryan Sarver wrote:

  This is an announcement that we will be deprecating the *
  /statuses/public_timeline* resource as of April 5th (4/5/10). Please let
  us know if there are any major concerns.

  Just to be perfectly clear: is it being deprecated or disabled on that


 Raffi Krikorian
 Twitter Platform Teamhttp://twitter.com/raffi

[twitter-dev] Re: Basic Auth Deprecation in June

2010-01-18 Thread Hwee-Boon Yar
Thanks. Hope it's not official. I don't remember reading anything like
that on the 2 lists.


On Jan 18, 7:01 pm, Rich rhyl...@gmail.com wrote:
 Ryan Sarver said it last last 

 On Jan 17, 4:46 am, Hwee-Boon Yar hweeb...@gmail.com wrote:

  On Jan 14, 8:30 am, twittme_mobi nlupa...@googlemail.com wrote:

   Hello ,

   Regarding Basic Auth Deprecation is June

  Any where this is announced?


[twitter-dev] Re: Basic Auth Deprecation in June

2010-01-16 Thread Hwee-Boon Yar

On Jan 14, 8:30 am, twittme_mobi nlupa...@googlemail.com wrote:
 Hello ,

 Regarding Basic Auth Deprecation is June

Any where this is announced?


[twitter-dev] What is the expected behavoir of Retweeting a retweet

2009-12-04 Thread Hwee-Boon Yar
I did an experiment.

user1 tweets update1
user2 retweets update1 as update2 (a RT, with update1 embedded)
user3 retweets update2, the embedded update is update1 instead of

I can't find documentation on this. Is this the expected behavoir?


[twitter-dev] Are retweets supposed to capture the original tweet as meta in search results or are they supposed to be plain text?

2009-12-04 Thread Hwee-Boon Yar
I tried searching against http://search.twitter.com and the ATOM
search API and found that retweets created using the API appears as
plain text in search results, with no metadata referring to the
original tweet. Is this the expected behavoir? If so, any plans to
make it consistent?


[twitter-dev] Inconsistency between JSON and Atom search API

2009-12-04 Thread Hwee-Boon Yar
This is search results for JSON and Atom call, 10 minutes after the
tweet was sent (timestamp 2009-12-05T03:38:11Z). 0 results for JSON, 1
result for Atom

0 results:

$ curl http://search.twitter.com/search.json?


1 result:

$ curl http://search.twitter.com/search.atom?

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
feed xmlns:google=http://base.google.com/ns/1.0; xml:lang=en-US
xmlns:openSearch=http://a9.com/-/spec/opensearch/1.1/; xmlns=http://
www.w3.org/2005/Atom xmlns:twitter=http://api.twitter.com/;
  link type=text/html href=http://search.twitter.com/search?q=to
%3ASmoothe_1 rel=alternate/
  link type=application/atom+xml href=http://search.twitter.com/
search.atom?q=to:Smoothe_1amp;since_id=6357863332 rel=self/
  titleto:Smoothe_1 - Twitter Search/title
  link type=application/opensearchdescription+xml href=http://
search.twitter.com/opensearch.xml rel=search/
  link type=application/atom+xml href=http://search.twitter.com/
search.atom?q=to%3ASmoothe_1amp;since_id=6359226173 rel=refresh/
link type=text/html href=http://twitter.com/simplytweet/
statuses/6359226173 rel=alternate/
title@Smoothe_1 is it still not working? Server side seems ok
content type=htmllt;a href=quot;http://twitter.com/
Smoothe_1quot;gt;@Smoothe_1lt;/agt; is it still not working?
Server side seems ok though./content
link type=image/png href=http://a1.twimg.com/profile_images/
234093666/73_normal.png rel=image/
twitter:sourcelt;a href=quot;http://simplytweet.comquot;
  namesimplytweet (simplytweet)/name


[twitter-dev] Inconsistency between web and API when viewing account blocking you

2009-11-29 Thread Hwee-Boon Yar
(S)omeone blocks (Y)ou.

If you are logged in as Y and go to http://twitter.com/S, you get no
indication that you are blocked, being able to view S's timeline, etc.

