Re: [twsocket] How to use THttpCli with threads?

2006-10-05 Thread Anatoly Podgoretsky
Hi all,

I carefully reread a FAQ and see other scenario.
Divide process into two pieces, download information from WEB site into main 
thread (ClientConnection) and run thread after data received only for database 

My application is NNTP server with downloading information from one site, put 
it into database and news client get this information from database.

Client ask NNTP server for information, standard protocol. 
Server get request and ask information from database, then immediatelly reply 
to clent.
After it, server dynamically create some HttpCli and start downloading in 
asynchronous mode.
When In OnRequestDone server start a one or more individual threads only for 
heavy load database work. 
Thread do not cooperate with main thread, except OnTerminate Event.
During this operation client can ask other piece of information and this 
operation can start simultaneosy with paralel downloading a data and operating 
with database.

It is a right way? May be is other decision?

And now I have some questions:

1. What I set to property Multitreaded? I don't understand it.

2. Where and when I can destroy HttpCli
   a. In Event Handler OnRequestDone event, I think it's bad idea because it's 
a Event handler of HttpCli.
   b. I can send a user message itself, but how I can decide witch HttpCli I 
must destroy HttpCli.
   c. Destroy HttpCli on OnTerminate a thread.
   d. Destroy HttpCli on each Client request checking witch HttpCli is ready 
for destroy

3. In all examples I see that I must access HttpCli data with Memory Stream 
(ms.LoadFromStream(StringList) - is another method to access received data 
withou a stream? Directly. Like HttpCli.Get, HttpCli.Body.

I need your opinion about this scheme, how it right, another decision with 
simultaneously multi downloading from site and operate with received data with 

With best regards,
Anatoly Podgoretsky

- Original Message - 
From: "Anatoly Podgoretsky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I want use THttpCli within TTread, but when I close application it eception 
> with AV at address 0
> Code follow
> constructor TBaseThread.Create;
> begin
>  inherited Create(False);
>  FreeOnTerminate := True;
>  HttpClient  := THttpCli.Create(nil);
> {
>  HttpClient.Agent  := 'Anatoly Podgoretsky NNTP Server';
>  HttpClient.MultiThreaded  := True;
> }
> end;
> //**
> // разрушение базового потока
> //**
> destructor TBaseThread.Destroy;
> begin
>  HttpClient.Free;
>  inherited;
> end;
> What I'm doing wrong?
> Thread do nothing with main thread, this code only for testing. Real will 
> written in future
> With best regards,
> Anatoly Podgoretsky
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Re: [twsocket] TWsocket server client list Error

2006-10-05 Thread Miguel Ca

Hello Wilfried

Today i made some test and the results are not good for me. I colud no t 
find the error that triggger the exceptior but i find that for each 
exception i have an 'empty' connection (no ip no port).

I will make a little explanacion of my code. My service is a tcp server very 
similar to the example that comes with ICS componets.

My code look like this

   OnDataAvailable := ClientDataAvailable;
   OnBgException := ClientBgException;
   ConnectTime := Time

   writeinTxtFile( '--Conexiones Activas : ' + IntToStr( 
WSocketServerEx.ClientCount ), true );

   for i := 0 to WSocketServerEx.ClientCount - 1 do
 writeinTxtFile( Format( '--Activa[%d] IP [%s] PORT [%s]',
   [ i, WSocketServerEx.client[ i ].getPeerAddr, 
WSocketServerEx.client[ i ].getPeerport ]

   ) );

WSocketServerExClientDisconnect( )
   for i := 0 to WSocketServerEx.ClientCount - 1 do
 WriteTxtFile( Format( '--D Activa[%d] IP [%s] PORT [%s]',
   [ i, WSocketServerEx.client[ i ].getPeerAddr, 
WSocketServerEx.client[ i ].getPeerport ]

) );

When i have like 150 or 200 connections in the list i have something like 
this in my txt file

[05/10/2006 11:21:15:845] --D Activa[165] IP [] PORT []

and if i try to do .close call this call works but nothing happen, not to 
the list no exception, no disconnect event nothing.

This behavior repeats only with heavy traffic.

If i start a new valid connection after i while this connection is added to 
the end and works fine if no heavy traffic start again but i can free the 
used positions with empty connections (no ip no port).

Thank you

Miguel Angel Cañas C.

From: Wilfried Mestdagh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: ICS support mailing 
Subject: Re: [twsocket] TWsocket server client list Error
Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2006 15:59:48 +0200

Hello Miguel,

> However I want to ask something to, Is there a theory for the 

> without IP and PORT that shows the TWsocketServer.client[i]?

No I have no theory at the momen. With empty  IP and Port, which
properties do you exacly mean ?

> in case that some timeotu expired, the code looks like this:

Code looks OK to me.

Rgds, Wilfried [TeamICS]

Thursday, October 5, 2006, 15:37, Miguel Cañas wrote:

> Thank you for the answer Wilfried

> Im following your suggestios and I will test the Wsockets events today 

> try .. except blocks to try to find the error.

