[twitter-dev] Streaming API and Oauth

2010-07-05 Thread Zhami
The Oauth Overview page http://dev.twitter.com/pages/auth_overview
has sections for three APIs: REST, Search, and Streaming. The bottom
of the page displays a ribbon stating that The @twitterapi team will
be shutting of basic authentication for the Twitter API.  Does this
mean all of the Twitter APIs (REST, Search, and Streaming)? or just

Most specifically, while I know that the Streaming API end-point now
supports OAuth, I do not know if Streaming will require OAuth come
August 16th...  can someone please clarify. TIA.

[twitter-dev] How can I search Twitter for tweets containing an exact phrase

2010-06-27 Thread Zhami
I need to search Twitter for tweets containing the phrase $T (T
being the trading symbol for ATT). When I perform a search for this,
I get back oodles of results where $t is not a complete phrase, but
the characters in some larger phrase, which isn't what I want. Alas,
$t is quite common in 1337 (leet) phraseology.

The Web interface for search.twitter.com advanced offers an entry
for This exact phrase but I can't get that to work. I have tried
specifying spaces on either side of the $t text, as in:
But the search engine ignores the spaces and returns non-exact
phrase matches.

Is there any way to inform the search engine that I want exact-exact
matches, or whole-word matches?

[twitter-dev] Re: Retrieving older tweets from less-active accounts

2010-06-14 Thread Zhami

On Jun 14, 5:04 pm, Matt Harris mhar...@twitter.com wrote:
 Search only includes Tweets for the last ~7 days.

This makes sense with what I'm experiencing... but then I wonder: Why
does the Web interface for search.twitter.com/advanced have controls
to input a Since this date date?

btw: my question regards searching for a term, not a source.

Also: is it possible to use some API query to search for older tweets?

[twitter-dev] Re: parsing out entities from tweets (a.k.a. parsing out hashtags is hard!)

2010-05-14 Thread Zhami
+1 for it being optional as well -- keep the bandwidth to a minimum
for scenarios where it's not needed.

+1 for having short URLs' original (long) URL provided (perhaps also
an option?)

[twitter-dev] Re: How to set 'source' when update status

2010-05-02 Thread Zhami
On May 2, 6:00 pm, Ernandes Jr. ernan...@gmail.com wrote:

 Please, read this:http://dev.twitter.com/pages/api_faq#attribution

The referenced text recommends the use of OAuth (We now recommend
developers use OAuth...)

I suggest that someone from the Twitter doc team revise the faq to
correlate with the soon required use of OAuth.

[twitter-dev] What is the correct OAuth API endpoint

2010-03-03 Thread Zhami
What is the correct API end-point for OAuth authenticated,
*documented* API calls?




[twitter-dev] Authorize page for desk-top apps

2010-02-22 Thread Zhami
When I invoke the authorize URL with a oauth_token, the Allow/Deny
page comes up. My app is a desk-top app, not a Web site. Most of the
text seems to reflect this, except on the right side, where it says:

Twitter takes your privacy very seriously.
Please ensure that you trust this website with your information before

I think that second line should refer to app not website.

Twitter folks: Is this something that can be tweaked for apps?

[twitter-dev] Re: Introduce yourself!

2010-02-22 Thread Zhami
Hey fellow Twitter developers, I'm Stuart Malin (@zhami). I'm
developing a Mac/Cocoa desk-top app for interacting with Twitter. I've
been working on it for a year now (slow pace of development). It has a
unique (and rather cool, if I may say so) U/X, unlike anything out
there. I am presently adapting the app for OAuth, which is starting to
fall into place.  I am registered for Chirp, and hope to meet some of
you there. Presently I live in southeast Florida, but have called the
Bay Area home for years, and so will enjoy a visit to SF.

The one feature request that stands out for me now would be to have
the ability to attach a single line of meta-data to a status update,
and to for there to be a managed namespace for using this meta data
field. Then we app/Web developers could populate that field with
interesting items and we could parse for those that we want to adopt
into our individual apps/Web sites.


