Re: [twsocket] FTP Server example

2010-02-11 Thread David Rose

Hello Angus,

ARMSL If by exe you mean the same project and executable file, and you are not
ARMSL already using threads, then the two applications are totally related,
ARMSL only one will be running at a time.  

Yes, one delphi project producing one exe.

ARMSL Again you don't actually say what you mean by 'database' , most people
ARMSL would assume this means a database server engine like MS SQL, MySQL or
ARMSL DB2 which you won't be compiling into your own executable.  But maybe you
ARMSL have a lightweight internal database or some non-SQL engine? 

I'm talking about building the FTP server functionality into a compiled NexusDB 
database server. So the server engine (which in itself is already 
multithreaded) will contain the FTPServer component.

Can I create a thread and instantiate the FTPserver component within that 
thread ? Will this help ?

Many thanks for your answers so far.


David Rose

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Re: [twsocket] FTP Server example

2010-02-11 Thread David Rose

Hello Angus,

Many thanks. Is there anything specific to running this component in a thread I 
need to be aware of (I'm aware of general thread principles)

ARMSL Unless you expect a performance issue, it's probably not worth the
ARMSL trouble.

I think you're right. I won't do anything about it until it turns out to be a 
problem. Though I'll make sure I know what I need to do IYSWIM.



Thursday, February 11, 2010, 11:59:00 AM, you wrote:

 Can I create a thread and instantiate the FTPserver component 
 within that thread ? Will this help ?

ARMSL Yes, you can create the FTP server within a thread, but there are
ARMSL currently no ICS demos doing so.

ARMSL Unless you expect a performance issue, it's probably not worth the
ARMSL trouble.  


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David Rose

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Re: [twsocket] FTP Server example

2010-02-10 Thread David Rose

Hello Angus,

I don't think I explained properly. The FTP server and Database are completely 
unrelated except for the fact that they share the same exe. In an ideal world, 
they'd be two completely independent exe's but the spec of this program means 
that one exe has got to be both a database engine and an FTP server. However 
the FTP server isn't doing very much

I have a client program myapp.exe which when it starts logs into the FTP server 
to see if there is an updated version of itself, if there is, then it downloads 
it, if there's not, then it logs off the ftp server and gets on with being a 
database client app.

So all the FTP server is doing is supplying a directory listing to 
myprogram.exe and then with an updated exe if one exists. The FTP server and 
database NEVER talk to each other.



Tuesday, February 9, 2010, 2:44:00 PM, you wrote:

 ARMSL Your server application also needs to take care with file 
 lock timeouts,
 ARMSL network timeouts, etc, to avoid blocking the main thread. 
 Could you elaborate. I know very little about this subject. 

ARMSL Provided you do not make database calls from any FTP server events, you
ARMSL will not have a problem.  Generally, making simple database calls is
ARMSL painless since they usually respond within 20ms and that is the time
ARMSL during which the FTP server will stop responding to all clients.  But you
ARMSL would not want to do a complex database query that took any longer
ARMSL without using a thread. 

ARMSL But if the database needs to be re-opened and there is a network problem
ARMSL (since real databases are never on the same platform as an FTP server)
ARMSL there may be a 30 second timeout before the connection fails, and that
ARMSL means the FTP server also stops for 30 seconds.  

ARMSL One of my applications used async database events, both opening and
ARMSL executing statements, with a queue for new statements that are needed
ARMSL before previous ones have completed, with a trigger emptying the queue,
ARMSL but it all gets very complicated, particularly the error handling. 

ARMSL My FTP servers also log to a database, but this is very fast since it
ARMSL mostly does not need the response to be interpreted. 

ARMSL The same issues apply to file event logging, opening a file on a network
ARMSL share may have a long timeout, during which the server is blocked. 


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David Rose

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Re: [twsocket] FTP Server example

2010-02-09 Thread David Rose

ARMSL Your server application also needs to take care with file lock timeouts,
ARMSL network timeouts, etc, to avoid blocking the main thread. 