> However I want to ask something to, Is there a theory for the 

> without IP and PORT that shows the TWsocketServer.client[i]?

> [04/10/2006 17:24:09:296] --D Activa[1] IP [] PORT []

> because I have a procedure that check for connections to make a close 

> in case that some timeotu expired, the code looks like this:

> //check for a valid client
> if WSocketServerEx.IsClient( WSocketServerEx.Client[ i ] ) 

> begin
>  //Close socket. Nothing send.
>   TTcpSrvClient( WSocketServerEx.Client[ i ] ).Close;
> I can see thar in the case of the no IP no port connections i can do a
> .Close call

> Thank you

> Miguel Angel Cañas C.

>>From: Wilfried Mestdagh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Reply-To: ICS support mailing 
>>To: ICS support mailing 
>>Subject: Re: [twsocket] TWsocket server client list Error
>>Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2006 12:42:03 +0200
>>Hello Miguel,
>>BGException is background exception. It comes from the message pump.
>>This means it can come also from your code in one of the TWSocket
>>events. To test put them all in a exception block until you found the
>>error (if it is over there of course).
>>Socket operation on a non socket means that somewhere some handle is
>>overwritten. Mostly this comes because you have somewhere written
>>outside a variable (so written [partly] to another).
>>This is not nececary the same moment but has happend a little while
>>before it.
>>Also possible is that you have a pointer to a datasocket that is not
>>exestant anymore. If you have an array of sockets or so, be sure to
>>update it on OnClientConnect / OnClientDisconnect. Remember also that in
>>OnClientDisconnect the datasocket in question is still there, it is
>>called before it is destroyed (also the count argument).
>>Rgds, Wilfried [TeamICS]
>>Thursday, October 5, 2006, 09:06, Miguel Cañas wrote:
>> > Hi
>> > I am using TwSocketServer in a service application that receives
>> > from a POS Machine (using TCP) and I am having problems with the 

>> > clients that shows WSocketServerEx.ClientCount. In some cases
>> > return more connections than the number of 

Re: [twsocket] MD5 check needed ?

2006-10-05 Thread Wilfried Mestdagh
Hello Arno,

> So I will forget that and sleep well in the future, anyway it's much
> faster w/o a check, and I like it fast ;-) 

Yes you can sleep on both of your ears (Flemish proverb);

Rgds, Wilfried [TeamICS]

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[twsocket] I'm writting a small C/S protocol

2006-10-05 Thread Francois PIETTE
In a message, Arno Garrels wrote:

> I'm writting a small C/S protocol. It includes sending/receiving
> database records. 

Maybe you are interested by MidWare ? Did you had a look at it ?

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[twsocket] How to use THttpCli with threads?

2006-10-05 Thread Anatoly Podgoretsky

I want use THttpCli within TTread, but when I close application it eception 
with AV at address 0
Code follow

constructor TBaseThread.Create;
  inherited Create(False);
  FreeOnTerminate := True;
  HttpClient  := THttpCli.Create(nil);
  HttpClient.Agent  := 'Anatoly Podgoretsky NNTP Server';
  HttpClient.MultiThreaded  := True;
// разрушение базового потока
destructor TBaseThread.Destroy;

What I'm doing wrong?
Thread do nothing with main thread, this code only for testing. Real will 
written in future

With best regards,
Anatoly Podgoretsky

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Re: [twsocket] MD5 check needed ?

2006-10-05 Thread Stadin, Benjamin
Arno Garrels schrieb:
> I wasn't sure about how Winsock/ICS handles simple data corruption.
> What would happen if it happens?

A ethernet 802.x packet is a struct of:
preamble (8 byte) | destination (6 byte) | source (6 byte) | length (2 byte)
| data (46-1500 byte) | fcs (4 byte)

If fcs (frame check sequence) is wrong the packet will be resent. This is
handled by a lower layer or a network device itself (I think by layer 2, the
error correction of the data link layer). I think preamble and fcs are
therefore not seen by protocol analyzers.
For mobile devices or slow connections with medium to large data amount I
would use udp with a custom struct and MD5 for every data chunk of a certain

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Re: [twsocket] How stable is ICS V6 ?

2006-10-05 Thread Éric Fleming Bonilha
I have also upgraded my server and client framework to use ICS 6 and it is 
running just excellent.
I´m using ICS 6 on my camera surveillance software, so the server should be 
able to manage hundreds simmultaneous connections and should be able to work 
on extreme load scenarios. ICS 6 is totally stable and we have customers 
that have heavy network traffic (300 Mbps avg) and ICS is working perfectly

Congratulations to the ICS team


- Original Message - 
From: "Erich Kuba" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "ICS support mailing" 
Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2006 4:52 AM
Subject: [twsocket] How stable is ICS V6 ?

