Re: This is why it's Urgent

2009-01-05 Thread Jesse Stay
On Sun, Jan 4, 2009 at 11:20 PM, Alex Payne wrote:

 Getting worked up into hysterics about boycotts is just, as security
 expert Bruce Schenier is fond of saying, security theater. It's the
 equivalent of an apartment building's tenants telling their landlord
 they refuse to use keys because someone's place got broken into.

Alex, sorry, but this is more than just security - this is getting ready to
put a whole lot of businesses out of business, thanks to the lack of such a
mechanism.  Regardless of whether it's the solution or not (I still argue it
would have helped), if users boycott, our apps don't get used.  If our apps
stop getting used, Twitter stops getting used.  There are entire groups of
users out there right now asking what apps could be the culprit.  I've heard
some mention my app.  I've heard others mention TweetDeck.  I've heard some
mention Twhirl.  All these apps, whether they have any chance of being the
culprit (I realize they don't, but your users don't have any way of knowing
- all these apps collected their passwords), all have the chance of getting
cut off of Twitter here real soon by the users if something isn't done.
Didn't you guys say at one point the majority of your traffic comes from the
API?  This is more than just not using keys - this is about telling the
landlord you won't pay them for the month because they refuse to install

This issue is huge for us as developers, and I don't sense that urgency from


Re: This is why it's Urgent

2009-01-05 Thread Aaron Brazell

There is no reason why any Twitter user should simply trust an app because
*you* created it. Though I inherently trust you and there's no reason to
believe you would create a malicious app, no one can *verify* that. Trust
yet verify.

That's all we are asking for. Until there is a verify mechanism, yes, no app
at all ever on the planet, including my favorite TweetDeck, should be
trusted. Ever.

I think that's what is being said here. And if that hurts business, well...
blame Twitter. Or Bush. Or both.
Aaron Brazell
phone:: 410-608-6620
skype:: technosailor
twitter:: @technosailor

On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 11:35 AM, Nicole Simon wrote:

 Cameron's comment shows why a system like Oauth is important:
 Making it easy for third party developpers.
 Making it easier for users to build trust.

 Btw business idea, as it did work with summize:
 Build an oauth service between third apps and twitter,
 gain the trust from the users, force devs to use it. As
 this can be switched on by twitter any moment:
 take a small amount of money from the users
 in the meantime until twitter implements it.

 I'd probably pay 10 dollars a year for such an intermediary
 service (so make that 5 for six months)

 Business idea 2 for you so you don't canibalise yourself:
 Let's use a pledge drive to put up money for you and
 implement these.


 Christopher St John's comments above accurately reflect my own
 concerns. OAuth is not a security magic bullet, and it only encourages
 phishing attacks. I feel bad for users that have given their
 credentials to a phishing site, and we'll do everything we can to
 educate them, but token-based authentication systems are not going to
 fix this particular security problem.

 Of course it is not a magic bullet but let's not forget that having to
 provide my
 login data on third party apps because nothing else exists is really
 It may not be the magic bullet but in comparison that is miles between

 Getting worked up into hysterics about boycotts is just, as security
 expert Bruce Schenier is fond of saying, security theater. It's the
 equivalent of an apartment building's tenants telling their landlord
 they refuse to use keys because someone's place got broken into.

 The equivilant you are looking  for is that in order to have operations
 done in my appartment all I can do is hand out my keys instead of
 being able to use the trusted third party service which will watch
 them just for a bit.

 Are users stupid and dont know what they do? Of course. Basically
 it surprises me to see it took them phishers so long to go for it.

 But you can see a clear correlation with some of the recent news
 with twitter news popping up on sites like digitalpoint and co.

 The ecosystem is one of the reasons why Twitter is succeeding,
 interviews with users show that over and over again.


 Kontakt: // //

 skype: nicole.simon /
 phone: +49 451 899 75 03 / mobile: +49 179 499 7076

Re: This is why it's Urgent

2009-01-05 Thread Nicole Simon
Cameron's comment shows why a system like Oauth is important:
Making it easy for third party developpers.
Making it easier for users to build trust.