When accessing S's timeline using /statuses/user_timeline/S.xml
authenticated as Y, however, you get a 401/Not Authorized.

A) Besides 401 having overloaded meanings (wrong credentials. it can
also mean S has been deleted [1]), so we can't tell what is wrong,
B) It is also inconsistent. Should Y be allowed to view S's timeline
(web) or not (API)?

[1] http://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/detail?id=1226
[2] Also reported at http://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/detail?id=1243


[twitter-dev] Very slow response with API from Slicehost

2009-10-21 Thread Hwee-Boon Yar

I have been having these very slow API response running on Slicehost
(most of the time way more than 2-3 seconds) for the past 2 days. Is
this something being actively worked on?

It's becoming really painful that people are telling me my app doesn't


[twitter-dev] Re: Very slow response with API from Slicehost

2009-10-21 Thread Hwee-Boon Yar

2-5 secs for a /help/test.format or getting DM/Mention timeline is
certainly not OK.

And thanks for confirming I'm not alone.


On Oct 22, 12:00 am, Josh Roesslein jroessl...@gmail.com wrote:
 I just did a few tests on my slicehost VPS and the delay seems okay
 here. 2-5 seconds range which is about the same I'm getting locally.

 Are all API endpoints slow for you or just a select few?


 On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 10:53 AM, Hwee-Boon Yar hweeb...@gmail.com wrote:

  I have been having these very slow API response running on Slicehost
  (most of the time way more than 2-3 seconds) for the past 2 days. Is
  this something being actively worked on?

  It's becoming really painful that people are telling me my app doesn't


[twitter-dev] Re: Very slow response with API from Slicehost

2009-10-21 Thread Hwee-Boon Yar

On Oct 22, 12:05 am, RandyC bioscienceupda...@gmail.com wrote:
  I'm surprised more people aren't talking
 about this unless we're the only ones affected.

Me too. Which is why I'm posting it here. No one else seems to be
complaining. I was beginning to wonder I was alone.


[twitter-dev] Re: Very slow response with API from Slicehost

2009-10-21 Thread Hwee-Boon Yar

Like I have mentioned privately to someone:

Can I then make a next best suggestion that is most easy to implement
and yet effective? It has been suggested more than once. Post an
update to status.twitter.com. Even a short message. Give us something
to retweet, to forward to users. If you want to know the impact on 3rd
party developers, go to iTunes App Store on your iPhone (I assume you
use one) and read the top few reviews for SimplyTweet. They mention
performance problems and loading errors of SimplyTweet. snip. Tell
me how this doesn't hurt us?

Do you not agree that not posting updates under situations like this
(where you know it has been under heavy load for a couple of days)
reflects policy rather than lack of 3rd party developer support
resources? If fact, I'll be blunt and say that this policy directly
suggests to me, as a 3rd party developer, that Twitter doesn't care
about us and is even letting us help shield Twitter from user


On Oct 22, 12:29 am, Michael Steuer mste...@gmail.com wrote:
 No, seeing the same since Saturday. @rsarver said on Sunday morning he would
 post information to the group once they knew what was causing all this, but
 I guess 4 days later they still don't know, as we haven't heard anything...

 On 10/21/09 9:05 AM, RandyC bioscienceupda...@gmail.com wrote:

  I have been seeing enormous numbers of 502's and 500's for API calls
  from Qwest DSL business, Rackspace, and Amazon Cloud instances since
  Saturday through today.  Working through the UI to log into accounts
  is equally painful with constant fail whales after two to three
  attempts.  Seems like a couple of bad hair days so far and very
  difficult to get much done.  I'm surprised more people aren't talking
  about this unless we're the only ones affected.

[twitter-dev] Re: linespaces / whitespace being removed: bug or feature?

2009-10-20 Thread Hwee-Boon Yar

I've observed the same behavoir at least 10 hours ago and still seeing
it now.


On Oct 21, 3:57 am, TjL luo...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 2:11 PM, Michael Ivey michael.i...@gmail.com wrote:
  As an aside; please don't bump threads on this list.