> Hi All,
> I've been using the ICS components for about 6 or 7 years now, and I have 
> to
> say well done to Francois and everyone else who has contributed over the
> years.  I've written some reasonably large server oriented systems using 
> the
> TWSocket component as the basis for a server framework that I've 
> developed.
> Some of these systems handle several hundred thousand requests per day. 
> All
> of the systems in production are compiled with ICS V5.
> I've recently upgraded my server framework to use ICS V6, and am at the
> point where I have a reasonably stable build, but have noticed a few 
> snags,
> random stuff, like server sockets stopping listening under load.  Now I am
> not entirely sure if these problems are in the ICS V6 components or my
> server framework, as I "upgraded" the framework a bit in converting to ICS
> V6.  I guess the question that I'm asking is how stable is the ICS V6
> distribution.  Do you feel that it's ready for production systems?
> Regards
> Erich
> -- 
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Re: [twsocket] MD5 check needed ?

2006-10-05 Thread Wilfried Mestdagh
Hello Arno,

> I wasn't sure about how Winsock/ICS handles simple data corruption.
> What would happen if it happens?

Packets are resent. The amount of packets is depending the size of the
receive window. If memory serve the receive window (where TCP send ACK)
can be till 8 kb.

Rgds, Wilfried [TeamICS]

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Re: [twsocket] MD5 check needed ?

2006-10-05 Thread Arno Garrels
Francois PIETTE wrote:
>> I'm writting a small C/S protocol. It includes sending/receiving
>> database records.
> => No need: TCP stream already has error detection and correction

I wasn't sure about how Winsock/ICS handles simple data corruption.
What would happen if it happens?
> To detect "man in the middle" data alteration ?

No, the man in the middle could easily adjust the MD5-sum.

> => Well why not if you need this kind of security and doesn't want to
> use SSL

Sure, SSL is a user-option. Usually there's no need to use SSL inside
the LAN, but who knows?  

> --
> Contribute to the SSL Effort. Visit
> --
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Re: [twsocket] MD5 check needed ?

2006-10-05 Thread Francois PIETTE
> I'm writting a small C/S protocol. It includes sending/receiving
> database records.
> Would you suggest to send and check a MD5 checksum?
> May be it is OK to live with this overhead only upon database write
> requests?

Why send MD5 checksum ?
To detect errors ?
=> No need: TCP stream already has error detection and correction

To detect "man in the middle" data alteration ?
=> Well why not if you need this kind of security and doesn't want to use 

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Re: [twsocket] MD5 check needed ?

2006-10-05 Thread Arno Garrels
Wilfried Mestdagh wrote:
> Hello Arno,
>> What happens in ICS when a corrupted packet has been received?
>> Is DataAvailable being triggered with an error > 0 ?
> I assume you use TCP. 

Yes I do.

> No need for additional check. I never have seen
> a corrupt packet in TCP. Even not on radio networks where there is
> planty of noise.
> If I recall whell I even never have seen a Winsock error in
> OnDataAvaliable. Only received count <= 0 if there is close or an
> error. 

So I will forget that and sleep well in the future, anyway it's much
faster w/o a check, and I like it fast ;-) 

Arno Garrels [TeamICS]

> ---
> Rgds, Wilfried [TeamICS]
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Re: [twsocket] MD5 check needed ?

2006-10-05 Thread Wilfried Mestdagh
Hello Arno,

> What happens in ICS when a corrupted packet has been received?
> Is DataAvailable being triggered with an error > 0 ?

I assume you use TCP. No need for additional check. I never have seen a
corrupt packet in TCP. Even not on radio networks where there is planty
of noise.

If I recall whell I even never have seen a Winsock error in
OnDataAvaliable. Only received count <= 0 if there is close or an error.

Rgds, Wilfried [TeamICS]

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Re: [twsocket] MD5 check needed ?

2006-10-05 Thread Arno Garrels
Fastream Technologies wrote:
> Hello Arno,
> AFAIK TCP already does CRC per packet so MD5 may be a bit expensive
> (doing additionally).

What happens in ICS when a corrupted packet has been received?
Is DataAvailable being triggered with an error > 0 ?

> Regards,
> SZ
> On 10/5/06, Arno Garrels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm writting a small C/S protocol. It includes sending/receiving
>> database records. Would you suggest to send and check a MD5 checksum?
>> May be it is OK to live with this overhead only upon database write
>> requests?
>> Arno Garrels
>> --
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> --
> Fastream Technologies
> Software IQ: Innovation & Quality
> | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Tel: +90-312-223-2830
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Re: [twsocket] MD5 check needed ?

2006-10-05 Thread Fastream Technologies
Hello Arno,

AFAIK TCP already does CRC per packet so MD5 may be a bit expensive
(doing additionally).



On 10/5/06, Arno Garrels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm writting a small C/S protocol. It includes sending/receiving
> database records. Would you suggest to send and check a MD5 checksum?
> May be it is OK to live with this overhead only upon database write
> requests?
> Arno Garrels
> --
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> please goto
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Fastream Technologies
Software IQ: Innovation & Quality | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Tel: +90-312-223-2830
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[twsocket] MD5 check needed ?