Btw business idea, as it did work with summize:
Build an oauth service between third apps and twitter,
gain the trust from the users, force devs to use it. As
this can be switched on by twitter any moment:
take a small amount of money from the users
in the meantime until twitter implements it.

I'd probably pay 10 dollars a year for such an intermediary
service (so make that 5 for six months)

Business idea 2 for you so you don't canibalise yourself:
Let's use a pledge drive to put up money for you and
implement these.


 Christopher St John's comments above accurately reflect my own
 concerns. OAuth is not a security magic bullet, and it only encourages
 phishing attacks. I feel bad for users that have given their
 credentials to a phishing site, and we'll do everything we can to
 educate them, but token-based authentication systems are not going to
 fix this particular security problem.

Of course it is not a magic bullet but let's not forget that having to
provide my
login data on third party apps because nothing else exists is really stupid.
It may not be the magic bullet but in comparison that is miles between those

 Getting worked up into hysterics about boycotts is just, as security
 expert Bruce Schenier is fond of saying, security theater. It's the
 equivalent of an apartment building's tenants telling their landlord
 they refuse to use keys because someone's place got broken into.

The equivilant you are looking  for is that in order to have operations
done in my appartment all I can do is hand out my keys instead of
being able to use the trusted third party service which will watch
them just for a bit.

Are users stupid and dont know what they do? Of course. Basically
it surprises me to see it took them phishers so long to go for it.

But you can see a clear correlation with some of the recent news
with twitter news popping up on sites like digitalpoint and co.

The ecosystem is one of the reasons why Twitter is succeeding,
interviews with users show that over and over again.


Kontakt: // //

skype: nicole.simon /
phone: +49 451 899 75 03 / mobile: +49 179 499 7076

Re: This is why it's Urgent

2009-01-05 Thread Dossy Shiobara

Alex Payne wrote:
 Getting worked up into hysterics about boycotts is just, as security
 expert Bruce Schenier is fond of saying, security theater. It's the
 equivalent of an apartment building's tenants telling their landlord
 they refuse to use keys because someone's place got broken into.

Ah, but what people _should_ refuse to do is give out copies of their
keys to those who are essentially complete strangers just to water their
houseplants or feed their cat while on vacation.

You should only give your key to someone trusted who then acts on behalf
of the stranger to let them in, watch them water the plants or feed the
cat, then ensure they exit your apartment without doing anything else.

Yes, tenants should tell their landlord that having to give out a copy
of their key is not acceptable, especially when the break-ins occured
using a copied key that was handed out.

Still, why do we care?  It's just a Twitter account being compromised -
what, do you exchange trade secrets in DMs that you wouldn't want
someone else to read?  Hint: Twitter isn't a confidential and secure
messaging transport.  Don't try to pretend it is.

Dossy Shiobara  | |
Panoptic Computer Network   |
  He realized the fastest way to change is to laugh at your own
folly -- then you can let go and quickly move on. (p. 70)

Re: This is why it's Urgent

2009-01-05 Thread Dossy Shiobara

Twitblogs wrote:
 I wholeheartedly agree with Jesse.  IF users spread misinformation
 about 3rd party apps that request passwords ALL being evil then we are
 all in the same sinking boat.

You say this like it's a bad thing.  If we want to see a solution from
Twitter, there has to be a real business reason for them to fund it.

What better business reason than our API traffic dropped by 80% in one
month and has remained at that low level for the past three months.

Let the panic continue.  Either we'll see a workable solution to the
problem, or folks will just stop using the API - either way, we'll
finally have some clarity on the situation.

Dossy Shiobara  | |
Panoptic Computer Network   |
  He realized the fastest way to change is to laugh at your own
folly -- then you can let go and quickly move on. (p. 70)

Re: This is why it's Urgent

2009-01-05 Thread Julio Biason

On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 3:47 AM, Aaron Brazell wrote:

 There is no reason why any Twitter user should simply trust an app because
 *you* created it. Though I inherently trust you and there's no reason to
 believe you would create a malicious app, no one can *verify* that. Trust
 yet verify.