 As an aside, how about someone answers the question rather than just
 getting pissy at people who are trying to figure out how a change is
 going to effect products they're building around Twitter's API?

 If Twitter is getting rid of whitespace, that means I can strip out a
 bunch of code in certain places.

 I'd like someone to comment on this officially.


[twitter-dev] XML API returning old DM timelines

2009-10-19 Thread Hwee-Boon Yar

I'm reposting a support email I sent to API support to see if anyone
else is facing the same issue:

1. Some users of SimplyTweet (iPhone app) are receiving old versions
of the DM timeline.
2. On a related note, I seem to be having the same issue with
SimplyTweet's servers (for push notification support) using since_id
too, where I get timelines including id  X (note: older) when I set
since_id = X

This seems to have started these 2 days. I have personally seen issue
1 at least twice on my iPhone (Singapore). As for issue 2, the servers
are hosted with Slicehost.

Is this a known issue?


[twitter-dev] Re: statuses/mentions vs search/screenname

2009-09-16 Thread Hwee-Boon Yar

Along the same line, updates from accounts considered spamming
wouldn't be included in search results too.


On Sep 17, 12:07 am, JDG ghil...@gmail.com wrote:
 I believe that search does not return statuses of protected users (even when
 authenticated, though I may be wrong and should be corrected if I am). In
 that case, yes, you could potentially receive fewer results than

 On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 09:56, Joseph Cheek jos...@cheek.com wrote:

  Quick q:

  is there any time that a search for a screenname won't return every
  tweet that statuses/mentions will?  i can see that it would return more,
  but will it ever return less?

  Joseph Cheek

 Internets. Serious business.

[twitter-dev] Re: Alert: Twitpocalypse II coming Friday, September 11th - make sure you can handle large status IDs!

2009-09-11 Thread Hwee-Boon Yar

One suggestion: similar to API changes, it seems more appropriate that
if you want to force it, to do it earlier in the week, starting
Monday, rather than Friday. That leaves enough resources and hands to
stock up water and non-perishable goods rather than on a Friday.


On Sep 12, 12:27 am, Ryan Sarver rsar...@twitter.com wrote:
 To give everyone an update --

 We have been able to work with our operations team to delay the forced
 update until around September 21st or 22nd (over a week away). Since
 this twitpocalypse is based on the tweet count, it is impossible to
 predict exactly when it will happen and therefore we can only make
 projections based on current usage and possible spikes. With that
 being said, it *could* happen as early as Sept 16th (Wednesday), so
 please start updating your applications now to handle the change. We
 will be able to give you better estimates as the event moves closer
 and we will be sure to update the list when we know the exact time of
 the update.

 Let us know if you have any questions and be sure to stock up on water
 and non-perishable goods :)


 On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 9:10 AM, Ivan Kiriginivan.kiri...@gmail.com wrote:

  Call me crazy, but I store any data from a 3rd party in strings.
  Typically, I used a text blob to store some serialized object (like
  json or a python pickle) which maximizes flexibility. For the tweet
  id, I think I used 64 chars.

  In about 10 years, after I've cleared all the other higher priority
  and more impactful optimizations, I might think about dealing with
  this again.


  On Sep 10, 5:48 am, JDG ghil...@gmail.com wrote:
  and if they are, just store the twos complement of the ID in the DB and do
  the math when you retrieve if it's negative. :)

  On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 00:12, Rob Ashton robash...@codeofrob.com wrote:
    I've always just stored as 64bit integers, I'd assumed that 32bit
   wouldn't be enough.

   Now, if it goes above 64bit then I'm screwed, because neither my language
   or database have built in support for that! :P

    *From:* JDG ghil...@gmail.com
   *Sent:* Thursday, September 10, 2009 4:21 AM
   *To:* twitter-development-talk@googlegroups.com
   *Subject:* [twitter-dev] Re: Alert: Twitpocalypse II coming Friday,
   September 11th - make sure you can handle large status IDs!

   if you were on signed32 you'd have had a problem a long time ago. not 
   sure why people haven't just taken to treating/storing as strings -- sure
   there's a bit more overhead mem/storage-wise, but you don't have to 
   your code every few months.