2006-10-05 Thread Arno Garrels

I'm writting a small C/S protocol. It includes sending/receiving
database records. Would you suggest to send and check a MD5 checksum?
May be it is OK to live with this overhead only upon database write

Arno Garrels 

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Re: [twsocket] Authenticate event FTPServer

2006-10-05 Thread Arno Garrels
Arnold FLUTEAUX wrote:
> Hi,
> In authenticate event of ftpserver, I do some tests and if my tests
> aren't ok, I set "authenticated"  (one param of event) to false. But
> my clientcount is yet with this client. So I must do:
> Authenticated :=false;
> PostMessage(ftpserveur.Handle, WM_FTPSRV_CLOSE_REQUEST,
> WPARAM(client.ID),LPARAM(Client));
> To get a good value of clientcount.
> Is it OK or not ?

You may close the client connection if you want (may be after a couple of failed
attempts only?), the component does not do it for you. It is much easier to call

Arno Garrels [TeamICS]

> Arnold
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Re: [twsocket] TWsocket server client list Error

2006-10-05 Thread Wilfried Mestdagh
> It seems the Client[] is not up to date. Perhaps we should remove the client
> from there when the disconnect signal is received? (not when the object is
> destroyed?)

The only reason I can think about is that there is eather an exception
error in the OnClientDisconnect event, or something with an overwritten

Never had that situation. Should be tested eventually.

Rgds, Wilfried [TeamICS]

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[twsocket] Authenticate event FTPServer

2006-10-05 Thread Arnold FLUTEAUX


In authenticate event of ftpserver, I do some tests and if my tests aren't
ok, I set "authenticated"  (one param of event) to false. But my clientcount
is yet with this client. So I must do:

Authenticated :=false;

PostMessage(ftpserveur.Handle, WM_FTPSRV_CLOSE_REQUEST,



To get a good value of clientcount.

Is it OK or not ?




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Re: [twsocket] TWsocket server client list Error

2006-10-05 Thread Fastream Technologies
It seems the Client[] is not up to date. Perhaps we should remove the client 
from there when the disconnect signal is received? (not when the object is 

Best Regards,


- Original Message - 
From: "Wilfried Mestdagh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "ICS support mailing" 
Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2006 5:01 PM
Subject: Re: [twsocket] TWsocket server client list Error

: Hello Fastream,
: But if a client disconnect with an error in high traffic, which events
: are you logging ?  Seems a wierd problem to me...
: ---
: Rgds, Wilfried [TeamICS]
: -- 
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: please goto
: Visit our website at 

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Re: [twsocket] TWsocket server client list Error

2006-10-05 Thread Wilfried Mestdagh
Hello Fastream,

But if a client disconnect with an error in high traffic, which events
are you logging ?  Seems a wierd problem to me...

Rgds, Wilfried [TeamICS]

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Re: [twsocket] TWsocket server client list Error

2006-10-05 Thread Wilfried Mestdagh
Hello Miguel,

> However I want to ask something to, Is there a theory for the connections
> without IP and PORT that shows the TWsocketServer.client[i]?

No I have no theory at the momen. With empty  IP and Port, which
properties do you exacly mean ?

> in case that some timeotu expired, the code looks like this:

Code looks OK to me.

Rgds, Wilfried [TeamICS]

Thursday, October 5, 2006, 15:37, Miguel Cañas wrote:

> Thank you for the answer Wilfried

> Im following your suggestios and I will test the Wsockets events today with
> try .. except blocks to try to find the error.

> However I want to ask something to, Is there a theory for the connections
> without IP and PORT that shows the TWsocketServer.client[i]?

> [04/10/2006 17:24:09:296] --D Activa[1] IP [] PORT []

> because I have a procedure that check for connections to make a close socket
> in case that some timeotu expired, the code looks like this:

> //check for a valid client
> if WSocketServerEx.IsClient( WSocketServerEx.Client[ i ] ) then
> begin
>  //Close socket. Nothing send.
>   TTcpSrvClient( WSocketServerEx.Client[ i ] ).Close;
> I can see thar in the case of the no IP no port connections i can do a
> .Close call

> Thank you

> Miguel Angel Cañas C.

