[twitter-dev] Re: 4 Listed How can i get that number from an api call?

2010-05-21 Thread Orian Marx (@orian)
This was brought up pretty much the day lists came out of beta back in
November, but still hasn't been addressed in the API. There are two
issues logged in the tracker:

On May 21, 1:07 pm, adamjamesdrew  wrote:
> any ideas?
> On May 19, 8:32 pm, adamjamesdrew  wrote:
> > Thanks

[twitter-dev] Re: How to compute the user list membership count

2010-06-23 Thread Orian Marx (@orian)
Yeah, this was requested a few days after the official list rollout,
back in November (seven months ago):

It's been marked as an "enhancement" even though it has seemed to
exist on Twitter.com this entire time.

On Jun 22, 2:56 pm, Alfredo Artiles  wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there any way to count the user lists membership other than iterating
> with the /:user/lists/memberships method?
> All the best,
> ---
> Alfredohttp://e24apps.com
> fd1b63583b
> fd1b63583b

[twitter-dev] Re: since_id confusion

2010-06-28 Thread Orian Marx (@orian)
Try calling without the count parameter. The page and count parameters
may not work properly with since_id, and since_id may not work
properly if the id you pass results in too many tweets. :/

On Jun 27, 3:17 am, Terence Eden  wrote:
> To make this slightly clearer Imagine I have retrieved a page with
> 20 statuses.  Status IDs are
> 60 ... 40
> Calling the timeline with max_id=40&count=20 allows me to step back in
> time.  It gives me
> 40 ... 20
> Suppose I just want to see *next* 20 tweets since status_id 60?
> I would expect calling the timeline with since_id=60&count=20 to give
> me
> 80 ... 60
> It doesn't.  It gives me
> 100 ... 80.
> That is, the 20 most recent tweets from *now*.  I want the reverse of
> that.  The 20 tweets from *since_id*.
> Is there any way to get that?  I don't want to call the 200 most
> recent tweets and try to find the 20 I'm looking for, partly on
> bandwidth & processing grounds, but also, if the user is, say, 300
> tweets deep into their timeline, they'll miss tweets.
> Thanks
> Terence
> On Jun 26, 3:52 pm, Terence Eden  wrote:
> > Am I mistaken in how since_id works?
> > Callinghttp://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/home_timeline.json?count=20&max_id=...
> > Gives me the *next* 20 tweets from 1234
> > However, calling with 
> > since_idhttp://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/home_timeline.json?count=20&since_i...
> > Gives me the *first* 20 tweets in the timeline.  I was expecting it to
> > show the 20 tweets *from* 1234
> > Am I the only one with this confusion? Or is there a better way to
> > just retrieve the first 20 tweets which have occurred since?
> > Thanks
> > T
> > (Essentially, I'm implementing older and newer buttons which always
> > show older/newer tweets, rather than pages.)

[twitter-dev] Re: Get Twitter replies since

2010-07-15 Thread Orian Marx (@orian)
I assume you mean you're using statuses/mentions to retrieve the
tweets you're looking for. If you want to get just the most recent
mentions since the last time you fetched them, you should pass the id
of the most recent mention you have in the since_id parameter. You
can't send it a timestamp.

Here is the documentation: http://dev.twitter.com/doc/get/statuses/mentions

On Jul 14, 4:22 pm, Sillysoft  wrote:
> Perhaps Im not understanding this correctly but I am using the Twitter
> API to grab the replies from my twitter account. The problem is I dont
> want to grab the same ones so Im trying to use the since variable but
> no matter what value I use for the since variable in the url it always
> comes back with the same replies. For example:
> http://twitter.com/statuses/replies.xml?since=Tue%2C+27+Mar+2011+22%3...
> I did this as a test, I was assuming the since variable meant show all
> replies that have been added since Tues March 11 2011. If that is
> correct then it should come back with 0 results correct? Well right
> now it is coming back with the same results as if I am not using the
> since variable. Anyone point me in the right direction?