   On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 16:45, Joseph Cheek jos...@cheek.com wrote:

   Twitter is in league with Al Qaida!  You heard it first here, folks!

   Ok, seriously, this message I wrote wasn't worth the electrons it took
   to transmit it...  let's see if I can increase the s2n ratio:

   4294967296, that an unsigned 32-bit int?  ok, fair enough.  i know some
   of my apps use signed 64bit ints, but i'm not sure about the db... will
   need to check... might be signed32...

   Joseph Cheek

   Nicholas Moline wrote:
And nobody thought about the significance of accelerating anything
called a *pocolypse to be on the anniversary of a date that thousands
died in a terrorist attack Tactful Twitter... Real Tactful

On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 1:00 PM, Alex Payne a...@twitter.com
mailto:a...@twitter.com wrote:

    Sorry, an error in phrasing. It was previously mentioned that this
    change was pending. We had not previously announced a date for the

    Normally, we prefer to provide more advance notice where possible,
    I'm letting you all know immediately after our operations team
    informed me that it was necessary to make this change on Friday.

    On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 12:13, Hwee-Boon Yarhweeb...@gmail.com
    mailto:hweeb...@gmail.com wrote:

     May I know when and where was it mentioned that it will be
     artificially increased this coming Friday?


     On Sep 10, 2:49 am, Alex Payne a...@twitter.com
         mailto:a...@twitter.com wrote:
     As mentioned previously, the Twitter operations team
     increase the maximum status ID to 4294967296 this coming 
     September 11th. This action is part of routine database
    upgrades and

     If your Twitter API application stores status IDs, please be
    sure that
     your datastore is configured to handle integers of that size.

     Alex Payne - Platform Lead, Twitter, 

    Alex Payne - Platform Lead, Twitter, Inc.

   Internets. Serious business.


[twitter-dev] Re: Alert: Twitpocalypse II coming Friday, September 11th - make sure you can handle large status IDs!

2009-09-09 Thread Hwee-Boon Yar

May I know when and where was it mentioned that it will be
artificially increased this coming Friday?


On Sep 10, 2:49 am, Alex Payne a...@twitter.com wrote:
 As mentioned previously, the Twitter operations team willartificially
 increase the maximum status ID to 4294967296 this coming Friday,
 September 11th. This action is part of routine database upgrades and

 If your Twitter API application stores status IDs, please be sure that
 your datastore is configured to handle integers of that size. Thanks.

 Alex Payne - Platform Lead, Twitter, Inc.http://twitter.com/al3x

[twitter-dev] account/update_profile API call fails if original screen name has uppercase characters and login don't match exactly

2009-09-02 Thread Hwee-Boon Yar

I filed this a few weeks ago and the ticket wasn't commented on nor
discussed here, so I replicate it here to bring some attention to it.
It's an obscure bug:


Calls to account/update_profile API fails if the original screen name
(the one that was signed up with, eg. User1, instead of user1) has
uppercase characters and login don't match exactly (e.g user1 and
not User1).

Most, if not all other Twitter API calls, including the authenticating
call is case-insensitive. But if the user has a screen name which has
at least an uppercase character, account/update_profile will fail
unless the authenticated screen name is spelled exactly the same.


[twitter-dev] Is favoriting broken?

2009-08-31 Thread Hwee-Boon Yar

Is favoriting broken?


[twitter-dev] Re: Platform downtime is expected

2009-08-16 Thread Hwee-Boon Yar

I was trying to be patient with this, but seeing that no one is
complaining, I'm afraid I might be alone here.

One of SimplyTweet's server had not been able to access the API *at
all*. Even /rate_limit_status (nothing to do with OAuth) timeout every
time. Is this expected? No response when I tweeted @twitterapi, as

wget http://twitter.com/account/rate_limit_status.xml?


On Aug 16, 4:40 pm, Costa Rica ticoconid...@gmail.com wrote:
 I am perceiving search API downtime as well

 http://search.twitter.com/search?q=Indonesiareturns results, but the
 XML, ATOM, JSON are returning me a blank page...

