I was trying to be patient with this, but seeing that no one is
complaining, I'm afraid I might be alone here.

One of SimplyTweet's server had not been able to access the API *at
all*. Even /rate_limit_status (nothing to do with OAuth) timeout every
time. Is this expected? No response when I tweeted @twitterapi, as

    wget "http://twitter.com/account/rate_limit_status.xml?


On Aug 16, 4:40 pm, Costa Rica <ticoconid...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello
> I am perceiving search API downtime as well
> http://search.twitter.com/search?q=Indonesiareturns results, but the
> XML, ATOM, JSON are returning me a blank page...
> On Aug 15, 12:08 pm, Doug Williams <d...@twitter.com> wrote:
> > Hi all --If you have been monitoring our status blog [1] or been to
> > Twitter.com today you have noticed that we are once again experiencing
> > problems due to external causes. The issues causing the downtime require
> > that we once again take measures to bring the site back online.
> > The first step our operations team must take will likely cause API downtime,
> > especially affecting OAuth. We apologize for the inconvenience and we will
> > work quickly to reduce the impact to the API. We appreciate your patience
> > and I will update you as soon as we know more.
> > Thanks,
> > Doug

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