>>From: Wilfried Mestdagh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Reply-To: ICS support mailing 
>>To: ICS support mailing 
>>Subject: Re: [twsocket] TWsocket server client list Error
>>Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2006 12:42:03 +0200
>>Hello Miguel,
>>BGException is background exception. It comes from the message pump.
>>This means it can come also from your code in one of the TWSocket
>>events. To test put them all in a exception block until you found the
>>error (if it is over there of course).
>>Socket operation on a non socket means that somewhere some handle is
>>overwritten. Mostly this comes because you have somewhere written
>>outside a variable (so written [partly] to another).
>>This is not nececary the same moment but has happend a little while
>>before it.
>>Also possible is that you have a pointer to a datasocket that is not
>>exestant anymore. If you have an array of sockets or so, be sure to
>>update it on OnClientConnect / OnClientDisconnect. Remember also that in
>>OnClientDisconnect the datasocket in question is still there, it is
>>called before it is destroyed (also the count argument).
>>Rgds, Wilfried [TeamICS]
>>Thursday, October 5, 2006, 09:06, Miguel Cañas wrote:
>> > Hi
>> > I am using TwSocketServer in a service application that receives 
>> > from a POS Machine (using TCP) and I am having problems with the number
>> > clients that shows WSocketServerEx.ClientCount. In some cases 
>> > return more connections than the number of machines that I have 
>>connected to
>> > the service.  I am saving the client list in txt file and it shows this;
>> > [04/10/2006 17:24:09:296] --D Activa[0] IP [] PORT []
>> > [04/10/2006 17:24:09:296] --D Activa[1] IP [] PORT []
>> > [04/10/2006 17:24:09:296] --D Activa[2] IP [] PORT []
>> > [04/10/2006 17:24:09:296] --D Activa[3] IP [] PORT [2379]
>> > What happen with the positions 0,1 and 2 that shows no port or ip??
>> > I have found this exception 2 segs before the addition of a new 
>> > ip or port) connection and was capture in WSocketServerExBgException.
>> > [04/10/2006 17:24:07:453] [ESocketException] Msg[Error 10038 in function
>> > Disconnect (closesocket)
>> > Socket operation on non-socket]
>> > Is there a relationship between this exception and the addition of the
>> > empty connection? or I have to look for the error in another place.
>> > Any help would be appreciated.
>> > Thank you
>> > Miguel Angel Cañas C.
>> > _
>> > Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today it's FREE!
>> >
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> _
> Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today it's FREE!

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Re: [twsocket] TWsocket server client list Error

2006-10-05 Thread Fastream Technologies
Yes we have the same problem even though no exceptions are raised. This 
occurs with high traffic--especially sockets disconnecting with 



- Original Message - 
From: "Miguel Cañas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2006 4:37 PM
Subject: Re: [twsocket] TWsocket server client list Error

: Thank you for the answer Wilfried
: Im following your suggestios and I will test the Wsockets events today 
: try .. except blocks to try to find the error.
: However I want to ask something to, Is there a theory for the connections
: without IP and PORT that shows the TWsocketServer.client[i]?
: [04/10/2006 17:24:09:296] --D Activa[1] IP [] PORT []
: because I have a procedure that check for connections to make a close 
: in case that some timeotu expired, the code looks like this:
: //check for a valid client
:if WSocketServerEx.IsClient( WSocketServerEx.Client[ i ] ) then
: //Close socket. Nothing send.
:  TTcpSrvClient( WSocketServerEx.Client[ i ] ).Close;
:   end;
: I can see thar in the case of the no IP no port connections i can do a
: .Close call
: Thank you
: Miguel Angel Cañas C.
: >From: Wilfried Mestdagh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: >Reply-To: ICS support mailing 
: >To: ICS support mailing 
: >Subject: Re: [twsocket] TWsocket server client list Error
: >Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2006 12:42:03 +0200
: >
: >Hello Miguel,
: >
: >BGException is background exception. It comes from the message pump.
: >This means it can come also from your code in one of the TWSocket
: >events. To test put them all in a exception block until you found the
: >error (if it is over there of course).
: >
: >Socket operation on a non socket means that somewhere some handle is
: >overwritten. Mostly this comes because you have somewhere written
: >outside a variable (so written [partly] to another).
: >
: >This is not nececary the same moment but has happend a little while
: >before it.
: >
: >Also possible is that you have a pointer to a datasocket that is not
: >exestant anymore. If you have an array of sockets or so, be sure to
: >update it on OnClientConnect / OnClientDisconnect. Remember also that in
: >OnClientDisconnect the datasocket in question is still there, it is
: >called before it is destroyed (also the count argument).
: >
: >---
: >Rgds, Wilfried [TeamICS]
: >
: >
: >
: >Thursday, October 5, 2006, 09:06, Miguel Cañas wrote:
: >
: > > Hi
: >
: > > I am using TwSocketServer in a service application that receives
: >information
: > > from a POS Machine (using TCP) and I am having problems with the 
: >of
: > > clients that shows WSocketServerEx.ClientCount. In some cases
: >clientcount
: > > return more connections than the number of machines that I have
: >connected to
: > > the service.  I am saving the client list in txt file and it shows 
: >
: > > [04/10/2006 17:24:09:296] --D Activa[0] IP [] PORT []
: > > [04/10/2006 17:24:09:296] --D Activa[1] IP [] PORT []
: > > [04/10/2006 17:24:09:296] --D Activa[2] IP [] PORT []
: > > [04/10/2006 17:24:09:296] --D Activa[3] IP [] PORT [2379]
: >
: > > What happen with the positions 0,1 and 2 that shows no port or ip??
: >
: > > I have found this exception 2 segs before the addition of a new
: >'empty´(no
: > > ip or port) connection and was capture in WSocketServerExBgException.
: >
: > > [04/10/2006 17:24:07:453] [ESocketException] Msg[Error 10038 in 
: > > Disconnect (closesocket)
: > > Socket operation on non-socket]
: >
: > > Is there a relationship between this exception and the addition of the
: >new
: > > empty connection? or I have to look for the error in another place.
: > > Any help would be appreciated.
: >
: > > Thank you
: >
: > > Miguel Angel Cañas C.
: >
: > > _
: > > Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today it's 
: > >
: >
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Re: [twsocket] TWsocket server client list Error