 On Aug 15, 12:08 pm, Doug Williams d...@twitter.com wrote:

  Hi all --If you have been monitoring our status blog [1] or been to
  Twitter.com today you have noticed that we are once again experiencing
  problems due to external causes. The issues causing the downtime require
  that we once again take measures to bring the site back online.

  The first step our operations team must take will likely cause API downtime,
  especially affecting OAuth. We apologize for the inconvenience and we will
  work quickly to reduce the impact to the API. We appreciate your patience
  and I will update you as soon as we know more.


[twitter-dev] Re: Platform downtime is expected

2009-08-16 Thread Hwee-Boon Yar

 The API team is actively debugging the OAuth issues as we speak.

This is what worries very much.

I can't even do this without timing out:

curl http://twitter.com/account/rate_limit_status.xml?

I have no API access *at all*.


[twitter-dev] Re: Platform downtime is expected

2009-08-16 Thread Hwee-Boon Yar

Can you confirm if OAuth access is the only known issue? I feel silly
repeating the same question over and over again: Even /
rate_limit_status calls are timing out on my server. I have no API
access *at all*.


On Aug 17, 5:21 am, Chad Etzel jazzyc...@gmail.com wrote:
 We've asked the keeper-o-the-blog to post something to that effect.
 Hopefully it will appear soon.

 On Sun, Aug 16, 2009 at 4:42 PM, Dewald Pretoriusdpr...@gmail.com wrote:

  Can you at the very least PLEASE publish something on
  status.twitter.com about the API being down and/or very unresponsive
  at times, so that I have a link where I can refer my users, so that
  they can see I am not shitting them?


[twitter-dev] Re: API limit confusion

2009-07-24 Thread Hwee-Boon Yar

Isn't this what I said?


On Jul 24, 2:36 pm, srikanth reddy srikanth.yara...@gmail.com wrote:
 @jim.renkel. Thanks a ton. I think now it is clear.

 It appears to me that each user of a white-listed site gets 20k
 requests per hour, independent of any other users of that site or *any
 other uses of the twitter API at other sites by that user *

 probably this is what they mean by

 *IP whitelisting takes precedence to account rate limits*. *GET requests
 from a whitelisted IP address made on a user's behalf will be deducted from
 the whitelisted IP's limit, not the users*.

 If the IP limit  is for the consumer then it will lead to denial of service
 This is how we wanted it to work.


 On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 12:52 AM, jim.renkel james.ren...@gmail.com wrote:

  My experience with this is, I think, a little bit different than what
  you describe.

  It appears to me that each user of a white-listed site gets 20k
  requests per hour, independent of any other users of that site or any
  other uses of the twitter API at other sites by that user.

  I didn't think this was what twitter intended and reported it as a bug
  (See:http://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/detail?id=617), but
  the twitter folk said Yup, working as intended.

  After you log in athttp://twxlate.com, the site reports rate limit
  information on every page view, so you can see how this works there.

  Comments expected and welcome.

  Jim Renkel

  On Jul 23, 3:48 am, jmathai jmat...@gmail.com wrote:
In other words, you have a web app running on a single server with a
single IP. You make authenticated requests using each user's account.
If your IP is whitelisted, the calls go towards your 20k limit, if it
is not whitelisted, it goes against the current 150 limit for the
respective accounts. That's what it means by IP whitelisting takes
precedence to account rate limits.

   I don't believe that is true.  If your web app is running on a
   whitelisted IP then you get up to 20k GET calls per hour.  POST
   requests (status or DM) are counted against the user being
   authenticated.  You CANNOT retrieve a user's rate limit status.

[twitter-dev] Re: API limit confusion

2009-07-23 Thread Hwee-Boon Yar

It's working like you want it to be.

In other words, you have a web app running on a single server with a
single IP. You make authenticated requests using each user's account.
If your IP is whitelisted, the calls go towards your 20k limit, if it
is not whitelisted, it goes against the current 150 limit for the
respective accounts. That's what it means by IP whitelisting takes
precedence to account rate limits.