Use an open source application, then. You can verify the source yourself.

Julio Biason

Re: This is why it's Urgent

2009-01-04 Thread Cameron Kaiser

 I've been lurking on this list for a while.  It's a nice resource for  
 Twitter development.  I'm currently working on my own desktop Twitter  
 app.  However I have apparently missed something on this list.
 What exactly is wrong with an application (for Mac OS X in this case)  
 asking for a user's Twitter user name and password.  Storing the  
 password in the OS X Keychain isn't hard at all and it is encrypted.

Ed and I were sort of making that argument earlier.

 Have I really missed something important?  Does this fever about  
 apps asking for passwords apply to desktop and web apps, or just web  
 apps?  I'd really like to know whether or not my application would  
 suddenly become evil because it asked for an account password.  And  
 yes, my app does inform the user that the password will be stored in  
 the Keychain and it uses HTTPS when talking to the Twitter servers.

In my opinion (I don't work for twitter or speak for them), I think 3rd
party webapps have the most to gain from going OAuth, and desktop apps
probably have the least. This is why I'm hoping Basic Auth will persist, even
if in a limited or deprecated sense. It's not much good to make a desktop
app walk the OAuth workflow because frankly an evil client application can do
many more usefully evil things than simply being naughty with an OAuth token,
and in some situations might make it impossible for that app to operate in
a useful sense. (Think of all the little Twitter bots that are basically
curl and a shell script, but still do useful monitoring work.)

However, it *is* much more useful to make a 3rd party standalone web app do
it, and that's why Twitter is going to offer it.

 personal: --
  Cameron Kaiser * Floodgap Systems * *
-- We shoulda bought a squirrel. -- Rat Race 

Re: This is why it's Urgent

2009-01-04 Thread Alex Payne

If you're storing the password securely and only using HTTPS, I'd say
you're doing right by your users. In the absence of OAuth, that's
basically best practice. It's also a pattern that's been deemed
adequate by companies like Amazon, who collect and store financial
information from their customers.

Christopher St John's comments above accurately reflect my own
concerns. OAuth is not a security magic bullet, and it only encourages
phishing attacks. I feel bad for users that have given their
credentials to a phishing site, and we'll do everything we can to
educate them, but token-based authentication systems are not going to
fix this particular security problem.

Getting worked up into hysterics about boycotts is just, as security
expert Bruce Schenier is fond of saying, security theater. It's the
equivalent of an apartment building's tenants telling their landlord
they refuse to use keys because someone's place got broken into.

On Sun, Jan 4, 2009 at 22:07, Dale Merrick wrote:

 I've been lurking on this list for a while.  It's a nice resource for
 Twitter development.  I'm currently working on my own desktop Twitter app.
  However I have apparently missed something on this list.

 What exactly is wrong with an application (for Mac OS X in this case) asking
 for a user's Twitter user name and password.  Storing the password in the OS
 X Keychain isn't hard at all and it is encrypted.

 Have I really missed something important?  Does this fever about apps
 asking for passwords apply to desktop and web apps, or just web apps?  I'd
 really like to know whether or not my application would suddenly become
 evil because it asked for an account password.  And yes, my app does
 inform the user that the password will be stored in the Keychain and it uses
 HTTPS when talking to the Twitter servers.

 Reply on list or off list, which ever works best for you.


 On Jan 4, 2009, at 11:59 PM, Christopher St John wrote:

 On Sun, Jan 4, 2009 at 11:39 PM, Jesse Stay wrote:

 We're on the verge of a full boycott by users on apps that take
 Comments like this on keep me up at night. There's a
 groundswell happening, and it doesn't look pretty. I know Twitter is
 on something, I just really hope it's soon.

 Honestly, most people (rightly or wrongly, i suspect rightly)
 don't really worry about it that much. I don't really think a
 boycott is likely to be effective.