[twitter-dev] Re: Get just the IDs for a lists members

2010-07-20 Thread Orian Marx (@orian)
Yeah, this was actually requested in the issue tracker back in
December: http://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/detail?id=1296

On Jul 19, 10:23 am, Taylor Singletary 
> There's no way to get this at this time, but it'd be a good feature to
> request on the issue tracker:http://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/list
> On Sun, Jul 18, 2010 at 2:09 PM, Dharmesh  wrote:
> > I'm looking to do do some analysis on twitter lists.
> > I'd like to be able to retrieve the list of all users that are members
> > of a list -- but all I need are the User IDs.
> > Is there a way to get a list of members (up to 5,000) like we can with
> > the call followers/ids and friends/ids?
> > Right now, we can only retrieve 20 members at a time -- which requires
> > many API calls for large lists and wastes bandwidth as I don't need
> > all the user data.
> > Thanks.

[twitter-dev] Re: Get resolved URLs?

2010-08-08 Thread Orian Marx (@orian)
Agreed, this would make a lot of sense for Twitter to return,
especially as the t.co link wrapping gets rolled out.

On Aug 6, 3:17 pm, Tom  wrote:
> I agree - it would be nice to have this. Possibly as an entity?
> Tom
> On Aug 6, 6:35 pm, Brian Medendorp  wrote:
> > I can see that twitter itself must be resolving any shortened URLs
> > somewhere, because if you search for a domain name (such as
> > amazon.com), you get a bunch of results that don't seem to match until
> > you resolve the shortened URL in the tweet and see that it points to
> > the domain you searched for, which is fantastic!
> > However, I am wondering if there is any way to get those resolved URLs
> > from the API, or (better yet) if there is anyway that those URLs could
> > be exposed in the search results themselves. Currently, I am resolving
> > the URLs myself by requesting the URL and saving the resulting
> > location, but that starts to take a while when there are a lot of
> > results returned.

[twitter-dev] Re: Visual refresh of the OAuth screens

2011-04-28 Thread Orian Marx (@orian)
I think it's good to be giving users more information on what they are
granting access to, but by leaving out a number of things there are
misleading implications. In particular, this list does not mention
that users will be granting access to all their private DMs. I also
find it interesting the list mentions the ability to follow new
people, but not to unfollow existing people.

Obviously it's been to everyone's benefit who has built apps that rely
on OAuth up to this point that there has been specific mentioning of
access to DMs as this would likely turn off a lot of people from
granting access to experimental apps. The reality is that the OAuth
system needs finer-grained controls. It would be good to hear if there
has been any new thought on this from Twitter engineering.

Otherwise, I like the new page :)


On Apr 28, 5:02 pm, Matt Harris  wrote:
> Hey Developers,
> Some of you may have noticed already that earlier today we deployed a
> redesign of the OAuth screens.
> We know both you and your users have been asking for better clarity about
> what an application can see and do with an account and these screens are a
> step towards doing that.
> One of the areas we wanted to improve is showing the details of your
> application. If you visit the new screens you will see we've separated your
> application details from the permissions that are being requested. We did
> this to help users see that it is your application, not Twitter's. Remember
> you can update your application details at anytime 
> onhttp://dev.twitter.com/apps.
> Mobile and international support has also been improved and we now use the
> same rendering templates as those created for Web Intents. This ensures the
> design matches the rest of #newtwitter and, more importantly, works
> cross-browser, cross-platform, and multilingual.
> We hope you find the new designs more welcoming and friendly. Let us know
> what you think.
> Best,
> @themattharris
> Developer Advocate, Twitterhttp://twitter.com/themattharris

Twitter developer documentation and resources: http://dev.twitter.com/doc
API updates via Twitter: http://twitter.com/twitterapi
Issues/Enhancements Tracker: http://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/list
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[twitter-dev] Re: New API Console & Documentation updates on dev.twitter.com

2011-05-04 Thread Orian Marx (@orian)
It's great to see progress on this! The real test though will be
whether future reported documentation errors can be fixed immediately
by Twitter staff once verified. Refreshing documentation every 6 - 12
months is something, but far from ideal. Hopefully the recent efforts
by Twitter staff to work on documentation, fix bugs and close out
issues is a sign of continuous improvement. Keep it up! :)

As for feedback on the current documentation: I think the biggest
issue is that the navigation makes it very difficult to find a method
if you don't know exactly what you're looking for. It would be useful
if more than one node in the menu could be expanded at a time (make it
a real tree, with an expand all) and even better would be a single
page with all methods with brief descriptions inline.