On Jul 23, 3:02 pm, srikanth reddy srikanth.yara...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 12:07 PM, Abraham Williams 4bra...@gmail.comwrote:

 Each user and each IP has 150 calls/hour. If five applications (desktop or
 web) are making calls on behalf of a single user or IP they count against
 the same 150. Rate limiting has no connection to applications.

 Agreed. i have no issues with desktop apps as each user owns one (in which
 case ip/user does not matter and am pretty happy with 150 limit).

 But i am trying to understand this ip limit for web apps

 The  whole confusion is regarding this statement 

 IP whitelisting takes precedence to account rate limits. *GET requests from
 a whitelisted IP address made on a user's behalf will be deducted from the
 whitelisted IP's limit, not the users*. Therefore, IP-based whitelisting is
 a best practice for applications that request many users' data

 If the above holds true my consumer web app could end up serving very few
 authenticated users. As you said it should be the other way.
 May be some one who has developed and encountered this problem with a webapp
 (with out being whitelisted) can confirm.


  On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 15:06, srikanth reddy 

  @Abraham: Does it mean my consumer app (not Desktop client) cannot serve
  more than 150 authorized users/hour(if it is not white listed). It is hard
  to believe.
  If it is desktop client the 150 limit is understandable.

  Each user and each IP has 150 calls/hour. If five applications (desktop or
  web) are making calls on behalf of a single user or IP they count against
  the same 150. Rate limiting has no connection to applications.

  The blog post says

  This limit applies to your Twitter account rather than the applications
  which make the calls to the API i.e. you have 100 API calls per hour in
  total regardless of which Twitter applications you use - it is NOT 100 API
  calls per application

  As you said

  Also it used to be that user requests from a whitelisted IP would
  reflect on the users limit unless they had hit their rate limit at which
  point it would count against the IP.

  its probably first user and then IP.

  Yes. User then IP.

   POST request have their own limits
  yes i do not mean infinite calls but my consumer app should be able to get
  more than 20k request tokens

  Thanks for your time. Really helpful

  On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 7:41 PM, Abraham Williams 4bra...@gmail.comwrote:

  In your first email you said When I check an oAuth'd user's rate limit,
  he also seems gets 2 API hits. so I'm not sure what you are seeing.
  Also it used to be that user requests from a whitelisted IP would reflect
  on the users limit unless they had hit their rate limit at which point it
  would count against the IP. I'm not sure if it still works this way 

  On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 08:43, sjespers se...@webkitchen.be wrote:

  @Abraham: If that were true then calling rate_limit_status should give
  the same result... which it doesn't!

  On Jul 22, 3:26 pm, Abraham Williams 4bra...@gmail.com wrote:
   I recommend that you both read:

   Serge: If you have an IP that is white listed all applicable calls
  from that
   IP will count against the 2 limit.

   Srikanth: That blog post says that twitter.com has no limit. It says
   about anybody else not having a limit. The 20k is for GET requests
   POST request have their own limits.


   On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 03:07, srikanth reddy 

I am also looking for this. The following post says there is no
  limit on
calls from application


Rate limit is applicable on Get methods from ip/client.
Can someone confirm if one can make unlimited calls (from an app) to
request token? What is this 2 limit? Is it for GET calls for


On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 1:24 PM, sjespers se...@webkitchen.be

Hi there,

I am a little bit confused by the API limits.

The server for my application is whitelisted. So it's limit is
API hits.
I use oAuth to authorize Twitter users.
When I check an oAuth'd user's rate limit, he also seems gets 2
API hits. Is that true?

Also, when I call the 

[twitter-dev] Re: Streaming API Terms Of Service change - multiple simultaneous logins discouraged

2009-05-11 Thread Hwee-Boon Yar

Oh god. Please share where is this twitter-announce list?


On May 10, 12:51 pm, Jesse Stay jesses...@gmail.com wrote:
 Not to be picky, but can we get these announcements on the twitter-announce
 list in the future? Who is this John and is he a real Twitter employee?

 On Sat, May 9, 2009 at 10:04 PM, John Kalucki jkalu...@gmail.com wrote:

  Note: The Streaming API is currently under a limited alpha test,
  details below.