2006-10-05 Thread Miguel Ca

Thank you for the answer Wilfried

Im following your suggestios and I will test the Wsockets events today with 
try .. except blocks to try to find the error.

However I want to ask something to, Is there a theory for the connections 
without IP and PORT that shows the TWsocketServer.client[i]?

[04/10/2006 17:24:09:296] --D Activa[1] IP [] PORT []

because I have a procedure that check for connections to make a close socket 
in case that some timeotu expired, the code looks like this:

//check for a valid client
   if WSocketServerEx.IsClient( WSocketServerEx.Client[ i ] ) then
//Close socket. Nothing send.
 TTcpSrvClient( WSocketServerEx.Client[ i ] ).Close;
I can see thar in the case of the no IP no port connections i can do a 
.Close call

Thank you

Miguel Angel Cañas C.

From: Wilfried Mestdagh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: ICS support mailing 
To: ICS support mailing 
Subject: Re: [twsocket] TWsocket server client list Error
Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2006 12:42:03 +0200

Hello Miguel,

BGException is background exception. It comes from the message pump.
This means it can come also from your code in one of the TWSocket
events. To test put them all in a exception block until you found the
error (if it is over there of course).

Socket operation on a non socket means that somewhere some handle is
overwritten. Mostly this comes because you have somewhere written
outside a variable (so written [partly] to another).

This is not nececary the same moment but has happend a little while
before it.

Also possible is that you have a pointer to a datasocket that is not
exestant anymore. If you have an array of sockets or so, be sure to
update it on OnClientConnect / OnClientDisconnect. Remember also that in
OnClientDisconnect the datasocket in question is still there, it is
called before it is destroyed (also the count argument).

Rgds, Wilfried [TeamICS]

Thursday, October 5, 2006, 09:06, Miguel Cañas wrote:

> Hi

> I am using TwSocketServer in a service application that receives 
> from a POS Machine (using TCP) and I am having problems with the number 
> clients that shows WSocketServerEx.ClientCount. In some cases 
> return more connections than the number of machines that I have 
connected to

> the service.  I am saving the client list in txt file and it shows this;

> [04/10/2006 17:24:09:296] --D Activa[0] IP [] PORT []
> [04/10/2006 17:24:09:296] --D Activa[1] IP [] PORT []
> [04/10/2006 17:24:09:296] --D Activa[2] IP [] PORT []
> [04/10/2006 17:24:09:296] --D Activa[3] IP [] PORT [2379]

> What happen with the positions 0,1 and 2 that shows no port or ip??

> I have found this exception 2 segs before the addition of a new 

> ip or port) connection and was capture in WSocketServerExBgException.

> [04/10/2006 17:24:07:453] [ESocketException] Msg[Error 10038 in function
> Disconnect (closesocket)
> Socket operation on non-socket]

> Is there a relationship between this exception and the addition of the 

> empty connection? or I have to look for the error in another place.
> Any help would be appreciated.

> Thank you

> Miguel Angel Cañas C.

> _
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Re: [twsocket] Writing a transparent HTTP proxy

2006-10-05 Thread Fastream Technologies
Ok. I see the point now.



- Original Message - 
From: "Kris Leech" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "ICS support mailing" 
Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2006 11:56 AM
Subject: Re: [twsocket] Writing a transparent HTTP proxy

: Fastream Technologies wrote:
: >Not exactly. No real answer for my actual question...
: >
: >
: I dont think you can support virtual hosts for http 1.0, is this what
: you are saying. You could support http 1.0 if you had a public IP per
: host if you really needed to.
: >
: >On 10/4/06, Kris Leech <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: >
: >
: >>Hi, did you find the answer to this?
: >>
: >>Fastream Technologies wrote:
: >>
: >>
: >>
: >>>Hello,
: >>>
: >>>I have a few issues left for understanding how a transparent proxy 
: >>>
: >>>
: >>I
: >>
: >>
: >>>talked with a friend in an ISP how they configure them and he said they
: >>>
: >>>
: >>use
: >>
: >>
: >>>Layer4 switches to redirect all HTTP port 80 traffic to the proxy even
: >>>though the end user does not configures his browser settings for the
: >>>
: >>>
: >>proxy.
: >>
: >>
: >>>Now with our reverse proxy experience, all is well except one thing: 
: >>>does the proxy know which IP to connect to when the end user uses
: >>>
: >>>
: >>HTTP/1.0
: >>
: >>
: >>>with no "host" header? Is transparent proxies HTTP/1.1 only? How does 
: >>>Layer4 switch understands what protocol does the end user uses if it 
: >>>read just up to layer 4 (TCP)?
: >>>
: >>>Best Regards,
: >>>
: >>>SZ
: >>>
: >>>
: >>>
: >>>
: >>--
: >>To unsubscribe or change your settings for TWSocket mailing list
: >>please goto
: >>Visit our website at
: >>
: >>
: >>
: >
: >
: >
: >
: >
: -- 
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: please goto
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Re: [twsocket] TWsocket server client list Error