On May 4, 12:50 pm, Arnaud Meunier  wrote:
> Hey Developers!
> You might have noticed that we started updating our developer portal
> yesterday, starting with the replacement of the old Twurl console with
> Apigee's. If you've never tried Apigee's test console, you should take a
> look at it! It's a great tool to test and debug your API calls, and we hope
> you'll like it as much as we do:http://dev.twitter.com/console
> On the documentation side, we updated our Twitter libraries page, cleaning
> and merging our old OAuth + Twitter sections. We know lots of you access our
> resources through open-sourced libraries, so let us know if you think we're
> missing a good one:http://dev.twitter.com/pages/libraries
> We've also been working on our API resources documentation (all of them are
> listed in the right sidebar onhttp://dev.twitter.com/doc):
> - Deprecated resources are now grouped in a new "Deprecated resources"
> category (for examplehttp://dev.twitter.com/doc/post/:user/lists). On their
> doc pages we've recommended a new or replacement method you should use
> instead.
>  - New lists resources have been documented (8 List, 5 ListMembers and 4
> ListSubscribers resources)
> - Redundant streaming resources have been removed and redirected (all
> streaming API methods can be found 
> onhttp://dev.twitter.com/pages/streaming_api_methods).
> - Lots of other API resources have been updated to reflect the way they're
> actually working today.
> We know accurate documentation is important for you guys, so please let us
> know if you think some of our API resources documentation still need some
> love. We'd love your feedback :)
> Arnaud / @rno

Twitter developer documentation and resources: http://dev.twitter.com/doc
API updates via Twitter: http://twitter.com/twitterapi
Issues/Enhancements Tracker: http://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/list
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[twitter-dev] Re: status/update in_reply_to ignored

2011-05-05 Thread Orian Marx (@orian)
Yes you need both the in_reply_to information to be set as well as the
@username to appear within the tweet. And yes, this could be
documented better.


On May 5, 2:29 pm, Colt Fred  wrote:
> Greetings community,
> I've experienced a problem recently that I can't find an "official"
> answer to.  I'm attempting to use the update rest api and I'm passing
> in "in_reply_to=XX", but it's being ignored.  If I include a
> "@user" where user is the owner of the tweet id I passed in, it works
> fine.
> The official api documentation makes no note of this and I see that
> there was talk of not requiring the @user here(http://
> groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/browse_thread/thread/
> f009c76d17199084?pli=1) but I also see someone complaining about the
> same problem here (http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-
> talk/browse_thread/thread/4ed686abbf59164b).
> What's twitter's official stance?  If it is required to make the "in
> reply to link", it should be noted in the api documentation.
> Thanks!
> Colt

Twitter developer documentation and resources: http://dev.twitter.com/doc
API updates via Twitter: http://twitter.com/twitterapi
Issues/Enhancements Tracker: http://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/list
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[twitter-dev] Re: Quick update on Devnest

2011-05-09 Thread Orian Marx (@orian)
Glad to see this is going on, and that the event is being recorded for
those of us who can't attend. Sorry for the snark but, does Twitter
not have any room in the developer outreach budget for power strips?


On May 9, 7:07 pm, Jason Costa  wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> We're excited to see many of you this Thursday for Devnest. Just a
> couple of quick updates on the event.
> The Agenda:
> - Introduction from Dick Costolo
> - Platform updates from Ryan Sarver
> - Presentations from ecosystem developers
> - Q&A session with members of our platform team
> - After Q&A, members of our platform team will be hanging out - please
> show us your apps!
> - Shortly after 8:30pm, we'll be heading to Jillian's to hang out -
> feel free to join us
> Other important notes about the event:
> - Please plan to start arriving around 6:15pm, as we'll do our best to
> start on time at 6:30pm
> - We'll be signing in registered guests in the first floor lobby of
> our office (795 Folsom Street)
> - Be sure to juice up your laptop battery before arriving: we'll be
> extremely limited on power outlets!
> - The hashtag for the event will be #devnestSF
> - If you can't attend but would like to ask questions, please tag them
> with #devnestSF
> - We'll be live-tweeting from the @twitterapi account - be sure to
> follow along!
> For those on the waitlist, we've had significant interest in the event
> and won't be able to accommodate additional attendees this time
> around. But don't worry, we'll be having more of these in the future
> and we'll also be recording the event. We plan to upload the video
> footage to dev.twitter.com.
> See you Thursday!
> --Jason