  Multiple concurrent connections from the same account are discouraged
  on the Streaming API. Starting on or after the afternoon of Monday,
  May 11th (22:00:00 11-May-2009 UTC) the service will gently enforce
  this policy. A later release will fully enforce this policy.
  Subsequent connections from the same account will cause previously
  established connections to be disconnected.

  In some cases, this might cause operational difficulties for
  developers who are using the restricted resources. For example, a
  developer's staging test might knock that developer's production /
  gardenhose feed offline. Non-production uses should connect to the /
  spritzer resource with a secondary account to avoid these conflicts.
  We may, on a case-by-case basis, grant exceptions to this policy as we
  work through the alpha test. We will attempt to balance ease-of-use,
  resource consumption and abuse prevention.

  -John Kalucki - Services, Twitter Inc.

  Important Alpha Test Note:
  The Streaming API (aka Hosebird) is currently under an alpha test. All
  developers using the Streaming API must tolerate possible unannounced
  and extended periods of unavailability, especially during off-hours,
  Pacific Time. New features, resources and policies are being deployed
  on very little, if any, notice. Any developer may experiment with the
  unrestricted resources and provide feedback via this list. Access to
  restricted resources is extremely limited and is only granted on a
  case-by-case basis after acceptance of an additional terms of service
  document. Documentation is available:

[twitter-dev] Re: Public Timeline Frozen

2009-05-07 Thread Hwee-Boon Yar

Hmm.. when did the Streaming API come about? I see Firehose mentioned
in there, OK that's known. What's Spritzer? (I read the description
and tested it).


On May 8, 12:39 am, John Kalucki jkalu...@gmail.com wrote:

 As Doug mentioned, we're working on fixing the public timeline. I hope
 we can get that updating again shortly.

 As a workaround, you might consider an early migration to the
 Streaming API. The /spritzer resource should have about the same
 amount of data, but in an easier to consume format. So far the
 availability has been very good, and the latency very low.


 On May 7, 6:01 am, mattarnold1977 matt.arnold.1...@gmail.com wrote:

  I just checked the log on my server and noticed that the public time
  line has been putting out the same status information since around 5
  o'clock yesterday.  Is this a known issue?


[twitter-dev] Re: friends_timeline and following

2009-04-19 Thread Hwee-Boon Yar

and http://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/detail?id=157.
Supposed to be fixed? (I haven't verified. I stopped relying on it).

On Apr 4, 2:54 am, Doug Williams d...@twitter.com wrote:
 I vaguely remember something, too, but my queries through the archives
 and issues list were fruitless. If this is replicatable, then we
 should open an issue. I'd be curious if it's still an issue once the
 big-users-everywhere change from April 1 propagates fully.

 @SuNcO: can you confirm you can recreate this at will? If so, can you
 open a new issue?

 Doug Williams
 Twitter API Supporthttp://twitter.com/dougw

 On Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 11:50 AM, Chad Etzel jazzyc...@gmail.com wrote:

  I could swear that this topic has been discussed recently and that
  there was an issue for it, but I'm not finding anything... google is
  not so good at searching code snippets.

  On Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 2:46 PM, Abraham Williams 4bra...@gmail.com wrote:
  Do so searches on the issue tracker and if you don't find anything open an

  On Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 12:59, SuNcO sunco...@hotmail.com wrote:

  Nop, is not new. When that happend yesterday, i check via web and i
  appear on his following list (and he on my following list, else how
  can i see that update)

  Going to check now again (at night)

  On 3 abr, 00:20, Abraham Williams 4bra...@gmail.com wrote:
   Is it a user you recently started following? I may be a caching issue
   the real value has not propagated yet.

   On Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 01:19, SuNcO sunco...@hotmail.com wrote:

Post before but after 30 minutes i can't see the msg, so i post again


Im new on developing a twitter app. The first thing that i use is :

It returns me 20 msgs in xml format

One of those msgs have followingfalse/following

But.. i follow that user and that user is following me. What happend ?