 Also, the post confuses phishing with risk of
 giving an evil service your password. They aren't really the same

 For example, oauth type systems are generally considered to
 raise the risk of phishing happening (because they involve
 jumping the user all over the place to different sites) while at
 the same time (if implemented well) they can reduce the impact
 of a successful phish (by giving the user and the service more
 tools to control usage) They're also substantially more difficult to
 implement perfectly, raising the risk of code vulnerabilities.

 Lots of tradeoffs well worth discussing (it's certainly a teaching
 moment) but the level of run-in-circles-scream-and-shout is getting
 to the point of being unhelpful.


 Christopher St. John

Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Re: This is why it's Urgent

2009-01-04 Thread Christopher St John

On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 12:07 AM, Dale Merrick wrote:

 What exactly is wrong with an application (for Mac OS X in this case) asking
 for a user's Twitter user name and password.

Because your app could be evil[1], and, right now, a Twitter password
is a non-expiring full-access read/write token. And somebody could
tweet something evil while masquerading as you. Of course, you
can always just change your password, but that's inconvenient. And
there's a chance you use the same password for Twitter and
your bank account.

 Have I really missed something important?  Does this fever about apps
 asking for passwords apply to desktop and web apps, or just web apps?

Logically, it's just as risky to give your password to an evil desktop
app as it is to an evil web app (since the desktop app can always
transmit the password to a remote server) However, most of the
discussion has been about web apps.

 And yes, my app does
 inform the user that the password will be stored in the Keychain and it uses
 HTTPS when talking to the Twitter servers.

To be fair, an evil app could just as easily say (and even do)


[1] In this contect, the word evil must be pronounced ala Time
Bandits Mum! Dad! It's EVIL! Don't touch it!.

Christopher St. John

Re: This is why it's Urgent

2009-01-04 Thread Dale Merrick

Cameron, Alex:  Thanks for responding.  I just wanted to make sure I  
hadn't missed some major technical issue.  I see that I haven't.  I do  
agree with Alex in regards to the security theater comments he  
made.  It doesn't appear that OAuth will make things any better, even  
if all Twitter apps are required to support it.


I agree with your points.  As someone else on the list asked, what is  
the solution to this issue?  It doesn't really seem to be a technical  
issue at all, but rather a trust issue.

Unless I have missed something you need the users password to post an  
update to their personal timeline.  If the application doesn't ask for  
this information then how will their timeline get updated?  Perhaps  
someone has already provided that answer.  I'll dig through the  
archives tomorrow.

And with it being a trust issue you can extend that to a multitude of  
things in terms of computer applications (desktop and web based).   
Actually the real issue is the reputation of the entity that wrote the  
application.  It all comes down to public relations.

For my own self, or rather for my application, I feel pretty  
comfortable asking users to enter their user name and password combo.   
Can I prove I won't be doing anything evil with it?  Yes, if I release  
the source code (which is currently under consideration).  If I don't  
though then obviously I can't prove I'm not doing bad things with it.

Don't you just love moral dilemmas brought up by technology?  :D

Thanks to all three of you for providing answers that were free of  
scare mongering.


On Jan 5, 2009, at 12:28 AM, Christopher St John wrote:

On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 12:07 AM, Dale Merrick 

What exactly is wrong with an application (for Mac OS X in this  
case) asking

for a user's Twitter user name and password.

Because your app could be evil[1], and, right now, a Twitter password
is a non-expiring full-access read/write token. And somebody could
tweet something evil while masquerading as you. Of course, you
can always just change your password, but that's inconvenient. And
there's a chance you use the same password for Twitter and
your bank account.

Have I really missed something important?  Does this fever about  

asking for passwords apply to desktop and web apps, or just web apps?

Logically, it's just as risky to give your password to an evil desktop
app as it is to an evil web app (since the desktop app can always
transmit the password to a remote server) However, most of the
discussion has been about web apps.

And yes, my app does
inform the user that the password will be stored in the Keychain  
and it uses

HTTPS when talking to the Twitter servers.

To be fair, an evil app could just as easily say (and even do)


[1] In this contect, the word evil must be pronounced ala Time
Bandits Mum! Dad! It's EVIL! Don't touch it!.

Christopher St. John