Twitter developer documentation and resources: https://dev.twitter.com/doc
API updates via Twitter: https://twitter.com/twitterapi
Issues/Enhancements Tracker: https://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/list
Change your membership to this group: 

[twitter-dev] Re: Quick update on Devnest

2011-05-10 Thread Orian Marx (@orian)
Thanks for the reply. I do hope the presentation doesn't blow :P

On May 9, 11:36 pm, Jason Costa  wrote:
> Hi Orian,
> It's a limitation of the building - the electrical
> network isn't set up to support that many
> connections in the area where the event is
> being held. It would not be fun to blow a fuse
> in the middle of a presentation - thus, the
> ask that developers charge their laptops
> ahead of time.
> Thanks,
> --Jason
> On May 9, 8:28 pm, "Orian Marx (@orian)"  wrote:
> > Glad to see this is going on, and that the event is being recorded for
> > those of us who can't attend. Sorry for the snark but, does Twitter
> > not have any room in the developer outreach budget for power strips?
> > @orian
> > On May 9, 7:07 pm, Jason Costa  wrote:
> > > Hi everyone,
> > > We're excited to see many of you this Thursday for Devnest. Just a
> > > couple of quick updates on the event.
> > > The Agenda:
> > > - Introduction from Dick Costolo
> > > - Platform updates from Ryan Sarver
> > > - Presentations from ecosystem developers
> > > - Q&A session with members of our platform team
> > > - After Q&A, members of our platform team will be hanging out - please
> > > show us your apps!
> > > - Shortly after 8:30pm, we'll be heading to Jillian's to hang out -
> > > feel free to join us
> > > Other important notes about the event:
> > > - Please plan to start arriving around 6:15pm, as we'll do our best to
> > > start on time at 6:30pm
> > > - We'll be signing in registered guests in the first floor lobby of
> > > our office (795 Folsom Street)
> > > - Be sure to juice up your laptop battery before arriving: we'll be
> > > extremely limited on power outlets!
> > > - The hashtag for the event will be #devnestSF
> > > - If you can't attend but would like to ask questions, please tag them
> > > with #devnestSF
> > > - We'll be live-tweeting from the @twitterapi account - be sure to
> > > follow along!
> > > For those on the waitlist, we've had significant interest in the event
> > > and won't be able to accommodate additional attendees this time
> > > around. But don't worry, we'll be having more of these in the future
> > > and we'll also be recording the event. We plan to upload the video
> > > footage to dev.twitter.com.
> > > See you Thursday!
> > > --Jason

Twitter developer documentation and resources: https://dev.twitter.com/doc
API updates via Twitter: https://twitter.com/twitterapi
Issues/Enhancements Tracker: https://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/list
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[twitter-dev] Re: direct messages / conversations

2011-05-12 Thread Orian Marx (@orian)
No, there is no API method which will do what you are asking for. As
Taylor says, you need build this up for yourself as best you can using
the sent / received DMs endpoints.

On May 12, 10:19 am, galeyte  wrote:
> ...
> So i guess there's no other way ?
> On May 11, 5:58 pm, galeyte  wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I'm building a qml/js app.
> > I'm now getting direct messages and i'm wondering if there's any way
> > to get direct messages by sender screen names or id.
> > IBy now i'm requesting /dirtect_messages.json and /direct_messages/
> > sent.json and merging the results together to build a tree and i would
> > really appriciate another easiest way to do it.
> > Thanks,

Twitter developer documentation and resources: https://dev.twitter.com/doc
API updates via Twitter: https://twitter.com/twitterapi
Issues/Enhancements Tracker: https://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/list
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