   Abraham Williams | Hacker |http://abrah.am
   @poseurtech |http://the.hackerconundrum.com
   Web608 | Community Evangelist |http://web608.org
   This email is: [ ] blogable [x] ask first [ ] private.
   Sent from Madison, Wisconsin, United States

  Abraham Williams | Hacker |http://abrah.am
  @poseurtech |http://the.hackerconundrum.com
  Web608 | Community Evangelist |http://web608.org
  This email is: [ ] blogable [x] ask first [ ] private.
  Sent from New York, NY, United States

[twitter-dev] What does following in user information do?

2009-03-20 Thread Hwee-Boon Yar

So if I do, http://twitter.com/users/show/XXX.xml

What does the value of following (true/false) mean? I tried
authenticating as someone that both follows and is followed by XXX and
yet the value of following is still false.

Docs say: boolean indicating if a user is following a given user

Any thoughts?


[twitter-dev] Re: What does following in user information do?

2009-03-20 Thread Hwee-Boon Yar

I'm seeing it in XML though. The bugs are for JSON format.


On Mar 21, 12:06 am, Doug Williams d...@twitter.com wrote:
 Looking at the issues, this is known [1], [2]. Add a star to show it's a


 Doug Williams
 Twitter API Supporthttp://twitter.com/dougw

 On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 11:54 AM, Pleasant Software 

 pleasantsoftw...@googlemail.com wrote:

  Same problem here. I guess it's a bug.


  On Mar 20, 9:40 am, Hwee-Boon Yar hweeb...@gmail.com wrote:
   So if I do,http://twitter.com/users/show/XXX.xml

   What does the value of following (true/false) mean? I tried
   authenticating as someone that both follows and is followed by XXX and
   yet the value of following is still false.

   Docs say: boolean indicating if a user is following a given user

   Any thoughts?


[twitter-dev] Re: Finding tweet by id only

2009-03-18 Thread Hwee-Boon Yar

I built it into an iPhone client, blogged about it here -
http://motionobj.com/blog/the-conversation-view-in-simplytweet. Is
such a thing in wide demand?


On Mar 18, 11:18 am, TjL luo...@gmail.com wrote:
 This seems like it would be a fairly easy project to do, something like


 Look up the tweet, see if it exists, if it does, display it (and cache it)

 Assuming that we eventually get a way to search for replies, you could
 display those too.

 Is Twitter Inc going to add this?

 If not, is someone else working on it?


[twitter-dev] Re: Reserved usernames

2009-03-18 Thread Hwee-Boon Yar

If that's the problem you are trying to solve, just make a API call to
retrieve the user information for xxx.


On Mar 18, 11:22 am, jim.renkel ja...@renkel.name wrote:

 I think the problem you're trying to solve here is: given a URL of the
 formhttp://twitter.com/xxx, is xxx a valid twitter username? (At
 least that's a problem that I'm trying to solve for an application I'm

  Is this everything, or have I missed anything?


[twitter-dev] Searching for updates since an update by a protected account

2009-03-10 Thread Hwee-Boon Yar

In order to find updates after a protected account's update, I am
running the following query, setting since_id to the ID of that


The problem of course is that this query fails [1] since searching
with a since_id value that points to an update  not in the database
always returns 404. This update is from a protected user, so it is not
in the database.

Is there anyway around this? I'm currently incrementing the since_id
by 1 if I get a 404, but it looks like a patch.

[1] -


[twitter-dev] Re: Searching for updates since an update by a protected account

2009-03-10 Thread Hwee-Boon Yar

I use a combination of Twitter REST and Search API. The ID for the
message came from the Twitter REST API of the authenticating user or a
friend of his.


On Mar 11, 5:08 am, Chad Etzel jazzyc...@gmail.com wrote:
 If you are using the search API to get the updates, how are you
 getting an update ID from a protected user?

 On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 4:31 PM, Hwee-Boon Yar hweeb...@gmail.com wrote:

  In order to find updates after a protected account's update, I am
  running the following query, setting since_id to the ID of that


  The problem of course is that this query fails [1] since searching
  with a since_id value that points to an update  not in the database
  always returns 404. This update is from a protected user, so it is not
  in the database.

  Is there anyway around this? I'm currently incrementing the since_id
  by 1 if I get a 404, but it looks like a patch.

  [1] -