Could you elaborate. I know very little about this subject. I just need the 
simplest way to act as a simple FTP server. I will be controlling both the 
files it's serving (max size will be about 10MB) and the client software 
connecting, but the server is part of a database engine, so I need to be sure 
that some FTP action isn't going to hold up the database functions.

Basically the FTP server part is used by our client autoupdate mechanism. The 
Database Server program downloads any updates to our client program from our 
internet based server and presents the downloaded info to the Admin. If the 
Admin decides that he wants the clients updated to this new release, he 
'publishes' the update files - which basically means making sure the FTP server 
component is aware of them.
Next time a client starts, it checks the local FTP site (i.e the database 
engine program) to see if there is an update, and if so, it downloads it and 
updates itself.

Most system have about 5-10 clients (though some have a 100) and I suppose the 
worst time will be the  Monday morning following an update when all the clients 
try to update themselves at once.

David Rose

Navigator Systems Ltd,
Network Business Centre, 3 Gloucester Street,
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Re: [twsocket] FTP Server example

2010-02-01 Thread David Rose

Hello Francois,

Ok, thanks, but is there any reason why the processing of the delivery of the 
file takes place in the OnTerminate event, rather than at the end of the 
execute method i.e after the call to the lengthy process.



Thursday, January 28, 2010, 4:56:24 PM, you wrote:

 I've been looking at the FTPServ1 sample app and I don't quite understand 
 the worker thread part of the Getprocessing routine
 Why is the data sent in the OnTerminate event rather than the execute 
 method ?

FP The idea is to have the FTP server trigger some lengthy processing (here a
FP simple 10 sec sleep for the demo, but could be a very long database query)
FP to produce some data in response to a ftp get. This shows that the server
FP keep servicing other clients while processing take place in a thread.

FP --
FP The author of the freeware multi-tier middleware MidWare
FP The author of the freeware Internet Component Suite (ICS)

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David Rose

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Re: [twsocket] FTP Server example

2010-02-01 Thread David Rose

AG Only if socket IO actually was a bottleneck it might make sense
AG to use a different thread design, something like around 100 
AG clients per thread, for example. 

You'll have to bare with my questions on this as this is a subject I don't 
really know yet.

If my main app (which contains an TFtpServer component) is working hard 
processing data and a client requests a large file, does the main app stop 
processing its data whilst the file is being sent ?
What if 25 users request the same large file ?

If it does stop, then what do I need to do to make sure that it doesn't ?

David Rose

Navigator Systems Ltd,
Network Business Centre, 3 Gloucester Street,
Bath, BA1 2SE,UK

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[twsocket] FTP Server example

2010-01-27 Thread David Rose

I've been looking at the FTPServ1 sample app and I don't quite understand the 
worker thread part of the Getprocessing routine
Why is the data sent in the OnTerminate event rather than the execute method ?



David Rose

Navigator Systems Ltd,
Network Business Centre, 3 Gloucester Street,
Bath, BA1 2SE,UK

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[twsocket] OT: SMTP tray program

2006-04-05 Thread David Rose
Before I reinvent the wheel 

I have a program here which sends email via SMTP but doesn't support 
authentication. I also have an ISP which only allows authenticated SMTP.
Does anyone know of a little app which I can run locally on my PC 
(either as a service or a tray app) which will act as a little SMTP 
relay to get around this problem ?

(Actually 'I' in the above is a non-technical customer of mine)



David Rose

Navigator Systems Ltd,
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[twsocket] Sending Mail using MX records

2005-12-15 Thread David Rose
Am I correct in thinking that the SMTP client component does not support 
natively sending mail using MX records ?
In other words if I want to send mail using MX records I'd have to do a 
DNS lookup on the recipients email address then connect to that server 
using the SMTP client component, send the email, disconnect and then 
repeat for any other TO, CC or BCC addresses ?

If this is the case, I don't suppose anyone has any sample code where they 
might have already done something like this ? I searched the archives and 
found some code to get the MX record from a DNS server, but nothing more.



David Rose

Navigator Systems Ltd,
Network Business Centre, 3 Gloucester Street,
Bath, BA1 2SE,UK

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[twsocket] FTPClient ASCII or Binary ?