2006-10-05 Thread Wilfried Mestdagh
Hello Miguel,

BGException is background exception. It comes from the message pump.
This means it can come also from your code in one of the TWSocket
events. To test put them all in a exception block until you found the
error (if it is over there of course).

Socket operation on a non socket means that somewhere some handle is
overwritten. Mostly this comes because you have somewhere written
outside a variable (so written [partly] to another).

This is not nececary the same moment but has happend a little while
before it.

Also possible is that you have a pointer to a datasocket that is not
exestant anymore. If you have an array of sockets or so, be sure to
update it on OnClientConnect / OnClientDisconnect. Remember also that in
OnClientDisconnect the datasocket in question is still there, it is
called before it is destroyed (also the count argument).

Rgds, Wilfried [TeamICS]

Thursday, October 5, 2006, 09:06, Miguel Cañas wrote:

> Hi

> I am using TwSocketServer in a service application that receives information
> from a POS Machine (using TCP) and I am having problems with the number of
> clients that shows WSocketServerEx.ClientCount. In some cases clientcount
> return more connections than the number of machines that I have connected to
> the service.  I am saving the client list in txt file and it shows this;

> [04/10/2006 17:24:09:296] --D Activa[0] IP [] PORT []
> [04/10/2006 17:24:09:296] --D Activa[1] IP [] PORT []
> [04/10/2006 17:24:09:296] --D Activa[2] IP [] PORT []
> [04/10/2006 17:24:09:296] --D Activa[3] IP [] PORT [2379]

> What happen with the positions 0,1 and 2 that shows no port or ip??

> I have found this exception 2 segs before the addition of a new 'emptyŽ(no
> ip or port) connection and was capture in WSocketServerExBgException.

> [04/10/2006 17:24:07:453] [ESocketException] Msg[Error 10038 in function
> Disconnect (closesocket)
> Socket operation on non-socket]

> Is there a relationship between this exception and the addition of the new
> empty connection? or I have to look for the error in another place.
> Any help would be appreciated.

> Thank you

> Miguel Angel Cañas C.

> _
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Re: [twsocket] Writing a transparent HTTP proxy

2006-10-05 Thread Kris Leech
Fastream Technologies wrote:

>Not exactly. No real answer for my actual question...
I dont think you can support virtual hosts for http 1.0, is this what 
you are saying. You could support http 1.0 if you had a public IP per 
host if you really needed to.

>On 10/4/06, Kris Leech <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Hi, did you find the answer to this?
>>Fastream Technologies wrote:
>>>I have a few issues left for understanding how a transparent proxy works.
>>>talked with a friend in an ISP how they configure them and he said they
>>>Layer4 switches to redirect all HTTP port 80 traffic to the proxy even
>>>though the end user does not configures his browser settings for the
>>>Now with our reverse proxy experience, all is well except one thing: How
>>>does the proxy know which IP to connect to when the end user uses
>>>with no "host" header? Is transparent proxies HTTP/1.1 only? How does the
>>>Layer4 switch understands what protocol does the end user uses if it can
>>>read just up to layer 4 (TCP)?
>>>Best Regards,
>>To unsubscribe or change your settings for TWSocket mailing list
>>please goto
>>Visit our website at

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please goto
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[twsocket] I'm still disconnected

2006-10-05 Thread Francois Piette
I'm still disconnected from the mailing list.
I have subscribed using my private account in the hope of solving the
Sorry if I haven't answered your questions.
Author of ICS (Internet Component Suite, freeware)
Author of MidWare (Multi-tier framework, freeware)

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Re: [twsocket] How stable is ICS V6 ?

2006-10-05 Thread Fastream Technologies

We have a HTTPS reverse proxy written with v6 and after long days of stress 
testing, we found it rather stable and much more efficient than v5.



- Original Message - 
From: "Erich Kuba" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "ICS support mailing" 
Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2006 10:52 AM
Subject: [twsocket] How stable is ICS V6 ?