[twitter-dev] Re: oauth request token failing

2010-02-21 Thread Zhami
On Feb 17, 10:47 pm, Ryan Alford ryanalford...@gmail.com wrote:
 You order all parameters EXCEPT the signature, then create the signature,
 then append the signature to the end.  All other parameters should be in

I am under the impression that sorting is only required to generate
the Signature Base String. I haven't seen anything in the OAuth spec
to suggest that Query parameters must be ordered. If I have missed
something, lease let me know where. I also believe that ordering is
*not* required in the Authorization header because the example shown
in the spec is not ordered [1]

[1] OAuth Core 1.0a section 5.4.1 Authorization Header;

[twitter-dev] Re: OAuth wed desktop feedback

2009-10-13 Thread Zhami

As a a software and Web site user, I consider my desktop apps mine
and Web sites theirs.  I am sure that this is the mindset of most
people. We visit Web sites, and we give information to them. Yes,
they do things for us in return. Even when providing SaaS, I am still
on their site. On the other hand, when I use a desktop app, I am
using my software on my computer and it is likely that I have
other desktop apps to which I have given passwords and keys. In fact,
I may even have my Browser remember passwords for Web sites I
frequent as well as keep other personal information.

As a consequence of this distinction, while I consider OAuth a fine
architecture in the context of Web workflow, it is (presently) not
optimally suited for the desktop experience. As a user, I control my
apps (well, presuming they are not malicious), and can turn them off
or uninstall them at my discretion. A Web site is (very) different in
that I have no real authority over it.

btw: I think it is quite important to realize just how atypical/novel
Twitter is in assessing the needs of a desktop solution: Twitter isn't
really a Web site (though it has a Web site) -- Twitter is a messaging
infrastructure, and client apps are end-points. In this regard, think
of it more like email.

The UX I want for users of my app is what I want when they use an
email client: they'll use a Preferences/Wizard approach to add account
(s), and thereafter the app provides functionality. Although users
have the option of visiting Twitter's Web site to interact with
Twitter, it is my goal (as I suspect it is for most clients), to over
time obviate the need for users to go there.

In this context, I see the needs for a desktop solution as:

1) don't ever send the user's password in the clear over an
unencrypted transaction, even if obfuscated (e.g., Base64).

2) in spite of #1, don't require use of SSL/TLS for every transaction
(that requires user authentication).

3) client apps should be uniquely identified, and Twitter should have
the control to withdraw a client's access to Twitter's service.

4) empower a user to terminate an issued token (whether because the
app turns out to be malicious, or because the token has been

On Oct 12, 10:02 pm, JDG ghil...@gmail.com wrote:
 But it completely subverts the point of OAuth, because it lets a third party
 have your password. Why even use OAuth in that case?

 On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 19:01, Zhami stu...@zhameesha.com wrote:

  On Oct 12, 5:44 pm, Sebastian sdelm...@gmail.com wrote:
   The solution for OAuth on Mobile and Desktop is easy:
   Let me rewrite this in plain english: let the app ask for login/
   password and pass it to twitter.
   All we need is a simple API call where we can trade a login and
   password for an oauth access token, bypassing the browser.

  I think this is a grand idea, and wanted to acknowledge it.

  This solution removes the password from being bandied about endlessly
  with Basic Auth, but is appropriate for the world of desktop apps
  where users are comfortable providing their password because
  applications often ask for access restricted information.

 Internets. Serious business.

[twitter-dev] Re: OAuth wed desktop feedback

2009-10-12 Thread Zhami

On Oct 12, 5:44 pm, Sebastian sdelm...@gmail.com wrote:
 The solution for OAuth on Mobile and Desktop is easy:
 Let me rewrite this in plain english: let the app ask for login/
 password and pass it to twitter.
 All we need is a simple API call where we can trade a login and
 password for an oauth access token, bypassing the browser.

I think this is a grand idea, and wanted to acknowledge it.

This solution removes the password from being bandied about endlessly
with Basic Auth, but is appropriate for the world of desktop apps
where users are comfortable providing their password because
applications often ask for access restricted information.