[twitter-dev] Re: How to get related hashtags?

2009-10-27 Thread Mitchel Berberich

I think you'll have to compute relationsships yourself.

* use existing ontologies describing relationships
* try to guess relationships by using AI and datamining algorithms
like clustering

On Oct 26, 7:00 pm, Legend rahul...@gmail.com wrote:

 I was wondering if there's a way to get related hashtags or maybe
 hashtags that are similar. If Twitter API does not support it, what is
 the best way to achieve this? Any suggestions?


[twitter-dev] Re: master thesis related to Twitter

2009-09-27 Thread Mitchel Berberich

Careful! Stefna was talking about semantic meaning. Not
syntactic ...
But I think you're right - Stefna, please us tell a bit more about the
And - what do you think of when you say strict formed data?
What exactly do you want to achieve?
Maybe your promoter should tell you in more detail, what he expects
from you?

On Sep 27, 6:44 am, Nalin Savara nsn...@gmail.com wrote:
 Good luck buddy.. Btw I'm curious, What exactly are you referring to
 or focussing on when you say 'syntactic meaning of tweets' ?

 I mean I'd appreciate a clarification on 'syntactic meaning to whom ?'
 and 'syntactic meaning of tweets in what context ?'

 Just wondering..

 Best Regards,

 On 9/25/09, Stefna mstefa...@gmail.com wrote:

  I've submitted a ticket with following content:
  *** *** ***
  I am a 23 years old student of informatics at AGH Universtity of
  Science and Technology in Cracow (Poland). Due to a rapid development,
  strict formed data and accessible API I would like to designate my
  master thesis to the Twitter related topic. My promoter is the PhD at
  the Department of Computer Linguistics and our first pick was vaguely
  to analyse the semantic meaning of tweets.

  Do you have suggestions about the dissertation topic?
  Do you have any pending requests or prospect features you want to

  I will browse known issues, I will think thoroughly about the topic
  but still - your suggestion might be very helpful. Even the shortest
  one (like good luck) will encourage me to more intensive research.
  *** *** ***
  Does anyone have any suggestions? My ticket has a six-digit number so
  I'm afraid I won't get any answer :)

  I'll probably ask for help during my work so I subscribe to this group

  Thanks in advance!

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 - Show quoted text -

[twitter-dev] Re: API profile image update

2009-08-21 Thread Mitchel Berberich


I finally managed to get my image update code working, too. In case
someone still has problems here are my findings / observations:

* There only must be one blank line between HTTP request header and
body (java jersey created two).
* Newlines in request header and multipart headers must be CR/LF (both
* It is NOT important that the following headers exist - you CAN skip
them: User-Agent, Content-Length. Expect
* The blank before boundary in Content-Type: multipart/form-data;
boundary=... is NOT important.
* But it IS important that you mention the boundary in the content
type header (jersey skipped it).
* Each part of the multipart content begins with -- + boundary
* The end of the last part is marked with -- + boundary + --
* It is important that the header of the file part also contains a

Taken together the working request looks like this
(working of course only after you have to inserted real
authentication and binary data).

POST https://twitter.com/account/update_profile_background_image.xml
Authorization: Basic your_auth_string
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=some_unique_string

Content-Disposition: form-data; name=image; filename=image.gif
Content-Type: image/gif

your binary data goes here
Content-Disposition: form-data; name=tile
Content-Type: text/plain


Thanks to josh (he sent me his findings via private mail).
Thanks to David, too (he wrote about the problem with two blank lines
between header and body in


[twitter-dev] Re: API profile image update

2009-08-19 Thread Mitchel Berberich

Hi Josh,

can you please give me / us an hint about what exactly you have done
wrong trying to update twitter images in the first place?
If you follow the link I posted to Twitter Development Talk, you can
see that you are not the only one having the problem with error 500.
I don't know why this is the case ...

 * Perhaps the twitter api documentation is not good enough at this
 * Maybe we all make the same mistake
 * Maybe there is only a blank too much in our request headers (which
is ok for most http-servers, but not for twitter)
 * ...

Even after hours of trying I don't know ...
So if there is no good reason against it, please post your solution to
Twitter Development Talk, so we all can learn.



[twitter-dev] Re: API profile image update

2009-08-18 Thread Mitchel Berberich

Hi Josh,
Hi David.

I have the same problem over here, too.
I'm trying to update the image using java jersey but all I get is
error 500.

Searching the internet half a day, I also found a previous description
of the problem posted in December 2008, but still no solution :-(