: Hi All,
: I've been using the ICS components for about 6 or 7 years now, and I have 
: say well done to Francois and everyone else who has contributed over the
: years.  I've written some reasonably large server oriented systems using 
: TWSocket component as the basis for a server framework that I've 
: Some of these systems handle several hundred thousand requests per day. 
: of the systems in production are compiled with ICS V5.
: I've recently upgraded my server framework to use ICS V6, and am at the
: point where I have a reasonably stable build, but have noticed a few 
: random stuff, like server sockets stopping listening under load.  Now I am
: not entirely sure if these problems are in the ICS V6 components or my
: server framework, as I "upgraded" the framework a bit in converting to ICS
: V6.  I guess the question that I'm asking is how stable is the ICS V6
: distribution.  Do you feel that it's ready for production systems?
: Regards
: Erich
: -- 
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: please goto
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[twsocket] How stable is ICS V6 ?

2006-10-05 Thread Erich Kuba
Hi All,

I've been using the ICS components for about 6 or 7 years now, and I have to
say well done to Francois and everyone else who has contributed over the
years.  I've written some reasonably large server oriented systems using the
TWSocket component as the basis for a server framework that I've developed.
Some of these systems handle several hundred thousand requests per day.  All
of the systems in production are compiled with ICS V5.

I've recently upgraded my server framework to use ICS V6, and am at the
point where I have a reasonably stable build, but have noticed a few snags,
random stuff, like server sockets stopping listening under load.  Now I am
not entirely sure if these problems are in the ICS V6 components or my
server framework, as I "upgraded" the framework a bit in converting to ICS
V6.  I guess the question that I'm asking is how stable is the ICS V6
distribution.  Do you feel that it's ready for production systems?



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Re: [twsocket] FtpCli upload problem

2006-10-05 Thread New Era
Thanks for the tip but could not get the FtpCommon.pas, it is not on the 
Davie's web site (deadlink). If you have, could you post it to me thanks..

Fastream Technologies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Then I think you have no other 
choice then issuing a LIST and parsing the 
folder listing with Davie's code.



- Original Message - 
From: "New Era" 
To: "ICS support mailing" 
Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2006 10:13 AM
Subject: Re: [twsocket] FtpCli upload problem

: Hi, if server does not support SIZE, MD5  then what is the best way to 
make that check?
: Arno Garrels  wrote:  New Era wrote:
: > Thanks for the reply and advice,
: > I looked at the component again it contains a property if I am not
: > wrong isSent or named with a similiar name. Looked the property in
: > the source code, it also checks the status against 226 and with
: > other some constants. Anyway I will do the check you suggested
: In the FTP size of an upload is unknown to the server. The server
: assumes success when the client closes the data channel gracefully.
: So a file may have been corrupted even though you got an OK response.
: The client is responsible to check whether both local and remote
: files are the same either by comparing their size or more reliable
: by comparing their MD5 checksum (command MD5). Unfortunately MD5 is
: not supported on every server.
: ---
: Arno Garrels [TeamICS]
: >
: >
: >
: > Dan wrote: Not sure why it happens, but to
: > guard against this I would do a SIZE command on the remote file after
: > uploading it, then check if it matches the local file size before
: > deleting it. SIZE is supported by every FTP server I have used,
: > although I'm not sure if its in the initial FTP RFC.
: >
: > Dan
: >
: > -Original Message-
: > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:twsocket-
: > [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of New Era
: > Sent: 21 September 2006 12:10
: > To:
: > Subject: [twsocket] FtpCli upload problem
: >
: >
: > [input] [input] [input] [input]
: >
: > I am using the following code in the FtpRequestDone event handler;
: >
: > case RqType of
: > ...
: >
: >
: > ftpPutAsync: begin
: > if(FtpCli.StatusCode= 226) then Delete(FileName);
: > 
: > end;
: >
: > 
: > end;
: > What I am trying to do is to upload a file to server then delete the
: > local file. In fact this code is working for the many cases but there
: > are a few cases where the server says that uploaded files (local file
: > sizes are greater than 0 bytes) are zero bytes length and the
: > localfile is deleted. What is wrong? I am using passive mode.
: >
: > thanks.
: >
: >
: > -
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[twsocket] TWsocket server client list Error

2006-10-05 Thread Miguel Ca


I am using TwSocketServer in a service application that receives information 
from a POS Machine (using TCP) and I am having problems with the number of 
clients that shows WSocketServerEx.ClientCount. In some cases clientcount 
return more connections than the number of machines that I have connected to 
the service.  I am saving the client list in txt file and it shows this;

[04/10/2006 17:24:09:296] --D Activa[0] IP [] PORT []
[04/10/2006 17:24:09:296] --D Activa[1] IP [] PORT []
[04/10/2006 17:24:09:296] --D Activa[2] IP [] PORT []
[04/10/2006 17:24:09:296] --D Activa[3] IP [] PORT [2379]

What happen with the positions 0,1 and 2 that shows no port or ip??

I have found this exception 2 segs before the addition of a new 'empty´(no 
ip or port) connection and was capture in WSocketServerExBgException.

[04/10/2006 17:24:07:453] [ESocketException] Msg[Error 10038 in function 
Disconnect (closesocket)

Socket operation on non-socket]

Is there a relationship between this exception and the addition of the new 
empty connection? or I have to look for the error in another place.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you

Miguel Angel Cañas C.

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