2005-12-15 Thread David Rose
Is there something wrong with the code below. As far as I understand it should 
be uploading in binary mode, but the 
FTP conversation looks like it's in ASCII mode, though the (23MB) file does 
seem to upload correctly.
If I try something like FTPexplorer then the FTP log does show Opening BINARY 
mode ., so presumably it's not the 
server reporting wrongly or does the client generate the message text from the 
status number ?

if FTPClient1.Cwd() then 
  if not (FTPClient1.Binary) then 
FTPClient1.Binary := true;

 CWD /anon_ftp/pub/RentalDesk_NX/
 250 CWD command successful
 DELE RentalDeskNXWorkStation.EXE
 250 DELE command successful
 PORT 192,168,42,215,18,32
 200 PORT command successful
 STOR RentalDeskNXWorkStation.EXE
 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for RentalDeskNXWorkStation.EXE



David Rose

Navigator Systems Ltd,
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Re: [twsocket] FTP Client

2005-11-10 Thread David Rose
  99 times out of 100 the quit command works correctly, but on the other
  time FTPClient1.Quit returns false. The time between the two codesite
  messages is about 300ms, so I'm presuming that it's not due to a time 
  What else can result in this function returning false so quickly ?
 Try codesite.send(FtpClient1.LastResponse) it will probably tell you
 the reason why Quit failed.

Thanks, that gives an error of 
500 Control connection closed. Connection aborted (Winsock error #10053)

Can anyone tell me what that means ?



David Rose

Navigator Systems Ltd,
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Re: [twsocket] FTP Client

2005-11-10 Thread David Rose
 Please try using FtpCli v2.100 or later (beta dated September 2005 or 
 later), it contains a fix for a problem uploading small files, and the 
 problem may have caused other issues

Thanks, same problem. It seems that the error is 
500 Control connection closed. Connection aborted (Winsock error #10053)



David Rose

Navigator Systems Ltd,
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Re: [twsocket] FTP client stalling

2005-05-16 Thread David Rose
I've discovered that if I drop the MTU on the Xp machine to 1352, then the 
file seems to be sent correctly without any stalling.
Don't know why this should suddenly have become an issue, presumably a 
Windows update or something strange set upstream by the ISP ?



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[twsocket] FTP client stalling

2005-05-13 Thread David Rose
I have written a simple program to upload some files from my PC to our FTP 
site. Basically once a new build of our software is complete, the program 
kicks in to upload the files.
However about 75% of the time, the upload stalls after 8760 bytes.

As far as I can see (from Google) this is a magic number with TCP/IP under 
If I try and upload the same files to the same location using a commercial 
FTP program, then it never seems to have a problem, so I'm assuming that 
it either doesn't stall or internally copes with the stall without 
reporting it to me.

Any suggestions ?
These are the properties of the component and below is the simple code I'm 
using to operate it. Delphi 5, FTPClient seems to be Version: 2.86

 object FtpClient1: TFtpClient
Timeout = 60
MultiThreaded = False
HostName = ''
Port = 'ftp'
LocalAddr = ''
UserName =  -removed from posting 
PassWord =  -removed from posting
HostDirName = '/'
DisplayFileFlag = True
Binary = False
ShareMode = ftpShareCompat
Options = [ftpAcceptLF]
ConnectionType = ftpDirect
OnCommand = FtpClient1Command
OnProgress = FtpClient1Progress
OnSessionConnected = FtpClient1SessionConnected
OnSessionClosed = FtpClient1SessionClosed
OnRequestDone = FtpClient1RequestDone
OnBgException = FtpClient1BgException
Left = 288
Top = 77
FTPClient1.HostDirName := paramstr(1);
FTPClient1.HostFileName := paramstr(3);
FTPClient1.localfilename := paramstr(2);
if FTPClient1.Cwd() then 
  if not (FTPClient1.Binary) then 
FTPClient1.Binary := true;

All the FTPClient1 events write to a Tmemo to report the progress/status.



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